Structuring An Answer Using PEEADE

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Point Evidence Explain Analyse Develop
Makeapointaboutthetextthatlinkstothequestionbeingaskedand identifiesaspecifictechnique. Pickarelevantandappropriatequotationthatlinkstothepointyouhave made Explainhowyourquotationlinkstothepointyouhavemade Trytopickoutindividualwords/specificfeaturesfromyourchosen quotationandexaminewhattheysuggesttrytoexploreatleasttwo alternativesuggestedmeanings. Developyouexplanationbycommentingonhowthisdevice/ technique/quotationisappropriatefortheaudiencethatthetextis targetingandhowitlinkstothepurposeofthetext. Isthistechnique/deviceeffective

Evaluate AnalysingLanguageFeatures:

Inwhatwaysdoesthewriteruselanguagetoentertainandinformthereader? Exemplar:

Clearpointwhich identifiesspecific techniquesandlinksto Appropriateand In the article the writer uses hyperbole and vivid description to question. both relevant inform and entertain the reader. In the first paragraph he describes the quotation

tourists as thousands of usrefugees herded in airports. This firstly

Clear explanation

informs the reader as it describes the sheer numbers of tourists who have been affected by the volcanic ash crisis and it secondly entertains, as we begin to picture these tourists as people who are struggling to survive whilst stranded abroad. The writer has specifically chosen to use the words refugee and herded as they suggest someone who has lost their home than cattle. This helps to inform the reader about the hardships faced by the passengers stranded abroad. The word herded (along with several others from this text) are also reminiscent of the words found in the Wilfred Owen Poems Dulce et Decorum est and Anthem for Doomed Youth which depicts the horror of WW1. However this is also an example of hyperbole; the writer is deliberately exaggerating the plight of these tourists in order to make it look like they are overreacting to their situation, they are, after all, only stuck in LA! This entertains the reader as they will find it amusing but it also links to the more serious message within the article that as a society we have become too reliant on the

Analysesthe suggested meaningof specific words Provides

and all their worldly possessions and that the tourists are treated no better alternative

Developsideas furtherby commentingon additional techniquesused toentertain

regularity of public transport and too caught up withEvaluates health and safetyLinksideas
Useofkeywordsfromthe regulations. questionthroughoutthe answer the effectivenes sofwriters choices toaudience response andpurpose ofthetext

The writer also uses facts and figures to inform and to entertain the reader. In paragraph two he tells of $1000 taxi rides and a million desperate Britons wandering the continent. The figure of $1000 informs the reader of the high expenses incurred by the stranded passengers and it also entertains as the figure is quite shocking and the reader will be surprised at the price people were prepared to pay for a taxi ride. Again, the figure quoted of a million desperate Britons wandering the continent is shocking as it is hard to believe that a volcanic ash cloud could affect so many people and in so many different places. By using the word wandering to describe the affected tourists, the writer is creating an image of tourists who are lost and unprepared for the crisis that they are in. The writer could be creating this description of the tourists in order to make the reader feel sorry for them however it is also possible that he uses this shocking information in order to amuse the reader at the expense of the tourists who he is subtly criticising for their inability to cope realistically with the situation in which they find themselves. Ie. They are spending absurd amounts of money to get home and wandering around the world like headless chickens!


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