Initial Report: How Often Do You Typically Read Annenberg Agenda?

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Initial Report

# 1 2 3

How often do you typically read Annenberg Agenda?

Answer Every issue Most issues Some issues Never read an issue Total


Response 52 52 49

% 31% 31% 29%

14 167 Value 2.15 0.92 0.96 167


Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1 2 3 4

How much of each magazine do you read?

Answer All of it Most of it Some of it None of it Total


Response 9 68 76 14 167 Value 2.57 0.52 0.72 167

% 5% 41% 46% 8%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1 2 3 4

How long do you typically keep an issue of the magazine?

Answer More than one month Up to one month Up to one week Discard immediately Total


Response 38 58 35 33 164 Value 2.38 1.11 1.05 164

% 23% 35% 21% 20%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1

How much total time do you estimate you spend with a typical issue of Annenberg Agenda?

Answer 60 minutes or more 30 to 59 minutes 10 to 29 minutes 1 to 9 minutes Do not read Total


Response 7

% 4%

2 3 4 5

46 71 29 13 166 Value 2.97 0.94 0.97 166

28% 43% 17% 8%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1

Thinking of all the magazines you read, is it your general magazine reading habit to...

Answer Read predominantly print Read predominantly online Read print and online both Total


Response 63

% 38%



80 167 Value 2.10 0.85 0.92 167


Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1 2 3 4

Would you prefer to read your Annenberg Agenda...

Answer In print Online Both No preference Total


Response 62 38 36 30 166 Value 2.20 1.28 1.13 166

% 37% 23% 22% 18%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

7. The topics available for coverage in Annenberg Agenda are almost unlimited.
Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of your interest (1 is highest, 9 is lowest). Academics & Intellectual Life # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Answer Student achievements Student research/academic experiences Stories about individual courses Faculty research Individual faculty profiles Curriculum Faculty publications Faculty awards, achievements and grants Faculty selection, promotion, retirements Avg. ranking 3.47 3.73 4.65 4.85 5.20 5.29 5.68 5.71 6.41 DIstribution

(see details at end of report)

8. Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of
your interest (1 is highest, 7 is lowest). School Life & Activities # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Answer Special events Visiting speakers Student issues and opinions Extracurricular life and activities Individual student profiles Athletics Student community service Avg. ranking 2.85 3.32 3.92 4.21 4.39 4.60 4.71 Distribution

(see details at end of report)

9. Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of
your interest (1 is highest, 7 is lowest). Alumni Life & Activities # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Answer Alumni in their professions Alumni activities in my geographical area Individual alumni profiles Class notes Alumni in their personal lives Alumni volunteers for the institution Obituaries Avg. ranking 2.67 2.68 3.71 3.87 4.27 4.83 5.98 DIstribution

(see details at end of report)

10. Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order
of your interest (1 is highest, 10 is lowest). Institutional Affairs # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Answer School facilities and growth Institutional history and traditions Message from the dean Strategic planning Staff selection, promotion or retirements Admissions policies and results USC Annenberg's financial status Fundraising efforts Stories about donors Commencement activities Avg. ranking 3.64 4.23 4.43 4.73 5.57 5.58 6.29 6.58 6.58 7.36 DIstribution

(see details at end of report)

11. Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order
of your interest (1 is highest, 10 is lowest). General-interest Topics # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Answer Arts and culture Global / international issues Business and industry Issues facing higher education Issues facing the local community Health and health care Science, technology and engineering Environmental issues Letters to the editor Religion / faith-based issues Avg. ranking 4.06 4.33 4.73 4.92 5.02 5.74 5.75 5.80 6.73 7.91 DIstribution

(see details at end of report)

Please indicate your agreement with this statement: "Annenberg Agenda strengthens my personal connection to the USC Annenberg School."

