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1. what is the diffrence between gross profit& net proffit?


Gross Profit or Loss:

Gross profit is ascertained by deducting cost of goods sold (all direct expenses like purchases, carriage, custom duty, sock charges, octroi duty etc.) from sales. Gross profit = Total sales - All direct expenses or cost of goods sold

Net Profit or Loss:

It is ascertained by deducting all indirect expenses (the expenses incurred for running the business and selling the goods) from the gross profit. Net profit = Gross profit - All indirect expenses Following are the main points of difference between gross profit and net profit:

Gross Profit
1 It is the excess of net sales over cost of purchase or manufacture (all expense relating to purchase or manufacture of goods) of goods. It is not true profit of the business It shows credit balance of the trading account The progress of the business can be judged by the comparison of gross profit with net sales 1

Net Profit
It is the excess of gross profit over all indirect expenses.

2 3 4

2 3 4

It is true profit of the business. It shows credit balance of the profit and loss account. The profitability of the business can be measured by the comparison of net profit with net sales.

what is the journal? Journal is a book in which transactions are recorded as they occur. Transactions are recorded in the journal chronologically (the order in which transactions occur). A journal is sometimes called assistant of ledger because the transactions are first recorded in the journal and then posted to the ledger. Journal is also know as the book of original entry, book of prime entry etc. In small organizations only one journal may be used but in large organizations a journal is divided into different types. This is done because a lot of entries are to be recorded and it becomes difficult to record them in only one book. one question dr mean debit cr mean credit but cr full form credit but dr full form debit that mean debit not word dr what the answer What is smallest 4 digit number? Ans.1000 what is the difference between Purchase order and invoice 1. The purchase order is prepared by the buyer, while the invoice is prepared by the seller. 2. The purchase order has on it the goods, products or services needed by the buyer, while the invoice has on it the price of the goods, products or services being sold. 3. The purchase order and invoice have everything the same from quantity to products and shipping details, except: the purchase order has ship to section which may or may not be the buyer himself but still, the buyer is responsible for payment. The invoice has the part number column for establishing inventory control. 4. The purchase order has the purchase order number, while the invoice has both purchase order number and invoice number on the face of the invoice. what is suspence capital? Capital-IQ Information on Cost accounting vs. Management accounting HDFC 1. Financial accounting is legally required from an organization, while management accounting is not.

2. Financial accounting must be reviewed by a separate accounting firm, while management accounting is not required of this. 3. Financial accounting is concerned about how the financial resources of the organization will affect its performance, while management accounting is concerned in how the reports will affect the behavior and performance of its employees. 4. Financial accounting is governed by both local and international accounting standards, while management accounting is not. 5. Financial accounting is historical in nature, that is, the reports are based on an organizations previous performance and dealings, while management accounting is a forecast. What are the source of gaining long-term funds???? What are the limitations of gaining long-term funds??? Long-term sources or funds are required to create production facilities through purchases of fixed assets such as plant,machinery,land,building,furniture,e.t.c. Investments in these assets represent that part of firm`s capital which is blocked on a permanent or fixed basis and is called fixed capital. The long-term sources of finance are: 1. Ownership securities: These securities represents shares. Share are the most common form of raising long-term funds from the market.Every company,except a company limited by a guarantee,has a statutory right to issue shares. The capital of a company is divided into a number of equal parts called shares. a. Equity shares: Represents the owner`s capital in a company.The holders of these shares have full control over the working of the company and have voting rights.Equity shareholders are paid dividends from the remaining income of a company. The rate of dividend depends upon the profit of the company. b. Preference Shares: As the name suggests,these shares have certain preferences. There is a preference for payment of dividend.they have fixed rate of dividend,but they don`t have any voting rights and control over the management of a company. 2. Creditorship securities: It is also known as debt-capital,and it represnts debenture and bondsThe use of such securities along with shares in financing of a business generally tends to reduce the cost of capital and helps to improve the earnings of the shareholders. a. Debentures or Bonds: A debenture is an acknowledgement of debt.It is a form of loan on which a company has to pay a fixed amount of interest to debenture-holders.they are the creditors of the company. There are many type of debentures i.e. unsecured,secured,registered,reedemable.irredeemable,convertible,zero coupon bonds,deep discount bonds,e.t.c. 3. Loan financing: A business can also finance through loans from specialised financial institutions and development banks or from commercial banks. 4. Internal financing: A new company can raise funds only through external sources,such as shares,debentures,loans,public deposits,e.t.c. But an existing firm which needs finaance for it`s future growth and expansion can generate funds through retained earnings. 5. Public deposits. What is an Acrual Interest? In which side of the Balance Sheet, it should be shown???? ICAI Accrued interest is the amount of loan interest that has already occurred, but has not yet been paid to the lender by the borrower. The accrued interest will be reported by the borrower as both 1. an expense on its income statement, and 2. a current liability on its balance sheet. The accrued interest will be reported by the lender as both 1. revenue on its income statement, and 2. a current asset on its balance sheet. Accrued interest is likely to require adjusting entries by both the borrower and the lender prior to issuing their financial statements. how is cost concept extension of ongoing concept?


International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are principles-based standards, interpretations and the framework (1989)[1] adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Many of the standards forming part of IFRS are known by the older name of International Accounting Standards (IAS). IAS were issued between 1973 and 2001 by the Board of the International

Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). On April 1, 2001, the new IASB took over from the IASC the responsibility for setting International Accounting Standards. During its first meeting the new Board adopted existing IAS and Standing Interpretations Committee standards (SICs). The IASB has continued to develop standards calling the new standards IFRS.



