Low Level Design

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Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

Low Level Design

Version 1.0 approved

Supervised by: Prepared by: Bishwadeep Neogi

Ravi Bhargava


Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

Table of Contents
I. Data flow diagrams 1.Context Level diagram 2.Admin data flow digram

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

Revision History

Name of team member


Reason For Changes

Group name


Bishwadeep Neogi


Initial draft


Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

Data Flow Diagrams:-

Context Level Diagram:

Update Account Information Manage Account Add content, application Manage Users Give suggestion Search People

Acknowledgement Success/failure notification Success/failure notification

Matrimony .com

Registration Detail login detail Acknowledgement Success/failure notification


Success/failure notification

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website> 1. Level 1

1. Data Flow Diagram For User

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website> 2. Level 1

2.Data Flow Diagram For Admin

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>


3.3.1 Admin Use Case :-

Add/Update Records

Admin can Add or Update the records

Sending Mail

Admin can send the mail to the customer

Delete Records

Admin can delete the records.


1.0 Use case Name

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website> Admin

1.1 Basic Flow

Admin starts this use case. It provides the capability for the admin to verify different procedures. He can perform various types of operations like edit, update, delete, sending the mail etc.

2.0 Flow of Events

2.1 Basic Flow

Admin perform the four main activity like store the information of the customer, sending the mail to the customer, searching for perfect matching etc.

Customer Information:-

The admin maintain the information about the customer in the database whenever he/she fill up the form.

Sending the mail:-

The admin will send the email to the customer according to its requirement for male/female. He will also send the mail if any new thing is introduce in our system.

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website> Add/Update/Delete records:-

The admin can add, update or delete the records in the database.

2.2 Alternate Flows

2.2.1 Invalid Password

An invalid password is entered. The user can re-enter a password or terminate the use case.

2.2.2 Invalid Username:

The system informs the user that the username is invalid. The user can re-enter the username or terminate the use case.

3.0 Special Requirements

There are no special requirements for this use case.

4.0 Preconditions

There are no special requirements for this use case.

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

5.0 Post Conditions

There are no post conditions.

6.0 Extension Points

There are no extension points.

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

3.3.2 User Use Case :-


User can register himself/herself in the system


User can login to the system

Edit Profile

User can edit his/her profile.


User can search the record for male/female.


1.0 Use case Name

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>


1.1 Brief Description

User can perform several operations on the system like registration, login. He or she can also edit his or her profile, searching facility is also there.

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

2.0 Flow of Events

2.1 Basic Flow

User can perform mainly four activities.


Before using this system the user must have to register in the system. He have to fill up the form and enter his/her profile in the database.


The existing users are giving his/her userid & password to access their accounts. If they are successfully login then they can edit or update their accounts.

Edit profile:-

The user can also edit his/her personal profile in the system but first he/she have to login in the system.

2.2 Alternate Flows

2.2.1 Invalid Password

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

An invalid password is entered. The user can re-enter a password or terminate the use case.

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website> 2.2.2 Invalid Username:

The system informs the user that the username is invalid. The user can re-enter the username or terminate the use case.

3.0 Special Requirements

The user must be first login to access his accounts.

4.0 Preconditions

The user must be first login to access his accounts.

5.0 Post Conditions

There are no post conditions.

6.0 Extension Points

There are no extension points.

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

Low Level Design for <Matrimonial website>

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