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Vuser Code Overview When we record Vuser script, it generate function corresponding to actions performed by user, We have 3 types of Vuser function, General Vuser functions Also called LR function, start with lr_ We can add synchronization, trasaction point etc send messages to output , to indicate error or warning. Protocol Specific Vuser function Depends on protocol. By default script create in C for most protocol and java for java protocol, we can instruct Vugen to create script in javascript or vbscript etc. Standard Ansi C functions. We can enhance script by using C, using control statement, loop etc. General and Protocol specific functions simultaneously create LR API, which anable vuser to communicate directly with the server (Interface is not required) While coding we have lot of options available which can help while coding 1 Function Reference : Here we can find detailed information about function(syntax, example etc) Help Function Reference (F1) 2 Word Completion: While using function, as we type first underscore, it will open list of all matches, we need to select function we want to use. ECP: we can use escape key to hide list. Edit Word Completion: We can use word completion, even its disabled from ToolsGeneral option or use CTRL+Spacebar Automatic Word Completion: Can be set from Tools General Options Environment Tab.

3 Show Function Syntax : Automatic function syntax can be set from Tools General Options Environment Tab. When we type opening parenthesis it display number and type of arguments etc) If we disable Auto Function Syntax, still we can view it by Edit-> Show Function Syntax or CTRL+SHFT+SPACEBAR

MULTIPLE PROTOC SCRIPT Script having multiple protocls, like FTP and Htttp

Compare VUSER Script side by side

1 Open Script which we want to compare. 2 Go to Tools -- > Compare with Script, sect script which we want to compare with Scripts will display side by side and difference will be displayed in yellow.

Business Process Report

1 Describe our script business process. 2 Export script information to Word Doc. 3 We can use our templte or can use pre defined template. File-- >Create Business Process Report. Or File-- >Create Business Process Report Advanced

Customize Dialog Box ToolsCustomize We can customize Vugen toolbar & menu

OUTPUT WINDOW Correlation Result Tab Generating Log Tab Parameter Tab (WinSoak Only) Recording log Tab Replay Log Tab RunTime Data tab

Correlation Result Tab: Shows the difference between Recording and Replay snapshot. Allow to create and manage correlation. Generating Log Tab

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