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Prologue Well there I was, Target in sight, sat upon this dusty mount of well dust Why did

this assassination have to take place in a junk yard? I mean of all the places it had have to be here, maybe somewhere nice like on a beach in Malibu where I can just walk up to him pop a round in his dick and walk off fuck... Well Im not your average Joe assassin Im an experiment gone wrong and this guy wronged me. I should be dead, but because of him I cant die So Im going to kill him no matter where to be honest. Even in the environment of everyones thrown out junk I wanted a normal freaking life with a normal freaking partner Yeah I always thought itd be cool to be a superhero, but I thought itd never happen. Well to be honest Im not technically a super hero. Well I have powers of sorts and Im stopping him from doing this to anyone else so yeah maybe I am. Ah who knows its to PC now-a-days anyway. Sorry Im ranting on. So lets start with the story shall we Ill get back to where Im about to kill this dick later.

Chapter one My old life, meet my new life, new life this is old Well, I was a normal guy you know. Grew up in a Normal life in England, Had a few rough patches but hey who doesnt when theyre growing up. But I had an obsession with comic books. I loved the art, the drawing, Hell I used to have a little wolverine dangling from my belt loop. I saw these heroes and always thought that sometimes we needed people just like that, hell, Id want to be someone just like that. But I knew I didnt have it in me. So after I did my short time in the army, taken away because of an asthma attack, I stuck to a normal life working in a bar, listening to music, and just keeping an average level of fitness, a normal life you know. To be honest it was a good life, it wasnt long before all this started Id finally gotten a decent none psychopathic girlfriend But it seemed no matter what, I was attracting the psychos. It was a normal day, raining as it usually does in England. In the middle of summer, about June time. I was 1:30am I was on my way home from work and I had taken my usual route through the park, my phone and MP3 player had died so I had no music blasting through my ears for once. But I heard a scream coming from the childrens play area. I ran to see what had happened. Remember what I learnt in my army life, keeping low and too the shadows. There were 2 big men there attacking a young woman probably about my age, trying to rip her clothes off. I knew I must do something

So I pulled up my hood and hopped over the park railings Hey leave her alone I shouted, thinking thats the best Ive got? God that was so clich` Fuck off ya fucking Greebo One yelled back, squaring up to me I kicked him in the balls and the other guy ran at me with a knife, thrusting it deep in my gut. I fell to the floor and forced myself back up. The woman was still there so I ordered her to run and get someone and she did. I kept taking the abuse off the Big guys, took about 7 or 8 stabbings till I fell to the floor unconscious. From here my memory was a bit hazy, well hazier than it already is, I dont have the best of memories, so dont expect vivid descriptions. I could hear sirens, people muttering, some people crying, familiar voices, unknown voices, acting like they knew me, saying things that were wrong. The woman who the men attacked sobbing, blaming herself, and the feel of a needle in my arm. And thats it.

Chapter 2 Well this is my new life So there was a bright light, but I didnt seem to be getting closer, I just seemed to be stood there. I could see others flying past me towards this light. Im guessing it was the after-life since no one had a physical body from what I could work out, just a blur of light. There was another man walking towards me, wearing a surgical mask, with a needle in his hand. This wont hurt a bit He assured. He was wearing a full Doctors Lab coat, and had grey hair but looked physically young. Now can you remember your name, Patient 8021? He asked staring into my green eyes with his cold blue ones W..where am I I asked weakly Currently in a cell tied to the walls, but youre probably hallucinating right now from all the drugs youve had for the last few months he answered Now do you remember your name Yeah, I replied, focusing on the room dark damp room. It was a small room probably about 2 metres square, with only a bed, toilet and wall brackets, no natural light entered the room except through the open door and Im guessing by my pale hand that I could see in the light thats most definitely all the light I get to see My name is Ryan Phillips, what do you want with me. Well Mr. Phillips, we want you to fight for us. As a superhero A superhero? I said, confused Yes, we have given you amazing strength, better reactions, you have increased speed, and youre immune system and natural reconstruction systems have been increased many times over, you are invincible. Also we have imputed information into your brain via a brain washing technique throughout your life that gives you the knowledge of every weapon and fighting style known to man, hacking and science skills as well as a great gift in deduction. Basically a bad ass Sherlock Holmes Yes, pretty much. What about my loved ones? They dont even know you exist anymore, all memory of you has been erased Let me go Im afraid we cant do that. Let me go. Or Ill fucking kill you Do you really think you can get out of these binds?

