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Budget Accounting and Fee Collection Management System SRS Document

SRS Date: Project Name: Project in Charge: SRS Prepared by: Brief on the Project: References: Technologies to be used: Application Architecture Database Application Development Tool Web/App Deployment Server Designing Tool J2EE DB2 9.5 RAD 7.5 WAS7.0 RSA7.0 Budget Accounting and Fee Collection Management System Prof.(Dr.) Anil Choudhary Ayushi Vijay, Ravi Singh Chauhan The primary objective of this system is to provide a transparent way of handling budget accounting system for S.K.I.T.

In an organization or institute, for the development of any sector, budget accounting is the foremost activity to carry out. Keeping in mind the heads where one can spend money to enhance the performance and working of an institute, this module has being implemented. With RAD tool, it became easy to implement the project. For any organization, financial status for sanctioning a budget need to be sufficient enough to meet the requirement. Thus, the project maintains the financial report of collecting fees and funds within the authority of administrator. So that its development is in hand of the administrator ( in an institute) or director (in business organization). Hence, this project is equipped with these features.


A very special thanks to our Dr. Anil Choudhary sir who helped us in learning how to work with advanced features of RAD tool. Our trainees Mr. Govind Sidhu and Mr. Ashutosh Bishnoi contributed their best efforts in completing our project. Lokraj Ahuja, team mentor helped in the presentation of the project. We added different tags and features of RAD to make our application looks more presentable. We are thankful to all who helped us in this project.

The primary objective of the project is to generate receipt to all the payments made in S.K.I.T. account and made payments to departments budget after processing the account. Thus , the project handles all the transactions made to and from S.K.I.T. account.






This use case deals with the generation of receipt to students , govt. , ngos or any organization for either submitting fees or funding S.K.I.T. for curricular or extra-curricular activities. All amounts coming from these sources are maintained in S.K.I.T. account. Receipt use case plays an important role in accounting budget for any organization. It maintains S.K.I.T. accounts record in a table from wherein the payment to any department is made. At the time of fees submission through students, this use case is also responsible for generating challan form. There can be two users for this use case a cashier and an administrator. The cashier has the responsibility of generating receipts. But only administrator has the right to access the S.K.I.T. account and take decision on his own perspective.

ACTIVITIES OF RECEIPT :y y y y y y Account maintenance in a register or a table. Challan form generation activity. Fee receipt acknowledgment activity. Fund collection activity. Fund receipt acknowledgment. Earmarkment activity to concerned department.

The payment use case is responsible to make payment to any department for its development. The payment is made after accessing S.K.I.T. account to check whether sufficient amount is there or not. If sufficient amount is present then administrator analyze budget for successive years. Finally if the budget satisfies all the requirement then the budget is sanctioned otherwise it is rejected. The concerned manager of each department submits its budget to the administrator for the approval. On sanction of the budget, he/she gives the list of expenditures to the administrator.

ACTIVITIES OF PAYMENT :y y y y y y y y y Process S.K.I.T. account. Verification of claims. College infrastructure development activity. Department development activity. Transport management activity. Sports management activity. House management activity. T&P Cell development. Posting bill amount in account table.


The cashier maintains details of S.K.I.T. account. He/She generates receipt to fees submitting students and funds giving organization. The cashier maintains the list of students submitting their fees through challan form. There can be more than one cashier. Thus, for each cashier a unique id and password is assigned. The cashier gets login through his/her id and password and carry out the desired activity.

ROLES :y y y y Account maintenance. Challan form generation. Fee collection from students. Fund collection from govt. organizations, universities or through donations. y Receipt generation.

As administrator plays an important role in sanction of a budget, a unique password has been given so that no other user can access the data pertaining to the administrator. He/she can earmark the cheques or drafts to a concerned department. The administrator can access S.K.I.T. account, check for the current balance and sanction the budget to any department on the basis of balance in S.K.I.T. account. He/She has the right to reject a budget if the budget doesnt satisfy the requirement.

ROLES :y y y y y Process S.K.I.T. account. Earmarkment of cheques / drafts. Analysis of budget for successive years. Identification of list of expenditures. Budget approval/denial.

The responsibility of department manager is to request for budget from the administrator. Before submitting the budget request, a detailed study of different heads for the performance purpose is carried out. Then the expenditure on each head is calculated. Finally the budget is being passed for sanction to the administrator.

