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Arizonas 12th Annual All-Weapons-Weekend Shooting Competition 23-25 MARCH 2012 Florence Training Center


Move, Shoot, Communicate, Survive and Adapt. Most every Soldier can recite these words. They understand the foundation of Soldiering best demonstrated in our Warrior Task and Battle Drills. Above all, its what we do that makes us who we are; Soldiers. The ability to Shoot is a defining characteristic of a Soldier. We wear it with pride on our uniforms and compete with enthusiasm for a better score each time we shoot. Shooting is Soldiering; it is what we do. So, a competitive exercise such as Arizonas All Weapons Weekend is more than marksmanship synergy at its best. It is an opportunity to Soldier, shoulder to shoulder, and to learn from the best how to be the best. Maintain, employ, and engage with an assigned weapon system is a collection of supporting tasks to the warrior task - shoot. The All weapons weekend will test, prove and hone those very shooting skills. Beyond this, Soldiers who take the challenge and compete will walk away more confident and resilient. Their skill and ability to adapt will increase. This shooting event will build stronger, better Soldiers in dimensions far beyond the techniques of maintenance, trigger squeeze, and breath control. From strengthening the bonds of the battle buddy system to adapting, listening and learning; this exercise will test and forge new strength in many critical dimensions of our warrior task proficiency. The design of the All Weapons Weekend will foster the defining characteristics of a warrior who is confident and willing to close with the enemy. This goal will be accomplished in a safe, instructive and competitive environment. From novice to expert, all are encouraged to participate and test their skills. This event is not just for the experts among us. Coaches and mentors will be on site to teach techniques, best practices and keep the events safe. From novice to expert, all are highly encouraged to participate and test their skills. This event is a great opportunity to build camaraderie and get to know shooting enthusiast from across the state. It is also fun. In midst of a thousand tasks and competing priorities, here is your opportunity to enjoy a competitive exercise designed to make us all better Soldiers. Its what we do; move, shoot, communicate, survive and adapt . Hooah Stuff! Max Butler, CSM Arizonas 8th Command Sergeant Major Treat em Rough

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All Weapons Weekend 2011

TO ENTER: Complete and submit an official entry form NLT 15 MARCH 2012
The ultimate achievement for a soldier is to earn Distinguished designation in shooting. The Distinguished Rifleman and Distinguished Pistol Shot Badges are awarded to members of the Armed Forces, or civilians, in recognition of a preeminent degree of achievement in target practice with the service rifle or pistol. The top 10 percent of shooters in the Excellence in Competition Matches (Rifle and Pistol) will receive official points towards their Distinguished designation. Many shooters take years to reach a distinguished level. But to be double-distinguished is a rare accomplishment. there are fewer double distinguished shooters than there are Medals of Honor. Other prestigious awards are: Presidents 100 Top 100 at Camp Perry, Ohio Chiefs 50 Top 50 shooters in the National Guard. Winston P. Wilson National Competition, Little Rock, Arkansas. Governors Dozen Top 12 shooters at All Weapons Weekend, Florence, AZ .

(see attached). Enter as an individual or identify four members who wish to participate as a team. There are no rank or MOS requirements for entry. Questions? E-mail us first! or call at:

SARTB at (602) 2672648 Small Arms Readiness Training Branch

AZ Recognized Shooters (staff) :
SFC.(Ret.) Derrick Martin Distinguished Rifle and Pistol, Presidents 100, Chiefs 50, Governor's Dozen SGT Darrell StettmeierDistinguished Rifle and Pistol, Chiefs 50, Governor's Dozen WO1 Chris Marcott Distinguished Rifle and Pistol, Chiefs 50, Governor's Dozen SSG (Ret.) Scott Follmer- Distinguished Rifle and Pistol, Chiefs 50, Governor's Dozen SGT. Greg Gamboa Distinguished Rifle, Presidents 100, Governors Dozen, SGT. Marc Martinez Chiefs 50, Governor's Dozen CMSGT Jeff Kellow- Distinguished Rifle, Governors Dozen SFC. Robert Perisky Distinguished Rifle and Pistol, Chiefs 50, Governors Dozen 1SG. JP Salazar Distinguished Rifle, Chiefs 50, Governors Dozen, National Machine gun Champion


