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For each of the physical quantities in the table below add the missing information. The first one
has been done for you.
Physical quantity

Base units


kg m s

Vector or scalar


gravitational potential
(Total 3 marks)


A medieval siege engine, called a trebuchet, uses a pivoted lever arm to fire a rock projectile.
Figure 1 shows a trebuchet which is ready to fire. The gravitational potential energy (Egrav) of
the large stone counter weight is converted into Egrav and kinetic energy (Ek) of the small
projectile and Ek of the counter weight.

i g u

r e

4 .0 m

c o u n te

i g u

r e

rw e ig h

16 m


r o

r o

j e c t i l e

i v

S u p p o
f r a m

. 0

r4 t . i 0n


. 0

i v

The British School Al Khubairat


The mass of the counter weight is 760 kg. It falls through 5 m. Show that the Eg it loses is
about 37 000 J.


The mass of the projectile is 55 kg. Its height increases by 20 m as the
lever arm rotates. Show that the total Ek of the projectile and the counterweight is
about 26 000 J.


State one assumption you have made in your calculation of the Ek.


The equation below can be used to find the speed v.


760 kg +
2 55 kg v2
26 000 J = 2

760 kg
4 in this equation.
Explain the term 2


The British School Al Khubairat


Solving this equation gives a speed v of 22.5 m s .


Assuming the trebuchet launches its projectile horizontally over level ground,
calculate the time of flight of the projectile.
Time = ..............................................................


Calculate the distance the projectile travels before it hits the ground.
Distance = ........................................................
(Total 11 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat


The force produced by the engine of a car which drives it is ultimately transmitted to the area of
contact between the cars tyres and the road surface. The diagram shows a wheel at an instant
during the motion of the car when it is being driven forward in the direction indicated.

T y

a d

i r e c t i o

t i o

c a r

r e

s u

r f a c e

t a c t p o i n t
b e t w
e e n
r o a d
a n d
t y r e

Two horizontal forces act at the point of contact between the tyre and road due to the
transmitted force from the engine. These are shown as F1 and F2. Assume that the area of
contact between the tyre and road is very small.


Complete the statements


F1 is the force of the ...................................... on the ...................................... .


F2 is the force of the ...................................... on the ...................................... .


The British School Al Khubairat


The total forward force on the car is 400 N when the car is travelling
at a constant speed of 10 m s along a level road. Calculate the effective power
driving the car forward.
Power = ........................................


Hence calculate the total work done by the 400 N force in 5 minutes in maintaining
the speed of 10 m s .
Work done =.................................


Although work is done on the car, it continues to move at a constant speed.

Explain why the car is not gaining kinetic energy.
(Total 7 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat


A weightlifter raised a bar of mass of 110 kg through a height of 2.22 m. The bar was then
dropped and fell freely to the floor.

Show that the work done in raising the bar was about 2400 J.


It took 3.0 s to raise the bar. Calculate the average power used.
Power = .


State the principle of conservation of energy.


The British School Al Khubairat


Describe how the principle of conservation of energy applies to


lifting the bar,


the bar falling to the floor. Do not include the impact with the floor.






Calculate the speed of the bar at the instant it reaches the floor.
Speed = .
(Total 12 marks)


(a) A car of mass m is travelling in a straight line along a horizontal road at a speed u
when the driver applies the brakes. They exert a constant force F on the car to bring the
car to rest after a distance d.

Write down expressions for the initial kinetic energy of the car and the work done
by the brakes in bringing the car to rest.
Kinetic energy ..................................................................................................
Work done ........................................................................................................

The British School Al Khubairat


Show that the base units for your expressions for kinetic energy and work done are
the same.


A car is travelling at 13.4 m s . The driver applies the brakes to decelerate the car at
6.5 m s . Show that the car travels about 14 m before coming to rest.

The British School Al Khubairat


On another occasion, the same car is travelling at twice the speed. The driver again
applies the brakes and the car decelerates at 6.5 m s . The car travels just over 55 m
before coming to rest. Explain why the braking distance has more than doubled. You may
be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer.
(Total 10 marks)


Two of the worlds biggest roller-coasters are Apollos Chariot in Busch Gardens, USA, and
The Big One in Blackpool, England. The principle of all roller-coasters is that gravitational
potential energy possessed by the vehicle at the top of a track is converted into kinetic energy at
the bottom.
In Apollos Chariot the vehicle drops a vertical distance of 64 m from rest.

