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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

July 30 by Dustin Wax | 135 Comments and 5 Reactions | Featured, Lifestyle | Tags: learning, networking, skill, speaking, success, thinking, writing Ads by Google

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What does it take to succeed? A positive attitude? Well, sure, but thats hardly enough. The Law of Attraction? The Secret? These ideas might act as spurs to action, but without the action itself, they dont do much. Success, however its defined, takes action, and taking good and appropriate action takes skills. Some of these skills (not enough, though) are taught in school (not well enough, either), others are taught on the job, and still others we learn from general life experience. Below is a list of general skills that will help anyone get ahead in practically any field, from running a company

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

to running a gardening club. Of course, there are skills specific to each field as well but my concern here is with the skills that translate across disciplines, the ones that can be learned by anyone in any position.

1. Public Speaking
237 The ability to speak clearly, persuasively, and forcefully in front of an audience whether an audience of 1 or of

thousands is one of the most important skills anyone can develop. People who are effective speakers come across as more comfortable with themselves, more confident, and more attractive to be around. Being able to speak effectively means you can sell anything products, of course, but also ideas, ideologies, worldviews. And yourself which means more opportunities for career advancement, bigger clients, or business funding.

2. Writing
Writing well offers many of the same advantages that speaking well offers: good writers are better at selling products, ideas, and themselves than poor writers. Learning to write well involves not just mastery of grammar but the development of the ability to organize ones thoughts into a coherent form and target it to an audience in the most effective way possible. Given the huge amount of text generated by almost every transaction from court briefs and legislation running into the thousands of pages to those foot-long receipts you get when you buy gum these days a person who is a master of the written word can expect doors to open in just about every field.

3. Self-Management
If success depends on effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most. Strong organizational skills, effective productivity habits, and a strong sense of discipline are needed to keep yourself on track.

4. Networking
Networking is not only for finding jobs or clients. In an economy dominated by ideas and innovation, networking creates the channel through which ideas flow and in which new ideas are created. A large network, carefully cultivated, ties one into not just a body of people but a body of relationships, and those relationships are more than just the sum of their parts. The interactions those relationships make possible give rise to innovation and creativity and provide the support to nurture new ideas until they can be realized.

5. Critical Thinking
We are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of times more information on a daily basis than our greatgrandparents were. Being able to evaluate that information, sort the potentially valuable from the trivial, analyze its relevance and meaning, and relate it to other information is crucial and woefully under-taught. Good critical thinking skills immediately distinguish you from the mass of people these days.

6. Decision-Making
The bridge that leads from analysis to action is effective decision-making knowing what to do based on the information available. While not being critical can be dangerous, so too can over-analyzing, or waiting for more information before making a decision. Being able to take in the scene and respond quickly and effectively is what separates the doers from the wannabes.

7. Math
You dont have to be able to integrate polynomials to be successful. However, the ability to quickly work with figures in your head, to make rough but fairly accurate estimates, and to understand things like compound

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

interest and basic statistics gives you a big lead on most people. All of these skills will help you to analyze data more effectively and more quickly and to make better decisions based on it.

8. Research
237 Nobody can be expected to know everything, or even a tiny fraction of everything. Even within your field,

chances are theres far more that you dont know than you do know. You dont have to know everything but you should be able to quickly and painlessly find out what you need to know. That means learning to use the Internet effectively, learning to use a library, learning to read productively, and learning how to leverage your network of contacts and what kinds of research are going to work best in any given situation.

9. Relaxation
Stress will not only kill you, it leads to poor decision-making, poor thinking, and poor socialization. So be failing to relax, you knock out at least three of the skills in this list and really more. Plus, working yourself to death in order to keep up, and not having any time to enjoy the fruits of your work, isnt really success. Its obsession. Being able to face even the most pressing crises with your wits about you and in the most productive way is possibly the most important thing on this list.

10. Basic Accounting

It is a simple fact in our society that money is necessary. Even the simple pleasures in life, like hugging your child, ultimately need money or youre not going to survive to hug for very long. Knowing how to track and record your expenses and income is important just to survive, let alone to thrive. But more than that, the principles of accounting apply more widely to things like tracking the time you spend on a project or determining whether the value of an action outweighs the costs in money, time, and effort. Its a shame that basic accounting isnt a required part of the core K-12 curriculum.

What Else?
Surely there are more important skills Im not thinking of (which is probably why Im not telling Bill Gates what to do!) what are they? What have I missed? What lessons have you learned that were key to your successes and what have you ignored to your peril?
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Dustin M. Wax is a contributing editor and project manager at He is also a freelance writer and university instructor in Las Vegas, NV, where he lives with his partner and three children. His personal site can be found at



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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

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The idea of being mere passengers on a ship meant to sail to the farthest points does not appeal to people who like to put their destiny into their own hands. They have the desire of maneuvering the
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Perhaps the most important skill of all is self-insight. This skill helps us know who we are, our strengths and needs for improvement, as well as assists us in understanding how we're perceived by others. Those without self-insight very often see their careers derail regardless of the level of their other skills.
5 people liked this.

I think these comments r very nice the tips r amazing!!!

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We should all print this off and paste it to our foreheads.

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Communication is a big word covering so much ground--some folks are better at one sort, others at a different sort. What I've found to be an underrated (and sadly often underused) skill is being able to criticise someone or deliver less-than-uplifting information to one or more people in ways that neither are too painful OR which fail to confront the issue at hand in ways that give the party being addressed sufficient information to actually change whatever is problematic. Doing this well does not come easily and like many things, you have to get it wrong in a lot of situations before finally learning to get it right by seeing

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

what ways of presenting this kind of information tend to work best. But it's more than worth it. Things to begin with: - Straightforwardness. Honesty. - Lack of avoidance-phobia when it comes to causing unhappiness (strongly empathic people tend to have this)

237 - Balancing criticism with equivalent opposite compliment.


