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"Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.

16 April 1963 My Dear Fellow Clergymen: While confined here in the Birmingham city jail ! came acro"" yo#r recent "tatement calling my pre"ent acti$itie" %#nwi"e and #ntimely&% 'eldom do ! pa#"e to an"wer critici"m of my wor( and idea"& !f ! "o#ght to an"wer all the critici"m" that cro"" my de"( my "ecretarie" wo#ld ha$e little time for anything other than "#ch corre"pondence in the co#r"e of the day and ! wo#ld ha$e no time for con"tr#cti$e wor(& B#t "ince ! feel that yo# are men of gen#ine good will and that yo#r critici"m" are "incerely "et forth ! want to try to an"wer yo#r "tatement in what ! hope will )e patient and rea"ona)le term"& ! thin( ! "ho#ld indicate why ! am here in Birmingham "ince yo# ha$e )een infl#enced )y the $iew which arg#e" again"t %o#t"ider" coming in&% ! ha$e the honor of "er$ing a" pre"ident of the 'o#thern Chri"tian *eader"hip Conference an organi+ation operating in e$ery "o#thern "tate with head,#arter" in Atlanta -eorgia& We ha$e "ome eighty fi$e affiliated organi+ation" acro"" the 'o#th and one of them i" the Ala)ama Chri"tian Mo$ement for .#man /ight"& Fre,#ently we "hare "taff ed#cational and financial re"o#rce" with o#r affiliate"& 'e$eral month" ago the affiliate here in Birmingham a"(ed #" to )e on call to engage in a non$iolent direct action program if "#ch were deemed nece""ary& We readily con"ented and when the ho#r came we li$ed #p to o#r promi"e& 'o ! along with "e$eral mem)er" of my "taff am here )eca#"e ! wa" in$ited here& ! am here )eca#"e ! ha$e organi+ational tie" here& B#t more )a"ically ! am in Birmingham )eca#"e inj#"tice i" here& 0#"t a" the prophet" of the eighth cent#ry B&C& left their $illage" and carried their %th#" "aith the *ord% far )eyond the )o#ndarie" of their home town" and j#"t a" the Apo"tle 1a#l left hi" $illage of 2ar"#" and carried the go"pel of 0e"#" Chri"t to the far corner" of the -reco /oman world "o am ! compelled to carry the go"pel of freedom )eyond my own home town& *i(e 1a#l ! m#"t con"tantly re"pond to the Macedonian call for aid& Moreo$er ! am cogni+ant of the interrelatedne"" of all comm#nitie" and "tate"& ! cannot "it idly )y in Atlanta and not )e concerned a)o#t what happen" in Birmingham& !nj#"tice anywhere i" a threat to j#"tice e$erywhere& We are ca#ght in an ine"capa)le networ( of m#t#ality tied in a "ingle garment of de"tiny& Whate$er affect" one directly affect" all indirectly& 3e$er again can we afford to li$e with the narrow pro$incial %o#t"ide agitator% idea& Anyone who li$e" in"ide the 4nited 'tate" can ne$er )e con"idered an o#t"ider anywhere within it" )o#nd"& 5o# deplore the demon"tration" ta(ing place in Birmingham& B#t yo#r "tatement ! am "orry to "ay fail" to e6pre"" a "imilar concern for the condition" that )ro#ght a)o#t the demon"tration"& ! am "#re that none of yo# wo#ld want to re"t content with the "#perficial (ind of "ocial analy"i" that deal" merely with effect" and doe" not grapple with #nderlying ca#"e"& !t i" #nfort#nate that demon"tration" are ta(ing place in Birmingham )#t it i" e$en more #nfort#nate that the city7" white power "tr#ct#re left the 3egro comm#nity with no alternati$e& !n any non$iolent campaign there are fo#r )a"ic "tep": collection of the fact" to determine whether inj#"tice" e6i"t8 negotiation8 "elf p#rification8 and direct action& We ha$e gone thro#gh

all the"e "tep" in Birmingham& 2here can )e no gain"aying the fact that racial inj#"tice eng#lf" thi" comm#nity& Birmingham i" pro)a)ly the mo"t thoro#ghly "egregated city in the 4nited 'tate"& !t" #gly record of )r#tality i" widely (nown& 3egroe" ha$e e6perienced gro""ly #nj#"t treatment in the co#rt"& 2here ha$e )een more #n"ol$ed )om)ing" of 3egro home" and ch#rche" in Birmingham than in any other city in the nation& 2he"e are the hard )r#tal fact" of the ca"e& 9n the )a"i" of the"e condition" 3egro leader" "o#ght to negotiate with the city father"& B#t the latter con"i"tently ref#"ed to engage in good faith negotiation& 2hen la"t 'eptem)er came the opport#nity to tal( with leader" of Birmingham7" economic comm#nity& !n the co#r"e of the negotiation" certain promi"e" were made )y the merchant"::for e6ample to remo$e the "tore"7 h#miliating racial "ign"& 9n the )a"i" of the"e promi"e" the /e$erend Fred 'h#ttle"worth and the leader" of the Ala)ama Chri"tian Mo$ement for .