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Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada,

, USA, November 10-12, 2003

Michael Bohan1, 2, Shelby G. Thompson 2, and Peter J. Samuelson 2 National Institute for Aviation Research 2 Department of Psychology Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount Wichita, Kansas 67260-0034 Corresponding authors e-mail: Abstract: This study examined the impact of movement scale and joint set on the trajectories of rapid pointing movement made with a mouse. Participants manipulated a mouse to point a cursor to targets on a display of varying size and distance. The mouse movement was scaled independently of the display size by varying the control gain. Large-scale movements involving proximal joints (forearm) yielded longer movement times than small-scale movements involving distal joints (wrist, fingers). However, participants had particular difficulty placing the cursor on precise targets located in near space. This was evidenced in the kinematic analysis which revealed a relatively shorter distance traveled in the primary submovement and a greater proportion of movement time spent making secondary adjustments. These results suggest that the primary limiting factor in mouse pointing is its affordance of a power grip which limits the mobilization of the fingers for fine-grained movement. 1. INTRODUCTION Pointing movements with a mouse are used to control a cursor to point to targets on a graphical display. For pointing movements with various gain settings, gain affects the scale of the mouse movement regardless of the display scale. Previous studies used Fitts law (MT = a + b ID, where ID = Log2 2A/W) to describe pointing behavior with various input devices (see Douglas & Mithal, 1997 for a review). However, Fitts law considers only the distance to be covered and the size of the target in display space. It is not concerned with the motor activities involved in manipulating the mouse in control space, which can vary considerably depending on the gain and thus the control movement scale. For example, large variations in scale produce dramatic biomechanical changes (Guiard, Beaudouin-Lafon & Mottet, 1999; Lacquaniti, et al., 1987). Large-scale movements are carried out primarily using the proximal joints of the upper limb (shoulder and elbow) whereas small-scale movements are carried out by the most distal joints (wrist and fingers). Previous studies have reported large variations in the slope of Fitts ID-MT relationship depending on the limb segments used to execute a motor response (Balakrishnan & MacKenzie, 1997; Langolf & Chaffin, 1976; Zhai, Milgram & Buxton, 1996). Gibbs (1962) also reported differences in the gain-movement time slope depending on whether a joystick was controlled by the fingers, wrist or arm. In the present study, participants made rapid pointing movements to targets on a display using a mouse under varying conditions of gain, target distance and target size. By varying target distance, in conjunction with gain, the goal was to investigate the contributions of the different joints of the upper limb to mouse cursor control. Since our previous study (Bohan, Thompson, Scarlett & Chaparro, 2003) found that display target size was an important factor in determining the effects of gain on mouse pointing time, the present study also manipulated this variable. To further investigate the contributions of control movement scale and joint segments, a kinematic analysis examined the trajectories of the mouse motions. Specifically, movements were segmented into a primary submovement with a single velocity peak and secondary movement with one or more peaks. The primary submovement denotes the preprogrammed portion of the movement whereas the secondary submovement denotes the visual feedback-controlled portion of the movement that accurately aligns the cursor with a precise target (Walker, Meyer & Smelcer, 1993). In addition to overall pointing time, the analysis considered the relative duration and distance travelled in the primary and secondary submovements as a function of gain, target distance and target size. Previous studies using this type of analysis have yielded additional insights into the movement control mechanisms underlying pointing device performance (Douglas & Mithal, 1997; Phillips & Triggs, 2001; Walker, et al., 1993). Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) from mouse use are increasing, as are the associated costs to industry (Fagarasanu & Kumar, 2003). Little is known about the upper extremity kinematics and biomechanics involved in operating a mouse,


Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 10-12, 2003 which may provide important information for the design and optimization of pointing devices. The data from the current study should also shed some light on those issues. 2. METHOD 2.1 Participants Ten introductory psychology students, six females and four males below age of twenty-four, participated in the study. All participants were right-handed and reported having normal or corrected-to-normal vision. All participants were experienced mouse users. They were given extra credit for their involvement in the experiment. 2.2 Materials The experimental apparatus consisted of a PC running Linux, a 19-inch monitor running at 1400 x 1050 with a resolution of 100 DPI and a refresh rate of 75 Hz, and a Logitech Mouseman Traveler optical mouse (800 DPI). A program written inhouse (using C and Perl) controlled the experiment and collected the data. The program sampled the mouse position (X and Y) at a rate of 125 Hz and then transformed the values according to various criteria, such as the configured mouse resolution and gain value, before presenting them on the screen as rescaled cursor position. There was no perceptible lag between movement of the mouse and associated movement of the cursor. 2.3 Experimental Design The experiment varied control gain (1, 2, 4, and 8), display target distance (18.75, 75, and 300 mm) and display target size (1.5, 3, 6, & 12 mm) in a discrete pointing task. The specific amplitudes were chosen to manipulate the joints or sets of joints used to execute the response. For example, at a gain of 1, the 18.75 mm amplitude afforded a finger strategy, the 75 mm amplitude a wrist strategy, and the 300 mm an arm strategy. As gain increased, and thus mouse movement scale decreased, there was a further shift in joint combinations. Consequently, there could have been five different joint-set combinations: fingers, fingers-wrist, wrist, wrist-arm, or arm. Participants were free to employ any mousing strategy, or combination of strategies, that was most comfortable to them. The strategy used for each amplitude-gain combination was noted by the experimenter, and used for further analysis of joint segments. 2.4 Procedure Participants sat approximately 60 cm from the screen with the mouse positioned for right-hand use and were free to utilize the entire workspace (i.e., 36 X 18 desktop) to accommodate their various mousing strategies. They performed a routine target acquisition task with the cursor randomly appearing on the screen and the target displayed on the horizontal plane to the right. The participants were asked to move the cursor from the starting position onto the target as quickly and accurately as possible. They used the left mouse button to begin and end each trial. Participants heard a warning tone (beep) if the button was pressed while the cursor was outside of the target. Participants were given 3 warm-up trials with each (amplitude by gain by target size) condition followed by 10 trials for each. Amplitude and gain was counterbalanced across subjects, while target sizes were randomized. 2.4 Data Analysis The data was collected as samples of time-stamped mouse coordinates, relative to the starting point of a trial. From this we derived Pythagorean distance, then velocity. These in turn were smoothed by a weighted averaging process to remove highfrequency noise. We devised a set of heuristics to extract movement characteristics from each trial. Any sudden acceleration at the end of the trial was discarded, as we attributed this to inadvertent mouse motion due to clicking the button. The end of the data stream was also cut off back to a point where velocity exceeded 2% of the trial peak velocity. The beginning of the data was cut off in a similar way, but at 5% of peak velocity, to account for a slight jerk observed on many trials, which we attributed to friction with the table surface. Sub-movement boundaries were only counted when (a) the velocity amplitude (i.e the difference between a local maximum and its neighboring minima, on the velocity curve) exceeded 15% of peak velocity, and (b) the bounding velocity


Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 10-12, 2003 minima fell below 50% of the local maximum and below 15% of the global peak velocity. Finally, on a decelerating region, the deceleration was declared to stop whenever the deceleration rate fell below 25% of global peak velocity per second. 3. RESULTS Because of the nature of the dependent measure (movement time) sphericity could not be assumed. A log10 transformation of the dependent scores normalized the distribution and allowed the assumptions of normality, homogeneity of variance, and sphericity to be met. Any trials deemed as outliers (i.e., 2 SD) were excluded from the analysis. Untransformed descriptive statistics are shown in Table 1. For movement time, a 3 (amplitude) by 2 (target) by 4 (movement scale) withinsubject ANOVA was performed. One of the research goals in the current study was to examine the effects of specific joint or joint-sets (i.e., mousing strategies) on movement time, proportion of movement time in primary submovement, and percentage of distance traveled in primary submovement. To this end, three 5 (joint-set) X 2 (target) ANOVAs were performed on each dependent measure. All pairwise analyses used a Bonferroni correct for multiple comparisons. Most frequently used joint-set for each amplitude by movement scale condition is shown in Table 2. Descriptive statistics for movement time, proportion of time in primary submovement, and percentage of distance traveled in primary submovement by joint-set are shown in Table 3.
Table 1. Descriptives for Amplitude by Target Size by Movement Scale Amplitude Target Size Movement Scale M 18.75mm 1.5mm 1 1.002 2 0.935 4 0.989 8 1.151 12mm 1 0.537 2 0.474 4 0.461 8 0.499 75mm 1.5mm 1 1.383 2 1.211 4 1.180 8 1.389 12mm 1 0.784 2 0.727 4 0.650 8 0.640 300mm 1.5mm 1 1.927 2 1.736 4 1.579 8 1.506 12mm 1 1.295 2 1.046 4 1.002 8 0.889 Note. N = 10.

