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Ackermann clino systems

Communication in geriatric care

Communication.Ackermann communication systems in geriatric care

Talking and listening to others is a basic human need. However, elderly people often have to leave their familiar surroundings to start a completely new phase of life in a retirement home. Homes of this kind differ greatly and the communication situation is influenced by the various states of health of the residents. For this reason, personal contact with the nursing staff is of extreme importance. Modern communication systems are necessary in order to enable personal

good thing, that we can rely on someone.

dialogue on the one hand, and to effectively support the daily work of the staff and create opportunities for personal conversations on the other. It is important that interpersonal communication should not fall by the wayside. On the contrary, talking and listening to one another can be constantly improved through adaptable organisations and modern nurse call systems.

Systems that connect. People communicate.

established with a specific person - a registered nurse, an individual carer, or the manager. Particularly in extensive institutions, which may consist of various buildings and parks, it is essential that people are reachable throughout the entire complex. clino com 21 as the overall concept for communication brings together different transmission and communication media in one system. This includes, on the one hand, nurse call, telephony, intranet and Personal contact with the nursing staff is a fundamental prerequisite for the wellbeing of the residents, who expect the undivided time and attention of their carers. For this reason, the objective today is to relieve the burden on nursing staff through the targeted and rapid exchange of information. Ackermann communication systems support both the staff of the home and its residents in these tasks, and are thus systems that connect. In addition, the introduction of long-term care insurance has led to increasingly dense networking between in-patient and out-patient care, as well as between nursing and administration. Ackermann communication systems offer the ideal solution for these comprehensive tasks. The clino opt and clino phon call systems establish direct contact between the residents and the carers. clino opt, the nurse call system with visual and acoustic signalling, is used where voice contact with the resident is not possible or desirable. The clino phon system with its two-way intercom feature greatly reduces the load on the staff. The nurses cannot only ask the resident for the reason of the call and estimate the urgency, but also directly contact other members of the staff. The prompt response to the call also reassures the resident. As a supplement to these call systems, the special advantage afforded by the coupling of wireless paging or DECT-systems is that it enables contact to be 4 internet access, radio, television and entertainment control and, on the other hand, accounting for the available chargeable sevices. With this system the whole range of hardware, from conception to use, is covered, whereby, for example, modern transmission technologies and software solutions with a guaranteed future offer every institution security as far as investment and useful life are concerned.

Retirement home

Home for the elderly

Complete communication solutions for geriatric care. System responsibility in one hand.

sheltered accommodation

Integration of Home emergency call

clino opt: Always well informed.

The nurse call system clino opt provides the staff with prompt and clear information as to which resident called from where, or whether additional assistance is required from other members of staff. Alphanumerical displays in the residents rooms, in the corridor and, of course in the duty room, provide instant information on the location and identification of the person who has called for assistance. There is an ideal call unit for every resident, whatever state of health.

From the simple push button all the way to the handset with integrated radio and TV-control - every device has been specially designed to meet the needs of the elderly. Naturally, when designing the systems, emphasis was placed on ensuring that installation of the call system does not effect the homely character of an institution. This, however, in no way impairs the safety aspect of these systems.

clino phon: Instant contact.

The convenient clino phon call system enables the nursing staff to talk to residents directly. In addition, the option of consulting with other members of staff, e.g. to request a second nurse, is an effective way to facilite daily nursing care.

The call system can be linked to existing computer systems, thus making it possible to keep very effective records and to supplement calls with essential information for the nursing staff. A graphic display of the different zones gives the nursing staff a quick and informative overview. Calls, staff availability and, for example, the occupancy of the apartments, room, etc can be seen at a glance.

Reachable everywhere.

The various paging receivers can be optimally adapted to internal organisational structures and nursing methods e.g. to the application of integral nursing concepts where each resident calls his/her assigned carer. Alphanumerical displays on the receivers are just as normal today as the integration of information transmission on mobile telephones according to DECT standards.

The reachability of the entire staff is of decisive importance, particularly in todays increasingly extensive care facilities.

A wireless paging system offers the ideal addition to our clino opt and clino phon call systems to meet this, and many other requirements. In addition, it is a great advantage to be able to contact the manager or the technical department of the institution at any time.

Communication for all.

Our installation companies are an important guarantee for individual and cost-effective service, because the prescribed inspection and maintenance measures for the different safety-relevant installations can be offered from a single source. This simplifies the administration and guarantees that everything necessary for the security of your installation has been done.

Security and comfort for more quality of life Care is a matter of trust. That is why the residents of your institution expect intensive and individual care. It is, of course, only possible if the infrastructure of the home is perfectly coordinated. This is why building management technology is also a matter of trust. It leaves you free to concentrate on the important things and creates new opportunities in the field of care. In the same way that your staff is the first contact for the resident, so your expert installer or electrician should also be your partner where building management systems are concerned. This is even more important since the release of DIN VDE 0834 for Nurse Call Systems, in which wide-reaching safety standards became a legal obligation, meaning more responsibility for you. A high-class building management system, maintained by competent specialists, fulfils not only all conditions, it also provides for more security and relieves you of a large part of the work. This is especially the case if you can rely on the accepted technology of a market leader like Ackermann clino. 9

Communication with our customers.

The control centre in our Head Office coordinates the dispatch of service technicians and quickly arranges contacts with competent local representatives. By maintaining a continuous dialogue with our customers, we are able to identify valuable impulses for new and advanced developments in our communication systems for geriatric care, so that we can continue to offer you systems in the future which fully satisfy your demands.

The comprehensive Ackermann clino service package offers more than just technical customer service. Comprehensive user training seminars ensure optimum utilisation and are the first step towards convenient and simple communication in retirement homes. A hotline service for technical support is available round the clock, thus offering you the reliability expected of todays complex communication systems. Modern remote maintenance systems make rapid diagnosis possible, even at great distances.


Ackermann. Complete communication solutions for geriatric care


Novar GmbH a Honeywell Company

Dieselstrae 2, D-41469 Neuss Telefon: +49 (0) 21 37 / 17-0 Telefon: +49 (0) 21 37 / 17-600 Telefax: +49 (0) 21 37 / 17-286 Administration Customer Service Center



Novar Austria GmbH

Fernkorngasse 10, A-1100 Wien Telefon: +43 (0) 1 / 600-60-30 Telefax: +43 (0) 1 / 600-60-30-900

Part-No. 797923.G0 08/2007 Technical information is subject to change without notice

2007 Honeywell International Inc.

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