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COMPANY PROFILE OVERVIEW : White House Business Solutions is one of the leading-edge technology companies providing end-to-end e-learning

solutions and integrated business applications to a wide spectrum of clients including government organizations, academic institutions and enterprises worldwide. We're a part of White House Group with a group employee base of over 3000+ and over 300+ in Information Technology and Multimedia. Since its inception in 1999, they have built a successful business by providing quality, cost-effective and time-bound solutions to the clients around the globe. They have state-of-the-art development center based in Chennai, India, which is one of the world's favorite outsourcing destinations. Their global sales offices are strategically located in USA, UK, France, Malaysia, UAE and Saudi Arabia. It is ISO 9001:2000 compliant, certified by Bureau Veritas Certification, and adopting CMM Level 4 Development Standards, Key Processes and Quality Assurance. They have a great expertise and track record in developing learning management solutions with International content standards such as SCORM 2004 and AICC. Through their leading edge technology, unparalleled experience and expertise., they facilitate the learning activities to meet local and global demands, bringing benefits to academia and to business. By leveraging a streamlined on-site/offshore development model, and integrating highly trained and professionally skilled people with state-of-the-art technology, they collaborate with clients to help them increase productivity, efficiency and the overall effectiveness of the business.


Humans love to keep score. Nowadays there seems to be a scorecard or measurement index for just about everything from the cost of living to the cost of dying and everything in between. The problem with many of these measures is that they take a pure economic view of whatever is being measured. But conclusions about the economy or business can often be misleading when drawn from only those indicators that are easy to quantify. As Albert Einstein noted, "Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted." Yet many people, particularly economists, remain fixated on the numbers. A widely tracked numerical economic indicator is the standard of living. Economists are fond of pointing out how advances in technology and the globalization of business are driving increases in our standard of living in India. Some economists equate standard of living and quality of life as the same, but they are not. Standard of living has to do with the degree of prosperity in a nation, as measured by income levels, quality of housing and food, medical care, educational opportunities, transportation, communications, and other measures. Quality of life on the other hand, refers to an individual's satisfaction with his or her life and general sense of well-being. It is often measured as physical, psychological and social well-being Economists argue that increasing the standard of living is a good thing. The cheaper the cost, the more of a product or service we can buy, the

higher the standard of living, the better off we are. Right? Not necessarily. Take food for example - today Americans enjoy plentiful and cheap food. We consume more calories for less cost than ever before. Everywhere you look portions sizes are getting larger. Our cost per calorie is at an all-time low and odds are good it will continue to drop. The concepts of standard of living and quality and life have parallels in business. I refer to these as "standard of working" and "quality of work life". The standard of working (degree of productivity) is on a roll. Technology is making workers more productive than ever. Everyone has information at their finger tips.

Executive Summary Work-Life Quality -- defined as the balance between an employees work demands and outside interests or pressures -- is a long-standing but ever-evolving area of corporate social responsibility. Originally focused on the needs of working mothers, work-life quality programs have expanded to encompass the needs of all employees. Many companies have found that by developing programs to help employees balance work with outside needs, pressures and interests, the companies can realize benefits in increased productivity and reduced turnover. In response to economic and social changes, companies are exploring a wide variety of work-life quality programs, including flexible scheduling, dependent care, time-off policies, and financial assistance and health and wellness programs.

Chapter II

OBJECTIVES : The main objective of the study in quality of work life organization is to

port right the relevancy of welfare, salary administration & organization commitment in quality of work life. To study the deviation of the variables with reference to the demographic To study the attitude intention of the employees towards quality of work features. life. SCOPE OF THE STUDY : The primary goal of the Quality of Work life research was to measure how work life and the work experience have changed since the earlier Quality of Employment Surveys, and establish benchmarks for future surveys. Secondary goals include measuring the relationship between job/organizational characteristics and worker health and safety, and identifying targets for health and safety preventive interventions.Quality in work is important for individuals, but also for growth, employment and a sustainable and competitive economy. Flexibility must be combined with security, influence, mobility, safety and learning at work. The employees must be able to influence their own work and working time, work organization and work content. Psychosocial work environment problems, like stress and burn-out, are growing, while many traditional work environment problems remain. Prevention must be better. The cost of ill health is enormous in the European Union, and the bill is paid by society, enterprises and individuals.

Chapter - III REVIEW OF LITERATURE The future of work II: standard of working up, quality of work life down

The concepts of standard of living and quality and life have parallels in business. Researcher refer to these as "standard of working" and "quality of work life". Standard of living has to do with the degree of prosperity in a nation, as measured by income levels, quality of housing and food, medical care, educational opportunities, transportation, communications, and other measures. Quality of life on the other hand, refers to an individual's satisfaction with his or her life and general sense of well-being. Technology is making workers more productive than ever. Everyone has information at their finger tips. Lean manufacturing practices and automation means we can produce more per person than ever before. But what about our quality of work life is it rising or falling? Well, it depends on where you sit in the organization. Some might argue that the quality of work life for CEO's given their astronomic levels of compensation and perks - has never been higher. The disparity between standard of working and quality of work life, just as the imbalance between standard of living and quality of life, needs to be redressed. One cannot continue to increase while the other diminishes. The knowledge economy depends on engaging talent and leveraging their passion. For the growing ranks of these workers, quality of work life is critical, not only to how they feel but to the quality of the work they produce. If the future of work is to remain bright, we must find ways to increase the standard of working and the quality of work life.

