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The Kill That was one unforgettable night of mine.

My girl and I, together with our parents invited some friends and relatives to dinner at a restaurant and after that people dismissed for their own plans except her and me. We later on walked back home. She was not full yet then, when I was putting on the apron and going to cook something for her, her cousin came to visit with the little son. The two or threeyear-old little boy was so lovely that I embraced him for a while. She let the lady into the parlor and started chatting. When I turned back to the kitchen, the door was opened along with a big fellows inburst. The guy was crustily running wild to my girl with his vulgarities. The girls in the parlor suddenly got scared and exclaimed, from this I figured it out that the guy's inburst should have been preplanned rather than accidental.

Then I got out the kitchen and thought of catching him by wrestle, with considering possible damages to my people and the resulting consequences. This was obviously preplanned to happen, so I would have to either seal him into the prison or kill him silently once action was taken or she and the family would otherwise experience serious mischance afterwards if it had not got thoroughly cleared. However, the guy suddenly turned to me with ruttish brow. I guessed he must have been a bisexual, perhaps partial to men, and then I got an idea that I was going to design a condition, under which a seemingly reasonable conversation outside would be favored by him. Secretly, a kill was launched. As far as I understood, this kind of men would appreciate to be satisfied in overriding and controlling people, so I asked in seductive voice what his major was. He told me he was a departmental director in a company. In this story, I will call him Mr. Cong. I said that I was a university graduate in Accounting, who had been seeking for some jobs hardly. I also tried to ask whether it was possible that I could work for him. Being requested in this way, he quickly dressed a foxy chuckle on his face. It was undoubtedly the ugliest one I had ever seen. He must have looked upon me as a quarry rising to his bait. He proposed to take me to a night club, where I was supposed to obey his arrangements and discuss this business. I agreed. In that situation, I had to hide my intention by diplomatic acting in order to protect my people and practice the kill secretly outside. After I got dressed I pacificated my girl and also eased the target: Darling, easy, easy. I am just going to discuss my job-hunting outside with Mr. Cong. Dont worry if I stay elsewhere tonight. A wolf had locked its target and was locked as a target as well, at the same time. Just before I left, in my thoughts there projected the moments we had spent together, where were painted with endless happiness and niceness. Inside the steel-like body there were also heartthrobs, beauteous like poems on the silk. However, I had never got a chance to intonate while joining the struggles again and again. What I was about to face were simply miriness, marsh, chilliness, and cruelty, yet I had traveled between life and death, like a cloudlet in destiny of dying regretlessly for the sunrise. So, for me, even death would be like the phoenix in nirvana, reflecting eternity.

His car was big, in which there were some other five of his heelers at my age. Damned, such a big trouble that now I got more targets! It would not be easy to enshroud so many targets afterwards and the action might lead to a failure, but I was already in it with no way out. I could only act flexibly, accurately, and effectively. As the car ran ahead, I pretended to be happy and relaxed in laughing and talking. I guess I was indeed like a real gay man full of coquetry. I pretended to get some cigarettes and stroked over Mr. Congs body so softly and unintendedly that none of them saw my purpose that I was actually searching for any weapons. A bulldog pistol was surprisingly found in Mr. Congs waist, Wool-----! You have a gun?! Is that real? Will it fire accidentally? I intended to ask some stupid questions so as to keep easing the targets and hide my real purposes. May I have a look at your gun because Ive never seen one? He opened the bore a little and I saw 6 bullets in it. Now it is getting vitally dangerous that I am about to engage with not only 6 targets, but also 6 bullets. I got a little irresolute on what was going to happen next. If I had jumped out the car and run at somewhere crowded, I would have been out. However, in that case, my girl and her family would have undoubtedly undergone unimaginable tribulation. I would not let that happen, so I was destined to be challenged in this mission of kill. Life appears in a weep, leaves in a sigh. The car was soon in the environs. Beside a serpentine narrow road there grew short bushy trees like those growing in Singapore. We had turned off so many times that I could no longer memorize the approach. Traveling in the field of open country, I tried glossing over the anxiety in my mind and quickly pondered the scheme and several countermeasures against possible emergencies, and calculated the chances. When my sight got lightened again, we were already in a deserted area, where nothing but a hotel was seen. That was a caliginous one surrounded by purple-red lighting, which raised an inauspicious presentiment repressively in my mind. Then I agreeably walked upstairs with them and memorized the path secretly. Getting into the reserved room aisled upon a capacious inside, I got the feeling of entering a bottleneck, in which one would not get out as easily as getting in.

