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Overview of Oasis USA 2011 Activities

General Admin update:

LA Ofce development Presented, taught and led training seminars and workshops at various conferences, churches, schools, colleges and universities across the USA. Completed an outreach partnership with CAST (Coalition Against Slavery & Trafcking) that resulted in over 4000 people being trained and educated on the issues surrounding local and global Human Trafcking (HT) Mentored church leaders, seminary students, youth groups and grassroots community organizations in issues of justice focussed on local and global HT Developed spiritual practices and prayer for victims of HT and the work of Oasis Led a student Cohort group at Fuller Seminary and participated in various Fuller Seminary events. Ongoing member of the Los Angeles Anti Human Trafcking Task Force (TF). Member of the TF outreach committee that organized the LA Freedom walk. Currently developing a bus bench awareness campaign. Monthly meetings Part of the Pasadena Pastors prayer gathering Resourced other interested parties with Oasis USA information for numerous HT awareness events Met with interested churches and investigated developing a Cincinnati Trafck Free Community (TFC). Ongoing events planned. Met interested parties in Broomeld, CO concerning developing a TFC. Follow on event planned for late summer 2012. Networked with the Jonah project, Innerchange and other downtown LA organizations working with the poor Developed intern and volunteer opportunities for the communities at large Submitted grant applications for TFC expansion Successfully completed an end of year matching grant fund raising initiative Relocated Oasis USA ofce to downtown LA which is the centre for ongoing national admin Liaised with others developing the USA Aruna 5K initiative Developed direct community support for people escaping trafcking In the process of implementing a drop-in resource for people impacted by HT Supported Global staff and facilitated the placement of an US family into Kyrgyzstan Raised signicant nancial and prayer support for the Oasis Global work

Progress in building Organizational Capacity: Incorporated:1-


Additional staff member Key long term OfceVolunteers National Oasis USA Advocates Current Trafck Free Community (TFC) Coordinators & TFC
Partners Emerging TFC Contacts

Trafck Free Communities Update

Pomona, CARegular on-going monthly meetings Developed ongoing relationships with Mosaic church in downtown Pomona and collaborated on two events. These were an art exhibition that represented artists' renditions of slavery and a Mosaic Church sponsored, Stand Against The Trafck screening of the lm Flesh. Tamiko Chacon represented Trafck Free Pomona (TFP) on the panel that was held afterward. Initiated a poster campaign to raise awareness in the middle schools of the Pomona Unied School District. Supplied the Pomona Police Department with freedom resources for girls rescued from HT scenarios Undertook holistic HT awareness event at Pomona First Baptist Church Participated in the California Against Slavery campaign to get new legislature on the November ballot. Developed a relationship with The David & Margaret Home and Operation Safe house. These organizations house at risk kids and survivors of trafcking. Currently TFP volunteers serve monthly at both of these shelters. Presented HT 101 training to the Pacic Clinics branch in Covina and are developing a relationship with them as a service provider. Networked relationships with local community leaders, law enforcement, and the school district.

Pasadena, CAOngoing regular TFC gatherings Networked relationships with local community stakeholders, law enforcement, and the school district, etc.. Fuller students undertook short-term research seeking to connect with Police Department and the Pasadena Unied School District Participated in the California Against Slavery campaign to get new legislature on the November ballot Represented Oasis at the Fuller Seminary Winter Fair in partnership with Divi clothing who donated part of their prots to Oasis Uganda.

Boca Raton, FLOngoing investigation into awareness opportunities within the community Presentation at the Zone Club of Boca Raton & Zone Club of West Palm Beach Constructing a leadership team

West Palm Beach, FLRegular on-going public awareness & training meetings Networked relationships with the local community - St. Ann safe house, The Lords Place, etc.. Invitation from Maverick private school network to train teachers & students in human trafcking. Awaiting reply to an agreement letter outlining the proposals. Maverick schools board chaired by Frank Biden On going development of HT 101 training for St Thomas University Created media resources from presentations given at local Catholic Seminary Part of the West palm Beach Task Force Helped encourage and assist Katariina in starting a 501 c3.

LA Down Town, CAStarted a TFC linked with New City Church (NCC) Ongoing awareness in NCC. Currently in the early stages of a 4 month campaign focussing on slavery in the chocolate industry; leading to gathering freedom bags for the LA Department of Child and Family Services; nishing with a 13 week prayer and awareness campaign developed by two Fuller students In conjunction with the Oasis USA ofce, mentoring and developing support resources for M who was trafcked into LA from South America and caught in a labor trafcking situation in Los Angeles.

San Gabriel, CAHouse hotel survey in partnership with Fuller Seminary, on hold Collaborated with Hope Christian fellowship on HT awareness event Planning local TFC training event with Hope Christian fellowship and other interested parties, possible new TFC leadership team development. Networked relationships with the local community.

As well as developing the national TFC initiative within the USA, Oasis USA has been able to help with nancial investment into the global work of Oasis. This has directly assisted in:
India: The anti-human trafcking work in Mumbai and Bangalore. Notable progress in this has included the rescue of 9 minor boys, 7 minor girls, 9 women with infants and 3 women who manage child beggars in an operation that took two months to organize. This was part of a larger operation organized by Oasis as the lead NGO with the Police and the Child Welfare Committee in Bangalore. Altogether in the operation over 300 children were rescued. Kyrgyzstan There are currently three Oasis USA staff working amongst a global Oasis team. One colleage continues to aid Oasis Zimbabwe with involvement in the Tanaka project that serves homeless young people on the streets of Harare. Another couple work with Oasis Kyrgyzstan contributing signicantly to the life of Oasis. The husband is the Admin Manager and one half of the interim leadership team of the country. His wife has been instrumental in helping start a USAID-funded photography project, engaging 100 vulnerable youth from poor communities to explore themes such as diversity, inclusion and equality. Oasis USA has also helped supply a short term worker to Oasis India who has been assisting the anti-trafcking team in Mumbai.

The work with vulnerable young people, which has grown considerably in this last 6 months, with a new home for homeless or orphaned teenage girls opening in August. This is now functioning alongside our House Kairat, an equivalent home for formerly homeless boys who have graduated from reform school. The new academic year was started with a week-long summer camp for all of them at Lake Issyk-kul. All of the young people are now working hard in The Grant Road, Mumbai Aruna their different stages of education and being helped by project has resulted in 14 women and 6 minors leaving the our house-parents and a psychologist to deal with some Red Light area. Some of these of their past trauma. are in the residential program run by Oasis in the north of the city. South Africa The anti-trafcking work in the Uganda Diepsloot community, South Africa. A pre-school and after school Enabling work in an integrated community transformation program program are run for the children of commercial sex workers. to continue in Kampala. This program serves over 100 families that are the poorest and most Belgium vulnerable within the A project working among Thai community. There is a focus on women who are trafcked into enabling girls to get school the country to work in massage admission and then enabling parlors. Most of the parlors are them to stay in the school system through education/family illegal fronts for prostitution. Oasis works with the women support. seeking to assist them to leave the parlors and nd alternative employment.

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