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Application Form


Im applying for the position of:

Central Board Member Secretary General Hall Governor 2nd Year Batch Representative 3rd Year Batch Representative 4th Year Batch Representative

Personal Information Nickname: Enzo Hall&Room #: Cervini 114 Cellphone #:09275153861 Birthday: August 4, 1992 Civil Status: Single

Local #: 6374 E-mail address: Age: 19 Hometown: Guinobatan, Albay Citizenship: Filipino Last semester QPI: 3.29

Year&Course: 3 BS Electronics and Communications Engineering Secondary education: Marcial O. Raola Memorial School - Graduated Valedictorian - PGMA Academic Excellence and Leadership Award - PGMA Outstanding Achievement on Student Leadership Award - Vice President Noli de Castro Leadership Award - Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile Gold Medal for Academic Excellence - Gerry Roxas Leadership Award - Mercury Drug Corp. Excellence in Science Award - Congressman Reno G. Lim Award - Governor Joey Sarte-Salceda Award Co-curricular activities Member, Ateneo Gabay (2009-2010) Member, Ateneo League of Physicists (2009-present) Member, Ateneo Resident Students Association (ARSA) (2009-present) Assistant Secretary, Ateneo League of Physicists (LeaPs) (2010-2011) Honor Guard, Ateneo ROTC (2010-2011) Member, ARSA Dorm Ministry Committee (DMC) (2009-present) Member, ARSA Academics Committee (2009-present) Member, ARSANET (2009-2010) Level Head, Cervini Hall Level 1 (2010-2011) Member, ARSA Hall Board & ARSA Dorm Council (2010-2011) Member, Ateneo Electronics and Computer Engineering Society (AECES) (2011-present) Student Facilitator, Introduction to Ateneo Culture and Traditions (InTACT) (2011-present) Work-related experience


Application Form Head, Documentation & Publication Committee, ARSA House Cup 2011 Head, Solemn Night, ARSA OrSem 2011 Core Team Member, Interface 2011, AECES Intern, Ateneo Innovation Center (AIC) Student Assistant, Ateneo Alumni Scholars Association (AASA) Dorm Assistant, Ateneo Residence Halls Co-Person-in Charge, Lovers Fellowship Night, Gabay (February 12, 2010) Secretariat Head, Real Physics Game 2, LeAPs (February 5, 2010) Facilitator, Blue Christmas 2010, 2011 Volunteer, Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan Election 2010 Call Center Volunteer, 500@150 Telethon, December 2009 Logistics, Blue Christmas 2009


Seminars attended - HASIK Leadership Development Program, Ateneo de Manila University, (August 15, 2009) - Ateneo League of Physicists (LeaPs) Planning Seminar (May 2010) - LeaPs Planning and Evaluation Seminar (October 2010) - ARSA Dorm Council Planning and Evaluation Seminar (November 2010) Awards received - 2009 Pambansang Gawad sa Ulirang Kabataan Awardee - One of the Ten Outstanding Public School Students Vice President Noli de Castro Awardee for Exemplary Leadership - 2nd Place, APEC Learning Community Builders Edutainment Exchange Program (AEEP) English Speech Contest - Outstanding Campus Journalist, National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) 2009 - ARSA Level Head of the Year, SY 2010-2011 Interests and Skills - Writing, Public Speaking, Parliamentary Procedure, PR, singing, playing the piano and guitar; On the computer: Microsoft Office, photo and video editing, etc. - I enjoy singing, listening to music, reading, working on computers, and travelling. I also love interacting with people.