The Quality of Work Life Task Force conducted a survey of George Mason University employees in April 2003 to more accurately assess the quality of their work life. The information from the survey is seen as essential to focusing the efforts of the Task Force and resources of the University. Surveys were distributed to a random sample of 760 employees across 6 job categories on all 3 campuses. A total of 259 surveys were returned yielding a response rate of 35%. This response rate does not compare favorably with the previous QWL survey and may be reflective of the sobering undercurrent of the state budget circumstances constraining the sense of control over organizational interventions. Nevertheless, the number of respondents is sufficient for meaningful analysis and comparison to a similar survey conducted in 2000. The survey is theoretically grounded on Eisenberger's construct of Perceived Organizational Support (POS), the extent to which employees perceive that the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being. POS is well-supported by the empirical research literature as a key factor in influencing employee commitment to the organization, job satisfaction, and general quality of work life. Findings from the 2003 Quality of Work Life Survey of George Mason University Employees Prepared by: Dr. Louis Buffardi, Department of Psychology Kathryn Baughman, Research Assistant Kate Morse, Research Assistant

Richard E. Walton (2005) taken the Quality Of Work Life Measurement research from this descriptive research the researcher find that the Dissatisfaction with working life is a problem, which affects almost all workers at one time or another, regardless of position or status. The frustration, boredom, and anger common to employees, disenchanted with their work life, can be costly to both individual and organization. Many managers seek to reduce job dissatisfaction at all organizational levels, including their own. This is a complex problem, however, because it is difficult to isolate and identify all of the attributes, which affect the quality of working life. The sustained vitality and profitability of any company is clearly linked to the satisfaction of its workforce. This is intuitively obvious, and the research is compelling. A company that does not measure and improve employee satisfaction may quickly face increasing turnover, declining productivity from the people that remain, and a limited ability to attract and retain qualified replacements. Employee satisfaction and the quality of work life directly affect a companys ability to properly serve its customers, and if it is not measured, it can not be effectively improved or maintained. QWL measurement will complement the efforts to create:

Positive employee attitudes toward their work and the company Increased productivity and intrinsic motivation, and Enhanced organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage

The National Study of the Changing Workforce (Quality Of Work Life ) is a research program of the Families and Work Institute that surveys representative samples of the nations labour force every five years. This report focuses on findings from the 1997 survey but also provides a historical perspective by comparing data from 1997 with data from the 1992 NSCW and from the U.S. Department of Labors 1977 Quality of Employment Survey. Only data for wage and salaried workers who are 18 years or older are considered here. The sample sizes are 2,877 employees for 1997, 2,958 for 1992, and 1,298 for 1977. The researchers developed a conceptual model that ties together many of the elements embodied in discussions of work and personal life. This model, outlined below, portrays hypothesized causal pathways connecting characteristics of employees jobs and workplaces, characteristics of their lives off the job, and aspects of their personal well-being to one another, as well as to the outcomes of primary interest to employersjob satisfaction, commitment to employer, job performance, and retentionat the pinnacle of the pyramid. The quality of workers jobs and the supportiveness of their workplaces are the most powerful predictors of productivityjob satisfaction, commitment to their employers, and retention. Job and workplace characteristics are far more important predictors than pay and benefits, which are generally competitive with the marketplace. To maximize satisfaction, commitment, and retention, employers need to provide high-quality jobswhatever the employees occupationand supportive workplaceswhatever the industry.

Chapter - IV

METHODOLOGY The research methodology is away to study systematically the research problems. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. TYPE OF RESEARCH Descriptive study: It means to portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual situation or a group. Here the from the total population of 150 from the White house business solutions private limited the researcher have taken 50 samples of the workers into account. It is very essential to study the data and information, facts and figures that are directly related to the problem that have been formulated. The data sources are classified into
Primary data and Secondary data

This study is mainly based on both primary data and secondary data. Primary data: Primary refers to those data which are collected first hand by the investigator The primary data is collected from the White house business solutions private limited. For collecting primary data a suitable questionnaire was framed. Direct interview method was used to get information relating to Quality of Work Life.

Secondary data: Secondary data are those data which are not originally collected but collected from either published, unpublished sources (second hand information) here the data is collected from the records, Letters maintained by the management Sampling unit and size The total sample was fixed at random basis. samples are 100. Tools and analysis: There are different types of statistical tools for analyzing the collected data the important tools used in the present study are such as tables, percentages, diagrams, mathematical derivations such as ANOVA, Correlation, and Multiple Correlation. The numbers of




Researcher have formed a 5 point scaling technique . Researcher assessed 5 marks for strongly agree answer 4 marks for the agree answer 3 marks for the neutral answers, 2 marks for the disagree answers and 1 marks for the strongly disagree answers. And from this scaling technique the positive attitude question are ranged first and negative question are ranged secondly as the territory executive working in the organization was in favour of the organization mostly. Researcher has collected 100 samples the scaling total for each question is divided by 100. So that we have obtain a value between 2-5. These values are obtained for each and every question. So that we have tabulated below in the form of question serial number as row and obtained values for each questions for differed variables in column . Scale

Strongly Agree (5Marks)

Agree (4Marks)

Neutral (3Marks)

Disagree (2Marks)

Strongly disagree (1Mark)


Table 1 : The health care facility and other medical facility for the employee in the organization S.No No of Percentage Respondents Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 0 0 12 12 38 38 32 32 18 18



Inference: In the above table it clearly shows that 18% of the workers strongly agree the health care facility and other medical facility for the employee in the organization. 32% of the workers agree for the facilities provided by the

organization. 38% neutral and 12% disagree.