Debt-Equity Ratio
Shareholders Equity Indicates what proportion of equity and debt that the company is using to finance its assets. Sometimes investors only use long term debt instead of total liabilities for a more stringent test. Things to remember A ratio greater than one means assets are mainly financed with debt, less than one means equity provides a majority of the financing. If the ratio is high (financed more with debt) then the company is in a risky position - especially if interest rates are on the rise. = Total Liabilities

what is the finalization of balance sheet and how it can be made BPO Finalisation of Balance sheet:- Finalisation of Balance sheet prepare the Summary of Accounts. There is some steps. 1.First we need take ladger closing balance and prepare the Trail balnce. 2.we need to prepare the trading and profit&loss A/c basised on Trail balance and Adjestments. 3.we need to make a working notes also its best for understanding. we will prepare a Balance sheet. Which Exchange determine Foreign Exchange/Currency Rate?
Exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market
Foreign exchange rate determine with various factors like 1.GDP- Gross Domestic Product 2.Policy of the country like Monetary & fiscal policy 3.Per capita income 4.IIP- index of industrial Production 5. Infrastructure 6.PEST issues 7. Currency exchange laws of the particular country. 8.Demand flow 9.FDI- foreign direct investment

Which Exchange determine Foreign hedge fund, hedging What cost-cutting measures have you implemented?

differences between liabilities and assets

when the money introduced in india what type of account appear on a post closing trial balance? a) income statement accounts b) balance sheet accounts c) cash flow accounts d) temporary owner's equity accounts What is the Difference between Rectification of Errors and Adjustment Entry ? What are the general Ledgers? 2. What is bank reconcilation a/c Accenture what is profit maximisation what is a financial statement UBS What is the Journal entry for advance payments and advance receipts from Debtors and creditors what is contigent liability and state some examples also.

what is balance sheet, capital budgeting, financial statements, current ratio, profit maximization? UBS What is the formula of Debt Equity Ratio? Also define its importance in a firm. ICAI Capital secure should be shown in which side of the balance sheet??? ICAI 3. why closing balance do not come in trial balance?if it is in which case it comes? what is the definition of derivative, what is a security? TDS is for claming purpose or for filing purpose. when does accounts receivable have a credit balance? whatis meant by contigent liability IQ why is TDS treated as an asset while preparing Balance sheet. What is the Meaning of Current ratio? When Trial Balance match? what is the adjusting entry for wages posted twice? Genpact wages posted twice what is the entry for that? Genpact HDFC

4. Bank Overdraf is an Asset or a liability for a Bank? ICAI How is the Cost of Goods Calculated???? ICAI why should we do accounts in company WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RESERVE CAPITAL AND CAPITAL RESERVE? Capital-IQ what is difference between depreciation and amortization ? principles of accounts what are the difference between bookkeeping and accounting ? WHY SHOULD WE PREPARE PROFIT & LOSS APPROPRIATION a/c??? Accenture what is the difference between shares & debentures What is a General Ledger Balance? How can it be arrieved at? RBI whether cash book is a subsidiary book? What is mean by Tab Group in MS-Excel? IBM WHAT ENTRY SHOULD WE PASSED IN BOOK A PERSON HAVING SALARY BASIC 10000.00 HRA 4000 PF 1500.00 why opening stock posted in the credit side Who Invented Accountancy?? Capital-IQ 5. What steps to be taken at the time of implementation of Oracle ERP and please give the chart of accounts and links to be given Aster-Teleservices what is the accounting treatemnt for issuing material to a subcontractor on recovery basis? Entry for the settlement of loans? Wipro Entry for prepaid expenses? Wipro what is journal entries for cheque dishonored? Difference Between Tax Invoice and reatail Invoice ? Explain the effect of closing stock on gross profit and net profit. comment on the financial health of their business. whatis mean by accured income? Capital-IQ what is derivative? Capital-IQ what is balancesheet adjustment a/c. what is the use of this a/c in sap fico Reliance what is zero balance clearing a/c. why we r maintaining this a/c in sap fico Reliance what is inflation accounting What is put option, call option, mutual fund? Wipro What is audit,auditing? Wipro Should I deduct TDS for Dyeing Charges in Garments Industry? If yes what is the percentage under which group it will come? 6. npv, arbitrage RRDonnelley equity RRDonnelley market capitalisation RRDonnelley nav , npv RRDonnelley hedge fund, hedging RRDonnelley investment banking RRDonnelley types of derivatives RRDonnelley

