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to the introduction] [Tillbaka till introduktionen] 2003 2009 Patrick Hassel Zein This page was last updated 12.05.2009

The most common Chinese characters in order of frequency

If you wonder why there are less than 3000 characters in the list, or have other questions, please read the introduction!

y y

All characters are presented in falling statistical order with the most commonly used characters first. Alternative forms of the characters are specified within parentheses in which case "F" marks full (or traditional) forms, "S" marks simplified (or modern) forms and "A" marks alternative forms (mostly special numerals).

y y y

Pronunciations are specified according to Pinyin and written within brackets "[...]". After each given pronunciation, a number of possible translations are listed. If a character corresponds closely to a somewhat longer word (usually a word that contains the character in question), the longer word is given in the list of translations marked with parentheses and a "=". After the translation of each character, example words containing the character are often listed these words are separated by semi commas. No guarantee is given that all the most common words are listed or that the given examples are very common. Some of the listed pronunciations are less used than others, and in those cases translations and examples may lack. Grammatical particles, classifiers and other special translations are marked with hooks "<...>". Curly brackets "{...}" are mostly used when giving references to characters that are similar to the listed ones either in shape. This

y y

is to help you avoid miswriting/misreading. The same marking is also used for references to characters with similar meaning but different pronunciation. Additional information of other sorts is sometimes given. If the characters are not displayed correctly, verify that the encoding is set to GB2312.
Character Pronunciations and explanations [de] <grammatical particle marking genitive as well as simple and composed adjectives>; w de my; g ode high, tall; shde that's it, that's right; ... one who...; . T sh shu Hny de. He is one who speaks Chinese. [d] md goal [d] true, real; dqu certainly [y ] one, a little; d-y first, primary; kny kn have a (quick) look at [y] (used before tone #4); y g rn one person; ydng certain; yyng same; yyu January [y] (used before tones #2 and #3); ydi nr a little; yxi some {Compare with (F ) y o, which also means "one"} [sh] to be, ? shbush? is (it) or is (it) not?; whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not? [b] not [b] (used before tone #4); b sh isn't shf u



3 4

[le] <verb particle marking a new situation or a completed action>; ! N lile! You have come! ! W lile! I've gotten tired! ! N h ole! That's OK (now)! . W zh q ngle y wi kren. I invited only one guest. [li o] end, finish, settle, dispose of, know clearly, to be able, (= li oji ) understand, comprehend; li olia clearly understand, settle (a debt/etc.), to be intelligent; li ole to be over/ended/finnish/settled; ! N mi bli o! You will not be able to sell (it)! [lio] (= lia) to survey/watch {Compare with z child} [rn] person; rnli humankind; ? y u rn ma? Is

there anybody here? {Compare with r enter} 7 8 [w ] I, me, my; {Compare with [zi] at; w men we, us zh o seek} cnzi exist ?

xinzi now;

[y u] have, there is; miy u haven't, there isn't; Y umiy u? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?; y ude some [yu] (= yu) again, both... and... [t ] he, him, his, (she, her, it, its), (= qt ) other [tu ] (in classical texts) someone else, something else (F ) [zh] this; zhr here [zhi] this (before classifier) [zh ng] middle, in; [zhng] hit (a target) Zh nggu China

10 11 12


[d] big; ? du d? how large?; dxi o size; dji everybody [di] difu doctor {Compare with ti very and m tree} (F ) [li] come; yunli originally, as a matter of fact; linin coming/next year(s) [lai] (when used as a verb complement); q lai get up [shng] above, on, over, top, (go) up, last, previous [sh ng] sh ngsh ng 3rd tone in Mandarin [shang] (when used as a verb complement) {Compare with xi under} (F ) [gu] (= guji ) country, state, nation, <family name>; Zh nggu China; M igu USA [g] <general and non-specific classifier>; grn grnzhy personal homepage ) personal; [g ] zg oneself [do] to, towards, until, arrive, reach [shu ] explain, scold, refer to, (= shu hu) speak, say;




17 18




yushu persuade [shu] try to persuade; yushu lobbying



[men] <pluralizing suffix for pronouns and nouns referring to persons>; w men we; rnmen people, persons [wi] for, for the sake of, in order to, in this connection [wi] do, act, act as, be, become; rnwi think or believe




y wi think or believe erroneously that... bn do} rzi son

{Compare with 22

[z ] child, son; z n sons and daughters; [zi] (noun suffix); zhu zi table {Compare with le <particle>}


[h] together, with, (F ) harmony, gentle, mild, kind, <family name>; hpng peace [H] Japan [huo] nu nhuo nice and warm [h] join in singing, compose a poem in reply [hu] mix with water [hu] mix, blend [h] complete a set in Mahjong [n ] (Alternative feminine form: you (plural) n ) you, your; n men



[d] earth, ground, soil, place, position, distance; dzh the Twelve Terrestrial Branches [de] <adverbial particle: descripion + + verb>, ~ly; kuide z u walk quickly [ch ] go out, come out, in direction out from something, emit, issue, prouce; ch xin appear, emerge, (F ) <classifier for operas and plays> [do] way, path, channel, way, say, a streak (of light), doctrine, <classifier for rivers, topics, etc.>, (= Dojio) Taoism; zh dao know [d o] (= d o) lead; = l ngd o leader [y ] also, as well; (F ) y x perhaps shji n, = shhou) time,



28 29

[sh] period, season, (= (= xi osh) hour


[nin] year, <family name>; j nnin this year; mngnin next year; qnin last year; zh ngnin middle age


[de] <adverbial particle: verb + z ude kui walk quickly [d] get, reach, achieve [d i] should

+ descripion>;


[ji] just, simply, right away; jiyo about to (do something); ! Zh jish w ! This is simply me!; . T jiyo q. He is about to leave. [n] that [ni] that (before classifier) [nu] chnnu deep meditation [nu] wnu helpless, unfortunately [n ] (= n ) what? [n i] (= n i before classifier) which? [yo] want, will, shall, need, important, essential; main, fundamental [y o] y oqi demand [xi] below, under, (go) down, next (as opposed to previous/last) {Compare with shng above} [y ] use, take, according to, because of, in order to; k y OK, may; su y so, therefore, as a result; y wi beyond, except [sh ng] give birth, life; (F ) xi nsheng mister, gentleman, Sir zh yo




36 37 38

[hu] can, able, meet, meeting, society, union, party [kui] kuij accounting [hu ] hur moment [z] from, since, (= zj ) self; zrn nature {Compare with m eye and bi white}




[zhe] <verb particle marking a continuing progress/state> [zho] touch [zhu] wear clothes, dress, touch [zh o] put in, add, (F ) make move in chess, trick, decieve [q] go, leave, depart (opposite of [zh ] <subordinator similar to li)

41 42 43 (F )

de>, it (in classical texts)

[gu] pass, cross, go by, exceed, <verb particle marking that someone has had the experience of doing something, that it has happened at least once>; gu m l cross the

street; gone to China twice. 44

. w qguo Zh nggu li ng c. I have

[ji ] home, house, family; guji nation; dji everybody [jie] zh ngti njie all day long; ji l (at) home, (in the) family (F ) [xu] study, learn; xuxio school; student {Compare with z written character} xusheng




[du] correct, answer, treat, agree, mutual, pair; dubuq excuse me [k ] ~able, (= k y ) may, can, (= k sh) but, however; k 'i loveable, cute; k 'nng possible, probable, maybe; k k uk l Coca Cola [k] khn khan [t ] she, her [l ] neighbourhood, half kilometer, <family name>, (F inside, lining; ? n li? where?; nli there; here [hu] queen, (F ) after, behind, <family name>; the day after tomorrow [xi o] small; dxi o size , ) in, zhli huti n


48 49

50 51


[me/mo] (F , ) (interrogative suffix) ? shnme? what?; ? wishnme? why? ! mi shnme! It doesn't matter!, Never mind!; ? z nme? how? [y o] (S ) youngest, one (e.g. in bus/house/phone numbers) [x n] heart; mentality; xi ox n be careful; zh ngx n center x nl psychology,

53 54

[du ] many, much, more; du sh o how many/much?

du d how large?;


[ti n] sky, heaven, god, day, (= ti nk ng) sky; ti nq weather { ti ng n the Ten Heavenly Stems: ji -y -b ng-d ng-w-j -g ng-x n-rn-gu (these characters are sometimes used as ordinal numbers} {Compare with f man and w without}

56 57

[r] (=

rqi ) and, furthermore, (=

rn'r) yet, even so

[nng] can, be able; k 'nng maybe

nnggu be capable of;

58 59 60

[h o] good, good to..., easy to...; ! N h o! Hello! [ho] to like [h o] h oh or in perfectly good condition [d u] all [d ] (= sh ud ) capital city

[rn] right, correct, so, like that; su rn although; h rn suddenly; d ngrn of course; zrn nature (F ) [mi] (= miy u) haven't, there isn't; ? Y umiy u? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)? [m] sink, overflow, disappear, confiscate [r] sun, (= rzi) day; {Compare with yu say, rj diary; m eye and rgu ng sunlight g n sweet}


62 63 64 65 (F )

[y] <family name>, (F ) in, at, for, to, from, by, than {Compare with qi n thousand and g n stem} [q ] rise, start; q lai get up; dubuq excuse me [qi] (when used as a verb complement) [hi] still, yet [hun] return, give back [f ] (F ) deliver, utter, express, shoot, emit, develop, expand [f] (F ) hair [fa] (F ) tufa hair [chng] (= chngwi, = binchng) become, <family name>; chngg ng succeed; wnchng accomplish, complete, fulfill; chngy idiom [sh] matter, affair, thing, event, accident, job, responsibility; shqing situation [zh ] only, just, merely, <classifier implying "one of a pair", animals, vessels, utensils, etc.>; y zh m o a cat [zh ] (F ) single, one, only {Compare with xi ng brother} [zu] do, make; g ngzu work; zuy homework [zu] zujian spoil, waste, humiliate, insult







[zu ] do 71 72 73 74 75 [d ng] (F ) serve as, (F ) ding-dong [dng] (F ) proper, right, equal, (= dngzu) treat as, regard as [xi ng] think, feel, consider, want, remember [kn] see, look at, read, think, consider [k n] look after, tend; k nsh u guard [wn] language, literature, <family name>; wnhu culture; Zh ngwn Chinese (written) language (F ) [w] without, nothingness, have not [m] nnm <Sanskrit> to give oneself totally to {Compare with ti n heaven} [k i] open; k ish begin d k i open, unfold [kai] (when used as a verb complement) {Compare with bng combine} [sh u] hand, a person skilled in something; hu sh u wave; p ish u clap; wsh u shake/clasp hands {Compare with mo hair} (A ) [sh] ten; October shs n thirteen; w sh fifty; shyu




78 79

[yng] use; h oyng useful; need; sh yng use, apply {Compare with shu i swing}

byng there's no


[zh ] lord, master, host, god, (= zh yo) main, primary; zh y doctrine, ~ism; zhy homepage {Compare with wng king} [xng] go, OK; about, act [hng] line; xngdng action, operation, move, get ynhng bank; hngy profession


[hng] shhngzi rows of trees [hng] (phonetic radical) 82 83 [f ng] side, square; dfang place; {Compare with wn ten thousand} [yu] again, both... and... f ngmin aspect

84 85 86

[r] like, as, as if, (=

rgu ) if;

rc like this the day before su y u all;

[qin] in front, previous, ago, former, first; yesterday [su ] place; csu toilet su y so, therefore;


[b n] basis, origin, edition, <classifier for books, periodicals, files, etc.>; b nrn I, me, myself; Rb n Japan {Compare with m tree} [jin] appear to be, meet with, call on, (= knjian) see; yjian idea, view, opinion; t ngjin hear [xin] show, appear, become visible {Compare with bi shellfish} [j ng] longitude (both geographic and in Chinese medecin), scripture, constant, regular, <family name>, deal with, (=





j ngj) manage (a business); pass, go through; by way of; Changes;

y jing already;

j nggu j ngyu via,

j ngyn experience;

j ngchng frequent, daily;

Yj ng Book of



[tu] head, top, first, <classifier for livestock, garlic, etc.>; tufa hair [tou] shtou stone [min] face, surface, <classifier for mirrors, flags, etc.>, (F ) wheat flour, (= mintio) noodle; minb o bread [g ng] public, official; g ngl kilometer; bngg ngsh office; g ngs company; g nggng public, communal, common; g nggngqch (public) bus; L g ng (honorable and old) Mr Li [tng] same, with; tngzh comrade [tng] (F ) htng lane



93 94 95 96 (A )

[s n] three; March

d-s n shji 3rd World;

s nyu

[y ] stop, cease, end, (= y j ng) already {Compare with j self, which is "open" on the left side} [l o] old, venerable, outdated; l osh teacher; l oh

tiger; 97 98 99 100 (F (F (F (F ) ) ) )

l o Zh ng old Zhang = dear (friend) Mr Zhang

[cng] from, through, join, follower, secondary [c ng] h ic ngc ng murky [dng] move, change, arouce; hudng activity; dngw animal; yndng sports

[li ng] two (before classifier), 50 grams [chng] long, lasting, length [zh ng] grow up, chief, head, older, elder [zh ] realize, sense, inform, tell, (= zh dao) know; zh shi knowledge [zh] (= zh) wit, (= zhhu) wisdom, (= zhl) intellect [mn] (= rnmn) people, <family name>; democracy m nzh zhyng like


102 103 (F )

[yng] appearance, shape, form, manner; this; z nmeyng how? in what way? xinzi now;



[xin] show, appear, current; discover; xindi modern [f n] divide, fraction, minute, cent; 5/100 = 5% [fn] limits of rights or duty

f xin

b if nzh w =




[ji ng] shall; ji ngli future [jing] general, a piece in Chinese chess mahjongg



[wi] outside, outer, other, foreign, beyond, relative on ones mother's/sisters/wife's side; wis n daugthers son; wigurn foreigner; ywi unexpected {Compare with ch place} [dn] (= dnsh) but, still, nevertheless, however, yet

108 109 110

[sh n] life, incarnation, <classifier for suits of clothing>, (= sh nt ) body; q nsh n in person, personally [xi ] some, <classifier for plural or indefinite/small amount>; yxi a number of, some; zhxi rn these people



[y ] give, offer, help, support, and [y] c ny participate in [y] <interrogative/esclamative particle> {Compare with xi write} [g o] high, tall, loud, <polite> your, <family name>; tg o improve; g oxng happy; g ojin <polite> your opinion/idea [y] (= ysi, = yy) meaning, idea, (= yt intention; yunyi) wish, desire; Ydl Italy yjian opinion; jnb



114 115 116 117 118


[jn] enter, go forward, recieve, drink, eat, submit; progress

[b ] grasp, hold, handle, <classifier for things with handles, handfuls, chairs, etc.> [b] bzi, br handle [f ] (= France f l ) law, (= bnf ) method; F gu c d (= shjshang

[c ] this; rc (= zhyng) like this; zhl ) here, at this place (F ) [sh] solid, true, real; actually; shzi really shsh fact;

119 120 121

[hu] circle, return, reply, turns, times, chapter, Muslim, Hui (ethnic minority), <classifier for chapters, times, etc.>; huli come back; huq go back; hud answer (A ) [r] two; ryu February gu nl manage; x nl

[l ] principle; l ln theory; psychology, mentality


[m i] (= meil) beautiful, (= h o) good, (= m id) virtue, <family name>; M igu USA; m iyun US$ m iji artist [di n] a drop (of liquid), dot, decimal point, a little, a bit, appoint time, select, choose, order food/drink, <classifier for small amounts>, (= di nhu ) light a fire; ydi nr a little; di ntu nod one's head



124 125

[yu] month, (=

yuliang, =

yuqi) moon

[mng] bright, clear, distinct, next (day or year), <family name>; mngbai clear, understand; mngti n tomorrow [q] its, that, such, they, them; especially [j ] anniversary (F (F ) ) [zh ng] kind, sort, breed, race [zhng] to plant, cultivate [sh ng] voice, declaration, (= sh ngy n) sound, <classifier for sounds>; sh ngmng reputation, fame, statement, declaration [qun] whole, entire, total, complete, <family name>; wnqun completely; nqun safety [g ng] (= g ngzu) work, job; g ngrn worker qt other; yuq

126 127 128 129 130 131

[j ] (= zj ) self {Compare with y already, which is "closed" on the left side} (F ) [hu] speech, word, language, dialect, (= shu hu) talk, speak [huo] bihuo = bihu vernacular, empty talk [r] child; rzi son; n 'r daughter [r] (noun suffix); zhr here; nr there [rn] (when referring to the radical) {Compare with xi ng brother, j table, y moment} [zh ] one who...; zuzh author; hpngzh yzh pacifist [xing] take somebody's part, to, towards, all along, allways, <family name>, (F ) direction, towards, (F ) formerly, previously; xingzh formerly, once upon a time [qng] sensibility, (= iqng love g nqng) feeling, emotion;








[b] (= bfen) part, section, unit, <classifier for film, large books, machines, etc.>, (= bdu) troops, army; x b western part; qunb entire [zhng] right, straight, upright, correct [zh ng] zh ngyu, x nzh ng the 1st month of lunar


year 139 [mng] (= mngzi) name, personal name, reputation, famous, <classifier for persons with professional or prominent social identities, e.g. students, doctors, soldiers, workers>; zhmng famous; mngc noun [dng] fix, settle, calm, stable, subscribe, (= decide; ydng definite [n ] female, (= (F ) n rn, = fn ) woman judng)

140 141 142 143 144 (F )

[wn] ask, examine; f ngwn visit

wnt question, problem;

[l] (= nngl) energy, vitality, <family name>, (= lliang) strength, force [j ] (= aircraft j qi) machine; sh uy nj radio; f ij

145 146 147


[g i] give, give to, for, for the benefit of; sngg i send/present to [j ] give, supply, provide, (= g ngj ) provide [d ng] equal, class, wait, and so on, etc. [j ] small table, (F ) j h almost [j ] (F ) how many?, a few, (used in numerals) {Compare with r child} [h n] very, quite; not bad at all! h nh o very good; ! h n bcu!




[y] line of business, trade, occupation, profession, course of study, engage in, <family name>; sh ngy commerce; g ngy industry; zuy homework zujn recently/soon; [zu] most, marking for superlative; zu x huan favorite




[ji n] room, between, locality, within given time or space, <classifier for rooms> [jin] gap, interval [g n] bn'g nbg neither this nor that, inexplicit, equivocal, mediocre [x n] new, renew; chngx n again; x nwn news




[shn] [sh] (=

shnme what? sh) ten


[d ] strike, hit, get, play, (generalized verb with specific meaning determined by its object); d suan plan, intend; d k i open, unfold; d j strike, hitt, attack, assault [d] dozen [bin] (= f ngbin) convenient [pin] pinyi cheap {Compare with sh send and gng more} [wi] place, location, position, <polite classifier for people> [y n] cause, (= y nwi) because, (= yuny n) reason

155 156 157 158

[zhng] weight, considerable in amount/value, (= chnzhng) heavy, weighty, (= zhngyo) important [chng] again [bi] quilt, cover (with), by (indicates passive voice) [p ] p f = bif bedding and clothing, something one hangs on to [z u] go, walk, leave (F (A ) ) [din] (= electricity; [s] four; sh ndin) (flash of) lightning, (= dinhu phone; szh u all around; dinq)

159 160 161 162 163

dinn o computer syu April d-s n shji 3rd

[d] indicating ordinal number, ~th; World; d-y c 1st time



[mn] door, gate, family, house, valve, switch, <family name>, <classifier for courses, braches of science, etc.>; mnk u doorway; doorbell bmn department; mnlng

165 166

[xi ng] each other, mutual, mode, phase, <family name> [xing] look at, appearance, photo [c] occurence, time, second, inferior, number of times; li ng c twice [d ng] master, owner, <family name> (= d ngf ng) east; d ngb i northeast; {Compare with d ngxi thing, creature



ch vehicle}

168 169 170

[zhng] (= zhngzh) politics, political affairs, (= zhngf ) government [h i] sea, big lake, <family name>, (= dh i) sea, ocean h iyng, =

[k u] mouth, opening, entrance, hole, cut, <classifier for mouthfuls, people, wells, etc.>; mnk u doorway; rnk u population [sh ] make, cause to (do), send (as envoy), (= use, apply {Compare with l and bin official} sh yng)



[ji o] teach; . Wng l osh ji o shxu. Teacher Wang teaches math. [jio] cause, ask to, teach; jiosh teacher, instructor; jioy education [x ] west, western; [zi] again, once more; d ngxi thing; x b i northwest

173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 (F ) (F ) (F )

zijin goodbye

[png] flat, level, even; shu png level; hpng peace; pngchng ordinary, common, usually {Compare with bn half} [zh n] true, genuine, really {There are two ways of writing this character!} [t ng] listen; t ngjin hear; understand (by listening) [sh] generation, <family name>, (= shj century [q] air, gas, vapor, spirit, vital energy; [xn] letter, message, information, (= xnf ng envelope [b i] north; d ngb i northeast; t ngbud ng don't shji) world; ti nqi weather xi ngxn) belive in; B ij ng

[sh o] few, little, less, lack [sho] young; shonin juvenile [gu n] shut, close, turn off, close down, concern, key part; gu nxi connection; gu ny concerning [bng] (F ) combine, merge, (F ) and, equally, truly