Table 2: The schedule for working time allocation is statutorily framed S.No No of Percentage Respondents 10 50 28 6 6 10 50 28 6 6

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it clearly shows that 10% of the workers strongly agree the schedule for working time allocation is statutorily framed for the employee in the organization. 50% of the workers agree for the schedule. 28% neutral, 6% disagree and 6% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 3: The work load for each and every employee is carefully designed as per the efficiency and cadre of the job S.No No of Percentage Respondents 8 44 36 10 2 8 44 36 10 2

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it clearly shows that 8% of the workers strongly agree the work load for each and every employee is carefully designed as per the efficiency and cadre of the job , 44% of the workers agree the work load structure. 36% neutral ,10% disagree and 2% of the employee strongly disagree.


Table 4: The delegative and authority power of the management level are as per the autocratic style S.No No of Percentage Respondents 12 38 20 22 8 12 38 20 22 8

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it clearly shows that 12% of the workers strongly agree the delegative and authority power of the management level are as per the autocratic style, 38% of the workers agree the delegative and authority power of the management. 20% neutral , 22% disagree and 8% of the employee strongly disagree.


Table 5: The job security in the work for the employees are statutorily formed by the union


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

No of Percentage Respondents 18 32 30 16 4 18 32 30 16 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it clearly shows that 18% of the workers strongly agree the job security in the work for the employees are statutorily formed by the union, 32% of the workers agree the statement. 30% neutral ,16% disagree and 4% of the employee strongly disagree.


Table 6: The work environment for the employees provides the required level of use stress S.No No of Percentage Respondents 4 40 34 20 2 4 40 34 20 2

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it clearly shows that 4% of the workers strongly agree the work environment for the employees provides the required level of use stress, 40% of the workers agree the statement. 34% neutral , 20% disagree and 2% of the employee strongly disagree.


Table 7: Communication in the organization flow in 360o smoothly


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

No of Percentage Respondents 18 26 32 18 6 18 26 32 18 6

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 18% of the workers strongly agree the communication in the organization flow in 3600, 26% of the workers agree the same statement. 32% neutral ,18% disagree and 6% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 8: Communication strategies which is framed by the policies S.No No of Percentage Respondents 4 34 32 28 2 4 34 32 28 2

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 18% of the workers strongly agree Communication strategies which is framed by the policies are in such a way that the productivity and efficiency of the worker will be higher and convenience all the cadre, 34% of the workers agree the same statement. 32% neutral ,28% disagree and 2% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 9: The economic condition of the employee will be in such a way that they can fulfill their family commitments S.No No of Percentage Respondents 20 24 40 10 6 20 24 40 10 6

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 20% of the workers strongly agree the economic condition of the employee will be in such a way that they can fulfill their family commitments, 24% of the workers agree the same statement. 40% neutral ,10% disagree and 6% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 10: The social welfare which is created by the employee S.No No of Percentage Respondents 22 24 34 16 4 22 24 34 16 4

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 22% of the workers strongly agree the social welfare which is created by the employee will be in such a way that the prestige boom in the society as well as the companies social status increases, 24% of the workers agree the same statement. 34% neutral ,16% disagree and 4% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 11: The scalar chain and efficiency in performance to the cadre.


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


of Percentage Respondents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

16 30 36 14 4

16 30 36 14 4

Inference: In the above table it explains that 16% of the workers strongly agree the scalar chain and efficiency in performance to the cadre, 30% of the workers agree the same statement. 36% neutral , 14% disagree and 4% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 12: The organization used to make performance appraisal and gives important to the merit based promotion


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


of Percentage Respondents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

14 36 26 18 6

14 36 26 18 6

Inference: In the above table it explains that 14% of the workers strongly agree the organization used to make performance appraisal and gives important to the merit based promotion, 36% of the workers agree the same statement. 26% neutral, 18% disagree and 6% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 13: The leadership of each stage is provided with proper authority to make self decision in order to guide the team in a productive manner


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


of Percentage Respondents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6 30 42 20 2

6 30 42 20 2

Inference: In the above table it explains that 6% of the workers strongly agree the organization used to make performance appraisal and gives important to the merit based promotion, 30% of the workers agree the same statement. 42% neutral, 20% disagree and 2% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 14: According to the standard of job the salary and administration varies, sits determined by the work performance and skill of the employee


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


of Percentage Respondents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

20 20 36 18 6

20 20 36 18 6

Inference: In the above table it explains that 20% of the workers strongly agree the standard of job the salary and administration varies, sits determined by the work performance and skill of the employee, 20% of the workers agree the same statement. 36% neutral, 18% disagree and 6% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 15: In order to maintain a quality work the training manager make a appropriate training program


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


of Percentage Respondents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4 18 34 40 4

4 18 34 40 4

Inference: In the above table it explains that 20% of the workers strongly agree maintain a quality work the training manager make a appropriate training program, 18% of the workers agree the same statement. 34% neutral, 40% disagree and 4% of the employees strongly disagree


Table 16: Grievance is the common phenomena which arise all in the place where more than 2 employees work, the retrieval of the grievance prevent the employee turnover


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


of Percentage Respondents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

20 28 38 12 2

20 28 38 12 2

Inference: In the above table it explains that 20% of the workers strongly agree the grievance is the common phenomena which arise all in the place where more than 2 employees work, the retrieval of the grievance prevent the employee turnover, 28% of the workers agree the same statement. 38% neutral, 12% disagree and 2% of the employees strongly disagree

Table 17: As there is a flow association which mean the employees performance in their achievement at equal cadre there is a micro level work competency S.No No of Percentage Respondents Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 10 36 26 16 12 10 36 26 16 12


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 10% of the workers strongly agree there is a flow association which mean the employees performance in their achievement at equal cadre there is a micro level work competency, 28% of the workers agree the same statement. 38% neutral, 12% disagree and 2% of the employees strongly disagree


Table 18: Even though performance play the vital role the experience and service level have a respectable obligation for the promotion S.No No of Percentage Respondents Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 14 42 24 16 4 14 42 24 16 4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 14% of the workers strongly agree performance play the vital role the experience and service level have a respectable obligation for the promotion, 42% of the workers agree the same statement. 24% neutral, 16% disagree and 4% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 19: The organization has a unique and benchmarking salary administration and employees score S.No No of Percentage Respondents 12 32 28 24 4 12 32 28 24 4

Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 12% of the workers strongly agree the organization has a unique and benchmarking salary administration and employees score, 32% of the workers agree the same statement. 28% neutral, 24% disagree and 4% of the employees strongly disagree.


