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Musical Brain Trainer



200+ essential words and phrases anchored into your long-term memory with great music

Your personal audio language trainer

Your personal audio language trainer

earworms mbt Rapid Dutch puts the words and phrases you need not just on the tip of your tongue, but also transports them deep into your long-term memory.
Simply by listening to these specially composed melodies with their rhythmic repetitions of Dutch and English a few times, the sound patterns are indelibly burned into your aural cortex. You will have successfully learned the Dutch phrase and have the correct accent ringing in your ears. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing: while jogging, in the car, in the bath, doing the ironing you can be learning Dutch at the same time!

earworms mbt Rapid Languages is the first language course to get your toe tapping.
You know the phenomenon of those catchy tunes or earworms that you just can't get out of your head? Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Well, earworms mbt has put this phenomenon to positive use. Gone are the days of learning pressure and frustration at not being able to remember, the experience of many on conventional language courses. In combination with music, the phrases you need are automatically anchored deep into your memory, ready for instant recall. Music is the Key The idea is as simple as it is old. Before the age of writing, ancient historical events were recorded in verse and song form for easy memorisation. In his book 'Songlines' Bruce Chatwin describes how the Australian Aborigines were able to navigate their way across hundreds of miles of desert to their ancestral hunting grounds without maps. And how? The extensive lyrics of their traditional songs were exact descriptions of the routes!

Rhythm and words i.e. song and verse have always been a very powerful memory aid, and this is supported by recent scientific research. The advertising industry knows only too well how powerful music can be in getting the message across with brainwashing-like jingles and soundbites. It really works! Developed and used over years in the classroom, earworms mbt Rapid Languages has shown phenomenal success. In tests pupils using this technique regularly get average marks of over 90% compared to less than 50% with conventional book based learning. Why hasn't music been used more in education up to now? Imagine kids at school getting a CD of hip hop songs with all the historical dates they have to learn, or all the French verbs they have to learn! Wouldn't that make their (and teachers') school lives much easier, much more fun, much more successful? What you get This volume deals with the essentials for your visit abroad. It looks at typical situations: taking a taxi, at the hotel, at the restaurant, requesting, polite phrases, finding your way, numbers, dealing with problems and so on. Volume 2 will have you talking about yourself and others, past, present and future, likes and dislikes and general conversational items. The themes follow closely the Common European Framework for language learning, a recognised benchmark of language proficiency, and the emphasis is constantly on usefulness to the learner.

How to use earworms: Don't think, just listen! Sit back, relax and groove along to the melodies without trying to listen too hard. Treat them as songs you hear on the radio. Our recommendation is that you do familiarise yourself with the written words in the booklet - at least the first time you listen. After listening several times, playfully test yourself cover up the English side of the phrase book and see how many words and phrases you remember! Lastly - a word of thanks The earworms team would like to thank you for putting your trust in our 'slightly different' learning concept and are sure that you will have the success that many others have already had. It's motivating to know that learners are really benefiting from our research and development. Also, as accelerated learning is a rapidly growing field, we look forward to hearing your experiences and successes - so feel free to visit us on the website and Tot ziens!

1. I would like
I would like ...a coffee ...with milk ...please. a tea and sugar and I want a tea, please. I want a beer water mineral water I would like a mineral water. I would like - something to eat. (Lit.: I would like - something to eat*.) something to eat Can I have* the menu? (Lit.: Can I - the menu card - have*?) the menu have Great! Ik wil graag
ik vil hkraakh

...een koffie
...ern koffee

...met melk
...met melk


een thee
ern tai

en suiker
en sowker


Ik wil een thee, alstublieft.

ik vil un tai alstubleeft

ik wil een biertje

ern beer-ch



Ik wil graag een mineraalwater.

ik vil hkraakh un mineraalvater

Ik wil graag - iets eten*.

ik vil hkraakh - eets aiten

iets eten
eets aiten

Kan ik - de menukaart - hebben*?

kan ik - der menukaart - hebben

de menukaart
der menukaart

hebben Prima!

*Notice the verbs (eat and have here) come at the end.



Musical Brain Trainer

2. To order
to order I would like to order. something to drink something We would like to - drink wine. (Lit.: We would like to - wine drink.) white wine red wine a bottle of a bottle of white wine a glass of ... Id like a glass of white wine. bread some bread Can I get some bread? (Lit.: Can I - some bread - get?) get a salad Can I get a salad? a mixed salad Very good! Thank you. You're welcome. (Lit.: Gladly* done.) bestellen

Ik wil graag* bestellen.

ik vil hkraakh buhstellen

iets te drinken
eets ter drinken


We willen graag* - wijn drinken**.

ver villen hkraakh - viyn drinken

witte wijn
vitte viyn

rode wijn
rodeh viyn

een fles
ern flesh

een fles witte wijn

ern flesh vitte viyn

een glas
un hklass

Ik wil graag een glas witte wijn.

ik vil hkraakh un hklass vitte viyn


wat brood
vat broat

Kan ik - wat brood - krijgen**?

kan ik - vat broat - krayhkun

krijgen een salade

ern salader

Kan ik - een salade - krijgen**? een gemengde salade

ern hkumengder saladuh

Heel goed!
hail hkoot

dunk yervel

Graag* gedaan.
hkraakh hkeddaan

*Graag means literally Gladly.

