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The End of Guilt Meditation Technique:

Sit in the position of comfort that you have come to know is best for maintaining meditation.
Relax your mind, body, and emotions. Attain a rhythm of effortless breathing. Refocus your
attention on your breath if you get distracted from your meditation. In your mind’s eye,
visualize your Deity. If it is one that has no human form, see the holy, infinite, all-powerful
pure energy that represents the divine. If your Deity has a form, see it in as great detail as

For instance, if it is in a human male form, see its body, face, hair, eyes, hands, robe, all, as
clearly as you can. See yourself in front of and facing your Deity, in a sitting, standing, or
prostrating position. Visualize yourself covered with many, many layers of ultra fine energy,
much like the layers of skin on an onion. Each of these layers were created by the process of
labeling your actions as sins. In reality, nothing you’ve ever done has been either “good” or
“bad”. They have just been things that occurred in your life. If they could be labeled or judged,
what they would be are opportunities to appreciate your universal identity and oneness with
the divine. Misinformation and inappropriate conditioning has caused you to have the illusion
that you have sinned by your physical, mental, or emotional actions and have acquired layers
of negative energy that now cover and soil your pure Real Self.

Realize that with every breath you receive, the Highest Power, your Deity, sends you
forgiveness and blessings. Know that every interaction you have had with anyone else that
you may have thought caused them to suffer, had the potential to help them become a
stronger person and evolve in consciousness. Most importantly, acknowledge that not
everything you were conditioned to believe was a sin, was one, and that the conditioning itself
may have been the sin.

See your Deity remove your guilt and convert your so-called sins into love. Visualize your guilt
coatings melting off and the forgiveness and blessings of the Divine cleansing and healing the
wounds and pain they caused. As they peel off, you may remember specific things that you
have been carrying within your subconscious. Witness the events and the suffering they
represent fade away and dissolve forever.

As the final layers are peeled away, you realize that there is nothing left within and thus no
separation from the Deity who is all powerful, present infinitely and eternally, all knowing and
all love. Just like a bird that has escaped its shell, with no more guilt to bind you, you are
forever free to soar the heavens and swim in the universal ocean of bliss. And live happily ever

Filling the Mind to Empty the Mind (#31)

When you first start meditating and read the ancient literature, time and time again you find
the suggestion/direction to empty your mind. Almost all the FDG's (Famous Dead Gurus)
indicate this is virtually mandatory to achieve success in meditation. Then you try to do it and
find that it is easier said than done. But, as they say in song, "don't worry, be happy" because
there are solutions to this non-problem.

One of the best techniques to use when you find it impossible to clear your mind is to fill it to
the max. Focus on any object or concept - like an egg or peace - (it is usually considered
much easier to focus on an object, by the way) - OK so, let's say you are using an egg as the
object - you then think of everything you can that relates to an egg. For example, an egg is
oval; it comes in brown or white. It has a fragile shell. It comes from a mother, etc. You then
extrapolate on how these characteristics relate to you.
For instance, people are sort of oval shaped, come in brown and white colors, our skin is a
fragile shell, etc. Whatever you do, keep referring back to the object of your concentration (in
this case, the egg). You can also work on how the egg relates to any/everything in the
universe. As Einstein tells us, everything in the universe is relative to everything else. So,
what eventually has to happen is that you will find that everything you can think about relates
to an egg. Way before you get through the first billion things that relate, your mind will
surrender, or sort of turn off from fatigue. Being empty, you can and will then fill with the
essence of the egg, which is the same essence as you and everything else in the universe.

You may not even need to fill terribly much with a lot of thought. It sometimes happens that
you will realize that essence quite quickly. For instance, you may realize that the egg is made
of atomic and subatomic substances that have no difference than those that make you up. And
so is the entire universe. You are literally star energy and united with all the atomic particles

There is a wisdom and consciousness that allows the atoms to know enough to merge into
molecular compositions and the molecules to unite into more and more complex compositions.
The ultimate intelligent composition is the human, for we are blessed with the ability to ponder
this holy, miraculous process and unite with the source and maintainer of it.

There are many other methods to fill the mind. One is to answer Zen koans like "What is the
sound of one hand clapping?" or "What was your face before you were born". These
imponderables are unanswerable by mere intellect, body, or emotions, and have been used for
hundreds of years as a way to master our mind. Similarly, Sufi tales, particularly those
featuring Mullah Nasrudin, as well as Hindu teaching stories, Talmudic tales, etc., that offer
levels after levels of understanding that your mind will never be able to fathom.

Another method is to do visualizations. Then, you will be filling your mind with what you
choose. For instance, visualize yourself being the person you want to be. A "you" with perfect
health, tranquility, wisdom, and self control. And complete mastery of your mind.

Meditation Station and other web sites offer dozens of techniques and concepts that are
appropriate to use to do more than just clear your mind. Try a few methods, find one (or
possibly even a few) that feel right, and persevere until your mind becomes a useful tool, just
as your hand or computer or car is. And you will live happily ever after.

Beloved Heavenly Father and Thy Divine Messenger, Lord Michael! 

We bless Thee for Thy Presence in this universe! We invoke the Presence of Lord Michael and 
His Legions of Light into the atmosphere of Earth to cut free every soul belonging to this evolution 
from all substance, energy, habits, qualities, tendencies and desires which are not of God! 

We invoke Thy Intercession on behalf of our loved ones who live beyond the veil of death. Go to 
them and cut them free from all earthly bonds of greed, hate, avarice and distress. Take them to 
Thy Temple of Faith and teach them true faith in God and inculcate in their hearts a desire to obey 
God's Holy Will. 

We invoke Thy Presence into every institution of incarceration of every kind upon the planet Earth 
and into every home and place of worship. Dissolve the cause and core of all distress ­ individual, 
national and planetary. Help us, we beseech Thee, to learn to serve with Thee in removing the 
psychic and astral realm that lies like a "smog" upon and around the earth. Take all disembodied 
spirits and elementals who have not yet learned to do God's Will, from the atmosphere of earth. 

We ask Thee, Lord Michael, to meet our loved ones as they pass through the veil called death, 
and in Thy Own Loving Arms, carry them to the Throne of God, Himself. 

Beloved Lord Michael, help us to want to do God's Will here on Earth and hereafter. Remove the 
curse of "rebellion and disobedience" from all evolutions in the Earth, upon its surface, and in its 
atmosphere. Thank you, blessed Prince of the Heavenly Host! We accept Your Intercession upon 
our behalf and that of all life, and we accept Your Friendship in our own worlds today and forever. 