Show that the expected speed of the vehicle at the bottom of the track is about 35 m s .

State one assumption you have made in this calculation.


The British School Al Khubairat

The Busch Gardens brochure states that the speed of Apollos Chariot at the bottom is in fact
32.5 m s . Suggest and explain one reason why the speed might be less than 35 m s .

Calculate the efficiency of this energy conversion as the vehicle runs down the track.
Efficiency = ...............................................

Vehicles on The Big One fall through an almost identical vertical distance to those on Apollos
Chariot; but the owners of The Big One claim that the speed at the bottom is 38 m s .
Assume their claim is truthful, and that the vertical falls are the same. Suggest how the vehicles
on The Big One could have a speed of 38 m s at the bottom.
(Total 10 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



A certain power station generates electricity from falling water. The diagram shows a simplified
sketch of the system.

r e s e r v

T o
t u r n
a t e r f
f r o m
t h
r e s e r v o
T h e
b e
p u m



i r

t h e
t u r b i n e ,
l o w
s d o w
t o p
i r .
B o t t o m
t e r c a n
a l s o
r e s e r v o i r
p e d
b a c k
u p
T u r b i n e .
T o
g e n e r a t e
e l e c t r i c i t y ,
t h e
t u r b i n e
i s
c o n n e c t e d
t o
g e n e r a t o r s .

In what form is the energy of the water initially stored?


What energy form is this transformed into in order to drive the turbine?


State the principal of conservation of energy.



The force of the water at the turbine is 3.5 10 N and the output power generated is
1.7 10 W. Use this data to calculate the minimum speed at which the water must enter
the turbine.

The British School Al Khubairat



Explain why, in practice, the speed at which the water enters the turbine is much greater
than this.


When working at this output power, 390 m of water flows through the turbine each
6 3
second. The top reservoir holds 7.0 10 m of water. For how long will electricity be
Time = .....................................................


This power station is used at peak periods, after which the water is pumped back to the
top reservoir. The water has to be raised by 500 m. How much work is done to return all
the water to the top reservoir?

(The density of water is 1000 kg m .)

Work done = ............................................
(Total 10 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



An exciting new ride in a theme park is described as follows:


The vehicle plus riders takes only a few seconds to accelerate to a spine-tingling 53 m s .
Then (with motor off) it shoots vertically upwards to the height of a forty-two storey building
and pauses.
The mass of the vehicle plus riders is 1800 kg. Calculate the kinetic energy of the loaded
vehicle at a speed of 53 m s .
Kinetic energy = .............................................

Show that from a starting speed of 53 m s , the theoretical maximum height the vehicle could
reach with the motor off would be about 140 m. Ignore resistive forces.

The actual height reached is 126 m. Show that the total loss of energy from the vehicle during
the vertical climb to 126 m is about 3 10 J.

The British School Al Khubairat


Calculate a value for the average resistive force acting on the vehicle during the climb.
Average resistive force = ...............................

Calculate the time for the vehicle plus riders to make the vertical climb to 126 m. State an
assumption that you make.
Time = ............................................................
Assumption: ...........................................................................................................................
(Total 12 marks)


A car is travelling along a horizontal road. The driver applies the brakes and the car comes to
rest. Describe the principal energy transformation which occurs as the car comes to rest.

The British School Al Khubairat


On another occasion, the same car is travelling with the same speed, but down a hill. The driver
applies the brakes, which produce the same average braking force as before. With reference to
the energy transformations which occur, explain why the braking distance will be greater on the
hill than on the horizontal road. You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer.
(Total 5 marks)


A Physics teacher is demonstrating conservation of energy. She sets up a curved runway and
releases an initially stationary trolley from the top.

She tells the class that, as the trolley runs down the slope, its gravitational potential energy is
converted into kinetic energy. Explain why this is only approximately true.

The British School Al Khubairat


Describe an experiment she could perform to find out what percentage of the gravitational
potential energy lost is actually converted to kinetic energy. Your answer should include:

any additional apparatus required (add this to the diagram opposite),


how the apparatus is used,


how the results are analysed.

