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Legal basis for Campus establishments Objectives a. Review of MOA for extension b. Notify all signatories
c. Present the final MOA acceptable

Annex A

Project/Activities a. Draft a MOA to be

reviewed by all concerned

Strategies a. consult the concerned agency

Target/Output last week of May 2011

Duration 1 2

Budget 500.00

Unit (s) Responsibilities Exec. Dean

Concerned Officials

b. For signatures a. Notify them based on the needs of the courses

a. Have a General Meeting b. Issuance of Memoranda

b. Convene them for a meeting a. Interview, demonstration teaching a. 100 % Attendance b. Post in the bulletin board c. Presence of all faculty, staff & students a. Coordinate the Univ. Supply Officer

last week of May 2011 April 1-30, 2011


Exec. Dean
Concerned Officials

2. Improved Faculty/ Staff Profile 3. Review of duties & responsibilities, policies

to all a. Evaluate the TOR, experiences, qualifications, etc. a. acquaint them the duties of a Faculty, set policy of the Univ.

Exec. Dean

1st week of June 2011 year-round 3rd week of June 2011 June-July 2011


Exec. Dean Exec. Dean Exec. Dean Campus Officials Exec. Dean Officials Staff Exec. Dean Campus Officials Exec. Dean Campus Officials Staff/Campus Officials

& Announcements
c. Have an orientation program

Depending the

4. Purchased of needed supplies & materials & equipment 5. General Supervision

a. Prepare & fill up the form

a. Cause for all approval,

accompanying the budget of the campus

supplies & materials year-round year-round June 2011 self-payment

a. Conduct a periodic supervision of class to faculty & supervision of duties of staff a. Invite and evaluate dealer for the ID preparation a. needed for incomparable pay to other institutions

6. Implementation of student/faculty/staff ID/ Uniform 7. Proposal to increase faculty teaching pay/ staff

a. Faculty observe classes, check the speeches b. Staff check the work-output a. evaluate the past ID picture a. request for an increase of pay
b. request for an increase

a. List down weakness & give recommendations b. give recommendations a. Arrangement of ID Picture booklet, etc. as to the price quotation a. For BOR Resolution

2nd Semester 2011

of student tuition fee GRAND TOTAL: PhP6,200.00

TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: ADMINISTRATION B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: ____________________ Goals 8. Viable course offerings Objectives a. Offer courses which the prospective students needed b. Courses are to be approved by the RMTU Administration a. Campaign for the increase of enrollment Project/Activities a. survey of what courses to offer b. prepare a request to offer such courses a. preparation of campaign brochures b. form a committee for the campaign a. make a letter for Job placement thru the PESO office
a. request approval from

Annex A

Strategies a. interview the parents & students in the high school b. prepare a tarpaulin for widest dissemination a. utilize students on summer for the campaign b. post tarpaulin in the designated areas a. encourage graduates to apply b. encourage to keep in contact
a. Training of cashier & registrar for

Target/Output last week of May 2011 1st week of June 2011 every 1st week of May 2011 every 1st week of May 2011 every 1st week of April every 1st week of April January 2011

Duration 1 2


Unit (s) Responsibilities Exec. Deans Campus Officials

Summer students

1,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00

9. Increased enrollment

Exec. Deans Faculty/Staff

10. Increased eligibility of Graduates 11. Computerize operational system 12. Policy environment for good governance

a. Contact establishments, agencies b. Encourage to attend Job fair a. Computerization services of registration & library a. Open to suggestions by students, faculty & parents

Exec. Deans Campus Officials Exec. Deans

Cashier, Librarian

the Administration a. conduct meetings of Faculty & students

computerization a. Present problems then open suggestions b. For the parents, ask them what is the current problem regarding their sons/daughters every meeting conducted

Registrar & Exec. Dean Exec. Deans Faculty/Staff



1. Improvement/enrichment

Annex A

a. synchronization of course offerings

Project/Activities a. Get a copy of the

university course program

Strategies a. Have a meeting/workshop for

the implementation of subj. synchronization

Target/Output 2nd week of May 2011 at the beginning of every semester every beginning of semester

Duration 1 2


of curricular program offerings 2. Accreditation of curricular offerings 3. Enhanced Academic Industry Linkages 4. Improved performance of graduates in gov t exam

by semester b. Deployment of OJT/Practice Teachers a. Ready the documents

Unit (s) Responsibilities Exec. Dean Instruction Dir.

Campus Registrar

b. Evaluate the subject taken of student a. Always have some files a. Request for fielding students for prospective
establishments business a. Through supervised the

b. Special arrangement of buss. establishments/agencies c. require every faculty to

submit documents for instructions


VP-ACSA Faculty Exec. Dean 500.00 Exec. Dean

a. Contact the address & names of business establishments a. at least 80% passing percentage in LET exam

d. E.g. exams, profile, etc. a. identify the prospective OJT students a. get a copy of the course syllabus b. assign faculty in the line of specialization
c. recruit at least masters degree graduate

every beginning of semester

Education Students during 3rd & 4th year b. Selection of Faculty to teach educ. subj.
c. possibility for a review class

every 1st week of opening of classes every beginning of semester

Exec. Dean Faculty Exec. Dean

5. Globally Competitive Graduates

a. Graduates immediately land a job

a. attend job fair

d. require students for review classes a. request PESO of the job available b. information dissemination of the job available a. campus local completion