SD 0.232 0.139 0.215 0.348 0.122 0.113 0.067 0.098 0.223 0.132 0.288 0.306 0.112 0.114 0.123 0.078 0.364 0.308 0.196 0.242 0.186 0.111 0.091 0.097

Table 2. Joint-set for each Amplitude by Movement Scale Conditions Amplitude Movement Scale Joint-set 18.75mm 1 Fingers/Wrist 2 Fingers/Wrist 4 Fingers 8 Fingers 75mm 1 Wrist/Arm 2 Wrist 4 Wrist 8 Fingers/Wrist 300mm 1 Arm 2 Arm 4 Wrist/Arm 8 Wrist/Arm

Table 3. Descriptives for Movement Time, Proportion of Movement Time in Primary Submovement, and Percentage of Distance Traveled in Primary Submovement by Joint-Set and Target Size Joint-set Target Size Movement Time % in Primary % Distance Traveled Fingers 1.5mm 1.037 45.129 80.795 12mm 0.473 83.921 93.608 Fingers/Wrist 1.5mm 1.073 49.881 87.631 12mm 0.537 82.976 93.875 Wrist 1.5mm 1.179 48.834 90.367 12mm 0.678 79.839 94.457 Wrist/Arm 1.5mm 1.472 46.136 93.265 12mm 0.882 74.733 95.392 Arm 1.5mm 1.803 54.041 96.185 12mm 1.155 83.520 98.245 Note. Movement time is reported on seconds.

3.1 ANOVA of Movement Time All main effects were discovered to be significant; amplitude, F(2, 18) = 286.496, p < .001, partial 2 = .970; target size, F(1, 9) = 1018.914, p < .001, partial 2 = .991; and movement scale, F(3, 27) = 16.568, p < .001, partial 2 = .648. A pairwise comparison revealed that all amplitude and target conditions significantly differed from one another (p < .001). In the movement scale condition, however, only the movement scale of 1 differed significantly from 2, 4 and 8 (p < .001),


Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 10-12, 2003 indicating that performance was worse for a movement scale of 1 versus all other scales. No other disparities were revealed with the movement scales. In addition, all three two-way interactions were found to be significant; amplitude by target, F(2, 18) = 16.512, p < .001, partial 2 = .647; amplitude by movement scale, F(6, 54) = 8.631, p < .001, partial 2 = .490; and target by movement scale, F(3, 27) = 6.167, p = .002, partial 2 = .407. No significance was discovered for the three-way interaction. 3.2 Joint and Joint-sets 3.2.1 Movement Time Both main effects were found to be significant; joint-set, F(4, 36) = 192.142, p < .001, partial 2 = .955; target, F(1, 9) = 902.809, p < .001, partial 2 = .990. A pairwise analysis revealed no disparities between the fingers and fingers-wrist jointsets. However, all other joint-sets did differ significantly (p < .003). In addition, a significant difference was found of the two-way interaction; joint-set by target, F(4, 36) = 16.107, p < .001, partial 2 = .642. 3.2.2 Proportion of Movement Duration in Primary Submovement Both main effects were found to be significant; joint-set, F(4, 36) = 4.078, p = .008, partial 2 = .312; target, F(1, 9) = 1010.345, p < .001, partial 2 = .991. Pairwise analysis revealed that only the fingers-wrist joint-set differed significantly from the wrist-arm (p = .025). Moreover, the wrist-arm joint-set differed from the arm (p = .035). A significant two-way interaction was revealed, joint-set by target, F(4, 36) = 3.642, p = .014, partial 2 = .288. 3.2.3 Percentage of Distance Traveled in Primary Submovement Both main effects were found to be significant; joint-set, F(4, 36) = 30.096, p < .001, partial 2 = .770; target, F(1, 9) = 82.390, p < .001, partial 2 = .902. Pairwise analysis found that the fingers strategy differed significantly from the wrist (p = .011), wrist-arm (p = .002), and arm (p < .001); fingers-wrist strategy differed from the wrist-arm (p = .002) and arm (p < .001); wrist differed from arm (p = .005); wrist-arm differed from arm (p = .004); and arm differed from all limb segment combinations (p < .005). A significant two-way interaction was revealed, joint-set by target, F(4, 36) = 14.586, p < .001, partial 2 = .618. 4. DISCUSSION This experiment considered the impact of mouse movement scale and joint segment on the trajectories of rapid cursorpointing movements made with a mouse. There was an interest in understanding how different aspects of control were affected by these variables. Mouse movement scale was found to have different effects on movement duration and kinematics depending on display amplitude and target size. For targets located further from the start point on the display, movement times decreased with a decrease in mouse movement scale. The decrease in the movement duration was localized primarily in the intitial submovement, as illustrated in Figure 1. However, when the targets were located in near space, reducing the mouse movement scale resulted in an increase in movement time, particularly for the small targets. The increase in movement duration was associated with a significantly greater proportion of total movement time spent in the secondary submovement and a smaller proportion of total distance traveled in the primary submovement. This is illustrated in Figure 2. These data indicate that participants had more difficulty making small-scale movements to precise targets. This may be attributable to the use of the fingers to carry out the response. We next examined the role of joint segment in controlling the mouse. Joint segment had a significant impact on mouse movement duration and kinematics. Movement time increased as larger joint sets were used to carry out the response. Movements involving the arm and wrist were all affected in a similar manner by increasing precision requirements. However, movements involving the fingers were affected to a greater extent. The increase in movement duration was associated with a significantly greater proportion of total movement time spent in the secondary submovement and a smaller proportion of total distance traveled in the primary submovement. These results confirm that participants had more difficulty making precise movements when controlling the mouse with their fingers.


Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 10-12, 2003 (a) (b)

Figure 1. Sample velocity profiles of large amplitude movements at a gain of 2 (a) versus a gain of 8 (b). The primary and secondary submovements are delineated by a solid vertical line. The horizontal dashed line shows the maximum velocity in (b) for comparison purposes. Note the reduction in the primary submovement time in (b).



Figure 2. Sample velocity profiles of small amplitude movements at a gain of 2 (a) versus a gain of 8 (b). Note the increase in the secondary submovement time in (b).

The primary limiting factor in mouse pointing appears to be the ability of the user to make small movements near the targets. These types of movements heavily involve the fingers. This suggests a problem with the design of the mouse for close or fine positioning. The fingers are naturally designed for fine-grain acts. However, the mouse affords a power grip which limits the mobilization of the fingers during small-scale movements. Compare this, for example, to a stylus which more fully exploits the high-resolution capacity of the fingers, resulting in better performance for small-scale movements (Guiard, et al., 1999). Contemporary computer interfaces make extensive use of the mouse for a variety of tasks such as selecting icons, navigating menus, or dragging guidelines. Mousing tasks that require cursor movements greater than two lateral screen inches may result in extreme wrist deviations (i.e., exceeding 30% of maximum). Prolonged or repeated exposure to deviated wrist postures can lead to musculoskeletal discomfort and injury (Bergqvtst, Wolgast, Nilsson, 1995; de Krom & Kester, 1997; Matias, Salvendy & Kuckzek, 1998). Technically the size of the mouse movement can be scaled down relative to the size of the cursor movement by increasing the gain, thus reducing the extent of left-and-right hand motion. However, the results from this study suggest that this may not be an optimal solution as reduced movement scale could result in a tradeoff between reduced motion and movement precision. Moreover, as static muscle work has also been implicated in the development of RSIs (Karlqvist, Hagberg & Selen, 1994), the longer periods spent in accurate cursor placement at high gains may pose an additional health risk. Increasing the gain to reduce the mouse movement scale presents an interesting and complex problem. It would appear that for large-scale movements, users are able to take advantage of the shorter movement distance and reduced fine


Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 10-12, 2003 alignment time to acquire targets more quickly. However, for small-scale movements, the increased time required to accurately place the cursor on a (small) target exceeds any potential time savings afforded by the shorter travel distance of the mouse. These results question the notion that there exists a single optimal gain for maximizing mouse performance. Ultimately the solution may lie in the use of some type of non-linear gain system. Previous attempts to optimize the mouse using non-linear gains were unsuccessful (e.g. Jellinek & Card, 1990; Tranke & Deutchmann, 1992). Perhaps a more successful approach would enable the user to control the gain directly in real time (e.g. via a button on the mouse). This requires further study. 5. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bohan, M., Thompson, S.G., Scarlett, D.S., & Chaparro A. (in press). Gain and target size effects on cursor positioning with a mouse. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting. Balakrishnan, R., & MacKenzie, I.S. (1997). Performance differences in the fingers, wrist, and forearm in computer input control. In Proceedings of ACM CHI97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 303-310. Bergqvtst, U., Wogast, E., & Nilsson, B. (1995). Musculoskeletal disorders among visual display terminal workers: individual ergonomic and work organziation factors. Ergonomics, 38: 763-776. de Krom, M.C.T.F.M., Kester, A.D.M., Knipschild, P.G., & Spaans, F. (1997). Risk factors for caral tunnel syndrome. American Journal of Epidemiology, 132: 1102-1110. Douglas, S.A., & Mithal, A.K. (1997). The ergonomics of computer pointing devices. London: Springer-Verlag. Fagarasanu, M., & Kumar, S. (2003). Carpal tunnel syndrome due to keyboarding and mouse tasks: a review. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomcs, 31: 119-136. Gibbs, C.B. (1962). Controller design: interactions of controlling limbs, time-lags, and gains in positional and velocity systems. Ergonomics, 5: 385-402. Guiard, Y., Beaudouin-Lafon, M., & Mottet, D. (1999). Navigation as multiscale pointing: Extending Fitts model to very high precision tasks. In Proceedings of ACM CHI99 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 450457. Jellinek, H.D., & Card, S.K. (1990). Powermice and user performance. In Proceedings of ACM CHI90 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 213-220.


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