capital expenditure , revenue expenditure RRDonnelley deferred revenue expenditure RRDonnelley what is meant by derivatives RRDonnelley Plz Give the Inventry Accounting Procedure 1.Domestic Purchases ( VAT,CST,& Excise) 2.Import Purchases ( Direct Expences & Excise ) 3.When Will the Price Diffrence Entry Happen? 4.Cash Discount & Trade Discount On Purchases? 5.Domestic Sales ( VAT,CST,& Excise) 6.Export Sales ( Customes ,Excise ) 7.Cash Discount & Trade Discount On Sales? Please let me know the journal entry for the below. "A" paid Rs.100 to "C" on behalf of "B" What are the legal entities that constitute your business? Does a legal entity have a seperate Federal Tax Id? In which country does a legal entity operate? In which currency does a legal entity operate? When does each legal entity's fiscal year begin? what are the fundamentals of book keeping What is Accounting? How to prepare the manual accounts? What are the manual accounts? What are the subsidary books? How to classify, summerising and posting accounts. What are basic and important stpes to take while preparing journal,ledger,cashbook, Bank book, Trailbalance, Trading and profit and loss a/c and Balance sheet. 7. what is crr when the money introduced in india What Is repo transaction What is Risk Assessment? what is the golden rules of accountancy ?withdrwal frm atm what will be the transaction ? what is ZBA hold & balance hold in banking? What is difference between NSE and BSE? Which company are include in NSE and which are include in BSE? How do i will cme to now that i have invested in NSE or BSE? Catalyst give narration of cash----a/c---Dr To cash Hindalco What is Standard Cost? Cap-Gemini What is mean by ETDS Syntel Please tell me the process of Selction of Junior Research Associate in Capitaliq(Intervie rounds&written test) where we have file E-returns in SAP FICO-CIN/Wtax? Wipro If in a PO, the freight condition is mentioned as Air freight and the material is actually received by Road, how does the system check before making the necessary accounting entries? 8. what are the balancesheet,profit& loss a/c,profit & loss aprrieation a/c format What is General Accounting TATA What are the General Ledgers? Wat is pivot table What are the general ledgers can anyone provide me the Balance Sheet Items & P & L Items with Accounting Heads with Accounting codes? cany anyone explaing what are the functions of an Account Officer/Manager? can anyone provide me the Balance Sheet Items & Profit & Loss A/c Items & Accounting Heads with Accounting codes? pls send me capital iq quition paper pls, ihave 2mr interview thanks Diffrence between cost, financial and management accounting what is accounting standard? Genpact what is the difference between cash system & mercantile system Mico What is mean by Journalising ? Capital-IQ What is Financial planning? 9. differed tax liability What is the meaning of Equity & Dedt Pls Explain Clearly What is capital market? Mellon

method of preparing the trial balance ? what is the cost and financial accounting? what is double entry system ? what is the organisation chart for accounting and finance ? what is the nature of accounting function ? define accounting,scope of account , types of account ? what is journal and ledgers ? Prolect differences between liabilities and assessts Prolect what is credit balance of bank define briefly??? Genpact What are the general Ledgers? In Accounts payable process in BPO, how is the due date calculated? It should be Invoice date+ payment terms or Receipt date of invoice + payment terms? Accenture what is derivaties, equities, and mutul fund BPO shares journal entries 10. what is different between expenses (direct) and direct expenses? Mac Purchased on 15th Jan 12000/- 30th June Machinery damaged due to Fire Accident 31st Dec received the Insurance Premium 13000/-. Pass the Journal Entry for all the above three Genpact Credit Paurchases Genpact Machinery Rate is 12000/- and residual value is 2000/- and life span is 10yrs.Calculate the dep in Straight line method. Genpact New emlpoyee was joined on 15th Jan and salary paid on 28th Feb amt of Rs.20000/- and asked to give the Journal entry for the Month of Jan, Fed and March (His Monthly Salary is Rs.8000/-) Genpact Rent Paid Rs.12000/- (which is included for the whole year i.e Jan to Dec) and they have asked me to give Journal Entry for the Entry for the Month of Jan, Feb and March Genpact what type of account appear on a post closing trial balance? a) income statement accounts b) balance sheet accounts c) cash flow accounts d) temporary owner's equity accounts what does debit and credit mean in accounting and what is its underlying concept and its treatment. in the cash book dr means receipt nad credit means payment? is it correct? In p&l account where does miscellaneous expenses comes what is balance sheet? SBI 1. what is debenture? 2.Why company will issue shares? 3. What is audit? 4. What is the role of finance department? 5. What is mutual fund? 11. What is the depreciation rate for computers? why should i hire you? what are your outside interest? what was your toughest decision you ever have to make? GE what do u mean by preliminary expenditure? what r they? where it is comes? what is the diffrance between fund flow statement and cash flow statement. Genpact What is private placement in Equity market ? Bank-Of-America plz send me hsbs finance questions asked in the interview ans appitude also HSBC what is a reconcilation statement HP why share capital shown in liability side of a balance sheet 12 What is Suspense A/c? A suspense account is an account in the general ledger in which amounts are temporarily recorded. The suspense account is used because the proper account could not be determined at the time that the transaction was recorded. When the proper account is determined, the amount will be moved from the suspense account to the proper account. Mafoi What are Accounting Concept? Mafoi What is Working Capital Management ? Give the formula for it Mafoi Can you tell me the closing stock entry? Satyam HOW MANY TYPES OF ACCOUNT EXAMPLE PLS CAN PRE OPERATIVE EXPENSES BE CAPITALISED? IF YES, HOW CAN IT BE DONE? When determining turnover, do you first deduct all sales returns to come to an answer or is turnover the total sales without deductions. Please send the all account interview question to me SBI what are the various questions asked on excel in an interview Asian-Paints

