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KRA of HR:

1) Managerial: a) Planning: To formulate strategies of personnel programmes To bring changes in advance that contributes to organizational goals To plan the human resources To forecast the personnel needs To focus on the attitude and behavior of the employees and its impact on organization

b) Organizing: To allocate various tasks to others To identify relationship among the people working together To coordinate various activities among the departments

c) Directing: To execute various plans and programmes after completing planning and organizing To motivate the employees for better performance To command, lead and activating the employees

d) Controlling: To control and follow up various activities To check, verify and compare the actual with the plan, identification of any deviations To analyse and audit training programmes To analyse employee turnover records.

2) Operative: a) Employment: To secure and employ the right kind of people at right time at right place with requisite skills To analyse each and every job with respect to organizational requirements (Job Analysis) y To study and collect all related information relating to the operations and responsibilities of various jobs. To determine and assure the number of qualified persons available at proper time (Human Resource Planning) y To estimate the present and future requirement and supply of human resources

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To calculate the net human resource requirements To take measures to mould, change and develop the strength of existing employees

To search for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job in the organization (Recruitment) y y To identify/create existing or new source of applicants To conduct various recruitment programmes

To ascertain the qualification, experience, skill, knowledge of the applicant (Selection) y y To carry out the selection process To employ the selected candidate

To place the right candidate with the most suitable job (Placement) To induct and orient the new employees in the organization and make them familiar with the people, practices, policies and other system of the organization (Induction and Orientation). y To mould the new employee attitude by orienting him to the new working and social environment.

b) Human Resource Development: To carryout various activities in order to improve, mould and change of skills, knowledge, creative ability, aptitude, values, commitment of the employees towards the organization (Human Resource Development). y To evaluate the individuals systematically with respect to their performance on the job and their potential development (Performance Appraisal)  To carry out both Bi-Annual and Annual Appraisal of the employees  To review, consolidate the performance report and communicate to the higher authorities accordingly.  To get the feedback of the students from the classes on each semester, process, consolidate and report to the higher authorities. y To facilitate various programmes to impart technical and operating skills and knowledge (Training).  To identify the training needs of the individuals and the organization  To develop suitable training programmes  To search for the suitable trainer to conduct training programmes

 To help and advising the management in the conduct of training programme  To evaluate the effectiveness of training programme with proper feedback system y To plan the career progress of the employees and implementation of career plans by means of education, training (Career Planning).  `To offer excellent growth opportunities to people who have the potential to rise y To plan and suggest for internal mobility of the employees within the organization (Internal Mobility)  To suggest the management to transfer, promote and demote the employee on the basis of job and performance analysis.

c) Compensation: To help the management in providing adequate, equitable and fair remuneration to the employees To develop and operate suitable wage and salary programme To conduct wage and salary survey in the market To determine wage and salary rates based on various factors To administer wage and salary programmes effectively To formulate, administer and review incentive schemes in addition to regular payment of wages and salary To administer fringe benefits to motivate the employees and to meet their lifes contingencies. d) Human Relations: To practice various human resource policies and programmes and interaction among employees to create a sense of belongingness between the employees and management To motivate the employees for individual as well as organizational objectives To boost the employee morale To persuade the employees develop the communication and leadership skill To redressing employee grievances properly and in time by means of a well formulated grievance procedure To handle disciplinary cases by means of an established disciplinary procedure

To counsel the employees in solving their personal, family and work problems and helping them in releasing their stress, strain and tensions

To provide the employees a comfortable work environment by reducing fatigue, monotony, boredom.

To improve quality of work life (broader job-related experience an individual has) of employees through participation and other means.

e) Miscellaneous: To formulate and design key responsibility areas of employees at any level on the basis of job analysis To store and maintain employee database (both in soft copy and file management) To keep records on leave and attendance management To handle payroll in an effective and efficient manner To manage advance salary, Ad-hoc bonus, and loans To conduct exit interview and report to higher authorities diligently To keep track record of employee behavior, attitude and performance in all aspects To prevent all types of rumours and misleading communications within the organization To communicate all relevant issues to the higher authorities as and when required To play the conscience role to remind the management of its morale and obligations to its employees To promote team work and team spirit among the employees To be proactive in all activities.

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