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This guide covers the ten key components of a growth plan. As you develop and edit your plan, you should continually assess the content of each component. Be honest in your assessment since the main purpose is to improve your plan and increase your chances of success.



Provide a brief one to two pages summary of your plan. Your summary should provide the reviewer with enough information to allow them to understand the basic concept and structure of your growth plan. It should also create interest so that the reviewer will want to learn more detail by reading the other components of your plan.


Demand forecast
What has your company done to grow over the past year or two? What are the biggest obstacles and best enablers that you see for the growth of the company? Upon what information/data should you base your growth projections (i.e. what are the top 3 factors to consider that will help you project your companys potential growth)? What is the expected increase in demand for the firms current services and/or products for the next three years? Will there be demand for other services and/or products that the company currently does not offer, but could/should? If so, what are the new/different services and/or products that the firm might diversify into to meet that demand?


Operations and management

What operational changes will need to made to meet the projected demand? What changes in firm management will need to be made (e.g. numbers, behaviors, skills, etc.?)

Growth Plan Guide updated 2/15/2012

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4. 5. 6. 7.

Organization structure
What changes in the firms organizational structure will need to be made (e.g. layers, locations, functions, etc.?)

Human resources
What changes in the firms human resources will need to be made (e.g. numbers, skills, culture, etc.?)

Facilities and equipment

What changes in the firms facilities and/or equipment will need to be made (e.g. capacity, layout, etc.?)

What changes in the firms decision-making processes will need to be made (e.g. levels of approval, cycle time, authorities, etc.?)

8. 9.

Organizational change and implementation plan

How should the proposed changes in operations, structure, people, etc. be implemented to ensure adoption by the organization?

Monitoring, measuring, and adjusting

How will progress of the proposed changes and success of the growth plan be measured?


Appendix: Three-year Excel pro-forma projection

Include revenue growth projections, costs, and ROI

Growth Plan Guide updated 2/15/2012

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