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Ver. 0.12 added gunbarrel type (on Status), update Armor type, Blade type (on Status) and Aragami list, added damage calculation and bullet edit guide Ver. 0.11 fixed status info and control, consumable item and menu trans added Ver. 0.10 Status info, control info, aragami info

Contents.............................................................................................................................2 Status:................................................................................................................................3 Control:............................................................................................................................... 5 Menu Translation................................................................................................................6 Aragami List........................................................................................................................ 8 Damage Calculation Guide...............................................................................................13 Consumable Item Guide...................................................................................................14 Bullet Edit Guide............................................................................................................... 15 Credits:.............................................................................................................................18

--Basic Status
CLASS HP OP ST : : Characters job Health Point Oracle Point (Ammo) Stamina Gun ATK Power Blade ATK Power Defense

--Weaponry Status
Slash Damage Blow Damage Pierce Damage Fire Ice Thunder God

--Blade Type
Short Blade (SB) Short range, Very fast attack speed, long combo, Step and Jump Cancel Ability (X or O during ground attack), mostly focused on Slash and/or Pierce damage. Has fastest OP regeneration rate due to its long combo. SB User can run very fast using slash ([]) then forward step cancel (O) and repeat (it takes a lot of stamina) Long Blade (LB) Medium range, medium attack speed, Edge Impulse Special Attack (flamethrower, R+[], it consume both OP and ST), mostly focused on Slash damage Great Sword (GS) Long range, Slow attack speed, Charge Crash Special Attack (Hold []) , Shield Cancel Ability (R+O during ground attack), mostly focused on Slash and/or Blow damage. Has lowest OP regeneration rate compared to others, but still gain fairly due its big OP gain per hit

--Bullet Type
Normal Medium range, low OP consumption, may have single/rapid/scatter/homing properties Grenade Laser Short range, Shoot in curve, very high OP consumption, explode on contact

Long range, medium OP consumption, penetrate enemies, may have single/scatter/homing properties

Flamethrower Status Bullet

Very short range, high OP consumption, penetrate enemies Induce abnormal status to enemy

Custom Bullet Modified bullet using Bullet Edit Option, effect varies; player may give custom name and icon

--Gunbarrel Type
Rifle 25% Gatling Mostly balanced on both, tend to have lower damage than others, but tend to come with better abilities than others. Reduce OP cost of Normal Bullet type bullet by 25%. Gatling has fastest fire rate than the others Cannon Mostly focused on blow damage, tend to have higher elemental multiplier than others, but sometime it have harmful abilities. Reduce OP cost of Grenade / Flamethrower type by bullet 25%. Cannon has lowest fire rate than the others Mostly focused on pierce damage. Reduce OP cost of Laser type by bullet

--Armor (Shield) Type

Buckler stamina Fastest deployment (0.1s), minor damage reduction, blocking consume little

Shield medium stamina Tower Shield lot of stamina

Fast deployment (0.2s), medium damage reduction, blocking consume

Slow deployment (0.3s), high damage reduction, blocking consume a

Analog D-Pad X [] Hold [] /\ Hold /\ O L Hold L R Hold R Select R + [] Link Aragami R+O R + /\ Bullet ) Bullet Movement Camera Jump / Double Jump / Jump Cancel (SB Only) Attack 1 Charge Crash (GS Only) / Change Ammo (Gun Mode) Attack 2 Predator Mode (Blade Mode) / Change Ammo (Gun Mode) Dash (Blade Mode) / Roll (Gun Mode) / Step Cancel (SB Only) Normalize Camera Lock (Blade Mode) / Aim (Gun Mode) Blade Mode <<>> Gun Mode (can be linked to attack) Run Inventory ( [] to use item, L/R to switch ) (LB Only) Impulse Edge Special Move / (Burst Link Gun Mode) Shoot BurstShield Mode (Blade Mode) / Shield Cancel (GS Only) Power Up Transfer ( Gun Mode must target friend and must have Aragami

Menu Translation

Terminal Menu (from top) 1. Item Menu - Inventory (you may put item to stash or sell it) - Stash (you may put item to inventory or sell it) - Combine item to Inventory - Combine item to Stash

