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the Malaysian Government in 2002. Located in the state of Pahang, Malaysia , our university offers a wide range of practical-based higher education programs in engineering and technology to produce competent engineers. Our vision is to be a world-class competency-based technical university.We aim to provide the highest quality competency-based technical education to meet and exceed the needs of our customers by offering excellent academic programs and skilltraining.

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Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) is a l Public Technical University established by

FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Control & Instrumentation, Robotics, Signal & Image Processing,Industrial Electronics, Power System, Altemative Energy, Power Electronics & Drive FACULTY OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & NATURAL RESOURCES Chemical Engineering, Polymer / Materials Engineering, Gas Engineering. Bioprocess/ Biotechnology Engineering, Reaction Engineering, Process Control & Instrumentation Engineering, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING & EARTH RESOURCES Building Services Engineering, Hydraulics / Hydrolog.Structures ( Steel & Concrete I- Geotechnical Engineering / Foundation Engineering / Soil Mechanics, Coastal Engineering, Engineering Mathematics FACULTY OF COMPUTER SYSTEM & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Computer Systems & Network, Software Engineering. Graphic & Multimedia Technology, Computer Science FACULTYOF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Sound & Vibration, Advance Material & Structure. Advanced Computational Engineering. Industrial Human Engineering & Biomechanics. Mechanical Engineering. Industrial Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Biomechanical Engineering, Marine Engineering FACULTYOF INDUSTRIALSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Statistics,Applied Mathematics. Numerical, Pure Mathematics, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry, Bionanotechnology. Biomaterials, Bioinformatics, Bioprocess, Biosensor. Food Technology. Food Analysis, Material Physics FACUlTY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING & TECHNOI.OGY MANAGEMENT MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Mechanical ( Mechanics, Thermofluids). Manufacturing (Design.Process, Tools. System), Mechatronics ( Electric/Electronics, Programming. Automation) TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 1. Project Management Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality. Human Resource, Communication, Risk,and Procurement 2.1ndustrlal Technology Management Operations & Production, Production Planning & Control, Optimization Methods. CAD / CAM, Statistic Process Control, Manufacturing Technology & Design 3.0ccupational Safety & Health Programme Occupational Health, Industrial Toxicology, ErgonomiCS, Industrial Hygiene, Chemical ProcessSafety. OSHManagement System,Behavior Based Safety. OSH Legislations, Applied Mechanics, Human Factor Engineering, Industrial Safety, Construction & Building Safety, Morine & Offshore Safety Engineering, Environmental Science & Engineering CENTRE OF MODERN LANGUANGE & HUMAN SCIENCE Humanities: Historical & Civilazation Studies, Islamic Studies & Halol Sciences, Human Development & Performance. Social Sciences: Education ( Curriculum Development, E-Ieaming, EducationalTechnology & Media), Psychology (Cognitive Psychology, Counselling & Psychoteraphy, Islamic Psychology) * Linguistics & Literature ( English Language Studies, TESL, TESOL Translation, Language Arts, English& Communication. English literary Studies) * Foreign Languages (Malay, Mandarin, Germany, Japanese)


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ACADEMIC POST OF PROFESSOR, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, SENIOR LECTURER REQUIREMENTS: PhOin relevant fields. Finalyear students are encouraged to apply. SALARY Startingsalaryissubject to academic qualification, working experience and the Malaysian Public Service scheme. JOB SPECIFICATION Lecturing.supervision workshops/laboratories in and projects, research and development and publications. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Interested candidates with the right experience and qualification are invited to e-mail a comprehensive resume stating current and expected salary together with contact e-moil and a recent passport-sized photograph to Shortiisted candidate will be notified for an interview. Candidates are required to fill and bring an application form (downloadable at passport, passport-sized photograph and all relevant qualification documents during the interview. Pleasedo not hesitateto contact usfor further information. CLOSING DATE: 14THJUNE 2011 RECRUITMENT & STUDY LEAVE UNIT Human ResourcesManagement Div., RegistrarOffice Universiti alaysia Pahang M LebuhrayaTunRazak 26300 Gambang, Kuantan Pahang DarulMakmur,MALA YSIA Tel:+609 5492522/2648/2504 Fax:+609 5499181 Please visit us at

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