1.1 Formulae, Equations and Amounts

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Formulae, Equations And Amounts Whats In An Atom?

Electron Proton Neutron

Mass Number Atomic Number

27 13

Chemical Symbol

Proton: A particle which has a relative charge of +1 and a relative mass of 1. Electron: A particle which has a relative charge of -1 and a relative mass of 1/1836 (negligible). Neutron: A particle with no charge and a relative mass of 1. Protons and neutrons are called nucleons, they are in the nucleus (centre) of the atom. Mass number: The relative mass of an atom of that element (atomic number + number of neutrons). In a periodic number, this is not an integer because it is an average of all the isotopes. Atomic number: The number of proton in an atom of that element (normally equal to the number of electron). Chemical symbol: Letters which is used instead of the full name of the element.

Isotopes Chemical properties of elements are determined by their atomic numbers however, atoms of the the same elements dont have the same number of neutrons. We call atoms of the same elements with different mass number isotopes of an element. The relative mass of a given isotope is called its isotopic mass. Neutrons generally dont affect chemical properties. Heavier atoms can be unstable and can give out radiation. Most elements are a mixture of isotopes.

Showing Bonds Ionic

In ionic bonding, an atom give an electron to another atom. A cation and an anion form, they have opposite charge and therefore attract. There are two ways to represent ionic bonding, both are valid.

[Na] [ Cl ]
x o x x x x

x x

The bottom one is called a dot and cross diagram, dots and crosses are used to represent ions from different atoms. *Notice the signs outside the large brackets, they denote the overall relative charge of the ion.


In covalent bonding, two or more atoms share electrons. Similar to ionic bonding, there are two ways to show covalent bonding.

x o

Molecular Equations 2NaOH(aq) + MgCl2(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + Mg(OH)2(s)

This kind of equation show the full formula of every substance. Ionic Equations In the reaction above, none of the reactants are molecules, they are all ions in water, only the ions react. These reactions can be shown by ionic equations: 2Na+(aq) + 2(OH)-(aq) + Mg2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) 2Na+(aq) + 2(OH)-(aq) + Mg(OH)2(s)

Since 2Na+(aq) and 2CL-(aq) appear on both sides of the equations, they are unchanged and can be left out. They are called spectator ions. We get the overall ionic equation: Mg2+(aq) + 2(OH)-(aq) Mg(OH)2(s)

*Notice that in all equations, there are numbers in front of formula, these tell the quantities of that substance in moles. The number of moles of each atom of elements is always equal on both sides of the equation because the atoms are not created or destroyed. For example, in the equation above, it means a mole of magnesium ion react with two moles of hydroxide ions to form one mole of magnesium hydroxide ions. *Notice the subscript with letters behind every formula, these are state symbols, (s) denotes solid, (l) denotes liquid, (g) denotes gaseous, and (aq) denotes in aqueous solution (dissolved in water).

A mole (abbreviated mol) is the amount of substance with particles equal to the number of atoms in exactly 12g of carbon-12. This is equal to Avogadros constant which is: 6.0221415 1023, this is sometimes given the symbol L or NA. One mole of X means 6.0221415 1023 units of X. RAM, And Mr The RAM (symbol Ar) is the relative atomic mass and the Mr is the relative molecular (or formula) mass. These numbers are the mass of a substance relative to 1/12 of the mass of carbon-12. For example H2O has Mr 18 (two times the RAM of hydrogen plus the RAM of oxygen), this means that a molecule (or mole) of water has 18 times more mass than 1/12 carbon-12.

The mole of a substance can be worked out by:

mass (in grams) molar mass (in mole per grams)

For example in 44g of helium and 44g of carbon dioxide: Ar(He) = 4, 44 g 4 g mol-1 = 11 mol 44 g Mr(CO2) = 12+16x2 = 44, 44 g mol-1 = 1 mol

This means in 44g of helium there is 11 times as much particle as 44g of carbon dioxide, this makes sense because the mass is equal but a particle of CO2 is 11 times more massive than a particle of helium. Molar Mass The molar mass is the mass of one mole of a particular substance, this is equal to the RAM or Mr but it has the unit g mol-1 which is gram per mole.