Giving encouragement that's personal, not generalised or generic--which makes it much more believable

I think of the jobs and friendships and relationships fallen by the wayside that owed their demise in whole or part to poorly communicated or NON-communicated criticism, and it makes me sad. It hurts to know you failed at something, but so much more the pain when you find out you could have changed something, but never got a clear signal about what it would have done you well to change--and so, you never even tried to in the first place.
3 people liked this.

Thanks a lot, they way u give tips, one word i can say its excellent,
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We should all print this off and paste it to our foreheads.

2 people liked this.

Great article very effect thoughts skills

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hi admin, thanks nice post!

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what business skills required in order to be asuccessful travel agent

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And another thing you should add is "vivid imagination." I've used the power of visualization to become an award-winning Wall Street stockbroker during the 90's, win sales trips while there, achieve aviation history by becoming the first deaf pilot in the world to become instrument rated and get my story published in three best-selling books. Creative visualization is a power untouched by many - use it!
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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

Imagination is the number one skill to have.

237 world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire

--Albert Einstein
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Nice overview.
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I agree that critical thinking should be in this list...maybe at #1. The Robi Robot Syndrome just seems to get stronger each year in modern society. People don't like to think these days! We have TV, religion, sports and (yikes!) the web to make sure we never have to critically consider the important issues in our world.
1 person liked this.

Very nice post. I'd add: Versatility (see blow) A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Robert A. Heinlein
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Masturbation. Effective techniques of Masturbation and utilising the internet will vastly improve self esteem, opinion of women and arm muscles
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I think basic pc troubleshooting skills is great to have now., both hardware and software. It is a subset of critical thinking, so I guess you do have it covered. But it does take someone comfortable with technology to do so. I have seen great critical thinkers in business that have no idea how to solve the most basic of pc problems. Though if everyone learned it, I may be out of a job. Blogging is a subset of the writing skill that I am learning and hopefully improving. I have a blog at I would appreciate it if you leave comments about how I can improve my posts or if you find them at all useful. Go easy on me, I'm a newbie. Just as Dustin said, some of the comments point out qualities, not skills. Skills are things that you learn from school (including books), from others, or from experience. I think the qualities such as patience are definitely having though. Some of these qualities can be improved, and I think that's probably where the line blurs and the confusion starts.

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

Before I go, I wanted to say, I am a big fan of Dustin's posts for the past several months. When I find an article on lifehack and Dustin is the author, I find that 95% of the time, it is a great post I can take something away from. Sorry I can't give you 100% Dustin, I believe nobody is perfect. Thanks for all the great comments everyone!
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Creative thinking is definitely a skill and can be taught: De Bono has proved that conclusively. His materials are well worth a review. The CoRT program is used in quite a few countries and the differences in creativity between those who have taken the program and those who have not is quite astonishing. I just thought of another skill that is important for success: people are often judged on how they hold themselves and move, so I would add a physical component of movement skills, which can be learned through (for example) modern dance, ballet, martial arts, or the like.
1 person liked this.

Orchid: I *wish* I had all of these, or excelled at the ones I do have. I'm a good writer, a decent public speaker, ok at math (though as noted, I think integrating polynomials is hard; I'm no mathematician). The rest of these... I see them as important and try to improve myself in those areas. It's clear I could have done 20 skills -- seeing things from different perspectives is a really good one (I'm an anthropologist by training, so that's kind of my job). Some of the recommendations here -- computer skills, marketing, negotiation, etc. -- definitely deserve a place on the list. Mr Chauncy: I had visualization in my original list, but decided it was part of critical thinking (being able to visualize data/scenarios to analyze them) and writing (being able to produce graphs/charts/images that illustrate and support your point). I think it's a really important skill, and one I'd like to become better at.
1 person liked this.

relaxation is optional for many Americans as they enjoy working long hours for little monetary reward. They prefer the accolades than financial in some cases. Maybe it is just an angle for big money down the road, who knows for sure.

I have used above mentioned skill in my last final interview, when the result was out I was selected outstanding candidate, so, I will asked from management, what was the reason, and answer was your personal skill was very stronge and these skill i have learn from same site. thanks,

Dustin these top 10 skills are on my list as well and very important for busines success. Although many of my clients seem to have a hard time 'blending' their skills so they feel more confident in taking the action they know they have to take. I think it is also good to know you won't be perfect starting out, and this is ok. But be prepared for that, don't give in, don't create excuses and never, ever give up.

you're a very wise person in my impression.. can you give me personal advice.. email me..

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

237 give you a reciprocal link. Let me know either way, thank you!

Hi, just thought Id take a moment to say great website, very impressive. If you care to link back to my penny stocks website, I would most certainly

plz help me i m a student of M.a english in qurtuba univeristy peshawar -i have recently jhon the university but i m feling 2 much diffcult in my subject so plz plz plz help me in my study because i have no 1 gud teacher who guid me in my study -my name is sania and i belong 2 chitral-

No 11,Rethinking.

real life= good times

Great post! Success has many components and you have hit all the primary elements. My favorite idiom for success is to think outside of the box. But the most important thing is to believe in yourself so others can believe in you.