[b ng] Bng Zh u (Taiyuan in Shanxi) {Compare with k i open} 185 186 (F ) [ni] inside; {Compare with nirng content ru meat and b ng third} c nji

[ji ] add, plus, append, (= join

z ngji ) increase;


[hu] convert, melt, dissolve, digest, incinerate, (= binhu) change, transform [hu ] (= hu ) spend [yu] from, let, (= yuy) due to, (= l yu) cause, reason; zyu freedom {Compare with ji helmet and sh n explain} (F ) [qu] however, but, yet [di] (= dibi o) represent, (= shdi) generation,

188 189


period, epoch, <classifier for periods>; xindi modern (times); shngdi previous generation (F (F ) ) [j n] army, military, troops [ch n] give birth to, (= ch np n) product ch nsh ng) produce, (= sh ur income

191 192 193

[r] (= jnr) enter, get into; {Compare with rn person}


[xi n] first, before, earlier; xi nsheng mister, gentleman, Sir; z xi n = xi nbi ancestor {Compare with sh lose} [sh n] hill, mountain, <family name>; sh nmi mountain range (A ) [w ] five; w yu May tiyng sun, hu sh n volcano;

195 196 197

[ti] great, very, too; titai Madame; sunshine {Compare with d big}


[shu ] water, liquid, <family name>; shu png level; shu gu fruit; yoshu liquid medecine {Compare with y ng forever}



[wn] ten thousand, myriad, <family name>; live [M] Mq <family name> {Compare with f ng square} [sh] (= [y n] (= shch ng) market, (= y njing) eye;

wnsu long

200 201 202 (F )

chngsh) city, town

y njng glasses

[t ] substance, (= sh nt ) body; jt concrete, specific; t z style of written Chinese, typface, font [t ] t ji (or t j ) intimate, confidential [bi] separate, other, don't, leave, differentiate, <family name> ) [bi] biniu awkward

203 204

(F (F


[ch] place, part, point, department, office [ch ] deal with, get along with somebody {Compare with wi outside} [z ng] general, overall, always, (= z ngt ng president (of a republic) [ci] talent, only then; g ngci just now z ngsh) sum, total;

205 206

(FR) (F)



[ch ng] field, place where people gather, stage, level open ground, country fair, market, <classifier for games, performances etc.> [chng] <classifier for happenings> [sh ] (= l osh ) teacher; sh fu master sh ji clerk; b r efor

208 209 210 211 212 213 214

(F (F

) )

[sh ] book, style of calligraphy; tsh gu n library [b ] compare, contrast; example [zh] live (in a place)

b jio relatively;

(F (A

) )

[yun] member. ~ist, ~er; rnyun personnel [ji ] nine; [xio] laugh ji yu September

w iyunhu committee;


[xng] sex, gender, nature, disposission, ~ness; k nngxng possibility [t ng] communicate, notify, connect, join, know very well, authority, expert, (= t nggu) go through, <classifier for


telegrams>, <family name>; ji ot ng traffic; P t ngh Common Speach = Mandarin [tng] <classifier for actions> [m] eye; mqin in front of ones eyes, at present; md goal, purpose, aim; ml catalogue, list, list of contents {Compare with z self and r sun} (F ) [hu] glory, splendor, magnificent, (= [Hu] <family name>; [bo] (= (= Zh nghu) China Hu Sh n (mountain in Shaanxi) bozh ) newspaper, lk right m mah h



219 220


bogo) report, (=

dinbo) telegram jinl establish;

[l] stand, erect, vertical; away; lf ngt cube (F )


[m ] horse; m shng right away careless, casual {Compare with w crow} [mng] (= command; sh ngmng) life, fate, destiny; gmng revolution

222 223 224 225 226 227 228 (F ) (F ) (F )


[zh ng] spread, sheet of paper, <classifier for surfaces, tables, postcards, etc.>; j nzh ng tense, nervous [hu] live, alive, living, vivid, save someone's life; sh nghu life; hudng activity [nn] difficult [nn] disaster [shn] spirit, god; essence j ngshn spirit, mind, consciousness, shxu math

[sh] number, number, figure, fate, plan; [sh ] count, enumerate, list [shu] frequently, repeatedly

[jin] item, correspondence, document, <classifier for articles and items>; tiojin term, condition

229 230 231

[ n] still, quiet; plan, fix up

nqun safe, secure;

npi arrange,

[bi o] show, list, table, form, meter, (F

) (wrist-)watch

[yun] originally, simple, <family name>; yunli original, formerly, as a matter of fact; yuny n cause, reason (F ) [ch ] car, vehicle with wheels, <family name> [j ] (a piece in Chinese chess) {Compare with d ng east} [bi] white; mngbai understand, realize, clear, obvious; biti n daytime; bici cabbage [b] L B = L Bi {Compare with z self and b i hundred} (F ) [y ng] promise, answer, respond, <family name>, (= y ngg i) should, ought to [yng] yngyng apply [l] path, way, journey, distance, means, sequence, logic, sort, grade, class, <family name>, (= dol) road [q ] phase, stage, <classifier for issues of periodicals>, (= shq ) time period; b nq schedule, time table; x ngq week; chngq long term [j ] anniversary [jio] cry out, call; [s ] die, death [chng] often, constant, ordinary, <family name>; f ichng extremely [t] lift, raise, pick up, carry; tg o improve; tg ng provide [d ] d fang take precautions or be on guard against [g n] (= [j n] (= g nju) feel, (= j nzi) gold, (= g nqng) emotion j nsh ) metals in general rnh any; jiozu be called, be known as






237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244

[h] what?, where?, how?, <family name>; rh how?; j h geometry [gng] more, still/even more, furthermore [g ng] replace, transform, night watch; (=

g ngg i)

change, alter {Compare with

l official and

bin convenient} f ndu) oppose, combat;


[f n] turn over, return, revolt, (= f nyng reflect [b n] b nb n proper, fitting {Compare with y u friend}


[h] close, shut, accord with, conform to, be equal to, together, jointly, <classifier for rounds>, (= jih) combine; hzu cooperate [g ] decilitre [fng] put, release, set free, give out, expand, blossom, bloom, lend (money) at interest; ji fng liberate, emancipate [zu] do, act, make, produce, write, compose, <slang> to have sex; jiozu be called, be known as; zuf method, way of doing {Sometimes replaceable with zu do} [x] series, department, faculty, (= xt ng) system, (F ) (= linx) integrate, relate to; gu nxi concern, affect, matter, (Fq) tie, fasten, feel anxious, be concerned [j] (Fq) tie, bind (F ) [j] (= jsun) count, calculate, plot, plan, <family name>; t ngj statistics [hu] (= huzh ) or, (= hux ) perhaps, mayby, (= k nng) probably {Compare with = gu country} [s ] g ngs company, corporation; commander s lng






252 253 254 255 256

[l] (= ly) interest, benefit, profit, <family name>; lyng utilize; shngl triumph; Ydl Italy [shu] receive, endure, (= unhappy [gu ng] light, merely; gu ngrng glory ji shu) accept; ynggu ng sunlight; nnshu

[wng] king; wnggu kingdom, realm, domain [wng] (rare) rule

{Compare with 257

zh lord and

y jade} jigu ) result, fqin father;

[gu ] fruit, surely, truly, as expected, (= consequence, outcome; rgu if [q n] close relative, kiss; mqin mother; q nz in person [qng] qngjia relatives by marriage




[ji] (= jixin) boundary, limit; shji world [g ] b d g have no relation, have nothing to do with [g] bn'g nbg neither this nor that, inexplicit, equivocal, mediocre [j] reach, come up to, and, in, on, to; jsh promptly [j n] now, this; j nti n today y j as well as;

260 261 262

[j ng] capital city, (= B ij ng) short for Beijing; Nnj ng; D ngj ng Tokyo (or other eastern capital in previous dynasties!) (F ) [w] affair, business; service, serve rnwu assignment, task; fw

263 264

[zh] work out, (= zhd) system, institution, (= kngzh) control, dominate, (F ) (= zhzo) manufacture [ji ] separate, explain, untie, undo, take off, dissolve, <mathematic> solution [Xi] <family name> [ji] jisng send under guard [g] each, every, different, separately; each has his merits [g ] zg oneself, by oneself gy uqi nqi




[rn] appoint, no matter, serve a position, allow, trust, official post, <classifier for terms of office>; rnwu task; rnh any [Rn] <family name> [zh] to, until, extremely, most, arrive, reach; shnzh even (to the point of), so much so that; zhsh o at least [q ng] (= q ngchu) clear; q ngji clean

268 269


[w] thing, matter; wl physics

dngw animal;

zhw plant;


[ti] <polite> you, (F ) platform, <classifier for performances, engines, computers, TV-sets, etc.>, (= Tiw n) short for Taiwan, (F ) desk, table, (F ) tif ng typhoon [t i] Ti nt i (in eastern Zhejiang) [xing] appearance, likeness, (= dxing) elephant

272 273


[j] (= jde) remember, (= jl) record {Compare with the "open" radical j self and not the close y already} [bi n] on the side of something, margin, limit, <family name>, (= pngbi n) side; zhbi n over here [gng] share; ygng in all; gngch n communist; g nggng public; gngh republic

274 275 276 277


(F (F

) )

[f ng] wind [zhn] (= zhnzh ng) war


[g n] stem; g nsh interfere, intervene, (F ) dry [gn] (F ) do { ti ng n the Ten Heavenly Stems: ji -y -b ng-d ng-w-j -g ng-x n-rn-gu (these characters are sometimes used as ordinal numbers} {Compare with qi n thousand and y at} [ji ] connect, (= zhji direct [t ] it, its [x ] allow, somewhat, <family name>, (= y x ) perhaps; ji shu) accept; ji zhe catch, next;

279 280



) [h ]

x du a lot yh yell in unison, yo-ho-ho B yu August tbi) special, particular; tdi n characteristic

282 283


[b ] eight; [t] (=

284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292


[ju] perceive [jio] (= shujio) sleep; [wng] look, full moon;

w jio siesta, afternoon nap x wng hope, wish

[zh] straight, directly {Compare with zh n true} [f] (= [f] dose fw) serve, (= y fu) clothes

[mo] hair {Compare with [ln] (= Guangxi) (F )

sh u hand} Guln (city in

s nln) forest, <family name>;

[t] topic, problem, inscribe; tm title [jin] construct, establish; [nn] south; [n ] n m

wnt question, problem;

jiny suggest

x nn southwest Sanskrit to give oneself totally to


[d] degree, extent, unit (kWh, angle, temperature, etc.), <classifier for units of measurement, occasions, times, etc.>; zhd system, institution [du] c idu surmise (F ) [t ng] order, unite, (= dominate; xt ng) system; t ngzh rule, t ngy together, unify, unite, integrate . li ns complexion, look, facial



[s] (= . yns) colour; expression [sh i] colour


[z] written character; Hnz Chinese character; mngzi name; t z style of written Chinese, typface, font {Compare qith xu study} (F ) [q ng] please, request, invite; [ji o] join; (F ) [i] (= ji ot ng traffic; iqng) love; q ngqi ask, request ji ohun exchange

297 298 299

irn spouse, lover

300 301 302 303

(F (F

) )

[rng] let, allow [rn] (= rnwi) consider, (= rnshi) recognize sunle

[sun] (= jsun) count, calculate, compute; forget it, never mind (F ) [ln] theory [Ln] Lny The Confucian Analects [b i] hundred [b] ch obz ng express/cover everything {Compare with bi white} [ch ] eat [q ] q q <the sound of giggling> (F) [y] justice, (= [k ] department; [z n] (= yy) meaning; k xu science; zh y ~ism



305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 (F (F (A ) )

wik surgery

z nme) how?

[yun] first, primary, dollar [sh] club, organized body, (= [sh] skill, (= [zh] ysh) art; shhu) society jsh technique

zhji medicinal wine jih n marry

[ji] tie; jigu result; [ji ] bear fruit [li] six; liyu June ) {Compare with xng prosper}

[g ng] achievement; chngg ng succeed; time (duration), time (when), skill, art, work [zh ] point, (= [s ] (= [si] [s i] zh tou) finger, toe;

g ngfu

zh jia finger nail

s xi ng) thought ysi meaning ys i richly bearded f ichng unusually, extraordinary, special,

[f i] not, non-;

very, extremely 318 319 320 321 [li] to flow, stream; exchange, alternate [m i] every, each; dinli electric current; m iti n every day q ngnin youth; bgu n ji oli to

[q ng] nature's colour blue/green/black...; q ngw frog

[gu n] tube, (= gu nl ) manage, supervise; no matter, regardless of [f ] man, (= zhngfu) husband; duration, skill; difu doctor [f] (formal) this/that (person) {Compare with ti n heaven and (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) [lin] connect, including; linx continuous [yu n] far [z ] money, expenses; tuz invest [du] team, (=

g ngfu time,


sh lose}

323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334

linmng right away;

z b nzh y capitalism; duw ) troops

bdu) army, (=

[g n] heel, follow, with, and (F ) [di] belt, zone, carry, bring, take [hu ] flower, spend; [kui] fast, sharp, (= (F ) hu sh ng peanut kuil, = ykui) happy

[tio] twig, strip, item, <classifier for dogs, snakes, dragons, etc.>; tiojin condition, term [yun] courtyard; f yun court xuyun college; binchng become; g ibin alter linx integrate, relate, link, get in touch y yun hospital; binhu

(F (F

) )

[bin] change; variation;

[lin] unite, join; with

335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F )

[yn] words;

y yn language, speech, word

[qun] right, power [w ng] to, toward; w ngw ng often f zh n

[zh n] expand, spread out, <family name>; develop, expand, grow; [g i] (= y ngg i) should l ngd o,

zh nl n exhibit, show, display

[l ng] to lead, collar; b nl ng ability

l ngxi leader;

[chun] pass, pass on; [zhun] Confucian classic [jn] near; fjn vicinity;

chunt ng tradition zujn recently, lately, soon

[li] remain, stay, (= b oli) keep, reserve; lix to study abroad; yli hand down; j li arrest [hng] (= . hngs) red; Red [g ng] n g ng needlework [zh] govern, cure, punish; (F ) D ngf nghng The East is

344 345 346 347 348 349


zhngzh government judng decide,

[ju] ji ju solve, resolve, settle; resolve, make up one's mind

[zh u] circuit, circumference, cycle, week; zh uwi vicinity, surroundings, entirely; zh ush n whole vody [b o] (= guarantee (F ) b oh) protect; b ozhng ensure,

[d] reach, arrive [d ] <referring to sounds of clocks or footsteps> [t] t ot walk casually to and fro [bn] do; bnf method; wi for} yndng bng ngsh office {Compare with

350 351

(F (F

) )

[yn] carry, transport, ( ynqi) fortune, luck; move, turn around, sports

352 353 354 355 356 357 358 (A )

[w ] military;

w q weapon;

w sh martial arts

[bn] half, semi~ {Compare with png even} [hu] (= [q ] seven; [b] (= [chng] (= Wall shhou) time, wait, situation q yu July bx ) must; bb needn't chngchng Great

chngsh) city, wall;

[f] (= fqin) father; [f ] old man (F

fm parents


[qing] strong ) [qi ng] strive [jing] jujing stubborn, unbending [b] step; walk jnb progress, improve; snb take a

360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 (F )

[wn] finished, complete [g] leather; gmng revolution; [j] bngj about to die of illness [sh n] deep; in the night sh nk deep, profound; qbi difference lj) immediately, at once g ig reform sh ny deep

[q ] (= dq ) area; [ u] <family name>

[j] namely, that is, even if, (= [qi] seek, ask; [p n] (= goods

y oqi demand, request, requirement sh ngp n merchandise, n sh lady, Ms.;

ch np n) product; bsh Ph.D; t earth}


[sh] scholar; zhnsh soldier {Compare with (F )


[zhu n] turn, transfer [zhun] rotate [zhu i] zhu iwn to flaunt one's speach

370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 (F ) (F )

[ling] amount; [ling] to measure

lingc classifier, measure word

[k ng] empty, sky [kng] leave empty, free time [shn] very; shnzh even, go so far as to [shn] (= shn) what?; = shnme what? [zhng] crowd, many; t ngzhng audience qnzhng the masses; k j science and

[j] jsh technology, technique; technology [q ng] light (compare with [chng] project;

zhng heavy)

guchng process; g ngchng engineering chngdu level, degree, extent

[go] (= gosu) tell; bogo report, make known [g] gshu distributing feudal calendar [ji ng] river; landscape [y ] (= (F ) grammar; [y] tell Chng Ji ng Yangtze River; Hny Chinese; ji ngsh n y f

y yn) language; chngy idiom


380 381 382 383 384 385 386 (F )

[y ng] brave, outstanding person, (= Y nggu England [j ] j ch base, foundation; essential

y ngxing) hero; j b n basic, fundamental,

[pi] faction, send; d ngpi political parties [p ] p si passport, identification [m n] full; m nz satisfied, contented f ngsh way, pattern;

[sh] (= xngsh) form; zhngsh formal, official [l ] (=

l zi) plum, <family name> xi xi rest

[x ] breath, stop [xi] xi oxi news;

387 388 389 390


[xi ] write; mioxi describe, depict [xi] xi y freehand brushwork, sketch {Compare with y and} [ne] <sentence final particle> [n] woolen cloth

(F (F

) )

[sh] know; rnshi know, recognize; shbi tell apart [zh] (formal) remember, commit to memory, mark, sign [j] extreme, pole; Ti J the Supreme Ultimate (in Chinese cosmology); t ijqun shadowboxing [lng] make, cause; mnglng command [l ng] ream, <classifier for paper> [lng] jlng (= jlng) wagtail (a symbol of brotherly friendship)


392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402


[hung] (= [d] virtue;

hungs) yellow dod ethics; Dgu Germany

[sh u] gather, (= sh udo) recieve, (= sh uhu) harvest; sh ushi put in order; sh uy nj radio (F (F (F ) ) ) [li n] face [qin] money, copper coin [d ng] (political) party, clique; Gngch nd ng Communist Party; Gumnd ng Nationalist Party [d o] fall down, topple [do] invert, (move) backwards, pour, contrary to expectations [do] follow up [wi] have not, did not; wili future {Compare with m end} [ch] hold; ji nch persist in, insist on; maintain, preserve [q ] take, get, fetch (F ) [sh] set up; plan; jinsh build, construct; shj design, b och keep,

shbi equipment, facilities

403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[sh ] (=

k ish ) begin, start;

sh zh ng all along ch b n publish shu ngf ng both sides j ngl experience, (F )

[b n] printing plate, edition; [shu ng] pair, twin, double; [l] (F ) lsh history; rl calendar {Compare with l severe} [yu]

the more... the more...