Archangel Micheal, his name means - "Who is like God?"

When bad things start to happen and you have no time to shield but are in
serious need of protection, you can call on Archangel Michael. He is most
renowned as a fighter for the good, and his protection is strong. You can also call
on Michael when you are facing any issuse that requires courage and strength.


Mi ch aël,
Mi ch aël,
Mi ch aël,

I call on you, mighty leader of the celestial armies, to lend me your divine blue
ray of protection. Your name is the war-cry of the good angels in the battles
fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers.

Lord Michael please rise up, great Angel of fire, he who stands for guardian of
humanity, and shield me from the evil of the invisible and visible adversary. Come
armored by the helmet of salvation and bring your sword!

I thank you. For I know that you are already here, as I AM surrounded and
covered by your radiant protection, light and love.

Note: Feel free to modify this as you wish. Michael is always ready to assist you.
Why call his name three times? Three represents the union of the divine and
human qualities, manifestation, trinity of body, soul and spirit, and the three
divisions of mind - conscious, subconscious and super-conscious. Also it means
trinity, triad and trine - the three dimensions, light, love and life. "If two or three
are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them,"

Beloved Angels of God,

Beloved Masters of Wisdom, Peace and Love,
Beloved Lady Masters of Heaven,
Beloved Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ,
Beloved mighty St. Germain,
Beloved Heavenly Father and Mother
Who are in heaven as on earth,
We come before You
Asking for your heavenly help In all things that we do.

We ask for your holy protection always

So that the work we are meant to do in this world
Will not be disrupted or delayed in any way,
But will proceed with
The greatest of ease, peace, and blessings.

We are grateful for all the Good

We have been able to do by Your Grace up until now.
And so we come asking for further protection
At all times and in all situations
So that we can continue to serve the Will of God.

We call for round-the-clock protection

Around our homes and the places that we work, eat, and play.
We call for solid protection
Around our loved ones at all times as well,
That they can never be used as pawns or tools of darkness
Which is only ignorance of God’s Love.

Keep us always in the brightest Light.

Keep us immune to the negative pulls
Of the planets, people, or spirits.
Keep us happy and seeing the Truth in every situation,
And free of judgments against our brethren.

And keep us always alert to potential dangers

Coming from any source whatsoever,
Whether seen or unseen,
Known or unknown,
Embodied or disembodied.

And may we always have an avenue

Of escape from danger or mishap
Whenever necessary.

Let us truly be instruments of the Divine,

Seeing clearly what would be
The best course of action to take, if any,
In every situation that we see.
Speak words of wisdom
And counsel into our listening ears
And see to it that we are always surrounded
By angels of light, protection, wisdom and love.
Let us truly reflect
The Presence of God
On earth as it is in Heaven.

See to it that our lives are filled with

Laughter, joy, and love always.
And may we be empowered to bring
These same blessings into the lives of
All those we contact.
Let healings occur in our presence
And miracles, too.

Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind

Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go.

I AM, its love protecting here!

I AM, its love protecting here!
I AM, its love protecting here!
Welcome my sweet friends

11:11 is a powerful gateway into the higher dimensions as well as being the Christ
Consciousness number of our multi-universe. We can use the portal of Light created
today through the 11:11 gateway to connect more deeply to our Higher Light as well
as to many of the Celestial Beings of Light from On High that Overlight us. It is an
opportune moment in time to connect through the Christ Consciousnes grid in Love
as well as receive downloads/pockets of information from these higher dimensions.
These pockets of information are generally downloaded very rapidly and can assist
in activating the dormant DNA, creating a sense of Self-Mastery, and a feeling of
merging into Oneness.

If you would like to experience these downloads of Light information from a

Christed extraterrestrial perspective, we have included an invocation and
affirmation related to the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service and Overlighted
by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.

Blessings in Love

Anrita Melchizedek-Choun


Visualization: I call upon the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light and the
Intergalactic Council of Twelve, to surround me and this earth plane in the Cosmic
Golden Flame of Metatronic Consciousness. I now ask the Andromedan Intergalactic
Beings of the Light to anchor and activate the sixteenth ray ofIntergalactic
Service through the Christ Consciousness grid and through my hologram, energy
field and body with the qualities of beauty, magnetism, devotion, power, wisdom,
illumination, sacred sexuality, valor, peace, Love, Divinity, balance, harmony,
inspiration, Service, justice, and the experience of group collective Christ

