Hope, Love and Tears

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Mark Hagbarth

Heart of the Dragon

Part ??:

~Hope, Love and Tears~

The light in Morells only tavern, the King's Man, was dim and the air was thick and heavy with the smell of perfume and booze. Shady characters moved around and lightly dressed serving girls walked between the tables in order to serve everyone, whether they wanted a drink, some food or some company for the night. I sat at a table in one of the corners, clad in my bronze coloured adamantine plate and my red cloak... My weapons were all in my belt, along with the one arrow i thought i'd never part with... her arrow... I placed my elbows on the table, folded my hands and placed my chin on my hands, resting my head and neck while watching the door at the far end of the tavern hall. A serving girl caught my eye as she started to walk towards me, hips swaying and lips lightly parted. I met her gaze and shook my head, dismissing her. She shrugged and turned around to find another potential customer, and i reurned my gaze to the door. It was not long before it swung open, and two figures stepped inside. One was a dwarf, clad in a heavy woven robe. A dwarven waraxe was hanging from his belt, and in his right hand, he had a long walking-staff. His beard was a dark, mossy green and his eyes calm and friendly as usual. The dwarf spotted me, and he and his companion walked across the room and sat down on the bench that was placed at the other side of my table. The man who accompanied the dwarf was an elderly human, brown skinned and sinewy. He wore earth-colored leathers and a pair of glasses rested on his nose. I had not seen him before. Darion, said the dwarf and nodded. This is Del'ithil, a good friend and fellow druid. Del'ithil, this is Darion.

The sinewy man nodded at me, and i nodded back. Then i turned my gaze to the dwarf. Lagnapis, my friend.. what brings you to Morell? i said, though i had an idea of his purpose here... The dwarf smiled and answered in a rough but friendly voice: The winds told me that i should come here. That something would happen... and it looks like it was right. Miss Celestia brought me this ring... and it is a bit of a mystery to me... though i do believe it has something to do with the Silverwind Tree. said Lagnapis and rose from his seat. He walked over to me while digging in his backpack. He digged for a bit, and then found what he was looking for.. he handed the ring to me, and i recognized it as the same ring Celestia had found in the Forest of Daris. Back then, i had ot got a closer look on the ring, but now, a carved symbol in it caught my eye; it was a raven. A raven..? i said and raised an eyebrow. Lagnapis nodded and said: Aye, a raven. I watched the carving for a moment, and then i said: Curious... Ravens has been following me for some time now... like they are watching me. Lagnapis raised an eyebrow. I think these ravens might be spies sent by the Ji Lyn... he said. He sounded a bit concerned and serious... but i shook my head. I don't think so... somehow, these ravens must be related to someone else... but i have no idea who.. but i can tell you that something is going to happen here today... I looked him in the eyes and felt my heart beat as i said: I've found her, Lagnapis... Our conversation was interrupted then, as the door to the tavern swung open again. I shifted my gaze to the door, and smirked as i saw Prisca Shinwillow and Celestia Domina enter the tavern. They both spotted us and came to our table. Sweet little Prisca smiled and hugged me as always, and i hugged her back with a smile. Celestia placed herself at my side with a serious look in her face. The door swung open once more, and a small figure, about the size of Prisca, entered. He was far too young to be in a tavern like this... but then again, he was no normal child. Eny! i said loudly with a grin, and the blind boy turned his head towards me and smiled. Hiya Dar! he said and crossed the floor without trouble.

