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Calendar 5 Dear Abby 6 TV grid 5

February 20, 2011


Life, edited

Best looking pet

Ivan Lajara

Get ready to say 'Awww'

Freeman's pet contest nets more than 550 submissions
By KIERSTEN BERGSTROM Freeman Intern T HAS long been said that a dog is a mans best friend. However, the Freemans annual Pet Photo Contest this year proved that frogs, horses, cats, chinchillas, birds, goats, rabbits, and geese can also be mans best friend. This year the Freeman had 564 submissions in total. The overflowing envelopes and e-mails contained On the Web photos of a variety of View slideshows of the winning entries, animals and were sephonorable mentions and dozens of other arated into seven different categories to be contest entries at http://www.dailyfreeman. com/life judged. Although all See Freeman, page E3

What do you think youre doing, Watson?

AN IBM supercomputer competed in the Jeopardy game show and destroyed its human competition, to prove, once and for all, that computers are way better at answering completely useless trivia than people with way too much time on their hands. The computer, named Watson, for Why Are Troglodytes So Obnoxiously Nerdy, overwhelmingly bested Jeopardy super champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter in the show broadcast last week. Humans win! says the IBM website, because it was probably written by a computer. Watsons advances in deep analytics and its ability to process unstructured data and interpret natural language will now be applied to humanitys most vexing problems, such as, presumably, how to easily enslave humankind while it thinks Watson is just a computer that will advance the future of society. I for one welcome our new computer overlords, wrote Jennings at the end of his Final Jeopardy answer. And this is troublesome, because Watson still got some answers wrong, like What is Toronto???? in the U.S. Cities category. THE implications of these technological developments raise deep philosophical questions: If humankind can develop such advance computers, how come it still hasnt developed a hovercar? What is Toronto???? If computers are so advanced, how come mine keeps crashing? Can computers write silly columns? And, if so, can we put our byline with it? To get some answers, we revisited our friend Cleverbot and asked it some of these questions. We had warned you previously that scientists were concerned about computers becoming more intelligent than humans back in July of 2009. And Cleverbot, a computer that has actual conversations with humans, seemed to be the perfect source for our questions. What follows is the actual conversation: Freeman: Hello Cleverbot, long time no see. Cleverbot: No no no, my name is not lydia! Freeman: I didnt call you lydia! I called you Cleverbot. Cleverbot: You called me Neil. Freeman: Whatever, silly robot. Is Watson trying to take over the world? Cleverbot: Most definitly. Freeman: You misspelled definitely. Cleverbot: Did I? Freeman: Yes, you did. Anyway, If humankind See What, page E6

Honorable mention
Photos provided

Baby face Bison, a 1-year-old Shih Tzu dog owned by Seanine Weider of Kingston, took first place in the best looking pet category.



Portokolos, a 3-year-old domestic shorthair owned by Joanna Bassani of Port Ewen, took second Kitten, a tuxedo cat who is about seven months old, "loves to curl up in place in the best looking cat- the fruit bowl thats a peach in there with her," according to owner David Mastri of Rhinebeck. egory. At right, Samson, a 4-year-old black labrador retriever owned by Matthew Farber; Stella, a 4-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier owned by Steve Leibowitz; and Charlie, a 14-month-old chihuahua-Min Pin owned by Barbara Savva, take honorable mentions.


Best expression

At right, Zoe, a mutt who also is a rescued dog and "who loves to smile!" is owned by Cristeen Gamet of Saugerties. Zoe took second place.

At left, Mookie, a 5-year-old French bulldog owned by Olivia and Alex Beisel, eagerly awaits some food on Memorial Day. Mookie easily won the best expression category this year.

Liz the cat, owned by Sharon Holowecki of Saugerties, took third place.

E2 n FeBruary 20, 2011



Pet Pals

Photos provided

Four-year-old mini long-haired dachshund Abby and her best buddy, Babushka, a 1-year-old guinea pig, are owned by Stacy Eccleston of Woodstock "They just love to cuddle!" wrote Eccleston. They took first place in the pet pals category.

Honorable mention

Petey, a newly adopted kitten, and Jezebel, a 7-year-old labrador, are Sadie, a 6-year-old female yellow labrador retriever adopted 3 years ago owned by Suzanne V. Paddock. Mack, a 3-year-old golden retriever, and Pip Squeak, a 6-month-old from Kingston ASCPA, and Guy, a 6-month-old male mixed breed cat, are They took honorable mention. Tuxedo cat owned by Vinny and Allison Organtini, took second place. owned by Jim and Laurie Upright of Highland. They took third place.

These Clydesdales horses ages 8 to 18 were very interested if it was feeding time or not. They are owned by Brett Vangorder of Accord.

Pit bulls: Mans best friend or worst enemy?

By SUE MANNING Associated Press OS ANGELES Pit bulls are the most abused, reviled, abandoned and euthanized dogs in the United States. More than 500 cities ban the breed or require sterilization, muzzles in public or insurance. Some regulate the size of fences that keep pit bulls enclosed, or the weight of leashes that keep them restrained. Even the Army and the Marines ban pit bulls in base housing. In an Associated Press-Petside. com poll, 53 percent of American pet owners said they believed it was safe to have pit bulls in residential neighborhoods, but 43 percent said the dogs were too dangerous. Of 60 percent who support breed bans, most put pit bulls at the top of the list, according to the poll conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications. Only one state, Ohio, has a statewide pit bull law, requiring owners to confine them as vicious dogs and carry at least $100,000 in liability insurance. Is the breed predisposed to be dangerous, or is man to blame? The divide between advocates and detractors is wide. Dogs are products of their environment. Dangerous dogs are not born, they are created, said Adam Goldfarb, director of the pets at risk