Hi Actually Im Accounts Executive Currently I Have one Offer as a Stores & Purchase Accountant can you suggest it is good and what type of works will be there ?? what is stock divient Franklin-Templeton Can anybody tell what is the link b/w reporate and inflation? How these parameters vary??? out standing salaries goes to whiich A/C I mean personal(or) real(or)nominal a/c what is the difference between cash flow and funds flow What is personal Account? 13. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RESERVE CAPITAL AND CAPITAL RESERVE? Capital-IQ what is the difference between cash flow and profit and loss account? What is the Difference between Rectification of Errors and Adjustment Entry ? What is the Casting ? What is the Accountancy ? Give the Answer in one sentence. What are the Trading A/c Components and let explain about Trading account and Profit & Loss Account Focus what is the effect of repo rate Capital-IQ what is BRS Capital-IQ What is a cash flow statement Capital-IQ what is trailbalance..? what can increase gearing? how to reduce axis bank emi Axis-Bank what is the Entry for Prepaid expenses? which side it come in balance sheet? Wipro 14. Depreciation, What type of cost? Direct cost or Indirect cost? Which game is played only by women SBI What is Cost Accounting SBI how could we reconcile the cash book balance with pass book balance by pass book Dr. balance with pass book method? what are adjusting entries? and why we are dioing it? what is the differance between Equity shares and preferance shares? Panacea What do u mean by pass through expenses? give examples, how it will be accounted & billed? What is contingent liability? Syntel what is cap & floor of call rates? what are the procedures of paying service tax and vat? Insight 15. WHICH ASSET IS DEPRICIATED IN TANGIBLE? WHAT WILL BE ENTRY IF COMPANY PURCHASE A DOG FOR WARE HOUSE? When is proposed divided a current Liability and when is it non-current liability? Why is it in the list of Current Capital Accounts? what amounts to appropriation of profits? When provision for taxation does not amount to appropriation of profits? Where does TDS payable & receivable appear in the books of accounts Professional fees of Rs.30000/- is paid to a consultant ABC & Co. please pass the necessary entry for the same Interest of Rs.30000/- is received from deposits Tds of Rs 7500/- is deducted by the bank please pass the necessary entry for the same Under which headings the following transaction appear in bank reconciliation as on 30.06.03 particulars Interest debited by bank Chq issued to suppliers not appearing in bank statement Chq deposited not appearing in bank statement Income not accounted in books appearing in bank statement An advance of Rs 10000/- is received from customer. pass necessary journal entries Name any 3 heads shown under assets side of balance sheet. Calculate the profit/loss on sale of the following assets as on 30th september 2000 cost of the asset on 01.05.95 50000/- Salvage Value 5000/- Method of depriciation & date WDV 15% sales of asset on 30.09.2000 Rs 25000/a) what are the rate of employees & company's contribution for PF & ESIC? b) what is the ceiling in case of ESI deductions? c) what are the due dates for paying ESI/PF Compute the following selling price for the follwing item: Basic cost CST @ 4% on basic cost freight & insurance Rs 200/- Margin @ 15% on selling price

16. What is the due date for paying monthly IT deductions, other than deductions towards salary What is the due date for filing monthly & annual sales tax returns in karanataka Compute the interest & TDS amount following transaction: Compute the sales tax amount on the following transactions: MRP rs 1000/- Sales Tax is 10% cess on sales tax is 5% Turnover tax is 1% on net turnover what is the entry passed for sales return (sales is on credit basis)? What is the TDS ratio applicable on professional fees? Can u please give me example of bonds? is National savings certificate a Bond? What do we mean by the term "Securities" when we say that "Govt injecting/sucking liquidity in/out of the system by buying/selling securities? why we use the term profit and loss account instead of profit or loss account Syntel what are the differences between Tally and Focus? what is the treatement of outstanding expenses in Tally accounting package? where it shown and what is its account type? What are the different payrolls? how we calculate the exmployee payroll? how we calculate the employee salaries details? 17. Give me total Details of payroll calculation, payslip with examples. payroll calculation procedure explain completely? what are the payroll procedures? Hewitt what is the order for cashflow statement Capital-IQ tell the ratio where the numerator and denominator should contain one from asset side and other from liabilities side Capital-IQ What are the difference between Cash Flow Statement and Fund flow Statement? please explain me fully. Can you give three examples/names of Public and Private Ltd companies? Syntel What is the difference between "Primary Market" and "Secondary Market"? Syntel what is debit card? n what is credit card? if it is a debit card what will be a transaction in personal account and if it is a credit card what will be the tranction in personal account I want to know how to get Appeared to the examination of State bank of India. And how can i find the question Book Series. What is the uses of Ratio's in The Finanacial management? Explain it? IBM What is difference between cash flow and funds flow? Any two difference of Trading and Profit and loss A/c Syntel Any Two difference Between Debenture and bonds? Syntel What is the Entry for Call in arrears? Syntel 18. What do you mean by Amortization? What is Electronic clearances? Genpact What is Accrual (Mercantile Vs Cash System of Accounting) Genpact why to differentiate between capital and revenue expenditure? what is the journal entry for bad debts? What is means by A/c in Accountancy ? What is the full form of Dr. and Cr. ? Syntel what is CDDs configuration what is the meaning of (PDDs, DODs, CFRs,) based on understanding of the business process What is Share? Syntel company's total overhead expense is containing which are the expenses? Definition of overhead expense. what is the difference between debit card and credit card Genpact 19. Where we have to take the Director's current account, wages a/c, Accruals, sales tax payable in Balancesheet what is leverage?how many types of leverages are there and explain Capital-IQ what is contingent asset Genpact What is the full from of DR and CR ? Adani

How to treat the provision for bad debts which appeared on the credit side of the P&L A/c? Wipro How to treat the provision for bad debts which appear on credit side of the p&L A/c. Capital-IQ can any one send me payables real time scenarious or any projects Briefly explain about Stok valuation. What is depreciation? What are the various methods thereof? What is Royalty Accounting? How it calculate? Give some example. What are the accounting conventions and Practices? 20.