Yeah, I know I can He laughed and injected me again, as I dozed off I saw him leave the room. As the door slammed shut I woke up suddenly, my heightened immune system had stopped the drugs from working. I pulled myself free from the binds with great ease, and hid behind the door. I could hear the guards on the other side talking as if they where stood right next to me without a massive wall between us Why have we got to guard this guy? I mean hes chained to the wall and when they brought him in he didnt look like much Maybe, but they have done a lot of crazy shit to the poor lad, who knows it might be us protecting him, not stopping him from escaping I knocked on the door and put on a fake womans voice. Very Badly. Hello, the doctor left me in here by accident What? The doctor never took anyone else in there with him. The first guard voice said. Step back from the door I stepped back waiting for them to burst through. Which they did, but I wasnt expecting them to have rifles. Something clicked inside me, I jumped over the first guard, grabbing his rifle of him and shooting him in the leg, I then threw the rifle up, caught it by the barrel guard and smashed the second guard round the face with it, Knocking him unconscious. The radio on the guards chest sounded We heard gunfire, what happened I picked up the radio Erm, Im sorry. I spoke down it We had a weapons malfunction. Its all sorted now. How are you? Who is this? The radioed demanded Fuck I threw the radio down and shot it Im guessing if it didnt work for Han Solo it wont work for me either I looked outside the corridor, luckily no guards where coming just yet, I searched the one rolling in pain and the one who was unconscious and took their weapons and ammo, and the other radio so I could keep ears on what was happening and left. I continued to sneak down the corridors and I discovered a room that said Patient and experiment files on the door, So I went in and took a look at my files and the actual experiment files, turns out there where 64 patients in this experiment and 63 where successful, the 64th was not very mentally stable to begin with and couldnt be brain washed by them. Any guesses on who that was, Come on I give you 20 seconds. Really, no one? It was me; if you did guess it was me help yourself to a cookie I grabbed a lab coat off the nearby wall hook pulled it on but stopped as I saw myself in the mirror, I had become stacked... but the thing that I noticed most... theyd cut my hair. And yes someone was going to pay. I got my nice firm arse out of there and went into Hiding

Chapter 3 Well looks like Im on the run, now what Id broken into an old church that was near where I lived, it had been abandoned for some time. It had been burnt down by arsons or something but it was better than nothing. I put the information down and read through it all Okay I muttered to myself Lets see who I need to kill