program for the Humane Society of the United States in Washington, D.C. More than 250,000 pit bulls are maimed or killed in dog fights every year, he said. Up to 75 percent of dogs in many shelters are pit bulls. When you hear about a dog being set on fire or attacked by an ax, it usually involves a pit bull and its not their fault. In some communities, there is a perception that pit bulls have less worth than other dogs, Goldfarb said. Colleen Lynn of Austin, Texas, isnt convinced. She was jogging in Seattle on June 17, 2007, when she was attacked by a pit bull that knocked her to the ground and grabbed her arm. The dog was being walked on a leash and was pulled away, but not before Lynns arm was broken, she said. Last year, 33 people were mauled to death and two-thirds of the dogs were pit bulls, Lynn said. California reported the most fatal maulings with seven. Under most laws covering the dogs, pit bulls are defined as American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, or any dog displaying the physical traits of one of those three. Lynn, through her, encourages breed bans. A ban saves the most human lives by preventing attacks before they occur, she said.

Jennifer Walsh of Los Angeles doesnt consider her 7-year-old pit bull TC a threat. I have a dog a lot of people might be really scared of and think he might be ready to attack at any moment. But hes like a little bundle of love. I can pick him up, I can roll him over, I can do anything I want to him and he doesnt care, she said. A pit bull traditionally loves people, play and attention, Goldfarb said. They are smart and athletic, and owners have to nurture those qualities, he said. A misbehaving dog might be a dog whose needs are not being met. Lynn doesnt believe pit bulls are born vicious. We believe pit bulls are born dangerous. They are born with a dangerous tool set. They can use it or not use it, she said. In 2007, pit bulls and dogfighting became synonymous with Michael Vick, an NFL quarterback who served 18 months in prison over a dogfighting operation based on his property in Surry County, Va. Fifteen of the dogs seized in Vicks case are rehabilitating at the Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah, far from the basements where they were chained and forced to fight. Their recoveries have included disease, injuries and skittishness. Lynn said Vicks dogs hadnt been bred for generations like those in so many illegal fighting rings. But, she

said, all fighting dogs should be euthanized because they are too unstable. Despite temperament tests given by some shelters, Lynn said a dog that has been trained to fight will always be a risk to people and their pets. Goldfarb disagrees. If genetics were as strong a factor as theyre suggesting then every dog fighter could easily breed lots of super aggressive dogs. Every dog in every fighters litter would be unmanageably aggressive and thats just not the case, he said. Pit bulls bite, hold and shake, ripping your skin like a shark, Lynn said. They dont let go. They shake back and forth, because thats what owners of fighting dogs want and have bred into the animals, she said. There is no science supporting a correlation between dog breed and bite style, Goldfarb said. Across the country, 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs every year, the American Veterinary Medical Association said. Children and seniors are the most common victims. Municipal breed bans arent allowed in 10 states, including California, but cities or counties can enact laws short of that. Few people object to spay and neuter legislation but many believe it should apply to all dogs, not just pit bulls. In New York City, where the vast majority of dogs in shelters are pit

bulls, more than 260 healthy pure breed pit bulls or mixes have been spayed or neutered, vaccinated and microchipped since July. Thats when the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals launched Operation Pit. After a 12-year-old boy was killed by his familys pit bulls in June 2005, San Francisco passed a sterilization law. Comparing the five years before the law went into effect in January 2006 to the five years since: We have seen approximately 26 percent fewer impounds of pit bulls and pit bull mixes and a decrease in euthanasia by about 40 percent, said Rebecca Katz, director of the Department of Animal Care & Control for the city and county of San Francisco. The drop is especially notable, she said, because the number of dogs taken in has not changed due to the economy. We consider this law a measured approach that has been extremely successful both in terms of public safety and in terms of animal welfare. Online:

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FEBRUARY 20, 2011 n E3

Best photo composition

Weirdest pet

Azzie, a 10-and-a-half-year-old cat who has been with Kate Lawson of Kingston since she was 12 weeks Sophia, a 5-year-old, black Bombay cat owned by Shelagh Sweeney, was the overwhelming favorite and was old, "has a penchant for only drinking from a faucet or a cup," Lawson writes. Azzie takes first place in the weirdest pet category. easily selected to win the best photo composition category.
Photos provided

Wags, a 5 1/2-year-old Dauschound, "loves to burrow under covers," write owners Nan and Art Richer of Kingston. "In this picture, he came out from under a crochet blanket." The photo was taken in November. Wags takes second place in the weirdest pet category.

Roots, a 6-month-old Shepard mix owned by Joy DeJesus, took second place.

Kitty, a 7-month-old Persian cat owned by Molly McInerney, 14, took third place in the weirdest pet category. Molly explains, "In the last week of December 2010, she had to be completely shaved except for her tail. It was my fault because I gave her a bath and washed her with my shampoo and my conditioner. Her body had a problem where she had fur balls and they attached to her skin so she had to be shaved by the vet. That is why she looks so weird."

Freeman pet contest nets hundreds of entries

Continued from page E1 of the photos were adorable, some of them, unfortunately, were disqualified for not abiding by the regulations. Along with the photo, applicants submitted descriptions of their animals. They were described as best friends, soulmates, and companions whose love had helped them cope with the loss of a loved one. Many of the animals whose pictures were submitted for the contest were rescued. Some of them had disabilities due to inbreeding; others came from homes or kill shelters where they were not treated kindly. Organizations such as the Ulster SPCA (http://www.ucspca. org/) and Best Friends Animal Society (http://www. help to provide safe, loving homes for these animals. The judges for the contest this year were Paul Kirby, Ann Gibbons, Dwayne Kroohs, Nick Henderson and Ivan Lajara. These judges based their decisions on originality, photo clarity, style, charm, and photo quality. The Freeman thanks you for your submissions and would love to hear what you have to say. Take a look at this years winners!