[sh ] (= lsh ) history, <family name>; wish unofficial history {Compare with l official and gng more} [sh ng] discuss, business [qi n] thousand {Compare with [pin] slice; k pin card [pi n] film [rng] contain; [yn] grind, (= g n stem and zhopin photo; y at} pink moment;

rngy easy;

nirng content

ynji ) study, research xioxing) portrait, image

[xing] resemble, (=

[zh o] look for, seek {Compare with w me} [y u] (= pngy u) friend; {Compare with f n turn over} [hi] (= hizi, = y uh o friendship n hir girl

xi ohir) child; hu ch zhn train station

[zhn] stand;

[gu ng] wide, extensive [y n] (when referring to the radical) [g i] (= [y] (= g ibin) change; yln) discuss, confer; g ig reform huy meeting,


jiny suggest, propose

422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 (F (F ) )

[xng] (= take shape [w i] [w i] [z o] early; [fng] (= [y n] (=

xngsh) form, shape;

xngchng to form,

w iyunhu committee; w itu entrust x y w iy to pretend interest and sympathy z ofn breakfast; fngji n) room, (= sh ngy n) sound; z ochen morning fngzi) building y nyu music hu chi match; shj reality; guj f uz or else sh ud capital (of

[hu ] fire; hu ch train; hu yn flame [j] (= bi nj) boundary; international [z] (conjunction); [sh u] head; a country) (F )

yunz principle; sh uxi n first of all;

[d n] alone, single, sheet [chn] chny <hist.> chief of the Xiongnu [Shn] <family name> [j] seize, depend on, (= g nj) according to [j ] jij short of money, hard up [d o] lead; l ngd o leader diny ng movie

432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439

(F (F

) )

[y ng] shadow, image;

[sh ] lose; sh bi be defeated {Compare with xi n first} [n] hold; over nli bring; nq take; ng i hand


[w ng] net;

w ngqi tennis;

y ntwng Internet

[xi ng] perfume, fragrant; [s] similar; shu it seems [sh] shde alike

Xi ngg ng Hong Kong

440 441 (F

[s ] thus (nowadays used mostly as a phonem in foreign names); f x s Fascist

[zhu n] (=

zhu nmn) special, (=

zhu nji ) expert;

zhu nzhng dictatorship [sh] (= shtou) stone, rock [dn] unit of grain {Compare with yu right} [ru] seem, as if; ji ru if; rug n how much? [r ] b r buddhist widom, prajna [b ng] (= shb ng) soldier; {Compare with b n guest} [d] (= [t] (= ) ddi) younger brother b ngl military strength


443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 (F ) (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F )

[shu] who? [shi] who? [xio] (= [jio] (= xuxio) school jiodu, jiozhng) proofread

[d] read [du] pause in reading [zh] (= yzh) will, (= ) bi ozh) mark; tngzh comrade, (F [f i] fly; zzh magazine

f ij airplane

[gu n] view, contemplation [gun] Dogun Daoist temple [zh ng] contend, dispute; duzh ng fight, struggle [ji ] zhnzh ng war, warfare; ji jng after all

ynji study, research;

[b o] bag, wrap [z ] organize, group; [zo] (= z zh organization, organize, form chungzo) create

zhzo) manufacture, (=


[lu] fall [l] be missing [lo] losh i fade (in colour) [lu ] k nglu lu absolutely nothing left, open/spacious and desolate (F (F ) ) [sh] look; [j] [j ] dinsh television jij help disaster victims

458 459 460 461 462

j ngj economy;

j j multitudinous, numerous, magnificent x hu n like

[x ] happiness; (F (F ) ) [l] (= [su ] (=

lk i) leave, from su rn) although


[zu] seat, sit, travel by (car/plane/etc.), put a kettle (or similar) on the fire, <classifier for bridges, buildings, etc.>; q ngzu please have a seat; zu g ngng qch ride a bus [j] (= (F) (F (F ) ) sh uj) collect; jzh ng centralize bi nj) edit

464 465 466 467 468

[bi n] weave, organize, (= [b o] treasure [tn] talk [f ] zhngf government


[l ] pull, drag, haul [l ] bnl half [l] slit [l] llag mole cricket [h i] (= h is) black; h i'n dark

470 471 472 473 (F )

[qi ] for the time being; rqi furthermore [j ] (only used some personal names) [su] follow; subin as you like gwi especially

[g] check, pattern, standard;

[g ] <the sound of laughter, clicking of a hen>, chuckel 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) [jn] (F ) use up [j n] (F ) to max extent; [jin] sword; j ngu n even though

b ojin double-edged sword

[ji ng] speak, explain, discuss, stress [b] cloth, spread [sh ] kill, fight, weaken, reduce, burn (of medicine) [w i] tiny, micro; [p] (= w ixio smile k p horrible fm parents; zm

hip) to fear;

[m ] (= m qin) mother; letters of an alpabet [dio] shift, tone [tio] adjust [j] department, situation; [g n] root; (not) at all

yuj post office

g nb n essence, foundation, basic, utterly,


[cng] (= cngj ng) in the past [z ng] great- (grandmother) [c ng] ic ngr colloquial [zh n] allow, (F ) certainly, precise; bi ozh n standard (F ) [tun] ball, lump, group; [dun] section, paragraph; an end), strategy (F ) [zh ng] end; zh ngsh n life-long [l] enjoy, be glad, pleasure, (= [yu] (= y nyu) music

to get a scolding zh nbi prepare;

486 487 488 489

tunji unite, rally sh udun method, means (to sh zh ng all along;

zh ngy finally;



kuil) happy

491 492 493 494 (F )

[qi ] to cut [qi] correspond to; [j] grade, level;

yqi all ji j (social) class, steps, stairs, rank ) kq set time

[k] (= kf) overcome, gram, (F limit [k i] (= ) scold [j ng] perfect; alcohol

j ngshn spirit, essence;

ji j ng


[n ] what? n r where? [n i] (before classifier) which? [na] (used in orders and exclamations) [N] (in foreign names) [gu n] official; [sh] (= [ch ng] (F [chng] (F gu nlio bureaucrat zh sh point out

496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 (F ) (F (F )

bi osh) show, indicate; ) rinse, rush, (F ) towards ) rush

[jng] finish, (= jngrn) unexpectedly; exactly, in the end, after all [h ] shu it seems; j h almost

ji jng actually,

[nn] male, (= [j ] raise;

nnrn) man j xng hold (a meeting); xu nj election;

j l give an example [k] (= polite krn) guest; kgu n objective; kqi

[zhng] prove; qi nzhng visa [k ] bitter; [zho] shine; [zh] pour, (F gaze [fi] cost;

tsh zhng library card; tngk suffering

} ji nk arduous; zhoxing photo ) notes; xufi tuition

zhy pay attention;


509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 (F (F ) ) (F )

[z] foot, (=

zgu) enough;

m nz satisfy g o' rf golf

[ r] <archaic> you;

rhu thereafter;

[zh o] beckon, recruit, attract;

entertain (guests)

(F )

[qn] crowd, group; [r] hot [tu ] push

qnzhng The Masses

[w n] late; w nshang evening; w nfn dinner [xi ng] sound; y ngxi ng influence

yw n night;

[ch ng] weigh, name [chn] duchn symmetric [xng] g oxng glad



[x ng] x ngfn excited {Compare with li six} [di] treat, entertain, wait for [d i] (= d i) stay

519 520 521 522 523 524 (F (F ) ) (F (F ) )

[yu ] approximately, arrange, appointment [y o] weigh [yng] opposite of [g ] (= y n; tiyng the sun

g ge) older brother

[j ng] surprise [ma] <interrogative particle> [m] what; ? gn m? What's up? [m ] m f i morphine tiozh ng adjust; dzh the

525 526

[zh ng] (= zh ngg) whole; zh ngq neat

[zh ] branch, support; zh ch sustain; Twelve Terrestrial Branches

527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F )

[g ] (= g di) ancient {Compare with sh tongue} [hn] Chinese ethnicity; Chinese character; hnyu Chinese; l ohn old man t rn suddenly hnzi

[t ] charge forward, stick out; [ho] name, number, mark [ho] yell [ju] cut off, absolute [xu n] (=

xu nz) choose, select;

xu nj election

[ba] at end of sentence, indicates suggestion [b ] snap! (F ) [c n] [sh n] [c n] c nji participate rnsh n ginseng c nc uneven, irregular b ok n periodical

535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 (F ) (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) (F )

[k n] periodical, publication; publications, the press [y] inferior, second; [f] (F ) complex, (F

Yzh u Asia fz complicated,

hu f recover, (F ) ) cover

[sh ng] wound, injury, injure; [li] category, kind, type;

chu ngsh ng trauma lis similar shbi x huan like

[bi] (= zh nbi) get ready, prepare; equipment [hu n] (= [lng] other; [g ng] harbor; [sh] power; hu nl) happy, joyous; lngwi other, besides Xi ngg ng Hong Kong xngsh circumstances;

z sh posture

545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 (F ) (F (F ) )

[k] carve, quarter hour, moment [x ng] star; [dun] cut off; hu x ng Mars; x ngq week pndun judge

bdun unceasing;

[chn] display, explain, stale, (dynasty 557-589) [zh ng] palm of the hand; [nng] (= agriculture zh ngw grasp nngy w y midnight;

nngmn) farmer, peasant; bny,

[y] (= yw n) night; yl at night

[b n] sort, kind; yb n ordinary [pn] happy [b ] b r buddhist wisdom, prajna (F ) [nin] miss, read aloud; study [ji] (F ) (= [jie] (F ) [ji] servant (F (F ) ) [n o] (= gu nnin concept; jiqian) price ninsh


jizh) value, (=


555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562

n ozi) brain;

n odai head;

n ok skull;

dinn o computer [gu ] gu l regular pattern; chd thorough; gu dng regulations dod after all gy on purpose

[d ] bottom;

[g] cause, therefore;

gshi story;

[sh ng] province, economize, omit [x ng] f nx ng introspection (F (F ) ) [m ] mother, mom; [g ng] firm, (= [j] sentence m ma mama g ngci) just (a moment ago)

563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581


[xi n] appear; [xi o] disappear;

xi nrn obvious xi oxi news; xi omi perish

[y ] (= y fu) clothing [y] wear (clothing), give (clothing) to others to wear (F ) [l] land; [li] six (= continent li) j qi) machine; w q weapon qush indeed; pln worn out jt concrete; j rn

[q] utensil, (= (F )

[qu] true; zhngqu correct; mngqu explicit [p] smash; [j] phui ruin;

g ngj tool; wnj toy

jy u possess;

[j ] (= j zh) live, reside; unexpectedly

j mn resident;

[p ] <classifier for a batch/lot>, comment, criticize, refute; p png criticize [sng] see somebody off, deliver, give (F ) [z] zh oz marsh, swamp; sz colour and lustre;

Mo Zd ng CCP leader and founder of the PRC [j n] tight; [b ng] (= j nzh ng tense; b ngzh, yoj n important

(F) (F )

b ngmng) help, gang gu ngxin light ray; b ocn preserve dinxin


[xin] line, thread; (electric) wire [cn] (=

cnzi) exist;


[yun] wish [q] marvellous, (= [j ] odd (not even) [hi] harmful; fierce x q) rare, strange hichng destructive insect; lhai

582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 (F ) (F ) (F )

[z ng] (=

z ngji , =

z ngzh ng) increase s nji oyyng cottonwood z lio

[yng] poplar tree;

[lio] (= cilio) material, expect, anticipate; means, data, material [zh u] prefecture; Gu ngzh u Canton

[ji] joint, section, festival, holiday, (= [ji ] knot, link; [zu ] left;

jir) holiday

ji zi gnarl, knot (in wood) zu bi n left side ji zhu ng) pretend Yj ng Book of Changes

[zhu ng] dress up, load, install, (= [y] (= rngy) easy, change;


[zh] write, book [zhe] (S ) [zho] (S ) [zhu] (S ) [zh o] (S ) [j] urgent; zhoj anxious; jmng in a hurry

591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 (F )

[ji ] (for a) long time [d ] low; height jingd reduce; d j elementary; wnsu long life, g od

[su] years old; sushu age; Your/His Majesty, "Banzai" [x ] (= [ji ] wine; [h] river; canal x yo) need; pji beer;

bx essential h ji drink wine ynh

Hnn sh ng Henan Province;

[ch ] beginning, first (in order); q ch at first [yu] (= yuy ng) swim, (=

ch b preliminary; l yu) travel

600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612

(F (F

) )

[yn] severe, stern [ti ] iron; [z] (= dti underground, subway mnz) people, nationality, (= chle) except zh ngz) race

[ch] get rid of, divide, (=

[fn] portion, share, copy, <classifier for portion, share, copies of newspapers etc.>, college degree [g n] dare; y ngg n brave nonsense (F ) (= hzi) beard (F )

[h] recklessly; htng lane [xu] blood [xi ] blood

[q ] stand on tiptoe, hope for, look forward to; enterprise; [rng] (= [tu] throw; (F ) q t attempt; rngrn, = penguin

q y

rngji) still, yet, as before

tupio vote x nwn news

[wn] smell, hear;

[d u] 10 liters; y nd u tobacco/opium pipe; B id ux ng The Big Dipper, The Plow [du] (F ) fight (F (F ) ) [j] shj century; [J ] <family name> jnin memento; jl discipline

613 614

[ji o] foot; chji o barefoot; ji ozh toe [ju] (= ji o) role, part, character, actor, actress [yu] right; yubi n right side; nearby, more or less {Compare with sh stone} zu yu around,


616 617

(F (F

) )

[s ]

s x ng revive;

S zh u;

S lin USSR

[bi o] mark;

bi ozh n standard

618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636


[fn] rice, food [yn] say, (F [bng] sick; ) (= yncai) cloud

mobing malfunction y sh ng doctor;


[y ] (= y xu) medical science; y yun hospital [ ] [ ] [d] (= [d ]

l b Arab mtug Amitabha = Buddha preserve us hud) answer d ying respond, promise t d) land, (= sh scholar} t r ng) soil kungqi

[t ] earth, (= {Compare with (F ) [kung] moreover

qngkung circumstances;

[jng] border, territory; (F ) [ru n] soft; [k o] (=

hunjng environment

ru njin software k ol ) consider, (= k osh) exam

[ning] mother, aunt [niang] g niang girl [c n] village, rustic; [d o] knife (F (F ) ) [j ] beat, strike, knock; [j n] (= d j strike, hitt, attack, assault nngc n countryside, village

j nj n) only, barely ji nch inspect x y n) attract

[ch] examine, investigate; [Zh ] <family name> [y n] draw, stretch, (= [cho] towards, dynasty; [zh o] (morning)

y nq ) cause, (= Choxi n Korea

637 638 639 (F) (F )

[y] raise, educate; jioy education [y ] hngy heave-ho, yo-ho [x] (= jx) continue; linx continuous

[d] only, alone;

dl independent



[lu] (= luw ng) birdnet; Lum Rome; lupn compass [lu ] lu suo wordy, troublesome; l lilu lu the sound of boiling/rumbling/etc. [m i] buy [h] door, household; [h] (= [h ] drink [h] shout [png] pngy u friend {Compare with l beautiul and [g ng] supply [gng] confess c book} chu ngh window hshi nurse

641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654

(F (F (F

) ) )

b oh) guard, protect;

(F (F

) )

[z] duty; [xing] (=

zrn responsibility xingm) item

[bi] back [b i] carry on the back [y] I, me, (F ) left-over, extra; the rest; cosine

[x ] sparse, scattered, watery, this; x q rare, strange; X l Greece (F ) [wi] defend; sanitary; lich train;

x wng hope; satellite pili arrange

[li] column, line up; (F ) [t] picture;

dt map;

tsh gu n library

655 656 657 658 659 (F (F (F (F ) ) ) )

[sh] room; jiosh classroom; bng ngsh office [lun] chaotic, disorderly, messy; [Li] <family name> [y] father; [lng] dragon; yye grandpa k nglng dinosaur

wsh bedroom;

hnlun chaos

660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 (F ) (F )

[zn] (= znmen) we = you and I [zan] (abbreviation for z ow n) all the time, morning and evening, sooner or later [zh ng] chapter, seal, stamp, medal, badge, rules [x] mat, seat, banquet; [cu] (= good; zh x chairperson bcu not bad, pretty

cuw) mistake;

! ydi nr bcu! perfectly correct!

[xi ng] (elder) brother; xi ngd brothers {Compare with (F ) r child and zh only} [n] (= [chung] [chu ng] h i'n) dark; secretly; gloomy; hint

chungzo create chu ngsh ng trauma

[pi] arrange, row, line [p i] p izch handcart [ch n] (= spring roll; [x ] (F [chng] ) (= ch nti n, = ch nj) spring; ch nju n ch nxiqi d ng the four seasons bx ) must, (F chngrn admit; ) (= hx ) beard

jchng inherit

[n] desk, (law) case; problem [mng] hurry, busy;

d'n answer or solution to a help; right away

673 674 675 676 (F )

[h ] shout, exhale; [sh] tree; trunk [tng] painful;

h x breathe;

hu nh cheer shgn

shln woods;

shm trees;

tngk suffering;

tngkuai delighted

[chn] to sink; chnzhng heavy [ch n] h ich nch n pitch-black [a] (used as phrase suffix, indicating obviousness/impatience) [ ] (indicating elation); ! ! ! W yu yngle! Ha! I've won again! [] (indicating doubt or questioning), huh?; ? ? ?? N shu shenme? Huh? What are you saying? [ ] (indicating puzzled surprise) [] (indicating agreement/approval); , ! ?, h oba! Well, OK! (F (F (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) ) ) [lng] clever, spirit, soul, elf; [zh] duty; zhg ng staff; lnghu nimble, easy zhy occupation


678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689

[xi ng] countryside, home town [x] thin; detailed [s] [ti] form; [tng] (= [yn] (= z x careful; gosu tell; xb o cell; ssng lawsuit zhungti state tngch ch ng parking lot ynzh ng) seal pen; pencil xingx

tidu manner; tngzh ) stop; ynshu ) print, (= brush;


[b ] writing implement;

[xi] (= xiti n) summer; four seasons [zh] (= b ngzh) help

ch nxiqi d ng the

[f] blessing, good fortune, (= xngf) happiness, happy; zhf invoke/wish a blessing; Fjin

{It is common to hang calligraphy of this character up-sidedown on doors, in order to get people to note that f dole = "The 'Fu' is up-side-down", which is pronounced just as = "Fortune/happiness has come"} 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 (F (F ) ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) [kui] piece, lump, chunk, (= [l ng] cold; [qi] ball; [g ] l ngjng calm zqi football (soccer); g niang girl ) dqi the Earth yun) Chinese dollar

[hu] row (a boat) (F ) scratch [hu] (F ) (= jhu) plan (F [j] since, already; [zh] (= mass [b ] [b]

jrn since, now that zhling quality,

wzh) matter, substance;

w iba tail; zu b mouth; B x Brazil zu bzi mouth, a slap in the face yzh identical, (F*) Tiw n xzh

[zh] send, convey; careful [w n] harbor; [y n] (=

bi oy n) perform, act, performance mtou) wood; b n root and

[m] tree, (= {Compare with

d big}

[wi] soft leather, <family name> [gui] blame, (= [wi] surround; [jng] still, quiet; qgui) strange; wiq Japanese "go" jngdin static electricity guiwu monster

[png] (= pngbi n) side [bng] (= )

707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721


[yun] (=

hu yun) garden, (=

g ngyun) park

[f u] not; shf u whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not? [p ] bad, inferior; z ngp pass judgment (on people) [f] assist, vice-; (F ) [j] bi nj edit; fc adverb luj <loan> logic

[c i] pick, gather (F ) [ci] (F ) cid fief [sh] eat, (= [s] feed [d ng] climb (F (F ) ) [gu] enough; [si] contest; [m ] (= [ji ] false [ji] (= (F ) nnggu be capable of match, race ym corn shw, = shp n) food

m fn) rice, meter; jiq ) vacation

[jio] relatively, quite; [ji o] (b ji o = b jio) [ji ] (=

b jio compare, relatively xi ojie young lady lut stairs sh uhu

ji jie) older sister; mansion;


[lu] story, building; [hu] (F harvest ) (=

hud) get, obtain, (F )

[s n] grandchild; descendants; 722 (F )

z s n children and grandchildren, S n Wk ng monkey with supernatural S n

powers in the nobel "Journey to the West";

Zh ngsh n = S n Yixi n = Sun Yat-sen, leader of the Republican Revolution and the KMT 723 724 [xu n] (= xu nb) declare; propaganda

[chu n] penetrate, wear

725 726 727 728 729


[sh ] poem; [g ] song; [s] fast;

sh rn poet chngg to sing sd speed h rn) suddenly, (= h 'r) now... ktng

[h ] disregard, (= [tng] hall; classroom [t ng] (F (F (F ) ) ) [d] (

shtng dining hall, canteen; lingt ngt ng brightly lit, brilliant enemy troops

730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742

drn) enemy;

[sh] try, test; [xi] thank;

k osh test, quiz xixie thanks; central; beg, plead huinin

[y ng] entreat, center; (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) [hui] bosom, cherish; cherish memory [g] (= [yn] (= [yng] camp; [zh ] (=

huiy suspect;

zhogu) look after; j ngyn) experience campfire;

gk customer

do business

tngzh ) stop

[xng] family name; xngmng full name (family name and personal name); Nn guxng? (May I ask for) your family name, Sir/Madame? (F (F (F ) ) ) [y ng] raise, nourish; yngy ng nutrition

[l] m il beautiful; majestic [L] Korea {Compare with png friend and c book} [sh ] belong to, be subordinate to, born in a specific year acoording to the Chinese calendar

[zh ] enjoin 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 (F ) [j ng] scene, scenery; f ngj ng scenery, landscape

[gu ] outer wall of city, <family name> [y ] (= y ko) depend on, comply with, according to; y rn still [w i] w ixi threaten, imperil; Nuw i Norway shw i demonstrate; nm massage

[n] press, (= [] evil [w] ( [ ]( ) hate

nzho) according to;


) nauseous

[mn] slow [zu] (= zuwi) seat, place, stand, pedestal, base, <classifier for mountains, bridges etc.>

(F (F (F ) ) )

[zu] crime, guilt [wi] think xi nwi fiber; wih safeguard; zhjin) gradually swi

[jin] (= jinjin, = [ji n] dip/soak in liquid [shng] (=

shngl) victory, triumph, win

[cng] store; conceal, hide [zng] (= X zng) Tibet [hung] [ji ] street; hungd emperor; hunghu empress street-corner j li intense

street, neighborhood; j dng) excite; ychng unusual

[j ] surge, dash, (= [y] different;

[zh i] pick, take off, select [ji o] horn, corner, dime [ju] actor, role

762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[qio] look [f] carry on shoulder, suffer, negative [sh ] carry out; construction [m] [m] cush to measure, step;

mfn model; mf ng imitate myng appearance; mzi mold, pattern, die c omi strawberry m urn somebody

[c o] grass;

[m u] certain, some; [yn] silver;

ynhng bank

[l] (= lshui) dew, show, reveal, betray [lu] reveal [zhn] battle array, <classifier for phases, spells etc.>; y zhn f ng a short period of time [zh] (= zhde) be worth, (= jizh) value zhb n be

[b n] class, work; on duty

shngb n go to work;

[cng] layer, level, storey [xi ] repair, decorate; [ch] differ, wrong [ch ] difference [ch i] [c ] rank [cu ] stumble [wi] (= widao) flavor, taste z sh organize; f ngzh spin and xi g i revise


776 777 778 (Fa) (F )

[zh ] weave, knit; weave [yo] medicine, drug

779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798


[gu n] building; [m] thick, dense


[ling] bright, light, shine, loud and clear; pioliang handsome, beautiful, remarkable, brilliant, smart [l ] f l law; xunl tune, melody (F) [x] l sh lawyer; xux study; jl discipline; xgun habit

linx practice;

[tin] field; (F )

tiny open country ji nt z simple form mi nfi free virus

[ji n] ji nd n simple; character [mi n] exempt; [d] ( ) poison; (

bmi n avoid; ) drug;