Table 20: Organization highly concentrates about the employees health and safety measures. Along with their dependency health even though ESI concentrates


Attributes Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

No of Percentage Respondents 10 38 36 14 2 10 38 36 14 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inference: In the above table it explains that 10% of the workers strongly agree The Organization highly concentrates about the employees health and safety measures. Along with their dependency health even though ESI concentrates, 38% of the workers agree the same statement. 36% neutral, 14% disagree and 2% of the employees strongly disagree.


CORRELATION AMONG VARIABLE Introduction: Correlation analysis is a statistical tool with the help of which we determine intensely of relationship between two or more than two variables are said to be correlated if the movements in one are accompanied by movements in the other. Correlation analysis enables a marketing manager to estimate costs, sales, prices, and other variables on the basis of some other series with which these costs sales, and prices may be functionally related. Correlation may be classified as, i. ii. iii. iv. v. Positive and Negative Correlation Simple and Multiple Correlation Partial correlation Linear correlation Non linear Correlation

To determine the relationship between the variables, several methods are employed out of which main ones are: i. ii. iii. Scatter diagram Karl Persons Coefficient of Correlation Rank correlation


Karl Persons Coefficient of Correlation: Pearsons correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association. Two variables can be perfectly related, but if the relationship is not linear, Pearsons correlation coefficient is not an appropriate statistic for measuring their association. Correlation coefficients range in value from 1 (a perfect negative relationship) and +1 (a perfect positive relationship). A value of 0 indicates no linear relationship. When interpreting your results, be careful not to draw any cause-and-effect conclusions due to a significant correlation. Formula for correlation: N ( XY) ( X) ( Y ) r12 = N X2 -( X) 2 N Y2 -( Y) 2

Formula for Multiple Correlation r122 +r132 -2(r12r13r23) r1.23 = 1-r232 Test of Significance: Researcher can select two-tailed or one-tailed probabilities. If the direction of association is known in advance, select One-tailed. Otherwise, select Two-tailed.


Data Table for correlation Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X1 3.56 3.52 3.46 3.24 3.44 3.24 3.32 3.10 3.42 3.44 X2 3.4 3.34 3.18 3.37 2.78 3.52 3.16 3.46 3.24 3.4 X3 3.36 2.66 3.46 3.22 3.56 3.26 3.2 3.2 3.26 2.74

Inference : The above table gives the full pledged general view of the quality of work life in the White house business solutions private limited. X1 - Welfare X2 - Salary & Administration X3 - Commitment Formula : N ( XY) ( X) ( Y ) r12 =

N X2 -( X) 2

N Y2 -( Y) 2

CORRELATION VARIABLES X1 3.56 3.25 3.46 3.24 3.44 3.24 3.32 3.1 3.42 3.44 33.74







X2 3.4 3.34 3.18 3.3 2.78 3.52 3.16 3.46 3.24 3.4 32.78

X12 12.67 12.39 11.97 10.49 11.83 10.49 11.02 9.61 11.69 11.83 113.99 Correlated value = -0.45

X22 11.56 11.16 10.11 10.89 7.72 12.39 9.98 11.97 10.49 11.56 107.83

X1 X2 12.10 11.76 11.00 10.69 9.56 11.40 10.49 10.72 11.08 11.69 110.49

Inference: The above calculation is to find the relation among the variable and between the variables which are organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration. As -0.45 is the correlation value between organizational Welfare and Salary &, it is inferred that there is low degree of negative correlation between them.


CORRELATION BETWEEN Salary & Administration and Organizational Commitment VARIABLES

X2 3.4 3.34 3.18 3.3 2.78 3.52 3.16 3.46 3.24 3.4 32.78 Inference:

X3 3.36 2.66 3.46 3.22 3.56 3.26 3.2 3.2 3.26 2.74 31.92

X22 11.56 11.16 10.11 10.89 7.72 12.39 9.98 11.97 10.49 11.56 107.83

X33 11.28 7.08 11.97 10.36 12.67 10.62 10.24 10.24 10.62 7.50 102.58

X2 X3 11.42 8.88 11.00 10.62 9.89 11.47 10.11 11.07 10.56 9.31 104.33

Correlated value = -0.59 The above calculation is to find the relation among the variable and between the variables which are Salary & Administration and organizational commitment. As -0.59 is the correlation value between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment, it is inferred that there is low degree of negative correlation between them.

Correlation Between Organizational Commitment and Welfare variables X3 3.36 2.66 X1 3.56 3.52 X32 11.28 7.08 X12 12.67 12.39 X3 X1 11.96 9.36

3.46 3.22 3.56 3.26 3.2 3.2 3.26 2.74 31.92 Inference:

3.46 3.24 3.44 3.24 3.32 3.1 3.42 3.44 33.74

11.97 10.36 12.67 10.62 10.24 10.24 10.62 7.50 102.08

11.97 10.19 11.83 10.49 11.02 9.61 11.69 11.83 113.99

11.97 10.43 12.24 10.56 10.62 9.92 11.15 9.42 107.63

Correlated value = -0.21 The above calculation is to find the relation among the variable and between the variables which are Between Organizational Commitment and Welfare. As -0.21 is the correlation value between Organizational Commitment and Welfare, it is inferred that there is very low degree of negative correlation between them.