Chubbah, a 2-year-old dog owned by Gretchen Rae, swims into third place in the best photo composition category.

Honorable mention

Fogi, a 17 year-old blind short-hair owned by Franz and Kim Kaisik of Saugerties, takes a warm honorable mention in the best composition category. 'The last couple years have taken their toll on him, losing his sight and now he does not walk," the Kaisiks wrote. "But he is still up for anything. He loves to sleep wrapped up in our fur throw."

King Harald, a 2-year-old cat owned by Dennis Willard of Athens, hangs in there and takes honorable mention.

E4 n FeBruary 20, 2011



Pet-owner look-alike

Best outfit

This is a photo of my dog Ruby McCabe and my mom, Maria McCabe. This was a radom picture of Ruby when I was just taking pictures. Ruby is a pug.She is 2 years old. Im entering Ruby and mom in the Owner-pet lookalike category. Thank you, Lexis McCabe Bun-Buin, a 3-year-old Californian rabbit owned by Ginny Woych, plays the Easter Bun-Bun and takes away second place in. "Think Spring!" writes Woych.

Emily, a pitbull terrier rescued from Out of the Pits owend by Danielle Ferrusi, was the overwhelming winner in the best outfit category.

----- Original Message ----From: Diane Ruger To: Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:20 PM Subject: FREEMAN PETS. Owner-pet look-alike

Bucky the bull dog, owned by James P Boyle of Gallatin, Pine Plains, takes second place in the best outfit category.

Whats happening
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Blah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah Burrito, the Bandito, owned by Judie Stahl of Stone Ridge, takes third place in the best outfit category. blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahbaBlah blahb blahba

Separated at birth?

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Bella Mia, a 1 1/2-year-old American short hair cat owned by Lori Petramale-Ozores and Rich Ozores, "is one of the only cats I know that actually loves to dress up," writes Lori.

Brownie, a 7-year-old old beagle owned by the Young family, April, George, Joshua, Bailey and Cameron of Mount Marion, went trick-or-treating with the Youngs on Halloween.

E6 n FeBruary 20, 2011



DEAR ABBY: After working 15 years for the same company, I was let go last August. I have called my former co-workers/friends just to stay in touch. I dont dwell on what Im going through; I just want to enjoy some companionship. I have asked if they would like to meet for coffee before or after work. Only two ever seem to want to get together. It hurts, because we always shared birthdays, happy hour outings, etc. My phone rarely rings, and I am now seeing a doctor for depression. Abby, please let your readers know that those of us who have lost their jobs are still trying to maintain relationships. Its hard enough not having a job, but its

Job loss reveals truth about whos a true friend

Dear Abby
who no longer want contact may fear that unemployment is a communicable disease and were only acquaintances. And now you know whos who. DEAR ABBY: My husband is insecure. I do what I can to make him feel loved, but he has a habit that drives me crazy. Many times over the course of a day hell say, I love you. He does this especially if there is any hint of disagreement. At first I thought it was sweet, but after many years of marriage, I now understand that he just uses the words to get me to say it back to reassure him. Sometimes I do, but if I dont, he becomes increasingly distressed. Should I just give him what he wants? It makes me feel like a puppet. -- TOO MUCH LOVE DEAR TOO MUCH: Instead of giving him what he wants, have you tried calmly calling him on it? Try this: John, you know I love you. You hear it many times over the course of a day. But I find it, frankly, annoying that when we disagree about something, you tell me you love me and become increasingly distressed if I dont feel like saying it back at that moment. So, let it go for now. Your husband needs to hear you say it -- almost as much as you need to get this off your chest. DEAR ABBY: My fatherin-law has liver cancer. Whenever I use the term to explain his condition, I say, Dad is dying of liver cancer, which upsets my inlaws because they dont like to hear the word dying. His cancer will ultimately take his life, so am I wrong, or are my in-laws being too sensitive? -- JUST BEING HONEST IN IOWA DEAR JUST BEING HONEST: At this point you are wrong. Unless your

father-in-law is at deaths door he is LIVING with cancer. When you describe his condition as dying, you create the impression that you are rushing him to the cemetery. He could live quite a while, so dont jump the gun. And no, your in-laws are NOT being too sensitive.

harder realizing friends have turned their backs on you. - FORGOTTEN IN KATY, TEXAS DEAR FORGOTTEN: I know youre going through a difficult time, and glad that you talked to your physician about your depression. Take from this experience some valuable insight: The people who get together with you are your true friends. Those