[gu ] return [b ] (= b lng) wave; b chnga wavelength

[xng] mould, type; [w ] ( (F )

di nxng typical fngw ) building; roof

w zi) room, (=

[hun] change, exchange [ji] help, rescue; [j] to mail; [d] emperor; jimng! Help! Save me! jsh ngchng parasite dgu empire; Shngd God chtu

[tu] go backwards, (= withdraw [yng] (= Ocean [y ng] (F )

hutu) retreat;

h iyng) ocean; nu ny ngy ng warm

Tipng Yng Pacific

[s ] silk, thread

799 800 801 802 (F (F ) )

[h] lake; [shu] (=

hp lakes; shujio) sleep


Hb i

[lo] (= lodng) labor [lo] encourage, console [f] (= fn ) woman; f f married couple


[b] eldest brother, uncle [b i] db izi eldest brother of one's husband [bai] sh bai cousinship on father's side [b] (= ) {Compare with b i hundred} [n] Buddhist nun; nlng nylon [p] (= [z ] ( pf ) skin z xi n) ancestor; z m grandmother y ngxing hero; xingw i Nji l gu Nicaragua;

804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 (F )

[xing] powerful, male; grand; [h n] (= marriage xingj rooster jeh n) marry;

h nl wedding;

h ny n

[k ng] jink ng health; K ngx Zdi n dictionary compiled in the Kangzi period [png] criticize, comment, review [zhu ] pursue [h ] exhale, sip, aha!, <the sound of laughter, etc.> [h ] <family name> [h] hsa shake, swing; hshim Chinese forest frog (F ) [lu] net, twine [lo] gulo involvement, implication [din] (= sh ngdin) store, shop; f ny translate fndin restaurant


813 814 815

[f n] turn over;

816 817 818 819 820 821

(F (F

) )

[hun] ring; [l ] ceremony;

hunjng environment, surroundings h nl wedding; l mo polite

[p o] run [po] paw the earth [ch o] (= ch ogu) go past, exceed, (= ch oj) super

[y] (F ) leaf (of a plant) [xi] harmonize (F ) [y ] press, pressure [y] yg n from the start, in the first place, altogether, entirely, totally, at all, simply [zh n] fortune telling [zhn] occupy; zhnl ng capture [j n] even; pngj n average

822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 (F ) (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F )

[y ng] (= y ngyu n) always, forever, eternal {Compare with shu water} [li] (= qingli) intense; bonus; ardent; martyr

[ji ng] prize, award; [p] old lady; [g n] catch up [f] (= wealth [ln] fy u) rich; [ lnhu orchid


l opo wife

f ngf abundant;


[l] record;

jl take notes;

tape recorder

[hu] draw, picture [y] meet; ydo encounter

[dn] to pause, meal

835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853


[y] skill, (=

ysh) art;

wny literature and art

[p ] p t ng common; P t nghu Common Speach = Mandarin; p bin universal [pn] judge; [yun] (= (F ) p pn criticize liyun) source, origin; z yun resources

[y] 100 million [s] plain, white, vegetarian; y ns factor, element  y zhu

[chun] boat, ship; dchun ferry; f ichun "cosmic flying boat" = spaceship (Fz) [j] (= jx) continue; jchng inherit

[shng] esteem; g oshng noble, lofty [shang] hshang monk [zu ] ( [ch] [y ] rain; (F ) zu ba) mouth; gu nch observe; rainwater; , fine; zu chn lip j ngch police bof ngy rainstorm outstanding; y uyu

[y u] excellent; superior

[nn] <polite> you; Nn guxng? (May I ask for) your family name, Sir/Madame? (F ) [xi n] ( w ixi n) danger; b oxi n insurance

[y n] (F ) smoke, cigarette, mist [y n] (= ) (F (F ) ) [ji ] (= ) steps; class; rank; phase

[d n] carry on a shoulder pole [dn] two buckets full, 50 kg. [sn] break up, distribute, dispel [s n] fall apart, scattered

854 855 856 857 857 859 860 861 (F )

[b n] board, hard, (F ) boss [zh ng] (F ) bell, clock; dote on, <family name> [f ng] (= f ngwn) visit;

l ob n shopkeeper, proprietor, 3 o'clock, (F ) gather material zh ng'i

[mi] ( mimei) little sister; ji mi sisters {Compare with m = wife of the last ruler of the Xia dynasty} [sh n] stretch [F] Buddha; Fjio Buddhism [f] f ngf seem [xin] limit, bounds; [t o] (= (F ) limited; restrict t oyn digusting

t oln) discuss;

{ t ok uc i = ( ) t o ge jl(hu) to ask for something as a token of good omen} [ln] overlook, be adjacent to; temporary

862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871

(F (F (F

) ) )

[W] <family name>, Wu Kingdom (222-280 A.D.) [yo] shake [tio] jump; tios n parachute; tiow dance

[q ] (= w nq ) curved [q ] melody (F%) (F ) [lin] white silk, (= [gu] [wn] play; linx) practice constitute; h ownr fun

jigu structure; wnj toy;

[y] ( ysh) jade; ym corn {Compare with wng king} [fn] violate; fnzu commit a crime; criminal

872 873 874 875 876 877


[ch ng] (=

g ngch ng) factory k ndng definitely

[k n] be willing to, consent; (F ) [xi] xizu cooperate

[xng] good fortune, luck; (F )

xngf happy wave (one's hand) y uxio effective

[hu ] wave, wield; command an army; [xio] (= [q] xiogu ) effect, result; zh ngq neat; yq together



[zh i] (= ) [z ] (= ) [f ng] to seal; feudal; envelope w nd temperature chy hesitate

879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F )

[w n] (= [y] (

w nnu n) warm; huiy) doubt, suspect;

[ru] flesh, meat; j ru muscle {Compare with ni inside} [g ng] (= studying [zh ] paper; [c] plan; [ch ng] fill; jng ng, = g ngj ) attack; specialize in

bozh newspaper zhngc policy ch ngfn full, ample; ch ngm n full of y d ng mozi a

[d ng] top, <classifier for hats etc.>; hat [xn] (= [xn] [nng] (= [nng] xnzh o) seek xnsi nngyun, tranquil

jngk ) prefer, rather sh qi dune; sh f

[sh ] sand; <loan> sofa

sh m desert;

891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 (F (F ) ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F (F ) )

[fng] embankment, guard, protect, anti[zhu ] grab, seize, arrest, attract, scratch [l] (= lzi) example; lr for instance

[g ] thigh, section [mi] sell; the apples? ? Pnggu z nme mi? How much are

[shn] along, in the same direction as, obey, suitable [j ng] j ngch police; j nggo warn

[mng] dream [j] drama, play, opera; [shn] good; jli severe be good at

g ishn improve;

[mng] to cover, ignorant [m ng] cheat [M ng] M ngg Mongolia [pio] ticket [ling] ( , y uling, ) good; lingx n conscience

[fn] <family name>; (F ) mfn model, fine example [ji n] hard, solid, firmly;

fnwi scope, range; persist; firm

[du n] hold sth. level with both hands, extremity, end [ko] lean on, rely on, keep close to, come up to, near [z] mixed; [z ] fz complicated; l lil z rambling zzh magazine

[gu] expensive, valuable [n] anger, rage

911 912 913 914 915 (F )

[g o] stalk of grain, draft, sketch, manuscript [p i] clap, paddle; [l ] rate, proportion; [shui] p ngp ngp i ping-pong paddle pnl frequency l o old, not young; xn

shuil ng lead, command

[ji] old (not new) (compare with new) [dio] drop, fall


[la] corresponding to le plus a, <interjection indicating excitement/doubt> [l ] h l l flapping sound [l] ll chat, gossip, jaw; lgu chat, gossip [m] nothing; not; md greatest; mmngqmio baffling, inexplicable [shu] award, give; teach; [sh u] guard; [yu] oil; jioshu professor

917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 (F) (F@) (F )

b osh u conservative qyu gasoline; jingyu soy sauce by uy u

[y u] l y uy u bright/fresh green; bluish green [ n] kindness; [j ] accumulate; [y] (= Zh u nli j j positive; area

ly) advantage, proft xinzh ng county magistrate

[xin] county; [k ] cry, weep

[b] stop; strike; ble that's all [p] (= ) tired, weary, exhausted [tng] ji tng family; chu nghu, = court; courtyard

[chu ng] (= curtain

chu ngk u) window;

929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946


[yng] raise; [wng] (= [wng]

f yng develop, promote wngj) forget morning; ni cow} afternoon; lunch

[w ] noon; {Compare with

[k ] block, calory, card [qi ] checkpoint [xu ] snow; xu hu snowflake; huxu to ski

[ci] vegetable, dish [pi] tablet, brand, cards, dominoes; logo [ni] ox, cow, bull; nin i milk {Compare with w noon} (F ) [tu ] take off; tu l break away Ph.D.; universal love; pizi sign, label,

[b] abundant, plentiful; bqgu n museum

[zhng] 10 ch = 3 1/3 meters, to measure land, male elder relative/person; zhngfu husband (F ) [dn] [tn] bomb; bullet play guitar Yzh u Asia; squirrel, (F ) loose uzh u Europe;

[zh u] continent; F izh u Africa [s ng] pine tree; [hui] (F ) bad [p ] (= ) (F (F ) ) [Dng] <family name> [xi n] fresh [xi n] few, rare;

Korea chng)

[du n] short (opposite of

947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965



by graduate;

bjng after all

[zh] put, place; [chu] [ch ]

wizhi position

q ngchu clear k ch misery uzh u Europe; um ohm


[ u]

[l] brief, slight; [zh] (F )

lw i slightly zhl intellegence

zhhu wisdom;

[d o] island [kng] (= [q ] (= d kng) resist; q zi) wife revolt; protest

[bo] hug, embrace (F (F (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) ) ) [zi] carry, be loaded with [z i] put down in writing [bi] ( sh bi) lose, be defeated; f bi corrupt

[qi ng] gun [ch ng] chnch ng comet [sh] [d] hsh suitable, appropriate dcng follow, go to x x n open-

[x ] empty, void; qi nx modest; minded; k ngx hollow [y] prepare; beforehand;


[j ng] eye [jing] y njing eye [c] thorn, prick, stab, irritate, (= [c ] wham [di ] dad; di die daddy; csh ) assassinate di d daddy

966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985


[f n] [ji] [ku]

one after another; jisho introduce; b oku include;

ji f n dispute; preposition giku generalize sold out


[xi o] melt (metal), remove, sell; [jing] fall, descend [xing] tuxing surrender


[y] fish;

j ny goldfish;

sh y shark

[b n] run fast, flee [bn] go straight towards [r n] endure, tolerate; [z ng] ancestor, clan, faction; (F ) [pn] disk, tray; [ r] (= [y ] wild (F ) [xn] interrogate; [pi] match, deserve; t ngxn news report distribute; pih cooperate rnbuzh can't bear, can't resist religion; ancestry chessboard

sunpn abacus;

rduo) ear;

earphone, headphones

[jn] ( jnzh ) prohibit [j n] endure; bj n can't resist (doing something) [su ] rope; (F ) s su think deeply; su xng simply, just

[Zho] <family name> [m] silent; y um humor mm silently; chnm reticent; f it gangster

[t] on foot, follower;

tdi apprentice;

[ji] frame, rack, shelf, put up, <classifier for planes, radios etc.>; y ji f ij an aeroplane; sh ji bookshelf

986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005


[d ng] lamp [f ng] mountain peak


[zhung] (= state of affairs [ku n] fund

zhungti, =

zhungkung) condition,

[y] (= ydng) move; transplant [b] dad; bba daddy

shift, transform;

[tu ] hold in the palm, rely on;

w itu entrust

[hng] (= hngshu ) flood, vast, <family name>; hngling loud and clear, magnanimity [sh ng] liter, rise, ascend [hu ] <classifier for groups, crowds, bands etc.>, group of people. (= hu bn) partner; ji huo fellow (F ) [dng] conclude (compare with [ho] long fine hair, milli-; [h] (F ) hli fox dng decide) hob not at all

[zhn] town, press down, calm, cool [chung] bed; chungd n sheet; river bed

[h] hxi ng each other; reciprocal [to] set, cover; clothing) glove;

xi ngh mutually, y to y fu a (full) suit (of l gu n inn; l xngsh

[l ] (= l xng) travel; travel agency [to] ( (F)

top o) escape, flee ? M ma m m ma? Does mama

[m] curse; curse the horse?

1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025


[sh ] transport, lose (compare with [chng] sing; [jng] [m] [b] sujng pacify, appease mm secret; Peru cdi n dictionary; knnn) difficult, (F , ) tear; secretary

yng win)


[c] word; vocabulary [kn] (=

dngx verb; ) tired



[li] (

teardrop shx know well

[sh] cooked, ripe, familiar; [shu] <colloquial variant> (F ) [ci] wealth; [gu ] ghost; ( [g ] ( [g ] f ci get rich mgu ) devil;

gu zi foreign devil

g tou) bone g lu roll ji helmet and yu from}

[sh n] explain {Compare with [y] desire, wish; [zh ng] journey; evidence, levy [s ] ( (= [w ] (

ywng desire, lust The Long March, attack, (F )

) personal, (= zs ) selfish tiow ) dance

s y u) privately owned, be private,

[qi ] autumn, fall; [j] (= [yng] ( [xi]

ch nxii d ng the four seasons

jd) huge, gigantic hu nyng) welcome y uxi excellent; xicai scholar

1026 1027 1028 1029 (F )

[g o] do [d ng] 4th in a series, cubes (in food preparation), <family name> [zh ng] zh ngzh ng clang, clank [x ] inhale; attract [sh n] h x breathe; sh npn bring to trial; x sh u absorb; interrogate xyn


[bin] all over, everywhere; repetitive times/occurrences>; (it) once more! (F ) [qing] (= qingb) wall

universal, <classifier for ! Zi shu y bin! Say

1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044

[zh ] vermilion, bright red (F ) [shng] holy; [b] ( (F ) sage, saint; Shngdnji Christmas

bmi n) avoid;

tob escape, evade

[yu] leap [j] envy, avoid, quit; [zhu ] table; jhui taboo y zh ng zhu zi one table zhxng carry out pessimistic; territory; xi ode) know tragedy valley; region


[zh] hold in hand; [b i] grieved;

[y] (math:) field; (F ) [xi o] dawn; (

[nng] do; nngchn court jester [lng] alley [wng] flee, lose, die (F ) [qio] bridge

1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063

(F (F (F (F (F

) ) ) ) )

[bi] generation; [sh n] (

older generation, ancestors lightning

) get out of the way, flash; y nyu faint, indistinct

[y n] hidden;

[jn] strength, energy, spirit [jng] [no] ( [k ng] (= ) noisy; alarm clock k ngb terror a>

k ngp) I'm afraid;

[ya] <sentence final particle like [y ] ah, oh [f] pay [jng] ( (F (F (F ) ) ) z njng) respect supervise

[ji n] prison; [jin] eunuch [t ng] hall;

c nt ng dining room shjk database earthquake jioci teaching material

[k] warehouse; [zhn] shake, shock; [ci] (=

cilio) material;

[b ng] ice; b ngxi ng refrigerator; b ngling ice-cold; B ngd o Iceland; b ngqiln icecream [x ng] become sober, wake up; (F (F ) ) [qng] qngzh celebrate; qngxng rejoice [l ] ( . l s) green [l] (in some place names) [tu ] leg; ability to walk; ankle; thigh remind qngh congratulate;

1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 (F) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) )

[sh] state, narrate;



[x] slowly, gently, <family name> [z n] ( , ) respect yngjin hardware quota

[yng] hard; [] ( [w] (=

) forehead;

cuw) mistake

[ji] borrow, lend [n] receive, accept, enjoy, pay, sew [zh] fold; break; change direction [sh] break [zh ] turn over [shu] sell; sell goods yhn regret expose qu di n shortcoming mxn

[y] ychun inherit; [wi] give [bo] violent, sudden; [p] (= )

[qu ] (

qu f) lack, be short of;

[m] be lost; W mle l I am lost; superstition, blind faith/worship [l ] <family name>; ( [tn] (= [hu] (= [tng] [hu n] ( [w i] ( l m ng) rude; dull

tnsu ) explore huw) goods; rtng children hu nmn) slow ) great, mighty; hngw i, xingw i grand hub money, currency

1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[j n] (= j nzh ) monarch, sovereign, (= gentleman; tyrant [zhu ng] village; [fn] ordinary; ( [w i] zhu ngjia crops; fnsh) every; crisis;

j nz ) solemn

extraordinary endanger ch o stir-fry)


[sh o] roast, cook, burn (compare with [c i] ( sc i) colour;

c is multicolour

[qi ng] rob; snatch; scrape [qi ng] [kng] ( [xi ng] ( [x] ( kngs) accuse, (= , ) chest; ( kngzh) control

) heart, mind yux game

xj) drama, play;

[pi n] sheet of paper, piece of writing [q] interest, fun; [sh] bundle; [wi] call; [gi] interest; shf tie up; so-called roughly, most likely; concept; inject; spirit interest, taste jish finish

[sh] shoot, fire, send out; [k] lesson; [dng] hole, cave


kb n textbook

[m] hemp, (= zh ma) sesame; mfan bother [m ] m mah i dusk; lunm m messy, disorderly [b i] cup; g nb i cheers

1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F (F ) )

[tu] penetrate, thorough; [yu] [rng] (= yuj post office; gu ngrng, =

tujng lens; yupio stamp


rngy) glory, honor

[d ng] understand [y ng] embrace, crowd; crowded [xin] donate; y ngh support; y ngj

gngxin contribution

[x ] wash; x z o bath, shower [Xi n] <family name> [xi ] stop, (= [p] compel; [p i] [tn] sigh [g u] dog; [t u] steal; [y n] opposite of [q] vapor, steam; lig u hound; xi ot u thief yng; , cloudy; gloomy qch car f ngg u mad dog xi xi) rest; y p oppress; p ij po mortar retire; rest home

bip be compelled

qyu gasoline;

[bi] honor, worship; l bi week [bi] bibai bye-bye [hng] horizontal [hng] perverse [g ] beat, play, drum, arouse [g ] pngg g fat, plump, full, bulging [jin] jink ng health bo thin)

[hu] thick, deep, kind, rich (food) (compare with [qi n] qi ndng conclude and sign (treaty, etc); qi nmng signature

1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )

[d n] cinnabar, red; Denmark [Lu] name of a river in [h n] (= [rng] (= hibiscus [ln] wheel [n] shore [n i] breasts, milk [dn] thin, light; [cho] tide; (= [xn] lesson h njio, Chngd );

d ntin pubic region; Hnn and h h n,

D nmi

Sh nx

jioh n) shout, cry out

frng lotus, cottonrose

dnln (= chosh ) moist;

qi nln) light blue g ocho climax

[yun] round, circle; (sometimes used for [ju n] roll; spring roll (F ) [jun] volume, book, exam paper [qun] (= qun) curly hair

yun dollar)

(F (F

) )


ji sh explain;

shfng release

[zh ] all, various, <family name> [mio] wonderful, subtle; mmngqmio be baffled

[wi] wiwzh y materialism [w i] <expressing acceptance of a request/command> [du] force one's way; seize, capture; gradually; fight for step by

[zh] expel, pursue, one by one; step [yn] (= ynzi) swallow (bird) [Y n] <family name>

1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 (F ) (F ) (FI) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F )

[d i] stupid, silly, foolish, stay; [i] ib n stiff [c] ( [lng] (=

d ib n stiff gu nc observe waste

cling) survey, measure; b lng) wave (of water);

[ch u] take out; shrink; whip; [gi] cover, shell; lid

smoke tobacco

[pi n] slanting, leaning; stubbornly; unfortunately [yu] experience, pass through, review; ( [gu] ( gum i) purchase prospect; via zngdu yud) read

[t] way, route; [zng] longitudinally; column, file [Y ]

c ozng operate;

[y] <archaic interrogative particle>, (= Y s Jesus m suo grope;

y) grandfather

[m ] feel, stroke; [gu] hang, put up [hng] sail, fly;

zhu m fathom

hngxng navigate;


[z] (= xu nz) choose [zhi] choose [hn] hate [sh] ssh dormitory [sh ] (F ) give up, abandon; leave at home [qun] box (with fists); [zh] bamboo [tng] <family name>, Tang Dynasty, boastfull, exaggerated; sh bd be loathe to tijqun Taiji shadowboxing

( 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F (F (F ) ) ) (F )

tngt ) rude rngy honor; mngy fame

[y] praise;

[chng] ride (a vehicle); multiply [shng] chariot [ru] weak; [ji n] (= w iru faint; ji nch) inspect z g ng womb ru nru feeble

[g ng] palace, temple, <family name>; [y] ceremony, rite, gift, (= (=

ybi o) appearance, bearing,

yq) instrument, apparatus

[q] flag [hn] keep in mouth, contain [Yun] <family name> [zh ] foundation of a building; dzh address

[b i] put, arrange, sway, wave; yob iw "shakesway-dance", waggle dance (of bees), rock 'n' roll [o] om secret, mystery; omio profound, secret

[f n] <classifier for kinds, times, occurrences etc.>; f nqi tomato [P n] P ny county in Gu ngd ng [hn] mix up; hnlun chaos [hn] muddy, muddled [mi] extinguish; [w] hold, grasp; [y] (= [l ] ( [zho] eliminate; perish; comprehend annihilate

ych ) tooth k ol ) consider; zhok i convene y ul worry about

1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )

[m ng] fierce [ku n] wide, broad, extend, relax [chng] fill; contain [shng] flourishing; luxuriant

[h] pit, nucleus; htao walnut [h] hr <colloquial> pit [di] bag, pocket [sho] [b ] mend [di n] di nxng typical; classical; dictionary jisho introduce

[qu n] circle [jun] pen, sty [ju n] shut up in a pen [f ng] good-looking (F [y ] [y ] ) f ngf abundant y zhi elegant

wny cultured, refined; y pin opium

[j] lucky, auspicious [zn] [ch] tea; black tea [y] also; [g ] ( [w n] ( approve of; praise hngch "red tea" =

chy tea leaves;

f nzh yrn and vice-versa ) valley; (F ) (= g w) grain; g zi millet

w ndng) stable, steady;

w ndang reliable chu

[hu] (F ) gather together; gubo to report; vocabulary; (F ) converge, remit [l] lhai terrible, formidable, <family name> [li] name of an ancient country

{Compare with 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 (F ) (F (F ) )

l experience}

[ji] to fall due, <classifier for year of graduation, regular sessions, meetings, etc.> [j] (= hnj) mark, trace, vestige; thunderstorm; qj miracle radar order

[li] thunder; [x] [hn] (

zhxu order; ) cold


[f] enclose, attach; [j ] chicken;

fjn vicinity, nearby g ngb o j d ng spicy diced chicken

[z o] meet with disaster [ti o] ( ) choose


[ti o] poke; challenge [t o] t ot walk casually to and fro [ji n] ( (F ) [y] ( ji nb ng) shoulder; ( jy, ji nf) take on

1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 (F ) (F )

huy) remember, recall; memory ruru n soft; ruhe gentle

[ru] yielding;

[di] put on; di y njng wear glasses; dishang mozi put on a hat [x ] ( ) cherish; hesitate k x it's too bad; next door bx not

[g] separate, stand between; [ho] (= [chng] ( h ob, = ) honest

h ob) not at all

[ru] auspicious, good omen; [ji n] subtract;

timely snow

ji nsh o decrease

1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[b ] sow, seed; [me] (S ) [m] (F ) [zh n] needle; [q] board game; [jng] [b] ( [bei]



y om petty, insignificant policy; chess; zh nc acupuncture Go; contest Checkers

jngzh ng compete; sh ub) arm g bei arm

[t ng] quite, very; endure, stand; [c o] conduct, grasp; [co] make trouble [y o] waist [kung] ( f ngkung) crazy

stand upright

c ozng operate

[t] in place of; ( [mi] plum, prune; [g] [ln]

dit) replace, substitute plum blossom; plum grove

g ngg consolidate; lnl ethics

gdng fixed

[Sng] the Song dynasty (960-1279); typeface [g ng] steel; [gng] sharpen [nu] fountain pen; piano

Sng t z "Song"-

nuyn a promise

[cn] injure, barbarous, incomplete, remnant [yn] ( [h ] ( [h ] ynchng) prolong l oh ) tiger m mah h

[h] 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 (F ) (F ) [xn] [z i] ( [qi o] [qi o]

hbul <zool.> shrike xns rapid, swift z inn, z ihi) disaster

qi oqi o quietly qi osh ng quietly

[yu] high mountain, wife's parents, <family name> [qio] <family name>; [chu n] river; b ngchu n glacier qiom arbor

Sch nsh ng Sichuan Province; bochu get

[chu] revenge, hatered, <family name>; revenge [qi] mate, <family name> [j] (= jji) season; seasons [chu ] blow (F ) [ling] ( lingshi) grain, food d ngj winter;

1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )

sj four

[j] gather, get together; [y] ( [zh ] ( [sh ] (= f ny) translate zh zi) pearl, bead;

hjbin nuclear fusion



sh shu) uncle, father's younger brother conspiracy ch sh plinth

[mu] scheme; [ch ]

j ch foundation, base, basis;

[rn] benevolence, humanity [s n] decrease; damage; [rng] ( s nsh lose, loss rng)

) melt (ice or snow; cf

1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265

(F (F

) )



li ng ling ch two cars g njng clean m ng n sensitive; Y s ln Islam fairy maiden m nru

[jng] clean, complete; only; [m n] acute m nji agile;

[y ] <family name>, he or she;

[xi n] fairy, saint, immortal celestial being; [qi o] clever, coincidentally;

qi omio ingenious

[lng] zero; lngjin spare part; spare change [l ng] g l ngl ng solitary, all alone; d ngl ngl ng tinkle, jingle [li] tired; work hard [l i] accumulate [li] (F) [xi ng] (= xi ngshu) enjoy (compare with , companion wipe out; precious brave warrior zh um shake h ng)

1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 (F )

[bn] accompany;

[dng] swing, sway; loaf about; [zh n] ( [y ng] ) treasure: y ngg n brave; pearl;



[m] end, minor details; mr powder; weekend [me] (= me); shnme what? {Compare with wi haven't} (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) [fn] fndu struggle; x ngfn excited

1273 1274 1275 1276

[d n] gallbladder, guts, bravery, internal parts [q] ( fngq, p oq) abandon, give up mfan trouble, bother; b nifn

[fn] be vexed; impatient

1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) )

[h] paste; [h ] plaster [h] paste [yu] still, yet; [shu] tax [pi]

htu muddled

yuy hesitate;

yur as if

foster, train, develop; d kng) resist

cultivate, breed

[d ] support; ( [s ng] monk [f ng] sharp;

charge, assault;


[n i] be, so, only then, you [yo] distant, remote; long [m] [m ] [t n] nm massage; mc rub; friction m sa gently stroke, smooth rub, massage level; calm; tank


[hu] after [mi] eyelash; [c n] meal [gun] be used to; xgun be used to, habit, custom bln) no matter brows; eyebrow; looks

[png] lean on, based on, (= [gu n] hat, crown [gun] first place; [ti] lift, raise, carry [png] bump into; [b] money, currency;

gunj n champion

happen to meet coin; rnmnb RMB.



[q ] open; start; enlighten;

arouse, inspire li ng m m tou wharf, catch a

[m ] <classifier for cloth, happenings, etc.>; 1298 (F ) sh two entirely differeint things/matters; dock; 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F (F (F ) ) ) hom (serial) number, code

[mo] emit, risk, pretend to be, <family name>; cold [hn] ( [hn] hnshu ) sweat, perspiration khn

[s] common, rustic, vulgar, custom; [hu ] ash, dust, grey, disheartened [d ] ji nd supervise wqing infinite

proverb, saying

[qing] poor; [p ] quite, rather [q ng] lean; [ji n] point, tip;

tendency, prefer; ji nru sharp


[Hn] <family name>; (old name for Korea) [mo] moy trade mf ng) imitate, copy; isolated; lonely

[f ng] resemble, be like, (= seem; copy [g ] alone; orphan;

[pi o] float in the air, flutter; [mn] overflow; endless;

flutter, wave lngmn <loan> romantic

[y ] (= y y,= j y ) give, grant [y] <archaic> (= w) I, me [z ] purple, violet

1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334


[c] side [zh i]

zh iwai slant ynh i coastal; promote; leader; ynr water's edge elevation pocket-sized; backbone

[yn] along; [b] raise, pull;

[xi] ( ) sleeve; du nxi T-shirt

[ling] bridge, roof beam; (F ) [sh ng] reward, admire; [m] curtain; act (of play); [b] wall, cliff;


x nsh ng enjoy, appreciate pngm screen

qingb wall (la pared) in one day; once; New

[dn] <archaic> dawn; Year's Day [chn] ( (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) [chn] ( [b] shut [ling] cool, cold [ling] make cool [s o] sweep; [so]

z ochen) morning chnji) pure; ( d nchn) simple

d s o clean up

sozhou broom yuq especially

[yu] fault; outstanding; [po] cannon; shell [b o] quick-fry [po] concoct [w n] bowl (F )

[ti ] stick, paste, glue, stay close to [ch ] insert, stick in; plug

1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350

(F (F

) )

[g n] roll, boil [yun] cause, reason; edge; insulate

[s] temple, Buddhist monastery (F (F ) ) [bi] shellfish; cowrie; (money); {Compare with [rn] jin see} lrn profit; rnhu lubricate bik shell

sh rn moist;

[sh] surname, family name, (= shz) clan [zh ] Yuzh Indo-Scyths (nomadic people in Central Asia) [d ng] (= hibernation; (F (F ) ) [ku] d ngti n, = d ngj) winter; d ngmin ch nxiqi d ng the four seasons

kud enlarge, expand

[ln] fence, railing [hu ng] desolate, wasteland, famine; [zh] zhxu philosophy hu ngmi absurd

[b ] force, compel; close in on (F ) [xi] frighten, scare [h] (= k ngh) threaten, <interj.> [du ] pile, heap [zu ] gu lib ozu altogether, all in all [zhung] collide, run into [lng] young man; [lng] [li ] two, both; (F ) [li ng] craft [ln] ( bridegroom. <family name> w men li the two of us


jli ng trick, intrigue, maneuver, skill, dexterity, .) blue



1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371


[xin] idle, free time; [x n] suffering;

digression, complaint

x nk work hard y njng glasses piji dowry


[jng] (= [pi] (=

jngzi) mirror, lens; pitng) accompany;


[q] ride (horse/bike) [j] chngj saddle horse; rider [dn] egg; chicken egg; protein csh impel, urge yngnin year of the

[c] urge; urgent;

cjn promote;

[yng] sheep; sh nyng goat; Sheep = 8th year [y] (= [yi] shy) suitable pinyi cheap ma)

[ma] <particle for persuation> [m] <interrogative particle> (= (F (F ) ) [yn] . yns colour;

ynmin face pngqing) poor

[pn] (= } pnk, =

[f] width of cloth, size, <classifier for cloth, paintings etc.>; a picture (F ) [zh] stay, halt, be stationed [png] (= [w ] foul; (F (F (F ) ) ) [ji] fpng) duckweed w r n pollution outstanding; masterpiece p mi extinguish; majestic; p k

[p ] pounce on; flap wings; <loan> Poker [zhung] robust, magnificent;

1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390



ps bodhisattva, benevolent being, <family name>

[xng] punishment (F ) [y u] worry, grieve; [mo] ( (F ) y uy sad; polite worry about

) appearance;

[y] lawsuit; (

ji ny) prison, jail

[s i] fill in, stuff, cork [s] (= d s) block up, obstruct [si] place of strategic importance, border pass (F ) [fng] male phoenix (fabulous bird of good omen) [k ng] hole; (F (F (F ) ) ) [ch] touch; [lin] K ngz Confucius; ji ch get in touch; mink ng face antenna

love (as in love affair) q y uc l What kind of

[q ] (rhetorical adverb); reasoning is that?, Nonsence! [s n] (= s nln) forest

[fn] numerous; U fnzh breed; U flourishing; U fn t z full forms of simplified characters [su] smash to pieces [j n] ferry crossing, ford, saliva, sweat, moist, damp; j nj ny uwi (to do someting) with pleasure, to be appetizing


[xi] [lng] [l ng]

xik chivalrous warrior;


lngzhng grand; lngq swell h ngl ngl ng tumble, roll arrive late; hesitate; put off

(F (F

) )

[ch] tardy; [zh]

zhdn dawn, daybreak radiance, glory; hu hung brilliant

[hu ] shine;

1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 (F (F ) ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F ) (FG)

[h n] ruthless [x ] f nx analyse

[su ] shrink [xu] cave, hole, den, grave, acupuncture point [xi o] desolate [yun] resentment, complain [m] rub, wear down [m] mill, grind(stone) [f] bend over, subside; fall hot summer days; rise and

[c] take leave; diction, poetry, language [n] mud; [n] putty [lng] ( soil ) age; duration zhjng) diameter; bk ng nostril tjng channel,

[jng] path, way; ( way, through [b] (= bzi) nose;

[li] rely; hang around; blame falsely; deny error [y ng] face upward; [fn] (= [m] qfn, = xny ng (religious) faith fnn) angry im adore

xinm envy; admire;

[] very soon, suddenly; [yng] shine [xn]

?gu Russia

xnwn ask about, inquire

[c n] tragic; savage

1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429


[mi] wheat, etc; <loan> microphone

mipin oatmeal;

mikf ng

[s] stay overnight, <family name> [xi ] <classifier for nights>; zh y xi stay one night [xi] constellation in Chinese astronomy [bi] times; three times (as much)

[c ] thick, rough, coarse (F ) [tng] jump, gallop, vacate; [t ng] thump [sh o] ( [sho] , boiling

) a little, a bit, slightly half a section dye; pollution w gu

[ji] cut, stop; section, length; [r n] to dye; catch (disease);


[w ] (= w y ) crow, (= w h i) black; tortoise {Compare with m horse and ni o bird} [y] heal, get better; (like yu)


[g ng] mound, sentry [g ng] hu g ngsh granite [gng] [li ] willow gnk u delicious sweet


[p ] spread, unfold; pave [p] shop, store; plank bed; [sh] wade, ford, go through, involve; [j] (= jbng) illness; jk hardship g nsh interfere


[d ng] ward off, block, gear (of car) [dng] bngdng arrange, get ready [fng] accept, offer; [t] step on; affront (= receive orders; flatter

z ota) z ota ruin, waste, insult,

[t ] (= 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 (F ) (F )

t ) collapse, sink, calm down

[zh ng] faithful [w ] (= w ) five, <family name>; duw troops

[du ] hide (oneself), avoid, dodge [j] book, registry, native place, membership; nationality [n ] [l ng] [xi ng] box [ci] cut cloth or paper; reduce; decide; sanction [zhng] curtain; mosquito net; tent; account compatible n l try hard shu ngl ng, bright and clear; recite guj

[ji n] double; simultaneously: [b ] b c each other

[xi] rosy clouds [zh ] pig; [x ] zh nin the year of the pig = the 12th year

shx know well, be familiar with

[zh ] prick [zh] zh ngzh struggle [z ] (F ) [qun] advise [bo] thin [b] slight; weak [b] bhe peppermint (F ) [zh] build, construct; [jn] handsome, pretty; architecture brilliant, talented

1445 1446 1447 1448

1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F )

[xi] shoe [j] ( [q n] (= [x n] jl) distance q nl, = x nsh ng enjoy y ngj crowded medium, intermediary q nr) invade, intrude into

[j ] squeeze; crowd; push, jostle; [mi] go-between, matchmaker; [t ] spit [t] ( [hn] ( ut) vomit lnghn) soul, spirit, mood

[ji] (= chnji) pure, (= jibi pure white, spotless

q ngji) clean, sanitay;

[zh ] branch [q] (= q) fork, brach, divergent [yng] full; [z ] block; yngl profit, have a surplus z zh prevent; dinz resistance

[xin] pit, trap; cave in; [ji ] helmet; {Compare with

sink/fall into beetle yu from}

zh jia fingernail; sh n explain and

[zhng] <family name>;

zhngzhng serious, solemn

[mng] cry of birds, animals, insects; ring, sound; express [t ng] (= t ngru) if, supposing shngy) surplus, left

[shng] be left over, remain, (= over, remain

[k ] grain, small round object, <classifier for small round things>; y k zh zi one pearl [tu ] pull, drag; procrastinate

1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479

[sh ] stretch; [hu]

sh fu comfortable;

sh chng carefree xinhu virtuous ( )

nhu favor, kindness;

[h n] dusk, dark, to faint [zhn] shake, stimulate; [ji] forbid; vibration; inspire jizhi ring

jiyn enforce martial law;


[sng] lose (by death), lose (sth. important); sngsh forfeit [s ng] mourning; s ngsh funeral arrangements [ji o] burnt; ( ) coke; ji oj anxious; focus

[p] crawl, climb [p ] ip p squat, short [lng] insult; encroach; draw near; [hu] zhhu wisdom lngchn before dawn

[ u] ( urn) by chance, even number {Compare with j odd} [hung] ( yohuang) shake, sway [hu ng] dazzle [hu ng] [to] ( ) peach; peach blossom; chdo equator; cnln splendid hoax; y ngto cherry chji o barefoot

1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 (F ) (F (F ) )

[ch] red, bare; [ln] messy; [l n] [pin] ( swindler

) deceive; cheat, swindle; cush measure, step

[cu] arrange; [y] page [xi ng] terrible; ferocious

xi ng' fiendish;

xi ngm ng

1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[ti] peace, quiet; Thailand; something of great importance [sh ] corpse, sh t dead body

Tish n Mount Tai,

[p ] slope, hillside; [l i] tie or strap tightly [l] lsu [lio] treat, cure; [t ] pagoda, tower [da] ; [chn] (

p d slope, gradient


hu chn) dust

[t ng] lie down [sh ] [wi] [tn] (F tsh special, particular comfort, console; express sympathy for

) altar, raised plot of ground; (F ) jar, jug g nzhe sugarcane; r sun} G ns

[g n] sweet; {Compare with

[y o] bite; bark; pronounce [j] resist; ( jju) refuse

[bi o] young tiger [zh] ( bozh) explode, blow up [zh] deep fry [j ng] (water) well, <family name> [chng] worship, high, sublime [y n] drink [yn] give animals water to drink [zh] express good wishes; qngzh celebrate; zhh congratulate; zhf invoke/give blessing

1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518

[w ng] (ocean)

w ngw ng tearful, bow-wow; lofng) prison; Guln

boundless log sturdy

[lo] firm, durable; ( [gu] laurel (bay) tree;

[w i] (= w iba) tail [y ] huy <colloquial> end, behind [pi o] float [pio] pailiang beautiful [pi o] pi obi bleach [lio] just, slightly; chat, gossip [s ] cast, let go [s ] scatter, sprinkle [qi] ( right qidng) appropriate, suitable; qih o just wlio bored, silly; lioti nr

[nng] hnnngt concrete; nngg solidify [mo] spear;

nngsh stare;

modn "spear-shield" = contradiction

[Y ] <family name> [w ] <archaic> sigh and exclaim [y] (S ) in, at, to, from, by, than (F ) [b n] guest; {Compare with [x] b ngu n hotel b ng soldier} tux lead, clue

1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525

(F )

qngx mood, depression;

[Png] <family name> [d] ( dzi) stomach [d ] tripe [c ng] urgent, rushed; c ngc ng hurriedly, obviously, apparently; c ngmng in a hurry [mio] trace, touch up; [f n] powder; f nhngs pink mioxi describe .

x y f n laundry detergent;

1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545


[zi] thief [f] (= qu f) lack; pf tired; pnf poor

[dn] shield; [chu] worry [xi] slanting; [li] split, crack: [li ] crack open

modn "spear-shield" = contradiction

xibi n hypoteneuse;

xil slope

f nli split, divide, break up, fission hub ng ice-skate f irn brilliant (of

[hu] slip, slide, smooth, slippery; [f i] to possess literary talent; literature); F ij Fiji (F ) [fi] waste [j] jm lonely;

jjng quiet (place);

chnj quiet

[y ng] gush, pour, rise, surge; (F (F (F ) ) ) [xing] xingx detailed; nxing serene

xi ngy ng turbulent du nxing details;

[t ng] hot water, soup [sh ng] sh ngsh ng to flow turbulently [ch] chd thorough; gunch carry out, implement xunxu

[xun] black, dark, profound, abstruse; metaphysics [j n] half a kilogram; (F ) g ngj n kilogram

[h ng] bang, boom, rumble, bomb, attack, drive out; h ngh nglili grand, spectacular [ji n] treacherous, traitor; (F ) adultery; qingji n rape


[lin] [du ] (=

k lin poor, pitiful du r) flower, <classifier for flowers, clouds etc.>;

[ y du hu ; [duo] 1546 1547 1548 rduo ear

[ji ] good, beautiful [ji ] <slightly archaic> all, everyone [ni o] bird [di o] (= ) {Compare with wu crow} chngb ng city-state; [b ng] nation, state, country; w tu b ng utopia [f] support with the hand, help (F (F (F ) ) ) [hu ] destroy; [c ng] [bin] ( [png] (= (F ) [] hungry [sh] snake [y] x y w iy pretended interest and sympathy [b ] catch; [b n] move; dib arrest move house Sh nyng; hu mi exterminate


1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563

c ngming clever, intelligent, bright binln) debate, argue; pngzi) bottle diagnosis

[Sh n] <family name>, liquid essence; (F ) msh nwig n "before the ink is dry" [chn] (= ) to sink (F ) [f ng] Chinese sweet gum (tree); maple [ji] [y u] jijiu uncle, mother's brother secluded; humor; m, = gloomy; mgu ) demon;

ghost msh

[m] evil spirit, (=

magic 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F ) (F ) [qn] zither-like instrument; [zhng] struggle; earn [zh ng] zh ngzh struggle [pn] engage; [w n] curve, bend [m] (= [q ] (= fnm) grave, tomb q pin) cheat, deceive, (= consciousness; q fu) bully pnq ng engage, invite piano; violin

[w] realize;

[Ji ng] <family name> [chn] high official, overseer, (= [f n] (= f nhu) return, go back wif n, = wibi) violate; wif dchn) minister

[wi] disobey, (= break the law

[ku ] lose (money); ch ku suffer a loss, come to grief, treat unfairly; xngku fortunately, luckily [di ] lose, misplace [yun] hold, help; zh yun support; yunzh help

