Technology Center Analysis Report Questions

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Questions to ask for Career and Educational Technical Assessment and Resource Center How long has this

center been in existence? One year. Student would go to local colleges to take certification exams. This center will help keep track of what and when the students have taken. In the past, completion of industrial certification was part of the schools grade. This center was created to help schools, teacher and student improve . Academies from schools departments career and ed tech Who can take exams? This is a private testing facility only offered to high school students of Duval County Schools. Frank H. Peterson A.Phillip Randolph Career Academy 18 high schools Career Academy courses Who manages the center? Test Center Administrator What are the hours for testing? 7:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. typical school day What type of testing does the center offer for students? ComptTIA Networking/Server Application Certification Microsoft Office Specialist MOS Exam Microsoft Certified IT Professional Support Tech Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate to validate skills on computer basics for those new to technology Microsoft Certified Professional Developer Developing Windows and Web applications. IF student pass the exams, the certification are excepted by industries. How do students reach the center? If there is a group of students from a school, a school bus will bring them to the center and take them back to school. Students may also come on their own. Students Testing Industry Certifications How do student register for to take an exam? Register through the testing center online or at the centers help desk. Why are students receiving certification?

Students are enrolled in Career and Ed Tech courses at the local high school. Once the course is complete, students are required to take a test for certification.

How often do student come in for testing? When student complete a course at school, they are required to take the certification exam. When will student receive their score? Depending on the exam, some see at the end of the exam. Exams are timed, each exam has its own hour. Who pays for the testing? Career and Tech Ed provided vouchers for student to take the exams. What software/programs are use? Prometric - Comprehension Testing and Assessment Services Pearson VUE computer-based testing solutions for information technology academic, government and professional testing.

Career and Ed Tech -Teacher Training and Resource Center

Can other district employees use the center? Two to three teachers for each academy School board employees from the Technology Departments may also take the certification exams. Career and Ed Tech Education teachers come to the center for district training. During the school year for planning days, after school trainings and summer trainings. Teachers are encourage to take each exam offered to make sure they are covering appropriate materials to teach the students. Career and Ed Tech teachers may also use the center for resource in the centers library. This library includes all text books that are used in the classroom and also books that are up for review. The center is equipped with the latest technology equipment such as a smartboard and multi-media cart that is used for training. Production lab for teacher use poster maker, internet use. Future: Health Science Academy Online and practical Certified Nurse will conduct the exam. How often students and teacher come to center?

How many test are given? daily, weekly, etc. This varies, depends on schools. Usually between 20 50 students per nine weeks. Background history of school Former Middle school . Multipurpose building used by many organizations within the school district and out side community. Duval Virtual Schools, Multiple Pathways, Edward Waters College.

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