This years All Weapons Weekend brings together members of the Arizona Army and Air Guard, the United States Army , Navy, and Marine Reserve, and Foreign Nationals members into an event that will facilitate camaraderie and sharing of military marksmanship skills and field craft amongst fellow soldiers. We are the only State National Guard organization to host an International military delegation in a State marksmanship competition. British Accuracy Speaks Club- These Brits are special invites. They fly here on their own dime because they love the All Weapons Weekend in Arizona. In exchange for shooting the match they work long days putting targets together and arranging this match to be possible.

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All Weapons Weekend 2011

The top 12 shooters in the Arizona State Match (AWW 2011) will be awarded Governors Dozen. This is a highly honored award signed by the Governor and the TAG Authorizing the Governor's Dozen patch to be worn on the uniform in this state. The Governor's Dozen Award has been around in Arizona for over 12 years and is authorized in accordance with STARC AZ PAM 672. Every year at the State Competition (All weapons Weekend) the individual competition scores are added up and published. Some questions have been asked about whether or not the same 12 people can win that award again and again. 1) In Accordance with the National Guard Marksmanship Training Unit, out of Little Rock, Arkansas. We will follow suite much like the Chiefs 50 and The Presidents Hundred. In which, there is no limit to the amount of times a person can win that award. 2) You have to earn it. If you want it, then practice and take it. One thing is for certain with almost every Governors Dozen recipient; They practice. They practice on weekends, they practice on weekdays, they practice like professional athletes because they plan on winning. They memorize the match program and they have the initiative to run their own drills and practice even when they do not have bullets. If we only gave it to NEW recipients then eventually everyone in the AZ National Guard would have one. It is designed to be an award for excellence. Not an award for attendance. 3) Most Governors Dozen recipients will tell you that winning is 50 percent marksmanship, and 50 percent mental. Recipients of the Governors Dozen are expected to attend the Regional Match in California and the National Match in Arkansas. Governors Dozen are also expected to be the Marksmanship Coordinators and trainers for their units.

TO ENTER: Complete and submit an official entry form NLT 15 MARCH 2012 (see

Enter as an individual or identify four members who wish to participate as a team. There are no rank or MOS requirements for entry. Questions? E-mail us first! or call at: SARTB at (602) 267-2648 Small Arms Readiness Training Branch


NO PRIOR COMPETITIVE SHOOTING EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! This event is designed as a Battle Focused Training opportunity for current members of the National Guard, Army Reserve, Marine Reserves, Navy Reserves and State College ROTCs. Each Service is encouraged to send at least one team. A team consists of four members. If a unit cannot field a four-member team then composite teams can be sent to represent battalions and above. Individual competitors are welcome and will be squadded into pickup teams, which are not eligible for team awards. Each Fire Team will fire three basic U.S. Army weapons; the M9 Pistol, M-16/M-4 and M249 SAW/240B. Competitors will also fire two Excellence in Competition (EIC) Matches that will give them the opportunity to earn points towards Distinguished Shooter Badges. Team awards will be made upon completion of the matches and the Governors Dozen patch will be presented to the top Twelve Individual Shooters in the Arizona Army/Air National Guard. This patch is an authorized award for Arizona National Guard soldiers/airmen and is worn on the ACU/BDU Uniform. A limited number of weapons will be available for use at the competition. Units are asked to provide their soldiers with weapons and transportation if at all possible. Commanders are reminded that AR 350-6 states that unit weapons and transportation assets can be made available to soldiers participating in marksmanship training events. All Competitors must be on some type of official military orders; AT, 12B, Split-Train, Points Only, etc. A sample copy of Points Only Orders is attached. TO ENTER: Complete and submit an official entry form NLT 15 MARCH 2012 (see attached). Enter as an individual or identify four members who wish to participate as a team. There are no rank or MOS requirements for entry.

