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Volvo Group

STD 423-0009
Version 2 Page

December 2007


The English language version is the original and the reference in case of dispute. TEST METHOD

Den engelska sprkversionen r originalversion och skall beropas i hndelse av tvist. PROVNINGSMETOD

Paints and enamels, knife technique

Frg och lack, knivteknik

This version differs from version 1 in that section 6 Report has been updated.

Denna version skiljer sig frn version 1 genom att avsnitt 6 Rapport har uppdaterats.

1 Scope
The method is used to determine the adhesion of a coating to the substrate.

1 Omfattning
Metoden ger ett mtt p vidhftningen av ett lackskikt till underlaget.

2 Hardening and conditioning

2.1 Hardening
Test panels coated with stoving paint systems shall after having passed the hardening requirements applicable to the paint material in question, be conditioned in accordance with the specified time, temperature and relative humidity. Test panels coated with air-drying paint systems shall be dried for 7 days at room temperature (18-28 C) as per DIN 50 014 Normalklimate, or forced dried over a period of 16 h at 50 C, before the conditioning is carried out. Test panels coated with two-component paint systems shall be dried for 14 days at normal climate (23 2 C and 50 5% RH) as per DIN 50 014. If the two-component paint is force-dried, it shall be carried out over a period of 48 h at 50C, before the conditioning is started.

2 Hrdning och konditionering

2.1 Hrdning
Provpaneler lackerade med ugnshrdande lacksystem skall efter att ha genomgtt de fr lackmaterialet gllande hrdningskraven, konditioneras enligt angiven tid, temperatur och luftfuktighet. Provpaneler lackerade med lufttorkande lacksystem skall torkas under 7 dygn i rumstemperatur (18-28 C) enligt DIN 50 014 Normalklimate, alt forcrtorkas under 16 h vid 50 C innan konditionering utfrs. Provpaneler lackerade med 2-komponents lacksystem skall torkas under 14 dygn i normalklimat (23 2 C och 50 5% RF) enligt DIN 50 014. Forcrtorkas 2-komponentlacken, skall detta ske under 48 h i 50 C, innan konditionering startas.

2.2 Conditioning
The conditioning shall be carried out for at least 24 h at standard atmosphere (23 2 C and 50 5 % RH) as per DIN 50 014 Normalklimate.

2.2 Konditionering
Konditioneringen utfrs under minst 24 h i normalklimat (23 2 C och 50 5 % RF) enligt DIN 50 014 Normalklimate.

3 Apparatus
A sharp knife of robust design, length with blade folded out approx. 20 cm. Test panel shall be painted and cured in accordance with the relevant curing window. Adhesion testing shall be made on a relevant substrate e.g: - 0,8-0,9 mm steel sheet V-1140 as per STD 1111,401 or

3 Utrustning
En vass kniv i kraftigt utfrande, lngd med utfllt blad ca 20 cm. Provpanel skall vara lackerad och hrdad enligt gllande hrdningsfnster. Vidhftningsprovning skall gras p aktuellt substrat t.ex: 0,8-0,9 mm stlplt V-1140 enl STD 1111,401 eller

Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2007-12-06

Volvo Group

STD 423-0009


- 0,8-0,9 mm zinc coated steel sheet V-1159-ZE 120 or V-1159-Z 140 as per STD 1111,591 or - 1,0-1,5 mm aluminium sheet V-1170 as per STD 1111,701. The panels must be very carefully cleaned, for example in xylene, trichlorethylene, alkaline degreasing or by an electrolytic method, and then stored in such a way that there is not risk of corrosion.

0,8-0,9 mm zinkbelagd stlplt V-1159-ZE 120 eller V-1159-Z 140 enl STD 1111,591 eller 1,0-1,5 mm aluminiumplt V-1170 enligt STD 1111,701.

Panelerna skall vara noggrant rengjorda, t.ex i xylen, trikloretylen, alkalisk avfettning eller p elektrolytisk vg och frvaras p sdant stt att risk fr korrosion ej freligger.

4 Test procedure
Scrape the coated surface with the folding knife as shown in figure 1. The contact angle of the knife edge against the coating surface shall be approx. 45. Put your thumb nail in the scratch and try to remove the paint by pressing down the nail at right angles to the scratch.

4 Provning
Den lackerade ytan skrapas med fllkniven enligt figur 1. Kniveggens anlggningsvinkel mot lackytan skall vara ca 45. Tumnageln stts i skraprepan och med tryck frn nageln grs frsk att avlgsna lacken vinkelrtt mot repan.

Fig. 1

5 Evaluation
The following scale of grade shall be used at the evaluation: 0 = Very good adhesion; no paint can be removed 1 = Good adhesion; the paint can only be removed with difficulty 2 = Poor adhesion; the paint can be removed without effort 3 = Very poor adhesion; the paint flakes

5 Utvrdering
Vid bedmningen skall fljande betygsskala tillmpas: 0 = Mycket god vidhftning; ingen lack kan avlgsnas 1 = God vidhftning; lacken kan endast med svrighet avlgsnas 2 = Dlig vidhftning; lacken kan utan anstrngning avlgsnas 3 = Mycket dlig vidhftning; lacken flagar

6 Report
The test report shall include the following: a) The Volvo part number of the test material b) The suppliers designation of the test material c) Test as per STD 423-0009 d) Adhesion according to the scale of grades e) Any imperfections in the substrate, such as corrosion, etc.

6 Rapport
I provrapporten anges: a) Provmaterialets Volvo detaljnummer b) Provmaterialets leverantrsbeteckning c) Provning enligt STD 423-0009 d) Vidhftning enligt betygsskalan e) Eventuella defekter i substratet ssom korrosion etc.

Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2007-12-06

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