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Preparing for Statewide Service Delivery

Every Community in Every County

2012-2014 Strategic Plan

Connecting Real People With Real Issues To Real Support

Easing Your Way to Answers Eliminating Roadblocks Creating Connections Providing Help

In Real Time

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211info is the community resource where people turn in times of need.

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211info plays a vital role in our communities

Our central hub empowers Oregon and Southwest Washington communities by helping people identify, navigate and connect with the local resources they need.

We are committed to creating an inspiring, customer-centered culture

Vision In
211info is a fun and dynamic team environment. We have a deep respect for one another and cultivate expertise and excellence in all that we do. [We continuously push ourselves to question our assumptions and have a commitment to innovation in our service delivery].

cherish innovation open to change dedication enjoyment commitment mission-driven transparency congruency collaborative cohesive responsive compassionate empathy diversity aware supportive confident multifaceted



Our fundamental beliefs that shape how we work toward our mission

Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration

Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment

Our Operational Values nquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity

rofessionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and

Our Relational Values

Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and nonCompassion

udgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Empowerment

Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Openness and Non-Judgment

Diversity artnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment

Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem

olving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Professionalism

Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Consumer-Driven

Problem Solving Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment

Inquisitive nquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Our Relational Values Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity

Our Operational Values

Partnership and Collaboration rofessionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and

Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-

udgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion

Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven

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Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration Empowerment Openness and non-judgment Inquisitive Problem Solving Compassion Diversity Professionalism Consumer Driven Partnership and Collaboration

Our Values in Action

What does this mean for each and every one of us here at 211info?


CONSUMER DRIVEN: Our consumers are front of mind. Helping people in need is why we are here. And finding solutions that meet their needs drives every decision we make from the minute details of how we deliver service to advocating for system-wide change. If you aren't sure what to do, first ask yourself what the customer needs and forget the rest. PARTNERSHIP AND COLLABORATION: Without partnerships, we cannot exist. Our success in serving the client is directly linked to the larger ecosystem that serves the community. And when our ties with the community are strong, so is our service. DIVERSITY: We employ and celebrate staff from all walks of life and communities including varying educational, racial, ethnic, socio-economic and experiential backgrounds. COMPASSION: 211info is more than an information source. We are a source of empathy, compassion and answers. Our path is interwoven with our clients path and it is from that place that we connect with the community on a human level.

Our Values in Action

accredited agency with certified staff.

What does this mean for each and every one of us here at 211info?


PROFESSIONALISM: we provide reliable and accurate data and services. We are an

EMPOWERMENT THROUGH GUIDANCE: We strive to give our clients the guidance and information they need to make their own educated decision, giving multiple options and showing them the path to success. OPENNESS AND NON-JUDGMENT: We value perspective. We stay impartial in order to meet the needs of the community We dont assume or judge, we just meet people where they are at and do our best to help. INQUISITIVE AND PROBLEM SOLVING: Whether we are working with a client who has complex needs or navigating the web of health and community service systems, working at 211info takes creativity, curiosity and a commitment to innovation. In every situation, staff should be questioning how things can be done better, while going the extra mile to find a solution to the problem at hand.

What do we want people to say about us?

Now is the time to create

the experience we want our communities to have with 211info.

Our Brand Reputation

Exceptional Delivery

Clarity of Purpose

Trusted Partner and Connector


Compassion and Guidance

Insight and Innovation

Reliability and Responsiveness

Our Value Proposition is the result of our ability to:


Balance local and statewide perspectives

Stand at the front lines of community service and identify emerging needs and insights

Be objective and unbiased

See every customer as an integral part of the art and science of information referral

211info plays a leadership role that no other organization can replicate

Our Value Proposition

The 211 Story were more than information and referral, were a unique leader in our field.
We are the communitys sentinel. We stand at the front lines of community service and are often the first to identify emerging needs. Our objectivity and balanced local and statewide perspectives gives us extraordinary flexibility to problem solve the unique issues of each customer. We see every customer as an integral part of the art and science of information referral, leveraging our human touch with the expertise of highly trained staff and innovative delivery systems. This allows us to excel in what makes us truly effective what we call the art of the second question.

Culture and Leadership

action strategies

statewide technology leadership sustainable funding role clarity

As we plan our future, some things are nonnegotiable

Objective Categories
Weve organized our three-year game plan into five key categories:

What will we accomplish over the next three years?

Programs and Services

action strategies

Our commitment to action

By 2015: 211info has an effective statewide service model in place guiding the growth of the organization through 2020. Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Dene the service model, integrating new technologies to serve our communities 2. Develop a set of decision criteria to determine viability of potential opportunities 3. Develop a quality assurance/contract compliance program


Culture and Leadership

action strategies

Our commitment to action

By 2015: We are hiring, developing and retaining the talent necessary for organizational excellence.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Develop a comprehensive and universal training program for all staff and statewide partners 2. Create a Director Succession Plan 3. Develop agency-wide performance reviews 4. Determine the professional development opportunities promoted by the agency 5. Annual retreat for local and state staff

By 2015: 211info has the correct leadership structure in place (Board, Executive Leadership Team, Managers) to serve the mission and execute on the strategic plan moving forward.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Develop and put into practice the organizational model 2. Develop Board accountability mechanism


Our commitment to action

By 2015: We have a high performing culture in place that personies our values. Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Develop a plan for agency-wide rollout and adoption of our values

2. Create and adopt a set of Leadership Principles that guide our interactions, behaviors and decisions for the organization


Funding and Business Development

action strategies

Our commitment to action

By 2015: 211info has an ongoing, committed and stabilized multi-platform funding structure in place.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Create a Funding Development Plan that identifying areas of focus and assessing possible sources of revenue Develop Reserve Funds Strategy


By 2015: 211info has and effective Government Relations strategy in place.

Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Continue state legislative strategy for 2012 and 2013


action strategies

Our commitment to action

By 2015: 211info has a strong and consistent brand identity with all statewide audiences.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Develop a comprehensive, written and 100% adopted Brand Plan

By 2015: 211info has cultivated an internal and external Brand Community, and is leveraging that community to take action.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Have a comprehensive, written and 100% adopted Brand Implementation Plan for all key markets


Our commitment to action

By 2015: 211info has successfully implemented a Relational Marketing Plan and has built trusted, bi-directional relationships.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Finalize and expand (statewide) our relationship marketing framework (continuing the success of our October, 2011 pilot program) 2. Establish framework for Oregon 211 Network Membership Program 3. Build Government Relations into the Relationship Management Program 4. Implement Customer Relationship Management system



action strategies

Our commitment to action

Administrati on

By 2015: 211info is managing the administrative structure to best service our organizational needs and growth strategy.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Assess role competencies and create a stafng structure to implement steps 2. Design Leadership Structure 3. Design Organizational Structure 4. Information Technology: Develop and implement new position


Our commitment to action

By 2015: 211info has the capacity to successfully complete and sustain a statewide rollout (facility, staff, equipment and technology).

Administrati on

Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Assess capacity issues (staff, equipment and technology) 2. Manage facility space to position for growth and quality of service

By 2015: 211info has a technology system that is integrated into all operational and administrative functions and and creates efciencies in our strategic initiatives.
Our Goals for 2012-2013 1. Develop and execute on 211infos Technology Plan







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