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Confidential Draft Co de al

James Ja e Martin n
Sender Date Subject

to: Christine Kushner, Susan Evans

12/12/2011 11:20 PM

Jame 12/12/20 Confidential Draft

Christine and Susan, Attached is a draft of some ideas I have tried to put down on paper based on my conversation with Susan . Also talked with Kevin. He clearly understands the problem, and is hoping to have a constructive conversation with the Superintendent to get toward a win-win-win situation. This draft is I am sure nowhere near what might end up to be a final form, but may be as starting point to get ideas down on paper. Right now this should be kept just to the three of us. We need to bat ideas around ourselves without the outside pressure. We also need to know how Kevin's meeting with Tony goes. Kevin encouraged that we each might want to try to talk to Tony too. Got to wrap it up for the night. Later,

Jim Assignment.docx

DRAFT for Confidential Brainstorming and Kicking Around Resolution Regarding School Assignment Whereas: The Wake County Board of Education is committed to creating an effective and sustainable student assignment plan that will serve the entire community well into the future, and Whereas: Citizens across Wake County have called for greater stability in student assignments and a greater family/neighborhood friendly assignment plan, and Whereas: Student achievement for all students must be the highest priority for the operation (including student assignment) of our school system, and Whereas the assignment plan adopted on October 18, 2011 Positively adds a family friendly sibling priority, BUT specifically states (p. 61) This plan should not guarantee that all families in a neighborhood will be selected for the same school and thus has generated significant concern in neighborhoods disrupted by certain feeder patterns and choice options. Adds some assignment stability with a promise that if you like the school you are in, you can stay and keep your current transportation arrangement (p. 4) BUT by only grandfathering current assignments and their new feeder patterns immediate instability has been created for rising 6th and 9th graders, as well as for families who were happy with their historic feeder patterns. Promises, the magnet schools remain in their current state, (p. 4) but, based on the current feeder patterns, it has severely restricted the capacity at several magnet schools, and through feeder patters will significantly change the student demographics. Has yet to design controls to meet its stated requirement that (p. 62) A sufficient percentage of seats at high-performing schools must be allocated for students living in low performing nodes. Has yet to design controls necessary to prevent the creation of low-wealth or lowachievement schools which are costly to tax payers, and create increased challenges for students and teachers. Creates a plan with maximal choice at the kindergarten point of entry, BUT has significantly limited choice at the middle and high school levels where choice is pedagogically more relevant. Assumes that (p. 62) ALL schools are schools of choice and must be attractive choices for families, while not recognizing there already exist over and under chosen schools in the WCPSS. Recognizes the plan (p. 62) must include extensive outreach in all areas of the community for which an effective website has been created and several information sessions have been held, BUT does not recognize the digital divide with

respect to web site access nor the time required for effective communication such that informed decisions can be made. Bases the choice model on available seats while not accounting for the fact that there is a projected seat deficit for elementary school seats starting in 4 years, middle school seats in about 6 years and high school seats in 2 years, with deficits currently in existence in certain geographic areas.

Therefore Be It Resolved: That the Wake County Board of Education, has determined that from an effective business plan analysis, critical bench marks have not been met to ensure success of the proposed assignment plan. Given that we have one chance roll out this plan and it MUST be successful for the entire community, effective immediately the 2012/13 implementation of said plan will be delayed in order to: Thoroughly develop and implement the necessary communication strategy to ensure the entire community is effectively informed. Reassess the feeder patterns with respect to historic patterns, middle and high school entry, and programmatic sustainability, giving particular attention to school capacities. Conduct a thorough evaluation of current school opportunities and challenges to determine what is necessary to achieve the goal of making ALL schools, schools of choice. Conduct, and present to the public, a thorough cost analysis of this plan. Develop appropriate controls so as to maximize student achievement, and minimize the creation of under chosen and high needs schools.

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