[H] <family name>, hertz [Wi] one of the Three Kingdoms, name of several dynasties, <family name> [ni] be able to endure; nifn impatient y ubix n patient; b

[pi] wear (at the waist), admire, pendant waist ornament; pifu admire; jngpi esteem [su n] sour, acid [mng] ( [mng] linmng) alliance, pact mngsh oath of alliance

1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F ) (Fh)

[png] fat, plump [pn] <archaic> easy and comfortable [sh ] stupid, idiotic; sh zi, sh gu idiot wiro surround

[ro] wind, coil, move around; [h ng] groan, snort, hum [hng] humph

[Qn] the Qin Dynasty 221-207 B.C., <family name> [q ] bend, submit, injustice; q f surrender, yield; w iqu feel wronged, srong somebody [r ] w r insult, humiliate; ch r shame zuw n yesterday

[zu] (= zuti n) yesterday; evening {Compare with z how} [shu] thin, lean, frail, skinny [zn] (= [jin] arrow; znsh) temporary hu jin rocket;

jintu arrowhead

[sh ] (= sh mng, = bsh deploy [f] go to, attend [d] hand over, pass, give; present, submit [c i] guess; [qin] [hng] ( [j]

qi nsh ) sign one's name;

dji o deliver, hand on,

c ixi ng suppose qinshu t ng submarine; qinl latent ability

hngyn) swan, wild goose, vast grade, achievement; merits and achievements


[yo] shine, dazzle [t] spread on; tlio coating

[tu] [t ] 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) [g ] cut;

htu muddled hlib t confused, muddle-headed sh ug to harvest dufu tofu; ddu soybean;

[du] bean; w ndu pea

[m n] muffled (of sound), stuffy, cut off from air circulation [mn] bored, depressed [tng] (= [xing] (= [l] g l, tngzi) pavilion, kiosk jxing) auspicious; j l encourage; cxing kindly, mercy ji ngl reward mioy fnln

[y ] eaves, universe; temple [fn] flood; overflow

y zhu cosmos;

gu ngfn wide, extensive;

[lng] wolf, greedy and cruel person; position [hu ] (= huhu ) regret, repent

lngbi in a difficult

[d ] put up, hang over, lift together [d] dchr pursue another's utterance; where, wherever (F ) [jin] (= j njin) warship; aircraft carrier [f] float [qi n] lead along (by hand, halter, etc.); d [f] [s] [n] (= fh conform to;

n d

hngk ngm jin

qi nni xi

fho mark, symbol sq ng eliminate

yns serious, solemn; nl) slave

[bo] (= bozh) explode, (= bozh firecracker

bof ) erupt, burst;

1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[z ] elder sister;

z mi sisters yuzh childish; child

[yu] young, children; [ji ] press, squeeze, clip [ji] lined (clothing) [g ] g zhiw armpit [y o] ( y oq ng) invite

[f ng] crazy [y n] [n o] [z ] rent; [y ] ( y zi) chair y nx permit, allow n ohu angry, annoyed ch z qch taxi

[ch ] ruler, one-third of a meter; y ngch (English) foot [ch ] g ngch traditional Chinese musical notation [sh] shhu wait upon, look after tofu; corrode; corrupt chndng vibrate

[f ] rotten;

[chn] quiver; chnd u tremble; [zhn] tremble, shudder [ni ] twist, turn around, seize; [ni ] z ni squeak

biniu awkward

[f i] f ib humble [f i] luxuriant; F il b n Philippines [w ] tile; ( w t) Watt [w] to tile a roof [w ] lnw w dazzling blue [c ] rub, wipe, scrape [l] spicy; lji o hot pepper; dl sinister [l ] rl l burning hot, impassioned, passionate [zu] play music; y nzu perform music; jizu

1637 1638 1639 1640

rhythm 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 (F ) [y n] rich, <family name> [y n] (= y nhng) blackish red, dark red [mi] bury, cover up [mn] mnyun blame, complain [shu i] fall down; [pn] look, (= shu iji o wrestling pnwng) hope for, look forward to

[yn] chant, recite [y n] xioy ny n smilingly [d] cross a river/sea/etc., tide over, ferry across; dchun ferry [sh n] (= chnsh n) shirt

[ku] step, stride, straddle, go beyond [zu] drunk [ji n] (= ji nnn) difficult, (= } ji nk ) arduous y nh to shield; y ngi

[y n] hide, sneak attack; conceal

[h] lotus; hhu lotus flower [h] carry, load [c ng] dark green or blue; blue sky; green pine; (F ) c ngying fly, mosquito; grayish c ngbi pale, lifeless,


1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 (F )

[xun] spin; xunzhu n rotate [xun] whirl, lathe [ji ] uncover [s ng] mulberry tree; mulberry leaves [zhng] battle, war; [lin] lotus, water lilly s ngcn silkworm; s ngy

d zhng wage a war, fight a battle

1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677


[zu n] drill, get into, study [zun] drill, auger, diamond, watch jewel [hng] hngw i magnificient; hnggu n macroscopic [hun] unreal, imaginary, magical; science fiction novel hngd great; k hun xioshu

[rn] (= d orn) sharp edge of knife or sword, kill with knife or sword (F (F ) ) [xi] (= xig ) gorge, canyon; h ixi strait, channel; S n Xi the Three Gorges of the Yangtze river [lio] [w] ( (F ) [k i] lioku vast, extensive; wwa) baby k ig song of triumph hunbng fall ill zhng'i) obstruct; Lionng (a province)

[hun] worry, anxiety, disaster; [zhng] barrier, obstacle, (= b ozhng ensure [gi] (= q gi) beggar

[hng] weighing equipment, (= measure, judge (F ) [m o] cat; xingm o panda; [mo] moy o stoop, crouch

hngliang) weigh, m otuy ng owl

[ch u] second Earthly Branch, a clown in an opera, <faily name>; (F ) ch ulu ugly, disgraceful, scandalous (F ) [t o] great waves [nu n] warm up, (= and warm w nnu n) warm; nu nhuo nice

[li ] slide, sneak away [li] swift current of water (F ) [gu ] pot, wok, frying pan; [ni] what?, how?; gu ti pot sticker wk nih have no alternative



[f] (=

chngf) punish, (=

fku n) penalty sh); sh ushi put


[sh] pick up from the ground, ten (= in order [sh] shj climb stairs (F (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) ) [nng] dense, thick, concentrated; [jin] key;

1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696

nngd consistency

jinpn keyboard (piano or typewriter)

[mi] vein, pulse; sh nmi mountain range [m] mm lovingly [su ] lock [ln] (= lnj ) neighbor

[chu] stinking [xi] sniff, smell [f ng] perfume, (= f ngxi ng) fragrant; (when speaking of a young woman) [chu] hang down, droop; [zhu ] clutch, grasp, catch; and-seek" [hu ] hu f recover, restore f nglng age

chizh vertical, perpendicular zhu mcng to play "hide-

[m ] nurse [k n] cut, chop, hack; (F ) [ji] ( k nchi cut firewood loji excuse me...

jish ) drive, fly, sail;

[g ng] respect;

g nghx nx Happy New Year

[ i] get close to, be next to, in sequence [i] suffer (F ) [hu] misfortune [Co] <family name>

1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 (F ) (F )

[c] mercy [d u] (=

cxing kindly; f d u, =

c'i love, kindness; chnd u) shiver, tremble

cb i

[qun] spring, (= source [l n]

p nqun) fountain;


zh nl n exhibition;

yul n go sightseeing Aomen;

[o] bay, inlet (used in place names); [z ng] (F [zng] (F ) dirty ) x nzng heart

[tng] sore, painful [tng] copper (Cu); [xi ] (= ) q ngtng bronze xi ku feel ashamed lujid ng


xi ch ) shame, shy;

[dng] shelves; dng'n files, archives [d ng] m d ngzi target of scolding; logical data files [p o] throw; p oq abandon;

1707 1708 1708 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715


p omo drop anchor hu mio flame

[mio] seedling, young plant, vaccination; [hu] [huo] [fi] (= (F (F (F ) ) ) [q ] yhu uncertain mhuo perplex ) fat, fertile, (= ) fertilizer;

fizo soap

q zh drive out, expel w peng shack ) pants g j estimate, guess gyi secondhand clothes xb o cell

[w ] nest; [k] (= [g ] [g]

[b o] womb, placenta;

1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F )

[b ng] handle [ku] wide; gu ngku vast; lioku extensive [d] <family name>; stop, cut off [qn] ( ku nku broad; dju

dju n cuckoo, azalea;

qnlo) diligent, hardworking

[zh u] boat, ship [mo] (= [m ] mozi) hat, headgear, cap m n o agate; M y Maya

[ch] remove, take away, withdraw, evacuate [pn] frequently; pnl frequency

[chn] meditation, Zen, Dhyana [shn] shnrng abdicate [k ] <archaic> stalk, branch, <family name> [li] lif radish; Wnli Brunei bk n can't stand; nnk n

[k n] may, endure; intolerable [cn] inch [ i] grief; sorrowful;

iqi entreat, implore xingm o panda hinterland

[xing] bear, <family name>; [f] belly, stomach, abdomen; [chng] taste [qi o] knock, strike; lu beat a gong [b] suddenly;

qi o mn knock on a door; bb vigorous

qi o

1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) )

[xn] patrol; [do] (=

xnsh make a tour of inspection doqi) steal; qingdo robber

[chu] chip, counter, prepare, plan [ku] button up; ni kur button; kuzi knot, button

[ch] pond, <family name>, (= yuy ngch swimming pool; [qi n] shallow, light [chi] firewood; [ i] dust, angstrom;

chtng) pool; dinch battery

hu chi match; A j Egypt

chiyu diesel oil

[ji] marry (referring to a woman) [mi] <classifier for small objects, coins, etc.> [x ] scarce, watery; [di o] vulture, (= relief sculpture [yn] (= [y n] (= y n) x fn rice porridge, rice soup di ok) carve, engrave; ynw) detest; fdi o ynfn boring sh gu

t oyn, =

y ny n weak and weary thrugh illness

[gu ] melon, gourd; x gu watermelon; idiot; hunggua cucumber [shu] longevity; [di ] fall, tumble [ch ] pull, tear, chat [d ng] director; [j n] brocade; vegetables g d ng antique shj n fancy; shumng life-span

sshj n assorted



[jin] reflect, mirror, inspect, examine, take as a lesson, ancient bronze mirror, warning, object lesson; jindng appraise; jijin draw lessons from


[shu ] brush, to brush, to paint, swish [shu] shuxu n choose, pick, select; white, pale, brush over (F ) [q ] walk fast, hurry, (= q sh tendency


1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775

q xing) tend, incline to;

[ju n] contribute, relinquish, tax [o] ( (F ) [gun] ji o'o) proud, arrogant gunch carry out; ygun consistent

[din] hall, palace (F (F ) ) [b ] poke, turn, stir; dinhu dial a phone [xn] [t ] kick; (F ) b zh ng set a clock; b

qi nxn modest t zqi play football pi bshi z ti) posture qi nji

[pi] compensate, pay for, lose money; apologize [z ] appearance, gesture, (= z sh, =


[qi n] move, change; yield to

binqi n changes;

[l] mulititude, <family name>; [j] sacrifice; [d ] drip, drop (F )

lmng daybreak

jq sacrificial utensil

[x] make a surprise attack, carry on as before [hu ng] flustered, confused; [bi n] whip [mng] [fng] meet mngmng vast, boundless and indistinct hu ngmng in a flurry

1776 1777

[t] butcher, kill [k n] k nchng insect; K nmng


[b i] (= b ish) cypress [B] Bln Berlin [b] (= ) hungb the bark of a cork tree, golden cypress (F ) [sh ] sail, move along quickly (speaking fo vehicles), (= jish ) drive [f] f nf tell, instruct; zhw plant zh fu enjoin, tell

1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790

[zh] to plant; (F (F ) ) [j] fear, dread [ni ] [ji]

ni kur button, knob, handle, tie m nji quick, agile; q ngji nimble, spry

[zhn] irrigation ditch; [sh ng] burden (F (F ) )

Sh nzhn (place name) sh ngkou beasts of sh z ng be missing; cngln

x sh ng sacrifice;

[z ng] g nz ng follow closely; z ngj trace [cng] crowd; jungle [m]

cngsh series of books; mrn apathetically

sh m desert;



ji nru sharp pointed, acute;

rul sharp, keen


[l ] l ba musical wind instrument; l ma lama [l ] l la drip (water/etc.); hu l sound of rustling/crashing/etc. [l] h lzi saliva; zh l harangue, shoot off the mouth [qin] heaven; qindo ways of heaven, natural law; qink n heaven and earth, the universe [g n] (S ) dry, hollow


1793 1794 1795 (F (F ) )

[hu] suddenly [sh ] moist [zh ng] open the eyes [z ] z x careful [z i] young animal [z ] z ji n burdens, responsibility [ch o] make noise [ch o] ch ochao make noise [y u] long, drawn-out, leisurely; (F ) [g u] gulley, trench [m] ink stick, (= mshu ) ink; Mz (a philosopher) yngruchun y uji age-old


1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 (F ) (F (F (F ) ) )

[chun] string together, bunch, cluster; sheep meat kebab [j] all; [j ] together [to] pottery; [gng] [hn] [yng] win [p] flatulence, fart, nonsence, rubbish, (= [ch] gallop, speed, spread; [bng] stick, bat, excellent; jlb club toc ceramics

gngxin contribute hnsh n from head to foot, all over

pgu) buttocks

chmng well-known bngqi baseball

[p ] <classifier for horses, mules, bolts of cloth, etc.>; s n p m three horses [p n] ( p ncu) piece together; spell, transliterate p ny n; p nxi

1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830


[hng] permanent [xi] evil, <interrogative sentence final particle> [y] (= y) <interrogative particle> [cu] brittle, crisp; curu fragile [z o] rotten; g ncu simply; z og o bad luck! q ngcu clear; z ota waste, spoil

[bn] dress up as, disguise as; put on an expression (F (F (F ) ) ) [xin] xinhu virtuous and dutiful (woman); virtuous person [sh] decoration, dress up, impersonate [chng] repay, (= pichng) compensate, pay for xinrn

[ch i] take apart, dismantle [c ] collquial excrete (F) (F (F ) ) [chn] to wind, tie up, tangle, bother [sh] absorb, photograph; [n ] (= imitate [z ] [h i] hey [zh ] (F (F ) ) yzh intention n dng) draft; z wi flavor; p ish take a picture b n comparison; z zh ng grow mn

[chu ng] rush, charge [h] zhh congratulate; qngh celebrate

[cu] emerald green; (FD) [fng] sew [fng] seam, crack

cuni o kingfisher

1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849


[b o] full (after meal) [ji] rob, disaster


[f ] pat, soothe, foster; [w ] dig, excavate

f m stroke


[c] book; {Compare with [pn]

sh uc handbook; l beautiful and

dtc atlas png friend}

pnt traitor

[xio] xioxing portrait [Xi o] <family name> [x ] splendid, (= j x ) bright, brilliand; Zdi n Kangxi dictionary (1716 A.D.) (F (F (F ) ) ) [lin] smelt, refine, temper metal; [xin] xinf constitution; K ngx

dunlin exercise xinb ng military police

[mio] temple [b] green jade, bluish green; Xu b "7up", "Sprite" [h] (= hzi) box y uy friendship ch ling reserves; cnch memory dark green; dark blue;

(F (F (F (F (F (F

) ) ) ) ) )

[y] [ch ]

[png] swift-running horse [Fng] <family name> [hun] (= [t n] corrupt; [w] lie down; jiohuan) call out t nx n greedy wsh bedroom

1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 (F (F ) )

[y] wing [r o] harass, bother, trouble; r olun disturb

[xi] upper part of side of person's body, coerce [gu] kneel [b i] upright stone tablet (monument, etc); tombstone [h ] breathe out (mouth open), scold; [tin] sweet; tinci beet xi nrn p xi ) compose mb i h qin yawn

[s ] (F ) sprinkle [xi n] xi nr respectful, deferential; (F ) alarmed, surprised, shocked, frightened, cold (F ) [p ] table, chart, manual, music score, (= (music etc.) [sh ] (used in names) [su ] msu stroke, caress [nu] (F ) nu graceful (woman)

1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866

[g] pavilion, cabinet [y ng] usual, ordinary; Mean Zh ng ng Doctrine of the Golden


[png] roc (a giant mythical bird) [f] (= fgi) cover; di nf subvert; (S ) repeatedly, again and again [lng] lnglng clever and nimble f nf

[hu] marquis, <family name> [m ] slip something off, colloquial wipe [m ] apply, smear, brush/wipe off, exclude, play (cards/etc.); m b cloth, rag; m sh obliterate [m] daub, plaster, skirt, bypass


1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884

(F (F (F

) ) )

[L] <family name>; [i]

g l calabash fng'i hinder

zhng'i get in the way;

[z ng] z ngh synthesize [zng] heddle [qi ] mound, grave; qi lng hills; tuy n dizzy hngyn blush sh qi dune

(F (F

) )

[y n] faint, swoon; [yn] dizzy, faint, halo; [ln] block the way [rn] (

rnsh o) burn;

rnlio fuel

[ch ng] prosperous [t n] swallow, gulp down, annex; [xin] suspicion, dislike [D] <family name> [y ] pawn, detain; rhyme y sng send under escort; y yn t nm embezzle

[sh] (= shtou) tongue {Compare with g ancient} [ln] <archaic> beautiful jade (F ) [w] fog; y nw smoke, mist

[mn] prolonged, graceful (F ) [ch ] (= ch r ) shame, humiliation; w ch shameless k ch shameful;


[gu] (F ) (= guzi) cabinet; guti counter; zh nggu shopkeeper [j ] j li tree of the willow family,large tree good for making furniture/etc. (F ) [t n] spread out, unfold, take a share in, vendor's stall


1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 (F ) (F (F ) )

[xu ] [xi o] [q ]

b xu to exploit qi xi o cut q nq relative; xi -q joy and sorrow

[g n] pole [g n] (F ) shaft [yn] rock, cliff; ynsh rock; rngyn melted rock = lava [wi] hey, hello, (= sh yn sandstone;

wiy ng) feed, raise

[r ng] throw, toss; r ngqi throw a ball (compare with ji qiu catch a ball) [sh] elapse [dn] shsh pass away, die; dnsh ng be born; xi osh fade away, Shngdnji Christmas xuny cliff

[xun] hang, unresolved, worry;

[shu ng] shu ngl ng bright, clear, frank; lingshu ng pleasantly cool [cu ] <family name>; cu w i lofty, towering [tng] royal court [cu] gather together, happen by chance [ch ] idiotic; infatuation pnd basin (of land) fngy defense; d y resist cu wi rocky mound, otwering;

[pn] basin, tub, pot; [y] imperial; (F [k] (= )

cnk) cruel, <slang> cool

[i] Chinese mugwort; irng moxa [y] yuny resentment [i] <interjection indicating sentiment/sympathy/disappointment> oh! [ i] yes?