What is the means of Limited.they are not asked about public limited or private limited or difference tehy asked only what is the limited what are the three basic acounting principles.what is account reconcilliation.what is portfolio management GE what is mean by Red herrting Capital-IQ What is mean by Dis-investment Capital-IQ What is accounts recevable & acct. payble? How they are efect in real life accounts of the company? Genpact i need sbi bank clerk exam model question papers How can we post Salary, PF etc., can anybody tell me the entry what is the journal entry for tax refund? HSBC what is bank reconcilation? HSBC what is the difference between credit and debit note? what is the meaning of derivative. Capital-IQ 21. what is the difference between fund manager and portfolio manger Franklin-Templeton What is Contra Entry? how to take print checks in tally SMS-Pharmaceuticals what is the core accounts SMS-Pharmaceuticals expense paid but the benefit not been received so far like deferred exp so can we consider it as a prepaid exp. L&T what is the system of accounting and banking in cooperative bank? define p&l approprate Genpact tell me about roll model as father Genpact tell about friendship Genpact what is the difference between cost centre and bussiness centre? contiagent liabilty Genpact types of inventory Genpact define cost of goods sold Genpact define inventory Genpact 22. How to calculate bank's turnover? HDFC diiffrence b/w provsion & reserve do you have debit and credit in balance sheet Capital-IQ how did you know about capitaliq? what is the meaning of iq. Capital-IQ What is provision and reserve and how u treat in account Capital-IQ How many methods are there in capital budgeting? what are those. Capital-IQ What is meaning of ficticious asset Capital-IQ what is the meaning of empairment asset Capital-IQ what is the meaning of preliminary expenses and how you shown in balance sheet Capital-IQ What is the meaning of capital profite and capital reciet? both are same or any different are there? Capital-IQ wt is stock split, dividends, rights issues,mergers and acquisitions, and spinn offs? NessTechnologies

what is corporate action? wt is the purpose and tpes of corporate actions? WHAT IS F& O SEGMENT? what is cost of goods sold? What is the closing entry for outstanding amount? IBM 23.


What is suspense Account? IBM What is Bank Reconcilation Statement? IBM what is basic accounts rule? Syntel There is any new golden rule added with remain three? Why bank credited our all deposited? Why do people call Genpact as Gunpat outside? What do you reply when they ask that What does Gunpat manufacture? Genpact what is accrual prepayment? Define capital A/c &revenue. Define golden rules. meaning of share capital and its entries e-Serve What is the diffrecnce between liabilities and owner's equity? ABN-AMRO what is the procedure to get the duplicate Cform in case the original is lost in transit. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF BLUE CHIP COMPANY? Capital-IQ what is the meaning of hedging? Capital-IQ WHAT IS THE MEANING OF INDENTURE? Capital-IQ WHAT IS THE MEANING OF CREDIT WORTHINESS? Capital-IQ Please answer the following question: "Your grandmother sends you a large check for your birthday, asking that you use the money to buy shares of stock in a company. She recommends that you review the company's financial statements before investing. What can a company's financial statements tell you about the investment potential of its stock?" Ans: Generally financial statement reflects the financial condition of the firm in terms of profit growth and sales.There are different type of financial ratio which can be calculated after seing the financial statement like Eps ratio tell ur how much co. can pays to its shareholder,other ratio are PE,Debt-Equity and many ratio are relyy impotant to evaluate company performance what is the meaning of LETTER OF CREDIT? Capital-IQ What is mean by Debt Equity Ratio ? 24. What is the Accounting Treatment for Contingent Liability ? Why Closing Stock Not shown in Trial Balance? WHAT IS MEAN BY SHARE & DEBENTURE? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM? How do u show Drawings In Trading Account ? Difference between Provision & Reserve? Difference between Accounts & Finance ? what is Current Accountant ? What is the Difference Between Retail Invoice & Tax Invoice? what is minority interest Capital-IQ explain accounting concepts Capital-IQ How to Prepar Balance sheet? what does bpo means? Genpact why do u want to join bpo sector Genpact example irr What is the trial balance Capital-IQ 25. What do you mean by Mutual Funds ? Types Capital-IQ what is ADRs? Capital-IQ which are company offering jobs in PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT ? what is monetary polasy and how it is different from trade polacy? how it will impact on stockmarkets in India? What is the trade balance ,what is the Trailbalance, ITW-Signode

Where we show the Contingent Assets. what is inflation? what is Prime Brokerage? UBS what is Reconciliation-NOSTRO,VOSTRO? UBS what is Credit derivatives,equity derivatives,SWAPS? UBS what is futures and options? UBS what is Derivative Documentation,Derivative Settlements,Derivative confirmation? what is pre settlements and post settlements in Derivatives? UBS what is OTC derivatives and Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) ? what is Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Certificate Of Deposit (CD)? UBS 26.


What do you mean by capital? Define mortgage what is ADVANCE,DECLINE ratio. also explain how it helps the investor to predict the stock market movements? UBS why stock market goes to bearish mode when RBI hikes CRR rates? UBS what is F B T? what is priority? what is surcharge? Perot-Systems what happens in the stockmarket when RBI changes the CRR rates(REPO RATES) Wipro Canu send me account aptitude questions Genpact I am going to attend an interview for the post of Accounts Officer in NCMSL Co.(procurement co.),So pls help me for the interview. meaning of accounts payable what is accrual income ? Genpact most recently asked questions what is bank reconcilietion WNS what are the point to see when calculating the Company Profit / Loss 27. salary is which type of account?? how much percentage of shares of a company must be purchased so in order to start the company?? fictitious account is what type of account i.e real,nominal or personal account?? What is the different between each of the following. a) ordinary shares and preference shares b) called and uncalled capital c) bearer debentures and convertible notes d) floating charge and specific charge how to calculate the Current Ratio, Liquid Ratio & Operating Ratio What is MEan By Sundry? Why do call p&la/cas a P&l a/c ?, why not P{or}L a/c Bank-Of-America What is ment by MIS reporting? machinery is assets or liabilities what is the meaning of accountant,accounting & accountancy & account? how is caluclation of over time (O.T) what is subsidiary book? ICICI what is journal? what is the meaning of double entry system & Double entry system? 28. what is genpact? Tell us about genpact? what is GE? Tell us about GE? Describe your ideal company,location and job? why we should hire you? why do you want to join our company(GE)? What is capital bugeting? Explain the methods of capital bugeting in detail? GE what is the usage of Acounting standard?, what is deferred tax?, what is operating Expenses and incomes?, what is the difference between subsidary and holding company? and what is right share and right issue? what is difference between cash and profit?, and why netprofit comes under capital account? ITC-Infotech What is cash profit? how can we calcute? are you a gay? Genpact What is meant by Kpo?If possible tell me the process too? What are accounting standards? CTS why debit notes and credit notes are passed? TCS

