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Organic Chemistry

Alcoholsv ? Electrophilic Hydration to Make Alcohols ? Nomenclature of Alcohols ? Properties of Alcohols Aldehydes and Ketonesv ? Addition of Alcohols to form Hemiacetals and Acetals ? Carbonyl Group-Mechanisms of Addition ? Cyanohydrins ? Nomenclature of Aldehydes & Ketones ? The Carbonyl Group Amides Carboxylic Acids Case Studiesv ? Case Study: Fossil Fuels ? What is Organic? Chiralityv ? Absolute Configuration: R-S Sequence Rules ? Chirality and Stereoisomers ? Diastereomers ? Fischer Projections ? Meso Compounds ? Optical Activity Conjugationv ? Conjugated Dienes ? Electrophilic Attack on Conjugated Dienes-Kinetic and Thermodynamic Control ? Overlap of Adjacent p Orbitals-Electron Delocalization ? Polymerization of Conjugated Dienes ? The Diels-Alder Cycloaddition Estersv ? Esterification ? Nomenclature of Esters Ethersv ? Nomenclature of Ethers ? Williamson Ether Synthesis Fundamentalsv ? Coulomb Forces ? Electrophiles & Nucleophiles ? Hybrid Orbitals ? Index of Hydrogen Deficiency (IHD) ? Ionic and Covalent Bonds ? Lewis Structures

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Molecular Classes Omitting numbers Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary Terms Resonance Forms Rotation in Substituted Ethanes Structure of Organic Molecules The phenyl group What does "aromatic" really mean?

Hydrocarbonsv ? Alkanes ? Alkenes ? Alkynes ? Aromatics Organic Chemistry With a Biological Emphasisv ? Appendix I: Index of enzymatic reactions by pathway ? Appendix: Review of laboratory synthesis reactions ? Chapter 1: Introduction to organic structure and bonding I ? Chapter 10: Phosphoryl transfer reactions ? Chapter 11: Nucleophilic carbonyl addition reactions ? Chapter 12: Acyl substitution reactions ? Chapter 13: Reactions with stabilized carbanion intermediates I ? Chapter 14: Reactions with stabilized carbanion intermediates II ? Chapter 15: Electrophilic reactions ? Chapter 16: Oxidation and reduction reactions ? Chapter 17: Radical reactions ? Chapter 2: Introduction to Organic Structure and Bonding II ? Chapter 3: Conformations and Stereochemistry ? Chapter 4: Structure Determination I: UV-Vis and Infrared Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry ? Chapter 5: Structure Determination II: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ? Chapter 6: Introduction to organic reactivity and catalysis ? Chapter 7: Organic compounds as acids and bases ? Chapter 8: Nucleophilic substitution reactions, part I ? Chapter 9: Nucleophilic substitution reactions, part II ? Full Table of Contents ? Introduction ? Reference Tables ? Solution Manual Polymersv ? Addition Polymers ? Condensation Polymers ? Polyethylene ? Rubber Polymers ? Silicone Polymers Reactionsv ? E1 Reaction

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E2 Reaction Kinetics of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions Oxymercuration-Demercuration: A Special Electrophilic Addition Pushing Arrows SN1 SN2 The Generalized Electrophilic Addition

Videos Virtual Textbook of OChemv ? Alcohols ? Aldehydes & Ketones ? Alkanes ? Alkenes ? Alkyl Halides ? Alkynes ? Amines ? Aromaticity ? Benzene ? Carboxyl Derivatives ? Carboxylic Acids ? Chemical Reactivity ? Ethers ? Intermolecular Forces ? Nomenclature ? Phosphines ? Spectroscopy ? Stereoisomers ? Structure & Bonding ? Thiols and Sulfides

Organic Chemistry research involves the synthesis of organic molecules and the study of their reaction paths, interactions, and applications. Advanced interests include diverse topics such as the development of new synthetic methods for the assembly of complex organic molecules and polymeric materials, organometallic catalysis, organocatalysis, the synthesis of natural and non-natural products with unique biological and physical properties, structure and mechanistic analysis, natural product biosynthesis, theoretical chemistry and molecular modeling, diversity-oriented synthesis, and carbohydrate synthesis.

Organic Chemistry Fundamentals

Just what is organic? The term "organic" often conjures up the image of life; something very separate from inanimate or not possessing any traits

Properties and Reactions of Alkanes

Substances consisting entirely of single-bonded carbon and hydrogen atoms and lacking functional

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commonly attributed to being alive. That is, when something is alive and it therefore is organic. In the supermarket, we are used to seeing the "organic" label to designate something special, something more connected to nature. However, the term organic in chemistry has a very specific definition involving chemicals and chemistry that involves carbon. As discussed below, there a strong diversity of chemistry associated with organic compounds. Rotation in Substituted Ethanes Index of Hydrogen Deficiency (IHD) Omitting numbers Resonance Forms Hybrid Orbitals Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary Terms Structure of Organic Molecules Electrophiles & Nucleophiles Molecular Classes Lewis Structures Coulomb Forces What does "aromatic" really mean? Ionic and Covalent Bonds The phenyl group

groups are called Alkanes. There are three basic types of structure that they are classified in: the linear straight-chain alkanes, branched alkanes, and also cycloalkanes. Chlorination of Methane and the Radical Chain Mechanism Haloalkanes Nomenclature of Cycloalkanes Physical Properties of Cycloalkanes Rings: cis/trans and axial/equatorial relationships Nomenclature of Alkanes Ring Strain and the Structure of Cycloalkanes Straight-Chain and Branched Alkanes