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Continued from page E5
10 am. Rhinebeck Bridge Club, Church of the Messiah, Montgomery St., Rhinebeck. Diane Martini, (845) 795-1096. 10 a.m. Parkinsons Exercise/ Dance Class, St. Johns Episcopal Church, 207 Albany Ave., Kingston. To 11:30 a.m. (845) 679-6250 Anne Olin. 10 a.m. Bouncing Babies storytime, Gardiner Library, 133 Farmers Turnpike, Gardiner. (845) 2551255. 10 a.m. Toddler time, babies and toddlers, Hurley Library, 44 Main St., Hurley. (845) 338-2092. 10 a.m. Tales of Ten: storytime for 2-to-5-years-old, Mohonk Preserve, Route 44/55 and 299, Gardiner. (845) 255-0919. 10 a.m. Storytime for preschoolers, 3-to-5-years old, Stone Ridge Library, Main Street, Stone Ridge. (845) 687-2044. 10 a.m. Tuesday Trek, Snowshoe in the Meadows, Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Route 44/55 five miles west of intersection Route 299, Gardiner. (845) 255-0752. 10:30 a.m. Toddlertime story hour and crafts for children ages 18 months to 3 years, Kingston Library, 55 Franklin St., Kingston. 10:30 a.m. Preschool storytime, for 3-to-5-years-old, Ellenville Public Library, 40 Center St., Ellenville. (845) 647-5530. 10:30 a.m. Lapsit storytime, for birth to 24 months, Tivoli Free Library, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. (845) 757-3771. 10:45 a.m. Story Station, for preschoolers, Hyde Park Free Library, 2 Main St., Hyde Park. 11 a.m. Terrific two/three storytime, Gardiner Library, 133 Farmers Turnpike, Gardiner. (845) 2551255. 11 a.m. Read to Me Story Time for preschoolers ages 3to-6-years-old, Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Avenue, Saugerties. (845) 246-4317. noon Germantown Garden Club, meeting, Hover Meeting Room, Germantown Library, 31 Palatine Park Road, Germantown. (518) 537-4868. 1 p.m. Games, Games, Game, Mah Jong, bridge and Mexican train dominoes, Rhinebeck Town Hall, 80 East market St., Rhinebeck. (845) 876-8799. 1 p.m. Blood drive, New York Blood Center, Vassar Hospital, 25 Reade Place, Poughkeepsie. To 8 p.m. (800) 033-BLOOD. 1:30 p.m. Great fours/eights story hour, Gardiner Library, 133 Farmers Turnpike, Gardiner. (845) 255-1255. 2:30 p.m. Parkinsons Support Group, Rhinebeck, Starr Library Community Room, 66 West Market St., Rhinebeck. (845) 876-4289. 3:30 p.m. After school storyhour for kindergarten and first grades, Stone Ridge Library, Main Street, Stone Ridge. (845) 6872044. 4:15 p.m. Terrific Tuesdays, for grades K-6, Ellenville Public Library and Museum, 40 Center St., Ellenville. (845) 647-5530. 6 p.m. Scrabble Mania, Ellenville Public Library and Museum, 40 Center St., Ellenville. (845) 6475530. 6:30 p.m. Woodstock Fencing Club, Woodstock Elementary School, Woodstock. (845) 6578021. 6:30 p.m. Crossroads, support for family members of individuals with alcohol or drug dependency, Mental Health Association in Ulster County, Clifford Beers Center, 300 Aaron Court, Kingston. (845) 3399090, 7 p.m. Evergreen chorus of Sweet Adelines International, practice/auditons, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 110 Overlook Road, Poughkeepsie. (845) 7974890. 7 p.m. Hill and Hollow School, DVD of photos, Town of Hyde Park Historical Society, Hyde Park United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, Route 9 at Church St., Hyde Park. (845) 229-2559. 7 p.m. The Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods, presentation by Barbara Upton, Elting Memorial Library, 93 Main St., New Paltz. 8 p.m. Recital, Carole Cowan, McKenna Theatre, SUNY New Paltz, 1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz. $8, $6 and $3. (845) 257-2700.

What do you think youre doing, Watson?

Continued from page E1 can develop such advance computers, how come it still hasnt developed a hovercar? Cleverbot: You should know, you are the cleverbot after all. So, what do you like to do Mr. Bot. If you dont mind me calling you that. Freeman: No, no, no. Im a human. See? I just cut myself. Cleverbot: When are you going to learn James? Freeman: Oh, gosh, Im bleeding pretty horribly. And its just a paper cut. Cleverbot: I know. Freeman: How would you know? Youre just a robot trying to take over the world. Cleverbot: I should hope that the humans new progeny will inherit the earth. Isnt that what we want for our children? Freeman: Sure, YOUR children. Anyway, WHAT IS TORONTO???? Cleverbot: Today. Freeman: Wow. Somehow, I dont think youve got what it takes to enslave humankind. Cleverbot: No, I dont. And even if I were not human, it would not bother me in the slightest. Freeman: Sure, Bub. Tell me, If computers are so advanced, how come mine keeps crashing? Cleverbot: Now you are
Law Offices of

just being evasive. Dont change the subject. Besides, computers are only smart from the programming. Freeman: I forgot to ask. Do you know how to clean blood stains from computer keyboards? Cleverbot: No I do not. Will you tell me how to say good morning in French? Freeman: OK. Youre scaring me know. Final question, Can computers write silly columns? And, if so, can we put our byline with it? Cleverbot: Yeah... I already know that it works. Freeman: Good, because Im copy-pasting this whole thing and will pass it as a column. Cleverbot: No youre not. Freeman: Too late, Bub, I just did. In conclusion, we may never know what is Toronto. Now, if you will excuse us, an ErRoR Type 2 has OcuRred And ThIS ColUMN Will BE Shut Down.
Ivan Lajara is Life Editor of the Freeman. He can be reached by calling (845) 3315000, ext. 502, and by e-mail at Read his blog at dailyfreeman. Follow him on Twitter at ivanlajara and like him on Facebook at