When he reached us, he somehow knew who was with us, and without even turning around to face her, the boy said: Prisca! with a grin. Prisca batted her eyelashes shyly and said Hello Enyeto... Enyeto hugged her and she returned the hug, blushing. I smiled... how could i not? You're really going to do this, aren't you.. are you sure? said Domina from her place by my side. I turned to her and nodded, a serious look in my eyes. I am more sure than i have ever been before. i said, and her eyes became worried. She looked away for a moment and said Darion... you will come back, right? I looked at her and opened my mouth in order to answer her... but Enyeto was faster; He turned his smiling face to her, and said: Of course Dar is coming back Missus Darion-friend! The boy grinned and Prisca nodded and said He HAS to... how else can he get married? The halfling girls talk of me marrying Linnea once we had freed her actually brought a smile to my face. Prisca had talked about it before, when i asked her to join me in Morell... and i have to admit... there was nothing i wanted more in the world than to save Linnea and get together with her again. Marriage would eventually come, of that i was sure... Celestia looked at me again, concern darkening her pretty face. But what about you... she said. What about me? i replied, looking at her. I... I don't know what i should do without you... she said, blushing a bit underneath her concern. I am a warrior. This is my life. I said, knowing that it would not ease her mind. But it was the truth... I had been a warrior since the Bronze-clad knight had given me a purpose six years ago... Enyeto whispered something to Prisca, and the halfling girl giggled. I sent them a curious look and then returned my attention to Celestia. Darion... don't say that. I.. i.. but you... I cut her off So you won't join me? Good! Then you're safe.. I will... but you have your own part. she replied... and i smiled. I had known that she would join me... it was not like Celestia to sit around and do nothing... Maybe i do have my own part... i said

You.. this is your story Darion... she said, and i knew she was right. This was my story... my part... my quest... but could not do it without help. It would only endanger Linnea even more, and in the end, it would cost me my life or my freedom... Just... be carefull... she said, and i nodded. We will watch over him. said the Archdruid Lagnapis. And i knew that they would... Lagnapis, Enyeto, Prisca, Celestia... even that old guy Lagnapis had brought with him. ...It was with great hope that we left the tavern together a few minutes later. - PT 2 As we gathered on the muddy street outside the Kings Man pub, I noticed someone standing with his arms folded and his back against the wall of the tavern. He wore green leathers, and on his head rested a strawhat. A short, black bear was on his face, and a half-curious smile was on his lips. I nodded at the man and smiled. It had been a long time since i had seen him, Kamen. And i suspected that the only reason he knew of this gathering, was because of my little, blind friend with the big bear spirit... As people gathered, i took a few steps away from them and turned towards them. Now listen everyone... i said, my voice more controlled than i had thought possible with the overwhelming emotions i felt in that moment. My friends quieted down and looked at me. A single bypasser gave us a curious look and went on his way. I looked them all in the eyes, one by one. They had chosen out of their free will to accompany me on this quest... they had chosen to risk their lives for me... and saying a few words was the very least i could do. What is going to happen today, will not be easy. Telling you that i am sure all of us wil survive, would be lying... I was silent for a few seconds while i looked at them. We will be fighting the Ji Lyn witches, and possibly demons as well... We do this because they

have someone who desperately needs our help- I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. And if we do not act, she will not be saved. The cold fact that this was most likely our last chance to save Linnea was enough to make it feel like an icicle was touching my spine.

When we get there... if we are approached and they wish to speak, mind your tongue or let me do the talking. i said, knowing that the only words the damned witches would come with would be taunting and curses. And most importantly... look out for eachother. Protect eachother... If we did not stick together, we would stand no chance against the witches... i knew that all too well. I am Darion Crimson, the Dragon Knight, known as the Son of Scales by the witches... and i say let us go in there and burn our way through their ranks until we have the girl! This time, i spoke loudly and with a fierce, challenging tone. Even though i wanted to protect my friends and look out for them, my desire to slay the Ji Lyn and save the girl i loved was greater than anything... Aye Darion! said Celestia with a nervous smile. Ready, Dar! said Enyeto with a smile. Eny, Darion.. you will always have my support. said Kamen with a slight smirk. I knew the rest of them agreed, and i said: With me then! And with those words, i turned around and started walking towards the gates of Morell, towards the Arborsway. The short trip to the Arborsway went quetly, except for Celestia, who came up to me and whispered: She better look better than me, Darion. while she smiled cutely.