#man /ight" agreed to a moratori#m on all demon"tration"& A" the wee(" and month" went )y we reali+ed that we were the $ictim" of a )ro(en promi"e& A few "ign" )riefly remo$ed ret#rned8 the other" remained& A" in "o many pa"t e6perience" o#r hope" had )een )la"ted and the "hadow of deep di"appointment "ettled #pon #"& We had no alternati$e e6cept to prepare for direct action where)y we wo#ld pre"ent o#r $ery )odie" a" a mean" of laying o#r ca"e )efore the con"cience of the local and the national comm#nity& Mindf#l of the diffic#ltie" in$ol$ed we decided to #nderta(e a proce"" of "elf p#rification& We )egan a "erie" of wor("hop" on non$iolence and we repeatedly a"(ed o#r"el$e": %Are yo# a)le to accept )low" witho#t retaliating;% %Are yo# a)le to end#re the ordeal of jail;% We decided to "ched#le o#r direct action program for the <a"ter "ea"on reali+ing that e6cept for Chri"tma" thi" i" the main "hopping period of the year& =nowing that a "trong economic:withdrawal program wo#ld )e the )y prod#ct of direct action we felt that thi" wo#ld )e the )e"t time to )ring pre""#re to )ear on the merchant" for the needed change& 2hen it occ#rred to #" that Birmingham7" mayoral election wa" coming #p in March and we "peedily decided to po"tpone action #ntil after election day& When we di"co$ered that the Commi""ioner of 1#)lic 'afety <#gene %B#ll% Connor had piled #p eno#gh $ote" to )e in the r#n off we decided again to po"tpone action #ntil the day after the r#n off "o that the demon"tration" co#ld not )e #"ed to clo#d the i""#e"& *i(e many other" we waited to "ee Mr& Connor defeated and to thi" end we end#red po"tponement after po"tponement& .a$ing aided in thi" comm#nity need we felt that o#r direct action program co#ld )e delayed no longer& 5o# may well a"(: %Why direct action; Why "it in" marche" and "o forth; !"n7t negotiation a )etter path;% 5o# are ,#ite right in calling for negotiation& !ndeed thi" i" the $ery p#rpo"e of direct action& 3on$iolent direct action "ee(" to create "#ch a cri"i" and fo"ter "#ch a ten"ion that a comm#nity which ha" con"tantly ref#"ed to negotiate i" forced to confront the i""#e& !t "ee(" "o to dramati+e the i""#e that it can no longer )e ignored& My citing the creation of ten"ion a" part of the wor( of the non$iolent re"i"ter may "o#nd rather "hoc(ing& B#t ! m#"t confe"" that ! am not afraid of the word %ten"ion&% ! ha$e earne"tly oppo"ed $iolent ten"ion )#t there i" a type of con"tr#cti$e non$iolent ten"ion which i" nece""ary for growth& 0#"t a" 'ocrate" felt that it wa" nece""ary to create a ten"ion in the mind "o that indi$id#al" co#ld ri"e from the )ondage of myth" and half tr#th" to the #nfettered realm of creati$e analy"i" and o)jecti$e apprai"al "o m#"t we "ee the need for non$iolent gadflie" to create the (ind of ten"ion in "ociety that will help men ri"e from the dar( depth" of prej#dice and raci"m to the maje"tic height" of #nder"tanding and

)rotherhood& 2he p#rpo"e of o#r direct action program i" to create a "it#ation "o cri"i" pac(ed that it will ine$ita)ly open the door to negotiation& ! therefore conc#r with yo# in yo#r call for negotiation& 2oo long ha" o#r )elo$ed 'o#thland )een )ogged down in a tragic effort to li$e in monolog#e rather than dialog#e& 9ne of the )a"ic point" in yo#r "tatement i" that the action that ! and my a""ociate" ha$e ta(en in Birmingham i" #ntimely& 'ome ha$e a"(ed: %Why didn7t yo# gi$e the new city admini"tration time to act;% 2he only an"wer that ! can gi$e to thi" ,#ery i" that the new Birmingham admini"tration m#"t )e prodded a)o#t a" m#ch a" the o#tgoing one )efore it will act& We are "adly mi"ta(en if we feel that the election of Al)ert Bo#twell a" mayor will )ring the millenni#m to Birmingham& While Mr& Bo#twell i" a m#ch more gentle per"on than Mr& Connor they are )oth "egregationi"t" dedicated to maintenance of the "tat#" ,#o& ! ha$e hope that Mr& Bo#twell will )e rea"ona)le eno#gh to "ee the f#tility of ma""i$e re"i"tance to de"egregation& B#t he will not "ee thi" witho#t pre""#re from de$otee" of ci$il right"& My friend" ! m#"t "ay to yo# that we ha$e not made a "ingle gain in ci$il right" witho#t determined legal and non$iolent pre""#re& *amenta)ly it i" an hi"torical fact that pri$ileged gro#p" "eldom gi$e #p their pri$ilege" $ol#ntarily& !ndi$id#al" may "ee the moral light and $ol#ntarily gi$e #p their #nj#"t po"t#re8 )#t a" /einhold 3ie)#hr ha" reminded #" gro#p" tend to )e more immoral than indi$id#al"& We (now thro#gh painf#l e6perience that freedom i" ne$er $ol#ntarily gi$en )y the oppre""or8 it m#"t )e demanded )y the oppre""ed& Fran(ly ! ha$e yet to engage in a direct action campaign that wa" %well timed% in the $iew of tho"e who ha$e not "#ffered #nd#ly from the di"ea"e of "egregation& For year" now ! ha$e heard the word %Wait>% !t ring" in the ear of e$ery 3egro with piercing familiarity& 2hi" %Wait% ha" almo"t alway" meant %3e$er&% We m#"t come to "ee with one of o#r di"ting#i"hed j#ri"t" that %j#"tice too long delayed i" j#"tice denied&% We ha$e waited for more than 3?