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School Phone: 408-252-5414 ~ Absence Line 408-252-5414-6 ~ FAX 408-996-9725

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FEBRUARY 16, 2012

2/17 2/17

1:00 p.m. 12:00-1:00 & 6:00-7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 6:00-8:00 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.


2/28 2/28 3/1 3/7 3/9 3/10 3/12 3/13 3/16



3/21 3/23 3/27
3/27 3/28



EVERY TUESDAY IS EARLY DISMISSAL Students are dismissed at 1:30. PRE-PAY FOR CUSD LUNCHES at PAMS (Parent Account Management System) Lunchroom! You can make payments and view your students account balance online by going to or by calling 1-888-994-5100. TO EMAIL ATTENDANCE: If your child will be absent, please call 252-5414. Ext. 6, by 8:30 a.m. to report the absence. HOMEWORK: Homework may be requested for illness absences of three days or more. Please call the office before 9:00 a.m. to request the homework for pickup after 3:00 p.m.


Mid-Year Recess There is no school next week (February 20-24). Enjoy this time with friends and family. Rest, relax and laugh! See you on Monday, February 27! Enjoy!

A Huge Gator Thank You to our PTA! Wow! Our parents are amazing! During our last PTA Meeting, the PTA approved funding for several new technology items for our school. These items directly impact student learning and engagement. Thanks to the generous donations to the PTA, made by our parent community, Garden Gate school will soon have 32 iPod Touches on a chargeable cart that can be checked out to classroom teachers. We will also soon have a document camera in every single classroom! Finally, the PTA has also set aside dollars for us to purchase projector bulbs! Technology is such an important piece of 21st-century teaching and learning. We are grateful to our PTA for their generous support! Dismissal Time Parents, please remember that there are two designated waiting areas on campus where we'd like you to wait for your 4th or 5th grade student to be released from class: Under the shade structure (lunch tables) or at the tables in front of the Cafe window (snack tables). Please do not wait in the hallways, as low noise, such as conversation, can be disruptive for classes still in session. Similarly, for safety and security reasons, students are not permitted to play on the play structures or the blacktop areas after school. Instead, please have your children wait, seated, with you. Students who are playing on the play structures or the blacktop after school will lose play time during recess the following day. The Garden Gate Staff appreciates your support with maintaining our learning environment and keeping students safe. Motivation is Key to Your Child's School Success! You don't just want your child to learn. You want your child to want to learn! Motivation is part of being a successful student. Thankfully, students show that parents can help if they: Stay involved. When parents are involved in education, kids do better in school. Make sure you monitor study time and communicate with the teacher regularly. Remember that kids are adaptable. If your child struggles in school, stay positive. Work with his teacher to find solutions. Promote independence. Give your child age-appropriate freedoms. You might let him choose between two places to study. Limit criticism. School is challenging. Instead of criticizing, use positive words to boost your childs self-confidence. Correct mistakes in an encouraging way. Dont say, You have poor spelling. Try, You spelled everything right except these two words! I bet you can fix them! Give specific compliments. Its better to say, Your report is so neat. I can read the whole thing, than, I like your handwriting. Get more out of learning. Let classroom lessons spark your imagination. You might visit the state capital, do a science experiment or figure out a waiters tip together. The key is to have fun!

Sources: E. Pomerantz, Research: Motivating Children to do Well in School, research/ pomerantz.html; K. Seal, Raising Self-Motivated Children, HighScope, NewsandInformation/ ReSourceReprints/Motivated.pdf. Propellers Do you wonder how to connect better with your children? Do you wonder what matters to them, and how you can assist them to grow up to be healthy, caring and responsible citizens? I encourage you to try a "propeller" - a question intended to spark conversations with your children. Try it around the dinner table tonight! This week's propeller: How do you measure your own success in school? What does it mean to do well in school?




Hello Gator Families, NEWPLAYGROUNDSTRUCTURE! AsImentionedinmypreviousarticles,thePTAisworkingonaprojecttogetanewplaystructureforour school.Belowisapictureofwhatthefirstphasewilllooklike.

