Strategy Skit Comp

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Strategy Skit Comp - Document Transcript 1.

SKIT 1: Key Actors : Steve Grossmann ( Father) - Max Amy Grossmann (Sister) - Xsenia John Grossmann (Grandfather) Dimitris David Grossmann (Son) - Pawan Jeanette Grossmann (Wife) Daniella Scene: Its a Sunday evening and the family is sitting together and is having dinner. All family members are present, which is a rare occasion, as all family members are working long hours especially the father which is not just working in the family business but is also involved in politics which requires a lot of traveling. 2. Jeanette: Its lovely that we are all able to dine together tonight since this is a rare occasion. 3. David: Yes, but the only reason this doesnt happen more often is that Dad is following two different careers and hence has hardly time for the family. 4. John: David dont forget that your father is doing that for the family 5. Amy: I agree with grandpa and on top we are a family after all and therefore we support each other as well as possible and when he is away traveling to

follow his political career he is doing this also to speak up for the workers since most politicians are only interested in their careers and hardly care about the working class. Your father as a leader of a family business has experience and can support the view of the employers as well as the employees. 6. John: Dont forget that I gave up my position in the company because I wanted to follow my political career in order to bring change to our community. Your dad needs all your support now since he is doing both at the same timeleading our business and speaks up for our community. Jeanette: Sometimes tradeoffs and sacrifices have to be made as a family. Without the support of the family your dad wont be able to lead the company therefore Amy has agreed to give up her career as a financial advice in order to survey and report to your father what is happening during his absence. One day you will be his successor and therefore you need to learn the basics of the tasks required to lead our company. You are doing a great job already. Continue to learn from the employees, respect them and gain their trust so that one day if you are their boss you will have their full support. 7. Steve: Thats right I know its hard for you to understand at the moment but I love politics and to support our communityour family has a long

tradition in politicshowever, I am working long nights and weekends to make up for my time which I cannot be present in the company. Nevertheless, as your mother said it is important to gain the trust and support of our employees so that they will work hard and loyal even when you might be absent for a few days a week. Family has to stick together and one day your small brother will help you like Amy and your mother helped me in the company. Thats family. 8. Key Message of the article: Family needs to support each other Tradeoffs have to be made and scarifies Without family support a family business can hardly operate Each person has to be respected You got to learn the basics before being a manager in the fam bus as a son or daughter Gain respect of your employs If you are not present since you have other commitments you need people you can trust in the company, well structured, supportive, even better if that is a family member Politics needs mpre business people who can understand the people and know what their problems are when considering new legislations etc Human asset is core of any business 9. Skit Part 2 10. Daniella (Narrator): So here we are observing the Levy Family meeting where we will learn about the importance of shared beliefs which creates family unity and thus enable actions to take place.

11. Max (Roger): So guys, as you know I have fully recovered and feel great, I think I have a few years more to work and therefore I have an announcement to make. I am in negotiations to acquire a British competitor to Ilapak. This will be very beneficial to us as a company because of the valuable resources we will gain, and increase in market share. I hope you understand my point of view. What do you guys think? 12. Ksenia (Sabrina): Papa I agree, its a great way to breath new life into Ilapak, we are becoming to stagnant this merger would take us to the next level and help our firm grow. 13. Max: yes this is true. 14. Guy (Dimitrios): Papa. Just a week ago we were biting each others head off to create a succession plan, I think this family has seen enough change. This venture is too risk for the business and the family, I dont think we can run Ilapak and another firm in England. 15. Max: I think we have the capability to make it work, what do you think Luciano? 16. Pawan (Luciano): Well Roger, it is a great way to stage a revolutionary growth strategy, we have the resources for the acquisition, and the numbers would improve over the years. But I am concerned about the

strain on management. It will require a rearrangement in management, we will an increase in labor and management force, and will require more work for all of us. 17. Max: hmm you are right Luciano, Common Guy, I have been able to grow Ilapak so it could support my kids, dont you want to do the same for Sabrinas and your kids? 18. Dimitrios: Well I suppose I do partially. 19. Max: Well some agreement is better than no agreement. So are you all willing to put in extra effort to take make this happen? 20. 21. Collective: Yes Max: Ok than lets do this.

22. Daniella: This meeting helped to show how when operating in a family, unity can be achieved even if not everyone is onboard. Roger helped give a general direction and point everyone towards one direction, which lead to generating positive action. Please add anything you need to use your power point to conclude and highlight the other key learning points.

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