Celestias feeling for me were no news, but i had an idea that she had, at least mostly, accepted that there was only one girl who had my heart, and that it was not her. She made me think back on Linneas appearance though, and that made my heart beat a little faster. It had been six years since she disappeared, and she had been beautiful... As we reached the Arborsway, i immediately spotted a large band of orcs camping near the road. We all stopped, and i took a step forward. One of the orcs, a large one with a heavy shield and a spiked mace, approached me with a challenging glare in his eyes. Dis Vokk land, pinkskin. he said in his hoarse, low voice. Indeed this is Vokk land, and we come in peace. i replied while looking the orc in the eyes. Celestia stepped up beside me, a bit to my annoyance, and said: Please forgive us. We must make a journey. The orc looked at her for a second, and then returned his glare to me. He swelled his chest in order to look bigger and said: Pinkskins not come to Vokk lands... without payment. I noticed a bit of movement behind me, as Lagnapis sank to one knee and put his hands on the ground. It was clear that he was ready to act swiftly, should this go badly. The orc showed his tusks in a grim smile and said: Give us girl... good meat. She will feed many of the tribe. I kept looking the orc in the eyes, calm and steady, but my mind returned to Grassfold... the day the Vokk had attacked the village and slain everyone... the things they had done to our women and girls... then things i had thought they had done to Linnea... I'm afraid i cannot do that. i said. I noticed Celestia had turned a bit red-cheeked. It was clear that she disliked these orcs... of course... But... i said I have a magical item you can have instead.. Suddenly, the orc looked pretty interested. Magic? he said, and i smirked.

I digged into my backpack and dragged out a set of Half Plate armour that i had aquired after a... very hard fight... It was a beautiful set of armor, and i knew that it was very powerfull. Not something i would normally give to orcs, but i wanted to move on and find Linnea as fast as possible... I placed the armor on the ground between myself and the orc, and when i took a step back, the orc stepped forward and prodded the armor with his mace. Very powerfull. i said. Make you strong! Armor! Make you hard! said Celestia, and i raised my eyebrow a bit. Had we been in any other situation, i might even have laughed... Dis very good... said the orc, But warriors need pay too, or be jealous. Of course... the other orcs would probably attack this one if he got items for himself, but none for them. How about i give you some coin? You can divide it among your warriors. i said, stupidly... The orc looked at me with his piggy little eyes, and answered: What use coins to warriors... Give us all your rings maybe? I should have known that gold meant nothing to the orcs... We could not give them all our rings though, for many of us had powerful magical rings that we needed for protection. Luckily, Celestia came to the rescue with another opportunity: She digged in her backpack and found a pair of gauntlets. Gauntlets of Ogre Power, as far as i could see. Clever girl... She handed the gauntlets to the orc and said: Make you stronger! And keeps you warm! The orc took the gauntlets and tried them on, and i could see the light in his eyes as the magical abilities of the gauntlets enhanced his physical strength. Good good. Gertbrl mightiest! You go... he said, and i nodded. Thank you i said, but the thanks should have gone to Celestia for her smart move... make the orc stronger so he might even prove himself to his band and gain their respect. That way, we didn't have

to pay the other orcs of his band. We moved on as the orc began equipping his new armor. After we passed the orcs, the walk was short and without trouble. It was not long before we found the thing that would grant us access to where Linnea was kept: a large boulder, carved out like a grinning orc head. It was an old Shai Totem, and also a gate to another world. After a bit of searching, Lagnapis found the other thing we needed to proceed: Dreamleaves. As the dwarven druid handed the leaves out to all of us, i spoke: Now listen everyone... when you have gotten your leaf, step close to the totem. Do not use the leaf until i say so.. When we had all gotten our leaves, we stepped closer to the totem, and i said: This will not hurt. It will be just like falling asleep. Now.. place the leaf on your tongue everyone. And with that, we all placed our dreamleaves on our tongues, and in a matter of seconds, we fell to the ground... and our worlds went black. ---PART 3--The silence was the first thing i noticed. It was a chilling, dead silence, that somehow managed to reach my spine and make me shiver for a second. I could feel the ground under me.. not the same ground as when i took the Azek Kal leaf... and i knew that we had arrived. I opened my eyes and looked up in a sky of pure twilight. I saw no stars... no moon... no sun... only twilight and mist. I sat up, my plate armor claking noisily, and looked around. There were mossy cliffs here, and the firt beneath me seemed rich... Strange plants and trees were everywhere, only lightly conceiled by the mist that surrounded everything. I rose to my feet, and watched as the others started to wake up as well. Lagnapis mumbled something about Ki, and then sat up and looked around.

