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Protecting Our Environment, Innovating Our Economy

Fighter. Builder. Leader.

Fighter. Builder. Leader.

Peggy Nash Campaign for the Leadership of the New Democratic Party

At Issue
Many agree that the biggest failure of our federal governments is a lack of meaningful action on the environment. Canada has abandoned international agreements, retreated from previous legislative commitments, and made choices that put our environment and communities at risk. Failure on the environment is a direct disservice to the economy. The Harper Conservatives and the private interests they serve are quick to argue that treating our environment this way is necessary in order to bolster our economy. That is patently untrue. Not only is it possible to build a strong economy while protecting the environment and supporting all Canadians with smart social policy it is essential. We can meet our responsibilities to the environment and to future generations by following a more thoughtful path. We do not have to sacrifice environmental safeguards in the name of resource extraction. We do not have to ignore Canadas obligations to First Nations, disrupt ecosystems, and degrade natural resources to serve economic interests. We can and must do better. Canadians know that our environment and natural resources deserve no less.

Fighter. Builder. Leader.

Peggy Nash Campaign for the Leadership of the New Democratic Party

In Context
Under the Harper Conservatives, Canada has retreated on the environment and become an ally to interests working to actively sabotage global climate change agreements. Canadas environmental laws are weak, their enforcement lax. Instead of investing in renewable energy and innovative clean technology, the Harper Conservatives continue to subsidize technologies that pollute, that contribute to climate change, and that threaten precious ecosystems and watersheds. Each day the current government heads in the wrong direction on the environment whether withdrawing from the Kyoto accord, smearing environmental groups as radicals, or cancelling the popular ecoENERGY home retrofit program is another day our environment and natural resources go unprotected. The role of government is to protect the public interest, to safeguard our natural heritage, and to ensure resource development meets environmental standards. And yet, leadership on environmental assessments and species-at-risk legislation has been lacking. Canada is one of the worlds worst GHG (greenhouse gas) emitters, ranking 15th 17 OECD countries on GHG emissions per capita. Not only can we do better, we must. To repair the damage to our environment and our international reputation while at the same time strengthening our economy, we need strong leadership and innovative plans. We can build a low-carbon economy in Canada that will create well-paying long-term employment and promote greater equality in our society. How? By providing appropriate incentives and investment, capping emissions, and improving relevant legislation.

Fighter. Builder. Leader.

Peggy Nash Campaign for the Leadership of the New Democratic Party

The Peggy Nash Plan

Committed to restoring Canadas reputation as a global leader on climate change and other environmental issues, I will collaborate with business, labour, First Nations, environmental organizations, and local communities to move Canada towards a green economy based on energy efficiency and conservation, innovative building technologies, and low-carbon transportation alternatives. Under my leadership, the NDP and the next government will move Canada towards a green economy in the following areas:

Energy efficiency and consumption reduction

1. Restore funding to the ecoENERGY Retrofit program with a renewed focus on incentives for energy efficiency upgrades to low-income housing and new financing options for single-family homes; 2. Develop a National Transit Strategy funded by the Municipal Gas Tax Fund which includes conventional transit, commuter rail and rapid transit, and cycling and pedestrian infrastructure; 3. Mandate the Canadian Housing and Mortgage Corporation to support investments in energy efficiency for buildings through commercial loans collateralized against future energy savings and repayment schedules that reflect the planned financial return of the energy investment; 4. Revise national building and energy codes to set the highest benchmarks for energy efficiency in new and existing buildings while ensuring the federal government leads the bringing of all federal buildings up to new standards. 4

Fighter. Builder. Leader.

Peggy Nash Campaign for the Leadership of the New Democratic Party

Climate change
1. Adopting science-based targets to ensure Canada reduces its greenhouse gas emissions to a level 80% below that of 1990 by the year 2050; 2. Price carbon through a cap-and-trade system, which will establish hard emissions limits for Canadas biggest polluters, ensure companies pay their environmental bills, and create an incentive for emissions reductions; 3. Establish effective mitigation programs to help Canadian communities deal with the unfolding impacts of a warming planet; live up to our international obligations to assist developing countries in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Green innovation, green jobs, renewable energy

1. Redirect revenues raised through the auctioning of emissions permits equitably across Canada into investments in green technologies, business & household energy conservation, public transit, support to renewable energy development, and transitioning workers to the green economy; 2. Establish a new Green Buildings Fund to fast-track energy efficiency infrastructure investments for municipalities and drive the application of innovative green technologies; 3. Provide direct government incentives for renewable energy technology research and development as well as installation; 4. End subsidies to the fossil fuel sector and redirect those funds towards renewable energy initiatives; 5. Use government procurement strategies to create market support for emerging green technology.

Fighter. Builder. Leader.

Peggy Nash Campaign for the Leadership of the New Democratic Party

Protection of our natural environment

1. Enhance the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act; 2. Strengthen the Species at Risk Act; 3. Subject the oil sand sector and invasive practices like fracking and shale gas development to comprehensive environmental assessments; 4. Develop a national water sustainability strategy which will include prohibiting bulk water exports; 5. Work with provinces/territories & First Nations to support sustainable fisheries & aquaculture while protecting trans-boundary waters.

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