Reading through the papers laid out on the floor, I found the names of the people who had made me like this, there was 2 Doctors, the rest seemed to be just hired help, a big body in the Army and the secretary of defence. Shouldnt be too much of a problem I said, sarcastically under my breath. As I said this my stomach rumbled Urgh, I need food, wonder when the last time I actually ate was. I looked outside the window and I saw a fast food place. Hmm. Im going to need a disguise, cant really turn up to a fast food place wearing boxers and a doctors jacket. Well I could, I thought, but Id get some weird looks. I decided to hold out the food and I went to my old house, it looked like it was abandoned. The back door had never locked properly in the time I lived there, so it was easy enough to break in. I picked up my rucksack and filled it with food, clothes and my laptop. I was just packing away the last of my supplies, when I saw the wolverine that hung off my belt clip; I held it in my hand remembering the person who got me it. Her name was Scarlett Rose, and she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen, and yes I am using a fake name for her, and Scarlett Rose sounded good. She was a Londoner, a small lass, a couple of years younger than me. She had rainbow dyed hair, and tattoos on her chest. I didnt usually meet people off the internet, she was the first and last person I actually met online, we just clicked she was as geeky, if not slightly more geeky, than me. And when I met her I fell in love. I never went out with her, I just was in love with her, and I didnt want to leave London the day I returned home, I wanted to stay with her and see what happened. And looking back now I wish I had stayed, if I had than I wouldnt be the fucked up freak I am now. Isnt it funny how things work out? There was a sudden smash of glass downstairs and shouting as people broke into my old home. I picked up my camping bag and my 3 Swords, which when I bought I thought where ornamental turned out when I got them home they where sharpened, and snuck out through my old bed room window. I started to run off but stopped, looking at the little mutant man in my hand, I decided, No one will have the memories I had at that home again. So I dropped my bag in the tree line at the end of the garden and turned back around, smashing the window for the back door, there was a group of six armed men in my living room, passing stuff through the window. I snuck back into the kitchen, taped a bin liner to the bottom of the gas oven in the kitchen and turned on the gas, pulling up my hood that covered most of my face, but I could still see I drew my sword. Hey, Fuck-tards, what do you think youre doing? I said walking into the living room Who the fuck do you think youre talking to? One of them said, aiming his rifle at me. Go on, take a shot, and see what happens. I dared him He fired and the bullet hit me in the centre of my head, so I fell pretending to be dead. Check him The shooter said. He might have money on him. The henchman dude looked over me, but didnt kick the sword from my hand. Im going to take a major guess that they had never seen an immortal guy before. I gripped the sword and slit the mans throat. Yes, first kill I celebrated I dont get why people struggle with that The remaining 5 men where just staring at me.

Fucking kill him one of them shouted They all opened fire at me, so I picked up the gun from the dead guy and shot them all with one bullet; I took their guns and loaded them into the back of their van. There was a driver still sat in it so I pointed a rifle at him Your ride or your life I threatened. The driver jumped out and ran. So I shot him in the arse. I grabbed my Bag and threw a match into the kitchen. The kitchen exploded with a massive BOOM setting the house on fire, I drove off in the van, my clothes burnt and my skin healing really quickly from the bullet holes and burns. I parked the van outside an old warehouse, It was burnt down so it was completely abandoned, I wasnt going to go back to the church, since it was linked with my life, I took all my stuff inside it and then blew up the van about 2 miles away. I had a base, I had guns, and I had food. Now all I needed was revenge

Chapter 4 So, more super humans, yeah? So in a few weeks, Id manage to repair the warehouse set up electric and the internet. I started to work on finding the people who did this to me. I managed to hack into the governments top secret files and found the files on the experiment I was put through, nick-named Experiment Last Breath. Apparently we were to be the last stand of the United kingdom and a select group where chosen at birth, I quickly scanned the others involved and no names stood out but one, right below mine, Scarlett Rose. Next to her name said in big bold letters SUCCESS. They had gotten to her and managed to brain wash her. I needed to get to her and save her, but for now there was nothing I could do, I had to wait. And just make something up when and if I see her, for now I need to keep an eye at the task at hand. But I also need to scare the others, I needed to strike fear into their hearts. I needed a costume; I had to become a super hero. Yeah I know comic heroes dont kill, no matter what, but come on give me a break, If I just arrest these guys theyll be back out within days and still damaging these people, brain washing and experimenting on human beings. They had to die. I got the information on the people I needed to kill; the first one was in the town Id based myself in. Hed been watching me through my entire life, and he was due to leave soon. So I had to hit him first. Id prepped the weapons from the pricks that broke into my house, taking only one rifle, two hand guns and a sword. I wanted to travel light... ish So I pulled a long Jacket on to cover the Handguns and sword, the rifle I placed in a small suitcase. Now all I needed was a mask. Searching through my old stuff I found the perfect outfit for my costume. I already had the black Skinny fit jeans, Black hoody, Black long Jacket and black boots (Of course I had the holsters for the hand guns and swords thanks to army surplus stores and good hands) Now I just needed a mask. Something that will scare my enemies, and show no emotion, and then I found it. An old full masquerade mask, It was faded blood red, with unchanging red lips. Now all I needed was one more thing, a superhero name. I was never good at making up superhero names, and it had to be a pretty good one that would stick. I contemplated what I could do, my talents and skills, and I remembered a name for gun pros, one back from the days of the cowboys of the