Stereoisomers are isomers that differ in spatial arrangement of atoms, rather than order of atomic connectivity. One of their most interesting type of isomer is the mirror-image stereoisomers, a nonsuperimposable set of two molecules that are mirror image of one another. The existence of these molecules are determined by concept known as chirality. The word "chiral" was derived from the Greek word for hand, because our hands display a good example of chirality since they are non-superimposable mirror images of each other. Fischer Projections Absolute Configuration: R-S Sequence Rules Diastereomers Chirality and Stereoisomers Optical Activity Meso Compounds

Properties and Reactions of Alcohols

Alcohols are one of the most important molecules in organic chemistry. They can be prepared from many different types of compounds and they can be converted into many different types of compounds. Alcohols are molecules containing the hydroxy functional group (-OH) that is bonded to carbon atom of an alkyl or substituted alkyl. The hydroxy functional group strongly contributes to the physical properties of alcohols. Electrophilic Hydration to Make Alcohols Properties of Alcohols Nomenclature of Alcohols

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Properties and Reactions of Ethers

Ethers are a class of organic compounds that contain an oxygen between two alkyl groups. They have the formula R-O-R', with R's being the alkyl groups. these compounds are used in dye, perfumes, oils, waxes and industrial use. Ethers are treated as alkanes and are named as alkoxyalkanes. The IUPAC system is used for naming ethers. Nomenclature of Ethers Williamson Ether Synthesis

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)

Physical and Chemical Tests Basics of Spectroscopy 1 H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance * Using NMR Spectra to Analyze Molecular Structure-The Proton Chemical Shift * Tests for Chemical Equivalence * Integration Spin-Spin Splitting * Spin-Spin Splitting-Complications * 13 Carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance *

Structure, Bonding, and Reactivity of Alkenes

Vicinal Syn Dihydroxylation Degree of Unsaturation Structure and Bonding in Ethene-The Pi Bond Nomenclature of Alkenes Ozonolysis Oxacyclopropane Synthesis Hydroboration Oxidation Alkenes by Dehydration of Alcohols Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of Alkenes Radical Allylic Halogenation Catalytic Hydrogenation of Alkenes: Relative Stability of Double Bonds Electrophilic Addition of Halogens to Alkenes Physical Properties of Alkenes Diazomethane, Carbenes, and Cyclopropane Synthesis Radical Additions: Anti-Markovnikov Product Formation Catalytic Hydrogenation of Alkenes Electrophilic Addition of Hydrogen Halides

Structure, Bonding, and Reactivity of Alkynes

Preparation of Alkynes from Alkynyl Anions Preparation of Alkynes by Double Elimination Properties and Bonding in the Alkynes Reducing Alkynes-The Reactivity of the Two Bonds Spectroscopy of the Alkynes Electrophilic Addition Reactions of Alkynes Nomenclature of Alkynes Anti-Markovnikov Additions to Triple Bonds

Conjugated Systems

Structure, Bonding, and Reactivity of Benzenes

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Structure, Bonding, and Reactivity of Aldehydes and Ketones

Electrophilic Attack on Conjugated DienesKinetic and Thermodynamic Control Conjugated Dienes Polymerization of Conjugated Dienes Overlap of Adjacent p Orbitals-Electron Delocalization The Diels-Alder Cycloaddition

Carboxylic Acids


Benzene Substitutions
Molecular Orbitals of Benzene Inductive Effects of Alkyl Groups Nomenclature of Benzenes Polycyclic Aromatics Hckel's Rule Activating and Deactivating Benzene Rings Friedel-Crafts Acylation Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Nitration and Sulfonation of Benzene Halogenation of Benzene-The Need for a Catalyst Synthesis of Benzene Derivatives: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Aromaticity

Nomenclature of Esters Esterification

Carbohydrates, also known as sugars, are found in all living organisms. They are essential to the very source of life (ex. Ribose sugars in DNA and RNA) or sustaining life itself (ex. Metabolic conversion of carbohydrates into usable biochemical energy, ATP). Another important role of carbohydrates is structural (ex. Cellulose in plants). Galactose Ribose Lactose Glucose

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Carbohydrate Isomers Fructose Glycogen Starch Carbohydrate Classification Sucrose Cellulose Case Studies

Heterocycles-Heteroatoms in Cyclic Organic Compounds

Biological Chemistry
Proteins Carbohydrates DNA RNA

Case Studies
Insecticides Herbicides Analgesics Antibacterial Agents Steroids Hallucinogens Fossil Fuels Biofuels Petroleum Refining and Hydrocarbons

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