@ year" for o#r con"tit#tional and -od gi$en right"& 2he nation" of A"ia and Africa are mo$ing with jetli(e "peed toward gaining political independence )#t we "till creep at hor"e and )#ggy pace toward gaining a c#p of coffee at a l#nch co#nter& 1erhap" it i" ea"y for tho"e who ha$e ne$er felt the "tinging dart" of "egregation to "ay %Wait&% B#t when yo# ha$e "een $icio#" mo)" lynch yo#r mother" and father" at will and drown yo#r "i"ter" and )rother" at whim8 when yo# ha$e "een hate filled policemen c#r"e (ic( and e$en (ill yo#r )lac( )rother" and "i"ter"8 when yo# "ee the $a"t majority of yo#r twenty million 3egro )rother" "mothering in an airtight cage of po$erty in the mid"t of an affl#ent "ociety8 when yo# "#ddenly find yo#r tong#e twi"ted and yo#r "peech "tammering a" yo# "ee( to e6plain to yo#r "i6 year old da#ghter why "he can7t go to the p#)lic am#"ement par( that ha" j#"t )een ad$erti"ed on tele$i"ion and "ee tear" welling #p in her eye" when "he i" told that F#ntown i" clo"ed to colored children and "ee omino#" clo#d" of inferiority )eginning to form in her little mental "(y and "ee her )eginning to di"tort her per"onality )y de$eloping an #ncon"cio#" )itterne"" toward white people8 when yo# ha$e to concoct an an"wer for a fi$e year old "on who i" a"(ing: %Daddy why do white people treat colored people "o mean;%8 when yo# ta(e a cro"" co#nty dri$e and find it nece""ary to "leep night after night in the #ncomforta)le corner" of yo#r a#tomo)ile )eca#"e no motel will accept yo#8 when yo# are h#miliated day in and day o#t )y nagging "ign" reading %white% and %colored%8 when yo#r fir"t name )ecome" %nigger % yo#r middle name )ecome" %)oy% Ahowe$er old yo# areB and yo#r la"t name )ecome" %0ohn % and yo#r wife and mother are ne$er gi$en the re"pected title %Mr"&%8 when yo# are harried )y day and ha#nted )y night )y the

fact that yo# are a 3egro li$ing con"tantly at tiptoe "tance ne$er ,#ite (nowing what to e6pect ne6t and are plag#ed with inner fear" and o#ter re"entment"8 when yo# are fore$er fighting a degenerating "en"e of %no)odine""%::then yo# will #nder"tand why we find it diffic#lt to wait& 2here come" a time when the c#p of end#rance r#n" o$er and men are no longer willing to )e pl#nged into the a)y"" of de"pair& ! hope "ir" yo# can #nder"tand o#r legitimate and #na$oida)le impatience& 5o# e6pre"" a great deal of an6iety o$er o#r willingne"" to )rea( law"& 2hi" i" certainly a legitimate concern& 'ince we "o diligently #rge people to o)ey the '#preme Co#rt7" deci"ion of 19C? o#tlawing "egregation in the p#)lic "chool" at fir"t glance it may "eem rather parado6ical for #" con"cio#"ly to )rea( law"& 9ne may well a"(: %.ow can yo# ad$ocate )rea(ing "ome law" and o)eying other";% 2he an"wer lie" in the fact that there are two type" of law": j#"t and #nj#"t& ! wo#ld )e the fir"t to ad$ocate o)eying j#"t law"& 9ne ha" not only a legal )#t a moral re"pon"i)ility to o)ey j#"t law"& Con$er"ely one ha" a moral re"pon"i)ility to di"o)ey #nj#"t law"& ! wo#ld agree with 't& A#g#"tine that %an #nj#"t law i" no law at all&% 3ow what i" the difference )etween the two; .ow doe" one determine whether a law i" j#"t or #nj#"t; A j#"t law i" a man made code that ",#are" with the moral law or the law of -od& An #nj#"t law i" a code that i" o#t of harmony with the moral law& 2o p#t it in the term" of 't& 2homa" A,#ina": An #nj#"t law i" a h#man law that i" not rooted in eternal law and nat#ral law& Any law that #plift" h#man per"onality i" j#"t& Any law that degrade" h#man per"onality i" #nj#"t& All "egregation "tat#te" are #nj#"t )eca#"e "egregation di"tort" the "o#l and damage" the per"onality& !t gi$e" the "egregator a fal"e "en"e of "#periority and the "egregated a fal"e "en"e of inferiority& 'egregation to #"e the terminology of the 0ewi"h philo"opher Martin B#)er "#)"tit#te" an %! it% relation"hip for an %! tho#% relation"hip and end" #p relegating per"on" to the "tat#" of thing"& .ence "egregation i" not only politically economically and "ociologically #n"o#nd it i" morally wrong and "inf#l& 1a#l 2illich ha" "aid that "in i" "eparation& !" not "egregation an e6i"tential e6pre""ion of man7" tragic "eparation hi" awf#l e"trangement hi" terri)le "inf#lne""; 2h#" it i" that ! can #rge men to o)ey the 19C? deci"ion of the '#preme Co#rt for it i" morally right8 and ! can #rge them to di"o)ey "egregation ordinance" for they are morally wrong& *et #" con"ider a more concrete e6ample of j#"t and #nj#"t law"& An #nj#"t law i" a code that a n#merical or power majority gro#p compel" a minority gro#p to o)ey )#t doe" not ma(e )inding on it"elf& 2hi" i" difference made legal& By the "ame to(en a j#"t law i" a code that a majority compel" a minority to follow and that it i" willing to follow it"elf& 2hi" i" "amene"" made legal& *et me gi$e another e6planation& A law i" #nj#"t if it i" inflicted on a minority that a" a re"#lt of )eing denied the right to $ote had no part in enacting or de$i"ing the law& Who can "ay that the legi"lat#re of Ala)ama which "et #p that "tate7" "egregation law" wa" democratically elected; 2hro#gho#t Ala)ama all "ort" of de$io#" method" are #"ed to pre$ent 3egroe" from )ecoming regi"tered $oter" and there are "ome co#ntie" in which e$en tho#gh 3egroe" con"tit#te a majority of the pop#lation not a "ingle 3egro i" regi"tered& Can any law enacted #nder "#ch circ#m"tance" )e con"idered democratically "tr#ct#red; 'ometime" a law i" j#"t on it" face and #nj#"t in it" application& For in"tance ! ha$e )een arre"ted on a charge of parading witho#t a permit& 3ow there i" nothing wrong in ha$ing an ordinance which re,#ire" a permit for a parade& B#t "#ch an ordinance )ecome" #nj#"t when it i"