I'm a bit biased, but I'd say a great memory is also required for success. There are many types of memory (shameless plug: download my free ebook to learn more). If you don't have the mental skills for strong memory, you at least need to substitute a structured life to prevent forgetting.

Ask what you don't know, or what you don't understand. Do it always!

Sounds like an endorsement for Toastmasters International, the world's most important and accessible public speaking and leadership organization. Whether you're speaking to family and friends, or professionally, Toastmasters helps. Along with the public speaking comes the leadership

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

development, the networking, the critical thinking, self-management, and the networking. Once you improve those areas, your writing seems to improve all by itself, because as your communication improves, your writing improves. Likewise stress reduces itself, almost like magic. The best part is that Toastmaster meetings are everywhere. Members vary from corporate leaders to ditch diggers. Membership is cheap. Clubs love visitors, so you can try them out, painlessly. Math? You're on your own there. :)


10 skills you need to be successful is an interesting article.i never met a person who gets up in the morning and says "i dont wanna be successful"so just do your best,make good choices and keep trying.ALSO CLICK ON MY NAME ABOVE AND GO TO MY WEBSITE FOR SOME INTERESTING WEBSITES FROM AROUND THE WORLD.

A truly successful person has all of the skills that you mentioned AND the qualities of Empathy or high eQ, emotional IQ.

Projection...the ability to look good, exude confidence,(not arrogance please), will help you to motivate others and demand attention. You should OWN the room, every room you walk in; remember "it's not how you feel, it's how you look! and dahling you look mahvelous, absolutely mahvelous"

Interesting article & thread. I would say Self-awareness is a must. Is it a trait or skill? I dunno. For anyone to succeed he/she needs to know who he/she is & what his/her particular role is in a given situation. Lack of other skills might be overcome but if a person is not "awake" then that person will not go far!


Don't forget leadership and execution.

the 10 skills suggested are about what you can LEARN - many other suggested attributes are qualities (which can indeed be enhanced by learning). So the point is, that these are the 10 that can be learned by anyone. Special qualities may help, but are not essential. Regrettably, wmac is right. But even more, those people are right who emphasis integrity and honesty - those who are not trusted will fail in the end.

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

Keith: That was a little myopic of you, here in the age of the Internet and all.


SPELLING! Even if you have the other ten in spades, if you can't spell, they're not worth diddly squat.

Some skills I've found useful: Being able to access my own pleasure (in a broad sense) and taking responsibility to bring into being what gives me pleasure. It is good to make decisions based on pleasure vs. on avoidance. It provides a ground for loving. I learned to think of things this way from Audre Lorde. A second skill I have used is asking questions about everything of anyone. This has given me the ability to fulfill my pleasure and that of others. I learned this from the Center for Career Development and Ministry in Newton Centre, Massachusetts. Cheers, Christian

This may be correlated with some of the skills you have identified, but I would suggest scheduling/time management as its own specific skill on the list. Whether its developing and managing a schedule for a large project with multiple staff, or simply trying to organize friends for a dinner date, this is a critical skill we could all be better at.

How about some foundation based in reality. I was talking to a woman last weekend who thought that, in the history of mankind, there had been two (2) wars: WWI and WWII. She also thought that Martin Luther King had once been POTUS, had no idea what was the significance of July 4, 1776, or what the difference was between the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

Curiosity, and the willingness to express it. People like to know you're interested in them.

great list - thank you! I would add something about change. The ability to handle it successfully, emotionally, planning, being flexible, adaptable, and open.

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

It helps to be good looking, but working out will make up for some of the difference.


The math metaphor is not a very good one. While "integrating polynomials might sound brainsy it is actually a very simple thing to do, al you need to know in order to do that is to add ans subtract by one."

congrats on the link from huffpo! well deserved.

Being a good liar, an artful back-stabber, and an excellent withholder of highly relevant information.

yes, these skills are all helpful, but without taking the appropriate actions, or having an approach for developing all these traits, we're left to flounder. for some concrete action and help on tracking your finances, try setting up an account on :

Integrity and honesty! We don't like or respect people we can't trust.

Awareness. How many of us have bosses who are oblivious.

Spirituality. It means something different to everyone but whatever it means to you, you should embrace it. If that word scares some try "Balance."

You can eliminate some of the skills if you have this ability.

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

The ability to judge people accurately. If you can judge people you can delegate and shore up your weaknesses with people who are strong in your weak areas. me me me

237 Many of us know what has happened with our government. The US tv news is not accurate and you will not know what is going on with just

watching it. Let's hope Obama wins and there is no war with Iran. He's our best hope now. I believe there is no impeachment now going on because neocons and their followers are dangerous. Bush should have been impeached.

Preparedness. I find that being prepared can be a panacea if you come up short on almost all of the points on your list. The greatest public speaker can be reduced to a stuttering fool if he/she is not prepared. I like this list as a jumping off point. We could all probably have custom tailored lists that would include many of your 10 but many of the others that people have mentioned here in response.

while you were indulging yourselves in your petty ambitions and your personal dreams, your Democracy was stolen from you by a band of rogue Neocons. Did you think someone else was minding the store while you were stroking your egos?

Thanks for the article! Another great read on the subject is "Twains Take on Poor Richard and The Secret (Opinion)" at

I would also add COMEDY IMPROV as a hugely useful skill. I did improv for several years and then discovered it spilled over into my public speaking, writing, and presenting--to great benefit. It helps you frame difficult conversations with just enough levity and humor that you can discuss very tricky issues and keep people calm and enjoying the discussion.