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All vehicles, either POV or military, will park at the M-16 Range Tower parking lot. Violation of this policy will result in disqualification. It is a federal offense to transport government weapons in a POV. . Competitors will not be allowed to leave FMR between matches (or you will be disqualified). You NEED to take your turn in the pits. Have fun in town, but please don't get a DUI. Florence Police do not play around. Please obey posted speed limits.


Meals will not be provided. However, a caterer will be available on site where soldiers may purchase food and drink. Florence has several nice restaurants, please refer to strip map. We will have water available but it is your responsibilities to bring your camelbacks and canteens. Saturday night at the awards ceremony there will be Buffet style hamburgers, wings available for $10.00 per person.


Be professional. This is an Inter-service match and you represent your service. We all know the regulations so please abide by them. Uniform A - is the ACU/BDU uniform with soft cap. Boonie covers are ok. Uniform B is the ACU/BDU uniform, issued helmet, LBE/LBV, eye and ear protection. All Competitors will wear uniform B while firing. Soldiers should bring Cold/Wet Weather gear as required. Temperatures can vary from 100 degrees to 30 degrees.

Note: It is a federal offense to transport government weapons in a POV. For those units in the Phoenix area without available transportation, the SARTB can transport your weapons for you to Florence with proper coordination. Please contact our office as soon as possible so that we may coordinate contact. SARTB at (602) 267-2648 Small Arms Readiness Training Branch

Civilian Hotels are available in Florence at your own expense. The Florence competition is being conducted as a field training event. A camping ground area with tents is located at the FOB (see strip map). Family members are welcome to attend. Individuals and their families are encouraged to bring personal camping gear (to include tents, camper, cots etc) . No trailer hook-ups are available. Water and restrooms are available

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All Weapons Weekend 2011


Civilian equivalents such as the AR-15, Beretta M-92, etc. are not authorized.
Commanders are reminded that AR 350-6 states that unit weapons and transportation assets can be made available to soldiers participating in marksmanship training events. M-9 pistols will be available on the firing line unless you brought your units. SARTB will not be providing M-16s this year. If you are planning on coming to AWW 2011 you need to coordinate with your unit to draw your weapons and transportation. If your unit is unable or unwilling to issue weapons please call CPT. Munholllon at SARTB at 602-267-2648 ASAP. Your unit should supply each team with : 4 M-16/M-4 rifles 1 M-249/m-240B 4 M-9 Pistols (if available) Transportation Ear-plugs Eye protection Magazines CLP (gun oil)

Weapons are not allowed in billeting or POVs.

Weapon Optics: The following optics are the only authorized optics:
a. Trijicon Reflexive Sight b. M68 Reflex Close Combat Optic c. EoTech Reflexive Sight d. Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) 4x

(personally owned optics are not allowed in the match, You will have your weapon inspected at turn-in)


If weapons and or transportation is unavailable,

SARTB will have a limited number of weapons available for people who are out of state or are not associated with a unit that has weapons.

Upon arrival at Florence Training Site (range) all weapons will be turned into Weapon Security located at Range Control. You will receive a weapons card for each weapon you turn in. Weapons-draw will be at 0530 hrs each morning. Weapons turn-in will be after the completion of firing each day. Individuals losing weapons cards must report to the OIC with Team Captain with original hand receipt for reissue.

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THURSDAY , 22 MAR 1200-2200hrs 1600-2000hrs FRIDAY, 23 MAR 0500-0600hrs 0600-0700hrs 08001200hrs 13001600hrs 1700hrs EVENT Check-in & Weapons turn-in Zeroing EVENT Weapons Draw Small Arms Firing School Infantry Trophy Match RT301 Excellence in Competition RI 321 (Iron Sites Only) Weapons Turn-in PLACE Range Control 60 Point Range PLACE Range Control 60 Point Range KD Range KD Range Range Control UNIFORM Civilian B UNIFORM A B B B A

SATURDAY. 24 MAR 0600-0700hrs 0700-1600hrs

EVENT Weapons Draw Reflexive Fire RI 302

PLACE Range Control 60 Point Range



Florencestan Alley RT 302

14.5mm Scaled Artillery Range 10 Meter Range

NOTE: If you cannot make it before 2200 hrs please call range staff so that we can make arrangements (see page 23 for phone numbers).