#"ed to maintain "egregation and to deny citi+en" the Fir"t:Amendment pri$ilege of peacef#l a""em)ly and prote"t& ! hope yo# are a)le to "ee the di"tinction ! am trying to point o#t& !n no "en"e do ! ad$ocate e$ading or defying the law a" wo#ld the ra)id "egregationi"t& 2hat wo#ld lead to anarchy& 9ne who )rea(" an #nj#"t law m#"t do "o openly lo$ingly and with a willingne"" to accept the penalty& ! "#)mit that an indi$id#al who )rea(" a law that con"cience tell" him i" #nj#"t and who willingly accept" the penalty of impri"onment in order to aro#"e the con"cience of the comm#nity o$er it" inj#"tice i" in reality e6pre""ing the highe"t re"pect for law& 9f co#r"e there i" nothing new a)o#t thi" (ind of ci$il di"o)edience& !t wa" e$idenced "#)limely in the ref#"al of 'hadrach Me"hach and A)ednego to o)ey the law" of 3e)#chadne++ar on the gro#nd that a higher moral law wa" at "ta(e& !t wa" practiced "#per)ly )y the early Chri"tian" who were willing to face h#ngry lion" and the e6cr#ciating pain of chopping )loc(" rather than "#)mit to certain #nj#"t law" of the /oman <mpire& 2o a degree academic freedom i" a reality today )eca#"e 'ocrate" practiced ci$il di"o)edience& !n o#r own nation the Bo"ton 2ea 1arty repre"ented a ma""i$e act of ci$il di"o)edience& We "ho#ld ne$er forget that e$erything Adolf .itler did in -ermany wa" %legal% and e$erything the .#ngarian freedom fighter" did in .#ngary wa" %illegal&% !t wa" %illegal% to aid and comfort a 0ew in .itler7" -ermany& <$en "o ! am "#re that had ! li$ed in -ermany at the time ! wo#ld ha$e aided and comforted my 0ewi"h )rother"& !f today ! li$ed in a Comm#ni"t co#ntry where certain principle" dear to the Chri"tian faith are "#ppre""ed ! wo#ld openly ad$ocate di"o)eying that co#ntry7" antireligio#" law"& ! m#"t ma(e two hone"t confe""ion" to yo# my Chri"tian and 0ewi"h )rother"& Fir"t ! m#"t confe"" that o$er the pa"t few year" ! ha$e )een gra$ely di"appointed with the white moderate& ! ha$e almo"t reached the regretta)le concl#"ion that the 3egro7" great "t#m)ling )loc( in hi" "tride toward freedom i" not the White Citi+en7" Co#nciler or the =# =l#6 =lanner )#t the white moderate who i" more de$oted to %order% than to j#"tice8 who prefer" a negati$e peace which i" the a)"ence of ten"ion to a po"iti$e peace which i" the pre"ence of j#"tice8 who con"tantly "ay": %! agree with yo# in the goal yo# "ee( )#t ! cannot agree with yo#r method" of direct action%8 who paternali"tically )elie$e" he can "et the timeta)le for another man7" freedom8 who li$e" )y a mythical concept of time and who con"tantly ad$i"e" the 3egro to wait for a %more con$enient "ea"on&% 'hallow #nder"tanding from people of good will i" more fr#"trating than a)"ol#te mi"#nder"tanding from people of ill will& *#(ewarm acceptance i" m#ch more )ewildering than o#tright rejection& ! had hoped that the white moderate wo#ld #nder"tand that law and order e6i"t for the p#rpo"e of e"ta)li"hing j#"tice and that when they fail in thi" p#rpo"e they )ecome the dangero#"ly "tr#ct#red dam" that )loc( the flow of "ocial progre""& ! had hoped that the white moderate wo#ld #nder"tand that the pre"ent ten"ion in the 'o#th i" a nece""ary pha"e of the tran"ition from an o)no6io#" negati$e peace in which the 3egro pa""i$ely accepted hi" #nj#"t plight to a "#)"tanti$e and po"iti$e peace in which all men will re"pect the dignity and worth of h#man per"onality& Act#ally we who engage in non$iolent direct action are not the creator" of ten"ion& We merely )ring to the "#rface the hidden ten"ion that i" already ali$e& We )ring it o#t in the

open where it can )e "een and dealt with& *i(e a )oil that can ne$er )e c#red "o long a" it i" co$ered #p )#t m#"t )e opened with all it" #gline"" to the nat#ral medicine" of air and light inj#"tice m#"t )e e6po"ed with all the ten"ion it" e6po"#re create" to the light of h#man con"cience and the air of national opinion )efore it can )e c#red& !n yo#r "tatement yo# a""ert that o#r action" e$en tho#gh peacef#l m#"t )e condemned )eca#"e they precipitate $iolence& B#t i" thi" a logical a""ertion; !"n7t thi" li(e condemning a ro))ed man )eca#"e hi" po""e""ion of money precipitated the e$il act of ro))ery; !"n7t thi" li(e condemning 'ocrate" )eca#"e hi" #n"wer$ing commitment to tr#th and hi" philo"ophical in,#irie" precipitated the act )y the mi"g#ided pop#lace in which they made him drin( hemloc(; !"n7t thi" li(e condemning 0e"#" )eca#"e hi" #ni,#e -od con"cio#"ne"" and ne$er cea"ing de$otion to -od7" will precipitated the e$il act of cr#cifi6ion; We m#"t come to "ee that a" the federal co#rt" ha$e con"i"tently affirmed it i" wrong to #rge an indi$id#al to cea"e hi" effort" to gain hi" )a"ic con"tit#tional right" )eca#"e the ,#e"t may precipitate $iolence& 'ociety m#"t protect the ro))ed and p#ni"h the ro))er& ! had al"o hoped that the white moderate wo#ld reject the myth concerning time in relation to the "tr#ggle for