MULTIPLE CORRELATION FOR INTEGRATING THREE VARIABLES : We have analysis here organisational commitment and Salary & Administration with regard to organizational Welfare. So that we have found here r1.23. r1.23 = .81 INFERENCE: From this multiple correlation it is clear that there is positive relation between organizational commitment , Salary & Administration by the organizational

Welfare as the answer was .81. It is very high degree of positive correlation. So most of the respondent are having the positive attitude towards the organization . MULTIPLE CORRELATIONS: We have analysis here organizational Welfare and organisation commitment with regard to Salary & Administration. So that we have found here r2.13 r2.13 = 0.26 INFERENCE: From this multiple correlation it is clear that there is positive relation between organizational Welfare and organization commitment with the Salary & Administration as the answer was0.26. It is very low degree of positive correlation. So most of the respondents are having the positive attitude the data says that variables moves in the same direction with high ratio difference.


MULTIPLE CORRELATIONS: We have analysis here and Salary & Administration and organizational Welfare with regard to organization commitment. So that we have found here r3.12 = 0.79 INFERENCE: From this multiple correlation it is clear that there is positive relation between Salary & Administration and organizational Welfare with the organization commitment as the answer was 0.79. direction almost same ratio. ANOVA one way classification: Analysis of Variance: Analysis of variance, or ANOVA, is a method of testing the null hypothesis that several group means are equal in the population, by comparing the sample variance estimated from the group means to that estimated within the groups. Data: The dependent variable is quantitative. Factors are categorical. They can have numeric values or string values of up to eight characters. Covariates are quantitative variables that are related to the dependent variable. It is high degree of positive correlation. So most of the respondent is having the positive attitude the data says that variables moves in the same


Assumptions: The data are a random sample from a normal population; in the population, all cell variances are the same. Analysis of variance is robust to departures from normality, although the data should be symmetric. To check assumptions, you can use homogeneity of variances tests and spread-versus-level plots. You can also examine residuals and residual plots. Formula:- ANOVA Test statistics: 1) Correction Factor(C.F) G2 C.F = N 2) Total sum of square (TTS) = yij2-c.f

3) Treatment sum of squares (TrSS) = T12 - C-F

r 4).Error Sum Of Square (ESS) E.s.s =T.s.s -Tr.s.s



Source of Variation Treatment Error Total

Degrees of Freedom 3-1=2 30-3=27 30-1=29

Sum of Square 754.26 - 752.87 1.39

Mean Sum of Square 377.13 - 27.88

Fcalculated value - 13.53

F-table value f& (2,27) 3.355

Inference: If calculated value is greater than table value then we reject our null hypothesis. As the calculated value (- 27.88) is less than the table value our null hypothesis is accepted. So The result implies that there is good quality of work life is in the organization so the welfare activities equal to salary and administration equal to organization commitment.


Table 24 : Data Table for the level of experience related with welfare, Commitment, Salary & Administration Bellow 1Year

X1 3.75 4.12 3.37 4 3.5 3.75 3.6 2.87 3.87 3.75

x2 3.12 3.37 3.5 3.12 3.25 4.12 3.62 4 3.75 3.62

x3 4 3 3.87 3.37 3.5 3.62 3.62 3.12 3 3.37

X1 X2 X3 Inference:

Welfare Salary & Administration Commitment

The above table gives that the impact of experience (a)Bellow 1 year,(b) 2 5 year ,(c) 5 10 year ,(d) 10 year & above)relating with these welfare, Commitment, Salary & Administration variables this data table gives the values for Bellow one year experienced employees.



Finding correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration ,When the experience is Below one year. X1 3.75 4.12 3.37 4 3.5 3.75 3.6 2.87 3.87 3.75 36.58 x2 3.12 3.37 3.5 3.12 3.25 4.12 3.62 4 3.75 3.62 35.47 (x1)2 14.0625 16.9744 11.3569 16 12.25 14.0625 12.96 8.2369 14.9769 14.0625 134.94 (x2)2 9.7344 11.3569 12.25 9.7344 10.5625 16.9744 13.1044 16 14.0625 13.1044 126.88 (x1 x2)2 11.7 13.8844 11.795 12.48 11.375 15.45 13.032 11.48 14.5125 13.575 129.28

Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration When the experience is Bellow one year is -0.42 which means there is low degree of negative correlation.

Finding correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment . When the experience is Below one year. X2 3.12 3.37 3.5 X3 4 3 3.87 (X2)2 9.7344 11.3569 12.25 (X3)2 16 9 14.9769 X2 X3 12.48 10.11 13.545

3.12 3.25 4.12 3.62 4 3.75 3.62 35.47 Inference:

3.37 3.5 3.62 3.62 3.12 3 3.37 34.47

9.7344 10.5625 16.9744 13.1044 16 14.0625 13.1044 126.88

11.3569 12.25 13.1044 13.1044 9.7344 9 11.3569 119.88

10.5144 11.375 14.9144 13.1044 12.48 11.25 12.1994 121.97

The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment When the experience is Below one year is 0.13 which means there is very low degree of positive correlation.