Invocation to the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service

I call forth to the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light,

Noble Sir:
Although things merely intellectual are most excellent; yet to know rare things out of use,
is held little better than to know nothing, and it is now held a miracle. Also because weak
things require the stronger support, I present this invention to you whose long experience
hath enabled [you] to discern betwixt good and evil, when you come into an artificer's
shop and find many instruments appear, of you know not the use, yet you think not the
worse of them that cut your fingers, knowing the artist useth them to perfect[ion], and
their speculations are compared to Rachel and Leah for beauty and perfection. Heretofore
many worthy men manifested the possibility of squaring the circle, which is not yet done,
because in ardua virtuis, and I do desire to hold good correspondence with the Lawers,
because they hold Reason to be the soul of the Law, and thereby essences are made
manifest by themselves. The victory and regal power of pure sulphur which turns four
into one brings perfect peace and shows the quadrate perfection, toward that which it is,
is meant to do you service.
The truth seems buried because it brings forth little fruit but it is great and prevaileth to
make all things manifest, so far as is possible to all men, for in common sense and reason
all agree, in mysteries never; so that we may not speak of Science without knowledge,
which breaks the Gates of Brass and cuts asunder the Bars of Iron, before the Eyes of
understanding, that the Treasure of Darkness may be opened and the bright and fiery
sword discovered, which turns every way to keep transgressors out of Paradise. For if we
consider wherein the celestial and terrestrial bodies agree, we shall find something
objective in the inferior bodies, whereby they communicate their Celestial virtue and
influence, which excellent Art doth imitate to produce a glorious substance of commixed
forms, and of clearness, virtue and beauty beyond expression. The Mathematicians say
the Celestial influences do hold and govern every natural body, and by many virtues
collect a quantity, subsisting without shadow, for the real virtues affect to be specificate,
and as living fire gives light to other things, so this central substance of Celestial virtue or
form of metals is the subject of this short discourse.
That Urim and Thummim were given on the Mount cannot be proved, yet they are
potential from the Creation may appear, for they were substances whose name and
essence did predicate each other being convertible terms: the name and essence one, the
words signify Light and perfection, knowledge and holiness, also manifestation and truth;
even as science and essence make one perfection. It is likely they were before the Law
given, for the Almighty commanded Noah to make a clear light in the Ark, which some
take for a window, others for the arching and bowing of the upper deck a cubit (Gen
8,22), but sith [since] the text saith Day and Night shall no more cease, it seems it did
then cease, and whether there were one or many windows is uncertain. But when the
windows of Heaven were opened, and the air darkened by pouring out rain, the Sun not
giving his Light, but prohibited the generative spirit of the creatures in the Ark, what
exterior clearness could be expected, therefore some of the Rabbins say the Hebrew word
Zohar, which the Chaldee translates Neher, is not found in the scripture but in this place,
so that like the word it seemeth to be a rare Light, and that which is generally doubted to
be, the Creator commanded Noah to make by Art. Other Hebrew Doctors say it was a
precious stone hung in the midst of the Ark, which gave light to all living creatures
therein, this the greatest carbuncle could not do, nor any precious stone that is only
natural, but the Universal spirit fixed in a transparent body shines like the Sun in glory,
and gives sufficient light for all the room to unveil by. Therefore it is most probable this
was the light that God commanded Noah to make, to give light to all living creatures, for
it is of perpetual durance.
And whereas Tubal Cain is said to be a perfect Master of every artificer in brass and iron,
which some hold doth contain the whole and perfect decoction of the Metallic virtue,
wherein the central virtue is most abundant, and makes the happy more admired, who
walks in the midst of the stones of fire (Ezech: 28,16), for where there are two things of
our nature the chief is to be understood, therefore in the mention [mansion?] of fire, pure
fire is preferred.
The scarlet veil in the Temple seemed ever moving and signified pure fire generative and
moving, which [when] fixed in clear bodies is Urim and Thummim, although essences
are not without great difficulty made manifest by themselves, yet the clear vision thereof
makes the possibility unquestionable, as at Elisha's prayer his servant saw the horses and
chariots of fire about his master, which before he saw not, so are these apparent when the
Invisible is made Visible.
Some think that Urim and Thummim were not artificial because they are said in the text
(Exod 28, 30) to be put into the Breastplate, but not to be made, but this point may be
cleared by observing the several kinds of making, as betwixt those things made with
hands, and those things that are only made visible by effect, for when Nature and habitual
virtue meet together the perfection is more absolute by a kind of new generation, as the
pure l of metals by an inward power doth purge itself by ebullition, not by the first and
remote causes but by the second and nearer, whereof the Philosophers saith the secret of
all secrets is such a disposition which cannot be perfected with hands, for it is a
transmutation of natural things from one thing to another. Also it is said the Artist taketh
impure spirits and by sublimation, Nature and Art, cleanseth them into bodies pure and
fixed, so that the bodily nature doth eternally predominate, and being more than perfect
doth give perfection to other things. Now that these perfections have their beginnings
from two Lights, both the text and the ancient philosophers make plain, but ignorance and
the matter of the elements are the Iron Gates which must be cut in pieces before the
invisible be made visible, for the natural Urim and Thummim the philosophers affirm
what they have seen and done, and that they did nothing save that they knew before, so
that a perfect knowledge is especially requisite to make a perfect Art. Therefore we are
now to consider the means to attain this end.
The Lord gave Bazalael wisdom, understanding and knowledge (Exod 31, 34), there are
the means, for Gold is dissolved by wisdom in contrition, assation and fire; the end is
directed to invent works in Gold, Silver and Brass; which is not to be understood
according to the sound of words but according to the intent of all distillation to extract the
inward [perfection] and manifest the central virtue, for where the perfection of the matter
is glorious, the perfection of the form must be more glorious.
The Sun and Moon are as the Parents of all inferior bodies and those things which come
nearest in virtue and temperature are more excellent, The Sun's motion and virtue doth
vivify all inferior bodies, and the pure form of the Terrestrial Sun is said to be all fire, and
therewith doth the Celestial Sun communicate most virtue. Therefore the uncorrupted
quality of pure l being digested in external heat hath also regal power over all inferior
bodies, for the Sun doth infuse his influence into all things, but especially into Gold, and
these natural bodies do now show forth their virtues, until they be made spiritual.
One of the Rabbins saith they made in the Second Temple Urim and Thummim, to the
end they might make up all the 8 ornaments, although they did not enquire by them,
because the Holy Ghost was not there, and any Priest that spake not by the Holy Ghost,
and on whom the Divine Majesty rested not, they inquire not by him. So it is with
sacramental bread, which hath no signification before consecration, but these man have
the Spirit of Bezalael, and made the natural and spiritual bodies, which sovereign natural
tincture some say so purifieth and causeth the radical humour so to abound, that the
children in the fourth generation (yea some say in the tenth) shall perceive the effect of
such present health of their ancestors. The two stones which uphold man's life is natural
heat and radical moisture which requireth all care to observe equal proportion and
mixture like a lamp, where neither the flame nor the oil must surpass, lest the oil is
exhausted or the flame suffocated, for there is a possibility and aptness in nature to attain
eternity, seeing natural desires are never altogether frustrated, and this aptness extending
itself to immortality as it was before the Fall and shall be after the Resurrection, but there
is one term of Nature appointed after the Fall and another by corruption of Parents, for
these are perfect terminative and privative ends, the Hart and Eagle renew their young, so
that it is possible for Man to attain that which is not denied to unreasonable creature,
others say that if you had once finished this work and should live but 1000 years, you
might give what you will and when you will without danger of diminution, as a man that
hath fire may give to his neighbour without hurt to himself. Marcus Varro said there was
much more in the Flamens Ceremonies than they understood; Vesta signified pure Earth
and internal fire, of whom it is said Earth undergoeth the name and so doth Fire. Vesta is
both. Thus is shown forth in a work by fire.
Philosophy is nothing but the study of wisdom considered in a created nature, as well
subject to sense as invisible; and consequently material, and wisdom's central body is the
