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1. The diagnostic report states The patient was oriented to time and space, showed appropriate affect, and could do simple calculations. Short and long-term memory were intact. Someone has done a. a mental status exam. b. psychophysiological testing. c. projective testing. d. reliability evaluation. ANS: A 2. You are deciding whether to purchase a new assessment measure your staff will use in your psychology clinic. The factor(s) you should consider include a. its reliability. b. its validity. c. its standardization. d. all of the above ANS: D 3. The mental status exam does not directly involve a. observing a persons appearance. b. noting the presence of delusions, hallucinations, or ideas of reference. c. determining whether the condition is due to a medical problem. d. determining mood and affect. ANS: C 4. One advantage of a formal observation, as compared to an informal observation, is that a. formal observations are easier to make. b. formal observations rarely require the use of naturalistic settings. c. formal observations are more reliable due to the focus on behaviors that are both observable and measurable. d. formal observations give more information about an individual. ANS: C 5. On the MMPI, results are assessed according to a. how the pattern of answers corresponds to that of people diagnosed with a specific disorder. b. how often the individual refers to specific ideas, such as aggression or sexuality. c. the degree of emotionality associated with results. d. how often an individual responds to questions that reflect aggression or some other concept. ANS: A


6. Binet, in an attempt to predict which children would succeed in school, developed a. a sentence completion test. b. an intelligence test based on an intelligence quotient. c. an intelligence test based on deviation IQS. d. achievement testing. ANS: B 7. Marguerite is tested for brain damage. Although her test results indicate that she has no brain damage, in reality, she has a brain tumor. Her test results indicate a __________, which is a problem because a. false positive; she will not get the treatment she needs. b. false positive; she may end up paying for costly treatment that is not necessary. c. false negative; she will not get the treatment she needs. d. false negative; she may end up paying for costly treatment that is not necessary. ANS: C 8. The CAT scan neuroimaging technique a. uses x-rays to portray brain structures. b. uses magnetic fields to portray brain structures. c. follows tracer elements in the nervous system. d. uses magnetic fields to portray brain functions. e. studies brains of domestic felines. ANS: A 9. This instrument measures brain-wave activity by recording the electrical activity of the brain. a. CAT scan b. MRI c. EEG d. SPECT ANS:C 10. A prognosis is based primarily upon a. information about the course of the disorder in other individuals. b. whether the symptoms an individual exhibits correspond to the DSM-IV category for a particular disorder. c. the treatment options available to the patient. d. the clients desire to reform. ANS: A


11. The classical and dimensional approaches to nosology differ in that a. the classical approach uses categories, and the dimensional approach uses prototypes. b. the classical approach uses prototypes, and the dimensional approach uses profiles. c. the classical approach diagnoses based on the presence of symptoms, and the dimensional approach notes the degree of severity of symptoms. d. the classical approach places individuals in categories, and the dimensional approach places symptoms in categories. ANS: C 12. According to the textbook, DSM-IV is based on the a. classical system of nosology. b. dimensional system of nosology. c. categorical system of nosology. d. prototypical system of nosology. ANS: D 13. Psychophysiological assessment techniques are used to a. determine the physiological causes of psychological disorders. b. measure bodily changes, such as heart rate and anxiety, associated with psychological processes. c. analyze the functioning of the brain to determine if brain damage or abnormalities contribute to psychological disorders. d. ensure that both the body and the mind respond appropriately to stress. ANS: B 14. More recent DSM versions have promoted all but which of the following? a. Wide acceptance among mental health professionals b. Higher reliability c. Greater correspondence between categories and their theories of etiology d. Multi-axial approach to diagnosis ANS: C 15. As a clinician, you begin your initial assessment interviews by a. asking broad, open-ended questions. b. asking specific questions related to the diagnosis. c. assessing neurological development. d. giving clients diagnostic tests. ANS: A 16. The purpose of standardization is a. to make a diagnosis predictive. b. to increase the scores on a test. c. to determine whether a technique is appropriate. d. to make techniques consistent and comparable. ANS: D


17. The purpose of structured and semi-structured interviews is a. to collect necessary information in a standard way to allow for comparison with similar individuals. b. to initiate treatment. c. to increase confidentiality. d. to help develop the therapist/client relationship. ANS: A 18. A young woman was intently observing a handsome young man. He noticed her observations and promptly turned away and blushed. This is an example of a. self-monitoring. b. formal observation. c. reactivity. d. clinical diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder. ANS: C 19. You would expect a remorseless, seasoned criminal to score highly on which scale of the MMPI? a. Paranoia b. Psychopathic deviation c. Psychasthenia d. Social introversion ANS: B 20. A false positive result on your neuropsychological test is problematic because a. damage that requires treatment is more likely to be overlooked. b. no neurological damage may be actually present. c. it may call for unnecessary and expensive further testing. d. all but a ANS: D 21. If you wished to look for possible damage in a clients brain, which technique would be appropriate? a. Neuropsychological testing b. PET scan c. Autopsy d. All of these ANS: D


22. If using the diagnosis depressed allows you as a clinician to determine an effective treatment and give an accurate prognosis, the diagnosis has a. reliability. b. criterion validity. c. construct validity. d. content validity. ANS: B 23. Comorbidity refers to a. a disorder that manifests itself in several ways. b. the same disorder being diagnosed for two members of a family. c. more than one disorder diagnosed for the same individual. d. the severity of a particular disorder. ANS: C 24. The reason that a possible mixed anxiety-depression diagnosis is considered for DSM inclusion is a. the disorder was theoretically sound. b. the symptoms were often seen in primary care settings. c. the disorder was scientifically based. d. the disorder had construct validity. ANS: B 25. Emily has been evaluated by three different professionals, each of whom offers a different diagnosis. She wonders whether the field has any standards because their judgments obviously lack a. statistical significance. b. clinical utility. c. reliability. d. clinical significance. ANS: C 26. We can use a computer to score polygraph tracings to eliminate human judgment and error and, thus, increase ____________. To call this system a lie detector is a question of ____________. a. validity; ethics b. validity; standardization c. sensitivity; reliability d. reliability; validity ANS: D



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