Avogadros Law

Equal volume of all gases at the same pressure and temperature contains equal number of particles
This has a very important implication: one mole of any gas has the same volume at the same pressure and temperature. We call the volume of gas at a given temperature and pressure its molar volume (symbol Vm). Under standard temperature and conditions (STP (25C and 1 atm)), any gas has approximately a volume of 24 dm3 or 24000 cm3. We can use this in practice, for example the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen: 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g) , according to Avogadros Law:
2 volumes of water vapor

2 volumes of hydrogen gas + 1 volume of oxygen gas

The reaction of gases always give integral ratios of their volumes.

Empirical This is the ratio between the elements in a compound, it is often used for non-molecular compounds. Given the percentage composition of a compound or the mass of each of its elements, its empirical formula can be found:
Element X Y

Mass Percentage Composition Molar Mass Moles of atoms in sample Ratio of moles in sample
Eg. Element Mass Percentage Composition

Xa g Xb % Xc g mol-1 Xa/Xc or Xb/Xc mol Xa/Xc or Xb/Xc

Al 5.8 g 20.21%

Ya g Yb % Yc g mol-1 Ya/Yc or Yb/Yc mol Ya/Yc or Yb/Yc

Cl 22.9 g 79.79%

Molar Mass Moles of atoms in sample Ratio of moles in sample

27.0 g mol-1 5.8/27 or 20.21/27 = 0.215 or 0.7485 1

35.5 g mol-1 22.9/35.5 or 79.79/35.5 = 0.645 or 2.2476 3

Molecular The molecular formula tells us how many atom of each element is in one molecule of a substance, for example, H2SO4 means that in one molecule, there are two atoms of hydrogen, one of sulfur, and four of oxygen. The molecular formula can be worked out from the empirical formula: Factors of molecular formula = Actual Mr Mr of empirical formula

For example styrene has the empirical formula CH, actual Mr 104 and its empirical formula Mr 13. 104/13 = 8, therefore the molecular formula of styrene is C8H8. *Substances that are not molecular dont have a molecular formula *All molecular formulas are also empirical formulas Structural This shows the order of the atoms in a molecule in order, eg. CH3CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 Displayed This type of formula is used to describe molecular compounds, it tells us more about its structure than a molecular formula. eg.

Skeletal This type of formula is used for organic compounds, it tells us most about a compounds structure. The vertices represent carbon atoms, where it is not shown, each vertex is linked to hydrogen atoms. eg.

*Molecules with less than 3 carbon atoms can not be represented in this way *In both skeletal and displayed formulas, lines represents covalent bonds on the same plane with the paper, wedges represents covalent bonds that point out of the paper, dashed lines represents covalent bonds that point into the paper, double or triple lines represent double and triple bonds, respectively

An Example Of Different Formulas For A Compound Name: propan-1-ol Empirical formula: C3H8O Molecular formula: C3H8O Structural formula: CH3CH2CH2OH Displayed formula Skeletal formula

Units Of Concentration
Molarity This is the number of moles per dm3 (symbol M) it is calculated by: Number of moles of solute Volume of solution (dm3)

*unit is mol dm-3 *A molar solution is a solution with molarity 1 mol dm-3.

Percentage By Volume Volume of one component x 100% total volume Percentage By Mass Mass of solute x 100% Mass of solution Part Per Million mass of one component x 1,000,000 mass of solution This is often used for extremely low concentrations such as the level of a certain gas in the atmosphere. Even lower is the part per billion and part per trillion.

In a reaction, not 100% of the reactants is turned into products. -The reactants may not be pure -It might be an equilibrium reaction -Volatile products may disappear -There might be human error Yield can be worked out by the equation: experimental mass x 100% theoretical mass

Atom Economy
Some people argue that the number of reacting atoms that end up in the desired product is more important than yield. This gives birth to the concept of atom economy. This concept is useful because it denitely tells whether a reaction is good or bad (unlike yield), this is because a high atom economy means an efcient reaction which produces little by-products. The atom economy of a reaction can be worked out by: *Also known as atom efciency. *Since mass is conserved, atom economy is also: mass of atoms in desired product x 100% mass of atoms in reactants

mass of atoms in desired product x100% mass of atoms in products

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