Celestia rose quickly, and it was clear that she was uncomfortable with the situation. Enyeto sat up and looked like he was listening for anything. Del'ithil rose at the side of Lagnapis, found a piece of cloth, and started cleaning his glasses. Kamen was already standing up, and scouting whatever he could see with his falcon-like gaze. We are here... i said with a sense of both dread and hope in my gut. Whatever you do... stay together. Celestia looked around, hugged herself and said: Something feels off... are we... dead? I shook my head. We are all alive. This is a spirit realm. She wrinkled her nose. That explains the feeling... Little Enyeto rose to his feet now, and said: We sleep in the real world. He was right... the Azek Kal, the Dreamleaf, had an extraordinary ability. When placed on the tongue or consumed, the leaf would comatize your body and send your spirit, your presence and everything you are to one of many Dreamworlds or Spirit Realms; real places with real foes and real danger. Getting to a specific realm would require the consumer to take the leaf in special locatipns back in the Material Plane, our own world. We are in a very dangerous place.. said Lagnapis as he looked around. Ready yourselves... was my reply, and within seconds, people started casting spells of protection and power. It took the better part of a minute before evberyone was done, but it was alright.. I knew we would die if we came unprepared. As soon as i knew everyone was done casting, i started walking. Follow me. i said, and stepped out on what i had first believed to be a white log or cliff. As i stepped out on it though, i saw what it was through the mist: a gigantic ribcage from some monstrously sized being. The bones were picked clean, and it looked like the ribcage was connecting two... floating islands?

I narrowed my eyes a bit and looked around me once more. Now that y eyes had adjusted a bit to the twilight and the mist, i noticed that this place, this realm, was shattered. It basically consisted of small, floating islands in a void of twilight. It was indeed a place of shattered hope... but strangely, my hopes were high. I continued walking, and crossed the ribcage. As i set foot on the next island, i saw movement before me. My right hand flew to the hilt of one of my scimitars as a Ji Lyn witch emerged from the mist before me. As she saw me, her eyes widened, and she hissed: You! I looked right into her burning eyes, and i knew that my gaze would be one to fear at that moment. Yes... me! i said, and rushed a step forward. I drew my blade and slashed at the witch in one move, catching her somewhat off-guard. That resultet in a deep cut across her waist. She hissed, clutched her gut and began casting a spell... and then she got hit by a crossbow bolt fron Enyeto's crossbow, a spell from Lagnapis, and Celestias Singing Sword as she charged up beside me. The witch fell, and her corpse immediately incinerated. I walked on, sword in hand and good riddance, for it was but a few seconds before two other witches and a pair of their cursed hounds were upon us. We fought fiercely, and got rid of the enemy far easier than i had dared hope. The Ji Lyn were powerfull opponents after all... but it seemed they were no big match for a group of trained adventurers. Still... it would be unwise to underestimate them. We continued onwards, and met our next challenge: In order to get to the next island, we would have to climb down the side of the island we were on now, walk over a seemingly thin piece of cliff that connected the two islands, and then climb up on the other side. That could prove hard for some of us. I... i can't see... said Enyeto all of a sudden. I turned around and saw him standing beside Kamen, who also looked at the boy.