shadow of wisdom's central essence, and the moral interpretation can never excuse the
real effect from ocular demonstration, but where reason hath experience, Faith hath no
merit, and without faith there is no knowledge of any excellent thing, for the end of Faith
is understanding.
The Rabbins hold every natural beginning to be either matter or the cause of matter viz.,
the four elements. Others are of the opinion the Creator made one pure matter of which
he made the 4 Elements, but here beginnings must be well understood, for there are
beginnings of preparation, and beginnings of composition, and beginnings of operation,
for the Artist was commanded to devise works in Gold, that is from the object to the
possibility, for if the matter be glorious the form must be more glorious, and though the
spiritual nature be more operative, yet the bodily nature must predominate eternally, so
that to make the corporeal spiritual, and the spiritual corporeal is the whole scope of this
intention, yet the spirit is not first but the natural, for corruption must put on incorruption,
and mortality immortality, for that which is of greatest duration and most abundant in
virtue doth most excell in glory and beauty, and so is fittest to make Urim and Thummim,
for power and honour in his Sanctuary.
But because greatest things are not done by strength or habit of fingering, as also because
the intellect doth so far excel the sense, this is a work of a second intention, and the
beginning upon the virtue of the Elements, that is a pure bright and clear water of
putrefaction for the perfection of every Art (properly so-called) requires a new birth, as
that which is sown is not quickened except it die: but here death is taken for mutation, not
for rotting under the clods, now therefore we must take the key of Art, and consider the
secret of every thing is the life, therefore life is a vapour, and in vapour is placed the
wonders of Art, whatsoever hath heat agitating and moving in itself, by the internal
transmutation is said to live: This life the Artist seeks to destroy and restore an eternal
life, with glory and beauty. This vapour is called the vegetable spirit because it is of the
degree of heat with the hottest vegetable, and being decocted until it shines like the
brightest steel ye shall see great and marvellous secrets, not by separation of elements by
themselves but by predominination and victory of that pure fire, which like the celestial
Sun enters not materially, but by help of Elemental fire, sends forth his influence and
impression of form. Here we must observe differences of perfections, for although you
have the fountain of complete white, yet you are not near your chief delight, which is the
Fountain of Life and Centre of the Heart, the Universal Spirit, which lives in the radical
humidity, and doth naturally vivificate, and is the masculine seed of the celestial Sol.
Here is that rule made good. Except you sow gold in gold you do nothing. Therefore we
must take heed what we understand by gold. Whereof there are 3 sorts - vulgar,
Chymicall and Divine; which is therefore so called because it is a special gift of God. The
Theosophists are persuaded by exact diet, and by certain forms of prayers, at certain
times to obtain the Angel of the Sun, to be their guide and director.
The Philosophers advise to take the like matter above earth that nature hath under the
earth. Others to search the most precious treasure from a vile thing, all which is easily
agreed if rightly understood, for in the lines following the same author saith the vile thing
is from the sperm of the Gold cast into the Matrix of Mercury by a prime conjunction.
Others affirm Azoth and ignis to be sufficient for this high perfection. The which Azoth
amongst the Germans is Silver, with the Macedonians Iron, with the Greeks Mercury,
with the Hebrews Tin, with the Tartars brass, with the Arabians Saturn, and with the
Indians it is taken for Gold. All which being ends in Nature are potential in one
Composition, and by the duel of Spirits, the Celestial Gold obtaineth victory over all the
rest, and it is made though not without hands a body shining like the Sun in glory which
is called Ens omnis privationis exps or Thummim.
This is the king that made the pure (Thummim) clear bright fountain, and of it was made
himself, the fair Woman so loving the red man, she became one with him, and yielded
him all glory, who by his regal power and sovereign quality reigneth over the fourfold
nature eternally, but if any shall understand either common or chemical gold to be the
subject of this sacred body, he is much mistaken for a glorious spirit will not appear save
in a body of his own kind.
Although fine maurchett be made of the purest meal, yet wheat is not excluded, and so
bread is not properly said to be of the second and nearer causes rather than of the remote,
notwithstanding that which is made by effect in a successive course, is as clean as that
which is made with hands.
After we fell from unity we groan under the burden of division, but 3 makes up the union,
first temporary, and after eternally fixed, he that knows a thing fully must know that it
was, is, and shall be, so to know the several parts of a successive course is not a small
thing, neither the how and little.
In the right use of the creature, Air turned into Water by his proper mixture, becomes
wood, and the same wood by water is turned into a stone. A Spring in Italy called
Clytumnus, makes oxen white that drink of it, and a water in Bretia makes sheep black
that drink of it, and the River in Hungary turns iron into copper. What excellent things
may be obtained by habitual virtue, or what power when nature and art make one
perfection, who is able to express. That Reverend Martyr Johannes Rupercissa affirmeth
the exalted quintessence upon the breaking of the glass sendeth forth such fragrant scents
that it doth not only delight these that enter into the house, but even the birds that fly by
will sit on the threshold so ravished with delight, that they may take them with their
hands and if you desire by art to have thing of admirable sweetness and odour you will
take a subject of like quality to exalt unto such excellency, the proper quality of fire and
air is sweetness, it is but appropriate in Earth and Water, what bodies shall we find where
these are most abundant to be wrought upon.
As the celestial bodies work qualities in other things yet have none in themselves, so the
metallic bodies give no tincture, yet are most abundant in tincture. Air is cause of Life,
Mercury is a [coacted] Air, aetherial and truly homogeneal which doth after a sort
congeal and fix. It is called a crude gold, and gold a fixed and mature Mercury, and
although the crude quality be cold and dry yet the internal and aetherial spirit is held hot
and dry, and [soever] held for the excellency of his temperature that it is all fire or like to
it, whereby it is dissolved, howsoever it is at large perceived these bodies are most
abundant in pure fire and air, whose proper quality is sweetness. Therefore these are the
fittest subjects to make the most precious perfume in the world, and considering clearness
and brightness is the Centre of each thing and these bodies have both centre and
superficies clear and bright, when they are purified by art, and the bodies made spiritual,
and those spirits incorporate again, they must necessarily be bodies of greatest or clearest
light and perfection, as one compareth a glorified body to a clear lantern with a taper in it
saying "the more a man excelleth in virtue, the greater or lesser was the taper".
But the work cannot be manifest without the destruction of the exterior form, and the
restitution of a better, which is the glorious substances of Urim and Thummim, which in
their being and physical use, preserves the temple of Man's body incorruptible.
Some observe not a like difference between liquefaction and solution, but all corrosives
or violent operations Nature hates, because there can be no true generation but of like
natures. Neither can you have the precious sperms without father and mother, and
although one vessel is sufficient to perfect the Infant in the Womb, ye Nature hath
provided several breasts to nourish it, and different means to exalt it to the strength of a
man, how gold should be burnt which the fire could not consume, is questionable; but
every exaltation of this sovereign spirit adds tenfold power and virtue.
Then take one parte of this spirit, which is become as insensible dust, and cast upon
molten gold it turns all into powder which being drunk in white wine, openeth the
understanding, increase the wisdom, and strengtheneth the memory, for here is the vein of
understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the river of knowledge.
The truth of every thing is said to be his incorrupted nature, for nothing shall rest
eternally visible at the last fire, but that which is of pure virtue and essential purity. Truth
and science is not led by chance or fortune, but the spirit of God guides by the hand of
Reason, and it seems the prophets approve of these stones of fire, some mentioning the
stone of darkness, and as it were fire turned up, other the stone of tyne, and Ezekiel the
stone of fire attained by wisdom, which he different from the natural precious stones, as
pure fire from common fire.
Therefore let modesty allow that possible whereof he understands not terminations and
degrees, neither refuse the waters of Shiloh because they go slowly, for they that wade in
deepest waters cannot go fast.
To obtain the treasures of Nature, ye must only follow Nature who gives not like time to
every generation. But as the mare hath ten months, the Elephant hath three or as some say
nine years and 50 before Conjunction, be patient therefore in a work of nature, for
thereunto only is promised victory and the chief errors in art are hastiness and dullness.


