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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT





Name: Sam Wallbank Blog Address:

Rationale 'An investigation of typography with a focus on editorial layout across print and digital formats.' (in relation to branding.) I want to focus on how people interact with the typography and layout over a range of different medias primary focusing on print and print distribution/ promotion with digital considerations. I want to look at how the letterforms and type is used to within branding and identity in various formats whether is within a publication, exhibition branding to create the overall look and feel of the concept. I want to focus at simplistic design looking at various trends within contemporary design as well as drawing on historical movements such as the swiss design movement. I want to explore the print processes both of digital and screen print looking at high end as well as low-fi printing methods. This will allow me to have a working understanding of how print jobs are priced and how printing actually works, going from the computer onto paper. It will also give me a good basis of understanding to how colour works within print, informing my design decisions within the future. Working with other creatives and collaborating in projects focussing on branding, publication design, exhibitions and that can span to a number of different outcomes (print promotion, wayfinding and signage e.c.t) Designing my own identity is important, creating my design presence within the design community, this will include website, business cards and relevant stationary. This is something that is always ongoing and that I can constantly work on and develop. When I graduate I want to work within a small studio environment or as part of a collective, potentially starting as a freelance designing with the ability to integrate into the industry. I will make contact with various designers, studios and type foundries to get my work out there and hopefully get some feedback and useful advice.

Subjects / Themes The role of typography in and across print and digital media: I want to look into how people interact with type and layout on and off screen, in print and digital formats in conjunction with my dissertation. As print and digital are integrating more and more looking into what can be designed for digital media and what the relationship of print and digital layout is. Creative culture: I am interested in the creative and arts sector, especially photography and printed matter. Things that focus on high quality aesthetics Minimalism: How can something communicate the message, meaning and or content through this? Urban/underground culture: With a focus on urban sports such as skateboarding and also looking at fashion, trends within this and the people that are part of this culture. Photography: Working with photography within editorial layout focusing on typography and layout. Language: Looking at how the English language works and the various punctuation marks used within it and why.

Design Disciplines / Creative Development Typography: Looking at the fundamentals of typography within large amounts of body copy. A focus on type-design and the structure of letterforms within branding and identity Looking at the struct and mechanics of letterforms with contextual knowledge that will inform how I work with type with layout and identity in my work. Editorial: Layout for editorial design focusing on magazines, books and newspapers. This can include publications that support exhibitions such as catalogues, look books and/ or programs. Print: Preparing files and having the knowledge to organise everything and to work affectively and efficiently with the skills that I have. Print techniques and processes as well as print making. Branding: With a focus on typography, looking at the use of it within branding and identity which can be applicable of a range of different medias both print and digital medias. A look at how typography is used within branding and identity.

Practical Skills / Workshops what, why and when? Obtainable skills: Web design skills: (css and html) I want to learn and expand on my existing knowledge of this area of design because I want to create and customise my own website and have the ability to create websites for other people. Expanding my knowledge will also allow me to gain a better understanding of how certain aspects will transfer across from print and vice versa. Screen printing: I am interested in how print actually happens I feel that developing a working knowledge of screen printing will help me understand part of the production method especially how print works that can be applied to high end digital print. Photography: As I have got a new camera I want to develop my skills with it, allowing me to take decent product shots for final boards and my portfolio that look good when they are printed. Use it to gather a body of research for visually investigating areas and themes that I am interested in. Fontographer: This is a program that I have a limited knowledge of and feel that I need to develop my skills in it, in order for me to be able to create working typefaces. Current skills: Software skills: Develop on my existing knowledge, primarily I want to be able to improve my work flow so that I am designing and preparing files in the most efficient manner possible. Skills I dont need: Illustration: I feel that this is my weakest area within this and don't feel that illustration will feature much in my work, if I was to include this within my work I would look to collaborate with an illustrator for it. Motion: I have a working knowledge of motion graphics but it is not my top priority to create videos or animations. If I was to get a brief where this was required I would look to collaborate with someone that has specialist motion skills.

Brief 1: Surface Pattern Year book

Deadline End of year show

Rationale: Working as part of a team creating a publication that will be showcasing the graduating years work that gets distributed to creative professionals.

Working with a client, experiencing what it is to work along side them. I want to produce a good piece for my portfolio relating to my practice of developing design for high end print in particular publications. - Opportunity to visit printers and see the project through from the idea to the final solution. - Focus is on producing a print publication with other possible print solutions.