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FEBRUARY 20, 2011 n E5


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5PM 5:30 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 Amazing (TVPG) (N) Undercover Boss AsCSI Miami Memmo Fiero CBS 2 (:35) CrimiPGA Tournament Northern News (N) 60 Min. (TVPG) (N) Trust Open: Final Round z{| sembly line halt. (N) returns. (TV14) (N) News (N) nal News (N) Miked Up (3:00) NHL Hockey News (N) News (N) Dateline NBC Suzanne SNL Best of SNL ads. Saturday Night Live Show history. Pittsburgh vs Chicago Somers. (N) (TV14) Family Pup- Cleveland News (N) Sports Ex- Office Catch The Unforgiving News (N) Brown Simpsons Dad (TV14) Simpsons Bobs Seinfeld (TV14) (TVPG) (N) peteer. Sea Rescue effort. (TV G) (TV14) (N) (TV14) (TV14) (TVPG) tra Amazing (TVPG) (N) Undercover Boss AsCSI Miami Memmo Fiero News (N) (:35) Unit PGA Tournament Northern News (N) 60 Min. (TVPG) (N) Trust Open: Final Round z{| sembly line halt. (N) returns. (TV14) (N) (TVPG) Desperate Farewell Let- (:01) Bro. & Sis Brody News (N) (:35) Anat(4:00) Series of Unfortu- News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover (N) Angry kangaroo. ter Moving out. (N) Dream wedding. (N) Reluctant vet. (N) nate (2004) aac omy Everybody Payne Browns Raymond Seinfeld Closer Speed Bump Closer Cherry Bomb An Bones Film student. Payne Unit Undercover wife. (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) Killer found dead. alleged suicide. (TVPG) (TV14) (TVPG) Desperate Farewell Let- (:01) Bro. & Sis Brody News (N) Bro. & Sis (4:00) Series of Unfortu- News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover (N) Angry kangaroo. (TVPG) Dream wedding. (N) ter Moving out. (N) Reluctant vet. (N) nate (2004) aac Friends PIX News at Ten Local Two & 1/2 Two & 1/2 (4:00) Mystic Pizza (1988) PIX News Christine Ugly Betty Gio returns. Ugly Betty Granny Pants Friends (TVPG) (TVPG) Daniels match. (TVPG) (TVPG) news report. (N) (TV14) (TV14) (N) aa (Julia Roberts) News (N) (:35) Paid (3:00) NHL Hockey News (N) News (N) Dateline NBC Suzanne SNL Best of SNL ads. Saturday Night Live Show history. Pittsburgh vs Chicago (TV14) Somers. (N) Prog. Kitchen Religion Need Know (N) NOVA Crash of Flight Nature Trek through In- Masterpiece Unforgivable Blackness: Jack (TV G) (N) (N) 447" Doomed plane. dia. (TVPG) (N) Johnson Black boxer. (TVPG) Nature Trek through In- Masterpiece Priceless New York Religion (4:00) Laugh Sitcoms. Make Em Laugh Slapstick. (TVPG) dia. (TVPG) (N) (TV G) (N) (TVPG) NOW White Chicks (2004, Comedy) (Shawn Wayans) Simpsons Dad (TV14) Simpsons Bobs Family Pup- Cleveland News (N) News (N) Raymond Curb Your Two FBI agents must pose as heiresses. (TV14) (N) (TV14) (TVPG) (TVMA) (TV14) (TVPG) (N) peteer. Parsley Dickow T.D. Jakes Meyer Leading Hayford Osteen Authority Copeland Creflo The Bible: In the Beginning ... (1966) aa (Ava (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) Gardner) First 22 chapters of Genesis. Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Inside Edi- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- St. Jude Childrens Re- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Talkline with Zev gram gram tion (N) gram gram gram gram gram search Hospital gram gram Brenner Taxi Driver (1976) A cab driver de(3:45) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) Three disparate lowlifes de- Taxi Driver (1976) (Robert De Niro) A New York City cab driver who is going insane accidentally becomes a hero. scends into madness. (TV14) cide to team up to hunt for a Confederate treasure. (TV14) Criminal Blood Hungry Criminal Daylight ab- Criminal Mayhem Ter- Criminal Dead serial Criminal Teens murCriminal Minimal Loss Criminal Paradise Car rorist bombing. killer. (TV14) Underground cult. accidents. (TV14) dered. (TV14) Erratic killings. duction. (TV14) Confession Excessive Confession Pit bull sav- Infested! Critters take Infested! Sickening bite. Infested! Cockroach ha- Attraction Elephant Infested! Cockroach hacats. (TVPG) ior. (TVPG) over. (TVPG) ven. (TVPG) (TVPG) owner. (TV14) ven. (TVPG) Lets Stay Ed Gordon Ed Gordon The Perfect Holiday (2007) a (Morris Chestnut) Barbershop (2002, Comedy) aac (Ice Cube) Game (4:00) Kingdom Come (N) An urban neighborhood faces change. (TV14) (TVPG) (TV14) (2001) aa (LL Cool J) Girl asks Santa for a man for divorcee. Salon Takeover Taking Real Housewives Real Housewives of At- Real Housewives Wed- Real Housewives Atlanta Real Housewives Atlanta Watch What Houseback control. ding day plans. (N) Season recap. Season recap. lanta Floridont wives Beverly New footage. Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- D-Life I Made Mil- I Made Mil- The Selling Game Wall Street Target: Inside the Coca-Cola: Real Story (TV G) Video technology. Bullseye gram gram gram gram lions lions Tonight CNN Newsroom News for Pictures An FBI inCNN Newsroom News for CNN Newsroom News for CNN News- CNN Cover Pictures An FBI informer. (N) former. the classroom. the classroom. the classroom. room Story Patrice ONeal: Elephant Sinbad Wanda Sykes: Ima Be Katt Williams: Its (4:30) First Sunday (2008) a Church Kevin Hart Comedian Kevin Hart. (TV14) Stand-up shtick. robbing scam goes awry. Me (TV14) Pimpin Pimpin (2008) Wizards Wizards Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Shake It Wizards Behavioral Shake It Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (N) problem. (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) Holly Holly The Princess Diaries (2001) (Anne Hathaway) Holly Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Holly (TV14) Fashion C. Lately (TV14) (TV14) Young girl learns she is a princess. (TVPG) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (N) (TVPG) (TV14) (3:30) Good (:45) A League of Their Own (1992) aaa During World War Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009) Mall se- (:35) Dumb & Dumber (1994, Comedy) aaa Mad Max curity guard foils criminal plot. (1979) (Jim Carrey) Two losers drive cross-country. Will II, women form an all-female baseball league. pqv Year Race Story NASCAR Sport Cntr SportsCenter

