Suggestions For Improvement To Make Training More Effective in GCPL Malanpur

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In GCPL much attention is not paid in pre training activities employees are informed about training just through circulation letters their superiors do not conduct small meeting mentioning the benefits, aftereffects of the training programme therefore every superior is expected to explain in brief about training programme. Too much focus on behavioral training is there where as focus on technical training is less. Hence training programmes should have proper balance of both behavioral and technical training. Training programmes must take sufficient time depending upon their requirements, which can be more helpful for personal growth of employees. Atmosphere while giving training should be light trainer should open minded and free. Topics and way of presentation should be interested. Judgment of employees about their performance should be there on regular basis and try to concentrate on employees weak points and try to improve upon them.


1). Training should be given mostly to those who are less efficient and weak in their job areas. 2). Training should be so organized that each and every worker can participate. 3). New technologies & knowledge-based training should be given. Technical programs like latest field in technology concerning their operations. 4). Yoga and meditation & personality-based training should be conducted frequently. It helps the individual in overall development. 5). Training should be job related and emphasis more on practical aspects with more audio-visual clips. 6). Training should be conducted frequently, every 6 months and regular feedback should take. 7). Subject method should be discussed thoroughly, in detail and both extensively and intensively. 8). Homogenous groups should be formed for training so that they can easily and quickly understand each others problems.

1). During training programs, few problems were faced by the workers. 2). Mostly the workers felt need for training. 3). Training need for workers divided into three categories: TRAINING IS MUST: Technologies related Work related Quality circle TRAINING SHOULD BE THERE: Personality based Leadership NICE TO HAVE TRAINING: Safety and fire Yoga and meditation 4). During training programme, the participants faced a few problems. 5).Training program should be conducted frequently.

6). Faculty members were excellent in teaching. 7). Duration of the program training was short in some programmes. 8). Training program was effective for the workers. 9). Overall programme was largely useful for the participants.

      HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT .. by Dr. C.B. Gupta. MANAGEMENT Concept & Practices ... by Dr. C.B. Gupta. ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR by Robbins. With the help of internet. With the help of employees who are working in GCPL, Malanpur.

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