Machine Gun MT400

12001600hrs 1700hrs

Unknown Distance RT303 Weapons Turn-in

Multi-purpose Machine gun Range Range Control


SUNDAY, 1900hrs 0600-0630hrs 0700-1000hrs 1000-COB

EVENT Ceremony Awards Weapons Draw Pistol Excellence in Competition PI221 End of AWW/Clean-up

PLACE TBD Range 30 Point Range Range/billeting

UNIFORM Civilian A B Civilian

NOTE: All teams are on orders and expected to be there Sunday. No-Shows will have a letter sent to their Commander.

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Throughout the match we will refer to the most commonly used targets as figure 11s (big man) and figure 12s (little man). Please familiarize yourself with the samples printed below.

New EIC Target

Figure 11 Rifle (Big Man)

Vs are worth 5 points and are used as tie-breakers If the bullet hole touches the next higher line (no matter how slight, the higher score will be awarded.

Figure 11 Pistol

Figure 12
(Little Man)

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All Weapons Weekend 2011

M A T C H R T 3 0 1 N A T I O N A L G UA R D


Each team captain will draw 256 rounds for their team. Each team will divide the rounds according to their Fire Team Control Plan. A. Stage 1 - RAPID FIRE Range: 400m Position: Prone Targets: 6 FIG 11 per team Timing: Followed by 1 exposure of 50 seconds. Scoring: 5 points each hit (regardless of location), six or more hits on a target is considered a squared target. Maximum bonus points per stage of fire is 36 (number of squared targets X number of squared targets, i.e. 6X6=36 point bonus)

When you run down range your rifle must be at the Low Ready Position with Safety ON.

Description: There will be a 1-minute non-firing preparation period after the command,
Team Captains move your team to the firing line. Each team will be lined up on their 400-yard firing point in the "Prone Position (spaced approximately one meter apart), On command watch your targets, watch your targets Commence firing when targets appear. Targets will be exposed for 50 seconds. Once firing is complete, the team will prepare to move to the 300m line. B. Stage 2 - RAPID FIRE Range: 300m Position: Prone Shots: Based on team leaders fire control plan Target: 6 FIG 11 per team Timing: 45 seconds to move from the 400 yard-line to the 300 yard-line and adopt the a prone position. followed by one (1) 50 second exposure. Scoring: 4 points each hit, six or more hits is a squared target, maximum bonus points per stage of fire is 36.

Description: Each team will be allowed 45 seconds to advance from the 400m line to the

Tip: This match requires a good strategy. Distribute your ammunition wisely.

300m line. With the command, Watch your targets, watch your targets The targets will appear for 50 seconds. Perform weapons off safe, and commence firing until the targets go down. Once firing is complete and safeties are applied at the 200-yard line, teams will prepare to move to the 200m line. C. Stage 3 - RAPID FIRE Range: 200M Position: Kneeling Target: 6 FIG 11 per team Timing: 1 exposure of 45 seconds to move from the 300 yard-line to the 200 yard-line and adopt the "Sitting Position", followed by one (1) 50 second exposure Scoring: 3 points each hit, six or more hits is a squared target, maximum bonus points per stage of fire is 36.

Description: Each team will be allowed 45 seconds to advance from the 300m line to the
200m line on the voice command GO. With the command, Watch your targets, watch your targets The targets will appear for 50 seconds. Perform weapons off safe, and commence firing until the targets go down. Once firing is complete and safeties are applied at the 200-yard line, teams will prepare to move to the 100m line.

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D. Stage 4 - RAPID FIRE Range: 100 Position: Standing Target: 6 FIG 11 per team Timing: 45 seconds to move from the 200 yard-line to the 100 yard-line and adopt the "Kneeling Position," followed by one (1) 50 second exposure. Scoring: 2 points each hit, six or more hits is a squared target, maximum bonus points per stage of fire is 36.

