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Name______________ Homegroup_______

Welcome to Tinseltown! Today we invite you to walk the red carpet with us. All the glitter, glamour and excitement will be broadcast LIVE from the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood. Whilst visiting us in Hollywood you will be on a quest to win an Academy Award. Today you will receive three pieces of information that will help you on your quest, they are: a STAR card, this clue sheet and a map. Secret messages and clues have been hidden in the library by various celebrities. You must find these by reading each station card and then answering the questions and clues on your sheet. You may start at any station. You are not to remove any clues, equipment or messages. Dont forget to listen out for the Hollywood theme songs, good luck with your quest! Station 1: Library Staff and Games i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Name the library staff. How many books are you able to borrow? _________ What is the borrowing period for fiction books and most non-fiction books? ___________ Where do you return books?_________________ Do the fiction books have numbers or letters? ____________ What is the name given to the numbers found on non-fiction books? _______________________ When is the library open? _______________________ Write down four ways that you demonstrate the college values in the library. i. I show respect for myself and others by _________________ ii. I value achievement and expect to be successful through _________________ iii. I show that I am responsible by _________________ iv. I enjoy myself by _________________

2. Look at the poster Games in the Library. Name three games you can play in the library at recess/lunchtime. FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtime. Play games. Chess, Checkers Boggle, Chinese Checkers Scrabble, Warcraft TCG, Battleship, Yahtzee UNO

Station 2: Dewey Decimal System i. ii. What is the Dewey decimal number where you can find books on music and singers? Music is not just a tunebut can also be a story, a dance, a drama or a film. Its not just by someone famousbut can also be tribal, experimental, in fact, you can create music too! See if you can answer this music trivia. A. The Beatles were the best- selling rock n roll group of all time. Name the Fab Four. (Hint: Index) _________ __________ __________ ___________ B. Elvis Presley was also known as ____________ (Hint: Index) C. My heart will go on was the theme song to which 1997 film? (Hint p.117) _____ D. Can you name 3 brass instruments? (Hint: Index) __________ _______ _______ E. The Pirates of Penzance is an opera about ________________ (Hint p.84) F. Name a famous city or street where musicals are held? (Hint p.104) __________ Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Borrow non-fiction books.


Station 3: World Book Encyclopaedia and Online Quiz The World Book encyclopaedia has 22 volumes (books). It is also available online. When you use the World Book online, it is free. Complete the Walk of Fame online quiz. Go to Internet Explorer. Type in this web address Fill in the quiz. Then: Open a new tab and go to the school home page. Select library tab. Click on World Book icon. This will help you to complete the quiz. Remember to use tabs to go between pages. FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Find Information using World Book Online

Type in your hint.

Station 4: Magazines, Anime Club, Movie Club, Homework Club and Maths Club i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. A magazine that has fashion pictures in it is ___________________ A computer game magazine is ________________________ The two daily newspapers are _______________________ and _______________ Anime Club is on Tuesday and Thursday during ________ week and the Movie Club runs in the library on Tuesday and Thursday during _________ week. Name three of your favourite movies ________________ _______________ _______________ Homework Club and Maths Club is in the library every ___________ This station contains a puzzle. Can you piece the puzzle together to discover who is hiding? FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Read magazines. Join a club.

Station 5: Library Map With a partner walk around the library and locate the following sections on your map: (See page 4 of this handout) Circulation desk ____, Class Set Room ____, Reading Room ____, Mini sets ____, Non Fiction ____ Fiction section ____, Picture Fiction _____, Library Office _____ FYI: Station 6: The catalogue lists all of the resources in the library (Middle Years & Senior). Please log on to the library catalogue. Do this by: opening up Internet Explorer. Click on Library. Click on Search the Library Catalogue. Lets explore dance styles. Type dance into the catalogue. Then click search. How many resources are there altogether? Type dance video into the catalogue. Then click search. How many resources are there altogether? Type modern dance into the catalogue. Then click search. Name the different types of resources (Hint GMD). See if you can have a look at the video HONEY on ClickView. Click on the start menu and then ClickView player. Once ClickView has opened click on Art & Drama then music. Once you find Honey click play video. FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Learn how to find information in books. Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Read the same book as your friend and share your ideas.

Station 7: Mini-Sets Mini-Sets are exciting and interesting books that you will enjoy reading and discussing with your friends. There are usually four or five copies of the same book. There are mini-sets for Year 7 (Blue dots), 8 (Yellow dots) and 9 (Red dots). Who are the main characters in each of these books? Ella Enchanted_______________________ Diary of a wimpy kid _________________ Stormbreaker___________________________ Chamber of secrets_____________________ This station contains a Hollywood star for a very famous actor. Who is it? FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. READ, READ, READ. Remember reading should be FAST, EASY and FUN Station 8: Fiction books All of the fiction books have genre stickers on the spines to help you choose the type of books you like to read. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Stories about aviation, disasters, sea stories, suspense, survival and westerns have a ______ sticker. Stories about dance, pop stars, TV and film have a ______ sticker. Stories about disabled, migrants, prejudice and refugees have a ______ sticker. Stories about death, drugs, gangs, police, riots, suicide, computer hacking, bullying and cults have a ______ sticker. Stories about ghosts and vampires have a ______ sticker. Stories about magic and fantasy have a ______ sticker.

Popular books such as graphic novels, sport, horror, adventure and quick reads have been placed on Spinners. Choose one title from a spinner and write down its TITLE. _________________ FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Take part in the library activities including, Premiers Reading Challenge and Book Week . Station 9: Library Monitors Program The Library Monitors Program encourages students to participate in the Librarys day-to-day activities. The program provides students with practical opportunities for work while demonstrating the colleges values of Achievement, Respect, Responsibility and Enjoyment. Be a library monitor and y Make new friends y Learn new skills y Develop leadership and communication skills Being a library monitor, you get y Reference letter y Certificate of participation If you are interested in learning more please pick up the Library Monitors Expressions of Interest form from the desk

Watch the library monitors video with us at the tables.

FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Become a library monitor

Station 10: Pathfinders A pathfinder is a guide to locating a range of suitable books and online resources that will help you when you are researching a topic. This link will connect you to a pathfinder about different sorts of films. Explore this pathfinder! What are some of the websites this pathfinder takes you to?
FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Use the computers for school work and research

Station 11: Reading Interests Please fill in your Fast, Easy, Fun sheet at the tables. FYI: Come to the library during recess and lunchtimes. Recommend books.

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