Although some scholars define the seven spirits of God based upon the
scriptures that refer to ‘the spirit of understanding, wisdom, counsel, might,
knowledge and the spirit of the fear of the Lord based upon Isaiah 11:2, the
Seven Spirits of the living God written about in the Book of Revelations
should be thought of as the complete essence of life which encompasses
more than the manifestations of those spirits mentioned in Isaiah. Based
upon my research [which needs to be confirmed], the essential aspects of
spirit and spirituality define the essence of life of which can only be ascribe to
God in the sense of ‘CREATION’. Satan was once apart of the heavens and he
too is defined as being wise. Satan has a wicked spirit and this does not
come from God. It is written that we struggle against SPIRITUAL wickedness
in high places. Satan can manipulate his surroundings, however, he is limited
in the presence of the creator. Therefore, if the true seven spirits of the LORD
God [which is ‘the spirit of perfection’] are tested for its uniqueness then, it
should become obvious that they are the building blocks of our very
existence of which neither Satan nor mankind can lay claim to:

1] Water
2] Fire
3] Thunder
4] Oil
5] Wind
6] Blood
7] Urim & Thumim

All seven of these elements are like ‘the alphabet of our existence’ and just
like the alphabet, they can be combined in various ways with one another to
bring forth infinite wonders. Each one of these spirits produce so much
information that a book could be written for each. For example, ‘thunder’
[utterance] is a science that contains many facets in association to life. It
encompasses sound and vibrations, intelligent sounds or speech and just like
our ‘voice box’ [sound box; boca] sound comes from a source--the creator.
When God speaks, we listen and hear through vibrations, our ear and even in
our dormancy can God communicate to us--his own creation. He sends a
message and we receive it in different ways. It is a mystery of the Holy
Spirit. It is written that his voice can be heard through the thunders and
sound like a trumpet, the voice of many waters or, a still small voice. Not
only has ‘water’ been defined as a basic constituent to life and makes up
most of our bodies, there are other ‘bodies of water’ such as lakes and rivers.
There happens to be more water on this planet than livable land. And not
only have scientist just recently reported that there seems to be ice or water
on the planet Mars but, for years they say that the rings on the planet Saturn
are made of either dust or ice particles. Even though they do not explain the
presence of water beyond our clouds at any great length, the information
offered seems intriguing. The planet Jupiter is defined even in ancient times
in regards to its association to ‘water’ and ‘torrential rains’ and scientist
report of seeing thunders and lightning through its clouds continually. The
very ‘rainbow’ is a constant in the presence of God, the creator, and Jesus
and is associated with rain and the sun. And so even though the spirits are
separate wonders, they have a relationship with the other essential spirits.
For example, with thunder and lightning, rain can follow it and, then comes
the miracle of ‘fire’ and ‘light’. In the presence of fire is heat. Our eyes and
ears are like windows to heaven. Does fire have sound? Can fire roar? And
what if wind is added to fire or water? What is ‘spirit water’? How great the
spirit of God is. He is. . ..

The miracle of oil seems enormous and never ending. There is ‘THE OIL
TREE’ [olive tree] that, in ancient times, became almost synonymous with
the culture of the Greeks. The presence of it in so many facets in the Greek
culture becomes a key factor in archeological studies. The olive tree can be
seen in their many artworks and show records of how they produced it,
harvested it, stored it, used it and traded with it. There are the essential oils
that come from so many different kinds of plants, fruits, nuts and trees. And
if that is not amazing then what about the many animals on this earth? Israel
is associated always with ‘LAMB OIL’ [lanolin means ‘lamb oil’ or wool oil] and
becomes an important part of our way of life. Jesus is called, THE ANOINTED
LAMB OF GOD. Every animal produces oil. Imagine one whale and think
about the amount of oil it can produce. Last but not least is PETROLEUM or,
rock oil! This earth suffers today because of the greed concerning this
amazing spirit of God pressed down in the fossils of this earth. From ‘steam
engines’ to ‘Greek fire’ [the black rock] to ‘the H bomb’ and now to ‘nuclear
power’, petroleum becomes one manifestation that leads up to the ultimate
setting up of ‘the abomination that truly maketh desolate!’ Oh, how the
adversary does manipulate the spirits of the living God.