ol west, My name was decided, I was gunslinger. I set out to the location I was given for the first doctor, Doctor Dave Kendall. It was a little quiet village full of big houses that were closed off with big ass fences. I got off the bus just down the road from where I needed to be (Yeah I caught the bus whats wrong with that, not like I can fly or swing around on webs) I walked up to the house, it was a bloody mansion. And there he was, waiting with about ten other men behind him. 8021 I presume, nice... He sniggered Costume My name is Gunslinger I muttered Gunslinger? What sort of dumbass name is that? I drew one of the hand guns and aimed at him The sort of dumbass name that you shouldnt mock I fired a round but one of the men jumped in front of him and turned to metal and it just ricocheted off him Shit, Super humans Yeah and they are loyal to me. Ten against one I mocked looking at the bad guys Well I hope they have back up. And thats when I saw the rainbow headed Scarlett Rose. I had to make a plan on the spot. Looking at the men there was only one thing I could do, I had to knock her out first. Kidnap her take her to my home and save her Get him Kendall ordered, and the 10 super humans charged at me, I threw off my long coat and drew my sword, the metal man was the first to charge at me, and I cut off his head before he managed to turn back into his metal form, next was a slimy fuck... literally he was made of slime, luckily highly flammable slime, I lit a lighter and put the flame on him. The next few where just super strength, I actually cant remember most of the powers, and the last one was Scarlett. I had to fight the girl I love. I stood ready to knock her out, then she hit me with an energy beam from her hands Ow, fucking hell Scarlett. How do you know my name I pulled off my mask and hood and showed her my real face Its me, Ryan R...Ryan... how are you here. Look, you dont have to listen to me, these arse suckers I killed with ease, I kept you alive for a reason. I could easily kill you now, Im the best they made, yet they couldnt control me, you need to fight it, come with me. I can save you. I... I cant... You can. Why wont you kill me... Prove you can destroy me! Because Im in love with you Scarlett, please, ignore him, hes trying to order you. Remember that day we cuddled playing video games, the number of times we fell asleep in each others arms, I have loved you from the moment I met you, and still do to this moment, even if youre wanting to blow me to shit. That sounded wrong Was supposed to I said sticking out my tongue You can fight it. She started to power up her energy rays; it looked like it was a very powerful one. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I wasnt going to move, I was going to stand there and take it. I felt a warm blast go past my left ear and smelt burning flesh, I opened one of my eyes, shed missed, but she was running up to me, I braced myself for a punch, but she hugged me, tightly and kissed me. Okay, Im confused Youre going to need help with your vengeance, and Im just the person to help you