There are too many people being pushed to their working and family limits making it difficult for them to think clearly in stressful or challenging situations. Perhaps it would be a help if more people could develop a passive income from programs like the one at: then they could slow down and learn another language, or join Toastmasters to learn and hone public speaking skills. With schedules that are so rushed just to make ends meet it doesn't leave time for developing new skills or improving on existing skills. Sometimes you just feel like pressing the "pause" button so you can think.

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

As a long time employee (25 years) of a large corporation, I have to say you all missed the number one skill needed for success: Boot Licking, to use the euphemism less socially incorrect.


of these skills are industry-based. Following is an interview I did about being a creative professional:

An interesting list but I've never met anyone who was talented in all of these fields. I think you need to allow for differences in personality, talent and temperment. I'm in academia and I know some excellent researchers who aren't very good at public speaking. But that doesn't affect the quality of the work they produce. And I know, as an introvert, that I would be a terrible salesperson. I COULD do it (you can do almost anything with your back against the wall) but I would not succeed...that's not based on negative thinking but from life experience, which activities I excel at and which ones I am less skilled at. You play to your strengths, trying to be all things to all people means that you never develop your main gifts as much as if you focused upon them. I'm not saying that anyone should be one dimensional--we're not Olympic athletes!--but just it is unrealistic to try to become superwoman or superman.

A lot of great comments and suggestions. I want to address one in particular, though. Darren: I utterly disagree. If we lump 1 and 2 together as "communication", then it's clear that the best artists have mastered that skill. As it happens, many artists were great writers as well (read Van Gogh's letters) and though few were great orators in the traditional sense, many have a kind of charisma that I would lump under "public speaking" -- people hang on what they say (Warhol, for example). And so on -- self-management is crucial to productive artists, who often have plenty of reasons not to be pursuing their art but do it anyway. Even math, which strikes boring people as uncreative, has a place in many artists work (Seurat, for example). I don't think it's that these skills are particularly rational/linear, I think it's that we've had it drilled into our heads to think of them that way. ALl: A note on relaxation -- a few people have commented that they or others work a lot. That's fine -- it's not what I meant. A person who approaches crises, even a dozen a day, with a sense of calm and control is going to be in a far better place than one who approaches them with terror and panic. That's relaxation skill. Consider a successful firefighter...

ohh thanks for that special categorizing...

Risk mgmt and other words, the ability to see, analyze and understand challenges to your plans, and create methods to reduce or eliminate the amount those challenges can effect or deviate you from your path.

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

not bad but person must have ability to convert surrounding people in his/her favour.that's the real success person


A lot of thanks for this article. Well, me being a freelancer, I've got to develop my skills so as to sell my work and my experience to my clients more. These skills are really required to me.

that sounds good on paper but it's a very logical linear path to 'success', when you look at people who are successful in a more 'cool' way, like writers, artists and musicians you'll see that following a muse can be extremely illogical and their lives can be a total mess! Is success measured by your current rewards or by what you give to posterity? by this scale most of my favorite people were total failures!!!

It was said earlier but I have to 2nd or 3rd it, plenty of imagination. and I will add GOOD Manners. I often tell my son that Good Manners will open more doors than the best bought education. Of-course both are nice! Thanks for reminding me

This time, Wax on. Thanks for the refresh. I used to teach very much this same list. Good to see it posted out. And thanks @ChrisBrogan for the h/u. ~Best, Ed

I think that being able to introduce yourself in a business/social situation is key. Feeling comfortable enough to walk up to a stranger, shake their hand firmly and say "Hello, I'm John Doe, it's a pleasure to meet you" can grease the wheels in many situations. People are usually so grateful that someone has broken the ice that they'll start talking right away.

Great Read. Though the list has covered most of things, I am sure there are a lot of other skills needed. And there is no concoction that one can make to be 100% successful. -Nikhil

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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

237 grade school manner, but holistic right-brain exercises.


Good to see the important basics listed here! I agree with most all of them. One additional element I would address is the arts. Not in the traditional

Once the domain of the painter, dancer, poet, and monk, business and medical schools in the top institutions of America are now ensuring students complete studies in the arts. They find it significantly increases their capacity to observe and identity patterns, which leads to innovation and problemsolving not capable with logic. It also tends to reduce prejudice among children and allows for forms of expression that reduce stress and self-esteem issues.

Working with figures in your head or compounding is not math, that's just calculating. Real math only treats numbers as special cases of more abstract patterns.

Ulysses: Your ninja skills will probably bring you great success. (Though nobody will ever see or hear about it, so how would I know if I'm right?) But this post was meant to be about skills that can be learned by anyone, and as I understand it, the International Order of Ninjii take an active role when anyone tries to learn ninja skills beyond shurikening a tree. So the rest of us have to make do with skills that are *not* ninjavian in nature. are saying my skils as a NINJA will get me nowhere?

Keith: US English-speakers (like myself) would never say or write "Maths". That's a pure Britishism.

Pillow fluffing. (vital organisation skill) TV remote mastery. (channel hopping proficiency demonstates a serious personality) Opening beer bottles with a lighter (or teeth). (always impresses the chicks) A history of LSD use is useful in interviews. (never a dull moment) A penchant for transvestitism. (everybody needs an interesting hobby) An overwhelming desire to fart your way to the top (the smell of ambition is unmistakeable)

Well, I would add:

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

* empathy - understand whats going on in other people * Proactivity - getting things and yourself started without an ignition from others * Negotiation - you won't be really successfull if you go down in any negotiation situation. Are we negotiating? Always! Cheers,

237 Thomas

I don't think anyone would ever regret learning a foreign language. But I'm biased, so maybe I'm wrong. XD

I can't help thinking that these skills should be set for the national curriculum. Languages also, although I don't agree languages are essential, childhood is the best time to learn.