Brief 2: SixteenHT Leeds book fair

Deadline 8th March Initially

Rationale: Within this brief the concept has yet to be defined this will primarily define the content of the brief, the idea was to pick a theme/ concept and everyone interpretative that in their own way. As it is Leeds book fair I would like to produce a low-fi book incorporating screen printing. I want to use screen printing as the production method but also experiment with different ways that the ink can be printed onto various stocks. We are focussing on management within a group, working together on a live brief, producing commercially viable work. - Print based deliverables focusing on print process. - Possible scope for development of branding across a range of media for future events.

Brief 3: Typographic circles (D&AD)

Deadline 9th March

Rationale: This is to produce a series of books or publications on specific people have given talks for The Circle. Research about who has given talks can be found on the website, this will determine some of the content. They are looking for a distinct typographic solution that would sit well with other material produced by The Circle. - Focus is on the typography and layout on and inside the publications. - Printed deliverables in the form of a series of publications with a range for printed products in a variety of formats. - Possible exploration of cross media formats.

Brief 4: Unusual punctuation marks Publication


Rationale: This brief is to explore and produce a substantial body of work exploring punctuation marks and the use within the English language, looking at the history, shape and why they are used (named as they are) e.ct. The idea would be to produce a publication or a range of publications that showcase the selected punctuation marks. - Primarily printed solution focussing on the print processing - Focus is on the typography and layout with the main

Brief 5: Design context publication


Rationale: This will give me the opportunity to express what I am interested using my rational as an underlying statement for the direction of the content within the book. Something I would quite like the

publication to be is a reference book as well, so I can look back at it in the future and refer to it. Detailed investigation of layout in the direction of editorial design. - Documentation of a body of research focussing on Print processes, typography, layout within editorial design and design movements and trends. Other Briefs: (These briefs are a list of what I am interested in) Exhibition branding and way-finding/signage (End of year show) Designers and creatives branding

Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Companies (specific) Studios: Spin OK-RM Build Bibliotheque Hunt Studio Newwork Heydays Proud Creative Stockholm Design Lab Studio 8 Qubik Designers: Fabio Ongarato Paul Pensom

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Leeds Print Festival Details


Attending the Leeds Print Festival on the 27-29th. This is to view regional, national and international printed work from various artists and designers. There is also a series of talks that I am attending by visiting professionals which I can use for a basis of my design context publication.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Printer Visits Details


Visit professional printers, this will give me a better understanding of how the printers work, structuring different jobs and giving some first hand experience of how the print and finishing processes work. This will help to inform my design practice, where I can focus on stock, preparation for print and the various inks used.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Contact with studios Details


Get in contact with studios, designers and smaller type foundries to discuss there practices, issues and to create a constant running dialogue with them. This will help inform my own practice, featuring with the design context publication.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Collaboration Details


Collaborating with other designers and creatives within the college will be a good way to make contacts, inform myself about the other creative professions out there and what they are doing in the creative industry. My main aim is to focus on branding and identity looking for opportunities to produce publications.



BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced) G. Ambrose (2008) Basics Design: Grids, AVA Publishing, London, UK G. Ambrose, P Harris (2008) The Production Manual: A Graphic Design Handbook, AVA publishing, London, UK J. Brockmann (2009) Grid systems in Graphic Design: A Handbook for Graphic Artists, typographers and exhibition Designers, Niggli Verlag; Bilingual edition A. Hyland, S. Bateman (2011) Symbol, Lauren King, London, UK R. Klanten, S. Ehmann (2010) Turning pages, Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin, German T. Samara (2005) Making and breaking the grid, Rockport Publishers Inc, UK S. Garfield (2011) Just My Type, Profile Books, London, UK

MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES (include publication date and details) Process Journal Creative Review Idn Computer Arts Journal Eight:48

ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) GFSmith- Generation press- ffffound- September industry- I love typography- Visuelle- ISO50- Aisle One-

OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) Leeds Print Festival 27-29th January Leeds Book Fair D&AD Design Museums Design Exhibitions

ACTION PLAN use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in
order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Leeds Print Festival: viewing the exhibition and attending the talks by Anthony Burrill, Si Scott and Generation Press. 1 Deadline 29/01/12

Bryony collaboration: - Branding/ identity ready for the end of year show. - Ready to print, looking at the various print processes.3 SixteenHT Book Fair - Have everything printed for the book fair. - After up until May gives me chance to expand the range and further my exploration into the print processes Typographic Circle


March 8th

March 8th

Punctuation marks: - Ready for experimenting with print processes.


Identify studios that will be relevant to my design context publications: - Studios that will relevant to look at for editorial design and layout - Studios that focus on working with typography within branding, layout also relevant smaller type foundries. Try and arrange meetings with studios for possible interviews and/ or placements.



Year book deadline: To be discussed with the Surface pattern team

By End of year show May at the latest


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