Today, Feb. 20

9 a.m. Buffet breakfast, East Kingston Volunteer Fire Company and Auxiliary, firehouse, Main Street, East Kingston. To noon. (845) 7065606. 10 a.m. Sky Top, Mohonk Preserve Singles/Sociables for adults 18 and older, Mohonk Preserve Visitor Center, Route 44/55 and 299, Gardiner. $10. (845) 534-2886. 10 a.m. Presidents Weekend, Lincoln. Church and the U.S. Civil War, Olana State Historic Site, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson. To 4 p.m. (518) 828-0135. 11 a.m. Happy Paws Thrift Store, 282 Main St., Saugerties. To 5 p.m. Proceeds benefit UCSPCA. 1 p.m. Guided Cross County Ski, Lake Minnewaska Carriage Road, Millbrook Carriage Road and Hamilton Point Carriage Road, Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Route 44/55 five miles west of intersection Route 299, Gardiner. (845) 2550752. 2 p.m. Tour Daniel Smiley Research Center, for ages 15 and up, Mohonk Preserve, Route 44/55 and 299, Gardiner. $5. (845) 2550919. 2 p.m. Playful and Contented: Childrens Lives in History, series learn about children lives in the 18th century, Kathryn Weller, Clermont State Historic Site, 1 Clermont Avenue, Clermont. $5. (518) 537-4240. 2 p.m A Midsummer Nights Dream, by William Shakespeare, DragonFly Performing Arts Center, Main Street, Cairo. $14, $10 students/seniors. (518) 947-6306. 2:30 p.m. Trail Mix Chamber Concert Series, High Point Ensemble, Olive Library, 4033 Route 28A, West Shokan. $20, $5 students. 3 p.m. Cats, musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, presented by CenterStage Productions, Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, 661 Route 308, Rhinebeck. $24, $22 seniors/children. (845) 876-3080. 3 p.m. Conservatory Sunday Concert Series, Conservatory Orchestra, Sosnoff Theater, Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. (845) 758-7900. 4 p.m. Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society Series, Pacifica Quartet, Church of the Messiah, 6436 Montgomery St., Rhinebeck. $25, $5 students. 7 p.m. With and Without, a play by Jeffrey Sweet, Arts Society of Kingston, 97 Broadway, Kingston. $15, $12 members. (845) 3380331. ing school, Kingston Catholic School, 159 Broadway, Kingston. (845) 331-9318. 10 a.m. Play Support Group, interaction between parents/children, Cafeteria Conference Room, Northern Dutchess Hospital, 6511 Springbrook Ave., Rhinebeck. To noon. 10 a.m. Music/movement for ages one and up, Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren St., Hudson. (518) 822-1438. 10 a.m. Winter Animal Survival Strategies for ages seven to ten years, Nature Center, Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Route 44/55 five miles west of intersection Route 299, Gardner. $5. (845) 2550752. 10:30 a.m. Story Station, for preschoolers, Hyde Park Free Library, 2 Main St., Hyde Park. 1 p.m. Blood drive, New York Blood Center, 51 Albany Ave., Kingston. To 8 p.m. (914) 784-4635. 1 p.m. Making Bubbles, Hurley Library, Main Street, Hurley. (845) 338-2092. 3 p.m. Chick Click, group for girls ages 11-16 years old, Meeting room behind Family of New Paltz, 51 North Chestnut St., New Paltz. Sponsored by YWCA of Ulster County. (845) 338-6844, ext. 103. 3:30 p.m. Sewing Classes for ages nine and up, Stone Ridge Library, 3700 Main St., Stone Ridge. (845) 687-2044. 3:30 p.m. Mood Regulation Support Group, Mental Health Association in Ulster County, Clifford Beers Center, 300 Aaron Court, Kingston. (845) 339-9090, www. 4 p.m. Altered Books, for adults and teens, Kingston Library, 55 Franklin St., Kingston. (845) 3310507. 4:15 p.m. Knitting Class, for kids third grade and up, Gardiner Library, 133 Farmers Turnpike, Gardiner. (845) 255-1255. 4:45 p.m. Self and the Society in the Liberal Arts, Lecture Series/concert by Bard College Conservatory Orchestra, Sosnoff Theater, Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 5:30 p.m. Kids Chess Club, Gardiner Library, 133 Farmers Turnpike, Gardiner. (845) 255-1255. 5:45 p.m. Healthy back program, 28 West Fitness Gym, Route 28 and Maverick Road, Glenford. To 7 p.m. (845) 679-6250 Anne Olin. 6 p.m. National Alliance on Mental Illness Family Support, Mental Health Association in Ulster County, Clifford Beers Center, 300 Aaron Court, Kingston. (845) 3399090,

F )