I got shocked by an unwanted surprise that some other big strappers were lying in the sofa. Those guys had the same devils-looking and I guessed they would not get alarmed by bleeding. I counted the number of guys and searched for any weapons in a peek and turned to Mr. Cong, Whoops --- who are these gentlemen, Mr. Cong? Those guys answered by themselves: We are officers as well in the same company with Mr. Cong, call us big brothers. I cowardly said in a feminine voice: How do you do, brothers? What shall we enjoy today? The door was suddenly closed. I pretended to be unaware of that with charming smile in presences of five big strappers and five young guys, including a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy. I thought that some of those guys might have become Mr. Huangs cahoots after being deflowered while the others perhaps originally were. The young boy's eyes seemed to express some differences. It was not hard to see that the boy had just got caught not long ago and had not got adapted. He was always gazing at me with eyes full of appealing and funks. I quickly thought it though and decided at the time to get him released if I could manage the escape. After a minute's break, Sweetheart, youd better not expect to leave tonight, youre going to have a wonderful night here with us! With goatish words, the guys started to strip off their clothes and mine. Those bodies were decorated by horrible operations and artificial wounds. A lot of nails and rings pierced through the skin and hanged down. The treated wounds looked fresh. I knew that those guys were mentally malformed and they would not be humane to their quarry at all. Thus, I told myself not to be hesitating once in combat. I fell into the corner along with my clothes being stripped off, so I tried my best to be as charming as I could: Brothers, you should preferably be a little tender rather than so hasty you are now. We should properly romanticize the atmosphere first. I would prefer to play in amorous feelings with you. What do you think? The big guys paused in fondling on me, I took this chance and said: What would you think if we drink some red wine first? 'Cause I would

enjoy romantic scenes. They dirtily smiled and called the waiter. I thought I should take this chance to draw some information available from this waiter, Hey, where is here? This hotel is so remote, how can you get business? I got no responses, "What's the name of this hotel? It feels like being in a purple rose, is it four-stared? " The purpose of my questions was to get some information of the hotels name and exact position. I could not recognize the approach by memory, so once I escaped, I would have to lurk into the forest and contact for assistance to come back and destroy the targets as soon as possible, or my girl and her family would definitely get injured otherwise. The waiter did not answer my questions anyway, and then I turned to complain like a woman instead. At the same time I got the information incidentally that the managers and employers of that hotel were probably Mr. Huang's cahoots or his heelers as well. Thus, the fighting must be done outside this hotel, or I would be a real quarry to them. Some red wine was offered, and then I started drinking with the big guys by clasping their necks and dallied with delicately pretty. One side, I hoped to hide my purposes while pondering the scheme, on the other side, any bowstring pulled to the end would easily get broken down, so I tried to control so that they would not get heated too much, or it would have got really troublesome if those guys had got crazy. For this, I pretended to whispered unintendedly, I got depressed from playing cards with the boring guys today where nearly all my clothes were taken off in losing. Hum, I am not feeling comfortable! Hearing this, they turned hotly interested: Sweetheart, how about we make you feel comfortable? then one of the heelers was told to take a set of poker cards. I was suddenly reminded of some scenario described in the novels, in which a woman was subjected to take her clothes one by one off in constant losing the game. Maybe abnormal people would appreciate to be satisfied by the quarry in subjection. However, I thought that it might not be a bad idea for me as from playing poker I might get some time to ease the targets further and figure out how I should act next. Good, if you brothers could be that tender as you said and comfort my mood, then I would be very glad to get you satisfied in the fountain of love. Sinister smiles jumped onto each of their faces again.