ROLES :y y y y y y y y y Laboratory equipment calculation activity. Software purchase expenditure. Lab consumables determination. Travel charges calculation activity. Maintenance and spares charges. Miscellaneous expenses for academic activities. Required items. Expected amount. Total budget estimation activity.


1. Receipt
The activities of receipt use case is to generate receipts for fee and fund collection. The money coming through fees or funds goes to S.K.I.T. account maintained in a table. As the fees can be submitted through challan form, it keeps the record of students submitting the form.

2. Payment
The payment or investment to any department in the college is made from S.K.I.T. account after verification of the claims. After than the updation transaction is carried out on S.K.I.T. account .

3. Department Manager
For the development of any department, the department manager takes different heads in account. The expenses needed to implement development on different heads are calculated precisely and an approximate budget amount is determined. The budget is then passed to the administrator for its approval. If approved, the department manager spends the amount on the heads mentioned in the budget.

4. Administrator
The administrator plays crucial role in Budget Accounting. He keeps track of the account. When he sees that sufficient amount is there, generates notice to all department manager asking them to submit their budget. He analyze budget for successive years and pass it accordingly.


Activity 1


Activity 2



1. Account_details Table
FIELD Acc_no Acc_type Bank_id DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer It holds the account no. of SKIT in different banks. Varchar The account type can be savings, current or R.D. Varchar Its the id of banks from Bank table. Integer It shows the amount deposited in S.K.I.T. account. The withdrawal amount from S.K.I.T. account. The current balance in the account. The date of depositing or withdrawing money to or from the account. KEY PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY from Bank_Information table CAN BE NULLABLE CAN BE NULLABLE -


Withdrawal Balance Date

Integer Integer Date

2. Challan_form Table
FIELD Challan_id College_id DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer It generates a unique id for each challan form. Integer Its the id of students from Student table. Varchar Its the id of banks from Bank table. KEY PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY from Student_Basic table FOREIGN KEY from Bank_Information table -


Date Fee

Date Integer

Date of issuing the challan form. The fee amount payable to S.K.I.T.

3. Receipt_feeacknowledge Table
FIELD Receipt_no College_id DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer It generates unique receipt no. to the students. Integer Its the id of students from Student table. KEY PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY from Student_Basic table FOREIGN KEY from Cashier table FOREIGN KEY from Bank_Information table -

Cashier_id Bank_id

Integer Varchar

Its the id of cashiers from cashier table. Its the id of banks from Bank table.

Date Fee-type Amount

Date Varchar Integer

Date of issuing receipt. The fee type can be hostel fee, college fee, bus fee etc. The fee amount payable to S.K.I.T.

4. Receipt_fundacknowledge Table
FIELD Receipt_no Reg_no DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer It generates unique receipt no. to the organizations. Integer Its the id of the registered organization from Fund_org table. Integer Its the id of cashiers from cashier table. Varchar Its the id of banks from Bank table. KEY PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY from Fund_org table FOREIGN KEY from Cashier table FOREIGN KEY from Bank_Information table -

Cashier_id Bank_id

Date Fund_coll_type

Date Varchar



Date of issuing receipt. The mode of collecting fund i.e. through cheques or drafts. Funding amount to S.K.I.T.

5. Fund_org TableFIELD Reg_no Org_name Org_head Org_type DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer Its the unique id of the registered organizations. Varchar It gives the name of the organization. Varcahar It gives the head of the organization. Varchar The type of organization can be govt., ngos etc. KEY PRIMARY KEY -

6. Earmark_cheques TableDATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer Its the account no. from Account_details table. Cheque_no Integer The cheque no. for making payment to a department in advance. Bank_id Varchar Its the id of banks from Bank table. Its the dept. id from Department table. The amount reserve for a dept. in advance. FIELD Acc_no KEY FOREIGN KEY from Account_details table PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY from Fund_coll_cheques table FOREIGN KEY from Bank_Information table FOREIGN KEY from Department table -

Dept_no Amount

Integer Integer

7. Earmark_drafts TableFIELD Acc_no Drafts_no DATATYPE Integer Integer DESCRIPTION Its the account no. from Account_details table. The drafts no. for making payment to a department in advance. Its the id of banks from Bank table. Its the dept. id from Department table. The amount reserve for a dept. in advance. KEY FOREIGN KEY from Account_details table PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY from Fund_coll_drafts table FOREIGN KEY from Bank_Information table FOREIGN KEY from Department table -



Dept_no Amount

Integer Integer

8. Fund_coll_cheques TableFIELD Cheque_no Reg_no DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer Unique cheque no. for payment to S.K.I.T. Integer Its the id of registered organization from Fund_org table. Varchar Its the id of banks from Bank table. KEY PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY from Fund_org table FOREIGN KEY from Bank_Information table FOREIGN KEY from Account_details table -




Its the account no. from Account_details table.