Great post - the one single one I would add to the list would be "Skill with people" or the ability to communicate and manage peole effectively. Nobody is an island, to be successful in just about anything takes a certain amount of collaboration and in order for that to work you need people's trust and respect.

Great list - if your creating a robot or autotom. Seriously, we are humans and human skils, as mentioned in previous comments, are at least as important. Think about people who have most influenced your lives/careers/etc. What was special about them? Off the top of me head I'd add compassion and visualization (the "big picture").

Where I work, one most easily bend at the knees and ... well you get the point. It appears that around here it is the only way to move up or in some cases save your job. Our management and staff motives are self-serving. I agree with the posting above it is another reason I am looking to leave my employer. Problem is that there are so many others who are looking to do the very same. If I had the money and could start my own compnay I could very easily take 1/3 of the people I work with with me! According to Kouzes and Posner (The Leadership Challenge) one has only to observe who get promoted, rewarded and punished to figure out the values of the organization. Using that as a guildline - my org has no or very poor leadership or redeeming morals. People are wanting to jump ship! So bottom line - if you want to succeed - find an organization that share YOUR personal values! That way you are not trying to swim against the current!

Skills you need to succeed at almost anything = skills the poster already has and prioritizes

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

Seriously. How about the ability not to see yourself as central and having the ability to see the world from other perspectives? Everyone commenting and the OP could use that skill. I actually possess the 10 skills offered, but I know plenty of successful folks who do not.


How about spelling? It's Maths, not Math.

I agree with Michael Ham on negotiating skills. It makes or breaks deals.

The original list is pretty complete. I would add conflict resolution, marketing (implied to an extent with writing, public speaking and networking) fitness.

- listening - s*x maybe ??? great post! keep shared

It's a great integration.To be successful we must exercise their own more...

Nice list but I would like to add one-- Self Control :) Sam Fix My Personal Finance

I like the addition of managing emotions self soothing concept. I work in the healthcare industry and it is amazing to see how when some co-workers response to stress and other various emotions reflect outwardly they can quickly lose respect and sucess.

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

I'd add: * Negotiation * Communication skills - See Difficult Conversations

237 Ed

Don't forget sleep. Getting enough sleep keeps you energized. Here is my article listing over 200+ reasons why sleep is so important. My self-improvement article:

... is as easy as integration gets, so I found that kind of funny.

This will sound vile, but 11) The ability to dropkick people who cannot do #9: RELAX!!! out of your life. There's nothing like waking up every day to someone who is stressed beyond belief and thinks that everything will be alright as long as everything stays the same.

Nice post, you have them all. Actually I would kill accounting: it is the same as Math + self management Also you might want to change the order to group communication skills, analytical skills and other (decision making + Self mgt + relaxation) Next question is how much is appropriately taught in high school...

NEVER EVER believe some dumbass who tells you "it can't be done." Prove them wrong by doing it.

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

You have to live life spherically in many different directions. Never lose your childish enthusiasm and things will come your way.


Being a Teenage Mutant NInja Turtle would certainly help too! JT www.FireMe.To/udi

Great post. Public speaking would definitely be near the top of my list. Lately, this area of my professional career has been the most challenging for me. For all those who struggle with public speaking (or even in meetings when doing a round-the-room), my thoughts are with you!

Social Intelligence! Understanding human behavior, Putting yourself in other people's shoes, and having a deep understanding that it's not about YOU.

Attention to detail and mindfulness!

Enroll yourself into a liberal arts program. The humanities need more attention. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 are taken care of with that level of education--being the best and most rounded education.

I think that as long as one has a desire to succeed as well as dreams and goals that it will happen. http://www.statetostateconnect... Where Social Networking and Virtual Reality Meet!

Dude - you TOTALLY forgot positive thinking!?

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

Torkhum: As I understand it, youy have to be *born* a ninja. If you're not a ninja and you try to become one... Things won't go well for you. They'll go quickly, but not well.


One very important one: computer literacy. I consider being able to touch-type part of that. I know even successful computer geeks who don't touch-type, but they are the exception. The reason I include this, if it's not obvious, is that even with jobs that aren't really computer jobs, almost any high paying job is a desk job, and with desk jobs, you will not be able to compete with your morore efficient, computer literate coworkers if you don't know how to use technology to its fullest advantage. Even if you are a contractor or a plumber or something like that, knowing how to use a computer and software relevant to running your business will still allow you to compete better. Anyone avoiding using computers will be stuck in the mid-20th century, and so will their career. Another important skill to have is to learn how to delay gratification and plan for the long term. If you have a route and a destination for say the next 5 years, then you don't waste a bunch of time acting on impulses, doing mostly things that may be fun or interesting, but which don't advance your personal goals. That's not to say advancing your goals can't be fun or interesting, or that you shouldn't goof off - but be able to keep your sights set.

What about being a ninja?

I just posted at about three life skills from a psychology point of view, some of which overlap with yours. They are very broad. 1) Getting along with others, 2) Getting things done (familiar, eh?) 3) Managing emotions (self-soothing). I think your list was remarkably solid, and could use a little amendment to either broaden your self management one or add these more psychological ones. Was very glad to see critical thinking on here. That is surprisingly undervalued by too many educated people IMHO. My accounting skills could use some enhancement by the way.