Urim and Thummim has become a mystery and scholars offer vague
conjecture as to what they think it might mean. The reason for this is
because the Bible does not make it obvious. Urim and Thummin are written
to be apart Aaron’s breastplate, [the high priest of Israel] and the meaning of
it is in the words. Some scholars correctly define ‘Urim and Thummim’ as
‘power and lights’ but offer no further explanations. One key factor is the
word ‘Im’ [var. Imhotep, Purim, Mizraim, Seraphim, Cherubim, Teraphim...]
and connects to ‘God the creator’. We are made in his ‘IMAGE’. The other
obvious meaning is the fact that they are ‘paired words’. But the most
confirming and revealing definition concerns the inverted word ‘Thum’ and
the word ‘mum’ [Thummim; Thum-muth] and this then, means ‘MOUTH’ but
more specifically, it means ‘house of’, ‘womb’, ‘mother’ [moth-er, and also,
mammary, Mom . . ] . . . ‘THE MILK OF THE WOMB’ and ultimately, ‘THE
ESSENCE OF LIFE’. Urim then means, ‘the essence of a man’ or ‘SEMEN’. So,
‘Urim and Thummim’ are associated with ‘REPRODUCTION’. For many ancient
people, the sperm whale was used to make ‘power and lights’. But what did
Aaron have on his breastplate? Like oil, fat, tannic... which contains the basic
element of all living things [carbon], every living plant and animal have
unique essences of life. The promise to AbraHam and Israel was that they
would inhabit the land that flows with milk and honey. Milk is associated with
reproduction and life and comes from animals and, honey comes from bees.
Honey could be thought of as the milk of bees. If you light a match to water
then, there is no flame but, if a match is put to a candle wick primed with
beeswax then, there is a flame and light. The most common way of making
light during those times came from beeswax. Lastly though, the answer to
urim and thummim lies in the predominant color used in Aaron’s ephod of
which contained the breastplate and urim and thummim; SAPPHIRE BLUE.
Found naturally in some parts of the earth, especially in that region, was a ‘a
rock that gives off light’ called ‘A PHOSPHORUS ROCK’ but known by its
connection to ‘the throne of the living God’ as ‘CORUNDUM’. From the natural
corundum rock comes words associated with it such as ‘aluminum’, ‘bauxite’,
‘apatite rock’, ‘calcium-oxide’... and more. The word ‘Phosphorus’ though,
was the name for ‘the planet Venus’ and meant ‘lights’, ’morning light’ and
‘luminescent’. Certain kinds of blue rocks contain a living substance that
contains phosphorus and this ‘milk of life’ [living matter] can be found in
some insects too. Phosphorus is the essential element used to make ‘glow-in-
the-dark items today. It is apart of our bodies and in our bones and is
essential for life. Urim and Thummim is the living substance that comes from
a certain designated rock of which contained the essence of reproduction.
When the breastplate was put on, two elements were put together and
caused the breastplate to light up and, it would be through this medium that
the Spirit of the living God was written to have communicated to the
priesthood of Israel and certain men of the God, the creator.

Conclusively, all seven of the Spirits of God were apart of the offerings to God
the Creator by the Israelites. Water was used to wash and purify, the very
animals became the Urim and Thummim [the peace offerings, sin offerings,
Scapegoat offerings and etc.] and the anointing oil and blood [later wine
offerings] were sprinkled on and around the altar. The wind offerings went up
to heaven as smoke offerings, waved before the LORD God with apothecaries
as a sweet savor before the throne of God, JEHOVAH. And the fire was the
mixing of the offerings that was sent up to the heavens upon which thunder
was the voice of praise worship and rejoicings with vibrations of sounds such
as music with instruments, singing and clapping of hands. And it was written
that when the living God was pleased, he would receive the offerings with
wind, fire, smoke, thunderings, lightnings . . . his spirit.
The people whom God had chosen on earth began with one man, who thereafter, brought
into being a household, which eventually turned into a nation. The one man was
Abraham, the household was the house of Jacob, and the nation was Israel.

When there were only one man, God appeared to him, giving him revelation and
speaking to him. When a household was brought into existence through this one man,
God appeared to the head of that household by again giving him revelation and speaking
to him.

But after the children of Israel were delivered from slavery and came under the name and
authority and discipline of the Lord they became the nation of God. Now the Bible shows
us it was at that time God changed his way of revelation with them. He no longer
appeared or spoke to just one man as he he formerly did; instead, he adopted a new and
special method by which to reveal himself and to speak to his people.

The new method was the breast plate of judgement. Now whenever problems or
difficulties developed among God's people' they were to come to the Lord and ask for his
guidance and revelation, by means of his breast plate of judgement . Shortly after the
people of God became a nation, the Lord changed his method of speaking to them.

When seeking revelation or a word from the Lord today, we need to recall this change.
Whenever we are alone as Abraham was in following God, the Lord can and will appear
and speak to us personally. But when we are one among many, the method of God's
revelation will be changed.

Every child of God must clearly understand that he has become one body with all the
saints in the presence of God, and under these circumstances God changes his method of
appearing, speaking, and revelation.

Once the individual believer has God's people around him, it is important to realize that
he is no longer by himself, but has become one with the rest of the people of God.
Therefore, the Lord's revelation and speaking, will be to the people.

The breastplate of judgement was something the high priest wore whenever he went
before God. It was firmly bound to the ephod, which the high priest wore. On this
breastplate were four rows of precious stones. On these stones were written the names of
the twelve tribes of Israel. The names of the twelve tribes represented the whole nation of
Israel. All the people of God. When the high priest entered into the presence of the Lord,
he did not enter alone as one person; but instead bore on his shoulders the twelve tribes of
Israel, as he came before God.

At times when the people of Israel were confronted with insoluble problems, the high
priest would wear the ephod, bind on the breastplate, and come before the Lord to ask for
revelation and the word of the Lord. Within the breastplate were found the urim and the
thummim. In Hebrew urim means the lights and thummim means the imperfections.
Whenever the high priest came before God with the breast plate of judgement upon him,
the light of God shined and his will was perfectly revealed.

The way by which God revealed his will to his people in Israel and the way he wants to
reveal his will to the body of Christ today are along the same lines.

If anyone is truly humble before the Lord, when he discovers problems among God's
people, he bears the people on his shoulders as he goes to inquire of the Lord. This is the
basic principle of men and women, who know and have communion with God, carrying
the saints of God on their shoulders in the presence of God.

If we, as the body of Christ, really want to be totally submitted to God's perfect will, we
must know his will and must have men and women who will bring God's people before
the father. Then the Lord will reveal his will to them and they become the eyes and ears
of the Lord to the body of Christ. The affairs of the Body of Christ are to be decided by
the principle of the breast plate of judgement.

This is the principle the Lord is instructing the body of Christ today, to enter into a totally
submissive relationship of letting the Lord be in control.

Hear now of Joshua the high priest, thou and thy fellows that sit with thee; for they are
men wondered at: For, behold, the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone
shall be seven eyes: behold I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts and
I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. Zechariah 3:8,9

When the people of God come into unity as one body, the way of the Lord's revelation
will undergo a change. At that time, he will reveal his will through his seven eyes. God's
will is to incorporate himself in his people and then his speaking is but the echo of
himself having spoken among his own; for before these seven elders rise to speak, God
will have already put his thought into the hearts of the brothers and sisters.