The room was seen to be very hot from my behavior of approaching the airconditioner, which was set above the bed closet to the door. The guys followed me closely and put the table near the air-con but plugged the aisle up. They sat on the aisle so as to prevent me from running. They were still cautious to me so that my action would also burn my bridge. I was actually trying to lead the game table to somewhere as close to the aisle as possible in order that I would have less barriers to pass and less targets to engage in the escape. At the beginning of the game, they purposely indulged me. I was somehow familiar with this kind of psychological warfare, and then I turned to play cheerily. Privately, I was designing the breakout with the boy. Waiters served in and out with wines or cigars during the game. I tried to observe secretly situations on the hallway through the waiters' passing. In the mid-night those freaks were right in the upsurge with their animal desires, so I could not assure a successful breakout through the busy hallway. It must be done after it had hushed down later. Then I tried to keep surveillance of the outside while ordering services with the waiters. After having a lot of wines and some cigars, I found myself fretful and a little flustered. Although I was under the air-con, my forehead was already sweating. I suddenly realized that my wines were drugged, yet I could not recognize which kind of drug was used. If it was philter, I might be able to cope, whereas if it was anesthetic, then I would certainly lose. I decided to take the plan into practice as soon as possible, or I would have lost all chances to do it. I got the chance when I saw the hallway not so crowed as earlier. As my coat was taken off again, the guys recovered their impudicity to fondle me. Tolerating it, I caught a glimpse of that boy gazing at me in the corner, and then I said Brothers, I got quite thirsty with the alcohol, so could you get me a cup of tea? After Mr. Huang's ten seconds' calling the waiter still did not come yet. When he was about to call again, I stopped him and pointed at the boy, Ok, the services are poor here, let him go and take the tea. As soon as my trousers were nearly pulled below my knees, the boy came back. I took the hot cup from the boy just when the door was about to close and quickly splashed the hot water to Mr. Cong's face and kicked down another guy canoodling me. It was so sudden that they all got confused and disabled to respond instantly. Right when they hesitated in the moment, I quickly got my trousers on and dragged the boy up then scudded off.

On the hallway, a waiter wiping the floor saw this accident and pounced on me. I knocked him down with a side fisticuff. When I kept on running, more and more waiters pounced in the direction of my breakout. The situation got critical that once I failed, I would have fallen into infinite tragedy. I was already in combat, so I would not give up the initiative to the enemies. Then I turned to strike actively with boxing, wrestling, and kicking. I was carrying a dynamic battling with combat techniques. After the uproarious noise had hushed down, I knew that we had broken out, and then I took the boy into the roadside boscage because the enemies would probably chase up at any moment. Then I subliminally looked at the boy. He had not recovered from the fright yet. He looked at me with fears and some kind of trust in the eyes. After collecting my thoughts in a minute, I predicted the enemies to be on chase in this way as such a group of hellions would not accept the quarries' breakout and this was the only approach to that horrible birdcage-like block. I had to choose between killing all the targets and getting caught by them then and there, or they would certainly return to my girls home, retaliating or getting me subdued by coercion. Thus, I decided not to let the targets pass anyway regardless of what cost would be. Then I told the boy to hide in the boscage and picket for me while I walked into the forest alone and tried to gather some timbers, rocks, and any other materials usable. After that, I carefully set some still-hunting system with the gathered materials. Despite that it was poorly-visible; I had to insure not to take any risks in my arrangement. I made a big bag with some tree branches and my shirt, then I put all the big and small rocks into it, and then I climbed onto the treetop, hanged the big bag there with a rope gathered. The bag was hidden in the flourish leaves and the other end of the rope was fixed closely above the road surface between two trees, so that the running car would activate the system by passing. With these preparations done, I took the boy to hide in the boscage one hundred meters from the preliminary hunting point and kept surveillance. A minute later, the big car galloped into my sight as expected. Just when it passed the system without an alert, the agglomerate of rocks swung against the car. At a great relative speed, that huge shade smashed into the cab with indomitable will. In a fit of strident snarls, the car lost control and rushed at the trees. Suddenly,

the car collided on a thick tree in a rolling blare. I knew, at least two of them had been dead. The car started sizzling, which sounded so bleak, foretelling the Azraels arrival in that quiet night, whether to me or to my targets? I saw from far away that those guys broke the doors of the car and threw themselves out of the car. They then fled in disordered steps towards my foxhole. A few seconds later, the car exploded. The target closest to the explosion was suddenly sent to the air, writhing his limbs and performing ballet of death. In the exploding illumination I saw the targets all armed with weapons. They looked like QBZ-56 submachine gun. I got surprisingly confused of this. There were seven targets to be dealt with, but I did not have a choice. Then I told the boy to hide into the deep forest, not to come out until my call, and to leave alone without receiving my call until the morning. I knew that the enemies would soon realize my presence somewhere around them and they would search in the thickets. Upon that, I turned to move between the trees more secretly by keeping the posture low-lying under the cover of darkness. This reminded me of the scene, a wolf waiting for its chance to attack the ram troop. In dangers, rams would corporately keep their horns outwards, so that there would be no gaps to the wolf. In my observation, the seven targets were searching in combat order between the boscages, as expected. Experiences told me that these were well-trained or even experienced fighters. I told myself again to act without errors in any estimations and actions, and that was perhaps the only chance for me to overcome this desperate war. In my mind, with such preponderant force and weapons, the enemies would probably expose their lack of carefulness while searching for a prey like me and that would be the only chance available for me. Thus, I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf. It was like playing snooker. When you were unsure, you would had better divide the targets and hit them one by one by peeling the targets off step by step. Yet my targets were neither rams nor balls, but deathly dangerous hellions. After following the targets by two km I still had not caught any chances. The enemies were seen somewhat depressed from got nothing, yet their order