Finding correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare. When the experience is Below one year. X3 4 3 3.87 3.37 3.5 3.62 3.62 3.12 3 3.37 34.47 X1 3.75 4.12 3.37 4 3.5 3.75 3.6 2.87 3.87 3.75 36.58 (X3)2 16 9 14.9769 11.3569 12.25 13.1044 13.1044 9.7344 9 11.3569 119.88 (X1)2 14.0625 16.9744 11.3569 16 12.25 14.0625 12.96 8.2369 14.9769 14.0625 134.94 X3 X1 15 12.36 13.0419 13.48 12.25 13.575 13.032 8.9544 11.61 12.6375 125.94



The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare When the experience is Below one year is --------. which means there is ------------------------(very low degree of positive correlation.)

Data Table for the level of experience related with welfare, Commitment,Salary & Admini2 - 5 Year

x1 3.05 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.6 3.3 3.9 3.2 3.2 3.5

x2 3.7 2.05 3.1 3.6 3.1 3.35 3.45 3.35 3.65 3.7

x3 3.5 3 3.35 3.7 3.55 3.7 3.35 3.7 3.45 2.7

X1 Welfare X2 Salary & Administration X3 Commitment

Inference: The above table gives that the impact of experience (a) Bellow 1 year,(b) 2 5 year ,(c) 5 10 year ,(d) 10 year & above)relating with these welfare, Commitment, Salary & Administration variables this data table gives the values for Two to Five Years (2 to 5 Years) experienced employees.


Finding correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration . When the experience is Two to Five Years (2 to 5 Years). x1 3.05 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.6 3.3 3.9 3.2 3.2 3.5 33.85 x2 3.7 2.05 3.1 3.6 3.1 3.35 3.45 3.35 3.65 3.7 33.05 (x1)2 9.3025 12.25 12.25 9.61 12.96 10.89 15.21 10.24 10.24 12.25 115.2 (x2)2 13.69 4.2025 9.61 12.96 9.61 11.2225 11.9025 11.2225 13.3225 13.69 111.43 (x1 x2) 11.285 7.175 10.85 11.16 11.16 11.055 13.455 10.72 11.68 12.95 111.49

Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration When the experience is Two to Five Years (2 to 5 Years) is -0.32 which means there is low degree of negative correlation.


Finding correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment . When the experience is Two to Five Years (2 to 5 Years). X2 3.7 X3 3.5 (X2)2 13.69 (X3)2 12.25 X2 X3 12.95

2.05 3.1 3.6 3.1 3.35 3.45 3.35 3.65 3.7 33.05

3 3.35 3.7 3.55 3.7 3.35 3.7 3.45 2.7 34

4.2025 9.61 12.96 9.61 11.2225 11.9025 11.2225 13.3225 13.69 111.43

9 11.2225 13.69 12.6025 13.69 11.2225 13.69 11.9025 7.29 116.56

6.15 10.385 13.32 11.005 12.395 11.5575 12.395 12.5925 9.99 112.74

Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment When the experience is Two to Five Years (2 to 5 Years) is 0.25 which means there is very low degree of positive correlation.


Finding correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare. When the experience is Two to Five Years (2 to 5 Years). X3 3.5 3 3.35 3.7 X1 3.05 3.5 3.5 3.1 (X3)2 12.25 9 11.222 5 13.69 (X1)2 X3 X1 9.3025 10.675 12.25 10.5 12.25 11.725 9.61 11.47

3.55 3.7 3.35 3.7 3.45 2.7 34

3.6 3.3 3.9 3.2 3.2 3.5 33.85

12.602 5 13.69 11.222 5 13.69 11.902 5 7.29 116.56

12.96 10.89 15.21 10.24 10.24 12.25 115.2

12.78 12.21 13.065 11.84 11.04 9.45 114.76

Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare When the experience is Two to Five Years (2 to 5 Years) is -0.43. which means there is low degree of negative correlation.

Data Table for the level of experience related with welfare, Commitment ,Salary and Administration 5 10 Year

x1 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.2 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.3 31.3

x2 3.18 3.12 2.94 3.06 2.41 3.29 2.82 3.35 2.88 3.18 30.23

x3 3.64 2.52 3.76 2.94 3.58 2.88 3.41 2.58 3.11 2.76 31.18

X1 Welfare X2 Salary & Administration X3 Commitment


Inference: The above table gives that the impact of experience ( (a) Bellow 1 year,b) 2 5 year ,c) 5 10 year ,d) 10 year & above)relating with these welfare, Commitment, Salary & Administration variables this data table gives the values for Five to Ten Years (5 to 10 Years) experienced employees.

Finding correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration . When the experience is Five to Ten Years (5 to 10 Years). x1 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.2 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.3 31.3 Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration When the experience is Five to Ten Years (5 to 10 Years) is -0.038 which means there is very low degree of negative correlation. x2 3.18 3.12 2.94 3.06 2.41 3.29 2.82 3.35 2.88 3.18 30.23 (x1)2 10.89 11.56 10.24 9.61 10.89 10.24 7.84 7.84 8.41 10.89 98.41 (x2)2 10.1124 9.7344 8.6436 9.3636 5.8081 10.8241 7.9524 11.2225 8.2944 10.1124 92.068 (x1 x2) 10.494 10.608 9.408 9.486 7.953 10.528 7.896 9.38 8.352 10.494 94.599



Finding correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment . When the experience is Five to Ten Years (5 to 10 Years). X2 3.18 3.12 2.94 3.06 2.41 3.29 2.82 3.35 2.88 3.18 30.23 Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment When the experience is Five to Ten Years (5 to 10 Years) is correlation.