# 1 2 3 4 5

Answer Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion Total


Response 25 85 9 4 19 142 Value 2.35 1.45 1.20 142

% 18% 60% 6% 3% 13%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

Please indicate all the ways in which Annenberg Agenda strengthens your connection to the USC Annenberg School: (check all that apply)


Answer Reminds me of my experience at USC Reminds me of my experience at USC Annenberg Serves as a source of continuing education Encourages me to volunteer my time at USC Annenberg Encourages me to support USC Annenberg financially Helps me to feel more in touch with my graduating class Provides useful career and networking information Other:


















Other: kEEP UP WITH MY DAUGHTER None of the above none news don't read it keeps me in touch with what's going on at Annenberg trojan loyalty tells me what my profs are doing, where they are Statistic Total Responses Value 138

Please indicate all the ways in which Annenberg Agenda fails to strengthen your connection to the USC Annenberg School: (check all that apply)


Answer The magazine does not address topics of interest to me The magazine does not reflect my experience of USC Annenberg The magazine is not an objective source of information about USC Annenberg The magazine is primarily a fundraising tool Other:













Other: It's boring NO information on, or acknowledgment of, the difficult job situation for recent graduates Doesn't address students/alum who leave Annenberg and work in a different field. not enough opportunities to reconnect or get involved. Does not have much about countries where ASC&J students come from More convenient to read online more journalism stories needed. Would love features on alumni and where they are now. i don't care about faculty being quotes in magazines and newspapers. Too heavy on current students The magazine does not focus on jobless issues or those stuggling to fulfill needs and encouraging alumni not connected with Annenberg to RECONNECT. nono Mpst pf tje topics covered are, understandably, not particularly relevant to me at this point in my life. I wonder what criteria is used for being listed in Alumni News. I see individuals who are listed and I have accomplished equal or more and no one ever listed my submission. I am not an Annenberg alum Overall look of the publication could stand some modernizing. don't read it 60s, 70s, etc stressed Rather dull it never seems to say anything useful or interesting about alumni, which I would be interested to hear about Statistic Total Responses Value 98

# 1 2

What actions have you taken as a result of reading Annenberg Agenda?

Answer Attended an event Volunteered for an activity Made a donation to USC Annenberg Contacted a classmate or friend Recommended USC Annenberg to a potential student or family member Submitted a "class note," or a brief update on my recent preofessional or personal activities Discussed or forwarded an article or issue Saved an article or issue Visited the USC Annenberg School's website Written a letter or e-mail to the editor or institution


Response 26 2

% 21% 2%

















11 Other: Other: contacted faculty members after articles were written None None none None none none nr none of the above none of the above no action to date Joined the local USC Alumni chapter don't read it provided info on other alums to school enthusiasm raised None None of Above Statistic Total Responses



Value 124

To what degree do you consider Annenberg Agenda to be a credible source of information about USC Annenberg?


Answer Consistently portrays USC Annenberg accurately and objectively Contains some "spin" but is generally accurate and objective Usually portrays the institution only in a positive light Is not a good source of objective information No opinion Total










19 144 Value 2.47 1.64 1.28 144


Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

17. What is it that you like most about Annenberg Agenda?

(500 characters max) that it is in print I just like receiving something from Annenberg as an Alumnus. I have friends who are alumni of the College and Cinema who aren't connected by any emails, etc. the most updated information and also the layout, Interesting stories. running out of time -- survey too long Keeping in touch with what's happenning at Annenberg It keeps me informed. Photos Current information about what's happening. I find the articles interesting and the updates on the school Don't read I get it monthly. Class notes I live in the Central Coast of California now so it helps me stay connected to USC. It also reminds me how happy I am to be a graduate of such a fine school! informative It is just an interesting update about Annenberg. Nice Presentation and layout. Clear, concise, passionate. i can throw it away staying current with events at Anneneberg alumni information I appreciate periodic updates on the school, its students, and where the programs have headed. It gives a good round up of events at ASC&J and achievements by students, faculty and alumni alumni notes Keeps me in touch with USC Annenberg. It keeps in touch with what is going on at Annenberg. Key information relating to the school's current agenda I like reading about what alumni are up to...also I like to see the stories on the old professors that I had. The magazine keeps me posted on changes in Annenberg faculty that would impact my daughter's education. Reading about old classmates and what they are up to. Keeps me updated I like the alumni profiles. it's nice to see where people are and what they're doing. It's a handsome magazine that attracts attention to the articles and is pleasant to reade. Faculty updates and makes me feel connected to the school. Updates on program growth/changes Faculty research-this actually helps me do my job.

