Feb 2012

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Stephen's Story - A CALL TO PRAYER

I was at the office later than usual and I wandered into the rock gym to pray over it. I asked God to walk with us, to guide us, to open doors, and to close some. I prayed for the Muslims and Hindus around us. As I was praying, the Muslim Call to Prayer came blasting from outside. I cracked a window and leaned out to listen and pray over that call to worship. I wondered what god they imagined when they prayed. I wondered what my life would be like without Christ. Then all of a sudden, in between Arabic chanting over a loudspeaker, I hear "Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee." I turned my attention to the school grounds opposite our office. There was a large white canvas tent stuffed with people singing as loudly as possible "How Great Thou Art!" As I was feeling weighed down and praying for the struggles our team has faced in the past months, I needed the encouragement that the Lord provided that night, reminding me that He has called us to this community of people. As they sang,"I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder," lightning struck above the tent. As I joined in worship with them, I was brought to tears by the way the Lord revealed Himself to me. What a privilege to experience a tent of believers praising Jesus directly across from a Muslim mosque shouting the call to prayer, right in the midst of praying for our team and for the Hindu and Muslim people who will visit the rock gym. Thank you Jesus for the small ways in which you affirm us. God, help us to persevere and keep our faith in you.

BlueSky Adventures Update: LIVE FULLY

BlueSky Adventures has impacted several groups over the past month, including 150 people from Kenya's energy company. With each group that the Lord brings comes an opportunity to bear witness of Him. Recently, one of our facilitators, Sandhia, was working with a corporate group and Jesus's love was so evident in her life that some of the group members asked why. They had never met an Indian who was so kind and joyful. They were amazed to hear that her joy comes from Christ, who has rescued her from Hinduism and given her new life in Christ. We are so thankful for our team of facilitators who love Jesus and want to share that love with others.

Camp BlueSky Update: LEAD WITH PASSION

Preparations to impact campers with the Gospel begin long before opening day. Jason and Lexi are passionate about developing a camp program that shares Christ with campers. This summer, one of the things they will add is a special guys only and girls only time that will teach campers what it means to be a man or woman of God. The high school adventure program is also being revamped, helping the older campers zone in on leadership and service opportunities available to them as the oldest campers at camp.

BlueSky Youth Update: REACH OUT

For the Youth team, reaching out is the first step as they get to know students by going to games, teaching clubs, and substitute teaching. In December, we asked that you begin praying for Daley and Tyler as they prepared to teach club sports at a local Hindu school. They had no idea how many students would join their clubs but the Lord answered our prayers and after teaching just 3 weeks, they have had the opportunity to meet 150 students from this school. Some of the guys have even asked Tyler for extra "training" in American football, giving him an extra afternoon to spend with them each week. We are eagerly waiting to see what the Lord will do next as they continue to reach out and build relationships with these incredible students.

Staff Profile: Andrew Conway

Andrew grew up in Kenya and has always known that he wanted the opportunity to come back and serve. His passion for the Lord and adventure made him a perfect fit for the Climb BlueSky team. Andrew's job is to oversee the building of the gym. He says he's seen the Lord's hand in the project from Day 1. After meeting with 10 contractors, he began to grow discouraged; then the Lord sent the perfect man for the job: an Indian Christian who was a rock climber in his younger days. Andrew has also seen the Lord at work as our team works side by side with the day laborers. Because of the inexpensive labor costs, it's unheard of for managers to work side by side with day laborers, but that's how our team operates. It's been an awesome way to build relationships with the workers as well as serve as a light for the people who pass by and wonder what makes our team act differently.

Join the Adventure

Would you partner with us financially as we share the Gospel with the multinational community in Kenya? Below is a list of our most urgent needs: Last week several of our team members were in a car accident. While we praise the Lord that no one was hurt, we are now in need of a new car to replace the one that was totalled.

Need: $20,000 for 2 cars

Our current monthly ministry expenses are $15,000 while our monthly general donations are $5,000. We need additional monthly donations to recover this deficit. Need: $10,000 monthly Climb BlueSky will be an incredible ministry tool as we seek to engage the international community. Additional funding is needed to complete this project in a timely manner. Need: $95,000 Both one-time and recurring giving are available via PayPal at www.blueskyglobal.org. Donations may be mailed to: BlueSky 900 Westpark Drive Suite 300 Peachtree City, GA 30269.

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