X3 3.64 2.52 3.76 2.94 3.58 2.88 3.41 2.58 3.11 2.76 31.18

(X2)2 10.1124 9.7344 8.6436 9.3636 5.8081 10.8241 7.9524 11.2225 8.2944 10.1124 92.068

(X3)2 13.2496 6.3504 14.1376 8.6436 12.8164 8.2944 11.6281 6.6564 9.6721 7.6176 99.066

X2 X3 11.5752 7.8624 11.0544 8.9964 8.6278 9.4752 9.6162 8.643 8.9568 8.7768 93.584

-0.59 which means

there is

low degree of negative

Finding correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare. When the experience is Five to Ten Years (5 to 10 Years). X3 3.64 2.52 3.76 2.94 3.58 2.88 3.41 2.58 X1 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.2 2.8 2.8 (X3)2 13.2496 6.3504 14.1376 8.6436 12.8164 8.2944 11.6281 6.6564 (X1)2 10.89 11.56 10.24 9.61 10.89 10.24 7.84 7.84 X3 X1 12.012 8.568 12.032 9.114 11.814 9.216 9.548 7.224

3.11 2.76 31.18

2.9 3.3 31.3

9.6721 7.6176 99.066

8.41 10.89 98.41

9.019 9.108 97.655

Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare When the experience is Five to Ten Years (5 to 10 Years) 0.06. which means there is low degree of positive correlation. Data Table for the level of experience related with welfare, Commitment ,Salary & Administration 10 years & above Administration

x1 3.75 3 4 3.25 3 4 2.75 3.75 3.5 2.75 33.75

x2 4 2.75 4.25 3 3.5 3.5 2.75 3.5 2.75 3.25 33.25

x3 2.5 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.25 3.75 3.75 2.75 29.75

X1 Welfare X2 Salary & administration X3 Commitment


Inference: The above table gives that the impact of experience ( (a) Bellow 1 year,b) 2 5 year ,c) 5 10 year ,d) 10 year & above)relating with these welfare, Commitment, Salary & Administration variables this data table gives the values for 10 years & above experienced employees.

Finding correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration . When the experience is 10 years & above. x1 3.75 3 4 3.25 3 4 2.75 3.75 3.5 2.75 33.75 Inference: The above table clearly shows that the correlation between organizational Welfare and Salary & Administration When the experience is Ten Years and above is 0.65 which means there is very high degree of positive correlation. x2 4 2.75 4.25 3 3.5 3.5 2.75 3.5 2.75 3.25 33.25 (x1)2 (x2)2 (x1 x2) 14.0625 16 15 9 7.5625 8.25 16 18.0625 17 10.5625 9 9.75 9 12.25 10.5 16 12.25 14 7.5625 7.5625 7.5625 14.0625 12.25 13.125 12.25 7.5625 9.625 7.5625 10.5625 8.9375 116.06 113.06 113.75



Finding correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment . When the experience is 10 years & above.

X2 4 2.75 4.25 3 3.5 3.5 2.75 3.5 2.75 3.25 33.25 Inference:

X3 2.5 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.25 3.75 3.75 2.75 29.75

(X2)2 16 7.5625 18.0625 9 12.25 12.25 7.5625 12.25 7.5625 10.5625 113.06

(X3)2 6.25 7.5625 7.5625 5.0625 7.5625 10.5625 10.5625 14.0625 14.0625 7.5625 90.813

X2 X3 10 7.5625 11.6875 6.75 9.625 11.375 8.9375 13.125 10.3125 8.9375 98.313

The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Salary & Administration and organizational commitment When the experience is 10 years & above is -0.25 which means there is low degree of negative correlation.

finding correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare. When the experience is 10 years & above.

X3 2.5 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.75

X1 3.75 3 4 3.25 3

(X3)2 6.25 7.5625 7.5625 5.0625 7.5625

(X1)2 X3 X1 14.0625 9.375 9 8.25 16 11 10.5625 7.3125 9 8.25


3.25 3.25 3.75 3.75 2.75 29.75 Inference:

4 2.75 3.75 3.5 2.75 33.75

10.5625 10.5625 14.0625 14.0625 7.5625 90.813

16 7.5625 14.0625 12.25 7.5625 116.06

13 8.9375 14.0625 13.125 7.5625 100.88

The above table clearly shows that the correlation between Organizational Commitment and Welfare When the experience is 10 years & above 0.21. which means there is low degree of positive correlation.

CHAPTER - XI FINDINGS : The organization well established health care facilities Respondence had a satisfactory working time Organization work load is preferably as per efficiency & cadre Authority & power are delegated as per autocratic rules Employees have high confident on job security Working environment is in such type to provide required level of use stress Communication flow in all direction & also problems of work environment is taken care Economic benefit which the employee receive from the organization is right enough for family commitment Working in organization is a prestige as for the employee in the society. Performance is graded in the organization Full rights are given to leads to guide there team

The employees had a highly dissatisfactory attitude on the training program organized on the organization.
Redresal cell of the organization is good

Experience is more rewarded than performance Employees have very good commitment & proudly the employees of the organization Commitment of the employee depend up on age & experience Fast vertical growth of the employee depend upon the employees commitment in the job.


Authority & power are delegated as per the autocratic rules. So this has to be rectified in order to get seasoned idea generated by new employees as well as lower level employees. Generally when correlating the three variables welfare moves similar other two variables & also organizational commitment also move as per other two variables. But while studying salary / Administration with other two variables there is some resistance in the movement ie., there is high ratio difference. So organization should concentrate on salary & administration policy to remove the deviation .