2. Equipment Menu -

Change Equip Upgrade Equip (Gunbarrel / Blade / Armor) Create Equip (Gunbarrel / Blade / Armor / Extension Parts / Top Clothes / Bottom Clothes) Hairstyle Edit Bullet Inventory (you may customize bullet here) Bullet Create

3. Bullet Menu
4. Information 5. Save 6. Quit Game

Start Menu (from top)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mission Info Party Info Inventory Info Bullet Inventory Info Option

Shop Menu (from top)

1. Buy Item to Inventory 2. Buy item to Stash 3. Buy Bullet 4. Buy Equipment (sub menu same as create item) 5. Sell Item - Sell item from inventory Sell bullet

Aragami List
Name Ougatail Kanji Item Material Prefix (Demon) Weakness Fire/Ice/Thunde r

FallenOugatail Vajra

(Demon / IceDemon) (Beast God)

Fire Fire/Ice

Marta Pritivi Pitter Deus

(Queen/Empress) (Emperor/GodE)

Fire God

Vajratail () Vajratail () Zaigott

(Demon / FireD) (Demon/ThunderD) (Angel)

Ice God Fire/Ice/Thunde r

FallenZaigott() FallenZaigott () FallenZaigott () CocoonMaiden

(Angel/FallenA) (Angel/FallenA) (Angel/FallenA) (Fairy)

Ice/Thunder Ice Fire Fire/Ice/Thunde r

FCocoonMaiden () FCocoonMaiden () FCocoonMaiden

(Fairy/FireF) (Fairy/ThunderF) (Fairy/IceF)

Ice/Thunder Ice Fire

() Kongo



FallenKongo HaganKongo GuboroGuboro

(IceM/DegenM) (MBan/ ThunderM) (DragonSpecies?)

Fire God Thunder

FGuboroGuboro () FGuboroGuboro () Shiyou

(DegenD) (DBan/ IceD) (God Bird)

Ice Fire Thunder/Ice


(Fallen Bird)


Sekhmet Kamran Borg

(BBan/FireB) (Knight/Cavalry Ground)

Ice Ice/Thunder

FKamran Borg()

(Cavalry Fire)


FKamran Borg()

(Lightning Cavalry)



(War King/War God)





Tezcalipatcha Sariel

(BanK/HaouK) (Goddess)

God Thunder/Ice/Fir e/Poison



Thunder/Ice/Fir e/Poison

Aether ~Pic Unavailable~ Uroboros

(Devil) (Chaos)

God God

FallenUroboros Aldanova ~Pic Unavailable~ FallenAldanova Susanoo

(Fallen) (Sun/Moon) (Karma/YinYang?)

God Goddess Part: All God Part: None Goddess Part: All God Part: None God







Golden Guboro Guboro



Amaterasu Tsukuyomi

??? ???

Damage Calculation Guide

Blade Damage Multiplier SB LB GS Short Blade Long Blade Great Sword = = [] /\

Weak Attack Strong Attack

Great Swords have bigger damage multiplier and has biggest raw damage of all, so GS tends to do more damage than other Blade. This is true for most minions (Ougatail, Zaigott, etc), but this isnt true for many bosses because boss monsters tends to have bigger defense against Blow Damage than other kind of damage.

Bullet Damage (based on Wiki, Im not test it personally) Normal 60% Pierce + 40% Elemental Grenade 50% Blow + 50% Elemental Laser 40% Pierce + 60% Elemental *damage still multiplied by Gunbarrels status