freedom& ! ha$e j#"t recei$ed a letter from a white )rother in 2e6a"& .e write": %All Chri"tian" (now that the colored people will recei$e e,#al right" e$ent#ally )#t it i" po""i)le that yo# are in too great a religio#" h#rry& !t ha" ta(en Chri"tianity almo"t two tho#"and year" to accompli"h what it ha"& 2he teaching" of Chri"t ta(e time to come to earth&% '#ch an attit#de "tem" from a tragic mi"conception of time from the "trangely irrational notion that there i" "omething in the $ery flow of time that will ine$ita)ly c#re all ill"& Act#ally time it"elf i" ne#tral8 it can )e #"ed either de"tr#cti$ely or con"tr#cti$ely& More and more ! feel that the people of ill will ha$e #"ed time m#ch more effecti$ely than ha$e the people of good will& We will ha$e to repent in thi" generation not merely for the hatef#l word" and action" of the )ad people )#t for the appalling "ilence of the good people& .#man progre"" ne$er roll" in on wheel" of ine$ita)ility8 it come" thro#gh the tirele"" effort" of men willing to )e co wor(er" with -od and witho#t thi" hard wor( time it"elf )ecome" an ally of the force" of "ocial "tagnation& We m#"t #"e time creati$ely in the (nowledge that the time i" alway" ripe to do right& 3ow i" the time to ma(e real the promi"e of democracy and tran"form o#r pending national elegy into a creati$e p"alm of )rotherhood& 3ow i" the time to lift o#r national policy from the ,#ic("and of racial inj#"tice to the "olid roc( of h#man dignity& 5o# "pea( of o#r acti$ity in Birmingham a" e6treme& At fir"t ! wa" rather di"appointed that fellow clergymen wo#ld "ee my non$iolent effort" a" tho"e of an e6tremi"t& ! )egan thin(ing a)o#t the fact that ! "tand in the middle of two oppo"ing force" in the 3egro comm#nity& 9ne i" a force of complacency made #p in part of 3egroe" who a" a re"#lt of long year" of oppre""ion are "o drained of "elf re"pect and a "en"e of %"ome)odine""% that they ha$e adj#"ted to "egregation8 and in part of a few middle:cla"" 3egroe" who )eca#"e of a degree of academic and economic "ec#rity and )eca#"e in "ome way" they profit )y "egregation ha$e )ecome in"en"iti$e to the pro)lem" of the ma""e"& 2he other force i" one of )itterne"" and hatred and it come" perilo#"ly clo"e to ad$ocating $iolence& !t i" e6pre""ed in the $ario#" )lac( nationali"t gro#p" that are "pringing #p acro"" the nation the large"t and )e"t (nown )eing <lijah M#hammad7" M#"lim mo$ement& 3o#ri"hed )y the 3egro7" fr#"tration o$er the contin#ed e6i"tence of racial di"crimination thi" mo$ement i" made #p of people who ha$e lo"t faith in America who ha$e a)"ol#tely rep#diated Chri"tianity and who ha$e concl#ded that the white man i" an incorrigi)le %de$il&%

! ha$e tried to "tand )etween the"e two force" "aying that we need em#late neither the %do nothingi"m% of the complacent nor the hatred and de"pair of the )lac( nationali"t& For there i" the more e6cellent way of lo$e and non$iolent prote"t& ! am gratef#l to -od that thro#gh the infl#ence of the 3egro ch#rch the way of non$iolence )ecame an integral part of o#r "tr#ggle& !f thi" philo"ophy had not emerged )y now many "treet" of the 'o#th wo#ld ! am con$inced )e flowing with )lood& And ! am f#rther con$inced that if o#r white )rother" di"mi"" a" %ra))le ro#"er"% and %o#t"ide agitator"% tho"e of #" who employ non$iolent direct action and if they ref#"e to "#pport o#r non$iolent effort" million" of 3egroe" will o#t of fr#"tration and de"pair "ee( "olace and "ec#rity in )lac( nationali"t ideologie"::a de$elopment that wo#ld ine$ita)ly lead to a frightening racial nightmare& 9ppre""ed people cannot remain oppre""ed fore$er& 2he yearning for freedom e$ent#ally manife"t" it"elf and that i" what ha" happened to the American 3egro& 'omething within ha" reminded him of hi" )irthright of freedom and "omething witho#t ha" reminded him that it can )e gained& Con"cio#"ly or #ncon"cio#"ly he ha" )een ca#ght #p )y the Deitgei"t and with hi" )lac( )rother" of Africa and hi" )rown and yellow )rother" of A"ia 'o#th America and the Cari))ean the 4nited 'tate" 3egro i" mo$ing with a "en"e of great #rgency toward the promi"ed land of racial j#"tice& !f one recogni+e" thi" $ital #rge that ha" eng#lfed the 3egro comm#nity one "ho#ld readily #nder"tand why p#)lic demon"tration" are ta(ing place& 2he 3egro ha" many pent #p re"entment" and latent fr#"tration" and he m#"t relea"e them& 'o let him march8 let him ma(e prayer pilgrimage" to the city hall8 let him go on freedom ride" :and try to #nder"tand why he m#"t do "o& !f hi" repre""ed emotion" are not relea"ed in non$iolent way" they will "ee( e6pre""ion thro#gh $iolence8 thi" i" not a threat )#t a fact of hi"tory& 'o ! ha$e not "aid to my people: %-et rid of yo#r di"content&% /ather ! ha$e tried to "ay that thi" normal and healthy di"content can )e channeled into the creati$e o#tlet of non$iolent direct action& And now thi" approach i" )eing termed e6tremi"t& B#t tho#gh ! wa" initially di"appointed at )eing categori+ed a" an e6tremi"t a" ! contin#ed to thin( a)o#t the