The Quality of Work Life administration nine recommendations, includes the addition of adoption benefits, back-up child care, and an incentive proposal by Health Plus to reward faculty and staff for healthy lifestyle practices through a discount on the cost of their health insurance. Create a back-up child care facility and expand capacity and availability for child care. Efforts are under way to initiate the pilot of a back-up child care program.


Diversity is above all about respect for fundamental human rights. The competence of all persons must be used, regardless of sex, age, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation. This is important also from a growth perspective. Organization must have a working life that is sustainable in the long run and that creates more and better jobs. Everybody must also have the possibility to remain in work for a longer time than today. Working conditions must permit this, and this involves paying

attention not only to the work environment, but also to competence development/lifelong learning, equality, and influence.

The main objective of the study in quality of work life organization is to port

right the relevancy of welfare, salary administration & organization commitment in quality of work life. To study the deviation of the variables with reference to the demographic To study the attitude intention of the employees towards quality of work life.



The primary goal of the Quality of Work life research was to measure how work life and the work experience have changed since the earlier Quality of Employment Surveys, and establish benchmarks for future surveys. Secondary goals include measuring the relationship between job/organizational characteristics and worker health and safety, and identifying targets for health and safety preventive interventions.

Quality in work is important for individuals, but also for growth, employment and a sustainable and competitive economy. Flexibility must be combined with security, influence, mobility, safety and learning at work. The employees must be able to influence their own work and working time, work organization and work content. Psychosocial work environment problems, like stress and burn-out, are growing, while many traditional work environment problems remain. Prevention must be better. The cost of ill health is enormous in the European Union, and the bill is paid by society, enterprises and individuals. QUALITY OF WORK LIFE AMONG SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN WHITE HOUSE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS.
Researcher Name : Santhosh V., II nd year M.B.A. (HR & Marketing), New College Institute of Management, Chennai.

DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS 1. Name of the respondent __________________________


2. The category of age in which the respondent stalls a) 20 25 b) 25 30 c) 30 35 d) 35 above d)10 year & above d) 10year & above d) Bellow the level 3. The level of service of the respondent for segment a) Bellow 1 year a) Bellow 1 year a) Too heavy b) 2 5 year c) 5 10 year b) 2 5 year c) 5 10 year b) Heavy c) Normal 4. The level of Experience of the respondent 5. The work nature of the employment is 6. The respondents attitudes and interest towards the work a) Enthusiastic b) Normally committed c) survival d) Boredom 7. The respondents stress level in the occupied position a) Distress a) Arts b) Use stress c) Hyper stress d) Hypo stress 8. The education level of the respondent b) Science c) Diploma d) Technical c) 8000 d) 10000 & above 9. The amount of salary received in the organization by the respondent a) Basic & bellow 6500 b) 7000

10. The respondents commitment other than Organization commitment a) Personal b) Part time c) Other occupation WELFARE 1. The health care facility and other medical facility for the employee in organization is well established a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 2. The schedule for working time allocation is statutorily framed by the standing order according to schedule 2 and 3

d) Over time

b) Agree c) Neutral

d) Disagree


a) Strongly Agree e)Strongly disagree

b) Agree

c) Neutral


3. The work load for each and every employee is carefully designed as per the efficiency and cadre of the job a) Strongly Agree e)Strongly disagree 4. The delegative and authority power of the management level are as per the autocratic style a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 5. The job security in the work for the employees are statutorily formed by the union a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 6. The work environment for the employees provide the required level of use stress a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d)Disagree


7. Communication in the organization flow in 360o smoothly a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 8, Communication strategies which is framed by the policies are in such a way that the productivity and efficiency of the worker will be higher and convenience all the cadre a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 9. The economic condition of the employee will be in such a way that they can fulfill their family commitments a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 10. The social welfare which is created by the employee will be in such a way that the prestige boom in the society as well as the companies social status increases a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e)


SALARY AND ADMINISTAATION 1. The work delegated by the superior to the subordinate is accordingly to the scalar chain and efficiency in performance to the cadre. a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 2. The organization used to make performance appraisal and gives important to the merit based promotion a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 3. The leadership of each stage is provided with proper authority to make self decision in order to guide the teem in a productive manner a) Strongly Agree b) Agree Strongly disagree 4. According to the standard of job the salary and administration varies, sits determined by the work performance and skill of the employee a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 5. In order to maintain a quality work the training manager make a appropriate training program a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 6. Grievance is the common phenomena which arise all in the place where more than 2 employees work, the retrieval of the grievance prevent the employee turnover a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree


b) Agree c) Neutral

d) Disagree


c) Neutral

d) Disagree


b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree


b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree


b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree


7. As there is a flow association which mean the employees performance in their achievement at equal cadre there is a micro level work competency a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 8. Even though performance play the vital role the experience and service level have a respectable obligation for the promotion a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 9. The organization has a unique and benchmarking salary administration and employees score a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 10. Organization highly concentrates about the employees health and safety measures. Along with their dependency health even though ESI concentrates a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e)


ORGANISATION COMMITMENT 1. The employees in the organization have a very good commitment that they are proud of the employee of the organization a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 2. The commitment of the employee in the organization depends upon the age and experience a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 3. Even though the employee not paid up to the mark of the employment level the employees or ready to put their full effort. a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 4. When the company has the high level of commitment the employees or responsible for doing the entire job without any additional benefit a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 5. As the employee of the organization the employee have high level of social commitment a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 6. High level of commitment gives the high level of scope to the employee a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e)


7. The fast vertical growth is depends upon the employee commitment in the job a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 8. Organization commitment and stress is closely correlated a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 9. The organization commitment and role ambiguity has a close relation a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree 10. Organization commitment and manipulation or not relevant. a) Strongly Agree Strongly disagree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e)


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