17. What is it that you like most about Annenberg Agenda?

(500 characters max) (cont.) I usually read it to get very brief updates on significant information at Annenberg. Keeps me updated on students and faculty at Annenberg Keeps me up-to-date with what's happening at Annenberg - with faculty, students and alumni. Design/layout of inside pages Interesting features/topics Staying informed about Annenberg people (faculty, staff, students, alumni) The layout is not too busy. never read Keeping in touch with the school's activities and upcoming events and speakers, as well as reading about alumni achievements. Well-edited and designed; easy to peruse. -The images of the nubile, young female students doing something captivating. Stories about students who are doing fresh or innovative stories. No more stories about students working with the homeless, please. Just like any publication, there are articles that are more relevant to me than others. It helps me to keep in touch with what is going on at the school currently. I learn about the changes at Annenberg since I graduated. I like knowing about guest speakers or events that may help my career. I enjoy reading about the research that is being done there. Not familiar enough to indentify News about new developments, discoveries, studies at Annenberg. I love feeling part of the USC family. N/A nothing I like reading about what other alumni are up to It keeps me connected. Articles are up to date and keep me informed. Reading about student/staff achievements Reading current events at USC Keeping in touch with Annenberg. I live across the country these days and it helps bring me back to school as well as an opportunity to keep up with what is going on. updated infomation of Annenberg's research and tells me what is going on. good editing: very easy to read but informative. The diversity in subject and issues. It is a way to stay connected. It gives me story ideas for my own freelance writing career. It is inspirational and informational. The publication helps me to feel that I am still connected to the USC Annenberg School and the Annenberg community of students, faculty and working professionals. Seeing 'USC' come into my home. It keeps me in touch when I'm far from SC. It's information and content.

17. What is it that you like most about Annenberg Agenda?

(500 characters max) (cont.) The news about the school's growth and it's mission for improvement. don't read it finding out what my old professors are doing. my classmates never seem to submit info. Staying updated with the faculty and student research. Provides some networking opportunities It keeps me in touch with what's going on at Annenberg I like having the publication to review and look over at my leisure. stories and photos Class notes & news / events related to Annenberg alumni. Good general information about Annenberg It is very professional and articles are well written and well put together I like how it updates me on happenings around Annenberg, and helps me stay connected while I am in another state. updates on what is going on at annenberg and with alumni Keeps me connected to SC. It's short I have never read it. Reliable, timely. pretty much everything Broad coverage of topics. it comes in the mail and i can keep it for a while. it gives me information about profs I've had, respect, admire and miss. Total Responses: 87

18. What is it that you like least about Annenberg Agenda?

(500 characters max) no way to provide ongoing feedback I'm not too interested in any of the articles but I do always give it a quick glance, I never just delete it. using too much paper The design. running out of time -- survey too long Too many articles Stories of no interest to me. Frequency-2 a year Too much focus on faculty members. Would like to see a more balanced view of looking at the school as a whole and its impact in the community. I think it's all fine for what it is Don't read The information. It is a little boring. There is nothing really interesting in it. Topics that are not of interest. N/A font size The burning issue for current graduating students is the complete lack of job opportunities. AA doesn't even acknowledge this situation, let alone address it. No opinion! I get tired of everyone patting each other on the back for what they've done. The USC Family Magazine might be a PR tool, but they have interesting articles about the campus, campus life, research, etc. Annenberg Agenda is basically the faculty praising itself. I feel like I'm always being asked for money in some extent... it comes in paper form and is not a useful piece of mail. I feel like it caters primarily to people in the Los Angeles area. Since I am from India, I feel disappointed that ASC&J has nothing on India- either faculty visits, or alumni connection pr rah-rah Nothing It is a little too glossy and slick. the fundraising, I realize it is necessary, however finding a job is more important to our family. I'm not really into the fundraising part, but I know it needs to be there. The magazine needs to address communication in the workplace, how journalism is changing and how a students must learn everything about their profession not just one aspect. Asking for money. I know that fundraising is needed for growth. Sometimes it is too much. faculty news. no offense, but who cares?