**Notice the verb comes at the end.

3. Have you...?
Have you? a table for two (persons) a table a table for three (persons) Have you a table for three? No, sorry. Yes, of course. What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? What do you want...? to drink to eat Can I get a coffee? (Lit.: Can I - a coffee - get?) another coffee Is everything - ok? everything Bon appetit, enjoy your meal! Did you enjoy it? (Lit.: Has it tasted?) The bill, please. Can I pay? pay by creditcard *Notice verb at the end! Heeft u?
hayft oo

een tafel voor twee personen

un tafel voor twai personen

een tafel
ern tafel

een tafel voor drie personen

ern tafel voor dree personen

Heeft u een tafel voor drie?

hayft oo un tafel voor dree

Nee, het spijt me.

nai het spayt muh

Ja, natuurlijk.
ya natuurluk

Wat wilt u graag drinken?

vat vilt oo hkraak drinken

Wat wilt u drinken?

vat vilt oo drinken

Wat wilt u...?

vat vilt oo



Kan ik - een koffie - krijgen*?

kan ik un koffee krayhkun

nog een koffie

noch un koffee

Is alles - in orde?
is alles in orde


Eet smakelijk!
ait smaakuluk

Heeft het gesmaakt?

hayft het hkusmaakt

De rekening, alstublieft.
der raykenning alstubleeft

Kan ik betalen?
kan ik betaalen


met creditkaart
met creditkaart



Musical Brain Trainer

4. To the airport
To the city centre, please. To... ...the centre. To the airport. airport To the Amstel hotel. Thank you. Many thanks. (Lit.: Heartily thanked.) Keep the change. (Lit.: It is good this way.) I'd like to rent a car. (Lit.: Id like to - a car - rent.) rent a car I'd like to buy a ticket. (Lit.: Id like to - a ticket - buy.) a ticket I'd like to buy a ticket to Amsterdam. (Lit.: Id like to-a ticket-to Amsterdam-buy.) to Amsterdam How much - does it cost? How much - do they cost? ten Euros Euros That's right. Excellent! (Lit.: Outstanding!) *Notice verb at the end! Naar het centrum, alstublieft.
naar het centrum alstubleeft


...het centrum.
...het centrum

Naar het vliegveld. (fly field)

naar het vleeghvelt


Naar het Amstelhotel.

naar het Amstelhotel

Dank u.
dunk oo

Hartelijk bedankt.
harteluk berdunkt

Het is goed zo.

het is ghoot zo

Ik wil graag - een auto - huren*.

ik vil hkraakh - ern ohto - hooren

een auto huren

ern ohto hooren

Ik wil graag - een kaartje - kopen*.

ik vil hkraakh - ern kaarche - kohpen

een kaartje
ern kaarche

Ik wil graag-een kaartje-naar Amsterdam-kopen*.

ik vil hkraakh ern kaarche naar umstairdum kohpen

naar Amsterdam
naar umstairdum

Hoeveel - kost het?

Hoovail - kost het

Hoeveel - kosten ze?

hoovail - kosten ze

tien euro
teen erroh


Dat klopt.
dat klopt


5. Numbers, days & time

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 een

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




















oclock, past and to at 7 o'clock oclock at half past 8 (Lit.: half (to) 9) at quarter past 7 past at quarter to 10 to in the morning in the evening at 6 in the evening om zeven uur
om zaiven uur

uur om half negen*

om half naighen

om kwart over zeven

om kwart over zaiven


om kwaart voor tien

om kwart vor teen


s morgens s avonds om zes uur s avonds

*In Dutch half past is half to the next hour.



Musical Brain Trainer

Now you try filling in the gaps: at 10 oclock at half past 11 at quarter past 6 at 11 oclock at quarter to 12 at 9.45 in the evening ... tien uur om twaalf ... kwart zes om ... om ... voor ... om kwart ... ... s avonds

The days of the week: Monday, on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

maandag, op maandag
maandah / op maandah







6. Is there ?
Excuse me. Is there a? Is there a bank near here? (Lit.: in the area) a bank near here (Lit.: in the neighbourhood) Is there a chemist's - near here? Is there a supermarket near here? an Italian restaurant a pub a pub with food (Lit.: an eat cafe) Not too dear. too dear (expensive) Sorry, I dont know. Sorry,... ...I don't know. I know. No idea. Pardon.