Description: Each team will be allowed 45 seconds to advance from the 200m line to the
100m line. With the command, Watch your targets, watch your targets The targets will appear for 50 seconds. Perform weapons off safe, and commence firing until the targets go down. Once firing is complete and safeties are applied. Turn in any unused ammo to the Line-Safeties.

Example of the six FIG. 11 targets you will see, There are six targets and four of you. Your fire plan will be based on what your team decides. Points for hits are worth fewer points as you get closer. Decide wisely.

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a.. This match is fired continuously and there is no break between stages except to give range orders. Competitors will be squadded one to a target. b. Maximum possible score for Match 321 is 250 points. All scoring will be done in the pits. Spotting disks will be shown at the completion of each stage of fire. c. Match 321 will be fired with M-16/M-4 and Iron Sights Only. c. Stage 1 - Sustained Fire (1) Range: 400 meters (2) Position: Prone (3) Shots: 1 magazine of 10 rounds (4) Target: 1 x EIC (5) Timing: 2 minutes (6) Scoring: Maximum points 50 (7) Course of fire Shooters will be staged 25m behind the firing line. On Command load shooters will load one magazine of 10 rounds. On exposure of targets shooters will move to the firing line. Assume a prone position and fire 10 rounds at a single EIC target. (8) Targets will be scored and marked before the next stage. Scores will be relayed to the firing line by radio. d. Stage 2 - Rapid Fire (1) Range: 300 meters (2) Position: Prone (3) Shots: 2 magazines of 5 rounds (4) Target: 1x EIC (5) Timing: 60 seconds (6) Scoring: Maximum points 50 (7) Course of fire On command Shooters will load 1 5 round magazine, make their weapon safe, and begin walking towards the 300 meter firing line. On exposure of targets shooters will move to the firing line. Assume a prone position and fire 5 rounds at a single EIC target, reload, and fire remaining 5 round magazine. (8) Targets will be scored and marked before the next stage. Scores will be relayed to the firing line by radio. e. Stage 3 - Rapid Fire (1) Range: 200 meters (2) Position: Kneeling (3) Shots: 2 magazines of 5 rounds (4) Target: 1x EIC (5) Timing: 60 seconds (6) Scoring: Maximum points 50 (7) Course of fire On command Shooters will load 1 5 round magazine, make their weapon safe, and begin walking towards the 200 meter firing line. On exposure of targets shooters will move to the firing line. Assume a kneeling position and fire 5 rounds at a single EIC target, reload, and fire remaining 5 round magazine. (8) Targets will be scored and marked before the next stage. Scores will be relayed to the firing line by radio.

When advancing down-range, stay on line. Look left and right and be sure you stay online with the other competitors.

Page 11 (match 321 EIC Cont.)

All Weapons Weekend 2011

f. Stage 4 Multiple Target Engagement (1) Range: 100 meters (2) Position: standing then kneeling ((3) Shots: 2 magazines of 5 rounds (4) Target: 2x EIC (5) Timing: 40 seconds (6) Scoring: Maximum points 50 (7) Course of fire On command Shooters will load 1 5 round magazine, make their weapon safe, and begin walking towards the 100 meter firing line. On exposure of targets shooters will move to the firing line. Assume a standing position and fire 5 rounds at the left EIC target, reload, assume kneeling and fire remaining 5 rounds at right EIC target. (8) Targets will be scored and marked before the next stage. Scores will be relayed to the firing line by radio.

g. Stage 5 Close Quarters Engagement (1) Range: 75 25 meters (2) Position: standing ((3) Shots: 1 magazines of 10 rounds (4) Target: 2x EIC (5) Timing: 3-4 seconds (6) Scoring: Maximum points 50 (7) Course of fire On command Shooters will load 1 10 round magazine, make their weapon safe, and begin walking towards the 75 meter firing line. On command shooters will engage targets for 4 seconds. On command, shooters will make their weapon safe, and begin walking towards the 50 meter firing line. On command shooters will engage targets for 3 seconds. On command, shooters will make their weapon safe, and begin walking towards the 25 meter firing line. On command shooters will engage targets for 3 seconds. (8) Number of rounds fired per exposure are at shooters discretion. At completion of event, each target must have no more than 5 hits. Excessive hits will be scored as misses. (9) ALL shooters will move to the pit and score and paste targets, sign score cards and prepare for the next relay.