Wat is the diff.between revenue and capital expenditure? Wat is meant by deffered revenue expenditure? TCS what do you meant auction? what is F & o segment? How to Calculate Turnover? TATA what about your self Capital-IQ What is Mean By Defered Tax, How To Calculate? what is service tax, how much calculated on service? Capital-IQ 29. what is format of Trial balance If Bank OD In Balance Sheet Which Site Showing? What is Meany By MIS Report?What are things covered in the report? What three Specific Job Positions do you target from the Industry GSK Why do you want to work with us GSK Do you have reference list GSK How do you plan to achieve these goals GSK What goals do you have in your career GSK Briefly describe your ideal job GSK What is difference between profit, revenue? what is RTGS? What is the defination/meaning of Mercantile Accounting? What is mean by mercantile accounting? In intangible assest, patents ,trade marks,copy rights we can feel or some thing can be done but what about goodwill? Capital-IQ 30. what are accounting principles Accenture what is diff between p&l & trading a/c CA WHAT IS PERSONAL ACCOUNT What is the difference btwn "Sales" and "Turnvoer". What is the difference betwn "Inventory" and "Stock". What is Mean By FRS for HQ reporting, How To Prepare? what is the difference between pay order & D.D.? ICICI wat is penny stock? Deloitte What is operating profit ? how is it different from Gross profit ? What do you mean by Venture Capitla and Private Equity? Define cost accounting? what is Bills Receivables and Bills Payables? HCL Expand GAAP? Wipro what is Suspence Account? Wipro 31.

what do you mean by contra entry? and where it is used? Accenture What is Meaning Of accounting Function , Fund Management, Equities, Mutual Funds, Fixed Income Secrities, Derivative, Accounts of Trade, Share Holder Transaction,Knowledge on Using bloombag? can debenture is cenverted into share?if yes? how? what is sweet equity share? what is the treatment of frieght paid on purchase of fixed asset? & where it shold be shown? JohnFowler what is profit & loss A/c? difference between income & expenditure A/c how to study five year balance sheet HBL-Power-Systems What is Owner's Equity? What is income tax,sales tax and vat? sensex is increased and decreased in share market? why? How many types of banking accounts? tell me about that What is shadow balance? In Accounting how many types of formulaes? What is the diff. between gross profit and net profit?

What is diff. between mutual fund and security?


Tell me about portpolio? tell me about share? What is promoters? what is contract note? how many types of practice accounts? tell me about accounting what is income tax what is securities? what is the quick asset what is debuntre what is your achievements? Give me solved example of bank book and cash book wat is finance? diff b/w debenture and bond? what is the accounting treatment for contingent laibility?


Accenture Bank-Of-America Capital-IQ

WHAT IS DERIVATIVE? India-Infoline WHAT IS A SHARE? India-Infoline What is the TDS Rates for the F.Y 2008-09 ? WHAT IS PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT? India-Infoline What is portfolio? India-Infoline 5. What is cost of goods sold? 4. What is the difference between gross profit and net profit? Genpact What Do You Understand By The Word Accounting ADP Hi all i did my M.B.A financ enw iam doing a job as a finance executive but i feel it is not good 4 me can any 1 plz guide me 4 the better career my job profile is (INVOICING)hw it is help me out 4 the better career shell i continu ein the same 1 by learning sap or oracle or shall i shift to any other if any other which job is suites to me plz suggest me What is the difference between Direct expenses and Indirect expenses? FIC meaningofderivative? UBS Dividend per share? Mening of Earning per share? What is the meaning of net incaome? please tell me GENPACT and GE finance interview questons Genpact

What is the meaning of Revenue? what is cnc machine hour rate? how it is calculated? Greaves what is bank rate? Syndicate-Bank types of mutual funds? how to calculate share values of a company. what is sensex and nifty. whatis ratio analysis and methods of its calculation. what is capital budgeting and techniques of capital budgeting. what is the difference between gross profit and net profit? what is reverse repo? what is cost of goods sold ? Capital-IQ

Sales for ABC Company were Rs.150,000 for 2003.The beginning inventory was 30% of the cost of goods sold.The ending inventory was 50% of the beginning invetory.Selling expenses were 10% of sales and absorbed 30% sales.Income taxes were 30% of net income before taxes. WHAT IS THIS ACCOUNT Genpact

A CAR GIVES 100 KLIO METERS OF TO what is working management? Genpact what is the meaning of Journal Ledger? what is the meaning of P/V Ratio? what is GAAP? what is demand? What are all the items come under P&L and Balance sheet? what is a share? Franklin-Templeton what is a security? Franklin-Templeton what is mutualfund? Franklin-Templeton what is delapidation? CA please send me a HSBC basic accounting question & answers to my mail id. What is the analytical way of accounting? what is break even point? ADP what is gross profit?

