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Proposed Title: Green marketing on corporate strategic

Indian companies 2.0 Background of the problem: Green marketing is relatively new focus in business endeavors and came into prominence only In the late eighties (Ottman 1998). Since the mid-nineties, environmental legislation has Increased, leading to a higher level of awareness of environmental issues in the business Domain and many corporations being required to consider the issues in their strategic planning In order to meet stricter environmental standards. The past decade has shown that harnessing Consumer power to effect stricter environmental change is far easier said than done. The socalled "green-consumer" movement in the United States has struggled to keep afloat by not Quite being able to reach critical mass not being at the very fore-front of shopper's minds. Ken Peattie (1999) defined environmental marketing in terms of customer satisfaction in a Sustainable fashion which refers as the holistic management process responsible for Identifying, anticipating, and satisfying the requirements of the consumers and society, in a Profitable and sustainable way . However, the definition provided by the Charter (1992) adds a Strategic dimension to the concept other than customer satisfaction and stressed the Importance of a long term perspective and the role played by stakeholders. According to Charter (1992), green marketing is defined as greener marketing is a holistic and responsible Strategic management process that identified, anticipates, satisfies and fulfils stakeholder needs, For reasonable reward, that does not adversely affect human or natural environmental well Being . In India, there is an increased awareness and interest on green marketing strategies as A comparative study of two

Evident from the sharp increase in number of ISO1400 companies. The first indication of Consumer interest in green products came through the study conducted by Peattie (1999) which Indicated that in India for environmental protection almost 56 percent of the people are willing to Pay. In another survey conducted by Gallup, revealed that Indians want their country to address issues related to environmental. Traditionally, the market strategy of the company was to Increase the profit (Peattie 1999, p.57) but early nineties there is a change in the firm s strategy Where the company must consider the effect of its action on all stakeholders including animals And nature (Klonoski, 1991). Green-marketing, as a concept is pretty nascent, and as a Consequence, it has not been extensively explored/researched to the extent it should have, Particularly in India. Thus, this made the researcher to study the marketing strategies adopted By the Indian companies 2.3. Aim: To examine the green marketing strategies adopted by companies 2.3.1. Objectives: 1. To understand how the green marketing strategies are developed by the two companies 2. To analyze the benefits of having green marketing strategies 2.3.2. Research questions In order to fulfill the objectives, the study had following research questions 1. How two companies segment their market based on the consumer tendencies towards Green marketing? 2. How green market strategy is chosen for the companies? 3. How marketing mix is influenced by the choice of green marketing strategy? 4. What are the advantages that companies obtain by the adoptions of green marketing Strategy?

Literature Review

The review of literature provided scientific theories and cites various literatures that was done Elsewhere in related green marketing strategies adopted by the companies which will in turn Help to provide foundation for analysis and discussion The first step is to gain rich understanding on consumer Preferences towards green marketing i.e., whether the development of product that has green Attributes is better selling point to target consumers. Various studies have showed that to know The target green market segment better, there is need for appropriate individual consumer tendencies towards green marketing

The development of green marketing strategy to a company is complex. Studies have showed That green marketing as a creating opportunity to innovate in ways that make a difference and At the same time achieve business successes

Companies can able translate those concerns into action through marketing mix only if they are Truly committed to environmental concerns. There is an argument exists in implementation of Strategy that are considered to be environmentally superior that creates competitive advantage By stimulating innovation and tapping into concerns of consumer

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