You mean... Do you really think they could brain-wash anyone as fucked up in the head as you? And I am just like you You where faking? Yeah pretty much, now lets see what damage Ive done gunslinger I turned around and seen shed hit the house, pulled my rifle from the briefcase and I ran into the house kicking down the door, and sped to the room which was destroyed. Scarlett was closely following as we entered the room, we could hear a man screaming in pain, and we saw him crawling around covered in his own blood, Doctor Kendall had had both his legs blast clean off. Why. Why have you done this He cried in agony Simple, you fucked my life up; my life was almost perfect until you showed up. And what, youre going to go around, murder everyone involved. Its not murder I said, cocking the rifle its justice I pulled the trigger killing the Doctor What now? Scarlett asked I mean do we keep killing, or do we... just go back to society We kill every single dick shit who were involved making us like this, and anyone who gets in the way Well if were superhero-ing it up then youll need a new more practical costume, and I want a costume aswell. Whats wrong with my costume? Have you not looked in a mirror? I thought it looked cool I mumbled Look, where are you living well get some costumes made Im living in the city, but there no more buses Follow me I followed her into the garage where there was a Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R in a beautiful Kawasaki Green and a Suzuki GSF650 Bandit Im guessing the late doc was a motorbike fan No, these are mine She replied, throwing me a helmet I put the helmet on the side, slung the rifle onto my back and sat on the Kawasaki Well we have the money, we have the rides, lets go Yeah and give you a fashion makeover I stuck my finger up at her and rode off; Scarlett followed Blowing up The Doctors house with a Blast. When we pulled up to the ware house I got off the bike and stopped Scarlett So who are you working for? I interrogated You werent there because you where waiting for me. Im working for a side of the government that doesnt agree with this, officially they dont exist, and they hired me to take down these experiments By any means? I asked her By any means. She repeated in assurance I thought over this a bit and decided I want in, dont take no for an answer, these guys will be able to help me I wasnt going to stop you Where are they based? Back home, in London. So we should really go now First lets go get a drink. You know, victory drink. Pub? Pub! she nodded We left the bikes in the warehouse and went to a nearby pub. CHAPTER 5: the great pub heist

We entered a student pub; you know the type, pool tables, cheap drinks, a lot of indie kids and hipsters who think theyre better than most people in the world. After a few drinks I realised that Alcohol was having no effect on me, I couldnt get drunk anymore. Well this is fucking great I muttered I had my hand guns hidden but Id left my sword and rifle back at the warehouse, one of my targets could of walked in any minute. Scarlett had gone to the bathroom, and I was leaning against the bar. A group of lads approached the bar, it was day time and the pub was pretty quiet, there was no door staff on and only one bar member in sight. A few others stood up as they approached the bar, and one shot a round in the air. This is a hold up One of them shouted. Get on the mother fucking floor all of you This is a hold up? I mocked You realise this isnt a movie right? Get on the floor fuck face, before I fucking shoot you Wow, I laughed You say fuck more than me Two men, one armed and one unarmed, dragged an unconscious Scarlett out of the bathroom, and threw her to the ground. Shes one of those super freaks; she blew up my rifle He announced. It was probably a weapons malfunction, you dont believe the media, super freaks for fucks sake the leader scoffed Now, back to you, get on the ground or I will blow youre fucking brains out You are idiots, you know that What? He laughed Were idio... He was stopped short by a bullet in the Cranium. I shot down the other eleven men, but only immobilising. I approached the two men who had knocked out Scarlett Who hurt her? I asked They just laid there screaming in pain, god, being hurt doesnt hurt that much, I thought, Man up. I shot next to one of their faces and repeated Who hurt her, Tell me or Ill hit your two shooter Aiming at his dick I did He cried I hurt her I shot him in the left testicle and picked up Scarlett and left Ruined a good drinking session I left some money on the bar to cover any damages and left. I carried Scarlett to the warehouse where she regained consciousness What happened? She asked, holding her head, how much did I drink It wasnt the drink I replied, and explained what had happened. And you fought them. In front of everyone, in front of the fucking CCTV, YOU IDIOT She yelled at me What? They would have handed those into the police, we need to move, now We had to destroy everything that we couldnt carry, we destroyed the ware house and most of my old things, taking only money, in cash no cards, and a few comics, weapons and ammo. We hopped back on the bikes and sped off to London. Chapter 6 The gear Initiative, I can legally kill people!! We pulled up to an old run down shop, it didnt even look like it was open anymore, but we entered it anyway and it was like a dream, shelves filled with old books, the shop even had that book smell, I was in heaven, I headed towards the nearest shelf but Scarlett grabbed my hand and dragged me away into a lift