I don't know if these are one of them, but I guess a good attitude (etiquette) and wisdom also a must on that list. It's always good to see successful person with those qualities.

Knowing how to look...... Literally, being able to look at a problem in the physical world. The solution will often be obvious if the observer has the ability to concentrate on the object to the right my experience, a rare quality. Figuratively, in the non-physical world, complex problems cannot be solved unless they are subjected to close scrutiny by means of concentrated observation and analysis.

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything


I would say that a certain level of confidence and the ability to sell yourself are two things which will really aid in success. Great article, thanks!


Sales skills - incredibly important.

Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry and Gore, all attended elite private boarding schools. Did they get any skills there not on the above list, and not taught at your public school either, no matter how "good"? Educator (public school, NYC) John Taylor Gatto thinks so. He names fourteen such here: They are in the first four short videos. One is training in manners and civility. Handle and seek responsibility. Come to a personal code of behavior, of production, and of morality. Can deal with personal challenges, like shyness, cowardice, procrastination. Having a habit of caution in reasoning to a conclusion I don't think Gatto has written these up anywhere.

I think a sense of humor is important in growing success. Knowing the appropriate time to use humor and to what extent can require a great amount of skill (typically called timing :D ). If it is not a skill by itself, it would definitely improve the communication skills 1,2 and 4.

Great compilation!! I would like to add learning from our failures as another key factor in the long road to success

Nice list and good provocative idea! Comments: - Items 1, 2 and 4 are Communication Skills - I'd expand item 10 into Business Acumen Terry

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything


And sorry, I forgot to mention that I think knowledge of economics is essential as well. Otherwise, great list!


Dustin: Good to see yet another person who understands the importance of accounting in everyday life. My site about basic accounting is my way of helping people gain this important skill.

I agree with some of these and yes many are key. However, Public Speaking should be replaced with confidence. Networking isn't always key as some people are unique in their own right. Research - not always, sometimes success is born from luck or from the unique aspect. Relaxation... i work 16 hours a day. :-D

I agree that #9 is the most important point in this list. In my own life, I have found that 10-15 minutes of alone time, doing nothing, at least once per day helps to manage my anxiety and stress. Being in the technology business - this is so important for all of us to manage. Not only does it help with mental health, but it also helps keep the waistline slim: it's well known that stress makes you fat.


Initiative - the world doesn't change on it's own

All: Some of your suggestions I'd consider "qualities" rather than "skills" -- e.g. patience, creativity. That's not saying they can't be cultivated and improved, of course. Maybe I should do a companion: "10 Qualities for Success"? Kate: Touch-typing! Does anyone even teach that any more? It's true, though, I would have gotten more out of one high school typing class than I've gotten out of probably *all* the AP courses I took! (On the other hand, I did take 5 years of foreign language, which has been fun and helpful, but I don't know if it's given me any success...) Michael: That's true -- maybe I meant more bookkeeping. I wanted to suggest that the principles that accountants use to gain the "big picture" of a company can transfer to real life, but I'm not well-versed enough in them to make that argument. Which is another reason Bill Gates doesn't return my

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

calls :-( Neo: Yes, listening *effectively* is an important skill. Somewhere between when I had the idea for this post and when it got written, communication skills were dropped. I can't remember my reasoning now, and I'm pretty sure I should have left it in!


Ah---another important skill: drawing. Not in the sense of portraits or nature scenes, but in the sense of diagrams, representations, freehand graphs, and the like. As in the book Thinking With A Pencil.

The ability to listen, those who spend all their time talking will learn little.

PATIENCE. Patience, in line with perseverance, are almost always rewarded.

BTW, what you describe under "accounting" is more like bookkeeping. I think accounting is indeed vital, but it's broader than you suggest.

Two others: Reading effectively. Listening effectively. (You do cover writing and speaking, but I think good reading and listening skills are at least as important.)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Negotiating skills Foreign language skill (at least one) Planning skills (PERT, for example---as a *planning* technique, before work starts) People management/leadership skills (communication, evaluation, training, organizing, assigning effectively)

And in decision-making, I would include long-term after-the-fact evaluation of decisions. 5.

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2011-05-05 15:19

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

I think that good memory is a very important skill for success.

You will never regret learning how to touch-type or how speak a foreign language.

Outstanding post, Dustin! To help with the critical thinking part of it, here is a link to my post "How to Think Like a Lawyer" at /2008/06/...

Creativity or ingenuity is often the difference between surviving and succeeding!


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10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

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237 I could do better at several of these.


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Skills-based education Later On 07/30/2008 12:07 PM [...] else? Dustin Wax has an interesting list, to which I would add (besides reading and [...] 10 Skills you need to be successful! 07/30/2008 04:45 PM [...] Dustin Wax, comes to the rescue with his 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything. Read it, ... nolan bailey's blog: 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything 07/30/2008 10:35 PM [...] read more [...] Ryan Leland Blog Archive 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything 07/30/2008 10:48 PM [...] skills that translate across disciplines, the ones that can be learned by anyone in any more | digg ... And all the lights that lead us there are blinding 07/30/2008 11:30 PM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything [...] Clint Covington: Software design, Microsoft Office Access : Article recommendation: 10 skills you need to succeed at almost anything 07/31/2008 12:50 AM [...] enjoyed reading this article. The recommendations rang true to [...] LifeHack JafferyM 07/31/2008 01:06 AM [...] Top Must Have Skills Clarity [...] links for 2008-07-31 at So Its Come To This: 07/31/2008 01:32 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack (tags: Life Work Hacks Top10 Tips) [...] It is all about skills : Business Roadmap 07/31/2008 03:02 AM [...] Source [Life Hack] Filed Under Communications, Customer service, Employees, Employers, Industries, Innovation, Internet, Jobs [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything | Jajar Blogs 07/31/2008 03:14 AM [...] [...] I am simple 10 skills to succeed at almost anything 07/31/2008 07:57 AM [...] [...] Keys to my success | Rasheed Barnes:Whats In Your Hand? 07/31/2008 08:13 AM [...] by Rasheed I get tired of answering the question: Rasheed, how can I be like you? Here ... Leos Life 10 Skills Everyone Should Have 07/31/2008 11:34 AM