Itisastateoftheartandunusualstructureandthestudentsareveryexcitedabout.Butwecannotsucceed unlessweallpitchin.TherearetwowaystohelpusraisethemoneyBoxTopsandScrip. BoxTopsaresmallrectangularshapedboxesthatcanbefoundonsomeboxes,packagesofcereal,Kleenex tissues,Ziplocbags,etc.TheMidYearrecessnextweekwillprovideampletimetosearchandshopforitems withBoxTops,cutthemoutandbringthemtoschoolwhenyoureturn.EachBoxTopsheetearns$2.50, whichmeansthatifallstudentsbringonesheeteach,wewillearn$1500!!!IurgeallstudentstocollectBox Topsandturntheminattheoffice.WewillcontinuetocollectBoxTopsuntiltheendoftheschoolyear,so pleasecontinuetocollectthem. AnotherwaytohelpusraisemoneyforthestructureistopurchaseScripfromthePTASCRIPtable.The ScripsystemisauniquewaytosupportthePTA.Wehaveanassortmentofgiftcardsandgiftcertificates available,whichgiveacertainpercentageofthecostbacktothePTA.Itsawin,winsituation.Youshopfor groceries,basicnecessities,andfooditemsandweearnmoneytohelptheschool! IhopeyouhaveafabulousMidYearbreak! AzmehMalik Garden GardenGatePTAPresident Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125

Math Around The World
Come learn about Math Around the World on Family Math Night Wednesday, March 7th in the Garden Gate GLC. Lawrence Hall of Science will bring more than a dozen interactive math activities to intrigue students and their families. Due to space limitations, we are holding two sessions. If your last name begins with AN please attend Session 1 from 6:00 - 6:50 p.m. If your last name begins with O-Z, please attend Session 2 from 7:00 - 7:50 p.m. Thank you for your cooperation, and thank you to the PTA for making Family Math Night possible.


Important School Calendar Dates

The CUSD Board of Education has approved the calendar for the 2012-2013 school year. The first day of school will be on August 20, 2012. The last day of school for this year is June 12, 2012. Students must be present on the last day of school and on the first day of school in order to be guaranteed a spot at Garden Gate. Students not attending the last or first day of school will be dropped and parents will need to re-register when the child returns.

Absences and Tardies

STAR Testing Dates

The California Standardized Assessment (STAR) testing dates are being published so that parents can plan ahead. STAR Testing will be held from April 30, 2012 through May 11, 2012 for 2nd - 5th grades (with make-up testing May 14th -18th). Your child will need to take the entire test in order to receive complete STAR scores. Please do not schedule family trips or make appointments during these times. It is very important that our students are at school during the testing

Attendance and punctuality are important in establishing good behaviors and building responsibility in young children. Please ensure that your child is at school everyday and that they arrive on time. If your child will be absent, please call the attendance line promptly (252-5414, ext. 6). If your child arrives after 8:00 a.m. they must report to the school office for a late slip before entering the classroom. Under state law, three unexcused absences or tardies may be considered truancy.

Important Reminders:

Writing Assessments For Grades 3 - 5

Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will take a writing assessment on March 6, 2012. The test for fourth grade students is part of their STAR test. The assessment for third and fifth graders is given by the Cupertino district and is not part of their STAR test. Please do not schedule any appointments or family trips on this date. STAR testing for grades 2-5 begins Tuesday, May 1. Please do not schedule any appointments or family trips during the week of April 30 or May 7. Thank you.

Yearbook Cover Contest

The annual Garden Gate Yearbook Cover Contest is here! Put your artistic thinking cap on and your winning artwork could be show cased on the covers of this year's yearbook. All 3rd through 5th grade students are encouraged to participate with their best creative work! Good luck, be creative, and have fun! The sky is the limit for your imagination and creativity. Please be sure to design both a front and back cover for the yearbook. On the front cover, please include Garden Gate School, 2011-2012 and our school mascot - GATOR! You may also include a phrase and catchy title. Your name and room number must be on the back. Design the cover with paper provided by your teacher. Be sure to make your work attractive and bright. Use lots of color. All entries are to be submitted to the students teacher by February 28 at 8:00 a.m.