18. What is it that you like least about Annenberg Agenda?

(500 characters max) (cont.) It seems to reflect a school that has grown immensely since i was in the jschool... it does not make me feel an intimate does not make me want to give money, because it makes the school seem richly funded already, and my small donation would not make a difference. n/a Too heavy on students an current curriculum-I know no students there and am not taking classes there. Because I visit the USC and Annenberg websites frequently, by the time I get the magazine, it's usually old news. Personally, I just don't spend the time going through everything (mainly because I work at Annenberg, so ...) If it makes any sense, it has a slight exclusionary feel to it. Not down to earth enough sort of like the theory vs. application argument. nr I wasn't part of Annenberg as a graduate of the class of 1994, so it feels like I'm not really a part of it. The journalism school was a separate entity back then. I feel like sometimes I need a refresher course about what Annenberg encompasses now. Overall, I think it's well done and boosterism is kept to a mimimum Feels more conservative than experimental. About solidifying media concepts instead of creating them. It helps establish boundaries, but not push them forward. I wish it had more articles that were relevant to recent graduates. It's hard to be all things to all people though. Although I am happy for them, I do not find it useful to read about individual students successes just because I don't have the time to. I can only afford the time to read items that will directly benefit me. Not familiar enough to indentify It arrives in a paper version. The topics do not interest Young Alumni, but instead focus on topics of interest to older more established alumni who are more likely to be donors. I hate the self-serving pieces on donors and faculties getting promoted. I don't care about business or financial information It seems to laud people who might want to contribute if they get their recognition Design. I feel like it could look a lot more aesthetically pleasing and exciting. I prefer reading it online. It does not talk about the troubling issues that are going around at USC and Annenberg. We all must know the bad in order to improve as a community. That I don't write for it. How can we get assignments? :)

18. What is it that you like least about Annenberg Agenda?

(500 characters max) (cont.) It needs more color and a catchier "cover." The Agenda should reflect the well earned-fame and solid reputation academically that the school has and perhaps should be more like the USC Health Sciences magazine which is a superb public relations instrument. The Annenberg School is one of the more "glamorous" schools at USC and its premier publication should be punched up a notch and aimed at a broader community of readers. Overall, the content is always good. Cosmetic changes will energize it. Not always relevant to the things I'm interested in. Needs to reflect the complexion of the school; highlight more minority groups. Little news about the older communication department (rhetoric, communication theory, debate; Some of the articles are too dry for my taste. don't read it Heavily focused on faculty and less so on alumni It could provide more in the way of highlighting networking opportunities and stories of individual alumni I now live on the East Coast and I think the Agenda does a poor job (equal to Annenberg overall) of really providing any alumni support or encouragement outside of CA. should be online easily found and hard copy Too much emphasis on those working in journalism or mass media. Some alumni have branched into other industries. I'd like to see more focus on those alumni working outside of traditional communications industries. Not all articles are equally interesting Not many topics of interest to me It only really portrays Annenberg in a positive light, and I would love some more controversy surrounding the university. I went to the J-School when it was independent, so most of the Annenberg stuff means next to nothing to me. It doesn't foster a sense of community Usually do not read through issue. would like to see more alumni participate in 'class notes' it fails to tell me about fellow alums, which I would be the most interested in hearing about. i'd also like to hear about events at Annenberg and in my area (Seattle) that i could attend to stay in touch with these folks, as well as professors and visiting speakers. Total Responses: 72

19. What changes or improvements to Annenberg Agenda would you like to

suggest? (1000 characters max) see above should really go for paperless!!!!!!! Make it digitally available, like to an iPad type product. running out of time -- survey too long More photographs. More student input. Quarterly publication-more timely info. More focus on student projects and how alumni can participate in Annenberg efforts. I think it's all fine for what it is Don't read Show how Annenberg is the best in the world - highlight articles written in jschool, achieving alumni, ties to top media in the world. (Anyone at The Economist magazine, for example.) I would like to continue to hear about speakers that are coming to USC Annenberg and social events with alumni. increase font size See answer above: some SERIOUS discussion of job/career opportunities, particularly for journalism students. I am not that emotionally attached to the magazine to have an opinion about making any changes or improvements. Add a Career Development section with a few articles, talk about the strategic plan of the school, because I have no idea what it's purpose is anymore Keep up the good work! I don't think I've ever even heard of the Annenberg Agenda. become more relevant, be accessible electronically videos More ways to reconnect with the school, even from a long distance. Need to include stories from countries where students and alumni come from. Annenberg Agenda is very USA focused I would much prefer to save paper, printing, delivery, etc. and read it solely online. Successful job finding strategies. I would like to see a feature on ATVN. Also is IMPACT still around? I would also like to see specific features on alumni like Seth Doane would be cool. Rich Demuro. These are successful alumni of 2000. A cool story would be where are they now 10 years later. Also showing how technology has changed from class of 2000 to class of 2010. I remember getting my first email address in 1996 when we started. Take the spin out. Get responses to articles from your readers and publish them online. Take a more interactive approach to journalism. Expose the realities of the profession from bad to good. I pretty much like it as is.