Aww, but... books I complained Shut up, let me do the talking She ordered, pressing a button You really think Im gonna be quiet? I joked At least try? For me. Why should I? I asked Because, youre about to meet the guy who is going to hire you. Ryan, you are now an Merc And the new costume? Theyll supply one Nice I could hear talking down the end of the corridor, a strong American accent Yanks? I mouthed to Scarlett Just one or two She replied We entered the room and there was a group of people, sat around a huge holographic world map, I hadnt even noticed wed gone so far underground. There was one wearing an American officers uniform, He was an old, chubby man, with a big white moustache , a couple of British officers, not really worth describing, they are of no importance to be honest, a large woman dressed in a civilian suit and a black man sat in a full black suit Welcome back Scarlett The American Officer greeted Thank you General She said We had news of your mission The Woman started We asked you to keep low, it was Recon, not killing Thats my fault lady, not hers. I said And you are boy? A British Major asked Ryan Phillips, Sir, A.K.A. Gunslinger, Im a mercenary, created by the people you want bringing down... Now my price Your Price? What about your price lad The other officer said in a Yorkshire accent. Thanks to you, they have been alerted that someone is after them. Luckily they dont think its us yet. Yeah well give me money and equipment, and get the police off my back for the kills Ive done this time and Ill make sure they get brought down I retorted Oh and I want a costume Miss Rose, why did you bring him here? The General asked Hes probably the only other person who can help me General, though he can be an idiot at times, and have no common sense; hes the best hope we have of bringing down Last breath Really? This guy? The Captain, I think the Yorkshire officer was Yes Colonel I was wrong Ryan is the best, they couldnt control him either, he managed to escape them by himself, unlike me who was freed by you guys. Fine, welcome to the Gears Initiative, now, Im sure Scarlett will show you round, the bikes have been parked. Oh also, please take any weapons to the armoury if you would We made our first stop to the armoury and I dropped off my Rifle and hand guns, I managed to blag to let me keep my swords on me First off she showed me where the bathroom and med room was, like Id need the med room a lot. Next is your room, well our room, theres that much tech here living quarters are limited, and since no one knew you were coming... Not my fault I shot a guy in the dick for knocking you out. And killing a few others See youre on my side really... She just stared at me Youve fallen out with me havent you? No, Ive... Ive just missed you... I was looking for you; I just couldnt get to you.

She kissed me, just like we used to kiss, our lips connected as if it where two jigsaw pieces, her teeth biting gently down onto my bottom lip, I pulled her close to me, and kissed her deeply Were together again now Two armed guards walked towards us on a patrol, and looked at us as we walked past. You got a problem soldiers? I asked them No sir! And they kept moving So that bed room? The bedroom had been majorly geeked out, games console, Massive HDtv load of geeky films and Models. It was heaven. We laid on the bed, and just held each other close and kissed each other meaningfully for hours until drifting off to sleep in each others arms. Chapter 6 New costumes, new target, fun times We woke up late afternoon the next day, and we made our way to the Command room, where there was only the general present He gives us our orders, the others are rarely here Scarlett whispered to me So why where they here yesterday Annual argument? She shrugged Welcome Scarlett, Gunslinger General Scarlett greeted, I just nodded I trust you slept well, lets get on with this He started, pressing a button and another Doctor appeared on the screen He was a young doctor, who had a Mohawk style cut, and thin rimmed glasses. He had light stubble on his face, but the main thing was those cold, blue eyes Its him. I muttered Say again, Gunslinger The General ordered Hes the guy who was my main Doctor; its this guy who cut my bloody hair! Niaw Didums Scarlett mocked jokingly I want to kill this guy; he made me into a freak! I threatened No we need him alive, The General Ordered We need to question him Then what, youll set him free? I yelled, Grabbing the General, picking him up, Soldiers ran in surrounding me holding rifles to my head I only came here because I thought Id be able to kill the dick suckers who did this to me Ryan, Calm down Scarlett warned grabbing my arm We can kill him after dont worry Fine. He dies only by my hand though, are we clear? The General said nothing I said are we clear, General Crystal clear. The general answered Men, stand down I dropped the general on the floor and started to walk out What about your new costume? The general shouted to me, I turned round with a huge grin on my face. New costume you say? Yes, report to the armoury and they will supply you with your weapons and new costume

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