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1 California State University, Dominguez Hills School of Nursing Professional Portfolio and Presentation (PPP) Workshop Handbook Culminating

Activity Options: 1. Comprehensive exam The Comprehensive Examination (Comp) consists of a written exam (academic paper) that reflects the graduate student's understanding and synthesis of theory, nursing research, and knowledge of the advanced practice nursing role gained during the course of graduate study. The student is asked to identify a problem/issue that is significant to nursing and the student's role option and propose an evidenced-based intervention to solve the problem. The Comp is offered on a pass/fail basis and is administered on campus in a computer lab as a written paper. An oral component follows the written component. There is one retake opportunity offered. 2. Professional Portfolio and Presentation The purpose of the PPP is for the graduating student to demonstrate achievement of the MSN Program Objectives through the development of a portfolio and by delivering an oral presentation supported by a PowerPoint presentation. There is one retake opportunity offered (see Evaluation section below). School of Nursing Policy: Students admitted prior to spring 2009 have the option of selecting the Comprehensive Exam or the Professional Portfolio and Presentation as their culminating activity. Students admitted or readmitted spring 2009 or thereafter will participate in the Professional Portfolio and Presentation. Late Policy for the Professional Portfolio and Presentation One point may be deducted for late submissions of the Portfolio and Powerpoint for every minute after a five-minute grace period. Professional Portfolio Components: 1. Title/cover page 2. Table of contents 3. Current professional resume (maximum 3 pages) a. Professional goals

2 b. Education c. Professional experience 4. Reflection statement (maximum 5 pages) a. Reflect on Statement of Purpose/Essay submitted with application to the program or paper submitted for MSN 502. b. Discuss professional plans for the next five years c. Achievement of MSN Program Objectives In this section, you are to give an example of how you have achieved each of the MSN Program Objectives through (a) coursework (assignments or learning activities and (b) discuss how the assignments or project you selected to illustrate the objective influenced you in clinical coursework and practice. The focus of the discussion should be on the application of knowledge gained to the practice setting (clinical experiences and/or employment settings). Students should select exemplars from core and role option courses. In addition to the narrative summary in this section, you will be presenting this information to School of Nursing Faculty in an oral presentation (supported by a PowerPoint). You do not need to include the actual documentation of the example e.g. written paper, however you do need to cite sources and provide references where warranted. MSN Program Objectives Upon the completion of the Master of Science in Nursing Program, the student will be able to: 1. Integrate knowledge, theory, research and skills in the delivery of comprehensive care and services for individuals, families and populations. 2. Design culturally sensitive programs and systems of care and services that meet the needs of diverse and vulnerable populations. 3. Provide evidence-based, clinically proficient care and services using critical thinking skills in advanced nursing roles. 4. Apply oral, written and technological communication skills in clinical, educational, and professional contexts and systems. 5. Integrate ethical principles into theories, research and practice in advanced nursing roles. 6. Advocate for healthcare policies and financing that promote, preserve and restore public health. 7. Provide leadership in collaborative efforts with other disciplines to influence improvement in healthcare systems. 8. Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning for continued professional growth.

3 5. Narrative summary of teaching experiences in the past two years; relate to relevant MSN program objective(s) (maximum 3 pages) 6. Narrative summary of continuing education activities (contributions to and/or participation in) in past two years; relate to relevant MSN program objective(s) (maximum 3 pages) 7. Narrative summary of evidence-based practice project/assignment completed for a course and applied to practice; relate to relevant MSN program objective(s)(maximum 2 pages) 8. Narrative summary of leadership/management experiences in past two years; relate to relevant MSN program objective(s) (maximum 3 pages) Overview of Oral Presentation/PowerPoint: Students will prepare an oral presentation, supported by MS PowerPoint that addresses how the MSN program objectives have been attained through the academic program or professional practice (#4c Reflection section described above). The oral presentation will be presented orally to a panel of two individuals (full time or part time faculty) using web or phone conferencing technology. Pre-recording the oral is not permitted. The Portfolio and PowerPoint files will be submitted electronically to Blackboard MSN Culminating Activity site in advance of the presentation so that they may be reviewed by the panel members. 30 minutes: 15 minutes: 10 minutes: 5 minutes: Candidates presentation to panel Questions, collegial dialogue, and critique Panels review (without candidate) Panels decision and feedback to the candidate

Students will sign up for a date/time to deliver the oral presentation. In the event of noshows or tardiness of greater than 5 minutes, the student will have to contact the Graduate Program Coordinator to reschedule the oral. If possible the oral will be rescheduled within the same semester. However, it may have to be deferred to the following semester, depending on the circumstances. Evaluation of Portfolio and Presentation/PowerPoint Faculty will evaluate the PPP using a standardized rubric (see rubric). The student must achieve a minimum score of 80 points to satisfy the PPP requirement. To pass, both members of the evaluation panel must recommend a pass. Should the student receive a score of <80 on their initial PPP, they may opt to correct problem areas identified by the faculty panel and re-present to a new faculty panel that same semester in order to attempt a passing score. If the student does not achieve 80 points, this constitutes a failure. The student will have one final opportunity to participate in the PPP the following semester. If the student does not succeed on the second and final

4 attempt, this will constitute a second failure and no degree conferment will be recommended. Rev 8/10

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