(Total 7 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



On the River Rhone there is a spectacular series of hydroelectric power plants at Gnissiat in the
French Jura mountains. At the visitor centre, the following information is given about the
biggest of the seven hydroelectric power plants:
Electrical energy supplied in one year
Height through which water falls
Maximum output
Average daily capacity


6.1 10 J
64.5 m
420 10 W
6 3
28 10 m

Show that the amount of water described as average daily capacity can provide energy of
about 2 10 J as it passes through this hydroelectric power plant.
(1 m of water has a mass of 1000 kg.)

Calculate the efficiency of the system over one year.

Efficiency = .........................................................

Calculate the average electrical power output over the whole year. (1 year = 3.16 10 s)
Power = ...............................................................

The British School Al Khubairat


Suggest a reason why the power output varies over the course of a year.
(Total 8 marks)


The diagram shows a small vehicle which is free to move in a vertical plane along a curved

The vehicle of mass m is released from rest from point A. It runs down to point B, a distance h
vertically below A. Its speed at point B is v.
Write down expressions for

the gravitational potential energy lost by the vehicle as it runs from A to B,



the kinetic energy of the vehicle at B.


The British School Al Khubairat


Hence derive an expression for the speed v.


State one assumption you have made in your derivation.


Would you expect the vehicle to pass point C? Explain your answer.
(Total 6 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



A student films the flight of a shuttlecock during a game of badminton. He analyses the motion
by examining frames of the film which are at equal time intervals of 0.20 s apart. His data are
shown below, together with a plot of the x-y motion of the shuttlecock.



t a
y m/
0 .
21 .
3 .
3 .
4 .
4 .
5 .
5 .
5 .
5 .
4 .
4 .
4 .
3 .
2 .
2 .
1 .
1 .
0 .
0 .


l o t :

y/ m

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0
0 . 0 1

. 0 2

. 0 3

. 0 4

. 0 5

. 0 6

. 0 7

. 0 8
x/ m

. 0

Use the data to estimate the initial speed of the shuttlecock in the x-direction.
Speed in x-direction = ........................................

Use the data to estimate the initial speed of the shuttlecock in the y-direction.
Speed in y-direction = ........................................

The British School Al Khubairat


Explain why these values are only estimates.


Show that the initial velocity of the shuttlecock is about 11 m s at an angle of about 60 to the

Estimate a value for the initial kinetic energy of the shuttlecock.

Mass of shuttlecock = 5.2 10 kg.
Initial kinetic energy = ........................................

Use the plot to estimate the gravitational potential energy of the shuttlecock at the top of its
Potential energy = ...............................................

The British School Al Khubairat


Discuss why the gravitational potential energy at the top of the flight is not equal to the initial
kinetic energy.
(Total 12 marks)


A cyclist is free-wheeling down a long slope which is at 3.0 to the horizontal. He is travelling,
without pedalling, at a constant speed of 8.4 m s .
8 .4 m s

3 .0

The combined mass of the cyclist and bicycle is 90 kg. Calculate the gravitational potential
energy (g.p.e.) lost per second.
G.p.e. lost per second = ..........................................

What happens to this lost g.p.e.?


The British School Al Khubairat


At the bottom of the slope the cyclist turns round and pedals back up at the same steady speed
of 8.4 m s . Give an estimate of the rate at which the cyclist does work as he climbs the hill.
Rate of working = .........................................
(Total 6 marks)


Information given about a ski lift states the following:

This lift transports 2800 people to the top each hour
The vertical rise is 420 m
The cable travels at 5.0 m s1
The maximum power consumption of the motor is 364 000 W

Assume throughout this question that the average mass of a skier plus equipment is 90 kg.
Show that the rate at which energy is converted to gravitational potential energy is about
300 000 W.

Show that the total kinetic energy given to the skiers on the lift in one hour is about 3 106 J.

The British School Al Khubairat


Calculate the rate, in watts. at which energy is converted to kinetic energy.

Rate of energy conversion = ............................................... W

A student is asked to explain why the motor power consumption (364 000 W) is considerably
more than the rate at which energy is converted to gravitational potential energy
(about 300 000 W). His answer is kinetic energy and heat.
Discuss each of his answers in more detail.
Kinetic energy: .....................................................................................................................