what is net profit? pls explain the clear difference between Depreciation and Demortization? HSBC Explain why retained earnings have an opportunity cost associated? What are the 3 Basic Rules in Accounting. Franklin-Templeton What is the difference between cost accounting and financial accounting? what is diffference between retail invoice and tax invoice ? what is the difference between provision for bad debts and reserve for bad debts? Genpact What is the difference between Capital Reserve and Reserve Capital? Discuss the role of cost accounting in managerial decision making Distinguish between Piece rate and Time rate? Discuss the role of cost accounting in managerial decision making? What is meant by Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate. Capital-IQ What is the Difference between Real Accont and Nominal Account? GE Tell me something about you What is Deffered Tax? Capital-IQ

Discuss the role of cost accounting in managerial decision making? What is meant by Cost Accounting? How it is different from Financial Accounting? Discuss the role of cost accounting in managerial decision making? What is meant by Cost Accounting? How it is different from Financial Accounting? Parco Compare and contrast the accounting procedure followed by a sole trader and a partnership firm. what are the concepts & conventions of accounting? what do you mean by debt equity ratio? Capital-IQ what is the difference between long term debt and short term debt? Capital-IQ what is ment by memorandom of association? Capital-IQ share premium? Capital-IQ what is securites what is bond and what is debentures

what is debentures what is bonds golden rules of accounting? how bank earn profit?


What is meant by defferred revenue expenditure Xansa bonus shares? Capital-IQ what do you mean by fixed asset? Capital-IQ what is meant by credit derivative? Wipro what is the basic difference between accounting and financing? Mafoi what is meant by mid-cap? When we are using the DEPB licence for duty adjustment 100 %, there is no cash payment to customs. If i am a trader and registered with excise, Can we avail the modvat credit and pass on to customers? ABC discuss how accrual concepts and matching concepts are the same How to calculate india GDP growth rate? Why depreciation is charged in P&L Account? Deloitte Why profit is a liability and loss is an assets apptitude Questions for accounts payable job Airtel Who to create a budget on software company KLG-Systel Who to create a budget on software company Difference betwen debentures and bonds What is the diffrecnce between liabilities and owner's equity?
Owner and the Company/Firm are both the different entities. Owner's Equity itself is a liability for the firm/Company as the owner has invested it into the firm. 39.

what is repo market? I am going to attend an interview for the post of Sr. Accounts Officer in airport authority of india,pls help me to prepare for the interview Why you choose commerce faculty & not science or Why you are in commerce & not in science ? What is mean by Corporate accounts? IN PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT WE MAY EITHER GET PROFIT OR LOSS.SO WHY IT IS PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT INSTEAD OF PROFIT OR LOSS ACCOUNT ? How to answer for the question, tell me about ur project? I mean in which format can i say? What is amortization? Capital-IQ What should be considered as best in the company's view either debt or equity? Explain briefly? CapitalIQ What is securities market? Capital-IQ What is operating cycle? Capital-IQ Which one is best to company either debt or equity? Capital-IQ THE DEBIT BALANCE OF THE P&L A/C IS SHOWN IN WHICH COLUMN OF BALANCE SHEET Capital-IQ BY WHOME THE BANK RECONSILIATION STATEMENT IS PREPARED Capital-IQ Ratio Analysis with its Ratios Bank-Of-America what is Dual Accounting Bank-Of-America

What is Capital Management Wipro what are the questions commomly asked in reuter's interview.? what is the difference between debenture and shares Syntel what is fundamentals of accounting ? WHAT IS Z.B.B. ZERO BASED BUDGET? Capital-IQ

What is treasury bills what is cash flow and funds flow? Difference between cash and funds flow? methods of cash flow Capital-IQ what is oppurtunity cost Capital-IQ what is authorised capitla and subscribed capital Capital-IQ what is sunk cost Capital-IQ Stock Turnover Ratio? Capital-IQ What are operating Costs? Capital-IQ What is Capital Expenditure Capital-IQ What is Zero Based Budgeting? Capital-IQ What is meant by marginal cost? Infosys

What is meant by Salaries Outstanding Accounts? what are the models of valuation of the company ipo What is exact difference b/w Accounts and finance what is net worth what is quick asset what are different types of invoice? hwo to joine accountancy What do you mean by Investment Banking? What is General Ledger what is business entity concept?

HP Capital-IQ IBM Capital-IQ Capital-IQ WNS HCL Accenture

RECEIVABLES MEANS TO BE RECEIVED, ACCOUNT RECEIVABLES INCLUDES THE AMOUNTS WHICH HAS TO BE RECEIVED AGAINST SALES FOR WHICH RECEIVER HAS PROMISED TO PAY IN DUE COURSE OF TIME , THE PERSON OR THE FIRM IS CALLED DEBTORS Accounts receivable is somtimes a 'Suspense' account. An advance is given by debiting this account for purchase of some article or item for which bill is not received immediately. After the expenditure is incurred and proper Invoice or Bill is received , this amount is reversed to the debit of the expenditure head or after Asset creation (in case of buying a fixed asset). In brief, accounts


receivable may be a temporary advance and is expected to be wiped out, shortly. 43.