Level Head Empowerment


Application Form Level heads are responsible for making ARSA felt down to the basic unit of the Residence Halls, i.e. floors/levels and rooms. They can either make or break ARSAs connection to its members, us dormers. Efficient, proactive, and approachable level heads are the key to greater awareness and involvement of ARSAns in its advocacies and activities. If elected, I will do my best to ensure that Level Heads will be well-equipped as ARSAs closest communication line, and outstretched arm of service and opportunities. Brothers, more than Floor-mates Aligned with ARSA and RHs goal of making the dorm not only a building to stay at night but a home, is my aim to transform every floor (and the entire dorm, consequently) into a diverse community of brothers whom one can run to in times of need, celebrate with in good times or simply play games with. It will be a community where nobody is left a stranger or a daily unknown sighting at best. A happy and healthy immediate dorm community is reason enough to appreciate dorm life, to feel at home at our home away from home. Common Experience One cannot call a movie night or salu-salo with level-mates a bonding activity when people attend to watch a movie or eat food by themselves with other strangers (coincidentally watching the same movie or eating the same food), and go back to their rooms without talking to anyone else aside from their roommates. If elected, I will push for a common experience that must be felt by every ARSAn wherever he/she may be in the Residence Halls complex. This will include minimal required activities and/or projects that will be implemented by every level head and/or batch represantatives that must achieve common objectives that are relevant to ARSAs aspiration to enrich university dorm life by providing opportunities for formation in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Activities beyond these shall be subject to the creativity of the level heads and batch representatives. Meaning and Sense Sometimes, we ask ourselves, What do I gain from these activities? Are they worth attending to? Or are they even worthy of my time and attention? It is true that things done without meaning, sense, and significance to our lives are as good as doing nothing. In response to this reality, I will do my best to make sure that ARSA projects and activities will be able to project their meaning and make dormers realize their significance to their lives as dormers, and as students as well. Diverse Involvement and Representation The dorm community is overflowing with potential. Being the most diverse student organization on campus, we must be able to take advantage of this immense potential by encouraging greater involvement and representation and opening various opportunities. There are people in the dorm who we see almost every day and in all other dorm activities, those that we see in school but never in the dorm, and those who we thought never stayed here. There is much to be known about our fellow dormers: we have athletes, musicians, singers, dancers, geniuses, student leaders, and others that wait to be called. If elected, I will do my best to tap the potential of the outcast, the apathetic, and the reluctant, and give them a sense of belongingness. We have to give them opportunities to lead, to be known, to show their talent, and to be of service to the dorm community. After all, as an



Application Form organization ARSA must incessantly call not on those who have responded and continuously respond, but on those who do not or refuse to hear it. Strong and Sustained Communication As ARSA Central Boards main channel for communicating with the entire dorm community, the Hall Board must ensure that it remains faithful to this responsibility. If elected, I will see to it that communication lines between the ordinary dormer and the Dorm Council and the Residence Halls administration remain open throughout the year through opportunities for consultation, fora, surveys and focused group discussions(in cooperation with the VP for HROD), online and offline suggestion and comment boxes/sections and open evaluations, for the dormers to voice out their concerns; and likewise promote transparency in the council. Moreover, I will make sure that all information relevant to dormers will reach them in any way possible. This will also go back to my fundamental aim of greater empowerment and reliability of level heads. Building on ARSA 2011-2012s Legacy ARSA 2011-2012 has done many things for the benefit of the dormers and for strengthening the systems in the organization. If elected, I will build on what they have started and work on making them better and relevant to the changing times and circumstances. Amplify the Unheard There are many unheard voices in the dorm, usually from those who have inhibitions to speak up, or those who feel that no one would listen to them anyway. These people often end up not caring about the dorm anymore. If elected, I will exhaust all possible measures to get their voices heard by the Dorm Council and the RH Administration, for they will surely provide wider perspectives and alternative views and may lead to more generally acceptable, appropriate, and favorable decisions, projects, and activities. Not everyone is on FaceBook We must admit that not all dormers are on Facebook; or even if most of us are, not all of us care about all the notifications that we get. This only means that information dissemination must be coursed through other means aside from online means. If elected, I will push to investing more on printed and personal information dissemination (through level heads), while still maintaining online means. Efficiency in Duties and Services As an aspiring Hall Governor, I must promise everyone that I will adhere and be faithful, first and foremost, to my constitutionally-mandated duties and responsibilities and be efficient in delivering my services to the Hall Board, the Dorm Council, and the entire dorm community.


LBC to deliver services to you. MIC to amplify your voice in ARSA. Kasi LABS ko kayo! Essay Question
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?


Application Form I consider my being able to easily relate, communicate, and work with various kinds of people as one of my greatest strengths. I may be able to use this self-assessed quality of mine in order for me to know ARSAns concerns and respond to them more effectively. This ability may also help me work with the Dorm Council more efficiently. Furthermore, this quality may be of advantage for my desire to reach out to the greater ARSA community and foster in them awareness of ARSAs projects and advocacies. Moreover, I also consider my critical and independent thinking to be another strength. I conform if I see that a certain popular idea is aligned with my personal values and the general good, but express dissent when it contradicts my principles, despite its popularity. On the other hand, I consider my academics as one of my notable weaknesses. When academics get in the way, I prioritize it (for I believe that it is my foremost responsibility as a student) over other concerns. That is why I oftentimes exert extra effort in my academics for me to avoid getting into a situation where I will have to choose between academics and extra-curricular concerns. Another weakness would probably be my sleeping habits. My inconsistent sleeping habits sometimes negatively affect my productivity. I hope I may be able to take advantage of my strengths and improve on my weaknesses as I offer ARSA my services to be a Hall Governor.


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