Seven elders of the church should bring the situation of God's children to God, himself,
and inquire of him. Whenever something happens in a local assembly and the thing is in
doubt. The decision is not to be made by mans arbitrary opinion, nor by the showing of
hands, but by the unanimous guidance which the seven elders see and receive in the light
of the Lord's presence, as they carry the situation of the brothers and sisters to God.

If we are really to live according to his principle, we need the breaking of the cross. Not
only the seven elders need to be broken by the cross, but every other person in the church
needs to be broken as well. Each of the brothers and sisters need to learn to be controlled
by God in word and deed; that is to receive brokenness through the cross. If we all learn
this principle, God will be able to speak and exercise his power and authority through us.

Authority in the scriptures is not based on position, but instead, is based on resurrected
life. For example, the people of Israel recognized the authority of Aaron, because they
saw that Aaron's rod budded. Authority without resurrection life is useless. Authority in
the body of Christ is based upon life, not upon position. To the degree that the life of
Christ is in you, is the same degree of your authority.

And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of
judgement upon his heart when he goeth in unto the holy place for a memorial
before the Lord continually.

Exodus Chapter 28 Verse 29

Of all the types of Christ in the Old Testament none was more glorious than the
Jewish high priest. His representative dress was said to be ‘for glory and for
beauty.’ It was made according to the design given by God to Moses. Certain
men were endued with special gifts and skill to design and make up the same,
following in every detail the pattern given to Moses by God.

‘And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise-hearted, whom I have filled with the
spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron’s garments to consecrate him that he
may minister unto me in the priest’s office.’ That Christ is portrayed by the high
priest is clear from the text, ‘Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel
in the breastplate of judgement upon his heart when he goeth in unto the holy
place, for a memorial before the Lord continually.’ This has special reference to
Christ’s intercession, on the basis of which all covenant blessings are bestowed
upon His people, ‘seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.’

Let us consider:

1. The spiritual significance of the high priest’s garments.

2. The breastplate of judgement.

1. The spiritual significance of the high priest’s garments

In the ephod, breastplate, and girdle were different colours, ‘blue, purple, gold,
scarlet, and fine twisted linen.’ The breastplate covered the priest’s bosom from
the neck to the girdle, and was fastened with gold chains upon his breast over his
heart. How clearly this shows forth the glorious garments of our Saviour’s
righteousness. The costly materials, the various colours, the skill and labour
expended on them called ‘cunning work’, all go to reveal the different aspects of

‘Blue’ stands for purity – and represents the holiness of the Saviour’s character.
When He was conceived in the womb of the virgin He was declared to be ‘that
holy thing.’ In order to be man’s substitute He must be perfectly holy, i.e. perfectly
conformed to God’s Law in heart and life. And He must be more than man,
having another nature giving Him such power over the human nature that he
could either submit to or resist death.
For the obedience the Law required was ‘obedience unto death.’ Throughout His
humiliation here on earth He was to be ‘tempted in all things like as we are yet
without sin.’ This was necessary in order to meet and satisfy the Law’s demands,
i.e. ‘continue in all things written in the book of the Law to do them.’ The Law’s
demands must be met by One who, not only had not sinned, but who could not

Christ rendered complete obedience to the Law, and obedience implied total
submission to its every precept as well as complete satisfaction to Justice for the
breaches of the Law.

Referring again to the colours in the breastplate we see that while blue stands for
purity it also represents the vastness of the Saviour’s mercy and compassion,
signifying that the offer and promises of the everlasting Gospel should be as wide
as the all-embracing firmament. And is this not realised in the experience of all
who are enlightened by the Spirit?

As far as east is distant from

The west, so far hath he

From us removed, in his love

All our iniquity.

Psalm 103 Verse 12

East and west never meet. Neither will those who are in Christ ever meet with
their sins. Their sin and its punishment met on Him, when ‘He bore their sins in
His own body on the tree.’

The costliness of the garments of the high priest represents the priceless
salvation wrought by Christ. Who can estimate the value of the robe which
believers wear? Who can fathom the depth of humiliation to which Christ
descended in being ‘obedient unto death?’ For this ‘He was a man of sorrows
and acquainted with grief.’ For this ‘He poured out his soul unto death’ and ‘was
numbered with the transgressors.’ For this also ‘He made His grave with the
wicked and with the rich in his death.’ And this is the cost of the robe that clothes
the Bride, the Church of God.

It was designed by infinite wisdom. Christ’s sufferings from the manger to the
grave were the warp and the woof of this costly garment. The loom in which it
was woven was eternal wrath. The measuring yard was the Law. ‘Cursed is every
one who will not continue in all things written in the book of the Law to do them.’
Its curses were the needles which wrought the rich embroidery work of which we
have mention in the forty-fifth Psalm, ‘Upon thy right hand stands the queen in
gold of Ophir.’ The gold of Ophir was the best gold. Melted down and wrought
into the finest thread, it was woven into the fabric used for making beautiful
garments for the queens and daughters of the kings of the East.

Here gold represents the sufferings of Christ, the merits of His atoning work.
Thus, in the Book of Revelation Christ counsels sinners, ‘Buy of me gold tried in
the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed.’
This was the best robe of the Prodigal and of many a prodigal since.

Have you put on this robe, the righteousness of Christ? It is so vast that it can
cover all your sins. God is all seeing. ‘From thine eye whither shall I flee?’ Yet this
righteousness is everywhere before the illimitable vastness of His view, because
it is the righteousness of God, wrought by God in our nature. This is the soul’s
hiding place. ‘And a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert
from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock
in a weary land’ – ‘The man Christ Jesus.’

This is what the Apostle Paul meant when he said, ‘That I might be found in Him,
without mine own righteousness which is of the Law.’ Is this your desire? Or are
you still trusting in your righteousness, your own obedience to the Law?

Remember that it is written, ‘By the works of the Law’, that is man’s own
obedience, ‘there shall no flesh be justified.’ God’s people are said to have ‘no
confidence in the flesh.’ ‘We are the circumcision who worship God in the Spirit
and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.’

To have confidence in the flesh is to believe that we will and can enter heaven by
our own natural goodness and good works. In Parliament when a majority carry a
vote of ‘no confidence’ against the ruling government it means that the
government no longer enjoys the confidence of the country and must give place
to another, freely elected by the people.