2 months before the exam on Saturday classes as need advises

Exec. Dean Faculty Exec. Dean PESO & other establishment

b. apply job vacancies 6. Continuous exposure of student to academic skills competitions a. Selection of the best student to participate in skills competitions a. evaluate the grades then ask the specialist Faculty to recommend

as need advises

Exec. Dean Faculty



TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: EXTENSION/RESEARCH ACTIVITIES B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: ____________________ Goals 1. Extension Activities thru NSTP/PE projects Objectives a. conduct extension activities Project/Activities
a. plan what projects to be

Annex A

Strategies a. ask assistance for recommendations to barangay officials

Target/Output 1 Barangay for 1 semester

Duration 1 2

Budget 3,000.00

Unit (s) Responsibilities Incharge NSTP

Barangay Officials

conducted & what Barangay


2. Research activities thru Education Action Research and Faculty initiates

a. conduct action research as part of the requirements of the course

a. Determining the research problems of the school

a. identify the possible research problem b. select the student to undertake research problem

1 Student for one research problem, to be defended before the Panel at the end of semester GRAND TOTAL: PhP3,000.00

Faculty Incharge of Student

TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: SCHOLARSHIPS B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: ____________________ Goals 1. Admittance of the Scholarship Program 2. Preparation of Billing Objectives a. submission of request based on the donor of scholarship a. ready the basic requirement Project/Activities
a. interview & examination

Annex A


Target/Output 2nd week of July 2011

Duration 1 2


of students to the donor of scholarship

a. preparation of itemized

expenses during reg. b. attached of itemized grades a. information dissemination to the concerned students
a. information to the
concerned student

a. require students to show reg. form as a proof of enrollment to reconcile the reg. form of cashier

End of 1st Semester and 2nd Semester

Unit (s) Responsibilities Coordinator for Scholarships Students Coordinator for Scholarships Faculty Coordinator for Scholarships Students

3. Payment of Scholarships

b. require faculty to submit grades as early as possible a. Use of bulletin boards in listing names of scholars

End of 1 Semester and 2nd Semester


TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: SUPPORT SERVICES B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: REGISTRATION & ADMISSION SERVICES Goals 1. Review of Registration/ Admission & Procedure 2. Computerization of the Registration/Admission Services Objectives a. Systematic procedure in registration & admission a. Request for computerization to the RMTU Administration Project/Activities a. accurate recording Strategies a. proper filing of records of students a. training of the registrar Target/Output all requested documents be released at least 3 days from the date of request
beginning of 2nd Semester, 2011

Annex A

Duration 1 2


Unit (s) Responsibilities Campus Registrar Campus Registrar

a. ready for the supplies needed

TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: SUPPORT SERVICES B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: LIBRARY SERVICES Goals 1. Policies in the Library Services Objectives a. Preparation of guidelines/ policies Project/Activities a. refer to University guidelines & other instructions a. preparation of books shelves, cabinets, etc. numbering the books & shelves Strategies a. writing the polices for planning to the bulletin board & other places a. fill-up card catalogs or index cards for every books Target/Output 1st Sem June 2011 Duration 1 2 Budget

Annex A

Unit (s) Responsibilities Librarian/ Library Aide

2. Orderliness of Books placements

a. acceptable arrangement

1st Semester June 2011

Librarian/ Library Aide

TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: STUDENT ORGANIZATION B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: ____________ Goals 1. Various programs Objectives a. Listing of students various programs 1. Orientation 2. Acquaintance/Induction 3. Cultural-Literary Affairs 4. Campus Sportsfest 5. Christmas Party 6. Graduation Program/ Recognition a. Election of organization Project/Activities a. Scheduling of Activities Strategies a. conduct meeting inventory of supplies & materials Target/Output Duration 1 2 Budget

Annex A

3rd Week of June 2011 Last week of June 2011 July September December March 1st week of July 3rd Week of July

Unit (s) Responsibilities All Faculty responsible Exec. Dean

2. Supreme Student Council & other student organizations 3. Student Publications

a. preparation of time table organization of

a. conduct meeting

a. Information dissemination of the Selection of Editorial Board

election campaigning b. election a. Information Disseminations

b. conduct meeting a. conduct examinations & actual interview

Coordinators of Student Affairs Sub class advisers Administration Students Faculty Staff

1st Week of July

TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: STUDENT PUBLICATION B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: ____________ Goals 1. Early release of the Budget for student Publications Objectives a. On-time of release of budget Project/Activities a. preparation of requirements for b. voucher preparation Strategies a. resolutions signed by the Editorial Board b. Follow-up vouchers Target/Output 3rd Week of every semester Duration 1 2 Budget

Annex A

Unit (s) Responsibilities coordinator for

school publication

coordinator for
school publication

Adviser of
school publication

2. Release of School Paper

a. On-time release of school paper

a. encourage student for early submission of articles

a. Info-Disseminations

a week before Final Exam (1st & 2nd Sem)

Editorial Board

TWO YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (June 2011-June 2013) PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY: GUIDANCE & HEALTH SERVICES B-PROGRAM/SUB-PROJECT/SUB-ACTIVITY: ____________ Goals 1. Provision of Guidance Activities Objectives a. Define the role/activities of the Guidance Counselor Assigned Project/Activities a. awareness of the important role of Guidance Counselor Strategies a. listing of the jobs Target/Output year round Duration 1 2 Budget

Annex A

Unit (s) Responsibilities Guidance Counselor

2. Provisions of Health Services

a. Define the role/activities of the medical staff

a. awareness of the important role of medical staff

a. listing the job benefits received by the students

year round

Medical Staff

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