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Equivalent Money

Name: Christa Jennings Date: November 9, 2011 Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade Math Prerequisite Knowledge: Students must have an understanding of how to count money Approximate Time: 30 minutes Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will be able to make equivalent amounts of money using different coins Content Standards: 7.A.2b Solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems using currency Materials/Resources/Technology: -22 bags of money (one for each student and one for instruction) -Index cards with different monetary amounts written on them (3 per pair then extras) -22 copies of Practice 2-3 page -1 copy of page 58 and 59 -Document Camera Implementation:


Opening of lesson: (Objectives, hook, behavior expectations) -Begin by reviewing what each coin is worth with students by placing the coin on the document camera and pulling a stick for a volunteer -Talk about making different amounts like we did yesterday -Did you and your partner always use the same coins to make the same amount?


Procedures: Include critical thinking questions and accommodations for individual needs -Place page 58 on document camera -Explain that equivalent means the same as equal -Equivalent money means the same amount of money -There are different ways to make the same amount of money -Go through the example problem -All 3 people have the same amount of money even though they have different coins -They have equivalent amounts -Go to guided practice -What I would do is to figure out the amount that is shown for A and B -Then draw out the money that is written out and find that amount -Is that amount equal to A or B -Go through more of the individual practice if necessary based upon answers -Pass out money but remind students to keep it in the bags!! -Tell students they will be working to make equivalent amounts of money with their neighbor -Each pair will get 3 index cards with different amounts on them

-The pair must make the amount of money on the card but they must do it in two different ways -Count the money with your partner to see the way that they made the money -Raise your hand when you are finished with all three cards so I can give you new ones 27-30 Summary/Closing: -Ask all students to place their money back into their bag -I will collect the money from the person with the lowest odd number in your group -After money is collected: -You can make the same amount of money with different coins -If I have 2 quarters what are 2 more ways I can make the same amount of money? -What about if I have 4 quarters? How can I make this amount? -How is this helpful to you? -Guide toward understanding that even if I do not have 2 quarters to make change I can use 5 dimes instead (etc.) Student Assessment: -Use informal assessment by walking around when students are doing their partner work -Collect homework page Practice 2-3

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