19. What changes or improvements to Annenberg Agenda would you like to

suggest? (1000 characters max) (cont.) More stories about faculty work and how journalism is changing; how leaders within Annenberg are understanding and taking part in the changes within journalism. Coverage of activities of student groups, i.e. Annenberg Black Students Association Less student experiences and profiles. I like the idea of getting it online as well. I may be more inclined to read it online at work/during the day than at print at home and in the evening. I like the printed publication. In addition, an online application (website) could be used in conjunction with the AA, to announce events, breaking news, etc. I would like to see both print and electronic communication, for alumni. I think it's great the way it is. I would like to see more on keeping alumni employed, and making the connections that would make that goal possible. nr I wish there were more opportunities for east coast alumni involvement mentioned in the magazine; my being 3,000 miles away from SoCal makes it hard to feel connected or care about what's going on on campus. More about alumni working in media, entertainment and journalism. -More shots of journalism/communication students in the field or at internships. Show me something I haven't seen before, not just more classroom photography. If a student rolls out for ATVN to cover some wild fires, lets see some shots of her with a camera man while flames flicker in the background. -More tips for how to use new media. Light lessons on how students make their own blogs, twitters, podcasts or myspace pages. Could be light graphic design, or P.R. tips. Also have Alumni who make good media give tips for newbies. Help Alumni teach other Alumni. -Create a forum for different opinions on media. Pro and Con of a J-school issue, but let the readers vote, post results on web. Make the magazine more interactive. Have more alumni profiles and calendar of events that are coming up for the year. It would be nice to add a career services section, which might also prompt some alumni to volunteer their time to mentor a recent graduate. More in-dpeth articles I'd love to have more articles on changes or new technologies in our field. More information about Annenberg alum and how they can use Annenberg as a resource for the future Online only. Create topics that are more relevant to the entire alumni population. More articles on topics that would interest folks who are not well-heeled donors and who don't care if this association or that alumni group held a tea party to show off their wealth. Add color graphics/images. None Design.

19. What changes or improvements to Annenberg Agenda would you like to

suggest? (1000 characters max) (cont.) should be sent out electronically. I would like to add a section in the agenda that highlights some troubles at USC and/or Annenberg and what the university is doing to improve such flaws. Give it some gloss! More tip-driven articles - ex: how to market effectively, etc. And more information on the classes that are being offered - ex: is there a class on social media and what are some of the topics discussed in the class...very interested. More information on local issues. provide more information on job announcements career opportunities posted by Alumni of the School. Continue to offer the magazine in digital format! don't read it more alumni stories Geotargeting would be great. I would love to be an active alumni, help recruit future students, serve as a mentor, etc. make sure you appeal to all ma and phd over the 60s, 70s, etc Stronger electronic presence. More variety and more student based articles More emphasis on Trojans in areas other than California. More about the J-School. Move it online with a strong social media commentating element Online format see above see above. Total Responses 67

Please provide the following information about yourself. (Remember that all information will be kept confidential.) What is your relationship to USC Annenberg? (check all that apply)


# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Answer Alumnus/Alumna (graduated) Attended (did not graduate) Current student Faculty member Staff member Donor Parent or other relative Retired faculty / staff Other:


Response 117 0 5 3 8 6 23 0 4

% 81% 0% 3% 2% 6% 4% 16% 0% 3%

Other: former staff member 1 local alumni club vounteer law school 1983 Statistic Total Responses Value 144