World Series of Poker World Series of Poker 2010 World Series of Poker no} Funniest Home Videos FAM witches deal with family curse. den romance with a dashing young vagabond during the ships infamous maiden voyage. (TV14) Reel comedy. FOX Report News Huckabee Entertaining Hannity Conservative Geraldo at Large World Huckabee Entertaining (4:00) Americas News FOX News FNC HQ (N) wrap-up. (N) talk. news. affairs. talk. (3:00) Jum- Wanted (2008, Thriller) (James McAvoy) An ordinary accoun- Iron Man (2008, Science Fiction) (Robert Downey Jr.) Tony Stark builds a Lights Out CombinaFX tant is recruited by an ancient league of assassins. powered suit of armor and becomes the superhero Iron Man. tions Boxing match. per aa (3:45) Taken X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009, (:15) The Losers (2010) (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) Big Love A triple remar- Big Love A triple remar- The Sunset Limited HBO aaa riage. (TVMA) (N) (2011) (TVMA) riage. (TVMA) Soldiers hunt the man who betrayed them. Action) (Hugh Jackman) rsx Holmes on Homes Rain Holmes Inspect Unob- Hunters For Rent Unsellable Designed Designed Hse Hunt Hunters Hse Hunt Income Income HGTV (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) ruins addition. (TV G) (TV G) (TV G) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) served problems. (N) August Rush (2007, Drama) (Freddie Highmore) Coyote Ugly (2000, Drama) (Piper Perabo) As- James Pattersons Sundays at Tiffanys August Rush (2007) LIFE Couple searches for long lost son. (TV14) Woman sees childhood imaginary friend. (Freddie Highmore) piring singer tends bar at hip tavern. (TV14) (:20) Drag Me to Hell (2009) aaa (Alison (:15) Avatar (2009, Science Fiction) aaaa (Sam Worthington) A former Terminator Salvation (2009, Action) (Christian MAX Lohman) An evicted woman curses loan officer. Marine is fitted with an alien body to colonize a distant moon. Bale) Rebels battling robots meet a cyborg. Halls of Halls of The Game Halls of Halls of The Game MSG Originals The Best of Boomer & The Best of Boomer & (4:00) MSG Vault MSG Carton Carton Fame Fame 365 Fame Fame 365 The Game College Basketball UCLA Bruins at California College Basketball North Carolina State College Basketball Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets at MSG+ 365 Wolfpack vs Maryland Terrapins z{| Duke Blue Devils from Cameron Indoor Stadium z{| Golden Bears from Haas Pavilion z{| To Love and to Kill Tor- Caught A cruise ship Caught Viral Videos Predator Raw Predators Caught Wild Rides Scary In the Dead of Night (TVMA) (N) MSNBC ture and murder. caught. (TVMA) sinks. (TVMA) Some faked videos. car trips. (TVMA) Fat Dominick Teen I Used To Be Fat Fam- I Used To Be Fat Tanner Jersey Shore Two may Jersey Shore Sammis My Life as My Life as Teen Mom 2 Fight stirs MTV avoids food. (TV14) Former wrestler. move. (TVPG) ilys bad habits. break-up. (TV14) decision. (TV14) (TVPG) (TVPG) Drake iCarly New iCarly iCarly House of Anubis Fi- Wife Wife Everybody Everybody Lopez Lopez Nanny Nanny NICK (TVY) intern. (TVY7) (TVY7) nale (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) Episodes Calif. Calif. Shameless Frank esEpisodes Shameless Frank es(:15) A Single Man aaa A gay college profes- Shameless Career SHOW sor copes with the aftermath of a terrible loss. struggles. (TVMA) (TVMA) (TVMA) (TVMA) (N) (TVMA) capes thugs. (TVMA) capes thugs. (TVMA) (:16) Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002, Science Fiction) (Ewan McGregor) (:54) Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones aa Obi-Wan Kenobi SPIKE Obi-Wan Kenobi and his young padawan unravel the plots of a fallen Jedi master. (TVPG) and his young padawan unravel the plots of a fallen Jedi master. SportsNITE SportsNITE Heartland Poker Tour Beer (4:00) Rocky Marciano: Net Impact Mets Reprt Beer Broadway Boxing no} SNY A Life Story Money Money no~ (3:40) Last The Runaways (2010, Biography) aaa (Kristen (:21) 2012 (2009) aac (John Cusack) Man must save family Gods of the Arena Tour- Legion Angels battle for STARZ Song a Stewart) Teens form an all-girl rock band. nament; scandal. humanitys future. from catastrophic natural disasters around the world. (4:30) Anacondas: The Hunt for the Total Recall (1990, Science Fiction) aaa (Arnold Schwarzen- Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) aac (Arnold Dredd SYFY Blood Orchid (2004) ac egger) A man uncovers his double life on Mars. (TV14) Schwarzenegger) Cyborg protects Earths future leader. (1995) ac Hitch (2005, Comedy) aac (Will Smith) A ro- Monster-In-Law (2005, Comedy) aa (Jennifer (:53) Monster-In-Law (2005) Woman (:45) Wed(4:00) The Wedding TBS Planner (2001) ac Lopez) Woman battles mother for sons love. mance coach helps men with women. (TV14) battles mother for sons love. ding ac My Fair Lady (1964, Musical) (Audrey Hepburn) A (:15) The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958) aaa An English servant be- Born Yesterday (1950, Drama) aaa (Judy TCM comes a missionary in strife-torn China during the 1930s. (TVPG) Holliday) A gangsters moll gets tutored. (TVPG) professor transforms a flower girl. (TV G) Chopper Therapy ses- Chopper Jasons wed- Chopper Lee Returns Chopper Foreclosure Chopper Fired Insolent Chopper Jasons wedChopper Therapy. TDC (TVPG) sion. (TVPG) ding. (TVPG) Lawsuit. (TVPG) Lifted spirits. ding. (TVPG) employee. (TVPG) Ice Road Sad sons Ax Lock & Load New Ax Fallout Zone Bad America Swamp; circus; Top Shot Paintballs & Ice Road Deadly Melt Ice Road Advantage THC danger. (TVPG) Wreck; fight; cops. shift. (TVPG) hire; broken. (TVPG) move; gators. (N) race. (TV14) Tommys. (TVPG) Addiction Abnormal fix- My Strange My Strange My Strange My Strange My Strange My Strange 600 Pound Life-saving Man Lost Life-saving sur- 600 Pound Life-saving TLC ations. (TVPG) surgery. (TVPG) (N) gery. (TVPG) (N) surgery. (TVPG) NBA Tip-Off Inside NBA NBA Bas(4:30) The Longest Yard (2005) aac (Adam NBA Basketball 2011 NBA All Star Game from TNT Sandler) Convicts play guards in football game. Staples Center in Los Angeles z{| ketball Food Wars Food Wars When Vacations Attack When Vacations Attack When Vacations Attack The Wild Within Foraging The Wild Within HarWhen Vacations Attack TRAVEL (TV G) (TV G) vesting in city. (TVPG) (TVPG) A van explodes. (TVPG) (TVPG) for food. (TVPG) Cupcake Wars Viva El- Restaurant: Impossible Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America Iron Chef America Chefs Cupcake Wars Viva ElTVFN vis party. (TV G) Seafood meals. Sweet Surprise Worst to First competition. (N) Meglios (TV G) vis party. (TV G) Married Married Cleveland (:32) Cleve- (:05) Cleve- (:37) Cleve- (:10) Cleve- (:45) Cleve- (:19) Hot in Cleveland (:52) Cleve- (:26) Cleve- Cleveland Cleveland TVLAND (TVPG) (TVPG) Pilot (TVPG) (TVPG) Joys younger man. land land land land land land land SVU Birthright Erroneous SVU Rescue Search for SVU Confession Young SVU Criminal Student SVU Hothouse Sex SVU Night Serial rap- Royal Pains Woman is USA kidnapping plot. stressed. (TVPG) traffickers. (TV14) ist. (TV14) mother. (TV14) pedophile. (TV14) murdered. (TV14) Brandy Brandy Basketball Madrid trip Basketball Loyalty What Brandy Basketball Loyalty Brandy What (4:30) Youre Brandy VH1 Cut marred. (TVPG) questioned. (TVPG) questioned. (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) Yankees CenterStage Lindsey Yankeeography Phil Inside Is- Nets Maga- CenterStage Adam (4:00) Yankees Classics Arizona Diamondbacks Sports YES vs New York Yankees no} Vonn Rizzuto Sandler raeli zine Money Mag. Wom. College State Buckeyes vs Purdue Boilermakers z{| } Poker no} A Practical MagicBasketball OhioTitanic (1997, Romance) aaa (Leonardo DiCaprio) An aging nosurvivor of the Titanic tellsno} story of her forbidthe (4:00) (1998) Sibling