Heat: .....................................................................................................................................
(Total 10 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



A grandfather clock is a type of clock where the energy needed to provide the movement of
the hands comes from a falling mass.

C lo c k

M ass

C h a in

W ound up

U nw ound

To wind up the clock, the mass has to be raised a distance h.

In one such clock, the mass is a steel cylinder of diameter 0.060 m and height 0.17 m.
Show that its mass is approximately 4 kg.
(The density of steel is 7.8 10 kg m .)

The distance fallen by the mass is 1.1 m. Calculate the change in its gravitational potential
Change in G. P. E. = ................................................

The British School Al Khubairat


The clock has to be wound up once per week. Calculate the average power output of the falling
Power = ..............................................................
(Total 8 marks)


A block is projected from a point P across a rough, horizontal surface.

M o tio n

The block slows down under the influence of a constant frictional force F and eventually comes
to rest. Below is a free-body force diagram for the block whilst it is moving.


State, with a reason, the amount of work done by each of the forces W and N as the block moves
across the surface.

The British School Al Khubairat


The sliding block does work against friction. The graph shows how the total work done varies
with the distance d which the block has travelled from the projection point P.
W o r k /J


0 .4

0 .8

1 .2

1 .6
2 .0
D is ta n c e d /m

Use the graph to determine the force F.

F = ...........................................................

The block comes to rest 1.80 m from P. Add a line to the graph above to show how the kinetic
energy of the block varied during the motion.

The mass of the block was 0.820 kg. Calculate the speed with which it was projected from P.
Speed = .....................................................

The British School Al Khubairat


Suppose that, instead of a constant friction force, the block had been brought to rest by a drag
force (air resistance) which depends on speed. On the axes below sketch a graph to show
qualitatively how you would expect the total work done against air resistance to vary with the
distance d.

W o rk

D is ta n c e d


Explain the shape of your graph.

(Total 10 marks)


One device used for throwing spears is an atlatl (shown below). This device was used by human
hunters over 20000 years before the invention of the bow and arrow. It effectively increases the
length of the hunters arm, allowing a spear to be thrown further than it could be by hand alone.
Figure 1 shows an atlatl holding a spear.
F ig u r e 1

S pear
H a n d le o f a tla tl

The British School Al Khubairat


Figure 2 shows an atlatl being used to launch a rigid spear.

F ig u r e 2

A spear is launched from 2.0 m above the ground with a velocity of 22.5 m s1 at an angle of
38 to the horizontal. It strikes a distant target which is also 2.0 m above the ground.
Show that the initial vertical component of the spears velocity is about 14 m s1.

Show that time taken for the spear to reach the target is about 3 s. (Ignore the effect of air

The British School Al Khubairat


Calculate the horizontal distance to the target.

Distance = ...............................................................

Starting with a definition of work done, explain why effectively increasing the length of the
hunters arm by use of the atlatl will increase the range that the spear can be thrown.
(Total 11 marks)


The skydiver in the diagram is falling with a constant velocity.

Mark and label the forces acting on the skydiver.


The British School Al Khubairat


Discuss the forces acting on the skydiver when he is falling with constant velocity.

The weight of the skydiver and parachute is about 690 N. Show that the mass of the skydiver
and parachute is about 70 kg.

The skydiver falls 2000 m at a constant velocity. Calculate the gravitational potential energy
lost during this process.
Gravitational potential energy lost = ...............................................................

A student suggests We can use gravitational potential energy lost = kinetic energy gained
to calculate the constant velocity of the skydiver.
Comment on this suggestion.
(Total 9 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



The diagram shows a stationary cable car which is used to take passengers between different
areas in a theme park.
C a b le
2 .5

2 .5
C ar

Add labelled arrows on the diagram above to show the three forces acting on the car.

The weight of the car plus passengers is 18 000 N. Calculate the tension in the cable for the car
in the diagram.
Tension = ........................................................

A display outside the cable car station gives the following information:
Maximum speed of cars

4 m s1

Number of cars


Mass of empty car

1250 kg

Power of motor

500 kW

The cars are moved by a continuous loop of cable pulled by a motor.