21. What year did you graduate? (Please enter all four digits.) If you are not an
alumnus/a, please enter 9999. If you are unsure, please enter 0000. 1955 1968 1973 (x 2) 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 (x 2) 1982 1983 1984 (x 2) 1985 (x 3) 1987 (x 6) 1988 (x 2) 1989 (x 2) 1990 (x 2) 1991 (x 5) 1992 (x 2) 1993 (x 2) 1994 (x 3) 1995 1996 (x 2) 1997 (x 3) 1998 (x 2) 1999 (x 3) 2000 (x 5) 2001 (x 2) 2002 (x 2) 2003 (x 2) 2004 (x 7) 2005 (x 9) 2006 (x 4) 2007 (x 11) 2008 (x 6) 2009 (x 11) 2010 (x 2) 2012 [Not an alumnus/a] (x 15) Other responses:
1061 1968 and 1970 1974 from LAS 2005 actual, 2004 (social class year; I entered the 2-year master's program in 2002) 2006, 2008 2010 daughter

# 1 2 3 4 5

What is your age?

Answer Under 25 25 to 34 35 to 49 50 to 64 65 and over Total


Response 17 46 45 31 4 143 Value 2.71 1.05 1.03 143

% 12% 32% 31% 22% 3%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1 2

What is your gender?

Answer Male Female Total


Response 48 94 142 Value 1.66 0.23 0.47 142

% 34% 66%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1

What is your household's annual income?

Answer Less than $40,000 $40,000 $69,999 $70,000 $99,999 $100,000 $119,999 $120,000 $149,000 More than $150,000 Total


Response 26

% 20%

2 3

28 23

21% 17%




33 133 Value 3.38 3.46 1.86 133


Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

# 1 2 3 4

What is your race? (optional; check all that apply)

Answer American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White/Caucasian Other:


Response 0 23 12 17

% 0% 17% 9% 12%

5 6 7

2 87 3

1% 63% 2%

Other: Statistic Total Responses Value 139

What is the highest degree you have earned at USC Annenberg or any other institution?

# 3 4

Answer Bachelor's Master's Doctorate or other terminal degree Professional (M.D., J.D., etc.) Other Total


Response 62 57

% 46% 42%


6 1

8 2 136 Value 3.67 0.77 0.88 136

6% 1%

Statistic Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses


The topics available for coverage in Annenberg Agenda are almost unlimited. Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of your interest (1 is highest, 9 is lowest). Academics & Intellectual Life

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Answer Stories about individual courses Curriculum Faculty research Student research/academic experiences Faculty publications Faculty awards, achievements and grants Faculty selection, promotion, retirements Individual faculty profiles Student achievements Total Stories about individual courses 4.65 6.26 2.50 154

1 22 13 22 19 9 7 9 9 44 154

2 14 13 20 42 9 8 7 9 32 154

3 18 21 17 23 18 14 8 21 14 154

4 23 21 13 26 10 13 15 19 14 154

5 22 13 13 13 21 26 9 23 14 154

6 16 15 20 7 21 23 14 24 14 154

7 11 17 15 7 23 25 24 25 7 154

8 15 14 14 10 25 22 29 15 10 154

9 13 27 20 7 18 16 39 9 5 154 Individual faculty profiles 5.20 4.74 2.18 154

Responses 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154



Faculty research 4.85 7.42 2.72 154

Student research/academic experiences 3.73 5.16 2.27 154

Faculty publications 5.68 5.63 2.37 154

Faculty awards, achievements and grants 5.71 4.91 2.22 154

Faculty selection, promotion, retirements 6.41 6.16 2.48 154

Student achievements 3.47 5.96 2.44 154

Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

5.29 6.91 2.63 154


Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of your interest (1 is highest, 7 is lowest). School Life & Activities

Answer Special events Visiting speakers Athletics Student community service Student issues and opinions Extracurricular life and activities Individual student profiles Total

1 46 27 31 7 16 10 14 151

2 34 37 8 12 24 18 18 151

3 25 29 16 17 22 24 18 151

4 15 18 13 21 30 32 22 151

5 13 12 8 41 23 28 26 151

6 9 15 17 31 25 24 30 151

7 9 13 58 22 11 15 23 151

Responses 151 151 151 151 151 151 151

1 3 4 6 7 8 9


Special events 2.85 3.38 1.84 151

Visiting speakers 3.32 3.59 1.90 151


Student community service 4.71 2.77 1.66 151

Student issues and opinions 3.92 3.22 1.79 151

Extracurricular life and activities 4.21 2.92 1.71 151

Individual student profiles 4.39 3.64 1.91 151

Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

4.60 5.80 2.41 151

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of your interest (1 is highest, 7 is lowest). Alumni Life & Activities