Consumable Item Guide

Name Stun Grenade Recovery Pot Recovery Pot Kai Recovery Pot S OG: Global Rec OG: Pillar Rec Ration O Ample O Ample Kai Elixir Elixir Kai Elixir S Detox Detox Kai Anti-Leak Anti-Leak Kai Anti-Jamming Anti-Jamming Kai Hold Trap Venom Trap Seal Trap 30s View Pill 60s View Pill 30s Str Pill 30s Armor Pill 30s Str Pill Kai 30s ArmrP Kai 10s Taunt 15s Taunt 10s Hidden 15s Hidden Burst Pill Burst Pill Kai Energy Drink Life Drink Life Pill Life Pill Kai Stamina Pill Kanji Effect Stun Enemies Heal 25 HP Heal 50 HP Heal 75 HP Create recovery ball that heal 75 HP 1x Create recovery ball that heal 75 HP 1x per player Recover 50 ST Recover 25 OP Recover 50 OP Recover 25 HP/OP/ST Recover 50 HP/OP/ST Recover 75 HP/OP/ST 50% chance to cure poison Cure poison 50% chance to cure leak Cure leak 50% chance to cure jamming Cure jamming Entrap enemy Poison enemy Silence enemy 30s Psychoserum 60s Psychoserum 30s ATK up 30s DEF up 30s ATK+ up 30s DEF+ up 10s Attract enemy aura 15s Attract enemy aura 10s Camouflage aura 15s Camouflage aura 15s Burst Mode, consume 75 HP 30s Burst Mode, consume 75 HP? MaxHP-10, MaxST+20 MaxHP+20, MaxST-10 MaxHP+20 MaxHP+30 --Not Sure-How to Get Combine Shop Shop/ Combine Combine Shop Combine Shop Shop Combine Combine Combine Combine Shop Combine Shop Combine Shop Combine Combine Combine Combine Shop Combine Shop Shop Combine Combine Shop Combine Shop Combine Combine Combine Shop Shop Shop Combine Combine Price 100 30 60 / 30 100 100 60 100 200 100 200 450 450 50 100 50 100 50 100 60 50 50 60 350 100 100 100 100 50 100 50 100 Max 8/Team 20 10 5 5 2 10 10 5 6 3 3 10 5 10 5 5 5 2 2 2 5 3 10 10 5 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 1 1 10 6 6


30 60 30 30 30 30 10 15 10 15

50 50 100

Stamina Activator

--Not Sure--


Bullet Edit Guide

Bullet Edit is the most interesting feature of GE. Through this feature, you may customize your bullet in any way you like, you can make bullet that shoots toward the sky then scatter down to your opponent, or homing beam that explodes upon contact, bullet that left a sticky sphere that explodes few times on the enemy, or maybe multi-element bullets thats fired together (though its highly ineffective >.<). And of course, you may give your bullet a custom name ^^

Custom Bullet Reference: How to go to Bullet Edit Menu Go to terminal menu 3 Select Menu 2 (bullet inventory) Select blank space and press START to create new bullet OR Press /\ on existing bullet and choose 1st option to customize it

2nd option is to copy bullet, 3rd option is to rename bullet 4th option is to change icon

Bullet Edit Limit Limitation for bullet edit, your total point cannot exceed this limit OP Cost Per Shot How much OP spent to shoot your bullet once Parent-Child Relation Child bullet will be shot from parent bullet instead of your gunbarrel NG Bullet with NG means, it cannot have child bullet (aka. Impoten >.<) Fire Condition How your bullet fired, it has a lot of option Horizontal Deviation How much your bullet deviates horizontally from the center Vertical Deviation How much your bullet deviates vertically from the center Bullet Type Element, Size, and type of your bullet Add new bullet Add new bullet to the menu Bullet Cost Cost of each bullet Total Cost Total money needed to make your custom bullet Note: You can have up to 8 bullets in Bullet Edit menu Fire Condition Translation


Fire on press (only for bullet that has no parent) Fires at same time as the parent fired Fires after parent disappeared naturally Fires after parent hit something Fires after parent hit enemy Fires after parent hit terrain Fires after hit ally Fires 0.2s after parent fired Fires 0.5s after parent fired Fires 1s after parent fired Fires 2s after parent fired Fires 3s after parent fired Fires 5s after parent fired Fires 10s after parent fired

X is childs layer number Bullet Edit Control O Confirm X Cancel / Exit /\ Cut-Paste and Delete option [] Delete Start Test Bullet Left/Right Add / Change Parent-Child Link L Undo R Redo

Edit Bullet Exit Menu: 1st Confirm New Bullet (and pay for it) nd 2 Cancel rd 3 Exit and discard bullet changes

JashinSamael (main compiler and tester) Misodeus (additional info and tester) Many players at gamefaqs message board (RedSatllion) (Japanese God Eater wiki) (Japanese God Eater wiki) (English God Eater wiki) Google Translate LOL :D

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