In the morning the system is started from rest, with all 54 cars being accelerated to a speed of 4
m s1.
Show that the total kinetic energy of all the empty cars is then about 500 000 J.

The British School Al Khubairat


Assuming all of the power of the motor is used to accelerate the cars, calculate how long they
will take to reach their maximum speed.
Time = ............................................................

Suggest a reason why they are likely to take longer than this to reach their maximum speed.
(Total 11 marks)


The diagram shows part of a roller coaster ride. In practice, friction and air resistance will
have a significant effect on the motion of the vehicle, but you should ignore them
throughout this question.

3 0 .0 m

1 2 .0 m

The British School Al Khubairat


The vehicle starts from rest at A and is hauled up to B by a motor. It takes 15.0 S to reach B, at
which point its speed is negligible. Complete the box in the diagram below, which expresses the
conservation of energy for the journey from A to B.

U se fu l w o rk d o n e b y
m o to r


The mass of the vehicle and the passengers is 3400 kg. Calculate

the useful work done by the motor.

Work done = ...............................................


the power output of the motor.

Power = ........................................

At point B the motor is switched off and the vehicle moves under gravity for the rest of the ride.
Describe the overall energy conversion which occurs as it travels from B to C.





The British School Al Khubairat


Calculate the speed of the vehicle at point C.

Speed = ..........................................

On another occasion there are fewer passengers in the vehicle; hence its total mass is less than
before. Its speed is again negligible at B. State with a reason how, if at all, you would expect the
speed at C to differ from your previous answer.
(Total 11 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



Define power.

State an appropriate unit for power.


Express this unit in terms of base units.

(Total 4 marks)


A toy frog has a spring which causes it to jump into the air. The force-compression graph for the
spring is shown below.
F o rc e /N

0 .0 4
C o m p re ss io n /m

Calculate the work done on the spring when it is compressed by 4.0 cm.
Work done =...........................

The British School Al Khubairat


The frog has a mass of 24 g and rises 0.60 m vertically into the air. Calculate the gravitational
potential energy gained by the frog.
Energy =.......................................

Compare your two answers for energy and explain how they are consistent with the law of
conservation of energy.
(Total 7 marks)


Twin engine aircraft use less fuel than those with four engines. Recent improvements in engine
reliability mean that they are now considered safe for long commercial flights over water. An
aircraft powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent engines demonstrated its endurance by flying
nonstop round the world. During this flight it used 1.7 10 litres of aviation fuel.
Each litre of fuel releases 38 MJ when combined with oxygen in the air.
Calculate the total amount of energy released during the flight.
Energy = ........................

The British School Al Khubairat


The flight lasted 47 hours. Calculate the average input power to the engines.
Power = .........................

The distance covered by the aircraft was 41000 km. Calculate the aircrafts average speed.
Speed = ..................

The maximum thrust of each engine is 700 kN. Multiply the total maximum thrust by the
average speed and comment on your answer.
(Total 10 marks)


Each of the following graphs can be used to describe the motion of a body falling from rest. (Air
resistance may be neglected.)

The British School Al Khubairat


Which graph shows how the kinetic energy of the body (y-axis) varies with the distance
fallen (x-axis)?
Explain your answer.


Which graph shows how the distance fallen (y-axis) varies with the time (x-axis)?
Explain your answer.


Which graph shows the relationship between acceleration (y-axis) and distance (x-axis)?
Explain your answer.

(Total 9 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



An athlete of mass 55 kg runs up a flight of stairs of vertical height 3.6 m in 1.8 s. Calculate the
power that this athlete develops in raising his mass.
Power = .........................................................

One way of comparing athletes of different sizes is to compare their power-to-weight ratios.
Find a unit for the power-to-weight ratio in terms of SI base units.

Calculate the athletes power-to-weight ratio.

Power-to-weight ratio = .........................................................
(Total 7 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat



The graph shows how the height above the ground of the top of a soft bouncing ball varies
with time.
B a ll
H e ig h t o f
to p o f
b o u n c in g
b a ll





Describe briefly the principal energy changes which occur between the times
tA and tB .................................................................................................................................

tA and tC ..................................................................................................................................

tC and tD .................................................................................................................................
(Total 6 marks)

The British School Al Khubairat


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