matter ! grad#ally gained a mea"#re of "ati"faction from the la)el& Wa" not 0e"#" an e6tremi"t for lo$e: %*o$e yo#r enemie" )le"" them that c#r"e yo# do good to them that hate yo# and pray for them which de"pitef#lly #"e yo# and per"ec#te yo#&% Wa" not Amo" an e6tremi"t for j#"tice: %*et j#"tice roll down li(e water" and righteo#"ne"" li(e an e$er flowing "tream&% Wa" not 1a#l an e6tremi"t for the Chri"tian go"pel: %! )ear in my )ody the mar(" of the *ord 0e"#"&% Wa" not Martin *#ther an e6tremi"t: %.ere ! "tand8 ! cannot do otherwi"e "o help me -od&% And 0ohn B#nyan: %! will "tay in jail to the end of my day" )efore ! ma(e a )#tchery of my con"cience&% And A)raham *incoln: %2hi" nation cannot "#r$i$e half "la$e and half free&% And 2homa" 0effer"on: %We hold the"e tr#th" to )e "elf e$ident that all men are created e,#al & & &% 'o the ,#e"tion i" not whether we will )e e6tremi"t" )#t what (ind of e6tremi"t" we will )e& Will we )e e6tremi"t" for hate or for lo$e; Will we )e e6tremi"t" for the pre"er$ation of inj#"tice or for the e6ten"ion of j#"tice; !n that dramatic "cene on Cal$ary7" hill three men were cr#cified& We m#"t ne$er forget that all three were cr#cified for the "ame crime::the crime of e6tremi"m& 2wo were e6tremi"t" for immorality and th#" fell )elow their en$ironment& 2he other 0e"#" Chri"t wa" an e6tremi"t for lo$e tr#th and goodne"" and there)y ro"e a)o$e hi" en$ironment& 1erhap" the 'o#th the nation and the world are in dire need of creati$e e6tremi"t"& ! had hoped that the white moderate wo#ld "ee thi" need& 1erhap" ! wa" too optimi"tic8 perhap" ! e6pected too m#ch& ! "#ppo"e ! "ho#ld ha$e reali+ed that few mem)er" of the oppre""or race can

#nder"tand the deep groan" and pa""ionate yearning" of the oppre""ed race and "till fewer ha$e the $i"ion to "ee that inj#"tice m#"t )e rooted o#t )y "trong per"i"tent and determined action& ! am than(f#l howe$er that "ome of o#r white )rother" in the 'o#th ha$e gra"ped the meaning of thi" "ocial re$ol#tion and committed them"el$e" to it& 2hey are "till all too few in ,#antity )#t they are )ig in ,#ality& 'ome :"#ch a" /alph Mc-ill *illian 'mith .arry -olden 0ame" McBride Da))" Ann Braden and 'arah 1atton Boyle::ha$e written a)o#t o#r "tr#ggle in elo,#ent and prophetic term"& 9ther" ha$e marched with #" down namele"" "treet" of the 'o#th& 2hey ha$e lang#i"hed in filthy roach infe"ted jail" "#ffering the a)#"e and )r#tality of policemen who $iew them a" %dirty nigger:lo$er"&% 4nli(e "o many of their moderate )rother" and "i"ter" they ha$e recogni+ed the #rgency of the moment and "en"ed the need for powerf#l %action% antidote" to com)at the di"ea"e of "egregation& *et me ta(e note of my other major di"appointment& ! ha$e )een "o greatly di"appointed with the white ch#rch and it" leader"hip& 9f co#r"e there are "ome nota)le e6ception"& ! am not #nmindf#l of the fact that each of yo# ha" ta(en "ome "ignificant "tand" on thi" i""#e& ! commend yo# /e$erend 'talling" for yo#r Chri"tian "tand on thi" pa"t '#nday in welcoming 3egroe" to yo#r wor"hip "er$ice on a non"egregated )a"i"& ! commend the Catholic leader" of thi" "tate for integrating 'pring .ill College "e$eral year" ago& B#t de"pite the"e nota)le e6ception" ! m#"t hone"tly reiterate that ! ha$e )een di"appointed with the ch#rch& ! do not "ay thi" a" one of tho"e negati$e critic" who can alway" find "omething wrong with the ch#rch& ! "ay thi" a" a mini"ter of the go"pel who lo$e" the ch#rch8 who wa" n#rt#red in it" )o"om8 who ha" )een "#"tained )y it" "pirit#al )le""ing" and who will remain tr#e to it a" long a" the cord of life "hall lengthen& When ! wa" "#ddenly catap#lted into the leader"hip of the )#" prote"t in Montgomery Ala)ama a few year" ago ! felt we wo#ld )e "#pported )y the white ch#rch& ! felt that the white mini"ter" prie"t" and ra))i" of the 'o#th wo#ld )e among o#r "tronge"t allie"& !n"tead "ome ha$e )een o#tright opponent" ref#"ing to #nder"tand the freedom mo$ement and mi"repre"enting it" leader"8 all too many other" ha$e )een more ca#tio#" than co#rageo#" and ha$e remained "ilent )ehind the ane"theti+ing "ec#rity of "tained gla"" window"& !n "pite of my "hattered dream" ! came to Birmingham with the hope that the white religio#" leader"hip of thi" comm#nity wo#ld "ee the j#"tice of o#r ca#"e and with deep moral concern wo#ld "er$e a" the channel thro#gh which o#r j#"t grie$ance" co#ld reach the power "tr#ct#re& ! had hoped that each of yo# wo#ld #nder"tand& B#t again ! ha$e )een di"appointed& ! ha$e heard n#mero#" "o#thern religio#" leader" admoni"h their wor"hiper" to comply with a de"egregation deci"ion )eca#"e it i" the law )#t ! ha$e longed to hear white mini"ter" declare: %Follow thi" decree )eca#"e integration i" morally right and )eca#"e the 3egro i" yo#r )rother&% !n the mid"t of )latant inj#"tice" inflicted #pon the 3egro ! ha$e watched white ch#rchmen "tand on the "ideline and mo#th pio#" irrele$ancie" and "anctimonio#" tri$ialitie"& !n the mid"t of a mighty "tr#ggle to rid o#r nation of racial and economic inj#"tice ! ha$e heard many mini"ter" "ay: %2ho"e are "ocial i""#e" with which the go"pel ha" no real concern&% And ! ha$e watched many ch#rche" commit them"el$e" to a completely other worldly religion which ma(e" a "trange #n:Bi)lical di"tinction )etween )ody and "o#l )etween the "acred and the "ec#lar&

