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77 South Washington Street, Suite 308, Rockville, MD 20850 Tel: (301) 424-4810 Fax (301) 424-4812

Press Release November 19, 2008

NCGUB seeks ASEAN mobilization as human rights crackdown intensifies

Washington DC: The Burmese government in exile has called for ASEAN governments to
initiate a UN-backed Commission of Inquiry to investigate the military regime's latest human
rights violations. The call comes as Burma's junta is intensifying its campaign of imprisoning
democracy supporters as a means of clearing the ground prior to nominally free elections set
for 2010.

“Regional powers cannot sit idly by,” says the NCGUB's UN representative, Dr. Thaung
Htun, “and reap the rewards of immorality.”

“We condemn the arbitrary sentencing of Burmese citizens to long periods in jail. We believe
Burma's regional partners cannot fail to do so too and to act accordingly by taking on this
issue on at next month's ASEAN Summit in Thailand.”

In the past weeks, around 80 Burmese have been arrested and rushed through “kangaroo
courts”, often behind closed doors. Sentences have gone as high as 65 years for such acts as
providing defence counsel to pro-democracy advocates, aiding international media during the
recent Nargis cyclone aftermath and even for publishing a poem which includes a line critical
of the Burmese leader, General Than Shwe.

The sentences have included jail terms in far-flung regions, making it extremely difficult, if
not impossible, for family and friends to visit and support them.

Some of those sentenced are monks who have been identified as being involved in the
peaceful Saffron Revolution street marches in September 2007. Also included have been
high ranking members of the influential 88 Generation Students group.

The NCGUB is proposing a plan which sees the ASEAN Summit calling for a Commission
of Inquiry by the United Nations Human Rights Council. This inquiry should be carried out
on a similar format as that which was established to investigate human rights violations in

The Commission should be coordinated by UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur for

Burma, Mr. Tomas Ojea Quitana and should include other input from UN Thematic
Rappoteurs on such matters as:
 Independent Judiciary

The NCGUB is constituted and endorsed by representatives elected in the 1990 elections in Burma
 Violence against Women
 Children and Armed Conflict
 Freedom of Expression
 Arbitrary Detention

“ASEAN should fully commit to this process, facilitate its evolution and, fully co-operate in
its investigations. Such an initiative will give weight to the body's calls for a human rights
office within ASEAN and would enhance its reputation as a body concerned about the abuses
of its members.”

ASEAN as a bloc is a major trading partner of Burma, while the ASEAN+3 countries, who
are also meeting next month, would constitute a significant majority of Burma's total foreign
trade and investment.

“If Burma's political prisoners wore sponsorship,” adds Thaung Htun, “they would be
emblazoned with the logos of major corporations, governments and finance companies of our
neighbors.” “It’s time action was taken.”

For further information and interviews, please contact Dr. Thaung Htun, Tel: +1-212-

Note for Editors:

The National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB) is a government-in-
exile constituted by members of parliament elected in 1990, Burma’s last free and fair
national elections in which the National League for Democracy won over 80% of the vote.
Since 1991, it has served as a representative government in exile and is headquartered in
Washington, D.C.

The NCGUB is constituted and endorsed by representatives elected in the 1990 elections in Burma

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