was still kept. The target troop was observed to have a loose buildup and biased forwards. Then I picked up a small rock and threw it lightly to their back. Due to their loose distribution, the sound of the rock brushing tree leaves was detected by the rear target but not by the others. Then the guy stopped and confusedly attempted to find out anything from behind for a few seconds, in which he was left twenty meters further from the others. Just when he was about to turn around to follow the troop, sharply, a powerful hand pressed off his mouth in the darkness and at the same time a cuspate batten ripped into his throat. The guy died quietly. I picked up that guys gun before the others got awake of the oncoming attack, and then continued tracking along their path. The target troop got soon aware of the fellow missing, and then joined into a straight line in moving, which always stayed in a twenty degrees angle with the line of my sight. If I hastily took fire, it would be difficult to get all the overlapped targets shot and once the target troop got beaten up I would have probably lost the advantaged surveillance and get fire back. Thus, I decided not to take that chance under the absolute preponderant of six submachine guns. And also, I had only one cartridge clip with twenty-one bullets. I could not make sure that I would hit all the six targets in twenty-one shots in the darkness, so once my bullets were finished up; I would sit still waiting for death. For these, I stealthily angled my position to be at forty degrees with, and about fifty meters from that combative line. There was not a better position than that one since at that angle and distance the six individual targets stayed fitly close to each other and all of them were exposed on my ballistic trajectory. On the other hand, in case of action errors or emergencies, I would simply draw back to a smaller angle with the target line so that both their sights and fire would get obstructed off by themselves. In that case, they would try to disperse and shoot back with crossfire, and I would simultaneously gain some chances to relocate and take a new shelter. Then I threw a big rock towards the trees on the other side of road. As soon as all the targets turned to that direction, I promptly triggered the fire. Three targets got shot on their backs by three burst fires. Immediately, the rest of targets fell down as well under the incoming fire. The instinct of the enemies in fire brought them about tactical response--- dropping down. At the same time, I moved quickly in a series of sideward somersaults into another boscage at ten-meters far, hided behind a thick tree and relocked the

targets by track memory. Both sides stayed in a short silence, and then the enemies got bursting to fire back with running fires against my original position, where I did not counterattack immediately as I needed to investigate the enemies' ammunition. After a shower of enemy fire I affirmed with the targets dogged resolution from their firepower, and hence they were considered to have more cartridge clips. I had no idea how it was going with my darling at that moment, but I urgently hoped to get back to her. Thus, I decided to get the mission done as soon as possible. I worried about her so much that I was afraid of any mistakes that might have taken me away from her. I tried my best to avoid any happening grieving her. I saw a target searching with an observing apparatus by spanning on a wide range. With the shape of the apparatus I could easily recognize it as a thermal imager. Damned! --- How can they be so professional?! I was reminded then and there that, some strategic resource corporation, like EO, i.e. mercenary Corporation, they recruit retired experienced soldiers and launch local wars over the world as professional war contractor. Alright, regardless of who you are, on this land you are destined to totally crash into smoke with your enthusiasm in money! I was aware that my movement had been locked even though the enemies were not sure about my exact position. With professional thinking, I analyzed that if the existent targets actions of dropping down grounded not on human instinct but on military familiarity, then and there what they should do was to keep one of them hidden as a sniper and to search for me with thermal imaging tactically with the other twos crossfire. In that case, any slight moving would make me get shot by the sniper. Suddenly, a smoking grenade fell into a valley 10m from me and I quickly crouched into the boscage. A blare blew the dirton my face. Anyway, I was lucky that it was not an explosion in the air, or I would have been either bombed or locked by the enemy otherwise. Apparently, the enemies had doped out my azimuth, so that I had to move. I could take shelter from this grenade, but what if the next would come? The enemies did not realize my sideward moving. A small water pool was found there. With experiences in ferrying and anti-radiation I sank myself into the water. Wet and cold clothes

