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Datalicious SuperTag <

Streamlining tag management and integra-ng marke-ng pla0orms

FREE tag management with op:onal support

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd

The Internet runs on tags

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd

Digital marke:ng = tags

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Data driven marke:ng = tags

Using data to widen the conversion funnel

Media ABribu:on & Modeling

Op:mise channel mix, predict sales

Targe:ng & Merchandising

Increase relevance, reduce churn

Tes:ng & Op:misa:on

Remove barriers, drive sales

Boos:ng ROMI
June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 5

> Challenge: Tag management

Inecient tag management impacts
Idea genera:on and strategy development Campaign execu:on and op:misa:on
Technology limita-ons dampen crea-ve thinking and idea genera-on rather than s-mula-ng them Ineec-ve tag deployment reduces speed to market for campaigns and limits ability to implement changes Pla0orm silos limit cross-channel integra-on, thus reduced targe-ng, ad relevance and response rates Report inaccuracies and discrepancies damage client trust and limit nego-a-on power with channel owners
Datalicious Pty Ltd 6

Content relevance and user experience

Report accuracy and media nego:a:ons

June 2013

> Solu:on: Datalicious SuperTag

Conversion Tracking Any JavaScript Conversion De-duping

Web Analy:cs


Media ABribu:on

Live Chat A/B Tes:ng Heat Maps

Behavioral Targe:ng

Easily implement and update any tag on any websites without or limited IT involvement De-duplicate conversions for CPA deals and align repor-ng gures across pla0orms Collect accurate mul--channel media aTribu-on data to provide advanced insights Enable advanced features such as targe-ng, tes-ng and chat to op-mise user experience

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Overcoming team barriers




Easy to use online user interface enabling marketers to manage tags without intensive technology support
June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 8

> Cross-plaRorm integra:on

DSPs Ad Servers Targe:ng Tes:ng Live Chat Phone #s CRM DM/eDM Web Analy:cs Heat Maps Paid Search Aliates


Centralised uniform business rules to trigger conversions and segment visitors across mul-ple marke-ng pla0orms
June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 9

> Poten:al SuperTag use cases

Implement tags without JavaScript skills or IT support Enable central pla0orm for tag management and audi-ng Improve page load speed across all websites and devices Simplify web analy-cs implementa-on & maintenance De-duplicate conversions and re-nego-ate CPA deals Track purchase path for advanced media aTribu-on Enable A/B tests and heat maps to improve conversions Turn any content element into a dynamic targe-ng area Enable re-targe-ng to increase ad response rates Trigger proac-ve live chats to improve user experience Target phone numbers to boost call center eec-veness ID customers and push key events into any CRM pla0orm Collect raw clickstream data for advanced analy-cs
Datalicious Pty Ltd 10

June 2013

> SuperTag code architecture

Injec-ng JavaScript tags into the page based on business rules using the SuperTag top and boTom containers. The SuperTag top and boTom containers are JavaScript func-ons called in the page code just aber the opening <body> tag and just before the closing </body> tag on all page across all domains. T


Works on Websites, Flash mobile apps, videos, etc



One tag for all sites & pla0orms Hosted internally or externally Easy tag implementa-on/updates Tag/business rule tes-ng on live site Facilitates A/B & MV test execu-on Implementa-on of heat-maps Re-targe-ng across channels & tools Live chat & phone number targe-ng Collect raw page & impression data

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd

Copy & paste same code on all pages to implement

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 12

SuperTag works on websites, mobile apps & videos

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 13

SuperTag works on websites, mobile apps & videos

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 14

Drag & drop tags through easy to use interface

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Add new tags from constantly growing tag library

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Add custom JavaScript for tags missing from library

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Build complex business rules to suit all scenarios

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Create new page variables from any page element

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 19

Create new page variables from any page element

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


Create premium experiences for high value clients

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


Turn any page element into dynamic content areas

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


Dene visitor anity segments for re-targe:ng

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 23

Customise what data to send to your data server

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 24

Analyse raw clickstream data in Splunk in real-:me

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 25

> SuperTag integra:on

SuperTag app genera:ng JS
Lookup tables JavaScript

Full SuperTag.js hosted by client or on


Client pages referencing SuperTag.js


Browser execu:ng SuperTag.js


Dedicated client Splunk server(s)