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[...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack Below is a list of general skills ... Study Matrix Blog - Success Secrets of Achievement | Mind Map 08/02/2008 09:41 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything @ Life Hack [...] Mad Skillz a blog by christopher donahue 08/02/2008 10:30 AM [...] to thinking about all this when I came across yet another top 10 article via Digg. This one was ... Virtuous cycle Skills no guarantee of success, but important Share 08/02/2008 05:04 PM [...] Lifehackers list of skills important to succeed: [...] Skills you need to succeed at (almost) anything Jorge Chollets Blog 08/03/2008 07:59 AM [...] skills, succeeding I just read an interesting article on general skills needed for success and I ... Hayatta Baarl Olmak in Gereken 10 Yetenek | ColorTR Offical Web Page ! 08/03/2008 01:52 PM [...] her eyde baarl olmak iin ihtiya duyacanz 10 yetenek balkl listeye kulak vermekte fayda [...] Crushing Krisis Taking a pass at success. 08/03/2008 02:59 PM [...] Lifehack had an intriguing article about the 10 Skills You Need to Succeed. [...] 10 skills that will help you succeed : Macleans OnCampus 08/03/2008 04:20 PM [...] to Dustin Wax at Stepcase Lifehack, one of the 100 most popular blogs in the blogosphere, these are 10 ... 10 Skills to Succeed at Anything The Cursed African 08/03/2008 05:33 PM [...] 10 Skills to Succeed at Anything I like this article features the 10 skills you needs to succeed at ... Blunt.Pie Blog Archive 10 Things You Need To Succeed In Almost Anything 08/03/2008 06:29 PM [...] got this from an excellent articleand I wanted to share, as well as hold on [...] Essential Exit Skills for Students | An Expat Educator in Asia 08/03/2008 09:32 PM [...] I read a post this morning on Doug Johnsons blog that reminded me of posts that I had made ... NLPhilia Blog 08/03/2008 11:52 PM The Skills You Need to Succeed... Its been a while since anything at caught the attention of the NLPer in ... LifewizProductivity,Get Things Done,Tips and Lifehacker Blog Blog Archive 08/04/2008 06:34 AM [...] Dustin Wax Edmond [...] Essential Skills, Part Deux | Connecting the Dots 08/04/2008 02:09 PM [...] Doug Johnson saw my link to LifeHacks 10 Essential Skills and has challenged the Edublogosphere to come up with ... Got Skills? 08/06/2008 07:56 AM [...] post over at about the 10 skills needed for success. Worth at least a quick review, and then, ... Useful Things Blog Archive Useful Things Weekly Link Round-Up 08/06/2008 11:13 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything You have one. We all have one. A friend, co-worker, ... Brand You By Establishing Your Writing and Public Speaking Platforms DeansGuide 08/06/2008 10:28 PM [...] Speaking provides quick exposure and viral marketing word of mouth opportunities. Do a good job and your audience becomes ... Baarmak baarnn srlar baarmak iin gereken 10 zellik | Herkesin bir hayat hikayesi vardr... 08/07/2008 12:49 PM [...] her eyde baarl olmak iin ihtiya duyacanz 10 yetenek balkl listeye kulak vermekte fayda [...] The Great Geek Manual Link Round-Up: August 6, 2008 08/07/2008 03:28 PM [...] Skills you Need to Succeed at almost [...] Master These Skills to Guarantee Success and Prosperity | Rich Prospertity and Success Blog 08/07/2008 06:15 PM [...] I just printed out this one, and adding goals for the rest of the year.10 Skills You Need to ...

