Exame Pro Fission A Mod.5

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Classificao DURAO: 45 MINUTOS DESIGNAO: Teenage world PROFESSOR: Lurdes Moura N DATA:

PART I Read the text

Whos right and who has rights?

Heres John Sullivan story. Ads caught him and he has become addicted but now he has a problem to solve. And what a problem!

Im fifteen years old and I attend high school in Edinburgh. Ive been a smoker for the last three years and now I have a strong reason to stop but its not easy. Ive fallen in love with a girl from my class but the problem is she hates people who smoke and Im really mad about her. Just my luck! She says I stink and that the smell of tobacco remains for a long time on my hair, clothes and breath. Yesterday she even refused to kiss me! How did she dare? She also defends that smoking is expensive and that I dont have the right to pollute the air that she breathes. Its true that when I started to smoke I had to give up buying CDs but I can record some tapes instead. Last week I went through an embarrassing situation in the physical education lesson. We were playing basketball and I ran out of breath. I had to stop and I was sent to have a shower before my mates. Simone had a good laugh with her fantastic non-smoker friends. Arrhh!! She insists on saying that cigarettes wont take me anywhere. How I would love to be sure she will!! In Teenconfessions

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A. Match the words on the left to the corresponding words/expressions on the right to find their synonyms or explanations.

1. strong (l.2) 2. mad (l.4) 3. stink (l.5) 4. embarrassing (l.10) 5. breath (l11)

a. powerfully and vigorous b. crazy c. shameful d. a strong foul smell e. air inhaled and exhaled during respiration

B. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Peter has been a smoker for a. Fifteen years b. The last two years c. For three years

2. He wants to stop smoking because a. its not healthy. b. he loves a girl that dislikes smokers. c. his friends dont approve this addiction.

3. Simone dislikes smokers because

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a. people smell and cigarettes cost a lot of money. b. they are weak people. c. they prefer tapes to CDs.

4. During a Physical Education lesson, Peter a. had to stop to smoke a cigarette.

b. Didnt feel very well.

c. Asked to stop and have a shower.

5. Afterwards, he felt
a. Humiliated. b. Happy. c. Proud.

C. Fill in the gaps by choosing the correct word from those below.

stupid sexier

pieces smoking

dying thin boys

A friend of mine told me that she didnt see why girls smoking was any different from .(1).... . she thought it made her look big and hard, and it kept her thin and ...(2)..., which mattered more than (3)... a bit sooner. This is (4) of her. I know lots of (5) .people who dont smoke and, anyhow, its not so much the dying earlier that matters, but the falling to (6), bit by bit, all the time youre(7)... .

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PART II A. Choose the right options to complete the sentences: 1. Yesterday John visited a museum which / whose / who had really ancient things. 2. The girl which / whose / who hates smokers is Johns girlfriend. 3. At the museum, John met the teacher who / whose / that wife is a famous actress. 4. The teacher asked him: Do you remember the game which / whose / that you couldnt play till the end last month? 5. The teacher told him that the game which / whose / who I had played was a very good one B. Join these pairs of sentences: 1. I agree 2. Simone complained 3. John wasnt worried 4. Hes still very young, but he already depends 5. Addiction a) about his health condition. b) on tobacco. c) with Simones opinion. d) to tobacco causes lung cancer. e) for Johns awful smell.

C. Fill in the gaps so that you build correct Conditional Sentences: 1. If John really loved that girl, he _________________________ (to give up) smoking. 2. If he doesnt give up smoking, she _______________________ (to accept) him as her boyfriend. 3. Simone would kiss John if he _________________________ (not/ to smoke). 4. John wouldnt be sent to have a shower before his mates if he _________________ (not/to run) out of breath. PART III A. Write a Composition on the theme proposed below, in about 80 to 100 words. 1. Addiction is always something problematic and usually negative What type of addictions and other problems do you think teenagers face nowadays? What can be done to prevent, solve or avoid some of them?

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