Is er een?
is er ern

Is er een bank - in de buurt?

is er ern bank in der buurt

een bank
ern bank

in de buurt Is er een apotheek - in de buurt?

is er ern apotaik in der buurt

Is er een supermarkt in de buurt?

is er ern supermarkt in der buurt

een Italiaans restaurant

ern eetalians restorant

een bar
ern bar

een eetcafe
ern aitcafe

Niet te duur.
neet ter duur



Sorry, ik weet het niet.

sorry ik vait het neet


...ik weet het niet.

ik vait het neet

Ik weet.
ik vait

Geen idee.



Musical Brain Trainer

How often do I have to listen to the earworms CD before I can really remember all the language on it? With the appeal of the earworms songs we hope that it is not a question of 'having to', it is rather a question of 'wanting to'. But seriously: the memory is like a muscle, it needs to be trained and exercised. Based on scientific studies, the ideal is listening relatively intensively at the beginning (the learning phase), thereafter listening periodically to review what you have learnt and refresh your memory. In practical terms this means listening to the whole album the first day, in order to 'tune your ear in' to the sounds of the language. Then listen regularly, several times, over a period of one or two weeks, making sure that you listen to every song equally as many times. While listening, actually speak the words out loud, when you can, to get a feeling for their pronunciation. After this, go through the booklet and test your knowledge, picking out any gaps that you may wish to concentrate on. Lastly, the review phase. As we all know, memories fade, so it is important to refresh your memory by listening to the CD at your leisure, say, once a week for the following few weeks. Thereafter, monthly. This review phase is crucial as it consolidates your knowledge and transfers it into your long-term memory. Although this demands self-discipline, it is of course without effort, as you are only listening to songs. The result is that you will be able to recall the words and phrases with the same ease that you remember your telephone number!

7. Directions
Hello, good morning. Some people say: I'm looking for (Lit.: I am in search of...) I am I'm looking for - the post office. office a bank I'm looking for - the flowermarket. Can you tell me (Lit.: Can you me say...) Can you... ...tell me (Lit.: me say) how I get to the station? (Lit.: ... how I - to the station - come*?) by bus / / ...train (Lit.: with the bus / / ...train) on foot Go straight on! (Lit.: Go right through!) Go left! / Go right! Is it far? How far is it? About 2 kilometres. about Super! *Notice - verb at the end! Hallo, goedenmorgen.
hallo ghooden morghen


Ik ben op zoek naar

ik ben op zook naar

ik ben
ik ben

Ik ben op zoek naar - het postkantoor.

ik ben op zook naar - het postkantoor


een bank
un bank

Ik ben op zoek naar - de bloemenmarkt.

ik ben op zook naar der bloomenmarkt

Kunt u me zeggen*
kunt oo mer zehghen

Kunt u...
kunt oo... zeggen
...mer zehghen

hoe ik - naar het station - kom*?

...hoo ik - naar het staschon - kom

met de bus / auto / trein

met der bus / ...der ohto / ...der train

te voet
tuh voot

Ga rechtdoor!
gha rechtdoor

Ga links! / Ga rechts!
gha links / gha rects

Is het ver?
is het vair

Hoe ver is het?

hoo vair is het

Ongeveer twee kilometer.

on-gh-veer twai kilomaiter





Musical Brain Trainer

8. Where & what time?

What time? (Lit.: How late...?) Where? Where is your luggage? your luggage my luggage our luggage Its there. Its in the room. Where are - the toilets? Where are...? are upstairs downstairs Mens Ladies What time is breakfast? (Lit.: What time is the breakfast?) breakfast From 7 to 10. from to today tomorrow this afternoon Hoe laat?
hoo laat


Waar is uw bagage?
vaar is ew barghajuh

uw bagage
ew barghajuh

mijn bagage
main barghajuh

onze bagage
onzeh barghajuh

Het is daar.
het is daar

Het is in de kamer.
het is in der kaamer

Waar zijn - de toiletten?

vaar zain der twuhletten

Waar zijn...?
vaar zain






Hoe laat is het ontbijt?

hoo laat is het ontbait

het ontbijt
het ontbait

Van zeven tot tien.

van zaiven tot teen

van tot
van tot




9. Problems, problems!
I have a problem... I have ...with the television the TV ...with the fridge (Lit.: cool cupboard) I have lost my passport. (Lit.: I have - my passport - lost.) lost my camera my wallet Ive lost my wallet I need stamps. (Lit.: I have (for) - stamps - (a) need.) I need... stamps plasters/band aid suncream (Lit.: sunburn cream) something for headaches (Lit.: something against headpain) I need something - against... headaches painkiller I need an aspirin. Get well soon! *Verb at the end. Ik heb een probleem...
ik heb un problaim