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Rabbagast Blog Archive Veivisere til det gode liv (juli 2008) 08/08/2008 04:02 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything ( [...] Recent Links on Ma.gnolia at Fast Wonder Blog: Consulting, Online Communities, and Social Media 08/09/2008 02:59 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack [...] Too many topics, too little time. 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack 08/10/2008 08:42 AM Share [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack [From 10 Skills You Need ... Turulcsirip - mel sugimot 08/10/2008 10:30 PM [...] skills you need to succeed at almost anything elz | kvetkez mel sugimot ... International Counselor 10 skills you need to succeed at almost anything 08/11/2008 03:24 AM [...] including college admissions(from Lifehack) [...] RSS Feeds for the Soul | Be Passiotive! 08/12/2008 10:33 PM [...] 10 skills you need to succeed at almost anything [...] House of Eratosthenes 08/13/2008 09:43 AM [...] an Everybody else is blogging it, I might as well do it too thing. I also found it made ... 10 habilidades que voc precisa ter para se dar bem em qualquer coisa Favoritos 08/13/2008 03:01 PM [...] Link: 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything [...] A Numbered List Of Numbered Tricks To Improve Your Life The Chamber 08/14/2008 10:00 AM [...] Ten Skills You Need To Succeed At Just About Anything Such as writing skills, public speaking and maths [...] 10 Advanced Skills that can help you become a Successful Real Estate Agent | national real estate opinion column 08/16/2008 12:05 PM [...] Lifehack has a good list of basic skills that I think Realtors (and everyone else) can use as building ... Words Unspoken Weekend Wrap-Up 08/17/2008 12:04 PM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything is along the same lines, but more general. From public ... The Great Geek Manual Link Round-Up: August 7, 2008 08/18/2008 12:36 PM [...] Skills you Need to Succeed at almost [...] Js blog Blog Archive catchup blogging, again 08/19/2008 11:47 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack [...] Best of the Week | Diligent Design 08/20/2008 07:03 PM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack [...] Zappo.net78 Blog Archive Are Marketing and Hard Skills Oxymorons? 08/22/2008 05:23 AM [...] And the point about soft skills has finally spurred me to write a post that Ive had kicking around ... the Jesus Cheeto | Christian Financial Help 08/23/2008 10:22 AM [...] 10 skills you need to succeed at almost anything [...] Callie Simms Blog Archive Adult Business Marketing, Web Development & SEO Blog 08/27/2008 03:21 PM [...] here is my favorit article this month 10 Skills You Need To Success At Almost Anything, a great little ... MetalDudu@Blog 08/29/2008 10:50 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything [...] Critical Thinking vs Creative Thinking | Aligning Technology, Strategy, People & Projects 09/05/2008 07:02 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything Share and Enjoy: [...] 150 Lists: An Introduction Benjamin Montgomery 09/08/2008 11:04 AM

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[...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything at Combat Consulting 09/13/2008 05:08 PM [...] [From 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack] [...] Como lograr el xito en cualquier cosa | Ramiro Huayller 09/18/2008 09:36 PM [...] A continuacion las 10 habilidades que cita lifehack. [...] Two Mad Geeks Tech Articles Blog Archive 10 Skills You Need To Succeed At Almost Anything Share 09/19/2008 10:27 PM [...] Link: Lifehack [...] My first blog Nevis Weblog 09/29/2008 10:18 AM [...] purpose of this one is for me to practice writing as it apparently happens to be one of 10 ... Shoota Foova 10 essential skills; Im sitting on a B10/01/2008 01:44 PM [...] recently read an article at in which the author gave 10 skills he believed to be critical factors ... Change Dynamics Blog Archive Learn and Develop These Ten Skills and Multiply Your Potential for Success 10/14/2008 10:35 AM [...] July 30, 2008 [...] Cleancut and Homeless Link Dump 10/14/2008 07:06 PM [...] Pony Who Was Stabbed 40 Times - (Daily Mail UK) 10 Skills You Need To Succeed At Almost Anything ... 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything | Job Searching Blog 10/19/2008 10:13 PM [...] 10. Basic Accounting It is a simple fact in our society that money is necessary. Knowing how to track ... 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Health & wellbeing 10/20/2008 05:18 AM [...] that basic accounting isnt a required part of the core K-12 curriculum. Sources: Mercola / 30 July, [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Health & wellbeing 10/20/2008 05:18 AM [...] that basic accounting isnt a required part of the core K-12 curriculum. Sources: Mercola / 30 July, [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything | Health and Safety Policy help 10/21/2008 07:00 AM [...] Mercola / 30 July, [...] Test Post | Self Improvement | Just another WordPress weblog 10/21/2008 09:52 PM [...] 7. 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Most Anything (Stepcase Lifehack) [...] Zen College Life's 100th Article: Gifts for All | Zen College Life 11/06/2008 12:32 PM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Dustin Wax at created this fantastic list, including ... Twingler | internet , tasarm , teknoloji Blog Archive Hayatta baarl olmak iin gereken 10 yetenek 11/11/2008 12:29 PM [...] her eyde baarl olmak iin ihtiya duyacanz 10 yetenek balkl listeye kulak vermekte fayda [...] Aprendiz de Escritor Arquivo do Aprendiz Links Potencialmente Interessantes 3 11/28/2008 05:20 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything [...] Link Flood - 09/11/2008 | 12/08/2008 04:58 PM [...] 10 lessons about lecturing. 10 lessons about life. [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack Gilbert Toastmasters 01/14/2009 04:19 PM [...] the rest of the article at 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything - Stepcase Lifehack, but ... AhmadTs blog 01/17/2009 04:02 AM [...] [...] O QUE ISSO ? Blog Archive 10 habilidades que voc precisa ter para se dar bem fazendo qualquer coisa 01/26/2009 11:45 PM [...] Link :10 skills you Need to Succeed at Almost Anything [...] 10 great skills we need to learn. Almost like to-do-list. #learn #think #change - Twitoaster 04/17/2009 10:30 PM

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[...] days ago change, learn, think 10 great skills we need to learn. Almost like to-do-list. #learn #think #change ... Daily Links - jouzu 06/14/2009 09:32 PM [...] 10 Essential Skills - [...] mental_floss Blog Morning Cup of Links: Exercise in a Pill 06/22/2009 10:30 AM [...] in pill form. But dont quit the gym just yet; so far its only worked for mice. * 10 ... Share 07/09/2009 02:10 AM 10 skills you need to succeed at almost anything... A great list of skills (and tips on how to use those ... A Final Post (Part 3) | Bell Canyon Parents 09/05/2009 11:14 PM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything Written by Dustin Wax, this list is direct and ... 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything : Golf Blogger| Free Golf Resources and Information Tips| How to Play Golf! 03/21/2010 09:48 AM [...] 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything [...]
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