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OPEN ON: BLACK. THE ACCIDENT appears in blood, drenched letters--FADE IN: INT. ROAD: NIGHT. SILENCE.

Crickets chirps, suddenly--a girl runs into the middle of the road, LIGHT BEAMS ON HER-she lets out a loud gasp-BLACK. FADE IN: INT. BEDROOM: UNKNOWN TIME. A teenagers bedroom, posters of rock bands hang on the wall, its pitch black, the lights are out-obviously, its dark outside. A dresser in the corner, next to the window, a loud boom-light, only for a second, then tapping sound, rain. A mirror hangs on the wall, a TV station in the front--and a chair, behind the chair a big bed. On the bed, a teenager sleeps, about fifteen or sixteen. His name is SPENCER. His EYES snap open-- he gasps, breathing heavily-CUT TO: TWO HOURS EARLIER INT. CAR: NIGHT. Spencer sits at the drivers sit--next to him is his girlfriend, SHAY, fifteen. In the back, sits another girl, Shays best friend, NINA. NINA I dont want to go to the party. [Whines] Cant we go to my house, and watch Bad Teacher or something? Spencer looks in the rearview, a WTF, like really? look. NINA [CONTD] [Whispers] Never mind Shay turns to Nina-SHAY Twenty minutes, is all I ask. Then we can go back to your house She pauses--

SHAY [CONTD] And watch Smallville. Nina lights up-NINA Sounds like a plan! SPENCER Aw, I fucking hate that show. Shay slaps his shoulder. SPENCER [CONTD] What? It screams Superman wanna-be. NINA I think, its the idea Shay eyes Spencer--awaiting for his answer, hes silent. SPENCER Whatever. NINA Just at least watch episode one. It might change your mind. SPENCER Doubt it, but Ill give it a five minute shot. SHAY Anyway Jason got into another fight. NINA Why? SHAY No reason, drunk on field. Once again. Poor dude, been fucked up since Hanna dumped him. NINA Again. Wow. Twice in a week. Not typical Jason behavior. SPENCER Guys a fucked-up loser. Shay slaps him again--

SHAY Try not being rude for once. Spencer laughs-SPENCER Are you high? Thatll never happen. Shay silently tightens her fist, scraping them against her jeans. Making sure her temper doesnt rise, now its obvious she can get mad easy--Nina notices and puts a hand on her shoulder, to relax her. SPENCER [CONTD] [Noticing] Didnt take your pills, again? NINA Shut up. Spencer rolls his eyes and continues to drive. Spencer pulls up into a driveway, LOUD music plays. Jocks pound on the car windows, Spencer waves at them-his friends obviously. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE: LATER. ITS A HUGE HOUSE, a big foyer, leading off into the living room, upstairs, the kitchen, the pool room, and the TV station room. A large table surrounds the foyer, and a large banner hangs from the stairs, saying: VICTORY PARTY FOR THE DALLAS, TIGER HIGH. Lots of teenagers are partying. Loud music is playing-ON NINA AND SHAY, pushing through the crowd, holding cups. They walk off-CUT TO: INT. HOUSE - BACK PORCH: MOMENTS LATER. A large back porch, a beautiful view of the background-flowers everywhere, a pond, and Christmas tree lights, that it seems to look like, hanging from above, onto the house. Nina and Shay exit the house. And onto the porch-NINA Finally, silence. SHAY I know, and where the hell is Spencer?

Nina shrugs. NINA I dont care, anyway. SHAY It was a bad idea coming. Nina nods, waving the cup towards her. NINA Whatcha got? SHAY Root Beer, you? NINA Fruit Punch. He frowned when I asked for milk, so SHAY [Chuckles] Youre such a goody-two shoes. NINA [Smirking] Oh, really? Watch. Nina walks over to the doors, opens it, and throws the drink inside, some kids jump back, then they holler at her, she sticks her middle finger back. NINA YEAH! She closes the door, and turns to Shay. SHAY Four out of ten. Nina does a fist pump, then laughs. NINA [Sighing] Want to get out of here? SHAY Sure, but we have to find Spencer. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE - FOYER: SAME.