Ik heb
Ik heb

...met de televisie
...met tailehveesee

de TV
der taivai

...met de koelkast
...met der koolkast

Ik heb - mijn paspoort - verloren*.

ik heb - main paspoort - vairloren


mijn camera
main camera

mijn portemonnee
main portehmonnai

Ik heb mijn portemonnee verloren*

ik heb main portehmonnai vairloren

Ik heb - postzegels - nodig.

ik heb - pohstzaichels - nodich

Ik heb ... nodig.

ik heb nodich




iets tegen hoofpijn

eets taighen hoaftpain

Ik heb iets nodig - tegen...

ik heb eets nodich taighen



Ik heb een aspirine nodig.

ik heb ern aspirin nodich




Musical Brain Trainer

10. Do you speak English?

How are you? (formal, e.g to a business partner) (Lit.: How goes it with you?) How are you? (informal, e.g. to friends / family) How is it going? Do you speak English? / Dutch? I dont speak Dutch. (Lit.: I speak no Dutch.) I dont understand. (Lit.: I grasp it not.) I understand. More slowly, please. (Lit.: Slower, please.) Its difficult. Not easy. What about - an ice-cream? (Lit.: What think you of - an icecream?) OK, why not. Mmm, it tastes delicious. What about a beer? Good idea! Another one, please. I have to leave now. (Lit.: I must - now - go.) See you! (Lit.: Until (we) see!) See you tomorrow! (Lit.: Until tomorrow!) Have fun! (Lit.: Much pleasure!) Goodbye! Hoe gaat het met u?
hoo ghaat het met oo

Hoe gaat het met jou?

hoo ghaat het met yow

Hoe gaat het?

hoo ghaat het

Spreekt u Engels? / Nederlands?

spraikt oo engels / naiderlunds

Ik spreek geen Nederlands.

ik spraik ghain naiderlunds

Ik begrijp het niet.

ik buhghraip het neet

Ik begrijp.
ik berghraip

Langzamer alstublieft.
eets lungzaamer alstubleeft

Het is moeilijk.
het is mooeeluk

Niet makkelijk.
neet makkerluk

Wat dacht je van - een ijsje?

vat dacht yer van - ern aisyuh

Goed, waarom niet.

ghoot vaarom neet

Mmm, het smaakt lekker.

mmm het smaakt lekker

Wat dacht je van een biertje?

vat dacht yer van ern beerch

Goed idee!
ghoot eedai

Nog een, alstublieft.

noch ain alstubleeft

Ik moet - nu - gaan.
ik moot - noo - ghaan

Tot ziens!
tot zeens

Tot morgen!
tot morghen

Veel plezier!
feel plezier

Dag! / Doei!
dach / dooee

The science behind earworms mbt 1. How we learn A large part of learning in general and language learning in particular is to do with the memorisation of words, facts and other significant information. It's a well-known fact that we use only a fraction of our brain power and traditional book learning is now recognised as not suiting every learner. earworms uses simple techniques which open up and exploit more of the brain's native power, and come under the heading of 'accelerated learning'. In a recent issue of the journal 'Nature' researchers at Dartmouth College reported that they had pinpointed the region of the brain where 'earworms' or catchy tunes reside, the auditory cortex. They found that the sounds and words that have actually been heard can be readily recalled from the auditory cortex where the brain can listen to them 'virtually' again and again. 2. What we learn

earworms mbt adopts the so-called lexical approach to language. In essence, this means we look at language in terms of whole meaningful chunks, then break these down into their component bite-sized, easily absorbable parts and then reconstruct them. You not only learn complete, immediately useful phrases, you also intuitively learn something about the structure (the grammar) of the language. These 'chunks' which the learner can 'mix and match', gradually build up to cover whole areas of the language.

Also available in this volume:

Also check out Rapid Volume 2 Details at

The Tracks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I would like 6:07 To order 5:11 Have you ...? 6:38 To the airport 5:14 Numbers, days & time 6:39 Is there? 5:24 Directions 6:49 Where & what time? 5:37 Problems, problems! 4:57 Do you speak English? 7:19


Musical Brain Trainer

Concept: Marlon Lodge, Project Development: Andrew Lodge, Project Management: Maria Lodge, Editorial Supervision: Renate Elbers-Lodge, Music: earworms & AKM, Songs 5,6,9 feature samples by, Recorded @ Nb Music Studios, Cyprus, Dutch Voice: Martijnje Naziris Rothfusz, English Voice: A. Lodge, Design: Jaroslaw Suchorski @ HKP, Special thanks to: Jan, Jane, Evie, Anna, Freddy.
2009 earwormslearning
Catalogue no. EARW 1101 Produced in the EU

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