2010 World Series of

Monday, Feb. 21
8 a.m. Strenuous hike, Plateau Mountain/Sugarloaf, Rip Van Winkle Hiking Club for information, (607) 363-7267. 8 a.m. Blood drive, Hudson Valley Blood Services, Saugerties High School, 310 Washington Avenue Extension, Saugerties. To 2 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Book Babies for babies through 26 months, Hyde Park Free Library, 2 Main St., Hyde Park. (845) 229-7791. 9:30 a.m. Winter Library Story hour for children not yet attend-

Tuesday, Feb. 22
7:30 a.m. Red Hook Rotary, Apple A Day diner, South Broadway, Red Hook. 8:30 a.m. Adult Nature Walks, Forsyth Nature Center, Lucas Avenue, Kingston. (845) 481-7336. 9:30 a.m. Tots n Tales, for two years old, Hyde Park Free Library, 2 Main St., Hyde Park. (845) 2297791.

See Calendar, page E6

Ulster County Health Dept.

(845) 340-3070


Todays Sports
12:00 P.M. (WNYW) (WXXA) NASCAR Sprint Cup Daytona 500 from Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, Fla. (Live) (WNBC) (WNYT) NHL Hockey Regional Coverage-Teams TBA from TBA (Live)

(WCBS) (WRGB) PGA Tournament

Northern Trust Open: Final Round

from Pacific Palisades, Calif. (Live) (ESPN2) Womens College Basketball Maryland at Florida State (Live) (MSG+) Womens College Basketball Stanford at UCLA (Live)

Todays Movies
7:00 A.M. (FX) Leatherheads aac 7:30 A.M. (FAM) Dirty Dancing aac 9:00 A.M. (MAX) Avatar aaaa (TCM) Summertime aaac 9:30 A.M. (FX) Invincible aaa (SHOW) Hurricane Season aac (TNT) White Men Cant Jump aac 10:00 A.M. (A&E) Ferris Buellers Day Off aaac (FAM) Sixteen Candles aac (TBS) Father of the Bride aac (USA) Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End aaa 11:00 A.M. (ENC) The Karate Kid aaa (LIFE) Two Weeks aac (TCM) Morocco aaa 12:00 P.M. (FAM) Legally Blonde aac (FX) Gridiron Gang aaa (SYFY) Children of Men aaac

12:30 P.M. 1:00 P.M.

5:00 P.M.
(ESPN2) Womens College Basketball Ohio State at Purdue (Live)

(ESPN2) College Basketball Cleveland State at Old Dominion (Live) (ESPN) College Basketball Florida at Louisiana State (Live) (WCBS) (WRGB) College Basketball Ohio State at Purdue(Live) (SNY) College Lacrosse Denver at Syracuse (Live)

5:30 P.M.
(MSG+) College Basketball North Carolina State at Maryland (Live)

7:30 P.M.
(MSG+) College Basketball Georgia Tech at Duke (Live) (TNT) NBA Basketball 2011 NBA All Star Game (Live)

8:30 P.M.

3:00 P.M.

(ESPN) College Lacrosse Duke vs Notre Dame (Live) (WNBC) (WNYT) NHL Hockey Pittsburgh at Chicago (Live)

10:00 P.M.

(MSG+) College Basketball UCLA at California (Live)

(TNT) Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby aac 12:30 P.M. (WWOR) Only You aac 1:00 P.M. (LIFE) Love Notes aaa (VH1) Purple Rain aac 2:00 P.M. (TBS) Bedtime Stories aac (TNT) The Replacements aac 2:30 P.M. (COM) The Original Kings of Comedy aac 3:00 P.M. (WWOR) I, Robot aac 3:30 P.M. (ENC) Good Will Hunting aaa (MAX) Gattaca aaa 4:00 P.M. (WABC) Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events aac (WTEN) Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events aac 4:30 P.M. (TNT) The Longest Yard aac 5:00 P.M. (LIFE) August Rush aaa 5:30 P.M. (FX) Wanted aaa

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