What? the man said, and Enyeto replied: My vision is... blocked. Make sure i don't fall... Kamen put his hand on the boys shoulder and said: Take my hand if you must.. I returned my focus to the task ahead, happy to know that Kamen would take care of Enyeto. Well... i said and sheathed my scimitar. Here goes... I crouched and started climbing down the side of the island. My physical strength made the descend easier than i had thought, and i quickly reached the cliff that connected this island with the next. It was not as thin as i had thought, but it could still break off, and if it did, anyone standing on it would fall and fall, deep into the twilight that was also beneath the islands. I had no choice but to risk it, so i stepped out on the cliff... and it held. Relieved, i took another three steps and reached the cliffside of the next island. Damn... never was much of a climber... i mumbled as i started climbing again. This also went easy, and i quickly reached the top and 'safe' ground of the island. As soon as i had heaved myself up there, i heard a shriek and a loud crash behind me, and i turned around to see Celestia sprawling on the cliff down there. Damn lucky that she didn't fall off the edge! Quork? The sound came from behind me, and i turned around again, a hand on my scimitar. There, on a stony spike just in front of me, sat a black raven. It looked at me as if i was stupid, and said: Quork! So... Lagnapis was right after all. You are spies of the Ji Lyn. i said and removed my hand from my sword. There was no point in killing the bird... the witches already knew that we were here. The raven shook its feathers and looked at me like it wanted to say Okay... you, son, are seriously retarded... And then it began to caw and cough like mad. I didn't really care. It could choke if it wanted to... By the time it was done, my friends had all gathered around me and were watching the raven. I returned my gaze to the bird, and noticed that it had thrown something up; a small, peculiar stone was now lying on the ground at the foot of the raven's stonespire.

Lagnapis knelt and took the stone in his hand. By then, i had gotten a strange feeling that the stone was some kind of help... a good thing... maybe for the Silverwind Tree. I looked at the raven again, and when it attempted to stare me down, i shrugged and went onwards. We left the raven alone and continued our walk.

Suddenly, as we reached the middle of the island, a group of portals opened before us. A group of black clad warriors stepped out from the portal and charged at us, one of them saying: Mortal fools... this realm too will fall to Canas. We drew our weapons and clashed with our enemy. I slashed at one and took his arm off by the elbow, then continued to the next one. This one was clad in a black robe and he had a long, black staff in his hands. Magical wards surrounded him, but i had breached such before... Suddenly, the Canite looked at me with a smile and said: As fall the Ji Lyn, so fall you!, and then he uttered a magical word while pointing at me. I reached him, swung my sword at his neck in a slash that would decapacitate him instantly, wards or not... and then i was hit by his spell. Purple light surrounded me, and i instantly dropped my sword, doing no harm to the Canite, I felt how my body sank to it's knees and fell over, and how my consciousness started to rapidly disappear. **A death spell...!* i thought, as i hit the ground, and my world went black. All was silent and dark for a moment, like the deepest night you can imagine... I could see nothing, do nothing... i could not even move a muscle. I knew i was seconds from dying... Suddenly,the darkness was destroyed by a flash of bright light, and i rolled on my side in the dirt of the island and coughed violently. I heaved for air and sat up, shivering a bit.

Enyeto stood over me with his hands pointed at me like he had just cast a spell... and he had. I knew Enyeto had amazing healing powers... and i knew that the boy had just saved me again. I rose to my feet and put my hand on Enyeto's shoulder. The boy smiled, knowing that he had saved my life. As we proceeded through the Dreamworlds many islands, i thought a bit about the Canites that had appeared and attacked us... *S'zeem, you bastard... it was you...* i thought sourly... but i had no way to know if it had actually been his work... One time, a Ji Lyn witch appeared on a cliff far above us, where we culd not reach her. She stared at me with her yellow eyes, and i stared back. Go home Son of Scales... you are too late! she said loudly, and a terrible fear struck me... had they killed her? I will free her... and if i have to cut through every single one of you witches, i will! i replied, showing my anger. Such passion. said the witch while a grim smile spread across her face. You hear that? You're next! shouted Celestia, and the witch turned her gaze to her. Quiet woman. We know all about you.. and your sister. said the witch, still smiling evily. Celestia's cheeks went rosy as her anger flared, but she said no more. Brave little Enyeto stepped forward then, and shouted at the witch: Return Linnea lady! You have no right, no reason to hold her! The witch only kept smiling, and disappeared in a flash. I feared for Linneas life... but at the same time, i had a feeling that she really was alive... Without really noticing, i closed my hand around the arrow i had tied to my belt... her arrow... Then we continued. We climbed trees and vines and even used a few totems that worked as teleports.. and after some time with fighting and climbing and crawling and other things, we reached the largest island i had yet seen in this Realm.