HOW MANY ACCOUNTING STANDARDS IN INDIA what is the use of activity based costing, process costing, product costing, what are the steps followed for the same Bosch how standard costing techniques are applied in manufacturing sectors Bosch how margnial costing is used in manufacturing sectors, what is the method/steps for using marginal costing Bosch hi friends this veerendra i faced a qsn from accenture that is "if we use 2 retained earng a/cs what will happened and which places it will affect? give me explain what are the characteristics of financial accounting Genpact what is depreciation? Genpact bills receivables shows which balance Genpact after adjusting the amounts accountant of the company prepares which accounts?? Genpact company prepares accounts sometimes on cash basis , sometimes on accural basis A)TRUE B)FALSE C)SOMETIMES TRUE D)SOMETIMES FALSE Genpact what are concepts and conventions of accounting Infosys category of acccount TCS What is peer group comaprision? Office-Tiger what is holding company? Capital-IQ what is insider trading? Capital-IQ

What is debt? Nagarjuna-Fertilizers What is the significance of finance management in day to day life? What is the difference between Long term Loan and Debt? What is GDP??? what is the difference between debenture and preference share Indiabulls Why are bond prices inversely related to interest rates ? ICFAI DESCRIBE A FAILURE IN PROFESSIONAL OR ACADEMIC LIFE?HOW TO OVERCOME LaSalle What are GAAP? Brigade What is Royalty? What is Bear market? what is BSE? tell me the details about that? Kotak What is EBIDTA? what is sensex,nifty and what is difference between those two Wipro Profit is a Liability or asset? difference between Funds Flow and Cash Flow statements? EDS what is the major difference between ECBs and FCCBs. how is the accounting treatment done to them as to mitigate the forex fluctuation? What is equity? what are options? What is Beta? What are Mutual Funds?

what is indirect tax? Capital-IQ what is inflation? Capital-IQ what is repo rate? Capital-IQ what is public ltd company and difference between public ltd company and public sector undertaking? Capital-IQ

What is venture capital? Capital-IQ what is bpo BPO What is Sensex? What is Nifty ? Difference between these two TCS Please define Transaction Type , Movement Type , Asset Transaction Type , Item Type & Document type. Please also give examples of each of them Golden-Sands clasification of accounts Genpact can anybody describe about the accounts and financ ? what is difference between that , thanks in advance gurus Infosys Two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness are there. The thicker one will last of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh light the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. For how long did Ramesh lit two candles ? please describe full description CMC can we assign one more currency to the client HCL Whatis new GL & Odd G.L What is the difference between these two. HCL

What do you think you do well? Bank-Of-America how to create a profit and loss a/c Indian Iran Gas pipeline What is sezs What is your principles and values in life Ernst-Young what are all the books maintained in accounts for the purpose of excise? Alnkey-Financial what is capital work in progress? What is considered a healthy profit? Why would dividend declared not be included when calculating net income? How to enter an invoice already paid? India-Glycols

What is the difference between an Imprest and Non-imprest petty cash account? How to Determine Bad Debts Expense? Question and Answer of Accoutant SSC find the sum of all the numbers 1 to 1000 tell me something about urself? Accenture how to attract the HR person and give me tips BPO how to introduce ourself Kamkuo what are the uniform public construction cost accounting act procedures? what is the uniform public construction cost accounting act? What is the greatest difficulty in implementing FCA? What are the specific types of costs that FCA addresses? What part can management policy play in the analysis of cost behaviour? Explain the term linear approximation. What is the relevant range and why is it important to a full understanding of the behaviour of costs? What is the significance of the function y = a + bx?

vwhy a variable cost is said to be variable? why a fixed cost is said to be fixed? Does the Summary Income and Expenditure account in the Charities SORP comply with the Companies Act 1985? Is fee income unrestricted income or restricted income? Who would NOT be considered "independent" in the context of an independent examiner? Do assets have to be analysed between funds? What information needs to be disclosed in accounts? Can grants made in stage payments but not yet received be accrued as grants receivable? Are service charges made on tenants' property rental to be regarded as incoming resources?

How do you value freehold property investment assets? How do you identify the amount of realised gain or loss on the disposal of an investment asset? How do you assess the value of intangible assets such as copyrights and logos? How do we treat grants that are received in advance of the period when they are to be spent? How do we determine Market Value of shares? How are fund-raising and publicity and management and administration costs apportioned over funds?

How to value fixed interest stocks, at year-end? How should you treat money donated to improve a building, which is a permanent endowment? Who constitute 'staff' for the purposes of showing 'total staff costs' in the accounts? What does SORP mean? What is "investment cash" compared with "current assets cash"? What is Total Expenditure? What is Gross Income? What type of report and accounts should a company prepare? Does there need to be a declaration that the Trustee Investment Act 1961 has been complied with? Do assets have to be analysed between funds? Under the SORP, do you have to disclose fees received by a trustee for a professional service even if you have a charging clause in the Governing Document? What form of classification of expenses is expected for a charity whose gross income does not exceed ? 250,000 preparing accruals accounts? Does the Commission have a policy on the holding of reserves? Can the Charity Commission recommend any accounting packages for charity accounts? When did the accounting requirements of the revised SORP & Regulations come into force?

What accounting records must a non-company charity keep, and for how long? What accounting records must a company charity keep, and for how long? what is open item managed account? IBM Mention the differencebetween consiner and consinee? what is the purpose of Aging bucket Report? Explain the setup steps for Autoinvoice? Morepen What is BMP in IMS? Explain NAFCO? what is FBT? what is daily accrual? Explain the difference between inactive account and dormant account? what is shadow balance? Reliance what are time sheets?how they are maintained? what is the scenario of multi-org setup? How much percentage of discounts lost did you have in accounts payable ?percentage increased or decreased? what is the core accounts

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