For the protection of the students, please remember that students are not to be on the Garden Gate campus before 7:45 a.m. There is no adult supervision until 7:45 a.m. Please do not congregate outside of the classrooms while school is still in session. This is very disruptive to both the teacher and the students and could be a distraction from valuable learning time. Every Tuesday is early dismissal day. Please remember that all a.m. Kindergarten students are dismissed at 11:10 a.m. and all p.m. Kindergarten students along with students in grades 1-5 are dismissed at 1:30. Please remember to pick up your children promptly.

Scrip And E-Scrip

Remember to purchase Scrip on Tuesday afternoons between 1:15 - 1:45 p.m. and also on Friday mornings between 7:45-8:15 a.m. Scrip is spent just like cash on everyday expenses. eScrip also provides an easy way to earn money for the PTA. Participating merchants donate a percentage of purchases to the school. Parents (also family and friends) should visit to register their credit/debit cards, Safeway Card, and PW Supermarket Card. Be sure to specify Garden Gate Elementary School (eScrip number is 139188329.) For those who dont have internet access, please fill out and turn in an eScrip registration form (available during scrip sales times or in the school office).

Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125

SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH UPDATE As you may be aware, the Board of Education has initiated a search for our new superintendent. To assist us in this important process, we have retained the services of Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates, Ltd., a search firm that specializes in assisting boards with the identification and selection of superintendents. One important step in this process is the identification of the characteristics we will be looking for in our new superintendent. Your input is very valuable and the entire Board of Education invites you to participate in the identification of these characteristics by completing an online survey available at This survey is designed to gather your perception on the importance of various characteristics commonly found in effective superintendents.


The search firm will also be holding input gathering sessions at the end of February. The Board of Education invites all parents, district staff, and community members to participate by attending one of the two Community Forums. Both of these forums will be facilitated by representatives of the consultant firm and will be held in the Board Room at the District Office located at 10301 Vista Drive in Cupertino. The dates and times for the Community Forums are: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (afternoon session). Tuesday, February 28, 2012, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. (evening session) Your input will be included in a Superintendent Leadership Profile which will be presented to the Board of Education on Tuesday, March 21, 2012. The Board of Education will then use the Superintendent Leadership Profile to help guide our search for a new leader for the Cupertino Union School District. If you have any questions, please contact Jeremy Nishihara at (408) 252-3000, Extension 323, or by email at DISTRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES It is important that our children follow good health practices at all times and be kept at home when they are ill. A child should not be in school when he or she is ill and is experiencing one or more of the following symptoms: Nausea or vomiting (must remain at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours), Diarrhea (must remain at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours) Severe headache Continuous coughing or runny nose Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash, swelling or unusual sore throat A temperature of 100 degrees F or higher (must remain at home until he/she has a normal 98.6 F degree temperature for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducer such as Tylenol) Conjunctivitis - pink eye Undiagnosed rash (rashes must be verified by your doctor that they are non-contagious before the child may return to school; a note is needed) If a student is sent home from school for feeling ill, the child may not return that day. A doctors note for absences over seven days (7) days may be required (CUSD AR 5113). Keeping sick kids at home until they recover prevents contagious illness from spreading to other students and members of the community. If you have questions, please contact your school or your school nurse. District Calendar 2011-2012 (all schools except Murdock-Portal) February 20-24, 2012 Mid-Year Recess March 19, 2012 Staff Learning Day April 16-20, 2012 Spring Recess May 25, 2012 Staff Learning Day May 28, 2012 Memorial Day June 12, 2012 Last Day of School District Calendar 2012-2013 (All schools except Murdock-Portal) August 20, 2012 Students Return September 3, 2012 Labor Day September 21, 2012 Staff Learning Day October 29, 2012 Staff Learning Day November 12, 2012 Veterans Day November 19-23, 2012 Thanksgiving Recess December 24-January 4, 2013 Winter Recess January 21, 2013 MLK, Jr. Day Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125 February 18-22, 2013 Mid-Year Recess March 18, 2013 Staff Learning Day April 15-19, 2013 Spring Recess May 24, 2013 Staff Learning Day May 27, 2013 Memorial Day June 12, 2013 Last Day of School

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