Answer Alumni activities in my geographical area Alumni volunteers for the institution Alumni in their professions Alumni in their personal lives Individual alumni profiles Class notes Obituaries Total Alumni activities in my geographical area 2.68 3.08 1.76 147 Alumni volunteers for the institution 4.83 2.47 1.57 147

1 51 5 40 5 18 26 2 147

2 35 6 35 18 28 18 7 147

3 17 21 34 29 20 19 7 147

4 15 22 19 30 31 21 9 147

5 17 40 11 24 22 22 11 147

6 7 29 7 28 19 31 26 147

7 5 24 1 13 9 10 85 147

Responses 147 147 147 147 147 147 147


Alumni in their professions 2.67 2.20 1.48 147

Alumni in their personal lives 4.27 2.66 1.63 147

Individual alumni profiles 3.71 3.15 1.78 147

Class notes


Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

3.87 3.83 1.96 147

5.98 2.44 1.56 147

Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of your interest (1 is highest, 10 is lowest). Institutional Affairs

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer Admissions policies and results Strategic planning School facilities and growth Fundraising efforts Stories about donors Message from the dean Institutional history and traditions USC Annenberg's financial status Staff selection, promotion or retirements Commencement activities Total School facilities and growth 3.64 5.49 2.34 143

1 9 24 26 1 9 35 20 4 11 4 143

2 14 14 27 7 6 19 28 11 14 3 143

3 13 17 27 9 15 11 21 9 16 5 143

4 17 15 27 9 8 12 19 15 15 6 143

5 20 18 11 19 10 13 14 11 13 14 143

6 15 12 6 21 16 12 11 17 17 16 143

7 15 18 5 23 13 11 11 19 13 15 143

8 11 6 5 22 17 11 3 28 17 23 143

9 19 12 5 15 20 12 7 17 15 21 143

10 10 7 4 17 29 7 9 12 12 36 143

Responses 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143


Admissions policies and results 5.58 7.17 2.68 143

Strategic planning

Fundraising efforts

Stories about donors 6.58 8.27 2.88 143

Message from the dean 4.43 8.90 2.98 143

Institutional history and traditions 4.23 7.11 2.67 143

USC Annenberg's financial status 6.29 6.28 2.51 143

Staff selection, promotion or retirements 5.57 7.73 2.78 143

Commencement activities

Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

4.73 7.66 2.77 143

6.58 5.23 2.29 143

7.36 5.90 2.43 143

Using your mouse, please drag-and-drop the following topics in the order of your interest (1 is highest, 10 is lowest). General-interest Topics

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer Issues facing the local community Issues facing higher education Arts and culture Health and health care Business and industry Science, technology and engineering Environmental issues Religion / faith-based issues Letters to the editor Global / international issues Total Issues facing the local community 5.02 8.94 2.99 145 Issues facing higher education 4.92 6.68 2.58 145 Arts and culture 4.06 6.95 2.64 145

1 21 20 29 7 21 6 6 3 14 18 145 Health and health care 5.74 5.31 2.30 145

2 21 14 27 8 17 14 14 1 8 21 145

3 11 9 21 10 22 12 16 10 14 20 145

4 18 20 9 21 9 21 12 9 6 20 145

5 13 22 13 17 19 14 16 4 7 20 145

6 11 18 11 20 14 18 16 5 11 21 145

7 8 13 14 27 16 17 20 13 8 9 145

8 15 13 12 18 10 17 23 18 11 8 145

9 17 14 8 13 12 13 9 29 25 5 145

10 10 2 1 4 5 13 13 53 41 3 145 Letters to the editor 6.73 10.35 3.22 145

Responses 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145


Business and industry 4.73 7.36 2.71 145

Science, technology and engineering 5.75 6.81 2.61 145

Environmental issues 5.80 6.79 2.61 145

Religion / faithbased issues 7.91 6.15 2.48 145

Global / international issues 4.33 5.53 2.35 145

Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses

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