It was covered in grass, and a few trees stood here.. in the middle, i spotted a pond full of water... and then i spotted the Handmaiden. She appeared just before the pond, with a smirk on her face. Clad in nothing but leather strips, this grey skinned, rd eyed woman had the wings of a fallen angel, black and feathery... in her hand, she had a long staff that ended in an ord. As we got closer, she began to mumble some magical words, and wards began to surround her body... This was going to be a tough fight. This was the last island... the last place we needed to search... and there was one last enemy that we needed to confront before we could find Linnea. The Handmaiden finished casting her spells, just as i drew my scimitar and stormed towards her with my friends just behind me. The handmaiden grinned wickedly, and pointed her staff at me. I jumped sideways in an attempt to evade the spell she cast at me, but it turned out that it was one of those cursed paralysis spells. The spell hit me without error, and i stood still, as petrified. I could only stand and watch as my friends charged the Handmaiden and engaged in a vicious fight. Enyeto, Lagnapis and Del'ithil rained down a barrage of spells at the Handmaiden while Celestia and Kamen, who had transformed himself into a fiersome Dire Bear, battled the witch in melee. The Handmaiden parried their first attacks with her staff, and took wing immediately after, dodging the spells the other launched at her. The witch's smile was hideous; so full of sadistic joy and hatred that it made her hard to look upon. *Come on...!* i thought, as i desperately tried to break free from the enchantment that held me, but it was no use... i was stuck as a statue. The others continued fighting, Kamen roared and clawed at the Handmaiden with his fearsome paws, but it was no use: the attacks merely passed through her, as if she did not truly exist. I knew that spell though... and so did Kamen, for he continued to attack along with Celestia. Suddenly, Lagnapis roared a word, and a lightning bolt shot from his hand and struck the witch in

the chest. I could see the spell connect, and i knew it had hurt the Handmaiden... but she was more or less unconcerned; she laughed and uttered a few words, sending a storm of magic missiles at Lagnapis, Enyeto and Del'ithil. They took the hits like true warriors, ignoring their wounds and continued to fight fiercely. Suddenly, the enchantment that held me broke, and i stumbled a few steps forward before i regained my balance. With a roar, i charged at the handmaiden. The moment i came close enough, i leapt towards her and unleashed a furious flurry of slashes. All of them went right through the witch without doing damage... but i knew that we were tearing her defenses apart. I slashed again, then took a deep breath, felt the draconic power gather in me, and with a roar, i fired a blast of lightning at her, hitting her directly in the face. She staggered, and we attacked again. This time, my scimitar connected with her left thigh, and she hissed of pain and dismay. The Handmaiden leapt back, screaming: Enough!. She pointed her hands at us and began chanting. No! NOT enough! roared Lagnapis as he sent another spell in her direction. Enyeto and Del'ithil joined in and sent two more spells. All of them hit the Handmaiden, and she stopped her chanting and stumbled backwards. She was badly hurt, bleeding from huts and bruises and burns all over her body... The others charged at her and started attacking again, but i took a deep breath and shouted: STOP!!. Everyone, even the Handmaiden froze in action. My friends all took a few steps backwards, away from the Handmaiden, and i stepped forth to look her in the eyes. I knew my eyes were fury, and as i spoke, i felt the adrenaline pumping around in my body. Where is she? i asked in a cold tone.