EIC target

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All Weapons Weekend 2011

M A T C H RT 3 0 2 F L O R E N C E S TA N A L L E Y

Course of Fire Range: 50 to 150m Position: Any , but all shots must be fired from cover. Shots: 60 per team, each team member must perform magazine change Targets: 12 hostile targets with 4 civilian (No-Shoots) Timing: Various exposures of 2-6 seconds. Scoring: Targets are scored 4 points per hit, 240 points possible. There is a 15 point penalty for each civilian hit. Exposures There will be up to 30 target exposures.

DESCRIPTION: with 60 rounds (per team) each team will run up to the firing line and take cover behind the barricade. Each team member must perform a magazine change during the course of fire. Moving targets will be present. There will be civilian and enemy targets . Civilian targets will be identified.

A good marksman is a force multiplier in combat

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All Weapons Weekend 2011

M AT C H R I 3 0 2 R E F L E X I V E F IR E
Stage 1-Reflexive Fire 25 Yds Standing Low Ready Position One magazine of 12 rounds 4 x Fig 11 Pistol 4 Exposures of 4 Seconds, minimum interval of 7 seconds 60 Points Max Stage 2-Reflexive Fire 25 Yds Standing Low Ready Position Two magazines of 12 rounds each 4 x Fig 11 Pistol 4 Exposures, one each of 7, 6, 5, and 4 second intervals 120 Points Max Scoring Participants must have a hit inside the facial scoring area to receive a score on the target. Facial hits are worth five points. Excessive facial hits are worth two points each. STAGE 1: Shooters engage each target from left to right, placing two shots in the torso region first and the third shot in the facial scoring area. STAGE 2: First exposure(7 seconds)-Engage targets 1, 2, 3, and 4 left to right, placing one shot on each target, return to target 1 for the last two shots. Second exposure(6 seconds)-repeat firing sequence of first exposure Third exposure (5 seconds) engage targets 2, 3, 4, with two rounds each. Fourth exposure(4 seconds)-repeat firing sequence of 3rd exposure. .

Murphys law of combat : 4. There is always a way and it usually doesn't work.

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A. Range: 10 Meters B. Position: "Prone Position" C. Shots: 160 rounds per team D. Target: 1 each 10 Meter MG (See page 16) E. Timing: 4 minutes for all teams F. Scoring: (1) If a gunner hits a Leader paster they receive 5 points. There is a maximum of 2 hits allowed for each paster for a total of 10 points maximum. If a gunner has more than 2 hits per paster they are not counted. (2) If a gunner hits a Jr. Leader paster they receive 2 points. There is a maximum of 2 hits allowed for each paster for a total of 4 points maximum. If a gunner has more than 2 hits per paster they are not counted. (3) If a gunner hits a Soldier paster they receive 1 point. There is a maximum of 2 hits allowed for each paster for a total of 2 points maximum. If a gunner has more than 2 hits per paster they are not counted. (4) If a gunner hits a POW paster they have 5 points deducted from their overall score for each hit in the paster. (5) A 25 point bonus is given if all Leader, Jr. Leader, and Soldier pasters have 2 hits in each and no POW pasters are hit. (6) Total maximum points 348 (with 25pt bonus per shooter) (7) Ties are broken by least number of hits on POW targets, then by greatest number of Leader targets, then by greatest number of Jr. Leader targets. G. Stage 1: (1) Each team designates 2 machine gunners (MG) and two assistant machine gunners (AMG). The match starts with the team members setting up their equipment on the firing line. The team members then assume a"Prone Position" with bipod. When the tower gives the command GO, time starts and the two AMG's move to the ammunition pick up point and receive one 40 round belt of ammunition. Then return to the firing line, the MG performs "Lock/Load," "Weapon Off Safe," and begins firing. H. Stage 2 (1) In the "Prone Position" one MG fires a belt of 40 rounds at pasters 1A-4A, 5A-6A, and 7A-8A. (2) At the same time the second MG fires a belt of 40 rounds at pasters 1D-4D, 5D-6D, and 7D-8D. I. Stage 3 (1) Once the MG has expended all rounds, the MG moves to the ammo point and each receives one 40 round belt of ammunition. Then return to the firing line, the AMG performs "Lock/Load," "Weapon Off Safe," and begins firing stage 4. J. Stage 4 The same as Stage 2 except that one AMG does the firing on the B pasters and the other on the C pasters. k. The MG and AMG may assist one another during this match. The AMG is authorized the use of binoculars. l. An individual is given one warning for a single shot. A subsequent single shot results in the deduction of 50 points per occurrence. More than three occurrences (warning + 2 violations) in one course of fire results in being disqualified from this match. (PHOTO OF MACHINEGUN TARGET ON NEXT PAGE)