would be greatly advantageous as a barrier of thermal radiation and hence distort the enemies thermal imaging. I felt a little relaxed lying in the water. The starry sky was contrasted with my sigh for the uncertainty of life. I was suddenly reminded of the War against Vietnamese aggressors and those Chinese scouts struggling under the enemies strict surveillance. I told myself that I was persevering in my faith and loyalty, even though I was not that worshipful as the fathers. However, I had already been chosen for this war and had been destined to make those solemn and stirring decisions! After a while, I was pulled back to the realistic side. Sentimentality appeared so extravagant that it might have cost the life. Covered by the wet, I moved around the pool and relocked the targets. I figured it out that if I had launched the attack in silence, I would have been exposed in critical dangers. On the other hand, if I stayed still, I would get shot either by the sniper or by the searchers under their cooperative tactics. Then I picked a rock up again. In this short silence I threw the rock in the 9 oclock direction, which sounded to attract the enemy fire. Under the cover of their deafening running fire and thick flame at their gunpoints, I promptly triggered the fire again. A 7.62 mm bullets huge kinetic energy smashed a targets head. As soon as the other two targets noticed the fellow's death without awareness of the direction of incoming fire, they held the firie and the scene fell into silence again, where our minds were filled with alert of death. We all knew that it was time for both sides to kill the enemy anyhow. The two targets whereabouts turned more covert under the cover of boscages, yet I had to end this war as soon as possible since the police might arrive at any moment though it was far away from the city. I was indeed expecting for the polices assistance at the beginning. However, I did not hope to get involved in the police after I had killed someone, even though those were dirty lives. Then I decided to take the plunge to break the silence, and then there would be two possibilities. One was that I could find the targets and get them shot, on the contrary, the other one would be my disappearance from my darling. There suddenly emerged in my mind her beauteous face, lucent tears, and I got firmer and firmer from this sensation. I exerted a prompt jump and a

following series of somersaults. Zing!--- As my ear was hit by the harsh sound, a revolving bullet glanced off my head. As soon as the enemies discerned my action and shot out a dozen of fire tracking my movement, I relocated into another shelter. In this deathful action I got a peep at a target's blond hair, and at the same time another 7.62 mm bullet was shot off the gun bore and hit the target in an abortive outcry. Just when my shoulder-held submachine gun was about to withdraw and search for the last target, the fire was triggered not from my gun but from the opposite side. Suddenly, I lost the sense on my left shoulder and then I got soon suppressed by extreme pang. I almost lost the mobility of my trunk with extreme pang all over the body, the bullet's penetration into human body at such a close range, due to cavitational effect, would form terrible damages on the inside and the back. It felt as though some liquid was spouted out from my shoulder. I got shot. At the same time my gun joined the firing. Then volcanic fires interlaced together from both sides. The last target and I fired against each other with no fears but resolutions. Along with a breaking sound on the bone my sword arm got bleeding, too, yet the gun in my hand was still belching the indignant fire, persevering fire. As soon as my bullets were finished up, the opposite side finally fell quiet. Only the voice of my last shot was left plaintively in the dark air. I fell back into the unbearable pains. I was about to lose my mind gradually as my body was bleeding. Where was the boy? After I called several times, he cravenly got beside me. Seeing my blood, he ran into the forest and after a few minutes he turned back with a heap of plants. Actually he was a peasant son, who was familiar with herbal medicines. Under his treatment my pains and bleeding got eased up to a certain extent. Having myself a little calmed down, I suddenly got to think of my darling left at home, and then a serious issue rose up that despite the fact that this action of mine was carried out upon some complicated reasons, I killed people on my own initiative. If I got investigated by the police, I would be entangled into another trouble. Thus, my action was not finished yet since I had to get rid of the polices tracing by fabricating the scene. My purpose of this decision was just in order not to lose the future undeservedly in such an unworthy case. My darling and I had kept a promise all along between us Then I immediately turned to ponder how to fabricate the scene and kill all clues and micro-evidences. My finger marks left on the car were destroyed in

the explosion, so the evidences were my blood, the goblet, cigars, and waiters in the hotel, and also my DNA left on the dead targets' lips. Suddenly, I was woken up by a kind of emotional shock in this morning. The story happened in my dream last night. When I got up and switched on the computer a message from my darling was clearly shown on the screen as expected, and then I refined this dream with some fictive details and told it to her. She is now seemingly crying, so I am supposed to amuse her now. Suddenly, I was woken up by a kind of emotional shock in this morning. The story happened in my dream last night. I had never had a dream exceptional like this one! Thus, I modified it into a novel, whichs name was The kill.

. 2,3 . 45

... 45 56 145

. 4 HIGH

12 10 ,

56 7 7

6 20

20 21 21 6 1 50 40 3 10

10 30

30 9 7.62 ... 7 62 78

... DNA ------

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