! ha$e tra$eled the length and )readth of Ala)ama Mi""i""ippi and all the other "o#thern "tate"& 9n "weltering "#mmer day" and cri"p a#t#mn morning" ! ha$e loo(ed at the 'o#th7" )ea#tif#l ch#rche" with their lofty "pire" pointing hea$enward& ! ha$e )eheld the impre""i$e o#tline" of her ma""i$e religio#" ed#cation )#ilding"& 9$er and o$er ! ha$e fo#nd my"elf a"(ing: %What (ind of people wor"hip here; Who i" their -od; Where were their $oice" when the lip" of -o$ernor Barnett dripped with word" of interpo"ition and n#llification; Where were they when -o$ernor Wallace ga$e a clarion call for defiance and hatred; Where were their $oice" of "#pport when )r#i"ed and weary 3egro men and women decided to ri"e from the dar( d#ngeon" of complacency to the )right hill" of creati$e prote"t;% 5e" the"e ,#e"tion" are "till in my mind& !n deep di"appointment ! ha$e wept o$er the la6ity of the ch#rch& B#t )e a""#red that my tear" ha$e )een tear" of lo$e& 2here can )e no deep di"appointment where there i" not deep lo$e& 5e" ! lo$e the ch#rch& .ow co#ld ! do otherwi"e; ! am in the rather #ni,#e po"ition of )eing the "on the grand"on and the great grand"on of preacher"& 5e" ! "ee the ch#rch a" the )ody of Chri"t& B#t oh> .ow we ha$e )lemi"hed and "carred that )ody thro#gh "ocial neglect and thro#gh fear of )eing nonconformi"t"& 2here wa" a time when the ch#rch wa" $ery powerf#l::in the time when the early Chri"tian" rejoiced at )eing deemed worthy to "#ffer for what they )elie$ed& !n tho"e day" the ch#rch wa" not merely a thermometer that recorded the idea" and principle" of pop#lar opinion8 it wa" a thermo"tat that tran"formed the more" of "ociety& Whene$er the early Chri"tian" entered a town the people in power )ecame di"t#r)ed and immediately "o#ght to con$ict the Chri"tian" for )eing %di"t#r)er" of the peace% and %o#t"ide agitator"&%7 B#t the Chri"tian" pre""ed on in the con$iction that they were %a colony of hea$en % called to o)ey -od rather than man& 'mall in n#m)er they were )ig in commitment& 2hey were too -od:into6icated to )e %a"tronomically intimidated&% By their effort and e6ample they )ro#ght an end to "#ch ancient e$il" a" infanticide and gladiatorial conte"t"& 2hing" are different now& 'o often the contemporary ch#rch i" a wea( ineffect#al $oice with an #ncertain "o#nd& 'o often it i" an archdefender of the "tat#" ,#o& Far from )eing di"t#r)ed )y the pre"ence of the ch#rch the power "tr#ct#re of the a$erage comm#nity i" con"oled )y the ch#rch7" "ilent::and often e$en $ocal::"anction of thing" a" they are& B#t the j#dgment of -od i" #pon the ch#rch a" ne$er )efore& !f today7" ch#rch doe" not recapt#re the "acrificial "pirit of the early ch#rch it will lo"e it" a#thenticity forfeit the loyalty of million" and )e di"mi""ed a" an irrele$ant "ocial cl#) with no meaning for the twentieth cent#ry& <$ery day ! meet yo#ng people who"e di"appointment with the ch#rch ha" t#rned into o#tright di"g#"t& 1erhap" ! ha$e once again )een too optimi"tic& !" organi+ed religion too ine6trica)ly )o#nd to the "tat#" ,#o to "a$e o#r nation and the world; 1erhap" ! m#"t t#rn my faith to the inner "pirit#al ch#rch the ch#rch within the ch#rch a" the tr#e e((le"ia and the hope of the world& B#t again ! am than(f#l to -od that "ome no)le "o#l" from the ran(" of organi+ed religion ha$e )ro(en loo"e from the paraly+ing chain" of conformity and joined #" a" acti$e partner" in the "tr#ggle for freedom& 2hey ha$e left their "ec#re congregation" and wal(ed the "treet" of Al)any -eorgia with #"& 2hey ha$e gone down the highway" of the 'o#th on tort#o#" ride" for freedom& 5e" they ha$e gone to jail with #"& 'ome ha$e )een di"mi""ed from their ch#rche" ha$e lo"t the "#pport of their )i"hop" and fellow mini"ter"& B#t they ha$e acted in the faith that right defeated i" "tronger than e$il tri#mphant& 2heir witne"" ha" )een the "pirit#al "alt that ha" pre"er$ed the

tr#e meaning of the go"pel in the"e tro#)led time"& 2hey ha$e car$ed a t#nnel of hope thro#gh the dar( mo#ntain of di"appointment& ! hope the ch#rch a" a whole will meet the challenge of thi" deci"i$e ho#r& B#t e$en if the ch#rch doe" not come to the aid of j#"tice ! ha$e no de"pair a)o#t the f#t#re& ! ha$e no fear a)o#t the o#tcome of o#r "tr#ggle in Birmingham e$en if o#r moti$e" are at pre"ent mi"#nder"tood& We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all o$er the nation )eca#"e the goal of America i" freedom& A)#"ed and "corned tho#gh we may )e o#r de"tiny i" tied #p with America7" de"tiny& Before the pilgrim" landed at 1lymo#th we were here& Before the pen of 0effer"on etched the maje"tic word" of the Declaration of !ndependence acro"" the page" of hi"tory we were here& For more than two