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Geometry Modelling
Piles are modelled as beam elements. These elements can be connected to the relevant nodes of the plates ( pile cap).

Connection between pile and plate ( pile cap)

In the STAAD pro model only a single node will be used to connect the pile and the pipe cap. The nearby nodes (although physically they may be within the pipe zone) are not connected. This can cause a weakness in this zone and will indicate concentrated stresses at this region; which may be incorrect. Therefore in order to stiffen this zone, the Master Slave specification should be added. Note the connected ( pile and pile cap) node number. This will be the master node number. Next select the nearby nodes ( nodes within eh pipe diameter) and on Spec Click Nodes and enter the master node number and click assign.

Supports for piles: Intermediate nodes may be added along the piles (about 1m intervals), and then lateral spring constants can be added. For the end bearing pipes the bottom most nodes can be assigned with a pinned support.

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