Date Amount

Date Integer

Date of submitting cheque. The amount funded by the organization.

9. Fund_coll_drafts TableFIELD Draft_no Reg_no DATATYPE DESCRIPTION KEY Integer Unique draft no. for PRIMARY KEY payment to S.K.I.T. Integer Its the id of registered FOREIGN KEY from organization from Fund_org Fund_org table table. Varchar Its the id of banks from FOREIGN KEY from Bank table. Bank_Information table Integer Its the account no. from FOREIGN KEY from Account_details table. Account_details table Date Date of submitting cheque. Integer The amount funded by the organization.


Acc_no Date Amount

10. Budget Table

FIELD Budget_id DATATYP DESCRIPTION E Integer Its the unique id for each budget request made to administrator. Integer Its the id of the department from Department table. KEY PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY from Department table -






The year of requesting budget from the administrator Its the item no. from Require_item table.

Other_expenses Budgeted_amount

Integer Integer

The prices of other heads. The total amount calculated for budget.

FOREIGN KEY from Require_item table -

11. Require_item Table

FIELD Require_no Lab_equipment Software_purchase Lab_consumables Travel_charges Maintenance_n_spar es Misc_expenses Other_required_item s Expected_amount DATATY PE Integer Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar DESCRIPTION It gives the unique id for the items required. Mention the lab equipments required. Softwares required fot the lab. Consumables like mouse, keyboard etc. resources. The total cost of travelling for a year. The amount spend on maintenance. Other expenses. Other type of items required for other department. The net expected amount for all requirement. KEY PRIMARY KEY Can be NULLABLE Can be NULLABLE Can be NULLABLE Can be NULLABLE Can be NULLABLE Can be NULLABLE Can be NULLABLE -

12. Payment Table

FIELD Receipt_no DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer It gives the unique receipt no. to the department. Integer Its the dept. id from Department table. Integer Its the budget id from budget table. KEY PRIMARY KEY



FOREIGN KEY from Department table FOREIGN KEY from Budget table.

13. Verify_claims Table

FIELD Receipt_no DATATYPE DESCRIPTION Integer It gives the receipt no. from Payment table. KEY PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY from PAYMENT table PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY from Budget table



The id of budget request made to the administrator.

1. Bank_information Table FIELD Bank_id Bank_name Address DATATYPE Varchar Varchar Varchar DESCRIPTION It gives the unique bank id to each bank. The names of the banks. The address of the listed banks. KEY PRIMARY KEY -

2. Cashier Table FIELD Cashier_id Cashier_name Cashier_type Contact_no Address Username Password Security_que Email_id Father_name Answer DATATYPE Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar DESCRIPTION The unique cashier id to each cashier. It gives the name of the cashier. The types of the cashier. The contact no. of the cashier. The address of the cashier. The username given to the cashier. The password of each cashier. The security question to identify the cashier. The e-mail id of the cashier. It gives the father name of the cashier. The answer to the security question. KEY PRIMARY KEY -

3. Department Table FIELD Dept_id Dept_name College_id DATATYPE Varchar Varchar Varchar DESCRIPTION KEY Its the unique id given PRIMARY KEY to each department. The dept. name of each dept. The college id of the college.

4. Student_basic Table FIELD Student_id Password First-name Last_name Email_id Phone_no Security_que Answer Dept_id Batch Status DATATYPE Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar DESCRIPTION The unique id given to each student. The password of a student. The first name of the student. The last name of the student. The e-mail id of the student. The phone no. of the student. The security question to validate the student. The answer to the security question. The deptid of dept. of the student belongs to. The batch or year of the student. The status or class of the student. KEY PRIMARY KEY -

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