Spencer is dancing, and drinking beer with two other guys. SPENCER Yeah, she has fucking anger problems. GUY #1 I remember her, she punched me once. Just dump her. Kellys hotter. A girl walks by-short dress, high heels, sexy, this is KELLY. KELLY Excuse me. She walks past them, Spencer checks her out, so does the two guys. Spencer chuckles and walks after her--Kelly exits the house, Spencer hot on her trail. INT. FRONT YARD. Kelly walks down the large path, Spencer catches up-SPENCER Hey Kelly-Kelly doesnt look at him: KELLY Spencer SPENCER How ya doing? KELLY You dont care Kelly smirks, rolls her eyes- Spencer nods. SPENCER True, you know me very well. KELLY I have to, we dated. SPENCER Lets date againKELLY No thanks, Im smart now. Kelly walks off, Spencer stops, and flips her off. Turns around, and bumps into--NINA and SHAY.

SPENCER AH FUCK, you scared me. Shay rolls her eyes. SHAY Yeah, yeah, lets go. Spencer sighs. SPENCER Fine, lets go. INT. SPENCERS CAR: LATER. Spencers car drives down the road. SPENCER Yeah, Vampires just dont shine in the fucking sunlight. Nina and Shay chuckle-NINA Poor BellaSPENCER Oh you had too mention the no-emotion bitch. SHAY [Chuckling] She had too. Shay grabs at Spencers neck, pulls him close and kisses his cheek, he turns to her and kisses her on the lips, he chuckles, pulls away, and keeps driving. As Spencer turns to the road---from the windshield. A GIRL RUNS INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, giggling it seems, turns to the car, and lets out a GASP. Spencer has no time to stop the car asthe headlights beams on her face, BAM! The car spins out of control-the three let out a loud scream-The car comes to stop, the trio groan in pain. NINA Guys? SPENCER

The fuck---did we hit? Spencer opens his car door, Shay and Nina do the same. INT. ROAD. Spencer, Shay, and Nina limp out of the car, slamming their doors shut, look around. Spencer points at someone coming out of a bush on the side-SPENCER Look-The trio walk towards it-Shay gasps and Nina eyes widen then-she lets out a heartbreaking scream. SHOT OF: KELLYS BODY. Its hard to tell if shes dead or knocked out. NINA [Panicking] OH MY GOD! YOU HIT HER! SHAY OH MY GOD, SHE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE! SPENCER IT WAS AN ACCIDENT-WE HAVE TO BURY HER! NINA WHAT?! NO. NO. NO. WE HAVE TO GO TO THE POLICE! SPENCER NO! BITCH, ILL GET ARRESTED! NINA WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?! SPENCER We have to bury her Shay looks at him-CUT TO: SOME TIME LATER. Spencer walks up to the two girls. SPENCER Its done

Nina is still freaking out, Shay rubs her shoulders. Nina gasps, and sighs. NINA I want to go home On Ninas frightened face-TITLE: TWO HOURS LATER. INT. CAR. A sweaty Spencer, slams his car door shut. Throws a shovel in the back seat. KELLY [Off-screen, whisper] Help Me Spencer eyes widen, he clearly heard it. He pulls the car out of the driveway, and stomps on the gas pedal as heard as he can-KELLY [CONTD] [Off-screen, louder] Help me! Help me, please! More sweat rolls down Spencers face. He takes a breath, trying to relax himself, it doesnt work. He continues to drive-KELLY [CONTD] [Off-screen, whisper] Im dying His eyes widen, he drives faster-KELLY [CONTD] [Off-screen, louder] I cant, I cant breathe! Please! He pulls his car to a stop-INT. FIELD: MOMENTS LATER. Spencer rushes with the shovel, up to a dirt lump piece of ground, he shoves the shovel into the ground and pulls-INT. FIELD: TEN MINUTES LATER.

Spencer grunts, as he continues to dig--halfway done SPENCER Please Please Spencer wipes the sweat off his forehead, takes a deep breath, then continues. INT. CAR: TWO HOURS EARLIER. Nina sits in the backseat in silence. SPENCER She dented the front NINA I think we should go to the police. Still SPENCER Were not going to get me in trouble. I fucking told you that-SHAY SPENCER, calm down--SPENCER SHUT UP, SHAY! INT. FIELD: TWO HOURS LATER. Spencer is finished digging, it seems more time has passed, Spencer is confused, looking down the at hole He throws the shovel to the side, bends over and looks down-SPENCERS P.O.V. THE HOLE IS EMPTY. NORMAL. Spencer is shocked, she mustve escaped, but how? CUT TO: A hand picking up the shovel-BACK. Spencer eyes water with tears, did he really bury her alive? CUT TO:

Footsteps, crunches the grass BACK. Spencer hears a whisper-GIRL Goodnight Spencer spins around-LETS OUT A SCREAM--BLACK. HIS SCREAM ECHOES--THEN SILENCE. END.

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