cent#rie" o#r fore)ear" la)ored in thi" co#ntry witho#t wage"8 they made cotton (ing8 they )#ilt the home" of their ma"ter" while "#ffering gro"" inj#"tice and "hamef#l h#miliation :and yet o#t of a )ottomle"" $itality they contin#ed to thri$e and de$elop& !f the ine6pre""i)le cr#eltie" of "la$ery co#ld not "top #" the oppo"ition we now face will "#rely fail& We will win o#r freedom )eca#"e the "acred heritage of o#r nation and the eternal will of -od are em)odied in o#r echoing demand"& Before clo"ing ! feel impelled to mention one other point in yo#r "tatement that ha" tro#)led me profo#ndly& 5o# warmly commended the Birmingham police force for (eeping %order% and %pre$enting $iolence&% ! do#)t that yo# wo#ld ha$e "o warmly commended the police force if yo# had "een it" dog" "in(ing their teeth into #narmed non$iolent 3egroe"& ! do#)t that yo# wo#ld "o ,#ic(ly commend the policemen if yo# were to o)"er$e their #gly and inh#mane treatment of 3egroe" here in the city jail8 if yo# were to watch them p#"h and c#r"e old 3egro women and yo#ng 3egro girl"8 if yo# were to "ee them "lap and (ic( old 3egro men and yo#ng )oy"8 if yo# were to o)"er$e them a" they did on two occa"ion" ref#"e to gi$e #" food )eca#"e we wanted to "ing o#r grace together& ! cannot join yo# in yo#r prai"e of the Birmingham police department& !t i" tr#e that the police ha$e e6erci"ed a degree of di"cipline in handling the demon"trator"& !n thi" "en"e they ha$e cond#cted them"el$e" rather %non$iolently% in p#)lic& B#t for what p#rpo"e; 2o pre"er$e the e$il "y"tem of "egregation& 9$er the pa"t few year" ! ha$e con"i"tently preached that non$iolence demand" that the mean" we #"e m#"t )e a" p#re a" the end" we "ee(& ! ha$e tried to ma(e clear that it i" wrong to #"e immoral mean" to attain moral end"& B#t now ! m#"t affirm that it i" j#"t a" wrong or perhap" e$en more "o to #"e moral mean" to pre"er$e immoral end"& 1erhap" Mr& Connor and hi" policemen ha$e )een rather non$iolent in p#)lic a" wa" Chief 1ritchett in Al)any -eorgia )#t they ha$e #"ed the moral mean" of non$iolence to maintain the immoral end of racial inj#"tice& A" 2& '& <liot ha" "aid: %2he la"t temptation i" the greate"t trea"on: 2o do the right deed for the wrong rea"on&% ! wi"h yo# had commended the 3egro "it inner" and demon"trator" of Birmingham for their "#)lime co#rage their willingne"" to "#ffer and their ama+ing di"cipline in the mid"t of great pro$ocation& 9ne day the 'o#th will recogni+e it" real heroe"& 2hey will )e the 0ame" Meredith" with the no)le "en"e of p#rpo"e that ena)le" them to face jeering and ho"tile mo)" and with the agoni+ing loneline"" that characteri+e" the life of the pioneer& 2hey will )e old oppre""ed )attered 3egro women "ym)oli+ed in a "e$enty two year old woman in Montgomery Ala)ama who ro"e #p with a "en"e of dignity and with her people decided not to ride "egregated )#"e" and who re"ponded with #ngrammatical prof#ndity to one who in,#ired a)o#t her wearine"": %My feet" i" tired )#t my "o#l i" at re"t&% 2hey will )e the yo#ng high "chool and college "t#dent" the yo#ng mini"ter" of the go"pel and a ho"t of their elder" co#rageo#"ly and non$iolently "itting in at l#nch co#nter" and willingly going to jail for con"cience7 "a(e& 9ne day

the 'o#th will (now that when the"e di"inherited children of -od "at down at l#nch co#nter" they were in reality "tanding #p for what i" )e"t in the American dream and for the mo"t "acred $al#e" in o#r 0#daeo Chri"tian heritage there)y )ringing o#r nation )ac( to tho"e great well" of democracy which were d#g deep )y the fo#nding father" in their form#lation of the Con"tit#tion and the Declaration of !ndependence& 3e$er )efore ha$e ! written "o long a letter& !7m afraid it i" m#ch too long to ta(e yo#r precio#" time& ! can a""#re yo# that it wo#ld ha$e )een m#ch "horter if ! had )een writing from a comforta)le de"( )#t what el"e can one do when he i" alone in a narrow jail cell other than write long letter" thin( long tho#ght" and pray long prayer"; !f ! ha$e "aid anything in thi" letter that o$er"tate" the tr#th and indicate" an #nrea"ona)le impatience ! )eg yo# to forgi$e me& !f ! ha$e "aid anything that #nder"tate" the tr#th and indicate" my ha$ing a patience that allow" me to "ettle for anything le"" than )rotherhood ! )eg -od to forgi$e me& ! hope thi" letter find" yo# "trong in the faith& ! al"o hope that circ#m"tance" will "oon ma(e it po""i)le for me to meet each of yo# not a" an integrationi"t or a ci$il:right" leader )#t a" a fellow clergyman and a Chri"tian )rother& *et #" all hope that the dar( clo#d" of racial prej#dice will "oon pa"" away and the deep fog of mi"#nder"tanding will )e lifted from o#r fear drenched comm#nitie" and in "ome not too di"tant tomorrow the radiant "tar" of lo$e and )rotherhood will "hine o$er o#r great nation with all their "cintillating )ea#ty& 5o#r" for the ca#"e of 1eace and Brotherhood Martin *#ther =ing 0r& 1#)li"hed in: =ing Martin *#ther 0r&

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