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All Weapons Weekend 2011





Devise strategy and engage targets at unknown distances Match RT 303: Unknown Distance (Day)
1. Range: 100-500 meters

2. Position: Shooters Choice 3. Shots: 60 per Team/ 15 rounds per shooter 4. Targets: 10 total (either 20x20 or 20x40 iron maidens with identifiable markings) 5. Timing: 12minutes per team 6. Scoring 10 points for first round hit or 5 points for second round hit (400 point maximum score per team) 7. Engagements: Competitors will fire at each target that is designated by the cadre. If a competitor misses a target he will have 5seconds from the call MISS to re-engage, if he chooses.

8. Range Staff will designate targets in order, team will have one minute for two shooters to engage the target with up to two shots per shooter. Shooters may choose to re-engage missed targets for 1/2 value (5 pts).

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All Weapons Weekend 2011

P I S T O L P I 2 2 1 E I C M AT C H
Stage 1: 3 0 Yds S tanding position 1 0 shots / 2 five round mags 2 x EIC Combat Targets 6 0 Seconds 5 0 Points Max E ngage target #1 with 5 rounds, reloads, then engages target #2 with 5 rounds. Stage 2: 2 5 Yds K neeling to Prone position 1 0 shots / 2 five round mags 2 x EIC Combat Target 4 5 Seconds 5 0 Points Max E ngage target #3 with 5 rounds from the Kneeling Position, reload, engage target #4 with 5 rounds from the Prone position. Stage 3: 2 0 Yds S tanding position 1 0 shots / 2 five round mags 2 x EIC Combat Target 2 0 Seconds 5 0 Points Max E ngage target #1 with 5 rounds, reload, engage target #2 with 5 rounds. Stage 4: 1 5 Yds S tanding position 1 0 shots / 2 five round mags 2 x EIC Combat Targets 1 5 Seconds 5 0 Points Max E ngage target #3 with 5 rounds from the Standing position, reload, engage target #4 with 5 rounds.


Directions to Florence: East on US 60 to Florence Junction (Hwy 79) South on Hwy 79 10 miles to Mile Marker 139.5 Left turn at Gate 5 into Range Control Parking Lot Range Control (602) 267-2060


SART-B CPT. Beau Munhollon- AWW OIC SGT greg Gamboa AWW NCOIC Derrick Martin (USNG Ret.) AWW REF 602-267-2648 602-267-2062 480-710-6354

References and Rules pertaining to the All-Weapons-Weekend Competition can be found in the Winston P. Wilson 2008 Match Bulletin. National Guard Marksmanship Training Unit Camp Joseph T. Robinson COMM:(501) 212-4504 DSN: 962-4504 North Little Rock, Arkansas 72199-9600 WWW. ARGUARD.ORG All formal complaints and protest will be directed to the Match Director.

Special thanks to all the soldiers and civilians who spent countless hours of their own time to make AWW happen. It is matches like this that bring soldiers together and create an atmosphere of training and excellence. Excellence in Competition equals excellence in combat; it is our duty to train our soldiers the best we can.

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