So when a sinner is taught by the Holy Spirit, he forsakes his own fancied merits
and flees to the Saviour to shield him from God’s wrath. Believing in Christ He is
accepted in His merits: ‘In thy righteousness shall they be exalted.’

2. The Breastplate of Judgement

This was the most conspicuous of the ornaments gracing the garments of the
Jewish high priest. It was curiously wrought with gold and purple, and fastened to
the ephod with chains of gold. Twelve precious stones fixed in gold on the
breastplate represented the twelve tribes of Israel. Aaron was to bear their
names ‘for a memorial before the Lord continually.’ Herein, Aaron typifies the
great high priest of His people – Christ.
While the people of Israel were not permitted to enter the holy place, yet the high
priest entered for them, ‘not without blood.’ But even here believers enter into the
presence of God ‘whither the forerunner for them is entered’, ‘not by the blood of
bulls and of goats, but by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption for

The breastplate represents the mighty heart of the Son of God turned towards
men in love everlasting. In heaven He is represented as interceding for sinners.
There He appears on their behalf in all His mediatorial glory. As one puts it –
‘When He appears as our advocate He puts on His purple robes.’

These are the robes of our High Priest. In the Book of Revelation He appears as
‘the Lamb that had been slain.’ This is the answer to the enquiry of the prophet of
old – ‘Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah?’

On the ingeniously wrought fabric of gold, blue, purple, scarlet and fine-twined
linen were inserted the twelve precious stones in gold sockets. Now precious
stones are not made by men, they are found. Those on the high priest’s
breastplate were gathered from mines and caves of the earth, some from rivers,
some from the depths of the sea.

Some were found in Egypt, in Ethiopia, in Persia and in other parts of the world.
Each stone had its place. No two stones were alike. Some appeared to be all
light, others reflected little light. Some were a mass of splendour. Some were the
colour of the sky with little of the colour of the earth. Some stones seemed to be
all fire while others were almost black. All these stones represent different types
of believers.

And great as are the distinctions between them we must not consider any of
these types separate or apart from the others. As each stone on the high priest’s
breastplate has its place and its use, so with believers. Brought together in
groups they edify each other and are partakers of each other’s joys.

The darkest stone on the breastplate derived light from the others without
becoming like the others. Small stones have their use in a wall as have the
corner stones. The union between Christ, who is the Head of the Church, and His
people who are members of His mystical body is described by various figures. It
is compared to a building of which each believer is a living stone, selected,
polished and fitted into its own proper place, the whole structure resting on Christ
as the foundation.

They differ in form, character and object, having their distinctive functions, their
different roles to play in connection with Christ’s cause in the world. As ’co-
workers with Christ’ each has his own adaptation for his own particular work. It
takes all types to make up the Church. Some are very holy as the precious stone
that appeared all light. Such were Robert Murray McCheyne, David Brainerd,
Henry Martyn and many to this day. They are very like Christ and very near to
Him and like Caleb ‘follow the Lord fully.’

Some are like the carbuncle. Put in the light it appears as if it were all fire. Such
were the Reformers, John Knox, Martin Luther, Andrew Melville and many others
who are full of zeal for God’s glory. Some, like the stone which had the colour of
the sea, are always in the depths. God’s ‘waves and billows go over them’, ‘deep
calling unto deep.’ Trials, like Job’s messengers, assail them daily. Others, like
the stone which had more of the colour of the sky than of the earth, are bright
Christians but the world has a certain hold upon them.

Some again are like the stone that had more of the colour of the earth than of the
sky. These are too much under the world’s influence, they allow worldly concerns
to come between them and their spiritual duties. Like Martha they are ‘careful
and troubled about many things’ but they neglect ‘the one thing needful.’ Others
are like the jasper, almost black. One needs to place it between one and the sun
to discover that its darkness is relieved only by concentric stripes of light.

One is never sure what they are, yet something keeps one from rejecting them
altogether. Their conversation is seldom punctuated by any reference to higher
things. Yet at times something in their bearing and conversation makes one feel
that they may have been misjudged all the time.

All the stones in the breastplate were set in gold and fastened with gold chains,
symbolic of the Saviour’s love. The brightest had no more gold than the darkest
and was not any nearer to the heart of the high priest. So all believers are on
Christ’s heart. The strongest in faith is not nearer than he who is weakest.

‘They are all one in Christ Jesus.’ They are the spiritual Israel, ‘a people near
unto Him.’ They are near to Him in nature – nearer to Him on earth than the
angels are in Heaven. ‘Verily, he took not on Him the nature of angels.’ He paid
the same price for them all – His precious blood. The same love is fixed on them
all: it is a never-dying love.

And as, literally, the precious stones are found in different countries, so it is with
those who are to be forever in Christ’s crown. ‘He gathered them out of the lands,
from north, south, east and west.’ He finds them ‘in a desert land, a waste
howling wilderness.’ These are God’s pearls.

It is related of pearl divers that they have to descend to great depths, and scour
the sea bottom for the oysters that contain the pearls. Some of them are said to
have been so crushed and broken by the pressure of the sea that, on coming to
the surface and delivering their treasure, they lay themselves down on the sand
and our out their life’s blood.
That was the price they had to pay to make others rich. And oh! To what depths
did Christ descend to gather His pearls, top pluck them from the depths of the
ocean of God’s wrath. All of them were drowned in debt, bound in chains,
murderers, malefactors, all servants of Satan, all willing to serve him.

All of them – the darkest as well as the brightest and among them many, who,
like their Master, are ‘despised and rejected of man,’ and who feel lonely and
friendless – find all their comfort in knowing that there is One who is always near
them and who cares for them.

With another of old they can say, ‘Doubtless Thou art our father though Abraham
be ignorant of us and Israel acknowledge us not; Thou, o Lord are our Father,
our Redeemer; thy name is everlasting’ (Isaiah 63:16).

Of them all He says, ‘They shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts in that day when
I make up my jewels’ (Malachi 3:17).

He saw them doomed and helpless and He set His face like a flint and ‘He
spread forth His hands in the midst of them, as he that swimmeth spreadeth forth
his hands to swim.’ And in bringing them from the depths of the ocean of wrath
‘He poured out His soul unto death.’ This was the price He paid to purchase their
liberty. ‘If the Son make you free ye shall be free indeed.’ And this is the liberty
the Gospel offers.

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