SuperTag DataCollector(s)

Databases, les, etc


Addi:onal data (i.e. CRM, IP, social, etc)

Splunk regex builder and data extracts

Splunk saved searches and dashboards

Ads & emails loading sta:c 1x1 pixel

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> SuperTag ExactTarget integra:on

SuperTag app genera:ng JS

Full SuperTag.js hosted by client or on


Client pages referencing SuperTag.js


Addi:onal data (i.e. CRM, POS, social, etc)

Databases, les, etc

Dedicated ExactTarget DataExtension



SuperTag integra:on via DataCollector

Clicks, data

ExactTarget business rules and condi:ons


Targeted ExactTarget campaign list


Relevant ExactTarget email campaign

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


Test tags on your live site even before deployment

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> SuperTag code architecture

SuperTag.js Client pages referencing SuperTag.js
Client pages execu-ng JavaScript tags JavaScript injec-ng tags into client pages based on business rules

SuperTag- Live-Tes:ng.js

Client-Custom- Code.js

SuperTag applica-on combining tags and business rules into JavaScript

3rd party web analy:cs & ad serving plaRorms

SuperTag- Code-V1.js

SuperTag app genera:ng JS

3rd party web analy:cs & ad serving tags

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


Dene access and deployment rights for all users

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Review changes from all users in the audit view

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 31

> Faster page load with SuperTag

By implemen:ng the SuperTag code architecture your pages are guaranteed to load faster anywhere between 10-30% as the below tests show. This is achieved by streamlining the way JavaScript assets are loaded and executed on your pages as well as our smart mul--CDN JavaScript hos-ng pla0orm which not only guarantees a 100% up-me but also ensures that all JavaScript code is always loaded from the CDN provider with the best performance for that par:cular user (i.e. usually the server that is closest geographically).

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> SuperTag deployment op:ons

Manual JavaScript management Email/FTP JavaScript publishing SuperTag.js hos:ng on client server Client pages referencing SuperTag.js

Dedicated client Github JavaScript archive

CDN = Content delivery network

SuperTag.js hos:ng on client CDN

Client pages referencing SuperTag.js

Reverse proxy

SuperTag app genera:ng JS

Real-:me JavaScript publishing

SuperTag.js Edgecast CDN

Client pages referencing SuperTag.js

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Enterprise grade reliability

99% up:me guarantee for the SuperTag applica:on (i.e. the user interface on genera-ng the JavaScript code) via redundant AWS EC2/RDS set- up and 100% up:me guarantee for the SuperTag JavaScript (i.e. the code on that is executed on every page) via mul-ple redundant CDNs including Akamai and Edgecast.

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


Clients get perpetual usage rights for all generated JavaScript including dedicated Github code archive.

Re-engineer code changes in your GitHub archive

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 35

> Unique selling points (USPs)

Superior pla0orm architecture for more exibility
Turn any page element into variables for data collec-on or business rules for tag execu-on Cross-pla0orm integra-on and data exchange Splunk integra-on for advanced data mining

Superior tes-ng, deployment and audit features No lock-in, stop using the SuperTag at any -me
Tes-ng of tags & business rules on the live website Complete audit trail of all tag changes and tests External and internal JavaScript hos-ng available Perpetual JavaScript usage rights & Github archive
Datalicious Pty Ltd

Free pla0orm, pay for support and add-ons only

June 2013 36

> Blue chip SuperTag clients

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Great customer feedback

"Managing third party tags has never been easier [...] simplicity of se1ng business rules [...] reduc8on in CPA [...]. Jason Lima, Online Marke-ng, IMB "[...] SuperTag tool is so easy to use [...]. Live tes@ng is par@cularly useful [...] highly recommended [...]." Helene Cameron-Heslop, Analyst, Appliances Online "SuperTag speeds up tag implementa@on and gives us increased exibility [...] manage media and website analy8cs [...]. Alex Crompton, Head of Digital, Aussie
June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 38

June 2013 Datalicious Pty Ltd 39

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Smart tag management

June 2013

Datalicious Pty Ltd


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