1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 (F ) (F (F ) )

[l o] l olao <colloquial> maternal grandmother [m ] <archaic> old lady [lng] (= [l ng] lngzi) cage, coop l ngzho shroud, envelop di nd o turn upside down

[di n] jolt, fall, summit; [y n] marriage; [xi] ( hand [ku] (

h ny n marriage, realated by marriage xish u hand in

xidi) carry, take along; cnku) ashamed f nf ng fragrant;

[f n] fragrance;

F nln Finland y shn

[m] j ngm solemn and quiet, <family name>; M h nmd Mohammed [shn] a fan, slap, <classifier for doors etc.>; mn [sh n] to fan, slap, incite [y] <family name>; fragrant; elegant; (F y uy melancholy (F ) [zh] throw, cast [zh ng] terrified, panic-stricken [zhng] f zhng stare blankly [x n] rush pith [xn] ynxn core [sh ] (= 1st year (F ) [ji ] [ji ng] l osh ) mouse, rat; ji zhng rectify;

1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924

) luxuriant;

sh nin year of Rat =

ji chn get entangled X nji ng

bi nji ng border region; r sun}

[yu ] say {Compare with [f] [po] (=

sh fu master (term of respect) pozi) robe, gown

1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 (F )

[chn] (=

zu chn) lip;

chng o lipstick

[s ] revive, come to;

Y s Jesus p ngzhe y g

[p ng] hold, carry in both hands; x gu carrying a watermelon [g u] cross out, evoke, gang up with [gu] gudang shady deal/business

[m] herd, tend; mch ng grazing land, pasture; mmn herdsman, govern the people [r] Confucianism, scholar; Rln (Confucian) scholars [k i] Rji Confucianists;

k ngk i generous, vehement

[j n] tendon, muscle, fiber; n oj n brains, mind, head; xingpj n rubber band [zh] pillar, post, cylinder [b i] low, inferior, modest, humble; b ib base, despicable, vulgar; b ili despicable [yn] to swallow [y n] pharynx [y] w y sob, whimper (F (F ) ) [d n] <loan> ton, slang one thousand yuan (RMB) pchng reptile; sh chng

1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 (F (F ) )

[chng] worm, insect; bookworm [shng] (= [ch] shngzi, = chfng kitchen

(Fo) (F )

shngsu ) rope, cord

[yu n] injustice; [zh ng] rise, go up [zhng] swell [zhu] to wrinkle; [p]

yu nwang do wrong, treat unjustly

zhuwn wrinkles pjun tired

plo exhausted, fatigued;

1944 1945 1946

(F (F (F

) ) )

[d ] gamble, bet [ro] rich, plentiful, have mercy, give extra [kung] (= kungsh) ore; ( kungw mineral [chng] smooth, free; chngkui cheerfull, carefree; unblocked [mi] coal; [wn] (= miyu kerosene sh uwn) wrist; tu wnzi ankle kungsh n) mine;

sh chng happy, worry-free; chngt ng unimpeded,

1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955



[p n] spurt, spray; d p nt sneeze [pn] crop, in season, high season [qi n] advance [ho] piqi n send, dispatch; hodng vast, mighty; xi nqi n sent in hod huge

[w ng] old man, <family name> [z ] z xn consult, seek advice from b obi o bodyguard


[bi o] dartlike weapon; [png] [b ng] [b ng]


pngm screen b ngx hold breath b ngyng with fear and trepidation

1957 1958 1959 1960 1961

[zhng] second, middle (of 3 months or brothers); zhngch n 2nd month of spring, middle of spring; zhngxi ng 2nd eldest brother [x ] exclamation of surprise, Alas!, My! (= giggling [f n] f nf tell, instruct x x ) sound of

[min] cotton [mng] eldest son, first month of season, <family name>

1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981

(F (F

) )

[ch ng] prop up, support, keep up, fill to bursting [l] (= lzi) stove, oven, furnace

[xi] leak, drain, divulge, release [y] yt garrulous and disorderly, easygoing [zng] (= mizng) bury (the dead); s uj collect; zngl funeral

[s u] search; s usu look for

s uch search;

[ti n] add, increase [z n] obey; conform to z nsh u comply with; z nzho obey,

[d] <archaic> enlighten, guide (F ) [w i] false, fake; counterfeit money x w i false, hypocritical; w ib

[zho] omen, million, mega [qin] owe, lack, lean forward; (F ) [ling] (= [yn] (= [f n] yunling) forgive ynr) burning hot, (= qf n atmosphere sh uzhng) staff, xi zi blind person diog u fishing hook f yn) inflammation h qin yawn

[zhng] cane, caning, flogging, (= walking stick [xi ] become blind, pointlessly; (F (F ) ) [dio] (= dioy) to fish;

[chng] intestine [p ] drape over one's shoulders, open


[b o] shell, peel [b ] b xu exploitation

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F (F ) ) (F )

[sh] (=

f sh) swear;

shyn oath

[zhun] gain, profit [zun] cheat [y] labor, required service, (= zhny) battle; military service; ny enslave [po] soak, bubble; [p o] spongy poci pickle; b ngy

pom foam Hany

[n] go against, disobey, be contrary to; n y n cdi n Reverse Chinese-English dictionary [ i] short (not tall), low; izi dwarf

[dio] hang, lift up, let down with rope, crane, mourn, revoke [tin] fill, stuff, fill in (form) [ji ] good, fine, praise [zh] [sh] [Xi] lzh candle dsh tall building, mansion Ximn Amoy x yng the setting sun shu il o decrepit;

[x ] evening, sunset;

[shu i] shu iru weak, feeble; shu itu fail, decline [cu ] d ngcu rank, grade [y] fluid, (= yt ) liquid

[Xu ] <family name> [p ] fall forward; di np fall (down), fall into disgrace [p] (F ) prn servant [mi] step, stride, old [ch ] (= [j n] (= ych ) tooth j nshn) cautious, sincerely

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 (F ) (F ) (F )

[chng] to present; submit a report [ng] (=

chngxin appear;


ngsh u) hold one's head high, high, soaring ch oxi transcribe

[ch o] copy search and confiscate; [m] [k ] (= [t ] (= mmin fill the air; k uk ) thirsty; t zi) ladder, (=

mb make up for, remedy k wng thirst for, long for lut ) stairs

[sh ] sparse, scanty; [ho] (= mouse, rat xi oho, =

sh hu carelessness hofi) consume; hozi dngy n

[dng] open (one's eyes) wide, stare, glare; stare, stare down [ch] pich reject; chz denounce [ku ] brag; ku d exaggerate y nd cigarette butt;

bch refute, denounce, reject,

[d] stem of a fruid; [ji n] (=

y nd clitoris

ji nd o) scissors

[q ] marry (a woman), take a wife, get married [hn] hnj mark, trace, vestige; sh nghn scar

[f] <archaic> not [Yo] <family name> [zhi] debt [tu ] appropriate, ready [l] b li glass; lil coloured glaze

[t o] pull out, fish out (from pocket, etc.), dig

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029


[sh ] (= [ch]

) brake, stop chn instant, split second shu j ng (rock) crystal; j ngyng sparkling j ngt gu n

[j ng] bright; transistor;

[zh ng] inner feelings, middle; zh ngx n wholehearted; w dng y zh ng indifferent, unconcerned (F ) [f ] (= [l] deer [t] make rubbings from stone/bronze [tu] open up, develop [zhu] tall, <family name>, (= (F ) zhuyu) outstanding pfu) skin; f s color of skin

[zhng] disease; jinwngzhng amnesia [zh ng] zh ngji crucial reason, obstruction of the bowels [tng] sugar, (= sour tnggu ) candy; tngc sweet and q npi) admire;

2030 2031 (F )

[q n] by the emperor himself, respect, (= q nch i imperial envoy [min] [mi n] unbroken; soft sponge

2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039


[l ] <used as for sound value> [l ] (= Y ngl ) Britittish mile (F ) [yu] guide, lead, lure [k ] withered, dried up, dull [xi ] have a rest; [s] model, mould; jinxi intermission slio plastic; sxing statue bfng

[fng] (= fng'i) hinder, impede, harm; might as well, no harm in... [y] short name for Henan; yuy hesitate

2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 (F ) (F )

[y] press down, restrain; [sh n] [gn] ( sh nh coral; ) rod, stick;

yzh restrain, inhibition sh nhji o coral reef gu ign walking stick

[jn] enter, advance, promote, a dynasty (265-420), <family name>, short name for Shanxi province [ln] pour, drench; b ngqiln ice cream [ln] strain, filter [l n] sh l nl n drenched [yu] (= x yu) happy, joyful, delighted D nhung (in

[d n] d nhu honest, sincere; Gansu) [du] ancient vessel (F ) [yn] beauteous, amorous, (= respendent; [b ] xi nyn bright (color)

2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058

ynl) gorgeous,

b li glass

[z] strike, smash, break [r ng] shout, yell [r ng] r ngrang shout [mng] (= mngm) blind, unable to distinguish; mngdng act blindly [bin] distinguish, differentiate [g] kudzu vine, grass-cloth [G ] <family name>

[h n] rarely, seldom [han] x han rare, cherish [j ] (carpenter's square); [y ng] yuy ng swim j zhn matrix

[zhi] residence, house (F ) [di] borrow, (= diku n) lend, loan


[b ng] upper arm, (= ji nb ng) shoulder; wing; [p ng] swell [png] pnggu ng urinary bladder [ni ] hold between the fingers, knead, fabricate (F (F ) ) [j ng] (= [g ng] [jin] [b] (= (F (F ) ) j ngxing) neck bg ngr nape put into practice; bzi) neck trample

chb ng

2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066

[g ] merchant [Ji ] <family name> [jio] sedan chair; [p] spleen; jioch car

pqi (bad-) temper


[b o] (= b ol i), fort, fortress; chngb o castle [b ] (= b zi) walled town/village (used mostly in place names) [p] walled town/village (used mostly in place names) (F ) [ji o] graceful, delicate; [Zh] ji onn tender and lovely

2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076

Zhji ngsh ng Zhejiang Province

[li] bad, inferior, minor (F (F ) ) [xi o] deep and clear water; unrestrained xi os natural &

[c] give, grant, gift (from superior to inferior) [tu] tulu top (spiraling toy); j x save; tuluy gyroscope ch x deposit

[x] store, save, grow; (F (F ) ) [fn] grave, tomb [sng] praise, song, ode;

g sng sing the praises of

2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[lu] (= [Hng]

lushu ) leak out Hngzh u

[mo] straw, thatch; ( moc o) grass for thatching; bimo edible wild grass [zhu n] brick [shn] wink; eye shnji n a moment, in the twinkling of an

[h] crane (emblem of longevity) [b] monarch; fb restore a dethored monarch or old order [p] k ip open up, start


[y] to fish; [gu i] clever, (=

ymn fisherfolk;

yy fishery

gu igu i) obedient, well-behaved bzhn sieze

[b] overlord, tyrant, dominate; [xi ng] (= xi ngzh) assist, help

[ch o] stir fry, saute; ch ofn fried rice; "chow mein", fried noodles [y ] mute, dumb, hoarse [y ] <interjection indicating surprice, same as

ch omin

>, ah, oh

[p ] riverside, river mouth (mostly used in place names), <family name> [b ng] cake; b ngg n cracker, cookie x sh ng sacrifice

[x ] sacrificial animal; [t n] (=

h it n) beach, sands

[d ng] a nail, to follow closely [dng] to nail [y] plead, (= h y) appeal [x ] x x panting, puffing hard

[y ] <interjection "Whoa!"> 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 (F (F ) ) (F (F ) ) [x ] tin (Sn) [zng] (= zngsng) give as a present

[h ng] hubbub [h ng] fool, coax [hng] horseplay [lng] bell [wn] stupid, stubborn, naughty; wng obstinate [zh] propagate, (=U fnzh) breed, reproduce, colonize; zhmnd colony [shi] g shi skeleton (F ) [y ng] hawk, eagle [Ci] <family name>, sacrificial tortoise [cu ] urge, hurry, hasten [f] [b n] frng cottonrose hibiscus, lotus b nb n <archaic> refined, urbane wnqing indomitable;

2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 (F ) (F (F ) )

[p n] (= ) put/piece together, spell, risk life [pn] abandon and ignore [gu ] track, rail, course, path; gu do orbit

[y ] Oh! [yo] <interjection indicating exhortation> [y o] ouch [qin] apology; be sorry [d ng] stare at [shu] very large; shushxuwi Master's degree doqin apologize; boqin regret,


[r ] offend, ask for (trouble); trouble [q] (= [qi] another

r mfn excite or invite

qyu ) contract, legal agreement qiku long separation, to be separated from one ych n) foolish, stupid

2114 2115 2116 (F )

[y] make a fool of, dupe, (=

[shui] commander in chief, graceful [hung] afraid, fearful, (= hungk ng) alarmed, anxious, uneasy, (= y uhung, (= hunghu) apprehensive; scared, alarmed [hn] (= yhn) regret, sorry sh n l ny o stretch oneself

2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 (F (F ) ) (F ) (F )

[l n] lazy, sluggish;

[y] aunt (mother's sister), sister-in-law (wife's sister) [chu n] (= asthma chu nq) pant, gasp for breath; qchu n

[shu] beast, wild animal, (= uncivilized [m] path between fields, (= msh ngrn stranger

y shu) beastly, crude, msh ng) strange;

(F )

[zho] cover, hood, overalls, cage [li] (= hound d li) hunt, chase; liren hunter; lig u

[s ng] lofty (mountain); [yn] salt

S ngsh n mountain in Hnn

[j ] starve, be hungry, famine; [q ] cold, chilly, sad; wretched [hu] (=

j ' hunger, starvation qc n

q ling desolate;

hulng) throat, larynx

2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )

[yn] (=

ynhu) banquet

[qi ng] cavity, tune, pitch, accent, speech [hn] writing brush, writing [x ] (= x gi) knee Shs nlng the 13 Ming tombs f ngfng

[lng] hill, mound, tomb; [f ng] bee, wasp; beehive [lu] patrol; [p ] chop, split [p ] divide, split [lin] honest, clean, low-priced [gu ] bind, wrap; [ji o] severe, (= [fn]

mf ng honeybee;

luji <loan> logic

b ogu bundle, package ji o'o) arrogant, proud fnmi deal in, traffic, peddle huhu drawing, painting

fnzi dealer;


[hu] paint, draw; [y] (=

yb) precipice, cliff

[chn] time, day, occasion, celestial bodies, 2-hr period; x ngchn star [y] ti ny edge of world; profession sh ngy career,

[g ] ancient Chinese weapon similar to dagger axe or halberd [k ng] hole, pit [zh ] cover, hide, block [qn] capture, catch, seize [mn] quite, very, fierce, (= mnhng unreasonable y mn) barbaric;

2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 (F )

[zh ] bizh <Chinese medicine> root of Dahurian Angelica [d ] stop up, block, <classifier for walls>, <family name>; y d qing a wall [g] (= gy ng) hire, employ; gyun employee [w n] draw, pull, roll up; (cart/carriage); lament [min] ( shumin) sleep; gzh employer; ) pull

w nji rescue; (F

d ngmin hibernate

[w n] kiss, animal's mouth, muzzle, lips [xio] filial, filial piety, mourning [b] at anchor, moor, berth [p ] hp lakes [s ] rip, tear; s hu tear apart [x ] tx arouse attention, help and guide [hng] (= c ihng) rainbow [jing] <colloquial> rainbow [x] chat, (= [cu] (= xsh, = xsh) narrate, relate

chncu) pure, unadulterated mi nqi ng force; with difficulty jijn) use up,

[mi n] make an effort; [ji] (= exhaust

jil) do one's utmost, (=

[w i] crooked, askew, inclined, devious [shn] cautious, careful [k ] <classifier for trees, cabbages, etc.>; tree [p ] (F ) (= p s) simple [Pio] <family name> [p] psh Chinese hackberry [p ] p d o a type of long knife [xi] machinery, (= j xi) mechanical; qxi y k sh a



apparatus 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 (F ) (F ) [x ] (= [l] x li) brook, small stream mli jasmine; mli hu ch jasmine tea b nm zebra k tu kowtow; k png collide

[b n] spot, speck, stripe; [k ] knock against; with

[gu ] few, scant, tasteless; gu fu widow; chnmgu yn habitually silent [xn] follow, abide by; [zh n] chop [l] take by force, (= ldu) pillage, plunder; ( lgu) sweep past [l ] sweep/brush past, snatch away (F ) [L ] <family name> [x ] (= [ji o] (= x r) former times, the past; ji oq , = w ngx in the past xnhun circulate, cycle

jiaowi) suburbs, outskirts jush knight; nhu sh ng Anhui cdi (magnetic) tape f ch ng dive; ti nf ngytn the story of

[ju] rank of nobility, peerage; jush y nyu jazz [hu ] emblem, badge, insignia; Province [c] magnetism; cti magnet;

[f ] bow (one's head), bend down; f kn look down at, overlook [tn] talk, <family name>; Arabian Nights

[d ng] ancient cooking vessel, tripod [f] stroke, touch lightly, whisk, flick, go against (somebody's wishes); fxi o before daybreak [b] (= ) assist

2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )

[ n] I, we; [s o] (=

nmen we (refers to speakers only) ds o) elder brother's wife, sister-in-law sh up) handkerchief

[p] kerchies, (=

[ g] What?, Huh? [ g] How come?, Why? [?g] O.K., Agreed! [dng] freeze [w n] gentle, (= [tng] parasol tree; [lu] (= w nzhu n) tactful, agreeable tngyu tung oil

lutuo) camel

[p ] splash, spoll, sprinkle; rude and unreasonable; hupo lively [jing] artisan [jiang] mjiang carpenter; [t ng] light boat [qi n] [j] (= [p] [c] (= [si] (= qi nx , qi nxn modest ti jing blacksmith

ch ngj) prostitute, <traditional> female performer ps bodhisattva, benevolent being csu ) toilet mosi) latrine fl ) prisoner, captive yl willpower; ji ny determined

[f] capture, (= [y] resolute;

[l ng] mountain, (= sh nl ng) mountain range, ridge; jnl ng high mountains [y ] fork, bifurcation; [wi] fear, respect; y tou girl, maid, servant, salve girl wij dread; wisu flinch

2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 (F ) (F )

[Xi ng] short name for in Hunan [t ng] bucket


Xi ng Ji ng a river

[s ng] (= s ngzi) throat, (= s ngmnr) larynx, voice [hung] bright, brilliant; Caves [bo] <family name>, (= [l] grain, granule;

s ngy n) voice, (= D nhung Shk Gansu

boy) abalone

lz <terminology in physics> particle

[xing] lane, alley [hng] hngdo tunnel (in a mine) [lin] flag as shop sign; (F ) curtain [t ] bald, bare, blunt, incomplete [l] (F ) (= lyu) 12th lunar month, cured (fish/meat/etc.); lchng sausage; X l Greece [x ] dried meat (F ) [c ng] warehouse [gu i] (= abduct; (F ) gu iw n) turn, change direction, limp, swindle, gu ign walking stick b ngji kidnap shnme)


2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227

[b ng] bind, tie; [sh] (=

shzi) what? (=


[jin] recommend, <archaic> grass, straw [n] <family name>, (= du nn) clue

[s] musical instrument with 25 strings [lng] hall (F ) [y ] (= y zi) duck; Tng l oy Donald Duck

2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 (F (F ) ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[m] (= [zh n]

f ngm) honey; zh ndun diagnose;

mf ng honeybee zh nsu clinic w peng shack

[png] shed, shack, canopy; [xi n] lift (a cover, etc.), surge [t ng] tube; [x] (=

dint ng flashlight tngy ngx child bride

xf) daughter-in-law;

[wn] lines, veins, (wood) grain [mi o] second (1/60 of a [zh n] moisten, soak, touch [png] (= pngd) colossal, huge minute)

[d n] squat on the heels, stay [s o] (= s odng, = s olun) disturb, harass qsh discriminate li ng s u

[q] (of roads:) fork, branch, divergent; [s u] <classifier for boats, vessels, etc.>; yuchun two oil tankers [zh ] <traditional> iris; I

zh ma sesame

[hu] clamor, hubbub, (= xu nhu) noise, clamor [hu ] <the sound of clanging, gurgling, etc.> [m ] sixth of an acre (0.0667 hectares) [qun] ticket, certificate; rch ngqun admission ticket [xun] g ngxun span of an arch [tng] <classifier for trips, times, rows, etc.> [t ng] (= t ng) ford, wade [j n] piece of cloth; wij n scarf moj n towel; c nj n napkin;

2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[yn] excessive, over, wanton, lewd, licentious [hu ng] lie, prevaricate [m] quiet; [gun] pour; [ln] basket; jm lonely gungi irrigate; lnqi basketball wngxi ngkung paranoia gunm bush

[wng] absurd, rash; [g ] put [g] endure [zh] brother's son, nephew; neice

zhn brother's daughter,

[xi ng] wing of a house, side, railway carriage [ch ] (= ch zi) fork, intersection, (= ji och ) intersect [ch] obstruct, jam up [ch ] the distance between thumb and middle minger on an outstretched hand [ch] fork, diverge; chl crossroad [Y] <family name>, small boat [sh] (= ) [f] fell, cut down, attack [z i] slaughter, butcher, govern; oppress z ig invade and


2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 (F ) (F )

[mn] hide the truth from [zhu] y zhu cosmos zh ngli tumor; yuq paint; k ngb terror red and swollen q h i pitch-black

[zh ng] swollen; [q ] lacquer, paint; [b] fear, frightening; [w] (=

y ) <archaic> I, me

2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F (F (F ) ) )

[h u] roar, howl [qio] abroad Huqio overseas Chinese; zhdi) fold compatriots

[di] pile up, repeat; ( [xio] [gun] (

h xio whistle, scream, whizz guntou) can; jar sy) wantonly, <archaic> shop

[s] (= s) four, (= [qn] ( [q] (= [zhng] (= [f] ( qnzi) skirt

k q) cry, weep, (=

ch uq) sob

pngzhng) swell, expand taxes

) bestow on; compose;

[o] boil, stew; endure [ o] boil, cook in water [chn] take advantage of; while; advantage of an opportunity [h i] hey [k] ksou cough [y] [k n] [g ] [j ] ykui delighted chngk n, k nqi sincere; plead chn j hu take

g f let down, disappoint j ru muscle y ng'r) baby, infant y mo) feather; ymoqi badminton

[y ng] (= [y ] (=

[g ng] <archaic> personally; bend at the waist

2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305


[b] execute (kill);

qi ngb execute by shooting j sh restrict; j ji

[j ] (= j li) arrest, detain; overcautious

[d ng] sting, bite; say/ask again, verify [wa] <sentence final particle like [w ] wah! (sound of crying) [qng] ( qngl ng) fine, sunny; from the blue (F ) [m] ( [mi] my ) riddle riddle and vigorous, exuberant a> qngti np l a bolt

[Hui] a river in

[wng] prosperous, flourishing; [y] leisure, escape; (F ) [qing] beautiful jade; [ji ng] ginger (F (F (F ) ) ) [w ] (sound of whistling, zooming);

ny comfortable, leisurely agar

w y sob, whimper

[cun] flee, scurry; exile; change wording [b n] proclaim, (= [x n] firewood, fuel, (= [zhi] stockade, camp [nio] [su ] urine, urinate b nf ) promulgate, issue x nshui) salary


[ji] jaw; cheek [di] dib arrest [d i] catch; m o d i l osh a cat catching a mouse

2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 (F ) (F )