The Handmaiden grinned and said: You want your woman... you're welcome to her, the snivelling wretch. and then the Handmaiden disappeared in a flash of light. The battle was over... and i knew that this was the last obe we had to fight in this realm... Search the area. Look for a cave.. a hatch... anythin, just find her. i said without looking at the others. They scattered all over the floating island, and we started searching... I went down to the pond while i scanned the ground for clues, hatches... anything. I walked away from the pond and looked at some trees and a small cliff... but there was nothing to find... Suddenly, while I stood there, i felt something... a familiar presence... a presence that i have longed for for six years... With a certain feeling, I turned around. There, a few steps from the pond, stood the person i had been searching for, the person I had missed so much since that terrible day six years ago, the person i had fought half an army of powerfull witches and demons to save... the only girl i had ever loved, and the only one i ever wanted. Clad in a brown jerkin and dark pants, her green eyes shone like two gems in the twilight, her shoulder-long brown hair, soft as silk, she looked exactly like i remembered her, but with a hint of something terrible... i could see in her eyes that the Ji Lyn witches had tortured her... done terrible things to her... By the gods... Linnea... i whispered, my voice trembling. I knew you'd come for me... she said with a voice that i had longed to hear for a very long time.. The others gathered around us, and stood silent, watching. Linnea stretched out her hand towards me... and my heart felt like it was being squeezed by an iron fist as i realized that her hand was corporeal. Knowing what it meant, i reached out for her hand while i felt my eyes fill with tears. Our hands connected and i took hers in mine, like i had dreamed of a thousand times the last few months. Her hand was cold as ice. Oh Dari... she said, while a single tear rolled down her cheek, I have waited soo.. so long...

I stepped closer to her and said: I've missed you.. so much.. there has not been a day.... More tears ran down her cheeks as she said: I know... i know... sometimes the witches would show me images of you in the pond... It was all too much... i felt so happy and so sad at the same time... I took one more step towards her and took her in my arms. She was cold... so cold... and i felt my heart tearing itself apart out of sorrow. I'm here now... i'm here... i whispered while my own tears ran down my cheeks. Dari... she whispered, You must let me go... The pain... I.. i know... i said. The broken dream... I'm so proud of the man you've become... she said while we hugged eachother. It was not fair... i had come so far... i had fought so hard... Please, Dari... let me go... she whispered. I know she wanted to stay with me... but we both knew that it was no longer possible... Slowly, we let go of eachother, and I took one step back. I will miss you... i said while looking in her beautiful eyes. I will always love you Dari... even through the dark days to come... she said. Suddenly, her focus shifted to something behind me, and her eyes shone with awe. Oh Dari... the light... she said and took a step forward. Embrace it, my love... i said, even though it hurt ever so much. She smiled prettily and walked past me. I turned around and followed her with my eyes. The light...! she said with happiness in her voice... and then she was gone. I stood for a second, and then i fell to my knees. Enyeto came to me and hugged me, but i barely felt it.. Celestia and Lagnapis said something, but i barely heard it... She had been right in front of me... i had fought and fought in order to free her so we could be together again, as we were meant to... and when i had finally found her... she was dead... I cried. It did not matter that i was a man, it did not matter whether i looked strong or not... the only thing that mattered, was my shattered heart and my broken dream... There was only one good thing in all this... and i found a tiny bit of joy in it... she was free now. She

was in a better place. The Ji Lyn could no longer harm her. As i sat there, crying out my own agony, a chilling, mocking laughter filled the air around us. Without hesitation and without thinking about the fact that i'd push Enyeto away fromme violently, i rose to my feet, utterly enraged. I felt my heart beat extremely fast as my eyes flashed to green and small sparks of lightning filled the air around me. The dragon in me had been awakened by that laughter, and it was furious... I roared and shouted: COME FORTH WITCH, AND LET ME TEAR YOU APART FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! The witch did not come though, and i felt a dark presence uncoil itself deep within my head... i felt his powerfull consciousness, and heard his chilling voice in my mind as he said: I warned you about this, Darion.... Then, here at the peak of my pain and hatred, in a shattered realm that held no more good, i fell over, and all went black.

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