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Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND It is not the dictionary that determines the meaning of the word,

but the people who use that word. Cynthia Grace Suguitan Introduction In the Philippines, where sexual orientation has become a moral, political and social issue of acceptability, homosexuals have become victims of condemnationin school, at the workplace, in church, or else where. These places therefore become daily battle grounds for them, and to win this bloodless battle they have developed a must potent weapon that will shield them from flying missiles of verbal incantation and poetic malady (such as multong bakla and salot sa lipunan) fired by people with strong patriarchal orientations (Casabal, 2008). Because of the insulting treat and undying ridicules thrown to them, gay community has come up to a language that could only be understood by the homosexuals. Thats why Remoto (2008) asserts that it is their code, their very sword. He also affirms that it is a language forever advent, forever beginning, forever new. Remoto concludes it is a language at once sophisticated and vulgar, serious and light, timely and timeless. The evolution and expansion of gay language in the Philippines is unstoppable. Suguitan (2008) affirms that like any other language, gay language constanly changing. Words and terms are continuously updatedin the beauty parlors and offices, the universities and the streets, the media and boutiques (Remoto, 2008) while some words eventually die and lose their value (Casabal, 2008 in Baitan, 2002). In spite of this, there is a thread that holds this language together, and that is freedom, freedom from the rules and dictates of society (Suguitan, 2008). Gay language is described by people as funny and entertaining, colorful, creative and witty. Because of the curiosity of others and the enjoyment it gives, nowadays, almost everyone knows haw to use and speak this language. Boys and girls, young or old, students and teachers are having fun in hearing, using and learning this emerging language. Casabal (2008) affirms that gay language has achieved a higher degree of acceptance in recent years in the Philippines. Both gays and non-gays can be heard uttering gay expressions. But the main role of gayspeak for gay people in the Philippines is to function as an armor to shield themselves from the chasm and the social stigma caused by gender differences. Through this paper we could learn more about the nature of this gay language. It can help others to understand the expressions by analyzing the etymological background of words and terms. We could

also see the function of each word as part of speech (such as noun, adjective, verb, etc. Statement of the Problem The main concern of this study is to know about gay lingo of the Magaleos. Specifically, it seek to answer the following problems: 1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: a. Age b. Gender c. Educational attainment d. Occupation e. Languages spoken at home 2. Are there any significant relationship between the Magaleo gay lingo and their socio-demographic profile? 3. What are the top 20 words or terms commonly uttered by the respondents? 4. What are the definitions and etymological backgrounds of those 20 words or terms commonly uttered by the respondents? 5. What are the usage of those words in relation with part of speech? Hypothesis There are no significant relationship between the Magaleo gay lingo and the socio-demogarphic profile of the respondents. Significance of the Study Since the evolution and expansion of Philippine gay lingo is unstoppable, this study will serve as a guide for the gays and even non-gays, students or teachers and others who are confuse and eager to learn this emerging code of communication. It would hopefully help them to understand the words that are commonly uttered or heard by the gays and non-gays of Magalang, Pampanga. Moreover, it could help to enrich the vocabulary of others, particularly young gays. It could serve as a reference for them to understand more about their potent weapon. Furthermore, other people, especially non-gays would appreciate this emerging code of communication and accept the gay community. It could enlighten them through the creativity and being witty of the gays. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The researcher delimited this study an focused on the nature of Magaleo gay lingo by the gays and non-gays of Magalang, Pampanga; socio-demographic profile of the respondents; top 20 words or terms commonly uttered by the respondents; their definitions and etymological backgrounds; and the usage of those words in relation with part of speech.

Definition of Terms To have a better comprehension in this study, the following terms were defined as used in this. Gay refers to a homosexual, especially male ( Gay lingo as used in this study, refers to the language spoken, especially the jargon, slang or argot of the gays in Magalang, Pampanga ( Magaleo refers to the native resident of Magalang, Pampanga. Non-gays as used in this study, pertains to those females and straight males. Semantic Analysis is a systematic technique for analyzing the meaning of a language.

Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter presents on how the study will be conducted and how the result will be analyzed. It includes the research design, respondents of the study, research instruments, research procedures, gathering of data and statistical treatment of data that can be employed in this study. Research Design The researcher will be using qualitative and descriptive method of research in gathering information in order to attain the purposes of the study. The questionnaire will be the basic instrument which will be utilized in gathering important data for the study. Respondents of the Study A total of 50 selected gays and non-gays in Magalang, Pampanga will be the respondents of the study. Research Instrument The primary instrument of this study will be a questionnaire for the respondents composed of (4) four parts: the first part will be the socio-demographic profile of the respondents; the second part contains of (20) twenty items in identifying the top (20) twenty words or terms commonly uttered by the gays and non-gays; the third part, giving definitions and etymological background of those words; and lastly, the fourth part, identifying the usage of those words in relation with the part of speech. Research Procedures The questionnaires will be validated by administering it to the selected gays and non-gays in Magalang, Pampanga. The outputs of the instrument will be collected in the same day the instrument was administered. Gathering of Data To analyze semantically the nature of the Magaleo gay lingo, the study will be utilized by a questionnaire. The information gathered based on their answers will be used as main basis to complete the purposes of the study. Statistical Treatment of Data The researcher will use statistical tools to analyze the data.

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