[b ] fortune telling [bo] hlubo carrot [zh o] clear, obvious; [jn] soak [gu ] scrape; [k ] k chi [w n] [zh ] (= gu hzi shave; (F ) (wind) blow colloquial scrape, sponge on w nrn as if; [yu n] zh oxu rehabilitate

w nr just like;

zh fu) advise, enjoin, urge, exhort

[nng] bag; g gun ngn ng bulging [n ng] n ngchui pork near the pig's nipples [y] reside, live; [b] contradict; [chng] [ch ng] [y] (= ysu residence; bch denounce; fable, allegory f nb refute

chngy propose ch ngy u entertainer my) take a bath; ysh bath/shower room

[g ] coo, cluck (bird sounds) [nu] ( [b] nudong) move; remove bdu fight, wrestle; mib pulse

[png] bitter fleabane, (= pngs ng) fluffy, <classifier for clumps of bamboo, grass, etc.>; pngb vigorous [sh ng] part of the day; noon [q] canal, ditch, channel; [d u] pocket, bag [nn] nnnn mutter irrigation ditch

[y] <archaic> smooth; wipe out, raze

2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346

(F (F

) )

[H] name for


[jin] inexpensive, cheap, lowly, humble, worthless [p] [b] [tu] qp boldness

[du] rudder; helm; [x ]

steersman, helmsman

q ngx clear, distinct stiff, rigid

[ji ng] stiff; numb; deadlocked; [g o] pudding, (= dng o) cake

[y] <archaic> descendents, posterity; borderland [zh] [y ] ( zhx order, sequence y ko) lean on; rest against; rely on

[t ] collapse; sink; calm down [hu ng] suddenly, as if (F ) [g u] ( g uzi) hook

[cho] choxio ridicule, laugh at; chof ng sneer at, taunt, mock; chonng mock, deride [bng] be close to; [y] abundant, affluent; [zh ] boil, cook [r ] milk, breast; [w] do not! (F (F ) ) [sh] vertical, perpendicular; vertical stroke " " [chng] chastise, punish, correct, repress; restrain oneself b r breast-feed; r lo cheese bngw n toward evening, at nightfall fy rich, wealthy, opulent

2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (Fj)

[d ] look at, observe; [zh ] tree-trunk; to wait for a rabbit [xi] embroider; [y o] ( [y]

md see with one's own eyes sh uzh dit guarding a tree-trunk embroidered portrait y oro charming, enchanting

y om) demon; amazed

[k ] (used in transliterations) [g ] g l curry

k f i coffee

[g ng] fishing net rope; guiding principle; [t i] foetus, birth, (= [b n] water) seashore;


lnt i) tire (of a wheel) b nln to be close to (a body of

[g ng] to plough, till [ch ] sneer [c ng] (ship) cabin [y] [f i] (= [y ] yl amuse, amusement, recreation t f i) bandit, brigand, robber; w y crow; y pin opium f it gangster

[wi] stomach;

wik u appetite

[zo] rash, impetuous [sh ] (= sh zi) lion

[p ng] bang (sound) [n ] n r girl



[l n] cold; strict; afraid; shiver, tremble with cold or fear [gu ] ( ) tortoise; turtle



[j n]

j nl fissure (of parched earth)

[Qi ] Qi c Kucha, a historic town at the northern rim of the Taklamakan Desert [lu ] lu t nude; stark-naked; bright red exposed

2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F) (F (F ) ) (F )

[y n] handsome, beautiful;

[f ] <archaic> only, curtesy name [yo] kiln; ( [tng] dike, (= ) cave dwelling chtng, = shu tng) pool

[xi n] fiber [qin] rope for towing boat [ch ng] love, bestow favor on [lin] ( linzi) chain; zipper; hinge

[g ng] arch, cup one hand in other before chest, push with no hands [y n] ancient title for government official; (surname) [ju] dig, excavate [b] dam; dyke, embankment [xi] (= xizh i, = xi'i) narrow mngk inscription, engrave on

[mng] engrave, carve; one's mind [chn]

chnp honest, simple, unsophisticated my bathe

[m] wash one's hair; [x n] pervasive fragrance

2386 2387

[P n] <family name> [shu i] swing back and forth, toss, get rid of, leave behind {Compare with yng use} [b ng] posted list of names, announcement, notice; example, model [bng] (= ) oar, whip, rod (F ) [yu n] [xin] [w ] sh nyu n abyss xinm envy, admire w r insult, humiliate

2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 (F ) (F )

[q ng] minister or high official in ancient times [w] ( [xu n] [l ] shoes [hu] (= huzi) monkey yu nwang do wrong, treat chnsh n shirt ) towering; bald make noise; xu nh shout loudly

[w ng] crooked; pervert; unjustly

[chn] line, to place underneath, lining; [pn] border of a field; shore, side, bank [dng] stool, bench; [mi n] remote, long ago;

Mi ndin Burma

[xin] string of musical instrument [x] (= [ch] xm) raise (domestiv animals) chsheng beast

[x ] smashed rice [y] overflow; yngy be permeated with

2406 2407 2408 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2423 2425 2428 2429 2430


[l u] hug; drag, pull [l u] hold in the arms [q ] q gi beggar; q t o beg shngxn first ten days of a

[xn] a period of ten days; month (F8) (F (F ) ) [f] tie up, bind [cn]

cnln splendid, magnificent yln public opinion

[y] chariot; area; [yn] [jun] (=

dyn wild goose pjun) tired, weary chuxi thank with a gift; y yn) rhyme; radiant and enchanting ynwn

[chu] reward, payment; bochou reward (F ) [yn] tone, charm, appeal, (= verse [mi] [d ] dyke; ( w mi lovely;

d 'n) embankment p nd ng clamber up doqi steal

[p n] climb; pull down; (F ) [qi]

qit ng eavesdrop;

[nn] tender, delicate, light, inexperienced [su] satisy, fulfil, succeed; sux n fulfill one's desire [su] bnsh nbsu parlysis in half the body [chng] transparent, clear [dng] settle [d ng] hungd ngd ng glistening yellow, golden (F (F ) ) [zh n] [Sh n] scout, reconnoitre; detective

Sh nx sh ng Shaanxi Province

2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2441 2443 2444 2445 2447 2449 2451 2452 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )


ch ulu ugly heavy, cumbersome

[bn] stupid; clumsy; cumbersome; [shi] yoshi key [ch] spoon [m] (= mr) foam, froth; tumo saliva

pom foam, froth; g os ng stand tall

[s ng] towering, lofty; alarm, shock; [c i] step

[jing] sauce, paste, jam; jingyu soy sauce; hu sh ngjing peanut butter [h] kettle, pot, bottle [f i] [l] [li] [l ] k f i coffee roll; busy; mediocre

[y ng] itch [b ] I, me, my, vulgar; [k] shell, case [qio] shell, hard surface [zh n] ( , ) loyal; virgin; ancient fortune-telling d omi have bad luck b sh despise, disdain

[mi] mold, mildew; [ch n] ( [l] [l ] [g ] [g] [g ]

ych n) stupid lw i reed; g bo arm; tickle hlu gourd g bei arm

2453 2455

[y ] <grammatical particle similar to "


2456 2457 2459 2460 2462 2463 2464 2465 2467 2468 2469 2470 2472 2473 2475 2477 2480 2481 2482 2483 (F ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) )

[yn] [j] [j ] [qi]

hu yn flame jliangg backbone w j ridge of roof qijn imprison; qifn prisoner f d o coach, tutor; f zh

[f ] assist, complement; assist, auxiliary;

f y n consonant

[zhng] account, credit, debt [zu ] assist [lio] (= gu nlio) official, (= tnglio) colleague

[qu] sparrow [qi o] qi ozi freckle [qi o] qi omangy n night blindness [zhun] write, compose [shu ] play (role/tricks/etc.), play with, gamle, make fun of, <family name> [zh n] ( ) pillow

[ji n] pick up, gather, collect [hn] ( ) culvert; hny ng self-control; conserve

[du] stop, pause, tease, play with [fn] excrement, manure [mng] [g n] liver [zh ng] evaporate, (= [ln] (= [kui] ( zh ngq) steam lnyng abuse mnglng dim moonlight, obscure

fnln) overflow, flood; ) chopsticks

2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2494 2495 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2503 2504 2505 2506 2510 2511

(F (F

) )

[ku] (dam) burst; break through; [hu] [l] nl slave;



lsh official script

[k o] bake, roast, toast

[g ng] jar, vat [g ng] bow; bend; [tn] deep pool, pond g ngjin bow and arrow


[kung] vast; to waste time; [ i] (interjection:) hey; [ i] [jn] ynjn stern; iy ;

wilderness iy

jnl ng high mountains

[zh o] claw, talon [zhu ] claw, paw, talon [qi] ( d nqi) timid; cowardly; xi qi shy mom

[mo] profuse, (= dense

moshng) luxuriant;

[mng] awn, beard, arista, spike, sharp point [wng] miwng awn of wheat [zh ] zh t limbs; the Four Limbs; forelimb

[do] growing rice, paddy [t] ( [j ] [s] [y] tzi) rabbit l j refuse, garbage ls refuse, garbage b y analogy; y ny metaphor

[kung] frame; case; circle (Fv) [ji o] hand in, pay [zhu] silk string attached to an arrow for shooting birds

2512 2513 2515 2516 2518 2519 2520 2521 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2529 2530 2531 2534 2536 2539 2540 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F )

[d o] skip; step;

w d o dance

[sho] whistle; chirp; sentry post [y ng] x ny ng new and original, novel

[j] chrysanthemum [k ] (sound of coughing or vomiting) [zhu ng] adorn oneself; [y n] flood; drown toc ceramics ) form sediment; settle; precipitate; lzh) candle bride's trousseau

[c] porcelain, china; [din] shallow water; (F dinf n starch

[l] wax, polish, yellowish, (= [ju] j ju chew [jio] chew [jio]


[j] dose [gung] stroll, ramble, roam [zhu] gallop; [sh ] hot weather; bzhu procedure; zhurn suddenly

(sh ji) summer vacation y j n front of Chinese

[j n] front of garment, bros. in law; jacket [l] hut, cottage [png] pnggu apple

[shi] roast in sun [do] , , mourn, grieve

2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2550 2551 2552 2553 2555 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2563 2564 2565 2567 2568 (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F ) (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )

[mi] no sun; dark; obscure; hidden; to feign [l ng] approach; hold together; comb (hair) [hn] letter; function [lng] [l ng] hnjin correspondence; mnglng dim moonlight; obscure fnsh (math)

[ji o] glue, gum, rubber, stick, sticky [sh ] express, convey; [p ng] p ng on. crack (of rifle/etc.); {Compare with b ng soldier} [f ng] satirize, mock p ngp ng pingpong

[d i] bad, evil, vicious [hn] dry land; drought [p] ptao grape; ptaoji grape wine wiy only, sole

[wi] only, alone, think, ponder, [ji n] choose, select, pick out [g ng] upright

g ngg ng brilliant; dedicated; rsh) ):

g ngzh

[nin] twenty (same as [zhu ng] stake, pile; ( [y ] 2nd in sequence [yo] ballad;

yoyn rumor, hearsay zhuzi weight; ear pendant;

[zhu] fall; weigh down; ballad [zh] stagnant, sluggish

2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2575 2576 2577 2578 2581 2583 2584 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 (F (F ) ) (F (F (F ) ) ) (F ) (F )

[yn] [sng] [sh ] (




recite from memory ) comb; to comb

[g ng] ridge of a hill [fi] (= fizng) lung

[wn] pill, pellet, ball [shu ng] (= [zh ] (= [sh ] yarn; shu ngdng) frost zh y) juice; gu zh fruit juice

minsh cotton yarn military rank

[xin] hold in mouth; hold inside; rank; [n] greasy, oily; smooth; (

nfan) disgusted, fed up

[din] (ancient) suburb; pasture [di n] chndi ndi n heavy [p] pji beer

[k n] bank, ridge [ji] to plant, (= [h] grain; zhu ngjia) crops hmio seedlings

[lng] distracted, stupified [l ng] [zh ] (= [to] yuzh ) oil, grease; ptao grape zh fng fat, grease

[l o] dredge for, fish for, scoop up out of water [ji o] disturb, annoy, (= ) stir, mix, agitate,

2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2607 2609 2611 2612 2614 2616 2617 2619 2620 2621 2622 2624 (F ) (F (F ) ) (F )

[xi] fragments, bits and pieces; minute; trivial [s n] ( [di] [zh] ( [q ] ) umbrella; hdi butterfly; ) casting, founding body, stature; body zhq childishness , parachute diy ng chrysalis

[zh] young, immature, childish; [x ng] flesh; fishy;

x ngchu rancid, stinking

[tng] cane, rattan; vine [d u] steep; suddenly; d uqio precipitous r)

[tng] hot (burning hot to the touch, cf. [l] pear; pineapple

[] [] Oh! [] softly chant (F ) [ji ng] syrup, starch [jing] (= jing) thick (of porridge etc.) [p] pjng secluded; pi np out-of-the way

[f ng] lane [fng] workshop, mill [y n] absent-minded

[x] gap; crack; rift; loophole [to] wash, clean; toq naughty; toti eliminate

[ku ] collapse, break down [t o] t ot o torrential; talk on and on

2627 2628 2629 2631 2634 2636 2637 2638 2640 2642 2643 2645 2648 2649 2650 2654 2657 2658 2659

(F (F (F (F (F

) ) ) ) )

[ning] brew, ferment, wine, (= breed [] goose; q ' penguin

ningchng) result in,

[z ] <archaic> this; now; year [c] [d o] pound, beat; harass; [dng] ridgepole [gu ] [gui] migui rose d olun make a disturbance

[ch ng] spacious; open [i] (= (F) (F ) izhng) cancer cable car glimmer, twinkle yellow rose

[l n] cable; [shu] shining; [mi]

migui rose;


[zh] cheat, swindle; pretend, feign [sh] evil spirit; shbi deathly pale [sh ] stop, (= sh , = sh ) kill [m] membrane, film; [fn] ( ji om cornea (of eye)

fnsh o) burn, set on fire

[zh n] to glue, to paste [nin] (= nin) sticky [cu ] break, (= [y] cu hu , = cu cn) destroy w ny pestilence

mi ny immunity;

[zhung] ( ) (for buildings) [chung] pennant; Buddhist pillar

2660 2662 2664 2667 2668 2671 2673 2675 2683 2684 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2694 2696 2698 2700 2701 (F ) (F ) (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) (F )

[r ] you, thou [t n] ( t nzi) blanket; ( dt n) carpet, rug

[cu] setback, (= [f ng] spin yarn; spinning wheel [xi ]

cuzh) frustrate, defeat f ngzh spin and weave; f ngch

f xi decayed, rotten

[chu] hammer [du] exchange, convert, add (water etc.); convert, exchange [bin] braid [du] fall, sink; dulu degenerate, sink low duhun

[d] bamboo flute, whistle [m] seek; look for; demand [b] cover, shelter, hide; [xi] in harmony [mng] limng hoodlum [mng] common people [mi] [fi] q ngmi scornful fitng boiling; boiling point y nb conceal oneself; covert

[j] lngj <archaic> in disorder [ji] (= ji) borrow, lend [xi] unload, discharge; remove; shirk [x ] extinguish, put out, go out; [bi n] flat; inscription; [pi n] x mi go out, die out

bi ndan carrying pole

2702 2703 2704 2706 2709 2711 2712 2713 2714 2716 2719 2724 2725 2726 2732 2733 2738 2740 2742 2743 2746 (F ) (F )

[tn] charcoal [k ng] high-spirited; [png] sail; [zh ] wink, blink [p] [d o] [t o] [sh ] [chu] ( pr for instance, for example d odao chatter t ogu ng much obliged sh ci vegetable s chu) silk k ngk i fervent; liberal, generous

zhngpng tent

[x] son-in-law [lio] few, empty, vacant, lonely [ji o] irrigate, water; pour liquid on; [p ng] bang; {Compare with p ngp ng pingpong b ng soldier} ointment

[g o] yg o toothpaste; [go] lubricate [tng] ( [zu] [zhu] ) chest; chamber zumo ponder zhum polish

[p ] (sound:) bang [sh ] <archaic> kind and gentle [b ] (= ) <used for sound value> [b] bbng malady, evil; drawback; pros and cons

[zo] stove; kitchen [c] vinegar; be jealous (in love affair)

2747 2754 2755 2760 2761 2762 2763 2765 2766 2767 2769 2772 2773 2776 2780 2783 2786 2787 2790 2791 2793 (F ) (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) (F ) (F )

[b n] (variant of

b n)

[din] establish; give offerings to the dead [tn] ( ) village; collect pngzhng expand, swell be reduced to

[png] expand, inflate; [ln] sink;

lnxin fall (to enemy);


[l ] thread; strand; [r ng] (=

lnl shabby, ragged

t r ng) soil

[y ] smelt (metal) [xi] leisure; [ru] rub, knead [lu] vine; lubo radish; b lu pineapple [xing] circle in the air [zh ] [l] ( zh zh spider lzi) chestnut; (F ) tremble hlubo carrot; kngxi spare time; bxi be too busy

[yn] shady [y n] (= ) [j ] j xio mock; j f ng ridicule ) onion, scallion

[c ng] green, (= [g ng]

g ngg consolidate

[zh u] porridge, gruel, congee [y] (= ) sell, vend [zh i] vegetarian religious diet, give alms, room or building [q] qj n hitherto, up to now, so far

2794 2796 2800 2801 2802 2803 2805 2806 2809 2810 2813 2815 2824 2825 2827 2828 2833 2835 2842



qzh banner, flag, stand, position , germ

[j n] fungus, bacterium; [jn] mushroom (F (F (F (F (F (F (F ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [qi n] lead (Pb); [hu] (

qi nb pencil give a bribe

hul) bribe;

[rng] down; velvet; floss [l ] companion, associate [dun] forge; [qi n] [xi ng] dunlin exercise

qi nz condemn xi ngy ng turbulent to elaborate

[f ] apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread; [xi o] night; t ngxi o throughout the night; Yunxi oji Lantern Festival (F (F ) ) [hu] hide; avoid; name of deceased person [lu] gong [hn] shake, shock, vibrate

[h ng] successful, go smoothly, <electrical terminology> henry [t ng] drip (water or blood), shed (tears), trickle (sweat) [kng] carry on the shoulder [g ng] lift with both hands [sh n] China fir [sh ] sh g o fir scaffold-pole [zo] dry; g nzo dry, dull; k zo boring

2846 2848 2849 2851 2853 2854 2858 2861 2864 2865 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871


[yn] to divide evenly; to spare; even [mi o] indistinct tiny, negligible; mi omng distant and saucer; frisbee, UFO

[di] small plate or dish; [qin]

xi ngqin inlay, set, mount fiw) fertile; wy fertile land

[w] irrigate; (

[p u] cut/slit open, (= section, sectional view;

ji p u) dissect; p umin cross p ux analyse, dissect

[j ] <archaic> honorable woman, concubine, <family name> (F ) [chu] chuho nickname [ch o] grab; take up [su ] (F (F (F ) ) ) [ji o] twist; du suo tremble, shiver strangle; death by hanging

[zhu] axle; axis; spool [zhu] [l i] build by piling up stones etc.; [zo] zosh ng noise yncng contain, hold in store softball



[Sho] <family name> [z ] <local> (= z nme) how [z] <archaic> bite [zh ] how?, what?, why?; zh hu bluster, show off [zh] bite; zhsh cluck with the tongue (in surrprice/etc.), to be left speechless {Compare with zu yesterday} [png] level ground; (F ) c opng lawn gy ng hire


2880 2886

[y ng] hire, (= y ngrn) servant; [yng] (= yngj n) commission

2888 2890 2893 2895 2899 2900 2903 2904 2907 2908 (F ) (F )

[lu n] (

) egg, ovum;

lu ncho ovary

[zhu] daytime [bi ] check, restrain, suppress; suffocate, feel depressed [ku] (used in transliterations) [w ] seal, cover, muffle [w] [ji n] to fry [ch u] see, look at [qiu] [sh] lose; erode, corrode [rng] fuse, smelt, ( [xi ] shrimp; fried rice [h] (= ); [mi] [sh n] rnghu) melt; rngyn lava xi ch ofn shrimp kunng quinine

lngxi lobster; hma frog, toad


2911 2914 2923 2925 2928 2929 2932 2935

(F (F (F (F

) ) ) )

hu ngmi absurd;

miln fallacy

sh nsh gentleman, gentry

[xi ng] inlay; edge [lng] ( rlng) deaf

[m] raise, recruit (F (F (F ) ) ) [l ng] ridge or raised path in field; [yn] man of virtue and ability [qio] hold up; qio w iba "to hold up the tail" = to be/get cocky, to be snobbish and self-important [qio] raise one's head; become warped monopolize

2936 2937 2960 2967 2968 2970 2972 2973 2974 2978 2982 2983 2994 2997 3000 (F (F ) ) (F (F (F (F ) ) ) )

[p ] lie prone; lean over [xng] apricot; almond bi ozh ng commend, ch nsh expound

[zh ng] obvious, apparant; showy; cite [ch n] [sng] [sh ] ch nmng clarify; ssng lawsuit sh ni pivot, axis

[zh n] <archaic> towering; completely new [p] cattail, <family name> [xi]

zh nx n brand-new,

come down in torrents;

laxative qnji n xingji o

[ji n] economical, (= industrious and thrifty [xing] (= rubber; [rng] (= [p]

ji np ) frugal;

xingsh) oak, rubber tree; xingp eraser, rubber rnghu) dissolve; pb waterfall

(chemical) solution

[b ] hold on to; dig up; rake; strip [p] rake up; stew, braise [ch n] <archaic> treasure

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